-4 The Cenadian tStatesmnan, lguç,wmanville, Jul- 9 Name J. C. McCaIIum' New Assessor for United Counties ljnied Cnuin1irp5Con -i journed Julv 22nd AfIer -x days ofthie hot A,(.a'br Z! t ing-5. The report of 1 i~t: assessment r rnim',e U'W read, and amnonz !*rms -aýsrf were the r.iceplanrcoof l Garnet ShIcIrisr r.i0 a assessnr. .1. Camerofi eiîm sistant tb Mr Sbiolds,. w- appointed btote pon:î?n il calary wîll he ~,)OPor Mrs. Mv~R .;~toa fA Mr.Shl. a vr1f for her Work duv :.3 Ab- sence ibrouzhll !nrýs laz wnter. The finance omm:litre ported no action on lie I. cular dvstropb'. aq-scuat;oý for a grant. Bis for ibe lpakýIt i v an n half rmonlths amoU!itv:în S374,57.5 were approved fo paymnen t. Couinty por«f'.v c>mmMO, report revraled i hat the r quesi frni CHUC for lh leasing of larid a? 1ie Nor- thumberland Forosi hhýs br: referred Co the reforestratior committee. H was ýanriutir'rd t action will hi- takrn on th suggestion thai the cnntic enter loto a plan for anIIarr;7 jail. However, al l iformatior that can be gatbored %vil h brought to the Novemhrr ses. Rion. A by-law I0o quwalize ass mient for 196.5 was passod Another tb borrow ý849,00H under the Hizhway Improv- mnent Act and onr 10 horrrw$340,000 woIre also aIPProvori The firsti s for road con- struction, the qooidng- for road d<lrvelopntt. or by-law sets the ilrof clerk K. S vmons aind o~îo Jlohn Moorehouse al ý'R.nOO iper year. A court of revisioîî SIs aP- pointed undror ie fifili h,,- law, and namoes Reid Burdce Port Hope. tbrne îar:i:c Johnston, Cavanl, 1irneci G. R. Ma ho, Carnpbellfor«ý Iwo years: William i . Nal dimand, or va:and .1. Particular! Yes With 19 yrars of constant car buyin.- experience and the great help of be- Ing a certified Class A Automobile M e eha n 1e adds up to the very fact that you (an't miss %Nhen dealint with ART'S Car Market 194 and 196 (hurrh St. Bowmanville, Ont. Service and Guarantrrs Unmatrhed. See Us Today .n 3o MEM9 SATUoe 50F1 ONeil". Bowxmanville, v a r. Longest Married Couple ene The per diem paY will be 1l2. Wardien D. MacMastertod inînîcîl ihat the warden's pic- t M(< Wi'l he ai Presqu'ile on Aug:îst 12. -P('rirroough Examiner. d 73"q ý: OBITUARY LAVERGNF Ni. FALLIS 1,xrgeMulliganFalsa former Mfillkhrook town court cillor and Cavan Township> assessor for 15 vears, died ~ .Julv 1-4, 1964. ai, Cobourg Gen- % eral Hospital. He was in his , 801h vear. Born al Millhrook, son of îhie laie David Fallis and Hannah NItilligan, Mr. Fallis liîve(d ail bis life in Cavan Tbownship except for the last two cears spent in Cobourg. Ho marrird thp former Pearl (;eorgina Tinney ai Mllbrook on Apil 19. 1922. Besîdes farming, he Was an impIe- ment riraler. He lîved at the Fallis Line, the Sevenlh Linel, Cavan Township and Mill- hrnok prior to going to Co- bourg. In addition to hîs long ser*v- ice as Cavan Township asses- sor and bis two ternis on Mllbrook's town couincil. Mr. Fallis was a member of the, At the Liberal pienie in Waltona Pa '-k, Newcastle, on Saturdav, the cal] wcnt Public Utilities Commission and a warden and Sund(y)ut for the coLIple married the longesi. Mr. and Mis. T. G. Sowden oif Newcastle School superintcndcnt at St.,1 won thie prize b.v a considei'able margin. They have heen married for 57 Years Thonm as Anglican Church, and nnw aie looking forward to thoir sx eh Mîr. Jaills was a 50-Year mem or of the ndependent C)rdier of Odd Fellows, No. 3018, a memnber of the Golden Shcaf Rrbekab Lodge, and the Playground Reports I .Ilrtoinis Club. Da3' (amp .Ativities (Ontario Street PIayground (9) Rhonda llethernglon, ((2) MI-. Fallîs was predpceased. . le; Biagesi doJean, bvý bis wife. Surviving are 1T"le second weok (if pla 'v-! (1) Puio Saîin 2 t'White. Ginn 'Osniond ) goud.iegn iilam aI! ikiCole (2M)vrt * wo daiigbbers and two snns' rud ea ihri llýik ol,()Mrrl *Mrs. Mol !MeMabon (Beatriceý Althoîîgh il rainedi on lhbo day Mondav,, ai which Lime awker; Smallest doîll,> il oîf Cohoiirg. Mrs. J. J. Shani- first dav of camp thbc campors 1wspriosgîcr i ebeRag 2 non I Nan o! Toronîto; David en jvd tbemselves ai the the Lions Contre ti dîscuIss Cowloe, (3) Ronda Hoetberiiig!- of Oshawa and Kenneth of Scouit ball where special a(.- pl a iis for tire forthcomn'tîgton: and the prize for theo hus! NI il11lbi'ok. tivities were carried Out. ','1e, CV01115.. doîl wa.s awardord to Dhhbiv Aian siir\viong aie asiir rest o! tbe week was spct l DUIng bbhv c i dlr ipari of Bragg. Thîe iigsfur- tho Mliss lossie Fallis, Torontn at the camp where ail uc lice ekiî 'ido îdl-dl hw wr io oa and ico brotîiers: Harold o! camper's enjoved a prograni cdriiai' g'ja-(nesUscb as 911uc, Darral Osmonîd, and! Toronto and Frank of St. Al-* consisting of c.ampc.,rf. swîm- hasehal. "litile Sall '\ SaLi- Murrav O'Brien. bort, Alberta. ming, arts and crafts. nature er, ,kippiii«, qîisad On T11Lrsdav afîrrIionît a Il bikes, sleePOLItS and cookoiîts. m aux oterr actixilios, ail o! the plav;grotitids attendod the 'l'le filleraI was beld Mon- The sleepout %vas held cil chicb Ile children en.ioved Show to sce a voîz aniii.siny da~ 'V JUly 20. ai St. Thomas Thursday evcning witb p iiiimeniscl.film nieîtitled «'30 'Yoars o! Anglican Chîirch in Millbrook., marsbmaîîow roâst and a 'l'lice'"Bi,-"' <'ciii of the Full" Rex'. W. Ha byrpuro! lFronk singsong bighlighbing ibeaf- wc'uk fcll 0oulu'tsda 1'vafier- Fidav nîorIijIiiîgat 1:1 was sssîsed hx' Rv. Frankfair. fooîtwheo a largo nUinbcr ot Flet, lmra aksdV Lee of St. Peter's Anglican, Par'ents' Nigbî. was lîeld )n cbildren froni this park j oin- centitMaev ra Prkend VGin- ChrciCoorg ItemetFriday ex'ening. Mark Row, cd (tie other psrks iii a trip Rac Dairv. 'J woiild ike Iu was iii Si. John's Cemetery, W as presented with bbe bost tb the Ro\ aI Theatre wlîereoxndiak obctff< Pda Ont. re scam pers awa rd by Coiiici l or ,-the no ie 'l Year. orf jll,* bt e lou Rae Dai rx'and M ns. Pal baicsal] nienibers of Hooper. This award i r-Wit5 cti.ovcd bY aI i> '1'. - G illfor- bcing su 'uoi'Sîo 10F.No. 108, Millbrook,iscnted to the camper wbo bas tooded. Fridav'.Was sl aiit xx îlbra were: Edward Nattress, Ri'cb-Icontributed most to tbc canp ilebbchibldrciî plax iingagmc.s il Lions (Centre 1'la.yýroutnd arr! Wood, Donald Lang, Wi!-1prograni. The award also c1'- the moriling and a lagnui- frrd Elson, Eric Fallis. Mar- tibles Mark 10 attend D ayý ber indulged inil an ad (liv Hoaflior Moore) shallai-mer. Camp noxt vrar as (hoeiiesý cransfisn fil(, a ftorîIIoi. 1hsce rigi m Rltvsaod fririîds who of the Departmcnt of Rocre- W sclokigfowad o ilsa\ciirsqiic camnefrom a distance inrlîîded ation. theo Idiali DR\, , wbîî'h s 1 heIn varols Idncfi(ros angotds. Mr. and Mrs. Kayler, Langle, oiaraio ax hhoouWcdiosdaiv of' îîoxi wcok; oiins( icpa ruî B3ritish Coluîmbia: Mr. and ohtaincd al the Roirration w'hi l a i'iMonda sii*(brr ,wc eas plOroural Mrs. Allen Ray, SuinderlandICOffice for Girls' Day-Camp. take pariîtiluxhat aliitlho, activitios. On Wednica-dav Cm ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold FallisIFees ale $3.00 for I week, 000 -O!filîr ninsi oxciiing .p-xoîs' m ga -u and Miss lessie Fallis, Tront.o. $9.00 for 2 weks uleei sne. whiclb ovorx'no r (joyr'd rcx Momorial Park ceit GalliMoi nwlo slippt' i and lîronke ber ami. We al! (h\' S11a1,o1 Ru rzoas) hope ihai Gai) is foongi a lro botier evon wilhthebbc 2rv' 'luescor-id wooi of Mcm- iast on bier arn. Tbîirsd'.iv orial Park plavgrotitnd inr'lîid- hroîîgbu ovcrvYtliiigz froni a ri a pot ashowc' Wiincrrs wlrc bubhle gui h1 loWing cnien;-ý Frank Cook cWho lîad a blet 10 (lie making rof kîccoox titrilOo arTir, igîb~flowcrs and a (rip to (flie Incai rnoý.tr' Sipvci rIl î'c ,rdisplay- Ibreatre wbrre wr saw '21)o rd bis pou v "Sta r". a nd Ka h Y a î's o! Fun"'. Ms uv i (ian k. Rtirgcas broîiglit an Irish Sel- to Mr. and Mrs. Cil! for h' lei'. ing tIi s special feabîîre for- T EOn Thiirsdav vniiiîîg j ris MItii(le pla.ygrouids. F r i d a v' ~WM NVILE INS ENhie park hian a ira paruîv.'lie broug}îît manY gans and c c tbcir doIl . hlall1 tourlamoenîs. I woill1 onr' dicdaIr igh ýt a ll 1i ke (onthank theo niv pa r- plax gi'onîIIds i îcîîdcd a hasv- cnIis wlir have providod* tî'aiîz ride v.lîich us a rrsicd b, poriabicin for our ;p(,cia? %R N IV A L Kiwaoîs Park. The r wagonn revrîîs. ORIA PAR , LIERYST.Wro !le, tiis hlie l ook iORIALPARKLIBERY ST.foi' the \xvagions':o roiiri) was Franklin Park PIa.Ngtoîînd mîrincb later tlin xpcctcd. On TIi iisdav ariterrooîî. th(, (iv .111 McDon aId) -DY, A UGUSI 8t1, Tihl J1i;u;Il 'da speri3a! Evei hough Modav \. i DM E Idroriail Il a fioriiooîî M(Mm- fn. Titi(,ani' iîkot , ilion :TBA LL GAME ra aktak r n SENIOR MEN'S TOWN LEAGUE PLAY-OFF GAME COINMENCING AT 6:30 P.M. PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS ON THE 1964 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF 2-DR. TICKETS -25c - 5 for $ 1.00 Tro Be u Draw~n nt the Conc<lusionî of the Carnival w,. ý-ýRIDES FOR THE KIDDIES FISH PONDS CAMES 0F CHANCE BINGO NOVELTY BOOTHS REFRESHMENTS r" VIr. LII(o thîrIî1nnoa 1îîd cfforî iii piaimiingtItis r'iîov- able vp On Fi ida' utloriln g bhie c'lîldr-eliî toi: rcd Clou Rar i ar Mr-. St oxcîs x'as k i ud eiiongb to provî.do re-fri-h motuis fri vlthd-cî 1 wo:îlrl also ::kc to tluaîk Nr aud N r.Dehooofor- ilîcîr is- s j 'ialire '.xlion aan acc'identî iic- cuî-rrcd ibis wrek on the piav%- groîî ti. FIett St. Playgrotind (hv 11id ' loiit i' Moliudvslvai rd t lie c ok %lb a spîas(î. Il aîucd : day .o IllîrSiipcrx'isoî's sPe,!It ilie nîsv plaîîîîîugthte special ec ,, oîs for Ilîre îîîîr atbicîdcd tilîr Jlîuwv. 'I'Iir1fc s 1eî (d)iibe li dicl'o!f 'h il - dircrî. Tir( show cas \-,,txv zoor! Il cassler! ' -3n1 'ueas of Fîîîu". and eexnesPemîn cd t cýOi l :1 tialk ý ( it or ail HIle "1'111t l e' bo J"ida',' îtîîî".îîg e xii 'n (;]('I Rae Dairx . We c rot ail tbrongli the dair', ard saw hoîx nîîîk lIasprocesser! and hbIr. Ex'erx'oîie %vas givecu a hue of cbocolaie îuk. ThAik tIos1 lbe staff at (lie da:r' -foîr the xxoderfuîl ime w'e liar. Frîdax' afemîoon w'e mnade. csmH ' tonl. lu fc' thenm. Thev bu r! donit ver', xxeil and were a i' to Ileoulse, Vincenit Massey PlaN-ground i(i"LorraineHdsoî Ou, Wednesday. JiiL litb, iicîtMasse', plaxaroundr ha anIlI shoxvfor a:!iho ~ir Thr x irii Per; il ht vr'ous catezorjr,,;,cric.Prpt. I iest doL, ( 1) Debbie Bragg,., hall, and the SWIuIgs c %ere fol- loxvod b v baskoI bailý sot'ce:'. aur! basehal!.* Ini bbc saîîdhox cdparimcii:ý a î'avr's'a r bu i Id n2ecut was woiî bx'Da Tabb and Gr'ant Marîtn. 'l'lie hoaui bac o us îui cas wxoni hv B"rue 'l 1 x'i au misx.in niîîg ;core o!f 3 pot ilis. A (hor'se shoe toun n aieniut c'as woni b',' wo expert. Ala Mîurdock atîd AIanAbperiielliv. The special evotît of ilîr, vk ucas a trip îo ibe ,;hou pla,\'ing. All plav'rouncîrs par- ticipaber! and bar! a xotîdor- fnil tinie. For thle older k iris a lusr.- ride drew iilaai o ro',,d 'hl tc'o wxagon,,ba!, I e cibiîîg 'eek. Kiw"anis Pl a v jro,îniid The lîigl:ghî u t(«lhe 1' xxckai Kîwaîîîs va tbe ha% ride lîeld oui Wediîcsdav evo:.- iuîg. Sine outix one wagon bar! heu niderenî, there cas .sruiir Col] fnaîoîî c'1) e îIl.sxi v- foin teenagers arriver! ai the par,, A fter an hours delav. ailotlier c'a gon c'as obtaiocd anîd the Inerrx'9"0t]P sel rof! for an cuijoxable cveni. Thursdax' afîcnin,11011oui 'm Kiwanlis x oîngsîers ai 'lît( Roxal Thieatre xx';îre "ij Sac' tho film Y"Lhir (>'a r- of Fun". This oititîg 'xvr1 - iboronghlx' apprePciater! and enjov.ed bx% ail ibosP vchur aI- tended, The "spiî:zlî a'x 's'iîn cdi for Frid ax'afcu fno*li. turu'l- Pr! into) a "mnud bath" sxhrui the dam broke. ieavting ud. Ay banks on both aides. i o ITAR Tand rame tb London, Ont.. mit Inqtittte of Sanitarv In.qpere-Mr. f!ali witq an dh&et OBITUARYage 17 and attended the On- tor's Degree andl worked as an'of Almonds United Church. tario Agricultural College at ARTHUR RON.ALD HALL, Guelph. inspector in the Bowmanille near Whitby. Th dat o Athr onld H gadatd roi heco.and Cobourg areas. He is survived by his wirp, Hedaîh of Ardur Rov nl e gr ihauaefrmthof a- He operated the House That three sons, John, Alan and Osha% a Gencral Hospital on culture degree and entered ac Built, east of Oshawa, elalathm.Hsohr Thursdav,. iv 2?,. 1964. Lasi the Canadian Medical Corps from 1949 bo 1960. then mov-, also*suirvives him and she ton residence \,ýas R.R. 1, Whitb\-. during the last war. He sa-w ed to North York where he ilives at his last residence. and he was in his .541h year. action in Italv and wýas sta- worked as a sanitar -v in.s;pec- Mr. Hall rested at the Grr- Mr. Hall \vas born inSaii tioned in Eng land. tor. A member Of Bowma'i-IrDw Fuineral Home, Oshawa, Franisc, asonof Mýý: Ne- Drinville and WhitbY RoNal Cana-'for a servite in the chapr!. Franisc. asonof Ms Nl- urig 1942 he niarried bbc dian Legions, he wvas also a Fridav evening, July 24th, ar- lie andl the la:e Mr. Arthur former Miss Isabeli Aitchison stamp collector. He wvas ai ter which the body wa,ý Hall. At age Ice he moved în England. Returning i0 member of many philatelicI taken to the Toronto Crema- (o Eogland xw th hi-q parents Canada he won a Canadianý club. ' toriurn for cremation.---- each25c California, YeIIow Flesh, Frotitone, A Real Troat, Ne. 1 Grade, CaliforniA, Finest for gating, Ne. 1 Grade, Gonîd Siz NECTARINES dIZE n 49c PEARS BARILEIT 5 for 2 9 Calrfornia, Valencia, Nowv At Their ORANGES Best, Fotney Gradie 5-Ib ceho bag 6 5 9 VIGOROUS and WINEY (Custom Ground) 1-LB BAG 81 c 3-LB BAG $ 2e39 SAVE 10e Cîuidorir Grown. No. 1 Grade * TOMATOES 4équatbAskt99C A&'P Loiw-Low Prices.' A&P Plnfao,,(.- SPECIAL I GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 2 48-fI'oz tins 75 CASE OF 12 TINS5.0 ChoiceQîality, Cr@am Style SPECIALI A&P CORN 4 omztis5 3( NEW PACK, Choice Quality SPECIALI A&P PEASd41--ztn53c Henley, Choice Quality &PEC hAL! FRUIT COCKTAIL2 28-fi-ozinos 8 5( Ptirîtan (With Gravy) Moi. Prîce tin 39c-8AXV st AAEAT BALLS 21.ztn )PEANUT 1BUTTER 1éôijr29c Big "G" Country Rail. Prie* pkig 29e-SAVE $0 CORN FLAKES 2100 og4O Ut's the LAI in the ME4T that counts! SWIFT'S PREMIUM, COOKED, READY TO SERVE SMOKED SHANK PORTION BUTT PORTION HAMS 1 WHOLE HAMS l b FULL CUT HALF HAMS - NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED SHANK HALF lb33c * BUTT HALF lb 59e * CENTRE CUTS OR STEAKS ahb 79c * SUPER-RIGHT ALL MEAT 1-lb el. pkg *5c Excéllent for Barbeccuînq EXCELLENT FOR RARBECUING BLADE STEAKS 1659c GROUND C'RUCK *SX Brandi 11 g69< CANNED HAM SX Brandi or Fea*rman's Asmorted 2-Ipkg89< COLD CUTS, Stiîart Houje Reg. Price.roll 37ce-SAVE 4 FOIL WRAP 12" wid - 25-t ro 33CHERRY PIE White Swan, White or Colourec Re. Price pkg 53c-SAVE 4a TOILET TISSUE pkg o4roIS49< LARGE 1 eegn Reg. Pre* box $159-SAVE 30* 24-zE 4 9 0 4 TIDE king size box ll29 REO.. PRICIERACH un - SA u59J. ilh-lb tin l49 4b pkl 59< ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAV, AUGUST lst 194 g LV! leu Jans Parker, Orange or Lemon Reg. Prie. *&ehh H-BAVI ¶lot CHIFFON CAKE mach 49c Jans Parker fl.g.Priseleaf 8.-&AVE Sa 60% WHEBREAD 2 . :::. 3 7 WIENERS Super-Right, Smok.d, SIiced, Rindien SIDE BACON s moIred WIENERS àeý- CALIFORNIA, LARGE SIZE, VINE-RIPENED, SALMON FLESI4, NO. 1 GRADE JANE PARKER àlk - - --- . - - - SHOP AND SAVE CASU ut A&PI