7/4e /vew4le 5"4ze4#d Phone 987-4213 Warnings Being Prepared iàreeitanor Village Building By-law WlI Now Be Enforced Ne'vr'asr,!e - u n c ie Sionsiav '.et n' : l foi. on Chambers, A-;th al! mnimbcr.- 1)rrose n t. The, plans for ,he new prtŽ <i'ri :r' were hroigp n , and coin "i lapprovori thpm. F'*r 1 o A lworth (Cti ýýlri tr.r Co .bi dinig iih e n vi-ev Hcightrs areýa. Crunr'illt Výý'itn hrought *o a,,- 't on I - a ' iat o' e ) ~!hoî %va'; 'bre o; ,ni'. and i l " :h t ' o'f, t" h -a' h'briiîg î 'îl r" hlu.l;'n 3i [9,ai:p""o Instali New Officers ai Lions Meeting \nwauî!e~The orfà.cersfo 1964-65 N<wcastle Lionis ChlIh wvere înstal]fd at i'ih(,laý' mrinp_ g The lirew officrs ;me: PresidlenitMcrrav Patter- sn:' it Vire Presidenît, Rich- Prd l,'ekjn:' 'nd Vice, Mil- rak Wallon: 31rrt Vice, Raý. 1-la ni-01 alk. Rrenton RuicArc' (½a~es MgrtJ. Kor-opatwa,ý T -M c'lEni hIcv, RniMit ro, \'l i n<' Pnr t'e i and 1I r,', : le inadp ',ie minon liat the contractori tn ,his ¶own, an' h 'ahou crr'd ou:,. Ohers; 1'h e contractors r.e be in . ~c îmiu. i are.and i t brou.ght in ffrom svrlareas, sas motesi ar a letter be Ail thîs mone', 15 going 0'i. ulexplainng :he br law, off town, zerxin qo a a warnîng that The new buildinîg bv-iaws froni110W ()II, *,h e bY -i1auW ere submjttîed ',b Lcnil last sridbe enifrîrcer shoutis the nigit, and the ffirst readin, b"ir coniinue 1Io buiid was' mox'ed b%' COLIncillOr thua pei: ni This wa 'Val ton. with the final t iii,\cr o'Crîiîc:orF.Co',Ich eadings beîîîg heid Lintll af- mIri ýeî'oorled b ' Co Incîllur ter the printing off the bv' Bonihari.. a No Inj*uries 'i s AI : av'r'iig tr Bills xxere pre-seintd, suroje Car! Gîtou Id ardre ssesi 'he hasi come inu late andi there- 'hiui n ca'dz. o cuber fore 'lot ilemrizecl. I va- uurii- î'z'rer: ;Olicitrng ci] siocîlsi ansi cocid lie siert br i oin nî utîr an' work'. imb the cieris befo: e ' Mr.i ('ani I dand Mi. Breiitrsoý meeting, ands lellers wi'll be Rick-wd i a'iener i h metictntg sent slaling liat if the bills 'o herar if auxlting furtrher havent teached. the cierk ini hadr beco foiînsi out by the time. saisi bis xiii be helti CIel-. 't0r. Pigeonu expiainesi over wttii a laier meeting. Ip ho d lis)hri 'alking Bow- !r'o i:o,neh nate.M.O o S h Rickard Ihari ',k ned eh o3CA. he paId . for alcncplu a i'O,CsI po a skin xx-A nnual Fie cihrarea. Both sie ndMr (;nu(l snaI ftiat il w'as îot 'hiri5 ',lins thal Ncwcastep Ne wcaste:- At the Fiplsi he ithe firstin i hs a rea to en - Dax' l i rono las-, Fr1- force tiis bs-[att, hui t he" dat', Orono Prublic' Shoci beai shoîîld hi" prepared i t',ih thBr % 's and Netwcastle ;o a b-iaw ,vshould the oher :points for [Utban Schools. I-100 uise it , ansi thcs the In lie races, boys unden 12, liii îuess mensîî;' Newxcastle Bria n Anderson was 3rsi: b oxvs be a proect astheutnde r 17, John McCarievý, was business met ini other îowns. iSt, BrOari Jcmp - boys un- It was atz.o brriiphito lieli den î, Siepheti Drx'sen \x,,a s aite1tjo1u I la tlie huss ansji ist: girls iti'der 8, jetnt r' titert a re nia ri V o ff in Munro 3rdc; boys unniet'1 buiild;ling ri r}'p Weslview Brian Andersoin 3i'si girls ii- HiIsarCa stere ilositn othie r12, AngelaC rd 1;tt boys undes 14, KenMcCrack- 1 lewcasu'e Social anc1 fPprçnn7/ Mvr. Robert Shearer, men her o)f the Ulster Fitite Band Oshawa, and hîs wife Joan wvenl with a chartpred bu carrving niemher., and tiiri wivns ton the Menriii Servicq ln Niagara Faits, INY. on Sat tirday,, Jîîne 6îlh. The banc iook part in the Parade anc Fervice, ;unida',, 'i'Shcarrc fî"in t nihp co Parade h')aawa ýFoi!owing r be par- Prie t hp Shearer familv visi:, Cri Mr. anci Mrs. .Iohn Shrarpr, Onshawa, andi werp dinner guitss \rand Mr,ý. William Drane J;rtriveri ffrom Birmingham- F'ngland, on Wtlnesday even- i'g, andi are isti their sor. claîîl'hter.in.Ia\w andrigrand- We SeIl the Most! Rrrause wr huv the qt i % t'., one out of in- ior100) or more but ie alwavs find the %carce fine rarg, to mneet Our high standards of ý-iutOnohljqSelIint. Buy frnm rertified experts at A RT'*S Car Matket 194 and uq1Pr hurch St, Rnwmanville, ont. and Save in a Big Way Couple Cei 4Oth Annhv -- ~ '- -'" ~"<-" J Newcastle:- Mn. and Mrs. Charles Megit wese guesîs off -- Dranp. honour at lie home off their ci, MI' atid 's. Orval Stinson daughter, Mr, andi Mrs, Robert ýnall faniý-,Chele,, r. ndWilliams (Yvon ne) ansi fani-t is Mss A.FL Visser, Toronto J'iii andi Michael, xxhen ir ansi ("Pt.,Joe Hor.kin. Oak- lite immediate faIlvmet intr' 'e tilie, Wt', teSundav Vsiors ýoffMssr anti surprise 'tir. ansi i t- Mtrs, IH. R. Pea-c*e, ansi Mn ..' Megit on the occasion off1 -thir 401h wedding anniver- ci auîd 'ts. Alber'c Pearce, ansi si ffaurilv. s ar' Mr.Fi'd Galirnsonof A beautiffui orr-iid cor-sage 'ti. FedGranan, on ffw as pinnesi on tie br'ide, and E 'r 'tr. ands Mrs. Alfredi Graiam,,a carnation piacesi in the bctt- i elias omnpietet ius first sean, toniole off ihe groom. Another r- l'Mli.r' duîc'aîuou at lie datîgiter, Mrs. Vivian Martiai - Lnivrsicof Toronîto. escorti lihe gusts off hounut r, 'tir.Genrge lendrv, son Or: imb lie beautifuly decoratesi r 'tMr.ansd Mrs, Alex FHensiry, I iliving-r-nomwene man gifts! home on a monti's leave ff n ,e Kingston Miliiîav Coilege. H 1Then he Roes to Centralia for 1- urme taiin. A M F 1. silmmr. lu-a oiet'rg.- udy onngsric 1- ule, ta home for tie weck-_ r' rîs trsiin hi paens, i'openes i wth tie Cali to Wor- or 0 ed vsilng is aretsMr.shij, !olîowed by HoIy, Holv, S 9- ansi Mis. I-. Jose. Mr. G. Hoix' andtihle Invoratio'n Shaw, Arthur', accompaniesi Hymo 514 was sung, "These 'tV Douglas. Things Shall Be, A Loîluer h, Miss Jcîcl Browtnu was a Race". The Scriptune besson s t'eu-'Su1 pîsc cts thliewas Acts 4:5-12, foilowesi b ' r homneoff 'trs. Bnian Rowe prayen. Aften lie annocince- af wxhenir'ends and neigibours ments, tie choir sang an an- ai gatherre n i nmîoutr bei'at a them, Tiecciîldrpn's slor'i clip andn saucer shower. JnndY was "The Laz 'v Cx", ffoiioxxýed cc plans i be married n J 1, utV, bx'theie ngtng of hm.' mn 60)4. ansi was grateffiilfor hru'gfts, The Ser-mon was on "The Third anîd for the lhocIihtfuln(e.ss9Off Beatituder. Hymn 346 m' as ' hen frintsInh lier thanks, csed in c losing. x shp eseilu thankedth(tic Next Sunniax', Iimnc i11h, , t llostes.rs, 'ti1r.s,13. Rowe ansi Hampton Cemperey Decora- b Atr 5 Riotx'ioey ine ti sa Those rum like Bowxmanîville alion Day. Since t thes ir Hospîtal lb s week aie: Mss. ]«) noon service xiii be cati- toi Lorrainte " Ihiuî ixinc Allun, ed.G Netiie Moskaliuk, W i 11 i a m .iung, Mtrs. C 'tIonteri, ait off RR. 2, MI',, . aroIx'n Alînlsead , Pee 'iÂI En Mtrs. 'tart Keatne, Beaxer St Ha Deb:c Ann Parkin, R.R.1l0 Mr Hilda Peirv, . fV T o Ga e polid, and n.tatIine Shuiî7, Newcastic -Tic, NLbkraz'ir e -King Si ,anud Brennia Rosseau . R, * up . - --rud N EWCASTLE RECREATION COMMITTEE 1RED CROSS SWIMMING CLASS REGISTRATION Minimum age 7 years as of June 1it, 1964. FEE $"1'.O0 for the first chfld and $1,00 for each additional child of same lamlv. TAPPOLEF, CLASS - 2\inimtiti age 4 years as oif .une ist, 1964. FKE~: $1 '00 for cach child. DATE 0F REGISTRATION FRIDAY, JUNE 12 FRIDAY, JUNE 19 7:30 - 9 P.M. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL - rils eewe rani, aue su'.ý holditng their otx'nî.ansi bavc won tie iast txxo grmes pia' - rd î!)the cu'mmunitv naui .s Tuesday's gZamie xxas piax crij against Osono, the sr'orc xvi N Awcastle 21, Or nonoo 'r Thtirsdax 's scou ,'as Ni sý- .castie Il over We'i'i'me If). UCW Unit No.4 June Meeting NeIWnaaîe - l'T i.inFoçnin's' in£ off Unit No. 4, IJ C W. t' he.id at îho-.home of NMrs. We' iington Farrow xx tb '14 mcmn bers psesent. Letader, %Ms' .Géorgm A'j,, oipened tie mmeting x,,th a reading, "bet r -neboa Iot'e kincder," ffoloweti bv ,' '.mo. "Spirit off God des.cpnd îîpon mx' Heani." Srripturp ncadiung andi praven was gîven iv M-s. Mss. Liluai G 'con' iead. ' slîa the ve'rx' oleresting anti;n- holr sptrng ulesotiona tcap'c Pr"- ' pareti b',Ms Howard Atl:!n v Mss Grave BrIowo : 'lsx il bruef îintsonuctorv îalk on - lin a! WVork off thc Womeuti ofioa.O andi tiswas folirotx c b' hrShir heanin.g off tie tape "r'r - enlilesi"Tic \Vor 1'H dia n W 0menC,"r ' àr<h ' qc:'r :nenesîngCo! : Tic busuoe-sc part n meetinB cons:s:,es of icadi:" g the minutes off :he last mr-: lng, monthîx- collection bel.ng 5100l taken, treasuren's repot.ta-si NIl nolung the number ml cail alrd mnadie a, omes .ret N: anti hospitai.O' A specJa: 'i .ç o 0xa : 'atken for 'hf wugY "ia ai Ori.a Ho."pu:a' ':hd ZJ'nem 0!f:hE moc' ini a daýn., 5 -lunch was serv'ed, M Nec c'ae:- Sirîce Thursday, June 41hn. *hree mînor acci- detît 's have been reportesi n ,hp t .Jage. Thursday, June 4, Constable Jack Doîîaldson :n- %'estig-a:ed the accidetnt east off Wvairna Park, invoix'iog Mrs. Doreetr Mebean, R.R. No. 3, Newcastle, andi Ronaldý Jame-S Luxtot off 99 Queen SI ,vas injured. joyeti a drive oni Sundrriarad r Sindas', Junle îh, a parked called on Mr'. anci M rs. s: rcal' -vwed hv Mt-s. Margaret M. Phillîps, North OsbaW a Lalgies , anîd a t'ai' drîxeti lix Mr. andsiMis, Rîîd\,uiiin Walter Crooks., both off Ne\&- andi Clint spen turdui x t- caslle, wxas involvesi in an ing Ms. and Mrs. BLrrox',S, arsi accident. Mr. and i Ms. Jatîimer, Also on 'lie sanie date,' tn Ms, andsi'trs, Mer%\, :îî ('il' Waltoria Park, a. mincir ac-erman, Oshawa: 't %piRaes dient, ',ith ino injuîries, occir- aind frieitd, Toi on, ' irn 'nd broci cair" drivten bY Mr. andriMrs. Lex"C' i wi Rnc'Siiexall off 1042 Km",, ent "c: au, ('shawa, nd Mr,.aaid ,'xrs, L. Ci,'dri Charrs 'X'oooaîrof 611 ISctn- aîtended Salen \ixi'ni iieri't'e Axe ,Oshîawa. These andi were tua te" of r i wo accidents x'cre intesqi - Rolansi Shackletoni, 'I.tir, oi-u 1gaicd lix Cotnstahle Bruce Shackletoniit )RAi'l% Tilîsoii M r. ati i SAIrs. R oi i Nu xx 'ni, tei', K itchetter, \ i 'ii r. ic I A I*M rs. Graha mi Daîlliý. 10 1o!n last 'edîresctam' x\ t h h i: daughter, Mrs. Peir' cx', s MVrs. Bi'yce Broxx n ansi Jnî, d D ay ing visitoi'sxtitli,'Mr.ansi Mlr Osha wxere aîda'e i i2'nd : box s ider 17, Joh n M\r. antd 'tIrs.'bir r'n 'tr.Cailx2îd ohlî Thrmrwere Sundav afteioe.' - bo. itxd: li a il] Bar- per gitesîs x',ith Mr. andi Mis. -111S LI o irl ider I17, Nan- Sam Keane, Oshawta. i'Gain' , i s t. Bpan B ag Tii mx' - Pit',suider 18, Ralph Mr. andi Mrs. Ja(-kz;oni ':i Po"'rtlll "nIu d: Linutde, I() andi Debra w'ere Siiiidi ' c,\ rî Robhin S('o1t1i ot: bo s nodar iOg visitOrs \xith 'Vr.ansri i'. 12, F'rt si lohhs 2nd: girls uin- ToWa' der !'-, 'Iarsita whilte 3rd. Mrs Alex Cai rir'k Strcnir a boxs 't ur' n 14. Rosnd îîMo ew dam s in i Tototn"iii " "Ird. Mcl[ ,,i:'ters for NeAw. dacîghter, M rs ec,'tr r'astiAe xas Aiigca Ciard with Keefe andi famiy.. ibe myosr, Points for girls un-, Mr. atid Mrs. Freri " d er 12.Mr. and iMrs. (Ceci! Apls, 'Toronto, visited '%Ir. and 'tir's, Alex Carrick. Mr. Herb Rogers, Ntir. a!jrd ville, were recetit callers n:t Mrs. J. S, Hnogartbl. ~ersary MondaY with Mrs. Leii la ',xere presenied 10in hemn. rirBowsnanvillie tures xxere taken ansi a lovelv, Messrs. Eai'i, Roitaîîd . \11111 bUfet iiichonwasse uponLuke wxent fi.shtog ai B-on- the pt lito î a etu ncaygeon. tic pal o. ~~Mr. atîsiMis." ~lctr Otberz. all "cilliig',lie cele-nit, Osiatx a, ',isjit d is ani brýatiI on xcre: 'tr. atîd Mrs, S. Mrs.. O",ertori M't iiietiar onu C-Martilna atîiffamilv, Nino, Sundar - Brurno, Aîîgeiîca andi Pameia, Mr. and Mrs. 't1uics,' 'xei- graiîdcbilrcn of the Megits, JOv iited on1 Sindra x '. illi \'rs. Anna Martina, f rom Mnr andi Mrs. RctSSell'toi, 'eoi'geto',','ir' ti. antd Mms. jo ', Blackstoc'k BrctnooMesý.saglii naîd dacigb- Mr. andr Mrs. Jc.,1î i)coi e", aild Mtr. ansi Mrs. Victor atîsn Mrs. Dctro, P'rrioiî Vessaglin, a:' off 'oronto: Mr. visittd Mis. T. S.'into F'rank KoDzofff, Oshawa: and on Mortdam- offla ';txtek Mru. andi MrS. Charles Gilkps, Mr. . Dar cn alid N rieucas',ic a ild Wayne Megit, John MIenPortPnr onN "-t~ - visitectiMs. ansi NjrrHros Saltes. Mr. and is,. lasoniri Sa'11ei ansi MissMAnm' Petrs x'isiresi )IT O NMn, andi IVrF, Keith Pni' i The> saci'amptt r î offHoim'Com- Oshawa. milint xii be cclebsated on Mrs. EimerI Rir'IiAislýoî, ais). 3cindar, June 21 st. Mtr. ansi Mrss oga . i Tho- mati v frientis orf little strong anti famîl; , aroi Vlis Cnni Whte eJoce ithvisitesi Mn. and I'tirs. Char les ier parents lhat she was not heok erjotîis' ,itnjucîesi whpn slie Master Rti, i Beil, Prir ai rrro a rar (oit Tcesdavbroh,[vitigisia [ ffternîonn, She xxas veî'y SOr'e parenits, Mr. arnd tishlor't. nd ý:if Iffor a fx"dams ,ýandsIlMs. lai-rvs ad',Bu Sstil i n a highir' ner'tnarv ii"ti -'niii.i 'nidiii o n.Torontio.:'tir aipb r Port Perrs ., xiîc 'un ' ' Cntigrarîîllaiîoniîs are extenîd- tors xxjiii\r.aîîd N-I< ' 'Ic r' Irs. ilZiiidierman on Witbuir. i~~~~ ~ ~~~ vuirgaVci x-am pieu- 'irs .-1R ir <r rc tit Ver at a draw sponsored E îilAn n'a YMtIder's Atntîx'ersan' Sale, tpea gu est xx ith Sioi ir! I Oitn tsix aîtrrîoori tie-,G. Bomaqi. lerlmrilt look place in Hamp- 'tir, ansiN s* 'x A )un er'etrr off the laietl'or'noiio '-ic i ro EF \rail',ishand r jofBiiic)rirotSlisa g gx ( ;ri f fîo, f orm criv Y o n Fr'i ria r, ri;' niikîl1en LiîthrrAllun. N i:"(in rFi" fr.andî l ".u Pfu'îfr r: - 'i Ile(ar 't tý 'ru 'alt ia tins off rea gciesr'- off Nl r. aîîn N aiotfriensis are extendecj CYril Alluni ý'i Carl Bradiex'. in his nt Sîinria n Ni: Iu,- r-1 off i"-cl t',",,ttvohave Pfenffpr ansiNd [ "~1 'F'i ma',vai non ii fctimie Pro- look 'tirs. I, ir' u utiI m(Critli fi'ates. Georre to Lake S ui NrRurîph lu kp z. rcceIli ug îisir aii' mnu il ln11î a, one off bts Wakei ' v ai thin 'lr ' ! Iig 9-n catrit 'rtie fir-t in a AIso x':ý 1t r, "c i[' lr, l tocidîu oxer- Cniiiiti s'Ciîh' p205 ni i ; îîIhncîrs ands113 OniiScnda;'ti n if(P ut< -\ ai K 'Llike badiNura"'nril"hi s I îîîsi x',ir o hrid oelL andisi .rs. R.eeî,'i Soleo h Irs. John'xae' 'rsuri -miii"~ 'r h o I rsti hIe î'eil, ail hotu l 'vîioi :.I r"xi.'. lino or'u n !i' r ic aIîl I nnoiIo 'tl.ir ni 't n su si r r'rr b n' asiSkinnn'r, Oshiaa. rl'l 'n N~ aFa:.' n FI.- anti 'tlr5ç CecI ii oo 'su O~-rsi si b%.' fi lîrci r t r Iar) i r' J 1 'r cic -r) fox o t 011- 'Fronîn' 'tr*a' r'i' .1in- Cook, Txtnrr.vuns u h :i otb hnt'tr ufre(i Sna:e o" S z:n- j' De ai'd Qii eer 'f;r Woo many nnd z. ncvir. Neil Berry and homes. n'nr rat a ru> nu i aI h' I a. 5t. 1: "r sinu ht-n 'oi oVri Co o, er;Ila1 Dag" :'nnc *', S acr a n. npa' ' W :'e ,c'rrmtrîrîîu'. fa mi1l . L ittie 'a -i '- Mr. and Mrs Pl1- a on Sundav. Miss lieather Baila' i e tained a oumber off littie E to heip celebrate lier 4tn r' da. M rs. R. Farrox', ,'i r Gloria visited Nits. Blake Hart, Brookin. on Sanirda Mrs. R. Farrow3, Mardm Gloria. Brenda andi Dontr.a ril, Jacqueline Rice and iC lene Macnab aendcsi Raliy at Camp Pi-etet :a Saturdax' morning. Mr. and Mi1s. Les 110>1K Thornton's Corners: tr Mri. John Macnab xxere S, day evening liaguct v M rs. Stella Baisoî. b 'ec the 40th weddiîîg aiinj%'cr' of M sr an ds i Mrs. H u k . Mr. andsi Mrs. Laverîe Cil ens, Mr'. andi rsRer Clu ens and Breot \were gc. Mr. andi Mrs. A. L. Blodi [at their cottage it wiilaj Point. Mý-t ro- ,' R"t irA-i h Thé, Cana,ýiân -tatec.mait, Bommanrll!e, June 16, 16 sonas-rai-;', i 5 '. 'M Tophainiarnd M- . isn 'tIr. ansri 'Mrs- Pi iKolerrk-. Karen, Julie Ani, ansi cu Roger. 'tir, and i"' 'o IliaI Miss MildrrsiW'sn. cfOsha-xxa. Si. niMrs Irn"' a onride 'be f..'a u Ni1:-S. A C, a 1, r ,ai'ch. 1x'"c îrsci a" 'M.' St' ant Mrz,. ,1Barnes r' ' Mm.and Mrs. C. t":i c' " ;:rn'Mr. andi I' uii r:, Camp 1. E . ini l NISS Pr c r oroti i g hi CLASSIFIEDS 'tir. ~: ci I' s. A. Bamors ansi Telephone 623-3303 Grace i:iendied the Iris Show s;Pon.%nred bv the Oshawa Hor- licultural Socte"ty, held on Salurdav evening in the E. A Lox'el' School. Centre Street. GTET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES through %TATESNMAN e lrd [ LEGS, THIGHS, 1B47ST SPECIAL' I-- FANCV QUALITY A &PKwerneCOR N 7 14-fl- oz tins 9C Reg. Price 2 tins 33ô - - SAVE 17C >UNTS eZqr i f ail fnrnîa Il ndprs I nas ';,' lad, GREEN PEPPERS 31ln25C S.~--t. C,,u%, r.,n.mg9, Grsrny S nt.F'a-ey t-j,sele A PPLES TASTY 6 49c CAi fnsr,,na PatAi, Cr'sp en-d Ternder, No. 1 G'-ari ,i rmhn ;>4'8 CELERY STALKS &29 MIX 'N MATCH BETTY mm (RCE CcASSER(1 Mar..,rrtAiCiAno , 9 i. Nooniles RrrmAnmff, 5~'n Your Choice O ODie STnnne,6ORSE6 N a APMANS DEi &PcNDt A t , ,tTn FRESH CHICKEN l WINGS 3 FRESH (HICKEN GIBLETS lb L SUPER-RIGHT BRAND VÀC PAC COOKED HAM 6-oz pkg SCHNEIDER'S PURE COUNTRY STYLE PORK SAUSAGE PLAIN or GARLIC 149c ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEEO THROUGH SATURDAY, JUNE 13th, 1964 Fany Qual y Re.g Prce. 2 tins 35e-SAVE ile A&P APPLESAUCE 41-i-ztn59< CASE 0F 24 TINS $354- SAVE 86, FarrP 0PEAS yReg. Prie@2tint 4le -AVF ;n4 »AI& PE S 20 l ooz tns35C CASE OF 24 'INS $4.20 -. SAVE 72e A&P POMAMES 7 20îîOm t n99C HI-Cu BEVERAGES '2.8Int, 75C AJin Finrurla Pmt, hjmd oranqà pumrnplm) A&P Con Save You Moncy On Fruits and Vegetables BING C ERRIES CALIFORNIA, BESI FOR EATING, lb.39 BING CERMESNO. 1GRADE39 B ROCCOLI LACLIORNIA Bunch3 SUPER-RIGHT TRIM STEAK JANE PARKER APPLE PIE large 24-oz39 size39 Rea. Prie*aeh 49a - SAVIE lac Deep Rrown in Tomate, Soute Reg. Prie. 2 tint 41e-SAVE lZe LIBBY'S BEANS 315-fl-zîîtns49c r(10r Off Deal) Reg. Prie* boux $1.1i-SAVE AN EXTRA 1@e FAB DETERGENT kg sz ox 99c Soit Rit, Whute or Colourati SPECIAL! TOILET TISSUE rkg o2 roIs 27c Iîn"¼. Hlonni Celebratnon Reg. Prie. pkg 49c-SAVE go CAKE MIXES (9 Varofllttes2 IS-oz pkgs 8 9 8,";(V' Cnuntry Reg- Priceim l'g 29e--SAVE 9e CORN FLAKES 2 oz Pkg49C Cl-"' PowdIe.d lR-- . Prute pnig Sl.1'-SAVE ilne INSTANT SKIM MILK lb pkg .0 5 Reg. Prioepkg 5ge-SAVE 10c r ~ v~ Teeim, Swoet CORN Ne, 1 Gerde 5 ior49< A PLENTIPUL SUPPLV 09 CALIF0RNIA STRAWBERftIES ARRIVINO FRESH DAILVI Jx- Pk-rRobe. pc.tacs 8I.-.AVg 106 )LE DISHES SPANISH BAR CAKE e.29<. J - P la RPé @n-i g P r e a . l o f 2 7 . - - - A v g I l # : pk3 9c RAISIN BREAD 21->ldo4 t JANE PARKER, DAILV DATED SLICED WHITE BREAD* a' 14-oz louves 3 9 c R.. Prie4 caf 22. - BAVE B. Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor SMOKED,. COOKED, PICNIC STYLE PORK SHOULDERS lb35 MCAN ANFLHNOEJUMBPIE 2' e SHLE CHICKEN 1 ýr -' '- raîd--ghe = I -i llqf nerAT Ali»Mr & FAnmr TPA COMP*>4y (Tn BASE LINE 1 FRESH KILLED roi %UTS éoch 39C