Ne w Weedîng Machine In Operation ut Forestry May Reduce Chemîcal Use AJrîew wcediîig auîd culti- hrere xii dusappeac from the vating machine that may dcas- soi1. but there us se mcîch xve lically reduce the amnoont o! dont Aknoxx about thenu." "hemnical wvecd killer oscd nui'. '10n some crops, bas paFsed 1ce-bs ISEI) SINCE MAI' this somnmer at the Orocio îurî- 'Ihp machine bas been used 'rstation cf tîte deparmtnîi,lihe station sînce Miay Io 5, Lands and Forestîr. x'.ced and cultiv-ate a 10-acre William Buntîng. '(ricnutn accu hoding cf about 2,000.- 'lent cf bbceuiurserv saîd }'idux'0001 tnree anud fouîr .year old be, is satisfied wxi th cesults of spr«cit'eres. te machine. the second one cf iThe fuct tiat bbhenmachinie its type impcried froni Den- cunivates %vhiie it wceds is mark, aIse an imptortant facher for- Comprcssrd ;a.:' i n c t u ; ut.' u. r M. Bunbîng saîd. f rom cozzlcs a>îuile t Xb.:'ihemutcals are used the ground level. hiu'.x' thte .c'hgriudla uuot be worked ou fronu betwcen plant .re il hu tfeut cf bbc chernicais ks uîîg areas Ibat before rulruh1<1 t. band boeing or h cxl' oses \V: lhe grotutd is ni oif eemicai xx'ccd k illit xxcik'jh hures nou acratii cof h1c. Bunting saîd '.cdiii 't ti:'soi I. Mr. Buntîng saîd, anîd helieve that cunu.nuing lise of thus in uîýspcc-tcd as the cause ail chemnicat xVcri kî*lcr'i o! une cour tuegrox'.tb. bad.. "But 1 bute, ho tetomP' .\ ii a problern in the liglît,' c(,enfdent on a:,'eîruai unt ' -uîl cf the nurserv. is ccc-1 hie said. <ici: after a cabut. Grouund that "Alîindicationis t'et lu MO Cuhti'..ated proxides a1 sýhow that the cu'iicuals iocti xxatciruniff uaîd sou ceresion. ~ Fro<t :raci'kng cf tbc grondý FINE QUAITY mtoplle xposeste routs cf: MONU'MENTS AND plantts t'.heu thiex' au-e cot cul- NIARKERS tt1uuI 1 i N' tînucointcrrrn. wi1- 4 bol, i., 4~. *.,,g i,~ v.,, ~""fl0flct Stafford Brothers LIMITED Monuments B 0x 133 318 Dundas St. F. INhitby1 Phone lWhltby MOhawk 8-.1552 uon multus:' of'hernicals ut tit ix 'v%h(,ii cats. '.erc plar un a field previtîuslv bcea xx It si-nnasine, As ait expE imnitlic dîd tnot t t he 1b tif bbeuuil x'.itb a piough suggcstecd before planbîng. MV of the cat îîlanting died. As lttie us unie quar potuud cf the cbemical1 acre ttill shtop cats fronu ger ina inug. I lis pnese'ut atit ude towz i'br'niiu'alis hthatthbeY shot be used as ait ussist ini killi tyctus anrd that more cultiý bloît sbou.ld be donc w'jhht ut:".' matchiute, '.hich getsi uf t"ec'rls iii the sanie ope tîuîî ---Examir lu~iLq [À I * k SX BRAND CHICKEN ROLL r ONLY 49 SAVE!H SAVE H TENDER - LEAN - Red or Blue Bi-and Rib Steak Blade Steakc Chuck Steak53l HOMVE NMADE - QUICK FRY BACON ROLLS 59C of 4Pgs. M M GOLDEN YELLOW - No. 1 CHIQUITA BANANA&S Oiy1O Save lic ny1 1 LOCAL GROWN No. 1 New Potatoes49bg Save 20c 49 10 lb a SHOP AND SAVE AT DYKSTRA'S VARIETY FOODS FREE I)ELIV'ERV M r e- nted îted ceri- top 1as vlst per 'l'le Womenis Tstittîte %v: ,rm- meet on August 13, Thursda, at 8:15 o'clock. Program wii ard the theme "Education" willb uld in charge of Mrs. B. Hooc'e ing gcouP. va- Mrs. W. 0Qi mstoii, Brouý the lin. visited Mr. anîd Mn rid Bruce Tiîîk and familv. ra- Reverend R. Sherwin, Mr inec Sherwin and sons, Duchai * visited Mr. and Mrs. E.F ýTaylor, several days last. wecl Mrs. Rae Pascoe and child cen spent several days wit Mr. and Mrs. J. D ver at thei cottage near Minden. Ricky and Dougie Brooni Tyrone. hnlidlayed at Mr. ar( Mrs. Lloyd Broome's. Mr. arîd Mrs. D. Ftett am family, Mrs. N. Leachi ai Miss Pearl Leach attendcd ti Youngman -Leach picnica ýMr. and Mrs. Ed. Yountgnan' Pontvpool. Mr. and Mis. George Hiar per, Faye and Sharon, Utica Mrs. Dionald Yellowlees anc Mrs. George Gibson. Taunton \vere Sunday' visitors witl Mr. and Mrs. R. Vice. Miss Nan Aluin and Mi', Betsy Cook, Toronto, Mr Charles Alini, Bowmanville visited on Sunda v wilMr and Mrs. Wes Yellowlecs. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd AH- dread and Maxine. Debbîe Miller, Tycone. visifed MNir and Mrs. Bill Page. Mr. and Mrs. Will Torikir, Oshawa, and grandison Piiip ýDetroit, visitcd Mrs. N. Wot- ten and Francis. Mc. and Mrs. Wecý Wcrr\v John and Ewact spent Sonda' with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Met- caîf at their cottage at Rice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and familv spent a week ait cottage on Pigeon River., Miss Helen Baker, Mrs, Maurice Baker and Marv, Mr. and Mrs. Vvtas Treciokas and children, Toronto, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bakec's during the holiday wcekend. Barbara Miller, Brou~gham, visited at Mr. and Mrs. jý Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Page ai family visited on Sunday a]i Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bcckctî,', Bowmanville. Mc. and Mcs. .1. Kniox ind family visited Mc. and Mrs. Grant Down and lleathcer, Ebenezer, on Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ccvdernai and Mr. and Mrs. B. Mont- gomeryv cnjioycd a motor irnn through Western Ontario last week. Mr. and Mcs. E. Stewart, Salmon Arm, B.C.,Mc. and Mrs. C. Smith, Mc. aud Mrs. H. Freitag and sons, Mc. and Mcs. George Bittner aiid Di- anna, Oshawa, Mc. and Mis. H. Pascoe were Stindav visi- tors with Mc. and M4r,. E. C yd erma n. Wayne Legec, Oshawa, holi- dayed with his cousin, Larrv Cryderman, while Ellen crv - derman visited hier uiîi Susan Leger. ti, gaîidpareniiv .I\lî '111d H\c~I. Far-ux . ailvith- Kalltrv'ilKnox cii;ux cdi hi da* vs w ith lhec cousin., yid Rowe. Bowmraniville, Mr an~d Mrs. S'ai] i Mii] )rl atr snsý visited Mr. and ' Jîm Phîllips, Torontn, rentlv- and were Sundav diii. nec gliests of Mc and Mc;- Wmi Carr and famîlv. Ne\n-- t on v111e. Mc. and Mcs Hfar-lan - Cacrell. Dwa vncand on%,, Omcemep. visited Mc. and NI:s Wes llilis and family onl Sun- day. Mc. and Mcs. are Y- lowlees and family oinlecia family gathering ai lte F. and G. Larmer's. Blackstock. onî Thcirsdav. to vîsit witil cou1- sins. Mc. and MsWalioon Larmer fcom Arlington,Weî Virginia. Mc. and Mcs. L. 1{llett a:îdi Mcr. and Mrs. Ralph Day:. were weekend vîsitorsw Mr. and Mcs E. Hodg-e a-, M a t t awa. BOGUS S20 BILI, On Wednesday, one of the Accident Round-Up Ontario Provincial PoticP this detachment and Bow- manville Police had a coin- paratively accident free ho]:- day weekend in spite of h!I h e'avy, bumper tb bumnpe i ~ra f fic. 'Phere -was one r-ePortab!O accident on Sundav onhiu wa v 401 about 6 p-nm., wiilh three vehicles involved.Ti was i the westbound tane. There wece minor injuries and considecable d a ni a gec Constable J. Donaldson was the investigatinga o f f i c e r. Drivers of the cars were fron Toconto, Thocold and Belle- ville. On Tîiesdav tnior-iun oal 10)9 o'clock, a thrcc vellicle collision occtîrred on Taunton Road East, when thece w,î consîdecable darnaie but 'io injuries. None of the drivers wvas fcom this acea. Constable J. Schultz investigated. In addition, over the week- end, thece wece thcee non- repoctable accidents whec damnage was estimated at iCss .han S50. SOLINA tlie 26th of June, in Bou-man- The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvîlle, Aug. 5, l!64 13 ville, with failing ta stop and ____________ ~otgive his name and address af- W w R t ry G v ro Maistae"sConter hitting a car driven b ewRtay oero r.Jas. omeRR'à P]Y ofiil *st o Heid in Bowmanville ý auint ,.PaysTOfficiaieVisit to the corner of Scugog ad Auu 4hooped b ' OPP Couis. Dei: t -atcd lie paid ,110 S1UittittOuiz, B'wmnvlle SLacedal C lub on this Friday . Ho . rHe. ontaleBid OC Mc. V.î':u. o Hog H also failed Io show bv monev order iii the amnount Harte-MýaxwNefl sopd M. TbrP rgro oo't a'dCu nUpr- Oshawa . :ers :n tte j, proof the vehicle was înusred. o! S13. Russeil Evans Jr. xvas Quilltn. as he was drixîing theý (Eglintoit Rotar-y Club) yWl Sat . lNc A.Caeoi dmlioncn- Teinsurance agent stated chacged with operating a m 11- car -with licence number tak- pay an officia]' visit to lIte Yc- tt it u elx iractors. appeai'etl on fiis be- the policv lia nt eenGocin"N....-ai prt laîf on a chia-go ioder lb" itcwed. Paxlowski was found permit. He picaded goiltv.sîated iite insocance compant- on Fcida\. August 7hh. stud e sionsIttc rt ipatd ' ~emai: acrxiilla'tîit g 0gîilty as chacged and fined Constable Deullog, OPF. stat- rno longer iitsured hum. Ccow'ci.Onte of!'-76 nîcî enxeriiiP s knudt' seson s to urher h pat' xxage >s ,o Goruudon Patfield $50 anid S.3costs. hfi defaul: cd on Juuîx 7tb alPonty'pool. Athocutev Bouinycastle shaied Rtr Dsrctkî\'ll toxvjj0j lcrg r fxanisof0imp- '0r~. Ca iteroii admritted oxvîng 7 davs. ia truck o! Siitith Cceanter.' tite ticrenionths suspension: Rioac Dir strct loeutdrs ndteîtt inu rogan isRoam '1Tibr'GrKor as eecte at nd xas istrictedin ls ad wt dhatodpaî- 1. el.Qsaw ep- Pelcrocouh. WaS iincollision was rnet sufficient. Magistrate Rotacy's ConîventionîîintToc- otunistral jvc dutics. if 'n ,v ai~ u a u senting Ailan Bothwell, i81) xxith a secontd veluice driven Baxier f.îied Quinn ifoc leati,- ouIto. ' Ontacio, Cantada. .it fie vc 1r,. uio xh'i'l ,a ich 0caxfom date Duke St.. Bowmanville, plecd- hy R. Evants Jr. fle found nto ing the scene. S100 and The Disrict CI'I v Ttor; of omoi îî' aid e icx"m d is lint îa noprvieus c:tturgeitcy brake. Evants xtas cost' ý indefauît 15 dar dJulClTe uDsciacomres O1rcoo xI îi aiCu cia d 48 Rotamti C ubt n cc ic Distit in cotinsel Club tante bat'k. Thj.a:ntiff xvas record. Bothxvell as chacgcd foîitnd guiltt-anîd fiuied $10 lite anîtot driv-e iii Canada ~uue bv Guelph ini lit officiais cin Rotant' niatterg -w i lIin îtgtear" ill theque with dauigecoLus drîx'ing on anîd coils $200. ut dcfautt 5 foc ite t-ear. With lîaving nol West anîd'Belleville iut i ic ai rthomîur lueRotarv pro- ,$12,5 a:nd 'ea t Sg Jîîk 18th. in the Tlownship cf d a'. T Qltî.Co. puoo! o!ftttsucaîce, a fucthei-:Pc. ht eas fac nom-tiAs at uxsgu ~tcîe w:hdaxx t Da rIinlot. Michael T I i.Cn .fie o! $51) and $3.00 costs, iii '« 'ri 'ei,;agdb telp l i. hd Coits'abie Bird of lite Boxt-- Darlinglon, xvas 'cutamcd ot defafîlî ait added7 davs rneil.-nentoa P-sdn hr At ai: ihplutw:l r Sco' ni wd ant-i le Police. ' teàhe f---To prepre foi- ht:si;r' tpis- les Xv. pefteltgilî. xe lic aia l it :î h b i loxx'd a car. w tx Iih ts,00 bîlities ducuîug the vea r. T ibor- -I n l r D s r c ')1 ad LcjtroLugIliset-cru stp iitiZeflsGcegor attended the lifer- bi.i cniu nthi ev- h~ Canturon M.' re isuîd wuuitt ie ciivelln'ilA e it z ntte nda nationalunienventicor scîLai, McI. Sctit faicud Iori odti.c u tiralnvnin a ucwck ini the comrnuînity :i Unutpc itiî i sir u 'ca specd o! 1053 ilsperhoWur o whichtlitbv arc locatcd, thrv SBock anid xx'ugc,. iscbeen btt'il uc elovah unaysunvmîig crcnoui xxilllcontinue Io work onjoit *1edu en i cc p fh BothxwellI car. A uahrsl-Snay' neln .,,,iolv rjcswt hi ac edu edii ru;to ed aI lIte CIarkeO ligto i s bcbg arranged bx' vthe Par- DisrictsandilubsheinSoath- Sbock. Scot t'ýý ch1eqjue xxas hIo (2-ofxx'uisanduhe ' i beictauh' itmIo' T ownshiîp cioss, ol e i f Ilfýl ho avn n ieR cr c hue, anîd gcnerallv caî-rv 0f lf:ce nt 'iw l: . udt tuutie s ,Con(eSsiclit s. t n e t o n L n teReverend Wilîian W'. liar- ouI flic prograoî for flic 60ih n Office tnu t îllie tilf' ~Both'\vll ave a tateutn ta 'tc sut.etioilusix oteiiur. wIIý,\ilact, as programme :\Ii c cr ear 0of Rotarv c la rIj ir i \Cli, l tcxxas ,filc'drixer. Bothixtiî Liîtdsav last Sunudav cveîtuîg Bible t tiat. "Men o! good xvîll Among those tvluo arce uc'tact' thcouîgh heir profession LBiirk'cluil. xx, cnu:'-ged 011 pleaded ollî it tdaniecous îurcicd sonte of Ilte 3,721 ttilI îlotlitave aîty part 111 ted ho takse part aieP: V B., anud ftir business and indred dolui t1',l 2owj1x *th ii'ratuiig a drici u delegates back to their home, Adnîagedduîî. Tîte' Lamb o! Blake, represcntingtglite Arcc- the whnle communify. Ro- i meon x'jtio- n [ibcrlx' St. Ccowit Attorutet'Buita-ix's onatxil eiet o.JssC'uit n iiclgcla Historie Sites'Iarv inientbcrship is al ait ail N_Btxutux:h .'t faiting tIc poinled citl. cangei-uuis xx'crc part cf ihlusspiit an igctie forces xvill figcht a war Board: George Dean, Heex-e ft~lih.x-îîsi.o i te stop iund g:t :aic anîd ad- dlii is lte occonrl ntu-t f0lcti fied sot'îet.\-ufr niuii:str's. <if tuil aunihilation aurainsh South Mona"ghan Twnhi-D ..hl du'e.'.~~~~~~~ -ugr i.::, rî T ns tip aianuîs longng fo 1 ,(0 s res f(ý- tlcrin offense. Magistrale tý. Mi. F. Roberis. local oxer- Sataîtic forces iucluding alýMeMaster Wacdcn c! Nortit- Clbin 125 cotîîces dri'.n î'î hFr: i k Coxle, I .uke- B Bxtr ripede Bth-suer foc Jeliovalî's Witiîesses, mnt, in wloiGod us ci elWlucnbcrland aund Durham: Mi:s field. îlef., îii"idr'î guilty. xxell's licence front drivinl commnted onI i s reticn, pîeased. (Rex'. 16' 14. 19) Pauline Jewehh, MP (Northt CoisallePuchr tesigte aywheeutnCanada rl-for ,'a , s 1'csxecovitenAmgddnxil efuht1umberland) : anditti usell D RESULTS COtJNT! Iltle easu, tcar. le us 10 observe a 1 ()hcîeps us apprctiate more anud ox'er tbc issue. Whose will':Rowc. MPP (Nortlîîîîbeî - The ai'uud i li cit ni i .cir fex foc one yeau'cut-mtur the practîuaI valuie of wjli he doue coi earh? World land) . The plaque Will beclit-_ý inc a 1956 Ploix'luuujîantd later Iless iteisxoin eOt God's wrillngs Ioniarit, lte MWrs I autd Il shoxx'd rmaî'veiIed and dedicahed hv flue ilu ill'nc' v t'x'i 11 Cuu.:b -J rt.atdo urpot~ Ut Srpucstili stciviuîg ho eshablishu hislRight Revercnd F. H. 'Xilkili- niPuuixpe îuiîc îouîc - ficer. Atfitte probationarx' oui c four-day' vconîvenîtioîn xxas ng xxitt lus oft ccpeafcd ce- o! Toronto. ,,ilupt h t'ur]tn:îtii fteti offi'er's disceliicî Iepo Ie îiîe fruihages cfIlIte quiest. Tht' wilI be douteotITEN INL IUE MJTPELSIN SRVC o!eîîc ' ru 'ronte tsit bahuon cari be temminated. Sptirit antd liow tlîcy should i)( ,camt. Joseph Medlicott SeriVenin 0 Consult a Mcember af the on thte Pl' inîcut. At tlle timer M:îgîshcate Baxter stated bbe! manifest amouug Christiaits. "Arntagcddoii by ceiiîîox'iuîg bernationally, known for lis lue sxxort'e nd icit t laisentente is te be a lessout :01 (Gal. 5: 22, 2:3) Flow sensiblel wickedness frouithebbc artîh,,Iverses used inite famoîIsý Oshawa & District tmuuu'k. thelîi n.ld IlIte o!-' others il)tcnxvn. There us ý no! t is t hat Christians sheuild' xvill triîl uswer the request hymn "Whah a Fieînd W C f:cec lie xvas ncerx uus andi ceascri people canuiot drive un nianifest these qualities O!U for God's will to be dlone on Hiave in] Jesus". wa', born un R a sat or 'u'a:'d. ruxx'ilAtorne.' a proper mautuer. luxe, -, peace., long-suffer-1 cartht. It will prove ho be a 1819 in County Dovn, Ireland _________________ saîduc x e li iu rti'tneuh Lcuoy Camr. xx ittiaîîî'uaccd îtg. kindric:zs. goodness, faith,' steppiugnut otu sa ___________________________________ a tail ternut bu' iiis is a se:'i- hurîcre Magistrate Baxter i iîîidncss anid self çontrol. lishîu'g of a righteotîs next ISu offense. M -g:traeBa- r Bi'ughton foi- lwo as sau 1t Cnîîtintling in these quaitie; eau-tIi witece mnt, pleasing ho fer suspenclpd Mi'. Venotî's -Charges anudcite of uarele,ýs ve t'ultivate God's falvot. ,We Gud. xvIIi fouexer en o, ~Ea cente for tjirec iiiontIu., xth driving, was fincd $50 and S3î hecome meut o! good wilI, peau e." Sn s t e r a o! a fie of $100 Iantd tests cosis oit eau'b charge, and li God's WiIl. $9.00, intdefatil15 dxsinr defaîrît fixe days ciicacît 'Ascauhu of thiese qualitie0 ait, charge. xvas dealt with, one coold \ /I I iSUBWDIVISION iRichiar'dh Paxxluxxsîi. Ilia T. Kelîx', îoiuisel forcMc. sense thcic extreme impor:,- vvlii Unvei i Liber-ty St. N. BowvînanvilIe cock Rd.. tnurtuu'e, '.xas c'iarg- Carc, asked to hiave the î'oiu- aîtue it the daily lites cf cdi that outor abuluut J uni ' 2):h.ývîctîon uîqîaslîed stledt îeeCîiîauniitr o COME IN TO-DAY' -... AND) CHOOSE YOUR Tcxt'usi îpîorf hariing oui, lie 'as x'ocgoui fie stinintîI:' l'o hel p Jeliox'ajlts xxitneou Paq e LTI Tfor'AII'tTIVP A~~ lîad oîîc lte:îdî u utji. [le xvus Mmr. Kelly sated a ltolîul î - , i thn ,.i LT N TISBEAT'i - t'AN Fý - ( a r r c s d o .w nf a ll a n d lie - is a. " ' "a " ' , u it' £ 1 :- N ]t t. . J f l L tendig Ahoholc Anoyrn <h dav vcning progcam fÏeatuced il miriistccial tcaining school Ioted oe Themaisral wcnd C"r xhccc thev wccc commended (eremonies ici connection aux further charges in Bcigh- anîd corcected iin their meth-,,with the consecration of the ton it will be a jail sentence ods of Bible instruction. :Pengellcy Burylng Ground and iitead of a fine. "Saturday -vas; highlghted the unveiling of an historical David J. Measures. R,R. 1,b',' somte vc.ry pointed counsel plaque commemnorating Joseph Bownvil01h wa h adrged Oc gin to imaintain cleanîincssScriven, who is interred in thiW Jou 20h wlh civnga car in this organization of minis- pioncer ceemetery, will takei conlacy to he ighav ers amidst the failing mocai1s place Aug,. 9 at 3 at theý Tcaffic Att, in the Township'of this modemn wocld. Only'cemetery some 2l½ miles cast of Darlinglon, and pleaded n thIl waycnte oiuefBalbr. 'no~ gilîx"' Mr,. Evctvn to ante cnineo Biieoo cepresent Jehovah God bc- This plaque is onîe of a secies Ruipect, Pont.\pool. tr'stified fore manlkirid." being erectcd throughout the the car she was driving ,vahs lma fhefti as rvic yteDeateto bit head on as she was going Te lmx ontheSourida atTothem a d efrmtoaf up a grade on Countv Rond a'îivcam 01 udva orsanIfratna- 57. SIte swung hiec car to the .1.11 xxhcn Mr. J. "Ma(,- ing on lte advice of the Acch- righ taavoi tu impct.Pherson addcessed those pre- aeological and Historie Sites .Mc. Rupect cocrobocated his sent on he sobjet, 'Peac \vife's evidence ici bis test1i-,Ainong Meii of Good Wiil' oir HEIR1OU VS T M01nî*V. Constable T. A. G,ý Armagcddon - Which? TRAVEL BY Spencely, OPP, stated hiein The speaker pointcd to a vcstigated the accident and p ce v alen t misconception A IR R AIL o r took measucements. île stal- about the truie nature of sTEAMSHI ecd Mrs. Rupert seemed caîm. Acmageddon by quoting fromn S EA S I ýtMc. Morris. coonisel foc Mc.' tlîe New York Times of May t iMeasures, said the benefît of 6, 1962, "President Kennedy, Consult e douht goes to Mc. Measores. is now engaged iin a new cf-1 JURY & LOVELL Y Magistrate Baxter said tte, fort to find some 'sort Af ac- 1 evidence of fthe officer cor- commodation wlIt h Soviet TRAVEL AEC coborates the evidence of Mrs. Russia to avect an atomnic: Bowmanville 623-3361 Rupert. Ifle fined Mc. Mca.- Acmageddon.' Mc. MacPhec -________________ ires $10.00 and $40 costs. ini defaujt 7 dat-s. Steven Blondin, Peterbor-' ough. 16, who was convited1 .1pceviousl.v on a break and en-j tcy charge al the Glernnieý Service Station, Newcastle. rcceîved a suîspcded sen-suM4 traIe vwacned Blondin if lie' gets in trouble again in a few vears, il will he a jail sen-ý Georg1e A. Alcxanider vas, chargrd on thîe51h of Itjn(, last, with operating a motorý vehlicle carclesslv in the vil-' lage of Oc-ono. Alexandec' pleaded "guiiltv". Ile made a R A Y F R I M D Uî tom withOLItsignallingRE D FO IMD an ba it by a car going south. Magistcte Baxtcr fincd him $25.00 and $~3.00 costs. "T UfE B LA R Thcee men. Davidi Baclow *. 2.5. Peter Paddîson and Garry! Ruchon. al of Toronto. xvho appeaced befoce Magistcate 20' x 30" on 50' x 100' Lot on L Baxteî- at Port Hope, made a fiicthrc appearance t o d a v. .1bedroonis, hathrooni with Flush-O-Matic toilet, 1W~ Thev were chacged on June 26, Township of Clarke, Colin- area with kitchen ciipboards, completely irisulate tv of Durham, with obtaining tiles throughout. Inside finishcd tbroughout witb p a motor vehicle îîndcr anl indictible offence, a] xk'hî Ltan Mahogany Plywoad. Exterior Johns Mansville tJime oit dune .30th, lhey siding (no painting required), hydro. pleaded "not goilt'v ". ThPy, wei-e fouînd %vith a 19,59 Poil- tn au' ý'da ioxvîicîlbx' QIiv"rý casîx .WI nx':îuoittai' L'a ilu- 1 \x)w fn:1IIid tiiiit*x :i' A SHORT PLEASANT DRIVE F îtih j Jii- :utjî iteaiili. Bzir- O O M N IL luu'~pre-s'eiie-ceport wi. read. listinig a tuniher or of- fcn,es 7iîn Bcitishb Coluntbia ii lte nipthlycarg. The CrottinAttoricci '1 Rnnvycasfte stated I3,rlo'.1 M OV E IN NOW . wa a men.:ce fo societv anl haid embackecl on a lire ofý rrimei Magistcaffe Baxter set-B D G 10 e hm n2 1er;.pes E S B D one day. inthlje Onlarin R'- focmatoc\- Paddison and Rii- ""TH AA WY chton ele(-ted to be trîed by' jodîte and jîirx ___________________________ Mox sev Bra %, foLi icI1.îî1 occasni nditio t lwn 20' x 30' on 50' x 100' Lot on Laý rl'acs aîd fuc otallf This cottage features 3 hcdroon, hathrooîn ith ý35.00 with cosîs $5.00, in de-, kitchen cuphoards, screccncd-in porch, completelyi faîilt rive days oit each charge»ý William Wilson, Nesticton, Ing arca is finished with heatîtiful Boston Redwood si who appeared on April l4th last anîd found 'guilt.v," on ait vinyl asbestos tile. Porch also finished in Boston împaired dcivtig charge, u panelling, reinainder of roomis finished ivith panelling. further remandcd toaappear, wîth, counsel on September 1. Johns Mansvijle Asbestos siding, hydra. Edwacd H. Clarke,. Have- loi'k. noxv serving lime at lVhitbv% foc îheft. appcacod FOR FURTHER INFORMATIC before Magistrale Baxter anîd %vas remanded jri custod v one wxck xaitîuîg a prc-scnteîice E report1. Ruz-.'c!lEx'aliîsS!'.. Bîî- SH AA W O ton, îabourec, who iwas char-g-! SAA cd on doIt' 7th with hein- the COURTICE owe fa notor vehicle on- LUVIE eratn~ c t o î ~rff:ien728-1611 br-ako, ni i-figh'ua" t.. pleaded £:t.Mr. Evan SUB-DI VISION Honmes Buit By' LOUPAN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. As Low As $14,r2OO For Appointment to Inspect Phone 623-3393p W. FRANK REAL ESTATE 77 CHURCH ST. BOWMANVILLE 1 N.H.A. MER UATE OCCUPANCY ,'ing-dining td, ceiling prefinishcd le Asbestos $5995 :ROM TORONTO, OSHAWA )N GOOD ROADS PAY AS YOU PLAY iET TERMS id "FOR QUALITI id SELECT ItSED CARS lir - SEE - 7McQUEEN )n MOTOR SALEU -LEIMITID - r. EarI MeQuýtcen, Pre:,. e, 219 KING ST. E_ I. BOW31AN VILLE H_ Aîthorize't 1Dealer for CRambler Cars t Wpe ju-.t don't give the hest dea:îinjrto>n ... but wvIîe, you makec a deai ai 'y NMcQueen's y o ii receive t guaranteeci service. Any deal is flot a -ond deal %vithout, this service! a FRambler 1. Demonstrators ,t going so fastw'v decided 15to Put ail] our staff cars on the miarket for quick sale, This is Your opportunjty to huy Iow mileaze 19J64 Ramb- bers at trempndo,,s sav'ings. 1963 Rambler 4-Dr. î2 (o choose from. 6 cvI., standard transmissions. Bath arc lnw milcage. local. one owner car sand stili under 1962 Rambler Station Wagon fi c.yl.. automatie. customn radio. Powver hrakes and steering i Local trade in A-1 condition. 1961 Rambler 4-Dr. 6 p vi. au tomatic, <'ustom, rad ioi. Local, onme ouuer. (.ood ch-an car. 1959 Oldsmobile Convertible pim.îiît juli I uiIN 1958 Pontiac 2-Dr. 6 rY i., standamrd trainsnmissionl. A-1 condition. 1957 Chev. 4-Dr. De%piin mdel, V.g, alftomnatc vth radio. Ciood running car. If vou are Inoking for a gond holiday %%agon, sec our selection, '5*9's to '62-s. Service Station f1ave your tires checked for trouble-free summer driving Open from 74 a.m. until 12 midnight 2 i-HO ['R TOWING SERVICE Phone 623-3401 After Ifours 623-2083 Member of both N.AL. andIOML # 0 0 CO0N TA CT: EarI MeQrîecicn Weldon Brown Buid Fo-t .Jack NMilie-r Jerry Goodwiu, Sales inuae '6 2 50gte truhot ivn-m siding and Redwood Z.Exterior ONCALL WILF PICARD )D PRODUCIS SHOPPING CENTRE » 728-1617 ke Scugog iFlush-O-Matic toilet, iving-dining arca with '7 King St. IV. PHONE 623-3541 JSve Maxwell House (off ee Savec 0fi1y 87 i Good Taste Peaches 5 15oz. tins$.0 m v 51111'li L 1 Scugog sl,739 DOWN ake