Clarke Twp. Citizens Guests of Rotarians At Rural-Urban Meet The annuai Rurl- 1 h-an the economY of a country Night dinner of the Bo% vman- ~mtro depends ta a great ville Rotary Clubhvas lho»d ixionroneancagricultural ex- Wednesd,-v%. April 15h. r *he port. as for ;nstance coffee. he United Chîîrcb Hall.N , t', oîri 'he meetirng. 'Vice - Pro-sident John Bain lIho gr il, îland< -xý here Pr~ sided in the unavoidahie lie or a feu- agrîculturai prod- O 4.ncee of th(, prosîderit Dr. tF arc of paramounit rnport- (3Edwin Mian The 27 jC1- ant o have been forced ta find riliguests keoail r-rnStii-r ot conornicalxvax's of o)f Clarke Toxv.ýnsiiip.A. 0. Dai- gr- uadlavsigtheir rvrnplc. chairman aof the- Rural- crop:,Dr.iluntiev stated. 'lrhan committer wýaý in1 (-ar,,- 'lu Canada xvth all the food of arrangements for !he '<'vcni.vo e ýd ce are fiable ta be- Bill Thicsburgerr lu'roducedBu erst the guest speaker. Dr-,[).Y iN. cinpla.n. Bt r rnst Hiuntley, Director o uf Rt earù dcv r fi o ad ot t wys o for the Ontario Deparîrt a,, f pr<dîîî fi or1t,'on Agriculture. Ontarioiîî u.Xgcil tc infar tarketCs.d i tural College,. Guclplh «hefu ha l aaai The importance of agrau(-Il- e eessarv ta worry as ture as a wav of l fi' kvu om* t0i' hethor or 'not there will phasized bx' Dr. Hi In:laho tiliotfand produccd b'ilsaddress'he poirîtedoifuIthat oac 'or has Influ.enced our ihe weillbeing (if 1 ho <oi r 1iiitlok. depends 10 a grcat extent o'Il Ex (' au dana farmer is its farmers uîî'v able to (cci 27 Canadians. "Canada is a lanid of pirun' . Fifîeo e' ars agýo each of aur and whilc-<a largoe ai if frrro r uwas able to fccd anly food is now, produued in tiiîl .5I.'i Thoi -cioasc bas corne cauntrv Canadianagiutr abolit bccause of 'know-how' ia the future cauld food a mî11uh (roi ýsrcrci arid the inr'reas-, greater numbor. Thiý 's il le u ' ai machinerY. Mu h, mnade Possible through - a rc mfouilci hograwn in Cao- search," thc speaiker oxplainiud. adla shouid the need arise. These are changing times r Huntlev told his audi- and agriculture bas chaugped once that in Ontario ane tenth as has industry, Dr. lukntley of thc grass agricultural la-! s;tated. Far manyvevars Cana-, carne is spent an research. Ia' dian farming metbods and de-lindui'trv three Per cent of itsý velopmient were bascd on Euro- grass i'ncarne gaes for research,i Penn agriculture a-id sot-ne Of the new indlus- is.1Immigrants froin tlîo Bitl- tries such as plastics spend as' ish Isies and Eurape carne Iornuch as seveno0or eigcht per' this cauntry and followod thoiri onrt of tbo:r grass incarne on traditianal ways of farrning. research, the speaker asserted.' 'hey also intraducod 1the lai- Mart i M n rnoved a vote est agriculture devoloprnoiîîs aof tbanks tc Dr. Huntley for frorn their asco lands,- the lis înterostîîîg and informative speaker said. address. Ilarry Jase, Newcastle, Ini the last 50 voars aici-tblark1-cd the Bowrnanville Ra-,r turc researcb n Ontairioanad tarians on behaif of the guests. Canada has doveloped, and for îoviting tbcmn to the, elub's li0W there is rucb progross Rural- Urban Night. ia ail aspects of farrnîng dur,- Viî'o Presîdent Baio ex- ta Canadiaîî reseai ii. D r. piý,s.oed bis persanal apprecia- luntley declared. ti(-,['ta the guest speaker, Dr. Food is pienti fulilii bis'I lîiritleV. 1le also thanked tbe country, and tbe CMIýIîdi;u ag- Nwa eUnited Chrtrch \Va- iricultural ind iiv fias not laid meni. Uroup ý. vbo lhad p'e-' the incontivos of ils C<uitor- parnrd and servod tbe deliciaus parts.ini-'lianov lanids. xbr ime InstailExecutive 0f Catho lic Women Tbe nov I, litd oc txobûlrsta hoc-suie ta attend the nf the St. Jasepb's (.'otiîci of CWI. (Commuînion Dînner ta the Catholir Xoren'. Leagui e h bld in St. Joscpb's Hall were instalied iii office forn noxt Stindav evening. Sisterý 1964-65 by the Spiritual Di- M arY Sheila. Principal of St. rector, Rev. K'.KK Maiaiîo, dur- Joseph's Iligb Sehoal, Oshawa ing the CWL mteeting b feld in xiii ho the guest speaker. St. Jascpb's bail last vwîî'ýk. Mrs. Ranîd said tbat ail the, Father Malane irnpartod 1) jý xvomnei and girls in the parish! blessing ta the iiexv officors: ;Ire iii 'ted 10o attend tbis dia- President, Mu's. Eanle Ranid, it 11 ci' Vice - President. MIrs, Michiaeil 'lic pi'ýidiit a iso rom iodcd J 1-benan, Courtico. 2î Vice - th(e inomnbois that the Diace- P recsid ern t, lNirs. William 'isaii ('Wl, convention wil Cowlcs, Sercuî , stexýv9be heid iii Cobourg on May art Chishaoire , Treasiirer, 'Mrs. :31 st and Ja1ne lst. Sbc said qBert Pnync anîdi Cotincillors, that she hapcd a large nlur-. Mrs. 7-MAcr \int'rx oea Ncx- be r ofitle rmembers frorn casilc, Mrs. C. Scott, lâirs.1lion-Bosavie will attend. ry Eikens, Orono. Mrs. P. Wil- Mis. Bort Payne was ap- lems and Mrs. Johini i r1PhY, pointed ion venor for tbe bake bath of Newtonvilic. and Mý,rs. sale. M. Hagervorst. rs orei,-coedh The wanderful .voi k if the Ms. C' Sotii rnodedbatth CWL here during tlic ast 'year telephone, cornmittee cail the was praised by Father Ma- liist far the bake sale and this jane, who wislied the 00W 0'\ c%_\a, cared. ecutive cvcry success.I tc ld F'ollowiîîg the business mccl- the meeting that the C'WI and Mng a delieîaus lunch was the Holy Narne SacîetY are af sei'vod by Mrs. Beirt Payne, the 'Vital importance ta the parisb. conveiton aand her assistants,' The gavel was proented ta and a social haur was enjoy- the re-elected pre i dent bv ed. Father Malane. and th(, ncuv secretary, Mrs. Cbîsbolm tloak oiver ber duties. The report or O TVDll the nomination cornînittîco md P L±ÂUUJj heen presented by the chair- maan, Mrs. Chisolin.LuîigI -a*Llationis ta Mi aid Earlier in tbeemeot iîgtije MAl iii vanKellott of Ponty - treasuren, iVls. Pavai', bad pre- cool vho aie 12 vears mar- sentcd a satisfuîtOrv fînunicial rîed on flic 29th of Apnil. statement. The secretarv. 'Mrs. Ilxx a'i xitb 'Io little regret J. C. Noxlan, rend ail lttor thît local citizens beard of from Mrs. Herman Stev enson, hie sudden death of Mes. National president (.)f the Hairx' (Doris) Hardy . Abou, day cx'oning, 'Max' v 911i N rs Rand.îîrtteî l l(i'uî'u ' mm I nd'. -ia i oîciiicsoin 11 -mt ti.i'ch xcas ai Canton 1!ii xx'eck mi theToronto Gen- 1 rra: iospita! shx hopes 10 i'wi homie s0o I M: andi Mn' F EBa:xý. 'lo.. 'oýo. pon* :,he xeekend w'ith Mmr adMii!rs' O Moreu. G c:flocks o! vild ee o. n î 1:Sundax nuoru- S' x'aritfucuîm re 't x - -ic e'das tlore xvcrc noi 'US î 'i ekcff N1i.-5 Berx iTbickso' anîd NI:. Johm DeKoken. Oshawa, !-n î'* uc eekeid ai Thick- socu' Ma R Savoerxancd Bet:x i rS1ark%-M1W at Mrs. XVat- niSundlv. also the Mul-ý droxx cf Osha son . CBoa::v.Rocs Beatty n*, reiîrm's5 x'.kd Nirs. R. Bia::. mxi Taronto twiie the na-t xeek. NI" and Mrs Quantî'ill at- iidod church a'. Miibrook' is~ xx~em'tm1 Port Hope '.\Irsn MnQuartni;l' r â a inember of the choir, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 29, 1964 ýUS CONTINUES UNTIL SATURDAY, MAY 2ND ion k I '1 SLING-SIIOT SHIFT 4 88 Fulhý lîned ra -%n I la ,4i l - in"ikci- ý ae, l'in bille, aqua. na%.%n of î'g i'. Il la 6.. ASCOT TIE BLOUSE -w ashamel'-,'i 1,lai talei' i mIi îîîu . an ci lent t aIgmî' Pink, lîli minr- lîak oy.3o8îE 41.1 . . .. . .. .. SPH 1 ING SYF, 1) B LO1 U iS -13c a 1111 B'emîî"g' icîe 4 4 sher rippît' l'aie i n t hrev ineit si, les XssqorIcil prints for 4rtî JVetv! PETTI KIC1CS .ettipants -plus-pettiskirt 9moothly attacecd ta one. witastband! Easy -care Arnel* in white, pink or blue dclieately trimmed with lace. S.M.L sizes. Sî'/a's 2 la 1in threc styles. S M I. Or vedh>w. Bo _ _ io ïïs kS -1-, ~o0NV SHEER SIÀ IESI~LOINS SeamIe,,, nics4îh aIîlu.' n.R- 3 for $ 1. forceti1-i and III ta, î> 11),z Lone or 9 eOlI me..< aIf q,7 39e r Reg. 1. 19 2 forle29 Cotton interlock, Englisb mnade, 'T-shirts wîîh bîiîîon shoulder. Pink, vcllott, gree'n oohi~~iIP ljPr, À new look in briefs, ideal for 'wearing tînder panty girdies, or i;portswcar. Full eut with two- way stretch. Sizes S.M.L. in White, Pink, blue. iysv' Wear Savings COTTON KNIT POLO SHIRTS 15 7 Reg- J1.98 Save 41J on Canadian made polo êbirts. Guaranteed washable: Sizes 8 to 16 in assorted colors. REGULAR WAIST JEANS 287 Sizes 8to 16 Bard wcaring jeans of drill or sheen with 4 pockets, double knee. Bark, green, blaek, grev. (A RI, S-' STRETCH SL1MIS Sizes 7 Lo 12 3.87 Popular glen check stretchies wih regular waisthand, de- tai hable insterp s'rai). Grey TARGET SALE VALUES FOR THE HOME rCx -i\1ade PriniIcd Border shects 'hi hte I13.3 <'ou rt c'it 10,n til ha o ril c border primîs. 81" x 1lo"." 1" 3s77ca. 3*57ca. Nlatching QLîali ty A1.0%er prînt I'itte(l shieets Ela stît m rc sl'orn si-mil h 1i1i1. lWin SizC Double ýsze 3.97ea. 4.3 7ea. Matdunûg Quality PdlOW Caaeà 1.77 pr. 36" Cotton Broadcloth Canadian made. "San- fomized" î'oîton. \lany 4lcyd. 44" e'Sailae'Cotton iuck (.rdna tedlpri nis and plain i n a seiection fnet J .LPyd. shades. Special Purchase Chenille Bedspreads Reg. 8.98 Twin or double bed mies in two different sgtyle>S. Self-overlay or multi-color design. Ba0th first quality ini an assortment of pastel abades). r42ý 9 5 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILU Values i.o 1.98 Assorted firet and sub quality in plain, striped or floral designs. Matching face cloths 88e Rand Towels - Suibstandards i aaaorted striped, floral and 57 ca plain shade.5Cea. Striped Kitchen Terries I'x 30' 2 for 57e Limited Qitaitv LADIES' PANTIES 4 for $ Reg. 39e ea. First. quality, celanese tri. 16 TEMPERNES-- s o m'i iu u - "Caldwell" Towel Values! Bath Towels 1 L .,L mi uqý lit 15IZC6 1, ;, a. fInecK. Firsi QilalllN- 4 for 67e 1 dý foi ýZ5 7,98 en.