'Me Canadiari Statesmnan, Bowmanville, .une 10, 19841I Brownies and Guides Join for 'Fly Up' Rîtuali ýThe Ist Company Guides sing-song. A follow-up partyý aid lst, 3rd and 5th Pack teo be held at the captain'sý Brownies combined in an irn- home had to be cancelled due pressive ceremony that was to heavy rain. Ield recently in the HignI Sceol when 17 Brown:es flewi Up to become Guides. i OIBITUARY AU the Brownies forrned a: fuiry ring while the Guides MINR S. ORVILLE MU. IEARD t-ok up a horseshoe poii .The death occurred Monday, -Weir respective leaders pin- iJune 1, 1964, at the Oshawa' ]jd wings on the gradua tes: General Hospital of Mrs. Or-i' oind then while the remaining ville Milton Heard, 61 Mus.. formed a tunnel, they pro- koka avenue. The deceased,'ý ceeded to the Guide companyv ho had not been in good After welcoming the ne;v health for a few years, was Guides, the captain, Mrs. L.:in her 67th year. Lucas, presented proficiencvi The former Elva Margareti badges and ist class badges ta James, the deceased was born: a number of Guides. Two Ail-Iat Bowmanville and was ai Round Cords were earned thîF'daughter of the late Thomas year by Johanne Bennett andýand Margaret James. She was! Anne Westover. 1married in Oshawa July 14, A demonstration of exer-i1917, by the late Rev. J. S . I.ý cises te music was given by1,Wilson. the Guides and then the MNrs Heard came to Oshawa, Brownies were invited te joinýat an* early age and receivedl Ia folk dance under the in- her education in Oshawa pub- struction of Capt. Lucas. lic schools and the Oshawa The evening ended with a High School. Devoted to her Girl Guides Receive Cor( During a joint Brownie - Guide ceremony re- centiy, these Guides wvere presented with their first class badges and two of thera earned Ail-Round cords. They are, front roxv, lef t to right, Boenda Hennin-'- Kathy Twist, Johanne Bennett, Anne Westover and Cubs Demonstrate Rope SUN-PROOF OIL ]BASE EXTERIOR HOUSE SPAINT is Pittsburgh's regular first quality house paint. e le's available at a special low price during this sale in a fwide range of clean whites and crisp colours. Sec your Pïttsburgh Paints dealer moon for best selection. Su~?rof? ASK ABOUT NEW .. SUN-PROOF LATEX EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT. _NO PRIMER NEEDED XAVAILABLE AT TIIESE STORES 13OWMANVILLE ABERNETHY PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W., STEDMAN'S kLACKSTOCK KngS.W At Maple Grove Athletic Field on May 30, over 50 Cubs competed in a wide variety of events. One was rope climbing, demonstrated here by Grant Sno\v- den, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Bert Snowden of Maple Grave, xvho went up the rope with rio difficulty, assisted by some of his pals on the ground who shouted en- cou ragem ent home and famlly, she -was a H ethsfrtjbi ta member of Ring Stree-t United OBI TUABY 11e lefahn s fîrt obe inra-1 Churcb and the United Clîurch fr n et ateDrigý Women. JA31ES W. W. SCOTT area,.In 1915 ho xvent te' Besides ber hasband, MINs.; Ta visbock xvhcre lie was em- Heard is survived by a dauh James W. WV. Scott, late Ofr ploycd at the Zimmerman box ter, _Mrs. Robert Germiond 16 Morningtoiî St., St ratl'ord,l piant. (M,\argairet E.) und four 'son di cd carly Monlay morning,I Milford O. (Bill), John y' dune Ist, 1964, at the home of lHe returncd te Stratford in Donad J.andRobct Nlbcaci is dauqhber. Mrs. L. R. Bani- 1919 and scrved ns an engin- ail of Oshawva. nistcr, 1817 Forman Ave. ce r atth- LaanFaniur 7 ~CO. iuntil 1937. He then mov- Preceeeasced by a brother, Borni in North Eas thoppled bo Kitchener arîd scrved as Frank James, slie is Fuirv vdTowvnship 810 'r ago, be wi a stat ianary enigineer at bbc by a brothr, Theeciue Wîl-aaso:î cf the late Mr. and Mr,.:LcgTrnr kins and 12 I.randchidren. Walber Suot . île recive h Q ent irM5. d: ieit lsretire- Rev. L. VW. llerb ut, mnlistecr i);'ecucatien at I'*u iuru. t- c bStratford. of Ring Street U'nibedl Churclu hope and liter' at Siatford M.Sotw2 ebro i conducted the faneraI ,,iviO public sehois P'îIrl'iScUt sa iehurcl oan at the Mbts-iduaFai-' As a young man, worl:iiig pa Mserc Lya rag ,ocrai Home on Thur!sday, Jane, for Walter Davis, conitra t ' -Loge, No Loyal radng 4th. Interment was in Union'lie hclped lay some of Ithe , lCernetery. first sidcwalks b Stin or. ;,-~r ' f h and 'JOr mof ore-te-s lfor 15 ix, a -1)1 no f the firs e-1 tertainers on the original 10 AR Stralford radio statien. He was a strong supporter of the Pro cressive C on secr vative pa rix'.e was a dirertor of Brookdile - Kinc7s\vay Nurs- eries, l3owmanville. Surviving are lus wife, the former Elizabeth Schaefer, one son, Normn iVilowdale two dlaati.cers, Alrs. L. R. (Pearl) Barnni- tc, 187 Formian Ave., and Mrs. T. K. (Grace> Broth- crs, St. Citharinez: one broth- ci1, walter, Hlillcrcst Rest Home, and six grardchildren. The body restcc at 1-einbuck Funeral Home, 156 Albert St., Stratford, w'bere fanerai serv- ice IvIas bld \X'edncca v at 2:00 p.. ey. T-,-. FergurFon cf Uanie Jited Churcli officiatcd. Interment foliow- cd in Avondale Cemnetery. I This year, the girls are watching us go by OBITUARY The deabh of Charles (Churk) Rose, aged 9 years, oerared at the Hospital for Sirk Children. Toienta, on Tuesdav afternoon, May l9th, 16.His cieath xvas the re- suit of being struck by a car 'on Monday afternaon May 18. The accident occurred near his home at Mapie Grave. Son of Jack and Ann Rose, r Charies, was barn at Bow- imanville in Memarial Haspi-J tai and had lived aul of " . It's the brightest thing that's Lappened to summer since sunshine -Canada i newest convertibfle RamblerAmeriecan6 THELOES-PICD ANADIN-BITCT ~AR~O McQUEEN MOTOR SALES LTD. 219 KING STREET, EAST PHONE 623-3356 EA&TON'S wIO*SHAWA NEW AT EATONS! VIKING V131 BEHIND -THE -EAR HEARING AID WITH FRONT - FACING MICROPHONE! Another high-perforinance Hearing Aid lias been added to our "Viking" Hearing Aid line . .. a behind-the-ear instrument with its microphone facing forward, facing the way you face when convers- ing with people. This eliminates, to a great extent, interfering noises from behind you. Additional features are separate "On" and "Off" Switches, telephone pick-up coil and no "button" in the ear. For further information, or to make an appointment for a Home Demonstration W. E. LANG PHONE 725-7373 Eaton's Hearing Aid Consultant EATON'S HEARI"rm AND OPTICAL CENTRE EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, PHONE 725-7373 Oshawa Store Hours: 9:30 to o p.. .iiuay to 105urday. Open Tbursday and Friday nights until 9. 1 au.- - 1 il s an d First Class Badges f Easter Seal Campaign lcl rýic. dntoa _______quotas wiJ be reached when Reach s M ilioniGal reports are reccived at ________-National Headquarters. e ~"The Million Dollar objec-vices for the more than 16,000 May we, on behalf f Coin- tive of the 1964 Eastcr Seallcripplcd children in Ontario missioner W. WYcliffk Booth, iCampaign has been reached"Iancl guaranteed the fulfilment National Comner0x a nnounced Mr. Conn Smythe,;of the recommended develop- press our appreciation of Treasurer of the Ontario So-'ment program in rehabilitation the fine support you hiave ciety for Crippled Children. iserv-ices. given to our local Officer in~ The nnoneemnt vasmue1achieving such an outstand. today at a m eeting of the n g V ior y n t e C m a g Board of Directors of the Soi nIUA Ytais year. cicty hein- held in the On- brio Cripplcd Childrcn 's Cen-i HALE . ICOV ith every good wish, tre in Toronto. Mr. Smythel CALSE IHL Cordially yours, statcd that credit for the suc-I The death of Charles E. T.LCasel cessful campaign resoîts is due'Nicî10ls 52 Harmony Road' Lieut.-Colonel the an houandsof Ol~Northi occurred Monday, May, National Campaign Director untcers in the commin îty ser-95, 1964 at the Peterboog h SalvationAriny. vice clubs such as Rotary,,Civic Hospital. He had been i Lions, Kiwanis, Kinsmen and!fajîj0g health for several years.1 others .vho joincd together to0 conduct the Easter Seal cam-.' Mr. NichaIs was a son of the paign in 230 centres in On-!co r ndMs Feei tario. On behalf of thse volun- ieli0îs. He ,vas born at Cour-i FI -~ teers. Mr. Smythe expressed hic Aug. 29, 1899, and spent' thanks to the people. of On- hi early years there. He latert cfidence in the work of th,ýwas employed by General MoOH I tao frthi cnimain fîovdtoOhwawer E Ontario Society for Crippled tors until 1953 when hie re:-n iTi1f Childrcn, by their generous trddet llhat.\: and continued support. The deceascd is survived b y UUI c "Our Easter Seal Campagnhis wife, the former Mare 4 mpaign llopps and tw o daughter 1 1 1 one million dollars, if we re trcatment and rehibahli tation Iluntley (Eenr f Peter-I for 'the cripplcd children of oorough. On lan c."AIse surviving are a sister.1 This statement was made at Mrs. Henry Smith <Vera) ocf Louise Mann; back row, Jenny Stout, Karen Bell,'an Executive Committcmee ct- OshaWa; a brother. Rov of, Acr e Carole Beliman, Gertrude Cale and Cathryn Etcher. OiiUlroSce\ o or,adfixegradei 'Cippled (iChildren ast winjter, dren.Con ee Johanne Bennett and Anne Westover earned the Alilwli( ii plans for a dox'elopment hefaerI eric wis Round ords. program in rehabilitation ser-!Iled at 2:30 p.m. Thursday,f Round cords.es for physicalîy handicao)- y2,a teMlts-An-1 ew ped chilcîren was being ai-,cler400 FaneraI Home. Rev. N. proed.Theexpansion of res- T. Holmnes, minister of H-ar-l C iiigshort life at Maple Grave, Heiponsblithe incî.ided a serViCe oUie d Clhrch, con d at-, East. pormfr'h hlrn-voe h evc.Interment ws Survivig besiesabiscystic fibrosis; more d ýI-,~ ouînt Lawn Ceimetery'. Surviing eside hspar -Irect financial assistance to thel ents are his brothers and SIS-12:3 rehiahilitation and treat-' ter, Jackic, Lynn, Ricky, Lar- Iment centres ini Ontario; a* ry and David. stimalatcd program of re- The fanerai service was searcb mbt the Cauesc crip- held in the Morris Fanerai pllng and nicethods c f treait-a Chapel Bowma nville, oniment, training and education ____________ Thursday, May 2lst, and was'of physically handicappedi condcîe byRev J.Roneri ch-den; and adcled supportý of Couîrtice. Interment was jn for the training and profes- 2 letSre Bowmranville Cemetery. .bn developmt nt of i îbilil- Trno nai Palberes er Dnry d.ation workers te rcdîice the dn 1 96 Year $24 6 Months $ 12 Donld Rge Ltoze~îpresent shortage of qaalified Dear Mr. James 3 Months $6 fredElls ad Ke Mconad.iprsonel AsClip this odvertisemnent and fre ElisandKenMronad.,pesonel.Asyoa are aware, the return it with your checck or Mr. J. C. Preston, Chairman; month of May has been des- moncy order ta: Many lovely floral tokens'of t;jc Proviîxlial Easter Seal' ignated Salvation Army Red The. Christian Science monitor evidenced the Sorî'ow of re-i'onimittee, stated ttat thet Shicld month. You will be OnDoston, MStreet S atives, friends and neighbors achieveme.nt of th(, canipaigri delighted in knowing thatMis.021 inadh passin of tis young - e helas assîrr-d bbe con- the -Cmaioigigcx PP 16 'tinuance cf the Socictv's se' er-dinlwcl and is coin- .el PHONE 623 - 3356