18 -The Can~adIaii Stateuman, zawmnanvlIe, June 17, 1284 À I _______ In Memoriam _1 Cards of Thanks iA-rticles f or Sale Articles fr Sale__I Articles for-Sale Wantèéd to Buy Real Estate foSaeR lEstfr ae ALBIN-Charlesan Lorraine ALLIN - In loving remem- Wve-wish-t-o thank ail 1our.OIL tank, 250 gallons. Phone TEN acres standing mî-nxed hay. IGOOD man's CMbcle STANDING ha, 15c .bale. SEVE-N-room, 2-storyfrm fQuckebus, tankGodbrace f or fthe an frend fo th ofelvcars 63-533.25r* Pone26-215. 5-1Phoeo63-296.e____ 5-1Phoe 63-253.25-2hose25ak frnt ot.2nd Ge8ge.lyl2e for the arrva of ther s n, gra dfa her H roi Wilia w re eiv d. ls ai wh cai-STANDING hay, also m anure. STRAW BERRIES. Orders ak- IÉBOA TH OUSE, Eat Beêach, RUBBER rug uinderlay, 6-x9' so e ni i h d o n w tr E L Kevin Charles, on May 30, Allun who passed away June ed ta sec us on our Fiftieth Phone 623-2828. 25-i* en. Cail 623-5548. __ 25-1 separate boat and siiiing Phone 623-5606.25ibsentadfrce$50. 1964. A brother for Donald, 17, 1959. Wedding Anniversary. ba____anfrn Dany, atrcia 251 Tu~ ovecanneyr pss way Ruy ad Rchad Bst WATER for sale ana celivered. COCKSHUTT No. 4 side deliv quarters. Best offer. Phone---ANT Lowv down paymen.Poerne6330 DannyPatriia. 2-1i*reED-vHaa luveHamptonwy 623-2076.cha'25-3s - B emanTE-Hllen9Hrmtom bri20k HOCKINKen and Ela (nee 'Tîs somehing nought*can , Call Cliff Pethick 263-2131. eryrake. Cali 263-2754. 2-1 '63-2229. - 25-eshara aî163-22029. 24 os.fl aeei a u _______ 32and-tfa SET ofvelft-handed golf clubsSRWERIS-GIRL'S e bicvcle, small size, T'a.Codeaiybcn'rt Bradley) wish to announce the Take comfort-For within your I wish ta thank mv friends SEVEN acres standing pure Ibag and cart. Phone 623-2669. strawberries during the season igo condi-tion. TelephoniW. rank -eai dm w eaaean birth of their daughter Jill hearts adrltvsfrcrs lw alfalfa. Phone 30 r 5, Orono. 25-1_ daily, except Sunday. j.!6353 5-I Elizabeth, on Tuesday, June 2, Your loved anges live forever. an2eltve-orcrd,1lw Rekker & Son, Maple Gr(v.63586 5i LIMITED Potnk er ad innes hon ur FNDA-- 0vl colad o-odLIý1VejýVE poultry, old feather 177 Church st., Bowavgefrtehnya.Akn 1964BrAdlserfre ney.2-DeAnhoy, lvdn, drin. 254 n my stay in hospitai. EIGHT acres standing Alfalfa 1stove, almost new. Telephone ___ -_________ . M. Fiait, R.R. 1, Beth- 623-3393MaeGre-4Bdoo anBale.251_____ orane radon pecial thanks ta Dr. Miklos, hay. Russell Osborne, New- 263-2142. 25-i C r frSl any. Phone 7 r 13 colect. MebrshaanDitctfiyho.htwarha- SARTORETTO-Mr. and Mrs. ____ nurses and staff on Medical castle. 2 SCOTCIfjpine Chrisimnas t rees, HALF 28-tf Real Estate Bd Norman Luxton are happy to ALLIN-In loving memorv of F Gordoaig 51 WATER for sale and delivered. pruned, 6 ta 8 fi. Caîl Orono to pckuptucAcreorin ad îcl dcoatdo announce the birth of their a dear father and grandfaiher, Gro aig 5iTelephone George Feddema 2228. 95-2*' condition. G. Forbes, Newton-! VVork Vanted 9Ar cncsokfr 4ar o.Pie t$050 granddaughter. Margaret Ann, Harold Ailin, who passed 263-2270. 22-tf ~~E1 rw~jedville. 24-_,N1 _ _ _ near Oshawa. 6 roonhm ieu nofr daughtr forLAC ad Mrs.away une 1, 195. I1 ih - --xpres-w-thi bro6n tros ers iejacket -- --HA' swaihing and condition- with ah convýniencsBao Aneishstwyasol dagtrfo A ndMs wy ue1, 99 is aeprs ihsincere PIANO, upright, Wiliiams, i rw rues ienew: 1951 GMC large schoo bus, ling. Phone Newcastle 987-4413. i40' x 84'. TerrificviwAs-6rmhoenqutstin G. Sartoretto (the former Lovîng and kind 1n al his thanks ta0 my friends andjgood condition. Telephone 623-2796. 2- new reconditioned motor, good -5-in $25,000 - $10»0odw.Inpvd od 1 eîd Evelyn Luxton.), Metz, France, ways, relatives for their prayers and 623-3986. 95 NE c---- runnîng shape and rubber -wns 9 cefrnna oordbtrolrelt 2-1 OEInternational hay mkeexeletna-n J ' RELIABLE teenager wOsha95aArePraincnd 25-i of his days; hospital. Special thank youingo uiga-rn tnd d jb.E Sincere and kind in heari and ta Drs. Ewert, McKay and ngo unn rder. Onei1phone_728-0624. 25-1'35 R 9. 25-1 Phone 623-2142. 2_5-i road frontage. Terricve.Bwailenserad WEBB-Alfred and Florence mind, Sylvester and the' nurses on ____par__ __ ____---_____tenhig ndcoplt (nee Kirk) thank God for the; Whai a beautiful memory he the Materniiv Floor. _GRA VEL, - 1oa m an d sanr d, de- shoes, size 6, spike heels, like 'ith backseae new gen-repsiBinrad3- <at o0nlIy80$e3h,000' sale arrivai of a baby daugh- lefi behind. Lorraine Albin. 25-lilivered in 4-yr os hn e.25Kn . 2- rtr xeln ooat-Frank Bin, 2-4donWhret To ter, Sandra Dale. 8 lbs. 10 ozs.,1 -Lovingly remembered by 30 r 5 Orono. Andy Sutch. 1OMNTS25d-urbrd er aitra xensission;vry dan. 1-IG-. 205 Acre dairy farm sa on Saturday. June 131h ai 'daughiter Irene, son-in-la\v ,îIwisîh ta express rmv 19-tf man Sh.epherd, female. Cali $200 or best offer. Tiei Schwrk oolbyoudl fva6mls.Bikbus.Br Slsa nR iei Oshawaa GnGener HopiHaspital. ê aDave andilgrandchildrenk tBon-lm s nceres and vorkRAonEf -rIEfor summer da36'fxr 612',, aut-229.icostableerPhone 192,7-4634 Thanks ta Dr. Sanderson and [nie. Vaierie, Rebecca and 1ak 1 i m red n SRWEREeer a fe pm,6322. 25-i 623-7067. 25-1* months. Phonje 623-5769. 1 stf fFut lo. 2- ake ,lneighbours for cards, etc. re- except Sundays. Klaas Reli- OCSHTT4baasde251 and silo ulae.2- s1 OK SHT -brsde- -T-iJ 43,000 - $12,000don ataf of ourh Flor. 25-1Jacie. a-1ceived by me during my stay ma, Orono R.R. 2, Phone 1177.ivery rake.G o wrking ,etc riSl SAWS sharpened bv us speedcenr nt ayI a-in hospital afler my accident. '[___________ 2.*condition. 50hcrsnie suco2bus-5036gge ntnqagement ARLL il ayI o-Special ihanks ta nurses andUEDWsrPatalmksPon72-06 31 PIGS, seven weeks old, your work anid îcduce your barn 40' x 65'. Cree( Ws _____ - îng memory of a dear mothe, safo r or, ls Ds ¼ h motaîmks. 5- Pon 2-21.2-î*labour costs. F. Crowe. 10'2 of Brookl. Only $140-FRTadScn oîe Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park, Viola May, who passed awaylstEweot, Ug oray andSlsteDr. MarkhtpHmpton.2321 rerc. PdAiber-i----- - -Phoe6-23.2 lgnSt, . a),,le. W I L4 Elgin Si, Bowaax'indeSylvesteroooYdovnTRpurhasedEad frranedleDur Paddy'snnunc thSTRAg-WBERR3,I962SMafor Hmpsale63-24i ,WHITE Rock Chicks, five and 11111R'wn ment of their aughie Ceeue b our earis our mem ry ___ ___market___ six w ekslobertloodsestsdx7-YEA -old Hgh Sch oi gir 28 Acrs in T wn of ow- lu eath î îted, oxg188 Tyrne anonc te ngae-Jue 3,192.Maurice Conway. 25-I cu1 ..1152R.R. N., Orono, Phone 223- 2o8'wscssmerelînn Acrles slenOn T_ ___ Doreen, ta Mr. Ralph Stuart lingers, dvjccînated, ireated ail p ay, Estte Prt)()0" BwrsnoMradMs1Sweetly, tender, fond and rI wish ta thank my relatives you wait, at McMullen Hard- - dsae,$5pr udednn gt hose ork-an47bab5-100 w-a$9,n00t down.ioWE wihl bux' Agreements oft cr Gemorgabe; dessr xithmirore200Newoniîî 22TheMOUTJOmBakho Sevic fam wthforam. 50,00 1motgaes.Alwod eveop wedding will take place onIThere is not a day, dear lovely flowers, thouahtfulIville. talo;desril iro;20Nwovle.2 NJYBche e e M ihsr _____ Ilgl tank. Phone Hampton - Trenchcs, drains, founda-1 pruned Scotch Pine,5nd6mtadCosrcinLi- Saturday, July 18, 1964, ai, mother, cards, visits and gifis I receiv- KIÏT-CHEN-cupboards, Aro-,263-2026. 25-! o etlosadspi ak u n er od odpn ie d ecsl.PoeNw 3:00 o'clock in Tyrone United That we do not think of l ed during my siay in hospital. Foros;tob rmoe; ea-8"C. i.ItenainanHr- anfiie C tndga nd 96-477. ainl. $000G em. aie98-25orOhw Church. 25-1 yuVery special thanks ta Dr. onable. Phone Newtonvillese r r FURN nexelet ISHED apartment, tbree __ 23-tf 10 Scenic acres wiî aa~2-12 3i - --1-Lovingl y remembered by RVundie, Dr. Sproull and the 24 r 14. 2__ 5-1 ester refrigerttor, in excellen Mr. and Mrs. George O'Neill, daugbîer Christina, son-in-law Nursing Staff of Memorial -. condition, $85.00. Telephone i omiii ah Tlpoerai aRivrad Port Hope, wisb to announcetBe and granddaughîer Terri.iHospiîal, Bowmanville.B YNG or selling furnitu-re 623-5324.25-1, 623-3102. 24-tf A .DB A A R S a ivrn aseodNDA the engagement of their daugh- j 25-1l Carolyn Tennani. 25-1o ppnes a- -e, AGE rgh unihd1 .-~siream. Beautifui ooe _l rHIGHLANDER Oulside HouseLARE bigit urnsheriumbi1lnq .Heating property in Kenda iî. .'irgg on ter Judith Jane, ta Thomasl__ Hampton: business 263-2294 - PIAiN E PHONE 623-7127pig oocetrl. $,50 Martin Brereton, son of MF. BARRELL,_ Viola May-J I- residence 263-2695. 6s-tf PaintGa]. $3.99, qt. $1 .29, 2os5epn )o7cnta.'~$50 of th lai Mrs ALUINUM oorsand in- eMulln Hadwar, Bo Phoe 6237201 25~* ~ elsonSt. owmavill Bowanvile - stat Sal and nd Mrîgaes, gree and Mrs. Charles Brereton, loving memory of a deariFThene fail ws asn LMNMDosadWn manville., -,-- -25-11 iHEATED four-roomn and baha 46-tf -4 Bedroomn brick PotHp.Tewedding ta mother, Viola May, w ho pass- reytak ws 0S- dows. Contact McMullen Hard- aatmnavaiable July .1---cenral. Large lot. Vey etsorSlanMrgge taRe place Saturday, June 27th cd away June 13, 1962. knns n acrlvswae, ngStAnfossi fora, uniesthee w I- t Apariment, urers11 ER'11 $12,000. ai 3 o'clock p.m., ai the Port Tho' ber smile is gone forever videsad ae eaile. r one36 23i5g0S . , owa-ot carvesn t.reS.,weoghi 8i Apply Charcoa Burgers I ad rins orcaasnads f f______ib il ft n afounr ivronSt S, omavileae n rcar ie Bvof1or orgae rblmsgld Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gar- Sti11 we have sa manv tributes, also Capt. Ritson and IOW as $99.00. F hu e 3f B R-- ot fuî N ero m aat et Phone 623-3540 Terms.ayi e rod, Newcastle, wish tb an- mmris-Morris Funeral Chapel at the Beatty apphiauces. P a ddd 's'd3 '63 Evinrot, ude B oem,-hee ove anrte- ox19 3hmeo cuo12321o 2523 nounce the engagement oft f heoe e oed50ime of ocir recent bereav~e- Market, Hampton 263-2.241. Twi1elctri, btteroan Immediate posses- Sircet. Good valueat$00I theirdaughter Jacqueline mucb. 'ment. _____________ akUe wc.Atr30sion. Central. Adults ona y utaloSt. owmn00î ~down.I13t Alic, t Sird e Jog, on f Hr mmoryis ur eepake The Barrell Family. 25-1 FRESH Eggs delivereci daily ta 623-2947.- 25'-1 Apply Statesman office. 25-tf1 __2-fiBdombic -iryo s W ne MVr. and Mrs. JacobDeJn.yu or s ordlvr rkbid U L O IGOtioSet.Ts De oug With whih we'îî neyerIpaotr door. Ask youutdelivery co- BOWMANVILLEbikbid DTT~VTT ~ OiroSre hshm a ed The wedding wilil aRe place God bas ber in His keeping,j I wish ta thank friencis, man today or Phone 623-544.ing about 500 sq. feet worki mnexrsads July 18, 1964, at 2.30 o' dock in We have ber in our bearts. 1 neighbors an~d relativ'es for Glen Rae Dairy. Bowmanville. lainer, arrangements, orders gP_____ 623-3527, 122 Duke St., Bow- shoip. Central. $30.00 monih- CMET and ROAD GRAVELletbya$150-ems fana Newcastle.25-1 agtrBri n hl ly. 623-2698. 25-ifý WilIow Removal Equipment 3 Bedroom brick bnao ,________ yi hsptl.A O Sat ar gtag'HOO ile.25Custom Loading and Hauling o ricSte. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Brit- BEECH-In loving memory off and the ladies off St. Paui's policies, 'phone 623-3621. Dirk HOPER' 40'%IoDiscount Sale SL-otiedfrihc o hn 8-40 oîc ice an om ad1rie4,50EL0 TNDRSadres cotne'nCmmnt ivlnfîbnshd 4-roomeci apari-. ROBERT STRONG îgta 1,0 em. c aSceay eaîeto ton, Ballyduff, aunounce the Ahymer H. Beech who passeci Church; also ta Drs. Hubbard Briukman, R.R. 1, Scugog Rd.continues on Comunity SîandIlurne engagement of their eider away June 17, 1954. aud GuIl, nurses and staff for Bowmaville. 23-9 erphate and 1847 Rogers Bros. eutwt atrouc ag 4-If 4 Bedroom brick o ue ulc Wrso aaa daughter, Josephine Margaret, The monih of Jue cames with their kind consideration auc NUAI lwn eh-rsaverpa oer's Jenwllery, - cd upbords Ceralhood'IMROV EN Street -TemsLpeoBilin,4'vesxc'Drve to Mr. Ronald Lloyd Tyo, regret, care. ISLTOboigmt-siverpat He oyuo Jie 21ulncsed oflnOOm; hardwooM IPRVE N S etreet. Lot14',x060 'Man son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd The day in aur lives we wi auci eokndorscd el lctd rt .0.Bx 0,Rnidlin lertos'Nwatl Taylor, Orono. The marriage neyer forget. wllLillian Deuby. 25-1 moci, withrck o. oree kt- King St. E., Bowmanvilie.2 _. Wroman i eO. Bx10,Refng -diin n - Arrterionr cwcasrne.-3 eLoot, TNERFR H 8PL wiiI take place on Saturday, Just a cutno balflmates. Harry L. Wade, Tele- - July 25tb, 1964, ai 3 o'clock lu memonies1 We wvish Io express our phone Newtonviile 2420. 16-if FOR Fathcr's Day: Smokers, 'Nanted to Rent Stsato urued Mn xrs 300-Trs RPN A O H the Presbyterian C h o necib, Sprayed with a million tears r sincere appreciation 1taOmrSPRING plants for - '$39cha esk4.5;ampse 29;lane j S withiu xval-ing disi. . M K25-5 é6 1- C'osbl orue2sniey rmEEA Baiîyduff. 25-1*1 Wishing God could have spared famiiy, relatives and friends gandening, annuais, perenniais,I $9.95; sie rockers, $39.50; neoGodarwihtr w 9ace flndo y for the lovely gifts, fowers potteci plants, wire hangîgsie neof'oLer ibtrePhue7587 sa ak 9 ntcres of and oeioigIC FOTRO 946" Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. For just a few more years. an~d cards we received on the bsesCmteyp i lnt- Mrphx' ursvnittre Ki$69., or0chflur en. ood reencs. SEPTIC TANK hgwyfotg nN.2 ..(....,TEDY Alldread, Newcastle, are happy -Lovingly remembered by bis occasion off our 25th Wedding ~10 your choice. Williams, Bowmauville. 623-3781. 25-i' Write Adivertiser 511, c/o Tho, Onlv $10,000 - $2,500dwCJL 1 94 to announce the engagement wife Stella and family. 25-1 Auniversary. A sincere thaukI81 Hut St. 16-tf a 6339 of their eider daughtem, Lieut. __ vou ta Specîaliy PaperLd-- --- BALER, International No. -45, Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box PUIVPING Cl 2-33Tne ounnseub Eiizabeth D. Aildnead, ta Lieut. BRADBURN-lu laving me- Court Venture and nael WE Moved - Now Bill Hamilton power take-off, $400; 'Massey ý190, Bowmanrville. 25-4l obtaineci throuBLESb: .rhi9ef o! Ronad Sareonsonof r. mry f adea moherandRickard aund ail wbo helpec inî Office Equipmeni, Raglan 7-ft. mower, 3-point biich, HIGH__Scbool teacher, wifeiPa e end Mrs. Sharegon off Calgary, graudmother, Margaret Braci- any waY ta maRe Ibis such a (jusi North of Oshawa), resi- '$200; Massey seed deliveryljone cbild, reqoire iwo beci: BERT TOMPKINS rPtVa ---6337 -5,SrCalsTpe Alet.Te anaewIhhm ase wyJue happy eveut. dence 985-7160. Low aver- raRe, No. 1l, $100; al luncx- roomn apamîiment or bouse iu or Phone Newtonville 2552 KnHki Alta phe ou atrdiay, Jll uly23 1. wops.d Betty andi Aif. Brown. 25-i bead, low pnices. New andi cellent condition. Telephoneine ar Bowmauville by Sept. 1. r52-tf' Jack Ricard --63-54Otw;ficMage ,i: 4th, 1964, ai the SaIv.%tion Mather, you are ual forgotten.i - ---__1 .241Jarvis tr'ei220roWNo Atrmy Citadeh, Trenton, ut. Thougb on earth you are no The family ot the laeuaate Trm. 2-f'adintatesaP.BxFRIGO MLJBS2- mare;aMTEIALS frms 2Benjamin Moore CaainSaemn ..jm Mn.au Mr. obet uion,'oti e;i .Albert (Bert) Qoinney wouid . S orchemnical , T~T-T'190, Bowmauviile. 25-Ut' ('ALL -___05 OfieBldnFt Mr.manviile, Robhrta u- n Si nmemory you are wîth liRe ta thauk neighbours, grain andcorn. Fongicides andi SUTIDE J.L WiliamEOui Bowmanville, wish - ta an- ~~us; frieucis and relatives forý insecticides for apples, pears,1Tahr atdi onF e thein daoghter, Memidy Ro- -Lovingly nemembemed by of sympathy during their ne- Hilicresi Orchard, Miil Street White and Colors ýWE-i-nviie ten-der-s for theý berta, ta Mrom anwr relLreadHln o etsdbraeeti h South, N iwasle. 2-6:r (SILLER'S BRAND) painting of the Newcastle 161 Mill St. Oshawa Bowvmanvilie - 14 1rn t et Phîliips, son of Mr. Albert andi Annie, Viola aund Frank Ioss of a loviug husbaud aund INTERNATIONAL T.D. 14Ai GaI. Qt. Unitedi Cburch manse andi gar-1 Telephone 725-4285 Phone 623-3950 ncsaiyacpci Phillips andi Mrs. Dori Pbih and Families. 25-1 father. Special tbauks ta bulldozer .aund White tractoi, $5.95 $.95ae usd odwr.Tn-2- 171 Acre farm wiibecl oetFoteSceay lips. The mamiage wili taRe Poiec1oe' lbhîn ha;Cerlt' ers accepted by Howard Qoin 25-i place on Saturday,. July 1 Il",SCOTT-In ioving memnorv off esa0 iud and belpfui, alsolSelliug on account of health. iNcMULLEN 'neyURNewcsBricknhomeater thar 1964, at 3 p.m. in Trnity Unit- fhrad e- arNrhut c i F'. d'T'A E June 30, 1964. 2- ad Chrh omnil. dear ahr n te-oheNerhutaud mith uncral rite vertîser 512, c/o The i HARDW OILBURNERS - tRNCSvnecs 120' x 29' ba1 ec ______________ 25-1 ciEgar andi Florence Scott wh jHome for their kinci efficiency. f Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box, HA DWLR FL.RNDAseicng $2,000.nted wo ' wa un 2,197HepWanted CENDAkn 2,0.Trs ________ asdaa oe2,15.25-i* 190, Bowmauville.__ 25-1*136 King St. E., Phone 623-54081 PLMI EP S 40Are It o Deahs -IThe month af Jue camnes:1 FO Pncrf 2ol -- LUBNGRPAE 4 ce itousbATD-uh cuo bx-hs iugsregret, 1 OTPn ataluminumEXPERIENCED waîtress. Cali odlcaei npaveira.badnclniwth atr ;1wudlktatketsop1ruaotbauphlstered Shp Here for Full Line of 623-7072. 25' hn 6-11 Price $11,000. Temms.oaifotg,10a20 MCHRSON-.At Memoriaijbak!h dy poul iR ta ta yRels o-îuabout oat, an I 16 75 Acres with brickhmece.Wtî 0mlso Hospitaliv oo thauklmy onaWseatsllighis anciganchor; 1962CAMPINGSTRAWBERRY picRers, Roaci p..Box 543 - Bovvmranvîll 'an tem oaeinmh wavie rt cvr HoptaBomnvhe nW sa nyr oge. Itîves, frieucis andi neighbours 40 h.p. Evinrude Selectric8,SothofG "B , re Sunday, Jonc 14, 1964, XWalter INo verse shal say, 'for the lovelv cards, flowers witb pusb-buttou shift auci j PENTT~~ T ,St ofHigbway4. 25Fred122'!offOshawa. Asking$ 490 tie51,coCadaSaes B. MacPherson, ageci 77 yeams, iNo flowers repay tit andi fruit sent to me during extra prap; 1,000 lb. TeeNce; -- - --25-1' rpOTNSHOP' -~ 50 Acre tarm, bar niimn O.Bx10 omn R.R. 3, Bowmauvile, beiovedl How mucb we last ounRBQST FL rpr lm atese R N i.i>r'.i oue Wtrm a ulig, il.2- husband off Mariba A. Roach sadiday. 1my recent siay in hospitai andi traiher; two pairs of watem ss' B jwUted.oAprt Mn. Campbesels' oBo 1bouon se.ng $l05in. Ter1s and dear father of Shirley -Always remembereci by, also ta those who visiteci me andi nopes, four life preservers I Hotel, Pshaw.Bo74f2Ietal o r 1( $,50.Ace fr it xcl (Mirs. William Couîîn), Osà-1J-essie, Bruce andi familles,ýai homne. A special thauk andi two pacicles. Telepb elLAWNCHAIRS FurncesntgheuiCasiPrgss.fo Dea %va;lDoraforatheir RiudRess1 Aiso-SINGER---jiprefemmeci, also strawberries' entilatiug Fans andi Hood s stream. Price $18,500.Trs adCipedFrStc Bowmaviil. Serice as hecij-Rondle. the nurses on Surgical i uoatc zgzg for sale. Phone 263-2593. Eavestroughing and Flashings.ý 90 Acre HIGHWAY AM BRET LRFR BowheMorise. on ednesidax, pecathauks lu Rev. F. K. cabinet model or portable with W 1 Wes qeR*g:x*m25-1 PHFONE 194311 (Coilect) with excellent Bicbj î>onlLngDitac Bomavile n ede 11aanc and the Pontypool Ur knee or foot contraI. Fancy'~' ERT Y f- res'en J. E. (Jack) Garden, Prop. home, aul modemn conveiec.Znih650(ohagtoou Jou 1 ai1:0 .m.Iner- IVEM RIAS . or her kndy hoobt .patterns andi buitouholes, etc. 185 Kin t .Bwav hsiCREn TRY foriaresn46-tfiVery auxiaus ta seli. IDp.Amc i~N.26C ~ Cemetery.' . IGurnteBalance $57.80 or 5igSt .B mnle p5ysiian a Mhoomae Ho ment omnil eeey' Dignified and Distinctive Mary Sutcb. 25-i take over paymeuts off $7.001 Phone 623-3134 ptl omuil, OigECVTN;- (RADING'.RomchmeiOsaa'___12f 51 Monuments -Flat Markersi - - .% an ttlc wt almoen ov indelg- oran- ne. 1r Iosaei',e Mse uivrslonireal.2-1 3-tf 1 4 Roomeci home ou goa( sz rmtsrie iku n corsge ~relatives, fieucis, anci neugh- davs. For furîher informa- Freezeran rg mower, 7 fi.; 2 New ohanM lot. OnIv $500 dowu. dlvm cres 4Cnr wlth every bau ns at their home on Satur- lio'n contact Don Welsh, Secre- n Fr No. 120 lnversal 7 i.tacor,---FAKEM N I5Romcbuglwwb'îPne6371 4-t wed b4 day, Jue 27th. 1964, from tarv Fielcinan off Durham 14 cu. ft. - 150 lb. cap. Freezermowers; Deering 6 ft. horse' FEMALE CLERK - TYPIST EC ~a Il modemn convenuences a ~- ore.2 p.m. ta 5 p.m. anci froin County, Fecieration off Agricul- Porcelain Liner mnower, International 4-bar for Generai Office Fui] Time 1.ViI,~cteci norîb off Bowmavie\ thRpirn Corsages and q 7 pin. la 10 p.m., ou bbe bure. 'Phone 263-2784. 2.r5-1tfe Wthakro Poaaned274 cainofIei 0hwdig_____- Magnetic Door Gaskets side rake, on rubber;, Interna- position - 5-Day WVeek LOADING - TRFCIIING Pniceci ai $7,900i.I Cut Flowers ocso fter5t edn tional 4-bar tractor rake, on' Age 21 - 45 par rvl TpSi n Roe oew tia ________. 5- Personal SPECIAL PRICE rubber tires; Case 3-point hitchSacraciToSoan 9Romihmewt After Hours -623-2184 _________ - - - _Ford______________BUSINESS_'MANAGER We send flowers by wire LICENSED HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber $249.95 hf 3-furrpow p, ord3-pont Cai BINESLHSPITL . uI dAeiivSERVICE1Bak fota. oale nea ( 6 2 3 - 3 3 3 1 ) 6 2 3 - 5 7 5 6 B O W MR a V Les ET H A N Y , anywiuere 23- tf Nursing Home goodisl maileci postpaid inl plain No trade-In necessary 2-furrow trail plow, 3-pointfoinevw(6331) 2-56- BOWMANVILLE ResnaieRte Terms. 2 apaimn i.. -seak ci envelope with onice list ZENITH 15 Cu. Ft. hitch hydraulie corn planter, o neve 5I___ __ 2-fhmnneifr$50__ ______ Phtgrpy SOUTH Haven Nursng Home Six samples 25c, 24 samples Cas orn gearasep-ikup,-1 2 - t f'ho m e, rentaLifo _________________Accommodation for____ _-___ tly.Asking $1,50( on eri<v PHOOGR PHY and gesemi-private patients, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91. pgInternational No. 45 P.T.O. WoMAwho anjodwrkive- fDf3NL or "ARfim ous aE:_n PH TG AH oeTV. Fuliy iceuseci, Hamilton, Ont. l1-52$395 baier, International ,No. 46 P. P n Ui SALE & IEVIF ýonl out Change of Address - new building, modemn. Visitons' 4 hours a da callng reguarly SLS&SRIC u exn 161 King St. E.. welcomne. Reasonable rae. No trade-in T.. alî,row ptoteato each monih on a gmoop off Fe blnesriePhn otguaranteed; 1rwpoodig- Studio Girl cosmcîic clients on - 4-HOL'R Idso Wiersma- Oroino14 Coeriladomsi Pootrats Paspe tFewcamblne servic.PhoeBOVIMANVILL e, ...a rouie ta be e bihdi n ÙBurner SrieRoss Davidson -Betbanyr3IRfirton-MkCoer .or a-.'1assors ewastet874e1.gentleman Wh'o iaon omni n r Weddints -Annîversarles "'THE L" 'rsngfomeigave ride ta four boys. Tues- j FRIGID LOCKER COWAN warounc owmanv ile anci are 25-1 Phone BERT SYE a Speclalty rau Highway 2. Licensed. Ac- dax' from Bow'manv'ul1e ta' wiigt aelgtdlv ETI TANKSAD____- Das-6354 ASTOR STUDIO commodation available. Kinci Courtîce. kindîx' check to sej SYSTEM 1 YUIPMENT CO.' cries, etc., write Studio Girl Pet came. Nurse 24 hns. Visitons1 if pair off I lsssn Cosmetics, Dept. CW-46, 8401 PHONE Phne62-202Pon Mi Vmcr hoe rokl ef30t ion 2357 134 King St, E. Bowmanvile La Fleur Ave., Monlrea'l 32.! HAMPTON 263-2288 PUREBRED black Labrdr adrHrwr Phne63750- wlc2. hoeMr ni car hoe rooli 65-3-8 Pon 62-578PhneP235on Rut 728-6728.o$5.0 erJ2YR-E 63'260a,.,d)uEpisECTRIu ppe 2lWsover. Newcastle 97451oic.25.1*1 24-2 125-1i boum. wi2pyu t 350 e- IIOE23-60 Puhpnes,728out-6728.1 2- DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED