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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1964, p. 6

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BThe Canadi an Statesm an, Bowmanvllle, June 10, 1984 June Ns Da-irv onth Kiwanis 'Hootenanny' Entertainment Bonus By 0. M. ('obhan 1 The Hootenannv prcscnt- last Thursday night bv ui Kiwanis Club was anu nx pected entertainment bonLI for this titre of year. TýIe show was imported, wîith per-1 foreners and master of cerf-1 monies included, and thei whole evening arrangeci adc rnanaged by a Toronto agcncv., The program was ini four separate acts. each aut com-1 iprising a group of two 01r more singers acmav i themselves wilth cuitars,. f6-I dies, or harmonica; and o' group offcring a succossinn i eight or ten Sonzs of the pop-t ular folk-music 'rov The atrifci<n end the fîr7t twnait ýwori the kind of fai h or)d tur talent 000 xxnid -ci c to find on a çztaiee*hi, ta- from a larg-e co.ntre: hio' last two -acts. hadIo Matinee Satim Wait Di5 "The Tigej (Cin Briin Keilh. Sunday ta Wed. One comiplete Sil "Women ofI (Color) alsn "What a C Wacky Englis] DAIRY 31ONTII AND EVERY 31ONTH ... ENJOY FRESH GLEN RAE DAIRY PRODUCTS hc: ,::.'ýhe hîsn for a l; htis? tn the h es~. professiorai St ancatl'ci. T h e v perfornied wi'h 'the snap and poliih 'if Ho lon1, ex ncricnce. and had theïr progran-, xell org'sinied x i the *ong-x, arranged to chatnge LI Ilie mood and pace in ail thc Th adene though strali, To 98 KING ST. W. anid nei--hotr. Lîstening to the mas.ýc rnoices of audience and per- formers las' Thursday, oiie w,,ondered - did anybody realiv sing aiong with Mitch, like )1ildayers oy Trip New York waswariv ant smetnus For Victoria Holidax' xxeeis- wiidiv - enthusiastie, .toining enîd a group of local .anid dis.- readilY'in ie refrains and. etpopeboredachar'i- rhx thm-clapping xx'ich are ered bus and traveiied ta Now sucli poptilar featiires of ' York Citx . Although tOic 1lootcna on sliîoxx'. .Wrd.ýFi h ao It xxni ho bca goorlîif id Farwshenao iil kind n f cntcrtainnmci t i att 1r action, many olher points mad a M oni-hck lof iîntircst were seen by tho' awo parm île n.-ron.ini h .niviiz ('a rly S a t 1i-dal nîlir paii' n d rie ' ?.mînrnilîg, Iiatix' shoppori anid 'alIci ci'z oile ItiuPlîtr tnkoui rs aroind Ille il;' lin 0. r. Wl iii ýouir bv bus anid others foi t Oc' xxaiii n' h tid inour i'pa hol ~trip arotind Maatiiio. ive shrw (11(-Ic fr 'iialid ii the eveling z enjov".,ci fird Iir ,how ai Radio Cîtx- Mîix r On tiîidavx t rax'nling Or. * sihx'ax xxhicli s qU ite ;a1 î* BOWM%,ANVTLLE nriionce mi New York. tIi.' L6 2 3-155l89 rnnUP sntl te day althtu rirand ]tater in th(- evx-ciný, %,iadl-il uSare Ga <drn xx T ir ehoiei- of :xamr'In :sec air! t., Jlne 11-1-13 .> Ieanr 1itaux rît therifýt- n 1 C.otiiîitr-x-' Show Dn-nr ya, 2 P. M. Thettiomr wa7 plannrd and dîrpcird 0v Nani-o Coîniciý and the hiis was iiiitO cap- ahmhnds of Ons drixorIý ltinx'd Glass iaîîd Fred favt' r W alks" taî-i xvpr i 11) Dcxir nrI 7Wn' z, .MCormack, rnt Vera '~Tilc'~ Miss IF B[R. i'l isoriMrs. E. Richards, tirs.i 1 S Vulkeniviîrg, Mrs fl a i-t-, l. une 14 - 17 Mis W, Cordon. iNr.. W Ni- x n~.M r~.G. BurIIOsýin. Ni-ý OW at 7:30> PJ..C. Ruer, I s. A. Cc t- à, àMI r G Fonwlpr. M r. t he W orld' nk-iimat, MrR.Nhlp,.M Mîr,-Il. Coîinir. Mi, aod M _R.l aUlowell, Mr. and Mr,-,. . Wv nimpmote« WGtass. Bowmanville, Mrs. NM, Gartshore, Mr. and Mrs. T.: Crago, Newcast le: Mrs. V Rice. Mrs. T. Mounitjoy. Mr.1 and Mrs. M. Mountjoy, Harp-. ,ton; Mr. and Mrs. G. Harper,ý 'arve- UP" Mr and Mrs. B.OBin M .h Cone ~J. Keyeý, Oshîawa: Mr. F', ~ Daves, Blackstock. Miss E IRamsbottom. Pelle*vilr BOWNIANVILLE Glamorous "Angel" 1iiiia n h M aniloa isý Ilttet1cinu.-Crip pied dont, npened il i -n t n.-i the usual mrne;tc severai choruses Eda 'ýhlpad r. 1 Wol,,'D iscusses gave a resume o h v'ork; presenta tioii of . ta rs mxere gixen oit. 'Miss. leth McLaggan presented Mrx. R. Coombes with $10.011 for- M. & N. Fond, and S800 for dec- orattng fond. TOe git'is etîter-ý tained thcenîothers xxith a;l stra l ptrogra ni. Fach mon'r received a gif4t made O tIlc, girs. Fax' lame ner xcs kaik.rd dowxn Y, a vatn.nar lier home~, on Saturdax'.Sue xxas takc"î to hospitai for t'an 111(-lm rie!tiirnced 10 schriol Mondav,. Clifford Bvam got his Jcg broken last xxcols vhi l ayn:- tng soeci'. Ho exp I o LOc homte froni ho plot xx liii a (yas: andn crîti iies tio c'"t 'nî i illci xc. th toi- i ii xe A \oInitir u ix-iiixileit,\ r..lslie tnehîî- ni "m iîti îiî'nuicl'rii diclî r <fl\i.and, Ili(, LOteMNu. M ili. U n111 a7 one ic f rtirnhe of the Natiit il C'um 0 i tlxx.i i c\u nnîrî Ontiorien trnfy for li- (i i h tu ti in irfictt, aiîaiîî Tt glarnor- nus H ntîio i f'.\ Irs. ( 'cii bau m appearori recentlI in The Tn)rýiinoDail yStar. ?\Ieris wlh v made do-' iuiiiiIs of t-, (0 nirmort, are called "-ti---'- TYRONE MOI HIAIM 1 RIGixT AT YOUR - Nwiii il 'id O' r î~ li l': i t)c (.î ic t r. r' Ar 11: n ' - , Si Ni' N 'l. N làt i' a r. anx ci I rx" l1 Si al. rr n ' î î 1U-n Mt' .\ ýV i i t a L Mrins. E'% ' 'tuM,'.F Un.'h aI d Wr.1 M noce. l 8 I . FA ' - i '.' n xli s: un, 'î t t iiî'Mi Ai St x'x" 'i t.:ic T 'à -d r l i l."i' , , P'i: Ra il 311- ." Ji'-daI- "lu' Mx . Mr.tW.'pa'k <i - 'i 'n n 'Rl il 1" .0,L ' i s' iïl"' i ' rni 'C. 'o t a mn i T. s' "s, "~ n' 7, rda' xit NI '~i N: V' a r etat' n' s. a' i 'a .-"c r .nd '.cuuîan-i nui x- r', o:r.odt; s xv .rh~. --'r, N:' Flin Children's Expansion The District Council Spring by. Don Mor-ris aînd fan Sinith meineting of the Ontario SocietY represented Bowmanile Rn- for Crippird Chiidrcn was heid tarv Club. Ocre on Wednesda ' evenxng, ýMay.'2Oth in the Lions Centre A highliglit of theie meting at 8- o'clock. -wmn %as the presentation of plaiiý Mi. R. Ro\, Chairma of for the expansion of the On- District Couil'cil No. 10, was tario Society for Crippled' in charge of the, Children by Mr. R. Auid, Lx- MVeiîOr peet eeinr-ecutive Director. An interest- duced and the minutes of the îng question and discussioni Foul meeting. held [ast Sep-_.period was heid îegardiîîg tOc temiber, were adopted. plan. Bnie club reports werc Bill Thiesburger, chairiiia: gNivenbY the Rotary Clubs of of the Rotary Club's Crîppied Port Hope, Haliburton, Min- Children's Committee, stated den, Brighton, Campbellford, that the returns f rom the Cnhourg, Coiborne, Haveiock, Easter Seal Campaign were Pcterhinrooigh. Fenelon Falls, doxvn this year by ,5010. This Lindsay and Bowm-anvilic. is serlous as the financial re- Bti Thie. Otrger. Rick Rieka- quirements for assistance toi are zgroater than ever.. Mr Thieshurger pointed out Ilhat ii March, prior te the Easter Scal Campaign, the fUlndS of t1h- Crîn!plcd Child- rren ' Commtîiitoc \verc down to il llltt."' nilcents. He urged that an 'vone hin he îovn or di:lirîct -1o0ima 'vhave forgot- ten to scnd in theîr Pink En- x'olope wxith a contribution, do -0 as >oon as possible as the monev is tîeediýd for, the handi- cappt'd chidren. 'Fli c (osi pet day for each c'hîid sent to Merry Wood Camp nirar- Smiths Falls .s $8.80. Mr. Thiesburger stated'. This camp has qualified per- sonnel and ocyhn needed for the wcifarc of the crippled chiidren xx'ho attend it. he add- cri. Mr. Thiesburger reminded his ]istcners that this is just one of the services for crippled childroîii for- which money is norri rd. ON THESE MONEY-SAVING PRICES Bcest lily! sa've sî Ukg. of 60 L 5-LB BAC RED ROSE Tea Bags 77C Granulated 299 Best Buy! Save 9c!I-> ket PckCake Mixes w-' SUGAIR tl e - *c I>ack j w ,1h4(,At i -il flaetrire ROBIN IuOOD 4' 69c IIAL, itrAro . I<l A 1-r rPI Abt'" I I with Planter543 16-oz. :0-R . ar p 5oz. bote27C Crittes i<>oz.2o69 Pkgs. ' 9 5-oz. jar E 79C dner Save 6r! 12 Ilichiii hrIiii n2." font roil STUART HOUSE FOIL 31c Save 6c! 14-nz. pkg. Delicîotîm reripr% for ouitdoor eatlng MINUTE RICE 43c Save 6c! 4 Flav'ourg 12-oz. Jar NESTLE'S KEEN 53c Save 4c! Bonplpss Chicken 7-oz. Tin COPPER KETTLE 45c CHERRY' HILL CHTEDDAR CHEESE WEDGES 12-0o, 11-oz. 12-oz. illd 1%edium old 49c 53c 59c save. 4r! S j 1p ý4! Save 8r! N ElLSON'S (HOCOLATE BARS PAIY "CK ,Sze 4Bunde33C Save 9c! 5-pound bag PURINA DOG CHOW 89C Save 5ûe! Walker's 1-1b. pkgs. SALTINES 2 for 53c Baked Fresh Weston or Sunheam reg. 49o CHERRY GUEST CAKE 45c ea. F'or Ipftoveys 25-foot rol SARAN WRAP 39C Sai ve ~ !(-! ra y Dl)itpkgr. CARAMEL WAFERS 31C Bring out flavor witli 1O-,z. size ACCENT 31C %0 'w à w le s.. Mo I.. mom - lezW v U I -lu W'77L. IJU)ZEN FOODS aoC n o o BF'ST 13171 - SAVE 1Rc! - SNNY ORANGE ORANGE DRINK 40 Alh TJwW AN ORANGE DRINK 4O<JTRT (<fTTs~ l 2O =DUET" FASHION STRIPES Save 4c! - J)raann Brandl *PINK CHINESE DINNERS- Chicken or Shrimp .... 65c " YLui BROWVe SUPER SWEET Family Size Watermelons 99C Ontario Iceberg No. 1 large heads i\ ,New~ No. 1 3-lb. poly bag LETTUCE 2 for 25c YelIow Onions 35c Californi Ontario Hot House No. 1 LEMONS 6 for 29c Cucumbers2for33c MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNISH'S MARKET PECK'S RED & WHITE Maple Grove 0 a 0* 0. . . Orono .Newtonville Best Boîy! Save lic!- Free Mode! Car PEANUT BUTTE Best Buy! Save Sc! HEINZ KETCHUF Best Buy! Save Ir! Alpha "its - Cr7ispy POST CEREALS Bcst Buy! Save 10c! Red & White INSTAiNT COFFE VALUE CHCK'D-BRND SPECIALLY SELECTEI) - SHORT RIBI or ROLLFED Shoulder Roasts lb 49 c 1'oi Sav e ' 1ron 'hri m ndFrl< m' - 'IJOICE CHUCK ROASTS CENTRE CUT lb 53c 11'ell streaked rindless Dev'on brand Fresh - Tender - 'Voung BREAf KFAUSTSII(LID You'il blooni with good hcalh h whn you plan sunimier menus around delicious dairy products. Nothing beats Glen Rae Dairy flavour and freshness of: 'Milki, Skirn Milk, Chocolate Milk, lVhipping Creain, Sour Creami, and ollier easy-to-fix dairy treats. You'Il nce'er run out when you cal! for regutlar delivery'. PHONE 623-5444 Glen Rae Dairi "1" __F - BRANDED

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