SPORTOPUCS PLAYOFF NOTES "Chuck- Kilpatruck, Nelson Yen. Moc- Richa.-rýz and. Ray Waîlacc xcrthe pa"sccervolç' waç talkunz abotit. following Nichilz Mruiors UIp--et 10-8 victor 'v over pcnnant- winning Kram.rp'FFurnttuire la-,night. 'Tue ý1aavý Kilpatrick 2arnt-ie ouintr duc f xcth tv<n- on and noitneu' tht' fourth imoine rrcl Proc-ded t r-Lturt',ten battens un A rotw in a great pitCiitOg performance.'men. ':h tarled on the' mound rmadc ;,fine fielding pia,, to hein) Chtlck'* out <if a ,arr or'l fi: "t battcr he faced At the' plate Nels belted a clutch Iwo ouul sungtc in th~e seveiith to provide the Winning marziun Mou- lad a pair of RB.I.*.s uncurig a prodigious haro r-pt x"allop over the' lefi field] hairiruer WNallace xia, K:ainris top hitter xx 1h a douible and] gingle. but n *tht' icld ia'had the' duhious distinction tof1 makîing foutirut - ou(m i i nre successive i'hl If Bil Osboi-t c t etui-ns for next Weteda ante, peniiant-wuinnugK-rmp's aie in trouble. IJn the imeantime hoih teams go al.ilt gn'huirsda.v nighi. NESTLETON Mr. id Mr.. Ge (çîori- wun, Darcv and rl iruni of 3ruu manville hn-otihl p-t curirI Mn anti Nrs. (':".fer anmd Mns. Bruce i lui)u A uni ciHaletuuts ov".' uuerstngprograýn mn lai' lunch via,; held foi Miîss-iri ia Wilon -,t the' hum' nfi Nîr George FHcasiip roE i'e enung. Friený niiu'Yrlv'rt.-m .(iriuecid J 'tu uh' o happuy gaýhcriiog Fniencîs xill tn ha )pr. 1ur know that Mns. Jcs. Înortci r s home from Port Pcrrv h io.q)u- tl. Ber 'sier Vrs, JohntWt son is there aocd 2vln lohîit Wotten of Bliicksiock a ing xith thcmi Recpnt visitors xitf i M T. Gi. Langfeld wcrre Nîrs.\V-n of Newcastle -on -'lytc. Eng- ]and; Mrs. Philup t.angfeltt. Heather, Januce antd Cheryl of Scarbonough; Miss Evei,,n Sea- grove of Wondstouk is. sp cd- ing a holida.v cth tuer sisteti Mrs. Langfelt wd 1\1r. and: Mrs. Elmer I larri. culM\\'lîutb.v c-alled on Suncla.. Mr. andt M- ( r o Bu.x ' crs. Mnr. anc] Mrs. Robent Rhutd- Ps andi Mr. aoc] Mn. I Icriciur Trick leit Mondia'v with thuýir cabin iu ler feu- a trip tn Mai,- ' r)," u~ Dc'-O'ý. ? Mr -JekBooth o f Toronto -nprn'itnzhiF holidavs ;withý .\Iu anti Mn>. Howcard Lre MNI.and Mrs. Richard Day - son vjited her parents Mu. sr . MsCharle- Gîii fPc'- erb~orough. 1Du uuî. ¶ e mcu i of Aog- -.Rex. Mr. Fred S%, an wil 1)( ci bot lidax. Service will b.: h.c!( ld Ila i m iNcstlet"u- Pr- , bv-eiorun Cbiucli and -Mr. joSt. Croix. fonmcrll if NotScotua aoc]ndIo'x ni of ow manille xulhavç 'charge cf tht xu f ii N' '.'le,!i, \Wrncii's In- ze'o'npieied a qmttiis Pa ' t x-cek tut the hasemeni ni the Fi csbyti'rian Chunu h. M.r. aid Mrs. XVm. Steel wtt.t talk-il, hvtelepiione 10 i heur dai:ghter Margaret un Syd'ie. Auts'i alia, on th,,occ(asiu otf heu r~hv Ju lv26th. Mn. aoc] Mrs Melbourni" 7MitdîIcton ni Lindsay and Mr. aocd Mns. Dougg Faliîs aond fair- iY tif Bowmanvtlle visuiteti Mn. &~ \lrsýÎY'. C 1a rke(7.W i lmý STAIK VILLE ito ba' tIr anud vtus.Keiih Rove. %'r- a!'ci r CGoe i(' l andi famil. Boxcmanvillc. visil- spent the weeltend wuth cic at Mn. lloward Fanrow's. andi Mr. Ente Ross, Scarbor- Mn.aoc] Mn.. A. Rogers, 0020 (ý arol aoc] Genaiti, Oshawa, Mrn id M -Arnoldti l- seuSai îidav ai Mns. Shut- iam-, aoc]four inys visiteti Mn. ka's. and] i\Irs. Lonntc Chapman and %Mn uî :0 i - ir .Plîîcn Ton- hoy-s at North Bav. Janice 'Nil- on t o spe ni tht' \ccekciid ai iams spent a week xith Mn. Mr. Arthur McKav's. anc] Mns. Ronald Williams arud Mrs, A. Cornush aoc] famil, famil ' vai theur Shandos Lake Buffalo, have beceî having hnlî- cottage. davs wiîh lher mother, Mn.. Mrs. Ethel TulIcev anud Mis- Victor Farrnxc. Evelyni Tuley. Mr. and IrMs. 'Vnt. aoc] Mus. t îm Stark at- Percv MeMahoit aoc] Bob of îendcd a famiiy gaîhcning at Toronto, also Mn. and Mrs. AI- lier broihens conttage ai Sec- vin Bruce, Seagrave. xcert' crii. Sunday callers with Mi- n. uîI ir. aundiMns. J. Kax-zotrow-! Mrs. Bruice Heaslup. ski, sponî Surida ' vevcniuîg With Mn and Mrs. Granît Thonip- Mns. M. Shuitka. son were in Pcfferiaw on Suiu- Mrndc]Mns. Briaîî Caswel day to necet her brother. Gt'o tandifanii l>. M r. andtiM ns. Job uston of North Bay andtibu'- tlexc iilion. t î anti Jini, cousins Herbent Suter nifllami-illisses Normia aoc] Ruclah i tou, Ohio, Grant Suter of Halloxceil cti da PicnIic'ai, Houstont, Texas, and Kenihtl Peterborough recently. LIMITED QUANTITY "NOW or NEVER" CLEARANCE SALE PEAK SEASON CLEARANCE . .. ALL QUANTITIES LIMITED TO PRESENT STOCK SO HURRY . .. PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY! Stock OnIy ASPHALT SHINGLES Standard 13iin 1 shingles. wcight .--ail top quality brand nanie. 5.98 As Q. 21f) lb. relia hic Cash and Carry - $6.25 Dcliverced Armstrong EXCELON VINYL FLOOR TLE Idcal for ans' roonui ii the homec in- cluding hasenents. All you necd is scissors and hr-ush to apply. 59 SHEETS ONLYI I MAHOGANY PLYWOOD I À2.991 AIio 4 x A oily $3. Any Quantity Cash andi Carry s Pine Plywood 4 x 8- 'i cnIy 3 99 Asplialt lmpregnated and Coated Building Board 7/16" thickness, imîircgnated and coated for greatcî- protection. A liard to heat hargain. 000 59 PER 1000 59SQ. FT. Cash and Carry S6i3. Dclivercd 21 DOORS ONLY! Aluminum COMBINATION STORM SCR E ENDO ORS Winterscai the' hesi! Coîiplctc, rcady to instail, ail hiardwvare includcd. 27,88 26,66 HARDBOARD Wall Panelling 4 x 8 BURMESE TEAK 4 .19 4x 8 TECUMSEH A.9 BIRCH 4 4 Any Quantity Cah anld Carry CEDAR SIDING eyetidfnn at Fenelon 1fall-ý Mrl, 'The Canad1an Statesmia-M, P.ownia SRoy Werry, Debbie, Trudy and Bonnie of Sault Ste. Marie Nichols'U s tK an also spent a day here thsAuoMem 'Chnjck, Kilpatrick starred lhen committed his fourth er- th bases empty in the fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jack-ý g in a relief role as Nichais' ror on Perris' infield tap. Ray After Hamilton walkedd sýnof Broaklin were Sundav bat t -Motors came from behind a played well after that, but Fawler singled. Kilpatrick visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ArtiCelebat s t 4-0 first frame deficit to up-lhe'd like ta forget this one. itaok over. Rawan. 1 di* set Kramp's Furniture 10-8 in! Kramp's narrowed the gap~ Kramp's led by Wallace's Proof that the mixed up ý v t uvn ~ the' Mens Town League play- 1 7-6, scaring twice in the double and single and Bishap's weathr thi sprng an sum off cpener last night (Tues-ibottom of the third on an er-ipair af singles out-hit the mer has affected mather na- day'>v at the High School dia- ror and singles by Wallace and 1winners 8-5. Richards' homer ture's prageny in a strange The' Catnadiati Autominti,,-r mon d. Don Bishop. Richards wallop-1was the big blow off Wul- manner - a baby lamb was Mîiseuni. 99 Sîmcoe street Kilpatrick Came on in the:ed a tremendous home runiliams, who walked twa and barn thîs week at Malconia -jSouth, Oshawa, on Thursday fourth with runners on firstover the left field fence with1'anned one. a mixed up "kid" so to speak.1will celebrate its fîrst annivrr- and thîrd and nobody cl. Taads and frags who as a sary. Nicol le 86. ayCrobi ~rule limit their courtship ta' Douglas Fisher, Geieral sNichsed the6.iRaypichon aI L t the early spring - have start- Manageî- of the' Oshawa Cham-, nsed thNelfson Yecon artingE T O led romancing ail over againý1ber of Commerce, the organi- pitcher now playing second 'l'le Ytlverton, Janetville Adele Page and Master Claire follaing th arly Jtulan xto responsiblefretb made a fine grab of the bail. Hli-C group spent an interest- Robinson in Peterbarough - Wetting la setohumn. atisiong lhe for sta b- ha A run scored on the attempted .uing1 day this past week whenCivic Haspital undergaing al- wrmoeoure plead to hear shgthe useumte thisrtyat double play at firsi and from "tht'y ooe oTrnt olryadohe et ilso vert .ppltonti ek have shown that the Canadian there on Kilpatriek was aI-'visit many places of interest be able to return ta iheir res- ndo ppuaints 'eAutomnotive Museum is defin- most invincible. He' retired ten ncluding a trip to CentreI-cie homes in improved and ass en their progress. :itely fulfilling its purpose. batters in succession before land. Casa Loma. and the Isn etie M. n sn eprtd iro The Automotive Museum Ray'Nalae lopd atexs nitd hurh nwîealh.Edmonton Exhibition havingiwas cstablishcd to serve as afi ReayuWdoulae loe s ed w itoued whr h publishingi Mr. and Mrs. Ted Spenceiy arrived there following thelvisitors' attraction for the Ctv ont'u oublen the secnd. ic'n byse e. teywere greet- wt'1.tovernight visitors at Bar- Calgary Stampede. Front tht'o saw.Ti i a u on otinr hrrySnoen ic cd vR . Clarence Ferguson rie Friday evening. Ted was Frank Glasbergins written high cpi~d uugtIi is swiner larr Snodenbeat a former pastor of this charge one' af the three auctianeers above the Atlantic Ocean ber-'opihd urn hsfrt out an infield hît as Wallaceland' who we look forward tOý,wbo helped dispose af 160 aid their safe arrivai in Ho lyear of operation. 21,762 people s;cored. but Bob Williams was seeing at our Faîl anniversaryîQuarter and Cutting horses at lanid. Fraformer ye -eronhave toured the Automontuve calle outon t sericesas forummArlrge crce tagt air ofonstrikes toend church srie sguest speak-SBarrie Exhibition grounds fon ians teRlhMalca1 tSyfrm of 1:1 iior ae e' er Saturday befre aavegbaeNov it r etutta oh Miss audyfrmkinga l Nv Sct we tey refoai across Canada andth ' A a r friis intht' top ' tus tat ho trip ta, the' Peterborough enjoying a motor trp in thelUnte States of Amenica. t haîf of tht' final frame provid-' races Saturday evenîng where Atlantic provinces.Unt cd Nichol's with their vicer I P lie he canduets the' races there.________ -inodeOemad margin. Yeo laced a twou.tSp ca P lcN Miss Elizabeth Rowan is[dnoge iread(at-i single to do tht' damage, foi-1 lhome atter spendîng a month; TAV(f, d on Mr. and Mrs. L. TavlorS1 loiga walk and an error. Foce Gwxfli the United Church Cara-, D Nat thcir cottage. t The pennant-winners brok,foc uaras van e onrid u lci i n g Vacation 1Mn. J - Potts, Miss Frances Sympathy us extendvd 1t)u inito a 4-0 lead in the' first on Schools. Potts, Collingwood; Mrs. Tom ,Mr. Fred Partrner and fami1Y onl OICtt. Terry Mastersi Miss Janice Stacey provided Perryman, Grandy, Quebeci h udnpasn iMs droppe Terry Black's long LiuImb r Y rd a loveiy solo "To-day on the spent a few days with Mr. Partner on Saturday. houst to right for a four base ars îghayImerHm" iccm and Mrs. J. Potts and family Smphyi ctedd o error. Lloyd Hamilton doub- Retail lumber dealers in panied by sister Carol on and Mrs. W. Martin.i Mrs. Rîussell McLaughlin and led, took third on a wild pitch Toronto have formed a vigi- the' electric organ at Church Miss Linda Potts, Whitb., Ifamily aond relatives in tthie and scored when catcher Larry Jante police force of their own Sunday morning. Mr. Taylor spent tht' weekend at her passing of Mr. Russell l\Ilc- piper's pick-off attempt sail- to guard lumber yards at commences holidays this week home. Laughlin at Memorial Hospu- cd into left field. John Fowler nIight. and next Sunday mornîng ser- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashtn tai on Satîurdaý'. walked and second - sacker The. privat' force will com- vices will be conducted by tht' and family attended tht' Mc- Their will benon church set - Larry Perris dropped Crom-1plement already increased Hi-C. Services in the' White Gill pienie at Peterborough j, vice dîurng the' mooth nfi Aug- .bic's pop-up. An infield outimetro police observations of Church in the' Dell wîll be Saturday. dausB. Dianionh- ,and Bon Pollard's sacrifice fly 'retail lumber yards. It was conducted by tht' U.C.W. in Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton!dys coute boh uns frmd this week a three weeks lime. and Ronald, Mrs. Irent' Mur- Tbeht' conmmuriay onucthe Kramps defences fell apartilong series of lumber yard Several from Yelverton at- ray, Toronto; ;Mr. and Mrs. J.1 hl o auda u h in the third as Nichols' pour-If ires that average almost ont' tended tht' Pontypool Street R. Ormîston, Enniskillen; Mr. ccrhlw.scpe I6pm cd across seven big tallies.,rper week in tht' metro Toron- Fair on Friday evening and and Mrs. Ross Ashton andl Vacation Bible Schuu.l iii Masters started it al with a! to area. we commend the' group ai family, enjayed a picnic i ari eld a Trn urth 0 single. Perris drew a free pass! Police have heeîî Iooking public spirited cîtizens respan- Oshawa on Sundlay. satn ody uîs 11 and both moved up oi a wild for arson suspects since tht' sble for their enthusiasm in Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patterson ait 9 ani. Ioil'- o'clock aoc] ptch. Clint Ferguson bit to rash of fires began. Lumber their community endeavours. and famiiy are moving backiios through Friday. August short, but Masters was sate dealers have asked neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gardon, ta their home in tht' village.,ilt at the' plate when catcher John to report children or pnowlers Barabara, Jackie and pudgy Mr. and Mrs. Stauffen and Fowler dropped the bail. Alex in yards to the police, accord- little Stephcn Richard of family having moved out. XNetw GMN plants 00w iidci Wiseman bounced to second,î ing to David S. Prowse,.Secre- Hamilton werc welcome Sat- Mrs. A. Thompson lbas r(.-,construction aI Oshawa. .,uhur- but in another play at borne,! tany-Manager of tht' Ontario urday aiternoon guests here at turned from a pleasant holi- ban Montreal anud Windsor Peri sd ude tt'ta. Retail Lumber Dealers As- Malconia visiting son and day with ber daughten Mrs. F. represent a total floor space Of "Mot"' Richards sacrifice flyisociation. ýbrother Gavin, while week-Osmond and Traeey ai;et'-apProximatecl\ 60 acres. and] a single by Vern Grubîn, Mr. Prowse said tht' radioý ltied tht' score. After Piper equipped vigilante crews, pro-. singled, second baseman Wal- vided by tht' Association, wilI l- lace booted Yeo's rout i n e guard metro lumben yard.z grounder and threw wiidly, al- fnom early evening to morn- lowing two more runs ta score. ing each day. At the' saine Tht' seventh run of tht' inn- time metro police have increas- -.,...-. ing resulted when Wallace ed the' frequency of spot dropped Masters' pop-up and cheks with yards. . .... A ut horit y May Help Owners Plant Trees The Ganaraska Region Con- landowner in a single year. servation Authoritiy has de- On the recommendation of cided on a tree planting as- authority forester Bert Haas, sistance program in the face an option on 90 acres of land of rising land costs in the for- was taken Up al, the Wednes- est area. day, July 22nd, meeting of the Now in effect in several authorityý. The land lies in Lot other authorities, the programi9 Concession 10, of Clarke v,,i1l assisi landowners in plant- i Township. ing trees where the cost of! A request hy thfe Town of land is too high for the auth- Port H-ope for assistance with orit.N budget. improv i n g Corbett's Pond The' feeling, say me mbers, is swimming area on the Ganar- that the original recommenda-!iaska will bring the authority lion of 30.000 acres of land for fieldiman John Carruthers to the forest area will be impos- 'town Friday. sibie to rcach because of landý Although the authorîty can- co-sis. not give direct financial as- There are 8,000 acres înwlsistance for improvements on ini forest. iland not owned by the auth- Assistance to landowners for 'ority. Mr. Carruthers can give planting trees will accomplistilteehnical advice. thn. same purpose. 1Ht' will meet wilh Ernest In other authorities the cost1Brown. secretary of the Parks to the landowner for tree 1 Board. planting is $5 for, 1,000 trees The parks board and Town if planted by machine, and $10 Council have expressed inter- for 1.000 hand - planted trees. est isi getting atîthority assist- Tht' minimum number planted ance wîth river bank improve- in one area will be 2,000, and! ments on the' Ganaraska with- tht' maximum 15,000 foi, any in iown limits. Examiner SOLINA Mi . 'i'ellowlees. Miss end ai Mr . R. raspir Gladys Yellowlees, Mr. and' Mr. and Mrs. E. H-ockadav, Mrs. Hlarvey Yellowlees and Evelyn and Jean vîsited Mr.l famîly, Miss Sharon Larmer. and Mrs. A. Snidler al Den- Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees,1 bigh last %veek and also friend, Harolcd andi Murray, Mr. andri at Moira Lake. Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mr. and .Mr. and Mrs. E. Ilockadayi .rs. E. Hockaday and Jean and Jean and Mrs, S, Hocka- attended the Yellowlees family day visited Sunday evening reunion al Orono on Sunday. with Mr and Mrs. H. Cowling, Rcverend Catto gave a most Whitby'. interesting sermon on the New Several from hiere attendedt Curriculum on Sunday morn- the Taylor pîcnic at Cart- ing. He will be absent from wih'ako audy tht' charge until August 30. wih ako audy During that time he will be Mr. and Mrç. Bruce Mont- follnwing up Operation Beaver gomery, Mr. and Mrs- Bruce and holidlayîîîg at Dorset, O11- Taylor and family attended th- tario. Ferguson family picnic atl A special New Curriculum Cartwright Park on Saturday. TIraining Session being organ- -Mr. and Mrs. L. Broome and ized for the weekend nf Aug- sons spent last week at Bap-! ust 29 - 30. Experts for every liste Lake, Bancroft.1 departnment will assist our Sun- -Mr. and Mrs. A. Aberneth:- laY School staff in preparation and -rrtndehildren, Glen and, seýsson,, on the Saturday and Ruth Abernethy, Manilla, vis- assist them 0on Sunday. ited Mr. and Mrs. Don Tay- Promotion service in the'lor and family on Sunday. Suniday School will be held on Mrs. Elizabeth Fee, Omnemee, Sunday. Aiugust 23, al 10:30 Mrs. Gertrude Kerr, Mrs. Vera Hatherley. Peterborough. Mss Sharonî Larmer, Black- Mr. and Mrs. M.L Morton, Osh- stýock. t-njoýved holidays at Mr. awa, xisitt'd Mrs. N. Wotten anr] Mr-. Hau-vev Yelloulpe. and Francii3 Wr are oleased to Mr and Mr- Frank Wct- report Mr N Wottenis ij - 1 S' Cath.erinres Mr anid nroving in;Ohawa Ho--ctal lr-. Gr;ant H-erron. Ebenezer; Ron Bakcr --cent the week- Mrs .1 Grills. Valentia, w'ere end w-!th Dai'id Srnales al th@, rc' i 'izitors with Ms s J. Smnalre<, cottage on Pigeon Gladys Yellow&lees and Mrs. J. Riviur, .\r andl Mrs. Tom Ba- Yellox'leesker and family visited there on Herbie Tînk holidayed %vîth Sunda.,, his cousins, Paul and David David Orm-istori srenf sev- Goode al Lakefield. cral c.:, wî-ih James Baker, ir. and MrF. Roy Grills aind his cousin. Carolyn. Mrs. J. Grills, Val- Mrs. J..Knox, Mr' BR Pas- Pntia, %werr Saturdav, tea guests: coe and Mrs. Harvey Yellow. of Mr. and Mrs. W es Yellow- lees accompanied Mrs. Catto, lecs and sons. Mrs. C. Bradley and Mrs. Kil- Mr. and Mrs. Perrv Dewell lens ta Belleville ta attend the and family, Hampton,. werp UCXV Conferenre. Sundav tea guests of MNr. and Mrs. S. Rundie an~d Miss Mrs. Bruce Tink and famîly. .-Jean Rundie. Bowmanville, Mr, and MrF. Jot' Snowdenivisited gr. and Mrs. Rosc and Brute were Sunday tea Cryderman andi children on guesîs of Mr. and Mrs. C. Sunday. Langmaid and family. Mr. and Mrs George Kno-Y Fa *ve Langmaid speni several and family visited Mr and da.vs %vith ht'r uncle and aunt, Mrs. Ross Knox and family at Mr. aoc] 'Mrs. Wm. Ashton, their cottage on Balsamn Lake. Bradley's Mrs. Dechert, Miss Helpn Lînda Flett was a iecent Dechert and Mr. Doug Dech- visitor with Sally Langmaid. ert, Toronto, visited Saturday Mrs. R. Fraser motored to ýevening with Mr. and MrmG. Nipigon on the weekend ta Knox and family. meet hr 'on, Allan. Who s Mr. and Mrs. John K no% relurnung home from Brhtish and famly attended flic Mal- i Columbia. colm family picnic- on Sunday I LAC Gilbert Tapp and Mrs. at Greenword Conservation Tapp, Exeter, s5pent the week-J Park.i YOU GET A ~lIle, July 29, 1984 9 The Canadian AutomotIve Nluseuin lias also conducted 84 guided tours. Attending some of thest gîîidcd tours were several hun. lrcd school children bath front Oshawa and other Ontario 7ommunities. Thp Automotive Museum csopen every day with the exceptionl of Christmas Day .incr' il first opened July 23rd Sincc' Çirst opcning the Mu- .curn has added mnany new exhibits and made major changes in some of the other displays. During the' first year the Caniadiaîî Automotive Museum lias received a great deal of national publicity. For many tourists a visit tri Oshawa and the' Canadian \totmotiv-e Museum is now a fiit. Thr i merhir% of the Museum Corlmt tce are looking ahead ,withi great expectation toa niuch larger attendance during Ili s second year as the Museum becornes better known across C'anada. The' commtittce would likP to thank ail those who have supported this project in iti first year because without their suîpport the' Canadian Automno- time Museuni could flot have been established. NO! NO! NO! 1t's not 30-50 nor is It 50-50 nor ls it 15 Per cent guarantees at Art's Car Market it*s t0 for 90 days. Yon say how? if you'vc nevcr bought a itood car before in your lifetime, you will neyer îinderstand how wve cari zuarante cars as we do. so, give yourself an educatinnal treat by %ee- iiîg us today for the buy of' your life, at 191 &11 196 Church St., Bowvmanville. Cash - trade - termas CARTON LOTS ONLY SURPLUS COLOURS SEA.LMASTER l~"premiuni quality, self -storiiîg. pre -. hunt'. steel hinges. complete. on Iy (For dclivcry add S1.00) 1IfM'NPO pre - ulng, Positive pneîtumatit ndoser, 'steel hinges. cnmpletelv %% cather 'ealrd. (Flor delivery add S.00) 4x 7 UNFINISHED IN EVERY BOTTLE 0F ALE Cail for Brading-the qua1ityalIe that's strong on flavour