J4 The Canadiar, Sfatesman. Bowmanvi1le, .une ln, 1994, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruther- ford attended the graduation of his niece, Miss Joan Ruther- ford, from the Sehool of Nurs- ing, Oshawa General Hospital, on Friday evening. SMr. and Mrs. Henry Can- treil, Mr. and Mrs. Clif f Coop- er visited Mrs. Emma Lunn at Coe Hill on Sunday. Miss Ruth McClelland of i7oronto visited Mr. and Mrs., Donald Staples and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Ing- lee, Karen and Car], of Beech Grove, Quebec; M r. Cvril K.night of Palmerston; Mrs. Don Long and children of Oshawa. .Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hoar re- turned home last week from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass and son David, Rochester, NY. .Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lunn and Sandra of Oshawa visited Mi. and Mrs. Archie Lunn on Sunday. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Prestley, thr former Miss Carolyn Jones, on their marriage on Fridayý evening, June 5th in Orono, United Church. Rev. Basil E. Long officiated. The couple will reside in Vancouver. B.C. Mrs. Chas. Wood in com- pany with Mr. and Mrs., Charl e Jons o nf fln,,rnv il le ,n and Muriel Annette Stephen-, son. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.1 Thomas C. Stephenson were1 baptized by Rev. Basil E.. Long at Orono United Church. Miss Mary Thomson and ber brother Mr. John Thomson of Toronto who are returning this month to reside in Scot- land. spent Friday with Mr.i and Mrs. Alex Watson. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. B. White who will be' married 59 years on June 14.1 Mr. Archie McLaren Is con-! valcscing at bis home follow- ing surgery on bis knee. Mir. and Mrs. P. Selis and' son have moved to their newv home. Mill Street North, re- cently buiît by Mr. Floyd Nicholson. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, the former Miss Bonnie Couvier, on their marriage, Saturday, June 6th in Orono United Church. Rev. Basîl E. Long officiatcd. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns of Bowmanville and Mrs. Flor- ence Robb of Calgary spent last Wednesday evening with 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabail. The Leskard Sunday School Anniversary Service will be held Sunday evening, June l4th. The Rev. John Porter of Westmount United Church_ Cubs Take Part in First Interpack Annual Athletic Day at Maple Grove ary i120 Celebrates 21st Birthday 1The Nurses* Residence rea Il came ahx e at one minute past midnight on the morang 'tM Wednesday, June 3rd, on hle occasion of the 2lsi birthdas- of Miss Norma Griffith5. She ivas awakened b\ ithe other seven residents. thcmn- selve- 'tastcfullv 'clad in py- jamas and houseoats witii baî, and their guest, Mrs. F. Robb !Oshawa, will be the special1 Members and leaders of Maple Grove's large Cub Pack, Bow- of Calgary visited Mr. andIspeaker. manville's 4th and 5th Packs hicld what is ioped ta be the f lest Mrs. W. R. Young and Mr. and of annual interpack field days an 'Ma' 30 at the Maple Grove ons Monarost aturidgeruut Athietie FielId. There, many ex ents tcsted the athietic prowess of On Sunday Donna Lyn Colv- the boys. The grcups werc split to ta ov classes fro-m 8 ta 9 years in, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wr extend our congrat ula- of age and 10 to Il. Winaers la the txvo classes hcld a final race to Steart Da.Cvid nTodhaedl tions Io Mrs. Hazel Mitchell deterinine th(, overall champions. The aider group title was won hy ward David, sons of Me. sontdaac] Me. Lloyd Fallîs wbo Mrs.WiLred Joh D i. were married on Saturdav. l igh c cooi Drma Clubnresen Wendy Ann May, dlaughter tf! The local Chamber of Comr-1 Hig c o l D a a C u r s Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. May- merce lheld their monthiv' Thomas Lewis Lycett, sco o meeting on Thuesda.v evenhug Mr. and Mrs. W. Kav Lycett -with a good attendan ce.Cn siderable discussion tookplc n regard ta the Street Fair1 ForerPasorto be held bore inJuly.taý interview different bank offi-' c<'ls in regard to having a Returns for ýbank in our village. Ricardon Bake S ho pi« Life ~r sablocak, recently purchased by Life Cru ade Mr. Harry Van Wieringen. îs ANew Lite Crusade îs pres- having 2 real face lifting.,he ently being condueted at theeniewsenisbngtr Bowmanville Baptist Chureh, down. We understand that, Nelson Street. Four services the east portion wiil have lv remain in this unique effort» ing quartesus siradth Thursday and Frîday at 8 bottom part ta be used for p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m. and aur Doctor's office (and pas-, 7 p.m.sibly a bank). Watch Ponty-ý A former pastor of Bowman- Pool grow. ville Baptist Church, present-, The local Senior- Softbaliý ly from the Kirkfield Pairk team drew first blood on Sun-> Baptist Church in Winnipeg dav afternoon when thev de-1 has returned to preach during feated Nestieton. C o mn i ng the Crusade. The Rev. George tram behind ta score 4 run.s Bell was student pastor here 12 in the 7th inning theY regis- years ago. He is delighted to! tered their fîrst win. They be back "home" and renew- 1 ast a heart-breaker ont Fn- ing many former acquaint- da- evening when thes- were ances. Bl nosd out by Cavan in the las, Pastor Bl believes mn nig Several home ruasl professing Christians endure ýheiped their cause on Sundav.1 xather than enjoy their Christi- The warin weather thîs anity. His message offers a! weekend was surely vers' wel-i vibrant alternative ta the com-' corne. Some of the tobaceoj inonplace. gardens aîtd fiowers gat At every service there is l blackened uip by ria ]ively singing of the favorite 'night's f rost. gospel sangs that unfortunate- ý L.O.L. 82 hield ils regular ]y are getting forgotten by meeting on Wednesdav even- the new generation. Pastor E. ing. Arrangements were made Boomer offers transportation for aur Annual Church Par- s ta ail wl request it, 623-3844. ' ad on Sunday, June l4th, at A nursery for bed babies will 2.30 p.m. The Lodge bas again be open during the Sunday secured the famed Legioný services. iBand o! Bowmanville for July -~llth in Cobourg. Committees ere appointed ta secure some one ta paint the exterior of J. S a f C. A. the hall. Those wlto atteîtded Anni- Chartered Accountant versary Services an Suaday heard two very fine mes- Whitbysages tram Res'. W. Pare of WhitbY Grace United Church, Pete- Recenti., members cf the BHS. )ramu (Club Perrv, Cathel P.O. Box 208borough. The morning service presented performances in the Bowmanville adCcr rerc~b of sang was given bY the tice Schoals, of the play "Hlappy JaUrnev". Tlîase tak- Budeli. Bob Phone pupils ot the Senior Rooto the public sehoal, whiie thz-. îng part were. front row, left to right, Prompter Lis-e Orono 138 Svnnengeain ejs service. The local churc-b were'~ Chair with Mr. Les Fairhurstp glad te welcoeue g fst ram' S O L 1oN W ib 66 817 as soloist-. Mes. Clifford Fallis Bethaur and Manvers î-onirC,- LL1LJJ~ ~ was theý organist. Rex. W.' gation, anid ai ic- su i tees t! lit h ii(îî liih iI ________________________Pierer assisted la the eveaingi other lacalilius. Large aiîeuiita FSPEaIAL LOW PRICESi 11:i ON NATIONAL BRANDS *H b:i At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. -Fri. - Sot. I Aspirinsugg. ist 99C 6 rBAN Lotion Deodorant 1 sgiîst 1.25 9 9 c iDETTOL Antiseptic Spray sugg. is't i.50 1.3 9 l.PEPSODENT Dental (ream Ii.C! vl 77c 'i1 li MICRIN Oral Antiseptic -- sugg. Ii't î1.10 97c SILVIKRIN Shampoo _5i.,0 2 aîe87C AGAROL -----sugg.list i1.50 1.1 9 -11 SUAVE Shampoo . 12-oz. sugg. i,'t 99e 8 9C lit. PHILLIPS 9 ---- -Liquid M'ik of Magnesia 79c value 69C I1 ONFIDETS 12's sugg. hst 51c 43 c i!l I'I~ WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE COWLJNG'S DRUG STORE JOHNSONS DRUG STORE SA LEX NqcGREGORI, DRUGS ORONO > 'V8 LOVELL STUTT'S PHARMACY ii ____________________ ------- ~- A _____-------_ ed t ttc Su îîebîx Si-Itrel j-i s'eeae'.- :csrvic-c-. O ICI in tt- clitir, h clîe i i Sn f naonandailîse ' pleased ta s 'cot'nia r-. foi- fi-ntr ie u iii . i1) j 1, itu1ii tic> tic ' id ,,- . ecc-c-i-ii Itle 1iiii hîlîi z- ci t--)Iif i.ticuii) cîctl c-l iii f ssc--a ici ci i Nt bi sýpeakin c g i100 ni . i t.î cî u ren ii i t1i d i .1) - i-luui e if i i - ci-- iic snau .iiiý and IT!w S îu il d i sian NiIu - cdtrs - e-uc]Cua .n 11iw ilu At V Ciee-eniîg serx i-c'Miss'G:a- dxs s YIls'-laeixi th, pann'pîoî -c c îhoc 'sanîg t. nunhc- -Gojt f and, i e att anitin TeLamtb Slial ist, MeI' .i Baud of Rîsi l- s'atcer.fasarrd s'w, ii'x 1r n .solos. Coitie vse n-> ii n u Fate-e ,,aindi-110:dletFilon Ms Haîtel NiMr . 1. I <c- 'xas lî:s Src<tnpaa i. Nie. ind NI.- JR Rsiii _MNi-. , VJ. ux - and N.:(ui ~iorî Ni. Rn- - Ne a'_/. Fui1 f:ed, aid Mi<- Po, Davs: -- e Sundor tea gMr \'hN-. aitnIes.Ra!pb iDoiv. NM'r. RailttLareîr. Suiaro'ri Jartinitd Davîci, Bia(-kstîx 1-. ssere Ira gaests of Nie and Nie.llaîvc-. eiioves antd tam iIl v. NI:. anîd Nie-0. Jacks-ar and PaCh Mae B. Brown tan.d Bob, NIe and] Mrs Citesier MîiI.s antd bobs O<hass a \ir ac]ndies. Perc'.' Desvei and family, lHampton, N-il» Jas c Mills. Mapie Grave. Me.D Fergusoe,. Enniskiulen. er Sundas- tes guelts of Mé. and Mers. Bruce Tink an.d famtls The Untnhed ChurL-t Vontciî hcd 'ce oee-an j a:ght,. s':'b i -'.-. n ,cnt, a' ',he am I 1Burney Hooey. Presiden: Meis. Barry Whitehead, 5th Bowmanville, E, 5th, Bill Euwes and Bernie Koli were ti Grove. The Junior title weat ta Keith Iý Ken Ferris, 5th Bowmanx'illc, James St and Jim Mann cf Maple Grave ial]owiný the entire group gathered aroLind the i ts "Happy Journey' styled selectl 'v iu curing-pins and rollers, and gi\-en the tra- Mrs. George Werrv anc] tara- ilv, Oshawva. ir. Bruce Cran- ston. Torontco, Mr. Monts- Ern- merson. Bowianvýilîc, werc tea guests on Sundav \vwthi Mr. and Mrs. Wcs Werr.s- auld famil v and Mr. S. E. Wcrrv%. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Doassa and Heather. Ebcnczcr, Mr. and Mrtý. Hugh Baird aiýd Mrs. D. Lec, Blarkwaitcr. x'.ere, Sundav visitors vith MVr. an'l Mrs. J. Knox anc] famîlvs Mr. ac] Mrs. J. Knox it- tended the Bav of Quinte,( i Conference ai Kingston., a, week. Mr. Edwin Ormist ou. Fl - nezer. Mr. aocd Mrs. Barrv Cowling, Miss Beverlev Cos'.'- ing, N'rs.. C. Johoson. pi, !'l1) and] Hiîarv. Baxvman v i t î were Sunday tea guests of I and Mrs. T. Baker and family.j d Bos ws seond als of Mrs. B. Montgomery aoc] ,d Bon was scond, l Mr o Gertie Ferguson, Osa-j_ .hird and fourth, from Maple awMr cr Snda 1ta1ue"C ~e1,4th Bowmanville, with of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moiti- ephcensnn, 5th Bowmanville, gomnery. Mr. and Mrs. 1losvard Cix - ig tn order. This photo shows dcrmnan, Esther and Ralp.l flagpole. Ma ple Grave, Mr. and Mes. F. Larmer, Blackstack. wevre tea zuests on Sundicav withh Mr. and Mrs. E. Crvdermnan. Dartbv RcveronMrs E Mrs. S. Rundle. Miss Jean MeICormack. Coluîmbus, were udeB mavte raC Ile(a tiosts on Sunday witb M-s ,owavllMr n .Mi. -aoc Mes. R. Vice and M"Mr .-J, Leger, Wavicù aiid E. Vice. Susan, Oshal1sWa, weeC e-a guests of Mr. and] Mrs. Ross- Mr. and Mis. Hilton Tink.'Cryderman and cilîdreri, on Ebene-zer, Mr. and Mrs. Keith !Su .nday. Shactetn ad snsBow Mr. and Mrs. George Hami- manvîlle, svere Sunda ' teaq,i, Oshawa. were Sunday tea guests of Me. and Mrs. Harry guests of Me. and Mrs. George Knoax and sons5. Knoax and family.1 Mr. and MrsA. F. Aber- Mr. J. Crvdermani. Naple, iet-Il,, Manîlla, Mr. and Mrs.'Grove, was a lea gîcesi eîn Fred Samis, Enfield, wcre tea1 Sunday wîth Mr. aoc] Mrs. giiests an Sundav with M-.ý Stan Milîson and sans. I aîd Mrs. Don «Taylor and Miss Bannie Teatia. s,-hose famils- . marriage ta Larry Metealf of 1Mi. anîd Mes. M. Marton,! Oshawva takes place t'hîs Mi > s Ida Amaott and Miss des- month. was hanared with a sie Chester, Oshawa. visitcd, miscellaneaus shower receat- Mer. aînd Mes. N. Wotten on':ly when Mrs. Liarvd Metcal f Sunda ' . and Mrs. Wes Werrs' svrc eo- Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, Mr. - hostesses at the latter's hame. and Mrs. C. Pascae, Oshawa,!Those attending were aunts Nir. and Mes. Howard Cryder- and cousins af Larr ' ,*. mnaitandc] hildren. Maple Mrs. Ella TaYlor and Sain- Grave, s'isited Sunday evcn-I dra, Toronto, Miss Doris Mill- in, with Mr-. and Mrs. H-arold son, Oshawa, wcre Sundas' Pascoe.tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Vins. N. Met-'iufe. Dr.cc1i Millic nd cn-,,t i+c,,r. The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards. Editor triae Etchei', Iris Camapbell and Veî'onica iek rtw-. Diiector Robert Sheridan, John Cuthbertsoa, and Paul Welsh. Cili o p'iý ig Tii, rail cal! wa,; aoswcred wha proverh fronm the Bý- hIil'-. Rac Pascoc lcd the w5orshippertci-d v bMrs H. Yei!oxs Iee> and Gladyx sýI owl'e )z.s .isting. Lavely col- ored si des of ludia. sent homne bv -Miss Doreen Van Canoip svo îs a teacher tlierQ, I avoredw i ti ila vocaisolo, and MFL. 'eloWees condLi--'d u-- >e own. Mrs. C. Hanter a -ontesI,. Cake and ice creca ai Fra QitaIitN- Bus oin a late model Chev. - Cadillac - SEE - used Olds. KEITH SMITH At ONTA'RIO 'MNOTOR SALES OS HA WA PHONES: Business 72i-6504 Residence -728-6952 Over 100 Cars Io Choose Front svere serveri bx Mrs. C. Vice,' Ilie liest e.s. aîdt liter dcgt Buaehara.- Me. oint Nies Ralph Day: -' MerS .1IYelr'llavlccs anîdNMe. Ross l{essatz uttended ie Barra Iaîieî-te sevire it Kiit- St. UnilodciCît ir-h, Osîtasso. iiSLIidas îigv Miss Pot Davis S-le ot' lte graduate "L"uîs ili tite 1964 clus. Mi-. alid Nu-s. CGearge .Cil- ras- anid sait-. Oltawa, M'r. iurd Mrs. 1,1ax cIPrc-stou'01iad cî ei.Besrîaliiî-lle, werc s'.h tiMi- ýuandt 'Vii Charles Lîiittaicla aiîcl itîforbe ta on Sliitciii Ni- u atdHi . -tali ILeng antd IHilrv. Part Ci <dit, 'and M -5. Deotald lFrisîri Eig Nt.. sit-SiicM-'i-~sc andî lv t'Nlns hofI and Mi--. E IIkdx anid dtîîilghlte rs Me. aiid MiS. t ul.'. roîrle. s'.ere tes 'îsts <of M anid Me - Wuc- IlIlis anîd faut-_ ilv ait iutidas. Mrts. R. Scs.iiaind:0 Of Durham vîsite] last s'.cerk svith ber parents, Me. and Mr. E. R. Taslor, Giher vs'ii- tors svî'ic Nr, sud Nie>. E. Thamnit i illbrook, aitd Mr. tad Mes Neil Raines' and Charles. Canniogion. Mr. and Mes. N. Fiee, Tauri- t1, svcrc Sunelav- vsi sitors ý ;li Mes. Frantk Westiske S~r.. rita bas retturried hante fîam avisit s'.ilh Mr'. asdtr. e Tom Westlake. Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mes. C. Johns, Nir - Florence Robh. Calgar-. Mr. and Mes. Wallace Munda-:. Donald and] Janice, Mr. and tirs. Larr * Dewell, Rodncv and Debra, Mr. ILoran Paseoe, Oshawa. Miss Phvlis west- ake, Mrý John Broome. Kar- an, Rirk'; and Douglas, T,,- -one, were tea guests on Sun-, Jas' with Me. ac] Mrs. Liardi Broome and sans. Mrs. T. Fîcit ,Calumbus, Mes. N. Leach sac] Miss Pearl, Leach were with Mr. and Mrs., D. Fiett and fami!lv for tea on Sundav - Mr. soc] Me' Lias-rtVice, an(' M- Le-) Rac-ieao.Nî >-t*her MaîhezoIlO-aov;.a, Mi. and Mrs. H. Jebson a1 1 USETHISeOU-O ditional 21 humusq before sho had tinie -o undeî.stand just what was happening. The louri-e %vas suitablv decorated andà a "throne" pre- pared for Norma. bv' the side of ,\hich was a decorated tub p)iled high with gailv-wrap- Ped gît.Later, the .21 ean- dles on an iced cake wore bloxv-n out with one de-,p, hreatýh and the "champagne" corks becarita pop, Until 2 p.m. the parts' went ai a rollîcking pace - and the 'îr.s *bxvd hat. a lthough -hxxcre -ithout partners, thev werc masters of the ar' of dancinq' Nothing stop- ped Ibrotii froni The Gav Garon ta i" o The Valeeta"-, frcim Thr Chiarleston" to -The T\\-Îst. Thasc pîc. ni werc NormaR Gr:1lfiIhbý. \adelînc tccoir- mi ck, Rarbara Mahonev, B a- trîce Paxvcr. .Ann Brink, Alice De Vo. N anis- Osborne and Gx'.e'î Burmnan. After a few bours sleep, fiîss Giffit bs a rrîved at flie halins)a ta find lier dcsk dc'-- airatcd with suiîtable syvmboýs: a aorsaC£e of red carnations, a bakcal, a silver kev and a 'ld place miat bcarînz aa i -asir eýic of ber favouri e xvatermeîan de..i din a,, ti\-r bos cc1eratianS 5 ecolntiînîîed rhrn the Iiinc!i-holir s-n tlle Dl)îîîrsDvpl.imet tain' Sent N e'oui iss- b a dcieuo Ci(Il-ois Iti1l b<hi.p-ccial. saci ilk~ sîma.1~e gftS werie precited bs- Chef Frank Whiltcman and -he toast given bs- Mrs. Gladss Blaszcz '- Atiotlicr 21 ean- dles uvcrc uccsful-snîî fkld and proceedings svcroLunder Wa' Soute 26 niembers. past and tiresen t. aof t he Dictarv Dcpt. and] an aId friend ar the Dept., Mri' Curi-' Francis Who svaq in an business, ga t hcrrt1 sih Narmia the verv hesti M-crs h o l ah uow -and "n Ie vear i o na c Pa rticul ar!1 Yes With 18 vears of constant car buy inga experience and the great hclp of bc- ing a eertified Class A Automobile Il e v h a n 1 c adds up to the very fact that vou ( in't miss -w hen dealing %% ith A RTS Car Market 194 and 196 Chureh St. Bowmanville, Ont. Service and Guarantees I nachd See Us Today 1