12 The Caadlan Statesman, Bowmanvllle, April 29, 1984 Attend Catholic Parent, Teacher Federation Bowmanville area representatives were among the over 400 de- seph Dubeau, Newtonville, Clarke Hope CPTA Parent Councillor; legates attending the annual meeting and convention of the Ontario Mrs. Jan Sweep, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, President of Clarke - Hope Catholic Parent - Teacher Federation held recently at the Royal Unit; Mrs. P. Witteveen, Parent, Newtonville; Mrs. Joseph Stiller, «York Hotel, Toronto. Shown getting their credentials are Mrs. Jo- Parent Councillor, Newtonville. ~ - ~ - - ......- -..-. at your Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Dealer's Now! 8l GREAT NAMES TO CHOOSE FROMI 1 b J' rexet e cie aoffmode/s! Q 4 complote ranie a oonr, Opti9#S ad accessoris! cIii3~ ~~0/ Imelae e!eyonot 1niodels! Vas sir. Trade 'n Travel Time is here. spri ngtime, open road time, go-out-and-have..yourself-a- bal[ time. Its the time when your Chevrolet-Oldsmobile dealer offers top dollar for your trade-in, because lie needs 900d useci cars. And he's giving im- mediate deliveryon most new cars. If that isr't reasonenough ta visit your Chev-Olds dealer during Trade 'n' Travel Time,j usttake a look at the line-up belowv of the greatest car names ln Canada. Best atlowances! Best deliveryl Best cars! Corne in toclay! SMALL WONDER -EN VO>' EPIC -standard or Deluxe 0141 N011À4M' 01 eFDO ai ?rdif ?MT4 or-/! 1/À «[À /4 If À1FL/I'#8r 9#VÀMl/SI 9M4ODES! A GENEPRAL MoTroRSs VALUF COURTICE - Phone 728-6206 CX-6." "Be sure to see Bonanza over channel 6 at 9 o'clock Sunday night. ROY W. NICHOLS BOWMANVILLE - Phone 623-36711 'N'TRAVEL 8 GREAT NAMES TO, CHOOSE FROM. TIME ATr VOURý CHEVROLET - OLOSMOILE DEAJ.ERS O4OMPI.ETrE AUTO CENTrRE . . . . . . . . C fl Ik Aand children vislted Mr. and illa, on udy Bradley's Community Club mavlle, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Recent visitors with Mr. and meeting was held on Friday 1Vaillancourt, Jean and Ronald, Mrs. Rae Pascoe were Mr. and night. The main feature ofLindsay, were Sunday visitors Mrs. A. Beevor and sons, Mr. the program was the showing with Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Mrs. J. Dyer and Mr. E. of beautiful coloured slides of ýWestlake Jr. and family. H. Peever. Switzerland' and Germany by Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walter, Henry Haas of Zion. who, lin and Debbie, Blackstock, Courtice, visited at Mr. and with his wife and children re- were Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. N. C. Wotten's on Sun- cently visited these countries. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome and day.* Readings were given by Mrs. sons. Mrs. Harry Grooms, Mrs. C. Vice and Mr. John Knox.Mran r.DnTyoGeg Siernd icel Musical entertainment includ- MradMr.DnTyoGegeSnernd icel ed piano solos by Carol and Marilyn Knox and piano duets by Mrs. E. Cryderman and Miss Gladys Yellowlees. . Pupils cf Bradley's and Baker's Schools took part in the music festival arranged by Mrs. Dorothy Payne, music "~ supervisor, in the Township Hall at Hampton.1,V Mrs. Wm. Ashton, Mrs. J. Yellowlees, Mrs. Ralph Davis, ,-. Mrs. N. Leach and Miss Pearl Leach attended the banquet of the Diabetic Association at St. Pa.ul's Preshyterian Church hall in Oshawa. Dr. Nancy e Simpson cf Toronto was guest speaker. Mrs. N. Leach is making her home with hier daughter, Miss Pearl Leach. The Explorers met on Satur- day afternoon with 15 mem- bers present. Mrs. Bruce Tink led the wnrship service. The scripture was read by Carol His and Karen Yellowlees. Mrs. Tink and Mrs. R. Cryder- man continued with the study of India. Anne His con- ducted a game. The roll cal was answered with "Some- thing I have learned about India?" Next meeting May Il at 6:30 p.m. Thie roll cali is "Name something in India and tell what it means". Next Sunday, May 3 is Rural Life Sunday, observed in many churches across the na- tion. Next Sunday at 7 p.m. Rev. Catto will meet with al children to be baptized on the circuit, in Hampton C.E. build- ing. Mrs. H. E. Tink visited Mr. and Mrs. Pcrcy Dewell and family, Hampton. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink visited Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brooklin, on Sunday. LAC Gilbert Tapp and Mrs. Tapp of Exeter spent the wcekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fraser, Glenn and Bobby. On Saturday evcning the Tapps and R. Fraser's visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Long at Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. Wes HuIs and family visited Mr. and Mrs. M. McCarrell, Omemee, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hoar, Orono, were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. Mrs. Frank Westiake Jr., Gordon and Shirley visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cook .Bowmanville. Mrs. Frank Westlake vîsited Mrs. Hilda Mutton at the Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanvilie. Shirley and Gordon West- lake visited Saturday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Howard West- lake's, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Mitchell, Miss Beverley__Smith, Bow- Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Apri.l 20-1 26 inclusive:1 Admissions 1...... Births, 5 maIe, 3 female. Discharges -.......... Major operations ......... Minor operations ....... Emergency treatments.. Visiting heurs 3-8 p.m. dai corne back year after year for NEW AND USED CARS Wl The Answer is "Satisfaction" to us and our customers meanis a fair deal on cars that are properly and thoroughly 4 serviced before they are sold! 4 NO PRESSURE! NO TRICKS! NO HORSETRADING! 4 Just fair dealing and Guaranteed Service 4 for over 42 years! 4 If you want a New or Used Car that wiII give 4 you what you want ...corne to ROY W. NICHOLS COU RTICE BOWMANVILLE RIGHT NOW BOTH LOTS ARE FILLED WITH 4 EXCELLENT BUYS! _ _'w 'w 'w '_ IV IV IV 'w' recdly got us And the Bank of Montreal can get you started on your dream vacation, tool So why delay any longer when you can finance your trip on the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan? Thousands of people every year take advantage of this low-cost, life-insured plan to finance ail kinds of carefree vacations-from a trip through Europe to a holiday in the sunny south. Make it a point to visit your nearest Bank of Montreal branch today. Our people will be glad to show you how a Family Finance Plan boan can help you. Then, plans can be settled, reservations made, and you're on your way. Isn't it time we got you started? CBÂNK 0F MONTR.EAL) M IAR FaM9119 Pnance Plan ui A VAILABLE AT THES0 OF M DRANCH IN YOUR NEIGHDOURHOOD Bowmanville Branci: Oshawa Brancb: and Ross Grcorna,, Tpoet Mr. and Mrs. Wes Downs and children, Ebenezer, were Sun. day visitors with the Werry'u. Grant Baker and friend. Georgetown, visited at Tomn Baker's on Sunday. At a Sunday School meet- ing held et the home of the superintendent, Stan Milîson, the new curriculum was thoroughly discussed and it was adopted for use here at Eldad. stctrted! Europe or the Sunny South ? DE SURE TO TAXE ONE 0F THESE WJTH .O... Whether you're heading for the OId World or the New, your air- rency problems can be solved by one cf these neat, convenient cur- rency guides. Available f ree at any branch of the Bank cf Montreal. THIS ABOVEALL... Before you go, put youvf praveI funds into Travellers Ceques evallable at the Bank of Moritreai. They can be cashed easily and quicklywherever you go-but only by you. They cost so littie, but your travel funds are as safe as money in the bank. flhe Bacmn1 ofMordrealZ JAMIES BELL. Managea JAMES McCANSH, Mlana "PP..., "%SATISFACTION" 4 L-ý LI 281 ýaily. ... ....... ........ ... ......... am àmz-" zffl eÀ -Z