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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1964, p. 6

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B *~e Caadia Stap~snn. ownanville. Aug. 5, 1994 I ýReport from O ttawo In Pickering Toxvnship, ~ .u about 950 ruraleutmers were !IL f Fe trcin Appoint Ne, taken ver juiy I1 by Mark- Pe t f Fe trm n hamn rural operating art-a from 'Vce__sd 'Oshava VUceTPresidEs ets receit-h e power supp from PTJck -eri :: dstrbuo: ý (NE from August 21 to Sept, 7 0Of Trent U. sector ai appîoxîmnateiy 50' cb i i a -t- Tt Ppoîntmeîst of Pr This week the House of Commons wil] serve to partly close the gap for Region 'Uanager A d a In Augi,-î 2lst to September 7tii, inr b!acl, anri wNýte lraîîsiiin- Lake Ontaio froni Port Dai-.,-, passed the Youth Allowances Act which such children who mnay flot qualify for Smnith said: "Oshava Public rodes the payrnents of $10. per disabilitx- al]owances until îhev reach Uitet Comissienonfor muany e, ri nutlii t o.w1lrr rr iiamt osi-Hrii ICtaie month Io parents of Cariadian children the age'of 18 vears. as ac e ntai valuabyle i- b lifld oki r 1n-Vd ý %jItý>1i '. )u-Ino ii a te UNE Ih, "rpS 16 and 17 years of age who continue in Unider the income Tax Act personal 'oeassince ln tarohe ro by g f lir ni r V C. tl ,Th ~ i h -- flý ir uUpite, i ,-t- h. oFaue sehool. Under existing legislation Fam- exemptions for chi]dren receix-ing fam- tce-ope-raon ti h- erviciilo f:icîîî i ;1. v olou TVC i aîacwto. theahi t-d hiriî N-, a ~a t p iyAllowances terminate on a child's i y allowances are reduced from he- rra etstînes. -h:î l:1 "J. '- vîP, -T ui it!n.a î OI flpWUOclv, CI t *c lr.airlTese-vice rwad flot c1ud r thtipJrî'pi- 1-:stca- M hn inbik isya.xi h-e l6th birthdax- yO. per annum. This differetîtial avalab, e. hmvaPUSer vic ed pi S, kî hizauUnîdb aonith-wt'n nd th- e PlAe orF isrI hC, tu ria erd ~ shwa LT avasSt~; CecîslxZki.Swxei- pr*Omote 1'hî ftvierell c i ïE~î ia eaî1 arra Introducing the leigisiation National will flot be applied Linder the ne\v has beet, f the highost quali .ty Deri--k Ir;,,I, -taelfrsm uk-i-~~<ri~~el Health and We]fare Minister Judv Youth Allowances legisiation and there- ýfrom the standpoint of the Hollard. Sls tzeî-Iaîn-î arcî îstil' s i î Di 'FI het T ie f t- i a LaMarsh said bliat the legisIation tep- tore parents of children aged 16 ail custorner and nfi nat IC\ic- o î ; N h5: x hai 'a - iec f an Hydro," lie said ý n-i \iit-h ssjil - i-onsuue iv!' c2rter aCi resents a significant step forward 'in 17, who are rleceix-ing the $10. per monti hleor IhI rlrPi encouraging our young people to mTike will be entitled Io lte fui] income fax 1-oe vr, avalbty ofgetfly ,tî ý ere-e'net' w'*i .' Qî,i ulnbinnn ti-.0 Caru The Aqut- pieîtheniai)- Fin the most of their educationa] opplar- exemption of $50.Per annum. .1 inprvead commniai- on grand giViiin I;t rni uiactLcrf Qinn is 1the -useisdow, ithre ash-mo.fil(- Fnifax-- tuiis nakits,,tthis announcernent Finance transportation ffacilities, as rî b-- c a of tîrî~ h- atr! ur n i n , pr The famîil v aMwîcspiuyau~ inister WalLer Gordont said, ql. coss modemn, mobile equipiinent, it Sîale. Nav 11iiî iwholl h(M- ing cent-tre. tht- fabullonls Fîoci PO which lhas beeni i fect. sîice 1945. pr o- More tri keeri 16 and 17 vear olds at <iow hsbcîeiail ar î îaîcaîi-of I iit, 13idiug, t!te Womeipi's Exhi ibail to ookaffr d- er'vie thes,.- rural customers bandsu 1n. toi. îp So T ravel li ta'-- * > i- and Fashion Shoi. th'e Na- vides assistance to parents of chfldrei cho4lÛ)1 than il does tolo fe e through Ontario Hydî-o's near- t or il, luck,î x tiiser- xiiU T011 il ford ueAri under 16 years of age. *"But noxx il s pendant cihildi-er, of yuungeî- ages. Te b Bwmnvllean Mrk rc -- t ii<u OA. i Ciaî an clu r Shoard.le Agr-Pl felt". said LaMai-sh. -tlat t is timu ii extra S250,tif ilicore ta., exemptions hmrua peaig ra, t iiîih u uSardb h-uti-uAîss.-î i-au A ilpi, îH~--(îpT'in nd mnove forward again. [t lias been felt loi their- parenlts wil place an acidi- Mr-. Smith stated. , -~ l ~ l i atdat Pdî-i ii- \ cs nri u-l.lsu-trolM for some tu-ne that 16 and Ix1-r îcl oeiiihai-o it oa(wih)sl!--il. Uit 'i Ii-('I- t 1, -i- iluil iu-e (l oui 1.i. ilt l rilt-S should also be giveit incentix-es tu coil- ejeaie conditions under \whicli %Voun Business uirocîory N î.i;.;;, ft a -tiflr:t t sIie i n actioll equip theni better fio i ir>men i i îîiid thus teceive the training which wiîl A TIfh Fii ;othpiî-s voiii, -ilov. tue1 X\l-.-îr . ' C tiinri'r iigNl alsd 'h the modern tworld." fit ihem fut the kind of jobs likely to IanCy The li-aect- [nine inylviy, u fabxi! rtti WatT U,- Ai,-ho The $10. a mouî xiti il bepaid toi bUc avaïlable in the future." RALJhDLLNG u lîdi îutt bt vil hu tfîl lor-. lîioau i the full 12 m onth-s of the ,ceair. proi-aiaThe nieiv Youth Allowances xviii Carteredi AccGulitant ai'noiîgs ' ll'h 1100ncI i-foilk -n- thiil fi-irlis LAVEii u eS ni a po--r ed, of course. the vouth t-eranîs in bt-curne effective with te beginnil-ig of3 hu ertsett--110 o'1; s-a)iii !wo (iC-'- Te sgtwr ioiiei U- 'n niîsne- e i-rf school. the- 'tthooi year ihis September. App 62--- 3-- -~-3861-l fi*45 s ti OSRrid ali- Fi'n. al!-na ad -iiv- iLEONARD JAMES BOK other a ritr the- firework1 f ni aefulo x-l,îea.c-on shotw will ais-o be the- The allowance wiiaiso be hoxila o cation fanris wil!]be forwat-ded by the' Chartered Accouantaut 'the- UNE tltiriui"sett xii e :cia îiI ira-- Arnero-an Ait-inesFard Tri- parents of chîldren sio xreaso(Jîîi- fepartmnerit otf National TIcalti-,and ' r-ustpeeiii Banki-uptc-v<iili , ~ 'xv. tti liii dii- utor, a i r -surirecuted a physicai or mental îrnpairîment i, a 'Aelfareto -iparents thrcoughlîjiit the surn- 1Suite 20,51V 72$>-91a3 mentit-c c U i.~NI": , tllî.'îT ile --'Sil -il-ousM- tcivIai vi unable tb dttend st-boul.This aioxau net u Oshttxa Shoppliig (Centtre itwitb-u Iiu- lcrut\uihcT l i xi[-- t he horsît- of ~a asarit: i---------- ---~ WM. J. H, COGGIlNS td ,ut*r i l.T-f-o ie- ht 1îd î 2tlltttx-faiiîu! H atso e (rl ~ n 'oliowing i ar fthe' Chartered Accountent Bt rLivitsg Cenltre ro un.ils wheipe_ -îcal'. lonim-IsMx î01, Thisiaîii-r !, ' '- i-)"rthe- Seo d IXrtrugii i t> i liu-t- rl asegr paie fly nae er ald iprifraLirar i-îdlit troxîgîînt i. ma-rTt î.,~~ielau- -ithe- North Arrierican continent, speech. The Peit nainles xvert-, Car King & Terperance Stts. HeId at Serpent's Mound FloerG!, ii%;uer riea- hn 6331 ýl1 mz; -- 4,Chrný.Happy Crafter, But- & COMPANY oPro mtougefn Button, Gracloum, Orchid ('hartered Aceountants mnen and cht1d en a+ended1coi n 'i5lte i 0 e r Wish oCrochet, Fi, LcesdTute Cte 5ha ulHasoi evep eid o ai wume'W! te, Av id Reader. - in Bankruplcy Cirl in' ii t ,-Uentn, M11 ýP ' 'q Un11i! 1 a .fe, li-esýe ,.peeclleg,, 64 Kilhg St. 1;. î28-7î37 1 ýnes, n dea a- i-i5camse inta ,se, ns __Cian(,., Olitan, Keeeon Weneday 8 ýho1hidt1é- -al s - at'1pictîtres wei-e taken oi) MONTEIHRIEH11V--È Readera aoftd e Farier sAJ-fon- ole,ý8) -arest birti-old triends aiit e- fred1 1 &co.,REIL WTR vocate have enjoved N e da-,q9) a ssters o esentlf,,,,da teSrpn'sMut &attt-t C.ntn Heartb Circle C Chloa-' s -, et-i c-x eat or ge. 1W lismny interesting lt-tIers tht-e persan who Iîad read thel TOward ld - aternooiun Ohw hpigCnr giving -uaiuabtctilae F tjo'-io--xso-im ioîg-, asdeulded in mc.T aJai.,'ý8-52 and helpful ýuggesti"oiu aa , k - l T -,, i î rxl&î-,'o broughti next. year, so ail quite 1zecla 1 r iîi h-obbies, c 5J eqijt- -ta for !îee rrîo-u u' it-- On recels-%- aiud happy staited on tht-jri1 ,'tn. if. Vi,' à uîotrti_ I CA. inuch warîted articles and uhp îng the p' çi:îc- wirnel' s-a-î amexxLard 'va vto Port Hope A. B. Maotictih, B. Coin.- C.A. Writers PeiinamneJanet expected i o 'a-lt omtinf, -iW~i -,apbellfopiî-, G. W. Rît-hi, C.A., RELAif Jean ïs the- one to wharn tht-ei-iterest. abon,, hl'. home town, Fenella, Kenipt' [11t- Sarnd', <Licensed Trustee)- letters are sen.. aîtd shfe 'i-S ' banki-, Pràic aEia-ci C '- tETrt-tht-ey, C ta get as rst;pbihd Tt e isr tea , Millbrookl Stratfard, Co - Il J-FI Ligtitfoot, C.A s-as 8Wi: nùoýrgrandchildreni,,. MCati. B.[Ut Wait-rsS" CAA.1 ipace prmi:s.wateî.Boiw-nsaî,vilî,. P __uî; -Il- TUR W CIRCL 5 CC.A., bought tPeir hnclsas 201: n-ors taitht-st awas-J Albet, -faestings Stouffx-7ile W~ILSON & BURROWli;D 2 (a)v(Chai les.d Accounta-t bogtterbaskets' bten keeping a diary for 6_> Pe;-*V nd mr Kiîîg Shaterdasct& aa nt r ffl 90Mwi. opSq and all gathered a1-tbe oninte yer.s ae tîother's lion was baoth toi enjav tihe noon-day, .triGermatsy. The one i wIth - F. D_-WilstnerC.A mneal. Readers ýtere asked 01 nt--àleàst birtliday '<as Janetl RnldF.OWrv1 A- ~ f7w et NI RD & WNITE $TOR? breaRasîpl e rte i:-ba-l-t- iiChn 'xitre't- pt oId ElcGo s Edmnonct Burrows- C..A. brii a iet-ffthel" ai- i Hoealsed tod hatctixaPhoii, i trait ahich pros id I- be ý <'ti ee niissionau ,es for 10 -(A cate anî attraction Tîtere xers itle caneh Caai r op r a c c 8necK wr ia baddrqs ;lca-et aicafor ECgh i p CheckVour (ircle 5 (ard Against lM O EE IE wer srallbraetiîtgt, ' ~iii-ht- ige af st-yen and would -'IHUBR TOPY Chi 'tic -- tii like to go back in Chi fai .C EDWIN MANN, O.C - matie f. Oitwhicuu i-le lo'ed 'ht-cchîti--hiprct eatket- topsicIt - lýia a k tn B rpatiGame No. 7 W inning Nunibers 2 _ - seats, "l1dtt -it' bein î-adirtg tî F.nne'15 iOgi ist., àcOi' of i1ol-sey-st,ýn xnany quilt bioi k>, i 4, tdei Adi cîa- the- totgest Isatieri- Prodtucers oai T>> iolit ;2i-5à)(1 îit jeelei3,f:" nbý-icerd itCh-1 tayet iinfoi 50 years rso dare i rged ia p ii i- h ti- -Appoinîîtient16118 2 eon sets, decorated drifiwxood, [.Oaboîiie or Bowînanv tlt-electil o ,î'fei si tay" patchwork dres-, e" -iswonutht- prizera-tise lady ift -ý42 Otitatto oun sD e n Ia [UN 6A28CU3 Vtrbnh veeawho neyer sits doxvn to 1irouIfoveremi ly the- reteniti-; ap- --- I NR 6 2 3 fesv speechez.. ail-ithelitpri-les' MisF Ft-nnia Simpusonî of StrabPVt-pvd "Il taila Egg ani Fix i %V, .W. M.RUDELL, D.I>.S. CAH - MPLTJ6 3[4IR were givetu so- (1 ) The oldesi' fot-ti,-anie froi-ar athest axvay Pî-oducer-1 2Marketiiig Plli 75 Iinig Sit E. [3asvnanxille person preseni, i 1ý Persiiiîaid ahe told about 'the The. Pi*elimirarî- aîîa1gemnei.ýfoi- Office four.;2 4î50 , o with rnost gî-andî-tuidren. È tean hkser~nPassc-h elections siere mati-aior r. a6 Fi.1il'- U One who caine ttli> fartht-st,1 foi- which Stratiord i s toteti. a meeting be-t-et etîn-eibe-s Closed Saturday and Su'(naay -MAIq YARED of the- Fan Products Maî-ket-1 Office Phone - 623-5790 M rs. A # C. Hagermn52! 4 Î' 6 T ing Boar-d and i*epresen+atil, es!Rec, Phone Newcastle 987-4261 Vi faf the Egg and FovilMa-t- ing Board on juiy 2-,).. WWSIS ON.I > (10WAANVILLE Acrig olietrn tl Office liii his home R.R. 3, 8OWMANVILLE StAiT 58j .68 0 62-59tht- Egg and Fowî Pla-n eiec- 10ù Liberty St. M, Bowman-.-ilie eh !ions Of cOurtfix conmîitteeineîî1 Phone 623-5604 pet Il.) ear-ts of the- nit-districts OUîi(.eeE-oure, 2 88 9 Ht TE niust Ne held litfore Asigusi 9a.m'o 82. 8ii 8 90' 1H01%AU Wednesday ta Saturday. Aug. 5-8 16 kirtht-r elections, on a di-iSunCioci--ri Wednesday - Suniîav' tuM a si inieo -'tua i. OCt DR. , CF,1'CATTRAIN, D.D.S. FOR W EEK IX \INN FRps 9 8 0 ' resh aniFois-I lBoard illuust ha con-1 Offic %XISI ' OU IN ##cludet bt-fore Septemnber 16 i 75 King St. E. Bo'.xînan- île R In Colour r ith EIvis Presley Me-aî'Vtîîie tthé.- to 6 Q.it1e Hours Boanti, heatied b':ýl i lan ClaoscriSatuidas- m-tîd Sunca-v Wedow, of Hat-, -igag- Teitphone- Office 623-5459 CIRCLE 5 BEST flUX! Save 6c'Leluxe e-o, Pkg , dui aytng tht- ltgai grouîî--___ ______ Sunday to Wednesdcty, Auq. 912 -s'r and il is hope-ai niat lii-- ~'nK Planitxill be fil opet-at ion by OcMARILYNf thîs expte -Land u . yng K AFT (NEESE SLICES 31 C lFI ille satisfaction xx liii 'lite ciii- P.ENG., O.L.S. CIRCLE 5 DEST BI' Save 17c' 0n.Ti The Nlariiyji 31onroe %tory 'narratt-d hy conie of the plebiscitu whiciu 121 Qi*een SI Rax 16159 R ( B AS wt ok6 ~ $ Plan ibita being. sfres'sed tht-e t327251 extreme -importance of tht-------------------------rk 6 MT E YELLOW (ANARY" îegdlor inesed ronadue L e ga 1] I'RC-I. 5 IDEST HI V Save hAc' Tmn0 itîhPP -- oon -1n B rbaaEdnpat-iaio b-1- 'd-e' atin g art-a , o n Jul v t , irom j A E H A MýIL O N ; -O R O ,% 0B b y S u b r 9 Oshawa Publie Utilýiiies Catn- Phonet- y- ...lea. mission Oshaxs-t PUC has Fi'st Mortgage k us. xfSa a s3 9 bt-en andling tee t-tfrir Resideiîce - FarnisC serx-icing of tht-sec- ustamners T-itnesPrt-pertie s for Ontario Hymîro. Mortgâge mront:- avàalbl SAVE '!or'!1'hole Cannc-d 4- .l' lin FROZEN FOODS ILS good heaith liburaîîce to have Glen Adam S. S niflî Oitaro for ait out-paoses at c1 rg n hrk n o SU Rae Diry dliverail te daiy daiv-tre H -ydro's central reguan uman. Let sus arrange ,<our failmIk ., . Ra ar eie l h al ar-fr ager, stateti tha, flic transît-r lan coming dut- or* a new boan DJ .î e rgo hce rSrm products youî' farnilv needs. And remniber eeu"smaeW ahnlortgages of Bur s C k e 9 Cantonese Dinners 65c bOnai yrinteinter- vrdecito SAVE 4c! HElNR'S 0-ot. Bat Save 4û! Birdh E>e, fanci, 12-on. pkgs. yorown good hat and enjov a iiilk-bretik ests effecting'greater ecanomny. HAROLD MA.'S35 Gee Pes pgs43 atIesttvie dysattant effort to ht-p down Newcastle 987-4336 Toate M>L' 3 c elitctric power rates. PHONE 623-5444 FOR DELIVERY sre -id Crul îstnri- KEtH . ILetT,00 beve b -ne 175 tre- l c-riuui--O tryM APLE GROVE M ARKET appraximately 51 square milets Optometrist ~A A U~ aver same 72 midles of l ne will 1141 Kirg St. E. - Bowma&nville , bt- serviced by the Bowrnan- ) f Iice Hours: By appotntment C R IH S MR E G l n'<tDir ilt- rural opei-atitg art-a Late TeIt-phonue 623-32 G le Ra e air _-last sumer abou.-.;f'ruralMoii,>b-vNueThur!, -Fr1 E KSR E H T 98 K in z St. IW. Bo'> a lville i. ý A l l ýee e ý EK E H T I Scholarshlp 'Mbilt At Oxford bW4 >sevsas a'<<arded the 1.0,Dl, Postgraatîate Ox-erseas Scht. tarship 10V Q,'îebec. i Scholar'- :D tExhibitions froîn Universi'- .Caltege. andi a glatt rons th*e BuricerFiti r rxeantw roes Oxod n Paaud. Mý,elitrpei Nur utni S tmitht as ox~sj -n tt ise-i I' t-PI'eýidenI îoi Trent Uni-.aifoat versiiTv, Peterboronlgh '<vas an- aouuaet last week Ny the Professor Smsith hi.i ni- Prt-ddet-utanti Vice-Chancellor, polnînsents artthe 1I îîix cr5115 -H .Sytnouis. Professai'of Tronto as ait Tîtrructor - an- iuhta t'pt-tset-ltAssistant Lt-ctttnrcr iinthe- Dc-pa r-tilt, ult-f ilthe Presiieut tandfAssistanit Polita-uui Ecu'iuomus : unît -' 't ift-soi aof Poities at fthe Yor-k UnA - st'y ,- Mt' 'is s-eri v Durig the.- , a n Li Pmtc-iv t-ar ~ ~ ee xxhi î htt e ievoteti cO1r 1 (irrr Tilae îlii i0b Olarmitg andi ptepariug for of Tit1-5s choIarxý artivr-I Si- ùû)enuîý 01 Trent iii' Sep- anti c- i-vs. ît- i uîe i19f-, tbt.he lasb1 îS-,-atyhet-i, joint i atgEditar of le trCanîpti- PlanninîgCosi- C aiatla -ku A5 riaîixt- of Albet-ta., >ioies- Yî Sua ') x h vas e d 1rca teti itn timdmn-tin aut Mc-Gili Uni- 'uts xltie e hc radatîtd o01liîcilScien-e andti Histaiiy, -[ id, at Oxford uni-e-sil lic-t lie receix-ed bis 1\1A. iiil Ni ftTOphV.Politis ausi E(-i ioniur-c and ithe- furtbe- de- tei TfI. Liii n PtlIl la-s. 'At i l-Piofa-:S,i'SuIlth xi o -r 1.V c VrConnîil l-nra AXO AIL PÙ,47ý 71ONS ýo j, WE GIVF FREF A 0 VICE WINOUÈ0,8116ATIONS 16 TEMPERANC ST. e I - :~.I'.î,'w.~ L'A IUM - CIALLY SELECTED tue Shotilder Cut ORK lb Oýrig-LaS eTrim -qPtSyl rTT ing P lb 53C eI rnîî-- u.tnS> FRESII - PICNIC STYLE SrTae CHOPS Cu53d StE Ake iCONe ND Blcd-Vai acN SlcD LUNCrHety Ac 1'I MLe- UCH EATBe )UINeD Burer Blend )UN PBEF C UC b65 Pf-7 kgs. 53C Per lb. 'LAV R ODE 1rOMATOES 6 Quart Basket 8 9c rt-e -Ripened .alifornia ORANGES 3 doz. 99c IEW (ARROIS 31lb bag 25c IARILEIT PEARS 5 for 35c SA E28cti, 100Off Pack ',(;A,-I>, c Instant (offee s1.11 INI TRODUCING Canada Packer'e 2-'1 or.14 CAPRI Oit 59c SAVE 9c! Treeàiwees fi oz.fins~ LEMON JUICE 4 for 49c RIEG. 49c! Fresh Baked! We'sto,, or Su'nbeani LEMON.LIME GUEST CAKE 45c AUNT MARY'I I-oLaf SLICED BREAD -. 22c >8 NSPUN aBrk ICE CREAM - . ,27c *Maple Grave Neonol m metnil By Russell C, Honey, M.P. t1 'i M - - ---- 1 4 1 Noý 1 [Ild. lender ,ç f) ý 1 wert, Jilîüy

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