IC he Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanvllle, Aug. 12, 19641 deposits or causes to be de- Ottwa1 Coast. 156;Lkfed Au posited any material substance,À À I\rs T. G. Langfeld took he~~I I i ~J~,rS or thing upon public landsPNiYIacDuff O tw Report sistoi Ms Eveiyn Seagrove ** 212 xbidgFactir10 La nds and Forests ~~~hethern or fot covered with hoi~Wosokatrhr Fîov caetn et 71;Pi L n s a d F r s swater is guilty of an offence holmeay in Nestocto loperSept.18-19: indsaa lisummeto areofltoe.Mr.and 'Irs. Carl Finlay farnsoeeab Set132:OhwAg 9 ta fi e o$flt0m reandi four children enjoyed tw o , com m u fitics:22 Pi t n Se . 24 6 W a - W ee k Iy Report 1tario atr Reo l' h ir d E s tac te 'r O b Ieiis ýeeks of holiday camping. Peterboroueh, iu.1-5 oî,Sp.1-9 Ketired Hatchery Manager tiremient in 1961. Although ntarommisrsio urAcesvi liIS ,pentILthe. Belleville, Auga. 1-0 Bak oîd Spt 93; cy H.C ako ass il l eilth during hs*etre!27 (1> Every mncpltI a enabdtmee rs alr r nasae Btgleymmesi a parents, Mr. and 'lIrs. Charles H. C Jakso Fases ment Mvr. Jackson,.,ve are sure !Or nerson that discharges or summer in Ottawa where the of change. md u bth adition Of! Gist in Peterborough. Oo Sept. 10-12; Stnio irl.1-2 We were saddened to hearwa able to sit back and rc e pois n mtrilo any politicians, xvorn out by in-1 A series of unruly minaritv Pu Chaoi. arprtrfom NranSml noyed a of the recent passing of Henry nc 1h~mepieaotknd into or in anv weli. lake terminable and fruitless de- Pari iamearts, balancedcdronthe Commnistý' China who writes splcndid six Nvcek holida-,i formr maage of he Der ashicageculure nd î reervor orothr xvteror been snapping at eacb otherisent a different reporting Agency and brought alongbita icoa.BCad sîd Lake Maskinonge Hatcherv.1ma-ýk ;no angling generally watercourse or on any shore or and at the press. e:jchslenlgerlthaan the stable, ina - o\\ ii interpreter, Hsu Ching-Re. and Mrs. Merle Thom p- Since its mnception arounýd i.n -;,Poviceof'ntaio bank thereof or into or in any For sorte months now, ,]rtyprients of the past. moi, o.n e' n i.11r 193, M. Jcksn ws i Gabag Duipsandvou place that may impair the Parliament has been feeling The press gallery itself. as Th igs rwhhs'bort McComb in Saskatche- I ft l 199,M. aksnvsin Grbg Dms n Yu quality of the water of sucth the hot breath of publie a body of reporters, lias hen i the staffso th e xv't an. He reports that Moirai- chanerge if he hather and Lt ceaW ckolde ~eli lake, river, pond, spring, criticism for its performance. gro,.N C normously. Once Cnda esppr rte McComb is being married this L IL VI I!i~ pineered ian collrtion cul- noverin th histry ofor rother wal- A good many MP's are in- the Ottawa press corps u'as frincrepnet muk san olcto, u-Ontîario have oai natural re- fstream, reservair tsbut cmn ek ture and distribution. Mof~sucsbe s ae am er or watercourse is guilty af clined to divcrt some of the a chunmy group of 35 or 40 i ierdoan eeiin Mis. Clarl.e], Williams was i the procedures and techniques tbhe u'ratJonal demands of the an offence and on surnmary heat to the press gallery. menCf froiii the bi.ggcr Can- rpres lcrnerpr-i sai ihle ahr ery tod a wer evLoped by -many tbousands of people who iconviction is lhable to a fine Criticism of the press b y adian dailies w-ho cnjoyed a ireportere tonic r ert- DaxvMculev ith hofther' erytody wre eveope byrovtA lin the outdoors duîing or flot more than S1,000, Or topoliticians reached a kind of rela'.ed, club-iike atmos- ing s hnerento sa f ee ry Mcule, suffcrcd a, Mriakomhspkeîestesn-ne oîs risnent for a termi Of climax recently at the Couchii- paere in heirqatr n'boie olrbn hc Mriacsnprîsoenes h smme on .phre inin thelir urtrs o f microphones and tape re-bio:nclaboexhhwa and unflagging zeal in fish cul-, um teps 1 erstefot more than one year, or t hn ofrnew ihxa t11.corders. This lias had itsoeaedninOaxaHs tue onînedunîlhi r-drndforhunpatngandcam a ts h . spgonsoî ne the CBC andte , h alr uatî wiiac nterpr er ia. Fr1ien rutsheia poprt vl The garbage pîoblem is al-'IStiueo uli far. hav'e huiî7ed out ita alcori- 'osiiuespni n Oc elmc ro' ed. eTrsU o1 e ing focilit:cs and for land for' dor but otPubie f13is wreporteresse havane .Mi falni\lrs Nil Le v t OBITUARY cotgàeeapeîhsb 'hwys disaîeaiesswe can-, bsrniudsnc ntet ite their stories almost tpwie.Debbie holidayeci with Mrs. eN ide e tremendous. bwvr aeills na-corridors and chambers of ttigî abohro %vn'siuin h îs akBot thrctae MRS. W. A. GORDANIER Thr'apas oeve aoyb ecdismn ter- Priaet Grov'ing p rcs s galcry galllery realizes it faces seriaus M.adMsAo etho bcn essningaf minerest in soshht orpael i- The main charges are Iliat mrnîberslîip Pas brouglit re- problems. Thev'l bave ta o . Aax cle nMs lreeN oue The death occurred Wednes- such accommodation. ,pid dfur eNo i utorbrepesokerage te cledonMs.Carc daAgs t,16,i e'This is, of course, as i dmp sites. udtyadpniiaDg prest tat rmtesldIoheueofrwsNila1. DarlingunTov;h 9,ipnhomerc budho lwud eserA. E. Walrotb, .pniryadpnifcln niteiî States, hritain, GIl-andI kicks fi-rn the MP's dovii_________ DalntnTwsi oeo hudbi ol eserDistrict Forester. for reporting the facts and mamîy al:cl otht-r countries. the hall. But that's prohahly o a ra i rpr Winnifîed Alice Gordar.ier mas:eLc not ta take advaatage of. _________ that it neglects the solid de- TIhe thrcc'-man Soviet con- fair hecause Parliamenft I..t tis7__ Shewasin er88t ycr. Ontario's outdaors far sumimer EBI ILTI IE bates and real accomplish- tinlgcnt .vas cul h, tw'o re- strisiiig with ils a p * IC ar as tay ie wtiu Mrs. Gordanier, the form- rcoto.mns fPrimn o cently tihen a reporter for hem:ý; ta the tune of publi i- er Winnifîed Alice Trcill, xvasl However, the presence of, UPGRADED1 breatliless gee - whiz ac- Izx'estia -vas expellcd for content rellocted in rsi cii born, married and died in the great nuilieri of. cottagers,1 On the 3rd of August the counts of the latest political idurilsyigcîm-____ ol Cow rat imesîcal. canpers or huntors ini a given. officiaI grader of the Hoitin( insults. _______p tiio She was a faurth generaton arei, eCal, if ail do not co- oe fth dninsf Friesian Association cf Canada 1 Soe o thodeazenscfthe R uield Crop descendant of the Trill ri'- pcýr.te, crente conditions net re-classified txvo of Eastern!the dusty, paper-piledl, aver- oii rua'e Ccîci Oýis cd ne->Fo a FREE bohuenUEIRotge,~ which settled on the Darlini- codcuxie btoe well coing of; Breeders Hlstein sires andi crov.ded press gallery quarters ý c %&J Conîr il phone or itthSURIRofcneesyo ton shoreline of Lake Ontarioatie nombeis cf the commun- graded txvo mare for the first on Parlianiont I1h11 Lre inclin- . jllyA b.,i , i ural ScCie t ras in 1794. i'ta Ir oheir enjoyment of ils lime.SiigRcmn 196,! cd ta shrug off thce 51.gc She was predeceased bv lher nlrlk tleReserve Grand Champion et aG outc a x-ahi v arnet RTHEREALtYrdVISIONn0 parents, the late Casev ,andl For cxainple "refuse" or teRoaiWneiFir.s o tomnper and the historie t,,ii- Svî iOIIC O"adD ioo,'u ,wi:vle e' t Mary TrulI, and ber bushaiîîn a a age"as à is perbap bl-Excellent with 993 onsa ssos htve rs ud ) i\c etIc e .w;ers, fcllcxvu Il ;ii rd ! Dýr bvIS J. Almond Gordanier, wliîateroi ix, is an unavoidable Wis Romea with 90 points.pnmn.: owocl1tOr<ltix e w lut 11111 v. cOLSwei'bcu t;1I3Ernoezt L. Gilb'anli,Grena': died in 1946. l)y-prodtîu<of everyday living'Mardon lVooie Paul scored 36 TeseL!sios ac e1e1)i i iý 1-14 11'ti X 1)Oiisnai'Iti cb llcrc esGen:Corc hoeCll 2564 After lier marriage in 1902, tlat simply must be taken cane points and Hilltip Sxveet Ivan- entirely absent. MP's nccd pici cent 0i1 i5 per Cet ;I, le a:ticl .rou;s, ai~l 0huC ;srGao: A. L. BIana' h- 17 Simcoe St.shw Mrs. Grdanie lefI arliag of reuaniy nd in man icbe 85 points an their fistpuriittbt reseecliî' andi catv edt ds I'r upcîO im cd iat dis-ci;f1b-t hae;. po dilpt 531tpm.iWd.ta8:0 .m ton Township and with lier'that xill best ensure its grading. La 196,1 la the r',nd satisfied wîtli anything Iess case losse:. 1ain la scibsecînent tests." Openus d Ghendaîereonig y poitiet husband, over a 25-year span, cmltedsaslwt ote f June* Ihese hulîs have bred tmnhr ramn.R-IThe îiexvpradct tUR o 1Dr. Simip.'ei ýaid a tarnicu i Necas<c 1.D itn lived ia Toronto, Marven t, ui host inconx'rcience to athers. a total of 6,469 finst service porters must try to i%%,ritcSCîoscd0 SaIt:arcl:îv durinD.gorton.gulos and New York Stato. SlÏe xas Ili r-cognition cf the need c'rfrmones'fEat, objectively about the poli- .-2( niiuic'ro icaldeetartu ifî Knl: H Bue Tu- fo dqaedsoa ie n'ticians wlio casily bi-cuiî-Cyi:;uilo C, îc;j m'î1 IOilIitcyan pnto p"ocl:Carlos Taibîx'il amember of the Free Melba- fraeut ipoa ie reBreeders Incorponcted proa finso pronl lias rlcti\ oLOdc i UlZIEO S.11-2,50 ias ai esu1t Guano; Francis W. Jeý, Nexx'- 27 SUIORofcsi na dist Cburcb, Oshawa. Dopartient cf Lands and proa red o esnlmeuý'ii-pproi'cs' I1r ii O.'~~f fred saving S and O i-e st <n S..w-w sb'îy Mr. orane i sîvvd orsî akes suitablo loca- enemies inthie small po-,.iian . cmbCa by daghorMis L 'eln ins availahîbe ta municipalîi'1 YELVERTON itical ivold that i, Ottawa. 'sCii cai l t ont-etcfetvsi' o WlimFre, o~ Gordanier, Dalington Twn ics at a nominal annual non- NradSs i oaî And lucre cre spiccial iasons leedl il' uaici; 'u haI ilti e- ls 10aou ' en rai ship, and four sistors: Mrs. tai. anMrls atded At eJakoafor tension as wcll. Cons~erva- eeOiiiciuiaciîrt s ca x cl P ' i ilhima Mabel Bennett, Daliriglon Forthidi part, the munici- family p nieat"Groeidle", tivesrestoflCanaaax';nge i1'T , mPix-cc a i i oin g bitral Township; Mis. Arthur ' Mc- palities mauntain hedm roia uuapm b rs fCnaa"agd 'tt XiuuttOcu nr- cur-,. ï nciiund it afferemi Knight (Sybil), Darlirîulîn silos by periidcally hurning mi.adMs i alrup" on the Diefemihakc' Gos'-ccc1i1 ccaistlus o ueg: t'red imi; and buildozing tliern. r n r.JmT rament ccd lhey rosent t I. prc"n 'vu1,%7 v ip1t tains cuiri exelny ol uirfebtein gentr Townsbip; Mrs. Edra Pced and girls of Londlon snont lasI ioasae idn h estabîl. lied il as effeciifiiyfi.<fbrceiietr Darlingîca Taownship and Mrs-, Cottagers ancd athers xbw eeed tth cc ILsos iubrmare erîicalinthnve u tu ei utO fs' i lu:dIitis, inicluling saIlmnllulsis. Erwin Sexsmith (Miiry-) Idupcskibair refuse at other,,Kenny Wilson is oxpected mth o vre lcaoitio hn. hi e:i 's1,1Ct;'2141l'0î01. ( t C ieu c te mitiS and vibranie Bowmanville. ta th Ie desigruatecl sites areI£ borne Ibisinwoekoitionlx'. îs ritiV. She xvas pîedececsed by'ficXtrat;ig hue efforts cf their 'Miss Adele Page and Master bAlmoisk i ne ie trshera e a ndce maintailiag 11ctt;-"ls ffectiveiers iii cern- AfJ two sisters, Mrs . ycla Cain- rmtiicipclity and daing açî~Caehna avehndies-'insine snethvraeca cd fu'"îe C i ltIig.5 .vfInQ di!ýea5ses andcl a- eron and Mrs. Helen Trimnble' e'c t hs i h i iitbeen u'leased frcm haspital in boîe hersaaie ril ' in<l <fct'!iie oviitheamui rnaIta more and threo brothors, Frederick frjs n g'c ok rmPeteiboiougb. Adele goes ta'S8,0 ya as al.HUîcmR tx(u c 'i'I' ' ]Roy and Jay Triml. utIle acorins gcaxv il is equally frSc lideEvery story ou 11P abseîîtee- itiam i c ;î'eri ncier inl te/tu t.e- TH R m SAaA u u t20n21d2 The romains restod aI the truc that "great lurinps froni! Toroalo, Ibis xvoek, foi- allergy' ism ias'dfurt-eni sartinanilcing blia'uaiprofit' Ocia Armtrog unealH om eIitîetousebeas îo1". test to assistli ini eîiminating ad hgr.I cl si'iulat)uig- cnt tedr-gis ucii iixec ih tiOfit nu Oshawa. The memorial scrv- XV lion \ve dc'posit garbage o rnclcniion. A reccal survey cf MP's, 111- 1 -'iiu<lo, si .. p'dt"scciD.Spon ice was held la the chapel,, the ,voeds alomgside a road we IIadMs e.Wlo Ifiidta 5prcn fterl1lg i hewes Saturday, August 8. Rev'. W..encouralge ctheî's ta do likexvise lL.aa i, e.Wio! afound Iat 85prcent cf liem ld and sx'ai U'l il iî eewtscx, __________N ew A. MeMillan conducteci tholand soo, in theic nisaken ho-, accanîpanied the Davidî1Winî- agr e Piametshe plO iinel fa .ý n A IGS.P20'7 service. Interment foilov.'ed lief Ihat il is a mn diay it teBot ils etawartîeîislved to fnt 77 lpe (47 tiucstiauuelt ;îTUR.EENN :GAE OE :0 . ULIN S600PM In Oshawa Union Cemctery. dump, local Citizens, cottagors ;t tenslvs B, 7 er(7 )OI:cLakc'"ld o , andtI ourî0t's alike use il as a M.ac r.BbPîl a cent put sonrie cf the blarne ahi lccncIýisnl th-' conIhuul uu'. (Intcindc'c for lasI xvcek) deoitr otrbimî in an fushnzdcide fSiln setls h ise fepros. m;t mîc il) on u i:îlr : u. nî;iSr'. Doughas Sleeî EODH P - COIG COL - SDL LSE luNîoit eiinntriote caai. ori 1McoMn fo îtA eorigbs al.ad ipiui hldy iigaqimue !weekead at the Howard al-, The debate on the quality cciit less fetO per pocuud cfca liu'euiiîîacxc ISS OSHAWFAIRI CONT ST INDIVIDLIALLV beriefit cf mncicipal main ten i BlacsIok speat Ibis xeekl produced sone odd attaelk- Dr. H. D. SiîuumýI)i.;,voc' Parkt. /IATE OO Sattr atio ufr eibesas witb couîsin Toiry and Candyl ers and defenders. '[ho innî'îcc, wliu r ;iia;'l pro- YOi'. anîd M's. Ross Curtis of rE OM kr atato fo emn eraugmast Toronto Globe andI ducts ma re'fio-vncnud G'ilnsisitecl Mc. anîd Mns. FRIDAY: LIVESTOCK JUDGING - LNON IE No GREAT jEAT ieeccIdtesuc f~spent a fcw days with Maryý Mail came out agaiiist thîe saicittdix î'dî' v-ci rc îc i dhîre-cleodor a aynot- alol inBlrktok. reporters, blamiîig Ilicir al- Su 1 clte rn' ti ain uiiifir. rs. Lorinie Cbcu- HORSE RACJNG -AlTRO NAN VNN M~~'VEN YOU ing 'cf its unsighliîiass. MThr'yWilhert, Huwar'd Su- eged hack of digging on a hrodlic'îdIlliCmnc uhaan ct or'by fNri JINST7A ZL Duuping la the laler is of Muay aolmasgs ît S nt desire to be televîsion prima advern t cf Au.,uuaîjut î.Bi.y tire siylog t IleBmseaOE TYE FIDDL RS CONT ST ~ LCTI ~c. ii qaî ofnieDr.' John Weriys at thein cat- donnas. Aieu"uuuE iciiSC-iuu; liî i- îî noigM E I BeenuRI paciednp g<i adaIlg aCeae.aBut the press gallcry fouuîditicni cctlI ý1'.'so ta tires iiiia trip ho Mmioa Beas upn nln t h l ladefonder la Douglas Fisiucr, AUREG S. P2;.Tiili-, P:c'îtvi :;tcu'.swilu Mr. . SATURDAY: SQUAR DNC G -8:0PM HYEAT7' otiuer- liaaut'iîorhzed loa- Te y ciStimsons and'thbe New' Doînocratie SIC p whcu <rs liu l o l u;,t ic ai[ .C;utTinuui lions ceates hîazeîdoLîs con- fml okl algm nhas alnuosî mcdo a cau'cer ) Ille io';n"it l:.u f ' wc l'a .,s. W.1h. J011111u11auildf diton dheac dmpngSuaday in Toronito, celebrat- lc ouuC i ti' ;Ocut:..'Tr. about aicu P;fthse, 4-H CLUB -ACTIVITY DAY - LIVESTOKJD IG-EHBT in aks r tram cn ea Eing Dales birthday. jcmIiu~aou h ius iCo h Jaev e H said the quality cf Otas.': uc tmu'ff Ou'î P). o SuLiCin t aer of 1Hu'taiu, -B- 'opollution of the watcr and D WAY H I T Býl.adMs.Hlir lo ecue etie patieisMun-orhan eleta epninalthiocghu it stîll 'grLiruu of AuAluu'clic1er1)xs M.ca Ms Hliac E A I MIachrgtHes anwY ver'n bas a good way te go, lbas lai-Ittlracs'cline, 100 grnaisof Scui- MuIII.Withm' and Mr.cid nce -sary la viow of thue fecil- . incag.th proved more than the quality, met su1ifLn-Iuuî 1 neant 0M'.Fe uafrPr Horticulture - Needlecraft - Floriclue -Dmsi cec lie îic,'idd lrogh he Ca- c service on Suriday E f uîaliticians. gîcînus cf u uchî.l ' alertie ffrt c tisDe mrnmg ancd did ic mast cern- Tir' onesu-caci Miux his ;il iquucu:titic' i.s.Betum Ris returmueci ; AUT 0 1LRN-12adUDR2c - CR oprnatanoti fthmîicipae- niondahîhe job. Panticipatiîîg ing in flic press galîery too. ancuti ' iLs ea.Uu ; lu;;: 0f f;'cu'uu i i ni 'or tcri \itliî iucu tispnatesfoa penaialtiersî' Bin lmeîs ot ariaortad b aîîiaeîrmîiuigeiiiusssu'assre-cudmcies a b Ws * providedknunderrIbe Public 1 Lanvd ActndrIhe Ontaloc Ralph Heaslip and Carl Moore Laned csctde Onmission i who pravided a splendid ad- iM 1- b4i At.erii soresosionsdress. Special music was pro- 116~ýAt TEPRNES.whbic ads as olo :videcî by a sextelte cf Hi-Cl 116 TMPER N27 T. .TevîrPulerLse Act xvoxl-gais wiîh Liada Rowan aIthue! 27 a u Eue xritta consen t he argamu. We holieve the future 0 §> outIcM * e iien r nsn offirathr of oui country is in safe handsi qM1ie hue Mn fister twsor if those aking part are a lyp-i ___________________ b _______ical cross-section of our youngR nI00u people of taday. l Mrs. Hank Boon is spending la-wdyshr t acna foir North Amorican 6 cylinder wagons priai la rehurning home ta, Holland in nid-A'ugusî. payons wo see daily- migî-atîing & 5Scugog andI one projeit wbich 1 UlliTi ~w aclclfittimiglv eomimemuuaate w PIT LM TC -- VALUE :the focilcuiing CQ'mtonmial iii STO c "' E ~~~~~a practical manier. Coonc rn s £Aa v i u w v aEu i u i u ,1l A bigli qualitv n-1-dMessrs. Paul Avon, Don:, f a~~n m I 1 plete ih1 l e.-itl une Semeil elarienl fronu Maleaiuia for a sion base. N culsîcS5 v.eok's holidaY et Shîawinigan Is econoiny your w'atehword?'? atke a look at the and luxury. 'l'le Ultssie is buit for you.r needs. Chioose Muffler; distinctive cre-ls iawnos Failthes inour Qufilip ', iiuoficucli American, Ccncîda's lowLest priced 4-door wagon. lts a (-c'ylimucler amigine (127 an 138 hip) or a V8 (198 hp).gliîngIofTprlvI î'. prve tîe fCSS .2îi î 'c \tî pil oirfim- teu fFeeu 6-cylinder origine (90 or 125 lip) delivers te power 'l'lie Classit' takes the hkids ho scliool, Saur wife shop- W olitl a o oe cwnt 5mnt chase ane cartonu orf 60l I so i -s. Johnu Mitt'hell, Stephon. you need with the gas-saving economny and uflity ping, you to the country. lt's both a hard-working test drive is worl thosdwrs.ouIner MP GreaNýe ta i.gste mc a1~ f lila'w you want. liaulen and a Sunday-curive pleasure car. No wonder kîîow how versatile a sainwgncnh ni o sure,CCIlfhCl ec\\.11icalu k cC-p wuîcoaio visitalcis i Rl f you're at the other enîd of the scale and wtî bhe C(l;assic 6 leads alllihr -lner wagons mn drive a Rambler. YourRmlr[ale a orts your eqcipn;eîuî n t'.'i1 c. ark- ~ ,îî'î l; ~ .. cday. Iux r oibined wiih V8 power andl performance, the Nomrthi Amenican sales.drvigionks.Seurabciy ingr condtmoîî. (.ic i t ma\\ mlii mar. lNeigiuoi driv igoituo Shia- C?5;.-ý fti Arrny s\'eînis are on the' wagon for you is the Ambassatdor VS o20(r 270 hip)> Wilu a lZambler wagon, anfnoyîng station wagon YU'NEI 1(V.V5CA'.':A"'TNWAO your ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1uîeiî s gut '..sn bsarcy sîfrd Ismtrosaerci l ap)pintfllioih.s sîaretstei'ul. Ils scîueaks and ratles are a thîîng of tl e past, thanks CN 1vE' U N'ILYU'is"'nt:A but order soothiis rei)ent striacîs deprcd.tiomus of bis oct features are supenb. But don't let its cleg;inee fooi You. ta exclusive Single U7nit C'onstruction and U'niside offe isfora l~îîw tîuîc al>. -citip (35-40 acres) b%, these The Anîbassador cambines lîîxury with ample ctargo bodly panels. You ccn dr-ive il ns sip]y as a sedan, yet I çr sfrafmti ievi,.slinuiv 11111e pesth. Flovd lia.3spandsainwgnen icîe tsulk n ulsz ag la gives il the convenient R a iib ei'n o laken steuîs - first cf ils kind spce adsatohaulinvnece ts ulk ayfl]qz crosg l iii luis district taI combat station wagon you 've lever owned. ability of a pick-up. You get. thue wom-d's best rust- thuenu. At 6 anu. Friday ho~ Maybe you want a happy nmedium between econorny proofing; Double Safeu.y Irakes; Ceramic-Armored e~MORE NOW .. MORE IN THE FUTURE...FROM IiPERIALOIL lied the cropîs dusted hv air- A-J.ii(i".unMi, tmaeUs planue. 'Messrs. Howxar'd Mal-' SEE THE ECONOiNiC.L AiLIUAN tii"f~1U>Li CLASSIC 01b' V8 - ÎHiE LL'XURIOLS AMNBASSADOR V8 AT I I ELR NW cola; and Grant Edgerton are rcparted ho have Iikewmse orn- A. H. Sturrock & Sons ~~played tlue serv'ices oif tis M Q E N MT R S L S TPoe6335 A . H.S LIroITEons nuediunu la spray'thi, casl j LI 3111TED a1~~~~cscu. with satistactarv results cUE OO AE T.P o PHONE 623-5516 isa liutatin v hemîes ouCcs219 KING STREET EAST STURROCK ROAD BOIVMANVILLEneiglhubîr'. :u 'aw ay s is "Hox're .voui:woi-nîs?*