RTEWVART - RRAG On SAtuirda" afrorcoonn, Jlire 2ê 271964. Pa 4 noYloek. j-oi ' ~Louise Rrapg. daighter of Mr. prid Ms.O R. Braez. Kin-'- ton Rd ,Ea'ýi, Roxx-ranvîi;e. end Mvr. Roberi lames Stew\art, con of Mr Paîîd Mns. M . Stewart, Soiîthhnrémpton. ,r United in marriagein Divison Street Uniteod Clîîîren. Oxxen Soumnd.Ont. Rex'. G. -i u Qîl' forme r-1x'of Bwiaî-ie f ficîated. anri thr' ,vndiim- si' was plax*'vci b' MViss Leta Bragg of Rx-nnxle i flunt of the bridoe The bride. xx ho xx a, ix r-i mi meriage hb rrhi ailîni, cor, a~*allhn l îg ri u rxia white lace u-er ifflât. nr- gemiza trimmed i hor-see rd gown sîîdvih a Sabrina nrckline and a s;(alloppri edg- ing highlighted the hemnline. Her bouffant shoîîlder-louigui vpil '.as Cauîght toi a small crown off pearux and ('rlyýst a is nnd her cascade bhoujqt xvas of red and white carnpations. Mrs. Daniel Giraîdi of R<îxx- rrianvillo was matronl uf hunor for ber sisier iii a si reet -leliîth Fheatb of tîîrqiîoi «se taffrta wIio a rmatching nylon oux cikri. Her beaddiress xxii. a amaît wbite cirit batilhtbshort nylon x'eling anid sho carriedi A rireilar arrang(nitloff white and vrelloxx' carnations. The bridesbithr-n-ax Mr. Daniel (;irardî. Buxvmarî- ville., xAs besI lniran id the ishers weî'e th r ide*s bro- ther, Mr. Kenith Rr-agg.Boux-- manvilte. and the g-room's bro- thr. Mr. Thomas Stewart of Soi db ha nipton. A reptinou was iieldimi iht Chiirch Siinuda. Sciiont Room. The bridep.s motlier reeie-edi in P two-pîece uavx blîîe rdress m-ith white acî'essories. sht- was asitodbuthe gi oÛi mibier \wbo chose a beige. ixxo- fir('e i rr ss trininircd xii n browîî. aud i i re ac'issorie.;« Roth worei'orag o f pitii raîuat ions, 1 ofore cdx i giipi a xx edri - ifig trip Io Northnu i Oniâtrin points. the bridep doiiîîîed a itîir- qiniols and grreui lk slieatih wtb matr'hiog ilîrece qurte r length tiirquiose t iiîîî 'la Rnd corsage of red i ,ii- ed icarnation-. 'Thex xxuiliirp- sçidp at Soîîthamptoiî.(nta in. T h p bride's hbiuii q i rt xxas laken tri Mrs. RisrlRra_-g il Bo w nia nville. ,"\pliblic siohooil tn-îîIr)" hridle Atteided SnsPtiblie j;nd Row manxri ilr Ilîgli Sreo.r, and Tor-onto Tnaî-her,' Colî'lge. 'T'he groom teid Soutîhampton S<'bools aîîi ici employed hx Km c a r ri i riue Crearrmery t t'ii Prior to lier marn agi', tire hrid' xxas gient of lîrîîîîîai x'eral partlies. MiS. Pr-RA- leSoithamipton. gave a mi.ý-- 'eliaoeoîiis shoxx'c(r at teîîded b',- '30 frienda aîîd iîîeîghbors. MrF. Gar'îet Rickaî H . RR. 4. Roxx- mnanville. xxas lîosîess for a r-ini lar shoxx'er xxhrri 75 nigl- hors, froi(nd5 a nd re lati vos were lpreseitl. Pîîpils atnd îareîîis or \'aple Grove Scbool atl Saîîble Beach Commuîîîtv Park also lîeld a nîîscellarivoîîs slowr iloîi the schoot pîcîuîî'. Members of Soithampton UtredChîirch choir prosented tue b, ride w ith aPli ioning board tpari aînîr oncr The groorui xx as pie sc'îuvi wi th an electrîî' dec-crai oîcail clock h v the îîarîagerneîîanîd staff of the KineardireCc erv, Ltdi., arud a piirsr ofuîîî was presontod frnm isus îliîxx drive rs. 90 Days 1000/0 Guarantee Yes Sir AT Art's C ar Market 11 1 96 ('huirch S. $8.98 TA'4BLiN - KENT Roiqueîsý of white peotuii.s, ornc n olossom.is and stepha- niousý formed an attractix'e sPt- :in2 in Orono United Cbîîr.'h for the xxedd; ng on Saturda8x' afterinon. bn 27. 1964. at 4 'clock of Marie Louigc Kont. draugchtvr ofMr, and Mr,-. Roberi C. Kent. RR. 2, Newxcastle. anud Mr. William Stark Tanhilvu. son of Mr. and Mi-S. Carlos Tambîxno f R.R. ,orih, Orono. Rev, Wni. K. HulîdrOff Bowmaîîville offieiated. and the xxedding music was play- edi hv Mrs. Richard Morton, Oroîo. Miss Shaar 'vn Wvlie and Mr. Bvrrîoll Wvlie. both of Lindsa -v, sang "The Weddiog Pra * er- and "O Perfect b.oxe" Guxei oin ari'iage h-vbr fattier. the bride xxore a 0r desi.-nedi, fînior length gown of wx'ite peau de soie. The fîîîed bodiee waF cox'eredý wîtlî xx'bue lace and was.s tvled1 wîth lotig pointed sleeves and' hîgh neckliîie. Scallops ar- ceeuied the waistline and the soft1lx'pleated ,k irt flowed on- t0 a train. A white organiza rose îrimmed wxit.h lace scai- i ops held ber elbot% leugthi veil anîd ,.;e arried a nose- gax* boriquet of pick swxeet- bearti roses. M rs. Deciii s Jaques ofHui Quîe., a cousin off the br-ide. xxas matron of«hoiuor arîd the brudesmnaids xxer'e the grooms sister. Miss Sharon Tamnbîv, R.R. North,. Orono. and the bride*.,; sistr. MVIiss Ca rot Kenit, R.R. 2, Newxcastle. Thevxx'reiPinblîîo orgaiîzaoxer'ý tafîcIa. T b e street-leni ' h frocks xx tb bouffantî s kirt-l we're faslîîoîîed wxitb tbree- quarter leîîgth sleevps, high tiecklines, and soft folds corn- îng froni île wais:j. Thr\v WOro , mat.iu'iug uos-hae ba t-. auîd thrîr nosegav bot- queis wxx-Poecf pink sxo: beart roses. A ffrieuidof due gronu, Mr. Brin-e Hiîtc'biuson of Giielpih. xvas hensmai anad the îîshen's xvere Mi-, William Kent. R.R 2.Newcastle. br-other off the bride, and Mr. Pari] l'amhlmvur. R.R. Northb. Orono, brother of th(' groomn. The receptioui xxas held in the Chuîrch Hall. The bride's mother recrierid the -gnon.-tu anid for the occ'as-ion choue( pîîîk orgPahî-a oxor flowei'cc taffeta. and wxhite flowercd bi. She xxa,; assisted b v-tihe gi'ooni's mothor wbo wore beige lace ac'conîed lby a greern 'evîcummrbund. maIching- hoadz, aîîd beige bat. Both xxore corsages, of oinkroe b 11ds. Th'le bide's motlier miade anîd decorated the beau-ç tîfîîl xxeddiiîg cake. Folloxxiriu the reception thet nsi ccompauicd ithe xx-d-( ding oarty In the home ofthuei bî'ide's parents, Before le' ing on tbeur wedding trip to Rastorn poiîî)ts, the b rid P th rew lier bourquet in t radi - tioruai manner, Miss Sharon *amblx-i caiugbi the bouIquet - Tho bride'. travellinîg en- semble was a pastel bicie A- liue dross ux'î'h white acces- sorica aticd corsage off pitik cairnations. The\-xxill resirte al R.R. t, Orono. A tea.Iher on thle staft o f Nexxeas lePublic Svhool. tihc hîmPie aiieuîdodSS..,,No, q, C'larke, Bowmari-îlle 1h20*, Sclîool anud Peterborough TPa-r chers' Coltege. The g-rooni al- teîîded Autinclî Public Sebool. Oî'ouîo anîd Roxxmauville Hugh Scluools. aîîd O.A.C. Guepii. He fams ai R.R. 1. Orono. t exalparties honored tl1î, bride prior to her marriage.' M rs. MaRr ie Pedxx'oll. Mis'f Flsie l'îsk anud Miss Ro-.omar'. Mu-Mirna wxxe r o'ostessos for- a kitcheni and lînen sbowri-r at tlîe Ihome off MrsPdxx v \ir-. Helrii Doîx'ri ax'e;a k ichon ;lîoxxr'- il ber homo: and A misýc'oihaoi01;-Ii owpl.î xva'iîe!)ld alt the home ofM' \Tie cîddabeo xitiih-.r mlaîghuî's (;-r and Nmar-1 euel, a -c-bso5e.Putpii.-. o'f G rader V î'ass, NewcaxiiiSil m i or $15.00 Recently Married Mr. anîd Mrs. Robert James Stexaî'î ai-e shiuxx- in the above photo f'ollovvinîgibel t' natriagce in Dix'isin Sti'eet Ucnited (b c, xeSountd, un Salutrdax'ai- tet-iuu, Jutue 27. 1964. at 4 o'cloc'k. Tbe bride is thbe former Jean Loutise Bragg, daughîer rof' Mi', anud Mis. 0. R. Bragp_ 1KIîi2pstuîî Rd. East, Rx'na a'ilnd thr gîonrîm s the sein uf' Mr. inîd Mus .,M. S. StewArt of Soutiampton. Photolc h.x Iriduani's St udio ('O(KWF 1.1 - FI.IN'TOFF M sz a mcii Fi ni :off. A k- dprga rieuî <adirrai Wr-s W'ard Pîîblirc Sduml - hec-a 'ii tue bride ofra dFoeu Coc-kxxcll of <'îslinxx -na double nîug î-uemoîv lcid 'i Si.- Authaniu ns i - a ic Chu rch. Grillia S iira The Rt. Rev (. C' Rn-i soi. a1si.'r-d hv Rex R. T. cerierunilx y M n) Mi mmi Grahiamiut iIiaaofM Martiîî eriM irle \'-ta;- sinx', P.Q.,sang G Gud-i Bethel anîd "i u ' pauîîed bu Vns. Clark tu1lim- sloue o Giltia alitie cî)ga1 Atis ihe utu rI f-floi uil- îich i,I SNII'H - C,11 Stanidards oC pîîîk aund wxx ue pennies fou'med aul ta.ti\cîx settîîug i 'l'îimnic ix t'iid 'hlicrch, Roxxmauixilî'. fir he niarriarfe oui Frnida x ex-oi uug JîuîetP, 9, 3C4. atRitilI clouk of C'heru\l Lviîuie Sc-tt. daîîl- torn otM'.l r and MinS. Ci-a iist n Scout, anud Mur. Edxxard V.illîaniu Sîcîît i. suuu uf M r. anîd M 1 us. W"illiamc Smitln. aIl of Roxx unaîi- vîlto1 V Rex - .'uî.l-. -Itisiaudei uf. fiî'îatod anîd tuexxeddiîcg iiic mxx a s pi1a *x ed hx clîîurch urean- si Me. A. Collison. L; i vxn ii ii na riige 1bxv lur fat ber, thle hbride xcore a fîî l- eîglusho t lu of sut k ucgailza ()\(,r ta fota xx-tIi a scooîp nîock - inuc-, lotIrcg puiiied siex-es arid fittod bodîce. 'ihe bai-k ofthte [I (ý a.>(l 11loi ' r-"" goxx-i xxas ai-uir'd hx a traiin of-houîor fotrnu-d bu Illeiii- attached hv ictîuîxi hoxvs anud 'the htidre, tli(,di;i'ii-or ufwaistlio em ershoîîldorr leugth M r. aid Mm- E Fuxamti Rob c i 'bouiffalun xeîi xx as 4'a cght to a Fl iitotf, nia- jpia n i.'ooa la1k orgaîîsa rnglîapo' khidergamrin n 'hord F2 xpbie'lî xxansuîold miontu Ar gin Pic lic Sclîoi u xinSw a i 'l l. Yelloxu nxvelîa t mniai i lli iin Seobn ur. Tue iossanid xx hlu li i-alat îuu bniidegrooni s Illie souncfr'vi-ý fornîod ion aeýscade bociiqiic-î. and Nirs C'Fnesî 'okoiaf M iss .1 îd vSi-ut t, sîsi uf Ille Cal boge, Oui ta u br, xx 's unid of bonornaud C,,lumi uuariner bx tir-th, t -ebielesmauda xv eî-e Miss fa iher - ihluebride vn-e a tfir-" a hnpo ýniM leigilu goxx n of xx île hiffoi --Rea Siiiilî.siw of the wgion river taffei in c'ih A ho pl' i niirr- ugt eu r-sr's et CliauttVx nue crch'oide-ed xx îr-al;do, seule xx ut hscuîup wxii h Il11rura sr'm1i il- -liunri11 c 1i-k lîo . liui-.1 sîrex-ov s and pearîs, ail Italtau sýc-iîiî 0c- bil-sluaip-d suî."c xo huie. auîd lily-poini Sicexý-sxxbtef x-'-e pd bats aî'u'r-i 'Tle fîii i r fa iiiîd a ci0 liv a suin l x cil, autel c'arricd culai panîe! of Ciaui'illx i5C ca-cnade bouiquets u:ni' xulîiîte gabudl in aî'llffoiî me-': usla-.ua iuiticn>, l' Ml-s5 lOr hark anîd F-ct,î le: luad Shirlex W'ono f Mapli'<oxe dUe a c'u'cx () f î l'mx-siai - a c'nsii or t he lînîdo. xx s aind see tîca ri, lîr-ld a hou C- fox citiui - Slîe xuoî oa --s-nr fau ilieilerl'hil xri1 oIf mii gnoou-fiîîffx-skîrted froc k pkir" su k li.iuSî-'aid lirarllidiiof f.x-ur- l rîedi a nraýriou uk Andl li m.arh-iuniade )lqiIcriun roschîl i pia n:z iH f v oxshas: a mii iii.-. whl:e su 1oie xhîGuial(lnimil. Boxx tiiii Shu" xx a'a"oiîmlrI ix l-, ill1e xuns hosi -t iaui)Con hl1. Allionn Haar -. ' Crii.a hiotboi ain M the i-lire x-r nîaîd-Couc' 110- ai I NI- Ra- Mu \lmici 1-.Hall. Grouîc au-i bauý Cockxveli of,'l'mu'mioio i î'lMirlaxo inot rogof \îîiî Ntis .x'ua 't-u'oC f M Givý- 'liîx ic, liecr-cîo' s lia, as bu idcsuuinîml rocîioî x, luol i ci 'lu r- 'hn- imr- il'cuî lu-i 'llu'xxxe:c ii'it-lA i -uuxmu u su-uuuing ala su' iip -reotiru'tî he-m'1~ -.liniî.nuie cirage i i îîr di'e-.c utcirumi ', ix-' " 'iiuui Sie xaS .u-î'lh f0t a. foacý Ir il2' i mQ vOPi 'tPO - thuî'gu iuii i uîcîhîr xxleu î lii Ine-. and ox-errs r t t21 a c iipîutk ic li'ni anud za ,îx-ur ui'e!' Al liîux 5"'- li-.72sci ofxlîîtu'ius xxa..~uues 'lie -- c i- ii - r- .\t uu'ii- ci) ' puiuil ic- at- ima! straxx bW-is xiii xx'i.:e lx i-uipcc lofi <n maxx'illcný laiadausien r-i'1up 3-n i taip hitu i icgne ia lis and CIe Iluxand ciii- "'( nemi-ut- tuîîî'uîStiut"-Fi ixliu u.'Thel ' ioalire.-esx'e thle lbride x\vouie a t lu cm - pue slîiuip xxedelit2 m hgmlit nelt.doiblî' - h.îk iu -tiuuu mi- I rinioiud x luh wxhiîle 'ulas' a suuh e xth hi x-lteaccess-.uruo daimsiesasditeur-.age uftx elloxxxxx ci- The bes' tua i aTiiiun)s- hai l nrussanîd xx hue u-arîa- [oe'kxxe' ncf 0-tiax a. a l id icou Th'FlC'Hxii nîe i ho ushers xxeor iclar wia e '<s Bxmaui' le wxîet ut Oshaaan~td Ru an F2ntoiift nt Orultia KFAL.V - (;RH.NM Puoni.u uhoPpat isýh lia1 uce: e froni itsassiiix P Q Gý-' u-. awai. Torconto, roxilr-. Pa.. Coboî'ouuk 'Tîebh d.uuf:h pick *taffe'"ii. a Pale pi'k lia' Of Iici xxitîh xx bite auilnd t puîuk fux:- i ic roui. and -.elit ai, î'--.î t, - I a c ' xi. 'Th c:id groomns uuo'ler xxas t. Ht es cf pink auîd xx de -t( pdilv- lon wiîiia col-rge ff- h- nonis aie ain o: ch For a lîoîex 'uîuîîu' ' -!-p -)'i -, u esi r-o)a z 'lue i de v--rf 5:îînah -h t:of xM l' x' u- e! low. - roenî anîd b:ox - âu.c, a -.eft -elux -ce, elc and agro -"5 ,'i Bommanvile. J une Bride and Groom Im.e Cnrdia" Stq frni-s., Somrnvtipm, eul'y 2, 118~4 DE KOKFR - THICKSON where, thp uetsxerep rereit' F .' 7aPh P t Il V il e 1 e ti ýe ri i hvthe briie's mother iwhc, Cnrh wns 'o soi:ng xx heu wore a !two-piecc do f bille Pa cia Rrx I Thlckson, dan- sWlkshantung and crsage nt ghter of Mr. and M:'s. Hieurv pink roses. Thr grnooms me- Th'ckson of E1'hehi1e hr asxîsted ux aring a btark and Mir. ohn *lan:s DEnokor li d whiie figurpd dresq and son, of Mr. anîd \ns. p .1 orsage cr f pink rospbuds. DeKoker of Bîookliii. OntI N,.;;'he couîple eft for 'l %vere :in:ter!i irriwage 011 b-irief oiex-ooni he bride Sazurdax Cx enig. .tiiy !RAS. xxas wraring a threepîece 19(i4. a: 7o'1oil aqîîa-gi-reîSrrauno suit acd( Rev P.F. Gardineior Lan- x\hiti, accosorios.tte.'i to'.i,, ca' and thf e' eoX.'eoesav .1ii x22nd. Hý!P dm2 îî mscv vvas plavPd bvhride and gu'onnrnritew bx- t. M (..'Carenuce iMorue in .Xserdam, Hotand. ami The bride un s gîen in xiH roturn t ho m iddlo t niarriae bxh\'lerfallie" a!ndciAitgust. Thox' x îi rosue xl wvore a gcuxx of white silk t112t Dîudas St. EasJ.; htb Shantuing Mw t h fiî Il -ngî. The bride. who is a 'Socon - heil-shaped 40.t The fittied darv SchoolIctacher, atltendcrr hodkT unea-.fashinned with Fibahethx'ullePubtn' Schnol, short Croeer and laue ador- Port IHope High SchooL. iie oH thoe 'klîîî. Tics hiitto'v Universiix of Toronto, aird dlownuîdtho ark lighlîghted the Toaî'hrrs' College Nex' Snn- go il. Ho' chnultdpnrlngth tombher c u! Hi again mne x e' li fro'v a coronot of traAhngHNin rx. Engt îh andl iPYx.of %the vaep and ucr Geogýravoîix ai Cshavia(e bou q i! ua-. o' ou roses anîd tin ('oligaie 'Flc gi 0111 t xx ç n ua oiCIii pýox ai (;Clcl.era Mot',1ý Mis. Suwnai ii.x st Cxii f Prior to ni na ra WliV a i ebor de's aut -bride \xas 2î extof tionurA ieîidan: n 'î ise <îanzun se. ovral parti iOý\ showeî' xx ,- stx-d shnil in: x the bride- givrn hv icachre-.of iAr (i gnxvn. She cunre aa r'ch iin2 ax oiiawn('et C40 Wa tr.-'i bai anîd i'a'-red nî roses anîd ber clan. PC'. prrscîtrrdh -'r ca"' 1atui- l<ýwitli a xarxiz-et and sersk wOt due-sanid lîrASdîueîe T'he -talC of <Iniaus(cin- ux e- iîade lix lie hrirlr irai 'oleiae reeuio ii Mr o Des flKote!o'n f hi de xxuihaPSx'dish lx PRmoUSn. îAre umonni hm- dish . and lirr aîîiis. 'M-, t ber. xxas best Irîanu. Qja nîri l anid M us. 0. NMercei'. A, ruepoiin cs leld ai lîAr wre lotossfoi a showoer houuîe or the bride's pa rents held ai Mrns. Qîîaîîî i i ll's boni'. --. s ~J)rLI C/ec~izers "Mri. and lxls. E.xa-l\îlansii~lli, s1loiiixî 'gifîlic'ii'tii fuîliýixiî Heu-ir mi-aîQ Tii ' ix'HUnited (Iur'.Ruxtîix i.chouise Vf"iidi' v e 'i Juîe 19. 196-1, ait 6::)02(1 u'cluk ftrlc date anid iliw(dIl iîir 'ediî.'l'lîe bride s ibr' *oumi ('hix x teSeult, datîiti- iof' \hî anid )lt. rAiistiii-u oit, îd beh pî-ouri . hue sun o iii ui. aund Mrs,\Villiani Smîith, il l ! xuîu\ i- Phoiiil i\' ixsi mi, ii m Setting Was Or ono United Church 'l'le adx'otî',ingnmAnacer vwas discuîssing adx'ertising .%-Ith a local merchant xvhen bie asked: "Did -ou ovcr baveyvouir bat blo%%-fi off?" "'s."suid the mierchant. 'Vbthle%~il itoff-" "'hexrind." answe-red the me rchba nt. ",nid Yoia ee-r %ce the Nt'inid?' No."' "Vl.advertisinz iha like the wi md. an invisible force. Vit, Can'i sec it hîit xcii can and xîill sec the resuilts, hast as yoaa 1."%% yoar bat go rolling don, the street." CIA)TI-ES C'ARE HINTS: Guiard vour roothosaizainst Perspir'ation. Whren pnssihlç nrui, tcol youur olothes by xîearing tinderairm shields hecatise tiers- piration <'an do more damage I cloth than anything elser. l'or ail cvenhig of fun for the entire famil '% attend KINSMNEN CARNIVAL, SATURDAY, AUGUST gth. l'offsr, K ill, h th' Mr R oh(t-l . R R . ý;il Ih rIh r ,)I of II. of R.R.Not-I-.s'---l( A prânn c.îî-t., ml -ni teld no I -igoitlnpx(î;iue 1nIrîri xot 1 mc--,. ;r-ma R ici o xihu stu a tii-i ' 1 ]S. Na 11 E ' l l ai d V, i i t tii. i'- noi n cuf lriîimle S'Ic rx Iu ruîandc. ic-uc OC iie Ic i c-iaîî gruui cmi n \'elmuuu1 -xti-(i xci gii - 'Pur- i idi heiiii i x at i uli u s i l n I( plud xx.:' P 1 lu'- i3 fhS of ,'rl îîx- lu \ i riligiici u' i l sc - i i l ii 'Iui c(;<o d'u,i tgK (11i , Stimhiliî-,,1 xxa, for ' hii û l brctlîeu, aq!mu ci u Mi Ia- x ex (; ra hîani: htu'if-i cf ihr hi idr- m;a- uc-h, R lack >; t . I 'ni c i 'i ic il ~ 'li uc o1rn i c i- xxa- I df 1ri pai rio-or aited xxiih ha 1-.kctf, of tl.r-home of t lin' brirde s aito Px'reu hîrcu uîa nel rose-. xxas tIlle Mu Ru-g Rotiiiox PocrtPrrx' Sen 1 n fuilex'ddig u xxîc te- lihu de n ithet rr- Sliîrhaxr. le tt4- t.txecexr: -' '-gaDu be Mr. -anel Nîrs. ('oîîrtuîex (ha- a id îîuk mari uîaiînîconr,4age_ . li a i ii. R. R, 2 Ne'st 1helno ii aitri 'lbr h ilei euis uthe uios (;cnainW liauîî KeIlx. ~~ xrose .ik .uhaninpi NIr. a ici Mes Wi t tia i K c1 1v qlîîa t;iî 'xi'htil xx ii utc marination Reubcn ,un mcSut Th(i v, d.igiui-.i nsrii.- t. xix " n efi pli ýi ï) i \î. iîuu- NI[>. CIanx ii-rii Ioi ient1,-. in ['lut t Pi-: i-,, , mm ciuiîiîiiiel Nucu'u.-! t. Gii tsiounianel Qtu(,i- i, Nu-ý. liaridululNcl.atighii inci Thembride' x - '. n icga bIje r-s StuintIa ic cui -.iuî mut 41fulipou il laumc e onil,;thu ccx u- sat- t lie, iirde- ho sa!-'g 'Thîe \V e - li. xxut u n i t mc. - bine ai' duuîg Praxcu a-vIltle beguuug e-osslizC 5fiif'r-CIaîîdri a f-iunr sageP, t'c0 uit Ill hier iîuîu, i -ad G en euî oxxu s-o Loi'ii ng 'hp iuungof turcip ~ uît a h i icclui .i i tu - liti-gi if ciiiNii uie'-uhVat. Caap flx or ta (tet a -- oxv, xxas en- Ili 1uîi iidmia, , ' !' I 'u-î.ýe-d. haimu i-di xvilnhu a' i-t!u'scd ixer (Pie-t etxx f-i i -u frofuu Ibodlc-e d,i-tich'.t -t ii i"icl'ccROhc-a gen- F'cri o VaIt-, afc crutîî ;h e b Piir)!oin(ar'r ii d a' \nod.nuk. ruH sire. c- T'Plie !-k-l: sPeu e Pr'etc roîml;- di'odfrmn" s Cieter - s i- R' o -.: Siabc.rý anîd local line and xx rn axer rnan5 lace5. arca3. FOR . .. SUMMER DECORATING WALLTEX VINYL WALL COVERING for kit< hcns, hathroonis, tç, Alifetinie of Wear. DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED (British) WALLPAPERS 13P sutre Io sec otr splecton of murais hefore decorating. C'ONTACT PAPER for tahle top%, cie. Man.v hargains in runrn lots uif wallpaper "01,D MASTERS" Wood Finishes PAINTS and ENAMELS for ALIL pirpiir% including KEM-61,0 and SUPER KEM TONE SPECIAL! OUTSIDE WHITE$395 Gai A&BERNETHY'SW V"1ipaper 33 KING "ST. W- ROWMANVILLE a- NOZ-- MILK DELIVERY Aug. Regular Mdlk Delivery on- TUESDAY, AUG. 4th Glen RueÀDan1y BOWMAVILL uc/are Ed Tni WIDEMANYS WA 49 KRIN G sT. E:. BMNi'ANVILLE Summer Sale Continues DRESSES.., STORMY and ALL.WEATHER COATS CLEARING $12-98 "VOGUE MAKE" PANTIE GIRDLES AND GIRDLES 1/2 PRICE PASTEL DOUBLE KNIT SUITS :;.Pie'e- Reg. $39.95 CLEARING $2500 SPORT JACKETS CLEARING - $1000 each ,sture k, %ir-(*i)ndîiined For Yotir Shopping PIeasiure' Mon@#* 3rd