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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1964, p. 11

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e aada t-er A A~~~~ Why Are They G.oing vvrongr eanda tetfrom Jeremiah,wo ifwdywthtircuns By Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Newcastle Editor -i frank prophesy oe0faean BrnMcI. It is a fact that by dialing my home walk or a drive around tow and see ard ' evingo: rkn :-Asbrn ee eet iors Mre rp Tillson, Editor Phone 987-4213 phone number vou mnax' fid vou are for themseives, thev might have their terns,." He modernize hs r n r.A .Wans Independent, or the Provincial Police the newspaper are flot babvsitters. How land advised uis how t viive aMs eaDce sugges::Jon sent to tlie proper, Constable. I know orly, too well the xuch nicer it would be iiparents did ther. T'he Jr. Choi ih ad bohr la. H m tn erg ec ~ C o n cii io n s I laid channei nbyCQcflciH tas t ail eengmaders ettining finhavthe oli eosete poices ome-at 1M's Suan ii ferreeus raad f-,oert- ct ( -o a l"tio n H o id iA Sub-Dis:on agreementl about some of the local and out-of-town times, xvhen it cornes to ral having c in a.-GvM un wtn he lgaihelpan arsar speed eisA great manv f o mom and dad to help. What happens mnany' varieties of fioes~vstr tM.adMs . Up it te lga hlp ndaJ thm rie wthmoe cr ene ianthn'the ba.sket arrangemntin 'Sap F o r S co u t's' S u m m er C a m p quite a lengthv icuson o many adults withyears of driving be- As you read this, let me just re- ha d a speci messg foanfmiMr an gis ý gemnit hn hmBuwÈtoteoes h mind you, I have four children too, and teena-ers bx' callingthra-Iasesr.faiBom - Newcastle:- Fril ail p oints country. Each year a new Wilson for his cool-headed co- xvas finally decided to at least try and spoil it for the rest? ail bo ys. I know' I can't be at their side tentioii to the biogrpyh ilwreSna iiosa offvewperectconitins rea sonditei.Thintie oeraion hendurng swm ge hfTrtiredin, ad aypen to tipsupton i thee ays foeva. Iinted t atleat tv ad teJuv isue f H VeturaRdViru&s prevailed ait the Newcastle the boys attacked" a large test wîth clothes on, hhew ', changes trpuldpbewmade before ' of Barry Lloyd. of Lindsaleas'. Mr.aand Mrs. L. SssemoofmH Boy Scouts sumrmer camp, isiand. The older Scouts had under and had to be rescued the final reading.1 I've seen enough to make my blood keep them sober, their cars to the speed Miss Lois. Ashtoni hl-Ssaado r.ndM. near Ompah, at the northern the job of land'ng by canoe. by the two safety Scouts, and Buis were read and author-I boil. Saturday, eariv in the evening, limit, and teach te ohv epc davinc, for' af ew ek tCutevGaaPurp end f Fontnarcouîy.Thewhie te yîîner ones hadl to the smallest Scout, Alan ized to be paid. one of Newcastie' own 17 or 18 year for their girl friends bv teaching thern ,hcr home iltltieconcluino iI eeSna vnn e only fault was that sonne of the difficuit task of findingf Milhench, who, 4n spite of aid girls apparentiv xvas full of bieer that necking on the front street under hcer first vear at theNihn-uetatMsF.Tm' the Scouts were unable to.the best approach from the the newness of the experience, or liquor. As drunki and ili as she was, the street light for ail to sce, is neither gale School of NursiTo- MsBtvWrgt iit. attend. A total of 21 were mainland. These young Scouts mad it up that man z lad - C hesee podofi..ontc it e sse, c ndMs present. were successful in 'landing der to the top of the fire Iw2fln medpr2*IIof . respectful to the girl, nor the box'. Ms ar rfiLn- .Mle.O xa This camp provides a nat- without boats, and bath tover. Ail members of the: a o aiiesi~ Last night, having just corne out Inbinig pcilrnw mut sas. ara o'ccifftgeto MiniMs BueCak ural setting of forest and gcoups enjoved some time on Falcon patrol were giyen a of the ccil meeting, we noticed a Inbigg phlde,\ mswaanorill LILI couplecouspirkedoushowisour loveingandaourhitrust.n Burtavhat consiseat- ehwGriffine aonoSattruF.louida.atweres Sunday callerffi garne. The Scouts i dbiv oua vhi'es ting0acis ad which tokefor amipgarcon s H K j«young out-of-town cul akdon the .abruty, andgcelurneddhomeson at Mr.nan1i Mrs. W.nGriffin's. skunks, raccoons and porcu- rises more than 350 feet above camp contributeti sornething 1P r front street. Two cruisers had just left stao ahsodgirlowho rpnk s qut n Sundav' \vhen Mr. anic r ni r.TdWry pine ail night. These animais the lake. to each boy's character, and tw ton but ail this did xvas add er tomuh ha rutIgsu t W. Gr'iffin and famil' coi is eio pn also invaded thie camp area,! One afternoon was spent at each boy contributed somne-A Wato aP r to this young couple, who, rather than I panieti bv Mc. L. Stainton, the weekend with Mr. n but only one managed to en-ý a fire-tower. Some of the thing wothwhile to the camp. N e w c a s t l e:- Forty-seven steai away quietly to avoid embarrass- is it love? It looks more like. "have a viaî'e. MiMrP.tandecv wil ter a tent. Whippoorwills,'- boys had ta make two or three And, as in the past, the Govt. Cao eepeeta Wl et lne hmsle imyweegod time honev, if you don't bother Lnsw loons and hawks kept the air tries, but avcntually, the Inspectars wera considerablv. toi-a Park for their annual te eesopd n u nie m e oo'sohryu"Adter hv 'l.adMs e.IwiteunLm rmhldyn fulli) of sound, andi this year whole troop made it to the impressed by the abilitv y ncohlio h'scnfte wr tped n u n h ot 'wtt 1Mr. and Mrs.Bsei t c niM;.RvWrys puriefichs wraaded ta topwheete noydateeScsi an aIniglaunday of August. The su n - horrid n shutoffeck nta wudaebrlvoto aesand hro n Gilb rtcied h on'MradMs lAtn the list of birds seen. 'akwth the ranger and took dcean, healthy, wholesom sh:ne was pleasant, blut the haebl osdoto n gae B into an aduit -world that a great rmany Kc: Prd nStrivT-rde r niM ly Each patrol operated as an'i a bird's-ay«av view of the coui-, camp. Even the Scouts attend- breeze was cool. movie. aduits neyer enter. at Grilli'a. Afler, the'\iiet'Sit aniamlAbun independent u n i t, cookin-g try thav had been exp]oring. ýing camp foc the first time JmsLn n oad Seddmndmîgune g, Ltsha rmyuohrprns il rh. darnT's over open fires and providing Another pleasant surprise set a goati example. JCc agocnut d te ams.and Sddno thsae ns ail nu tie and As I'esaiheae f ou ohprbo ne o nt. oti r. CIarenOC .LodAh the leaders with excellent 1was a visit to the Ompah; In attendance this year were ae rg o h a ndper- times agaptmeadAsIv siI aeforbos on fi n rs mpece als. heeanit ws awere'm-iUnited r c h annuasalat SGout PetdonMClluri earing contest. The winners nakn htcnb1dnte engr.Prhp oen vi tit and fmiy wet adRoadHydn wr spctddal, ni twsa aesppr. Te os emei ado luPeter Zeir, ;of the races were: under 5 W, ,wa cnbBoeoAcusro wiei epflave orartes tidaxl'a guest fDvGrS(a'dinrgctso .J occasion when aven a chip of, pleased ait not havirng ta make Alan Milhench. Stanley Coh-'Ellen Jackson and Kevin Cra- every corner of every street might help, and our coming on to teens. Aduits Boh'lMplGre.0msn. wood wathe out r osf lace.At1 uptheicr wntepoanodh-- îdc, rnpnc'ars'- go; under 8, Davidi Sargent but can our taxes stand the cost? Are can awy use adx'ice tooand \\h IMr.s. 0rJef fernd r. c niMsOwl it hard ta keep dlean, but af-:afterwartis. Walton, Rickv Stephenson,'ady Ruth Cati Stne Lane the mothers and fathers of aur local knows, but xvhat ma-v he the best Of ' wore recent visitai tA FodPthc.Tcotwc difficult ta find anything but! Scouts pcox'ad their adapta-'StephnneGou6tiuPaul Nesbiand At te fist cmpfie Billy culo ul e W,,:arl-eao don't recognize the fact that it is their him/or herseif. After ail, are thev uiot Mises Janice andLnaMr.SR.Phik the freshest of dict on any bility. AGarhy Peacock.fre Bvith their Wrigh:.'al-'Toronto, are hldy c niM.RnC bo.the leaders gave each boy a'ton and Bratiley Wilson: Rov-i The balloon-bcaaking con- son or daughter we pa of? ab the ones in question, r ing wih their ln ihtergcandaetniBetn, rs The youngest boys handleti littla heati-banti anti a feather ers Wayne Pearce anti Jiim test xas won by Alan Crago. if some of the parents were ta take a parents? _______ Mr. anti:\Ir-. N. E.Wrgt 1eOhxaMcMtrvA- the older boys teok their, At the second campfire the Win Collier anti Tony \Vil- bx' Teresa Crago, while Georgeonta iaobyhc onRn-t ndici te f.nC.o h at'e'ein ePu~sso canoles ovec many miles of'Scouts o va r wheaimd the'îîams. Jackson won the men's shoe' id av lvlyrndtonT ll ergusn, at aa o1adMofW'gt ocso atrcielks.Ms os eaders with "atmasphece." kick. Winners af the life-1 J DI Sgav' ati t th 'ht of Bettys and Murrav's birth attrea etive ak ais. Mo st Soewah boybal an I addition, thace was a saver contest were Marion af "The Snnishina of YouirlSiii an ,anda spen e n1 -one a ilabdlent o c a la Soe h o w, eaeh ab o i n- lf -i e R v r m s o, n m t it i Dulas Lan . An-I t e w .c 2st i S ml e." In sine new xverses :h r l tv sjd ts th on e a oy s tionocason er-ti t amceatote a lin-clath'Hector". In spite of being other balloon cantest was won to an aId tune, "This Neý'j Mc. anti Mrs. Allani er, c ni c.BueCak rnitteti a midnight swim ant i ing nothing but this anti their sticks, anti being hung by the Sargax-tI. B r u c e Richards et. ess osAh on, C' anti Mîs. E. A. Wer,-vstr a',Bxraxil.wt c carrinfire. feathers. The leaders fait net1 Ahesss Rt; i À ltieMs usr orva .Fegsnanifml Ahl boys manageti ta rideý foolishlv ot'ec-dressad, but mn wt atcif1hag uesseti the correct number A j(~shton, E. Wright a S-kntHctravy o candiesJn ajar Th mons notiedicatetig their f ti - (A e so al H ira tk Chilirrn's Hospitl o"M.atiMa .L er the aarial rapeway. This is a the thougbtful Scouts hati managedtitaface the flag anti ou cnes ttndatjas. Keinmnn be it M. athir eeeeig i-,niSia wrevsosatA bosun's chair, whosa oulley isi matie extra loin-cloths focraut mrtya fa cek rg, attedatwas es- Mrvntir.GadnGr-tn nt eegia r nd' G rifinati fanii. anti theJ. n",guatsdofMiss inir dM Wan',Caernta Pllowed ta i-un tiown a 100 the leaders, wl-o wece given, rgadteods a e-M.adMs odn r oadwr ie rnirfi n iiil dteCegetofMs fontt cape. Evan the slow trip about 30 seconds to i-un into: The leaders hava many, lia Jackson. A peanut anti i-d Jr., Sandra anti Cindy, tour of the camp by Captain second selection ta _Ir. anti oleWillowdale. WE oetR.AonsLThig. P~tncbt h cpt t., caiotrnprtton at oth ams adieS 0toc trip ta Las Angeles, Cati- 1Mca. G. Watkis neterlae c.E ratsnsII.-tssani amt",Prnc Abet down,an the wild-swingirla At the final campfire, aIlel eades wisof h ta I ommnti tabl e , etsanti ate wthea'foi-nia. To anti fi-rn Califor-iSinger) of Toronto was a1 as accompnt uh-.SotatMa on c at r.0 .Ah stop aI the battom tasame- boys receiveti tokens foc their telarswh ocm ndabsstadldnwi .nia, the Gai-cat family viexv- guest of Mr. anti Mcs. Earl1 The qua:'tet escriteti tho thing no rider is likely toi vartaus accomplishments. Of ail the Scouts' parents who' gond supply of foodi. Docothy eti many interesting antibeau- atnfrtndas unso onu lt tGe.rcentvisitors wt, hi'cu c niMs onGifns forcet. s pe il i te e t w s n a a d a a aiv n a e of t e 5 i 'Caao led in the singing of tiful scenes. Frinds of M s. A lice Rowe1 M rs. J. Sem on red a co tl ii sus M r. anti M rs. A . h r . L n s y Ail boys were able to p sta Stephen Gaulti who, in min-I anti life-saving instr-Legrace, anti evervone then an- Mr. anti Mrs. J. Shearar, will be sorry ta tearn of bier plimentai'v address ta Mr. atid 'Mri. anti Iirs. J. Eleat Mcani c.R.JC-ms at lenst rt of .;orne profi- s;pite of bis leg in a i-ast, par-' lion offereti to the youth Of ioyed a bouIntifu'l cepast. Oshawa, wera guest.s for a ,bati accident while holiday- Mrs. J. Griffin anti family: Su .san, Port Arthur.Mi.atto eeSnaevincî. ciancv badges or same gradleiticipateti in ail but the watec Newcastle. This bas matie it; In the absence of the pi-a- coupla of days at the home ofi ing at Massanau. Mca. Rowelî Mc. M. J. Hlohos i-catia coi--MsJh el ndPiia-ltJ D rwns îo tests. Some boys took part ýn'activities, anti was hie most. easy, for the leaders ta en- sident a n ti vice-president, thair son Bob, anti famity. took a fainting spail, anti on gcatulatorv atitiess ta Mr'. anti Bowmanville, wei-eSnay MsShre Avyspt thrae hikes, mostly aven industriaus boy in camp. An'lg the camp wàtei- pi--Jack, Crago conducteti the Mc. and Mcs. Fred Lowecy fatling batily cut hec iegtMs. Stenger. Lovely corsages eeigcîesa .Gifns ;owcs oiaswt c roug, ccky anti woodeti awacti was madie ta__Bradleygi-arn. busines perioti. The minutes anti family are enjoying their aopen. She requireti medical anti boutounie'e were ai-- c.Wm Fadr Bak-ntMc.Gy asatan ýware i-ati, anti carda were vacation up at thir cottage at' attention, anti sincelhec ce- rangeti by Mesdames R. Vii-- stock, rccontly vîsîtetiMsF aîy tBitn S signic bv aver vone ta senti1North Bay. turn home, and has ta, go ta tue and A. J. Wercy anti wOi-O Toms.M.Ga a-sa.Bitn a i ~~~~~t: Velmia Holmes, Vida Crago1 Mc. anti Mrs. F. Tuffocti hospital foc treatment. It la pinneti on the special guestsi Mr. anti Mca. Ken MLa SM' uia a-hH t~~~~iIm.1h~~~~~I ~anti Ruissell Gay. !anti daughtars anjoyeti a tnip'quila painful, anti neetis to1bv Mesdames A. J. Werry, KtadLýeslie, Scacbocough eeMpeGae reSna H eatea .uundeu Session The foltowing afficars, ware' ta Niagara Falls whila an' ha off hiec feet as much ast McGill, R. Vii-tue, Misses at Fcitiav guests ofMcaniinegus tC.Ary. e1lecteti foc 1965: President, holiday. possible. Donna Yeltav.'lLees anti Marie Mrc A. SI-ai-p.Mc.FSpyMes.Ro Jack Crago; Sec.-Traas., Hazali Mr. anti Mca. S. Shielti havai Mcs. Walter Crowthers Tor- Draper anti Mastoc Glon Ashi- Miss Dione Averysptthani aolipcRhser Crago: Sparts Comnmittea, Hil-1 been holitiaying with friands' onto, is anjoying a holiday ton.ween wih i-atiM.1NYwrrentvsa- t D eals w ith W ater C ourses, ~ ~~~ton 'Peaco:k anti Bruce Rich- and relatives tiown East. with hec tiaughter-in-lawHa- Gft f pl ImpatiIryn CookScacbrg. '.E Mr. anti Mca. James Gale. zel, anti grantisons Jamie anti two mnatching table lampa c niMs lwnDcetM.atiMa e.Bon Ilwsdecidedti ta d heChristine, Eli za b et hanti Chacles. wr Mr. m bbîf0 te anti d IMra, Bwmihl, c rdGer fHmi foiri 1965 in Waltona Bnian, Hamilton, were week-i Those ici Bowmanville Ho"- community by M\,rs. L. \Vear-n wece Saturctay evenin al ad ube c niMa Park again, on the second anti visitons at the home of pitat are: from R.R. No. 2,' anti Mr. F. Beckett ta the!,ai-s aI C. Slainton's.Ge.WigmaFnkod Ti a y D g n a k n Stinday, of August. A baît.Mc. anti Mrs. Bruce Tillsont Mca. Ruby Andress, Mis. Ca- Griffin faînil,-: Colonial style'.Missea; Lintia antiBdtaOtwieMniyvstisa pi-re nd isie bogtad aiy hrn iirGda n Mce elMa.R. aps an t al irri-. A. - B _ ______________ __ Newcastle:- Thearce g n 1 a r, age ta someane aIses landi. complain. 1ther yacoan antiaolan r n oyeti mu ataiDanMald McW.Ila Mcls; iar iy ,tRhpantiMrFAk couci metig asheti O avng at te ouny n- No oabu aI mmbcatrip ta the States. They visit- the village, Mi-. L. Allin, Mr. Strl Te CGI.T. ru it conil hmbr ona' gineer i0 ta viawtv Iis creek, felt ali-eadv t00 manv v- eti friands at Pontiac, Michi- lan Lockha-t, Miss Hattie wangr ..goî liteReeadallj aoMatrDvd ii a epresantati hv Misses ) - - - s e . nihwm h ev ni counceil passeti on bis augges- laws waca being ovarlooketi.g an.1 ' , ate avdMilerMarie Draper anti Donnia nembecs present. tion to mnsac a 36" pipa,: anti it was time ta enforce èr ~Mr. anti Mrs. Sam Brai-alan1anti Master Danny Quinney. Yelloxvlees iin cemembrance WVhile the air was verv1 Mc. Wind hat i asa looketi in-' each anti averx' ana of tbemn. 'B at C uple anti family, with Misa I-ena Fnientis of Mrs. Fred Baw- gifla, ta Misa Laura Ci-iffin, aAn rnuch on the cool sida for anluth is, anti ieaî'ned the costi The by-iaw statos that any Ash, Cobourg, anjoyed a'an wiil be socry ta lear-n that, compact anti taînly hanidkýrc- Atîgs: venngtheairin-ewosltnhaw2.ek a tu oaPerantatiagteeatiogfanim ar falsedlpeasnt eek t acotageat i-an afal, sa lMsufsriMurhiel Mss ut-d Giffna 2'da the counicil roam was1 whicli Mr. Winti indicatet ihe avec muat boîti a kennel Il - %JSurnris o Twatve Mile Lake, near Min-la bi-oken leg. travelling cosmolic case. close ta, very hot, due to, many 1did flot intendti t pay ont in; cance, anti a kannet licence t5 d ten. Beface i-turning home,l Mi5. Cliver Hubbard, Osh- Te h usao oac hieateti tiews of sevarat dis-t a lump sumi. Councillor Bon-' not pai-mitteti witbin the houa- Antha vsittitheNewasle wawa aoufs lsI ee cussions. athan sugcgesled if Mc. Wint' ngacea. nv ra yG ici Guide tcoop, camping at of Mn. anti Mca. Charl~spes sfoher apreiaton,____________ ~msttaattiea cunilwa~ it wshtacooncaebu1As the arguiment fîexv firn Camp Atialaitie, near Halibuc-I Gilkes.foanntriin prvniFrhAr 10'. B. Wind. He bcd i-aceiv.» founti the amaunt' tacgreant,council ta Mc. Dobcoshinsýky, Newcastlg:- Suntiay, August thluh a rel ti wAbnui Frin-A et a latter fram the councilMeh mighit be xilling ta ha ve ýDobroshinskv thcaw ai coun-!9t1, aa qutte a busy day for rIp.a A L1luehi as fr elnt f iccnm HATromSpuE rcqupsting him tla-do smethe village instati the pipa i,"Yau gi'e n-te a choice,l Mr.anti Mcs.Jack Crago, ad ati iLii V r S hJI o w aI G I anticakepi-ovideti hy Mr. andtijIN thing about the ireek50bed anti pav back the municipality i aither 1 mox'e mv dogs, Or 1 anc Ibat provati full of sur-Mc. tne.OI foxu Hmdtotrl TEACSRN? that ri-uns tbcough bis proper-b' avngte manta itio ayaouItmsa."As lbe left Teat- feno a k Ageî b upieita Ix'. Appacenti1liehabas chang-litobis taxes, so mucb a vear tI-e i-oom, lha commentedtih-ut anti part of the avening fauntidA 19à' 1i rwStgai-ts vh irpaltai-tanel~ Fsacrt epr eti the straam's course. Th ot'ar a pecioti of yeacs. Thia haexvoulti naw waiî foc the tbe busy couple at t ha Ccagaj ltonII P ark -lu g. at tbe pacty xtere Mr-. anti latter pointeti ontht ;Mcr Wind was in favar Of tawn ta moka up bis mmid for Reunion at Waitona Park. AIMaJh raTrno niauersos strilg a water course tioing. if thace was fia other him. picn:c is nat a success unlesa Newcastle>- At a recent!tests wîll be matie on Monday, Mr anti Mis. Don Staples, .NWCSL wonlti causa Mc. Wind b ho ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w. Reeve Cunningham suc-,Svrilatr av eneveryone attending is really metigofte+k ca,. e at Teda f nx-.-+iaa .IVJUSVIULiI fuotlîx rsniie shouni ti aletuea- h Egnart1en aFrn1oao oasbatb1belm te1eaiceaunCamte, at a îh h etc f h lao ev a-e nbs unia:ig-o r ae 9742 be-1 a ikChla Ss-, pre-ent lhem with e beautiful, 3cd. A loati af senti bat enjoYect a tvisl'. logelber anti pital in Tarao-ta. The acîeck crvysta! t'ose. The bonacati een placet untien the sw bg te pi-gagiararanget b'. aII RAID House and Garden BugKiersg.ls169I 9 lisMe in touci witb the in- i-ouîpte expresti thair thanks at the park to aven-orna ail special cammitlee, Mesdiames suinceaduseran ws x-toevr.on fr her hogh- hewaertht adben yigýE. Wright, A. J. Warry and: G IR LS and u u T S I pcilghmin the village oe efu1,r n teirtbug't- i~the r e t hal K.n îyng iieî. Mr-.FranCk Dor- DO D'S .uu wy Pulis 79 macning after the i'auncil Alteriting *the surprise ga- Butls wace presentet anti lent wes genial ebairman anti! mfeeting. îbcring werpe bride's m ýauthocizadti à IIftTnnuned henV er aflr CM TOOn a motion mate by ther anti father. Mi-. anti Mrs.1 It was aira tiecitati la have a brief opaning speech. Ha A E --- - Femninine Napkins1r ug itSc4 Couineiai- BB a -te t h a ri, Utc Sani Powe~'ll andi family, Mr.1 a water show anti awvactiaideti e spicy toucli as hoie Daily Vacation Bible School Reave tves appointed Io h ava anti Mca. R. Powell, Mca.ý nigLit for att those in 'Uta evening progressat i wth hum-~ i'T M A 10s-Sg.ltSi 47 Daily Vaction Bibe School someone carne in anti bave 'Mac'a Gacîshore, anti Mrs., swimming classas, as in alLie!r' ai-oua stories. 11:T M A the weets cnt tiowyn. ent iba Cotîter anti family. j years. Evacy clas (including Deiigblful piano solos wena'Ijî AT r-os: of sncb '.voulti h a otto Hazel anti Jack entartainei1 the Tatipoles) xiii hea tking play'ed by Misa Shirley Ave D IT N.--ry-- - 12 Y to the taxas of those persons :te familv b'.'sbowing tbem, part Ibis veer. Thora tx'il ha' antitîcti "Spi-ing Impromptu", RIîN ------- ---- N EWCASTLE BAPTIST CHURCH ,,'-hose weats '«ci-e cu: dowc.. pictuces takan on a recentt tiamonstretion of strokes, anti end Mca. M. J. Stainton chose lfr 0 (South Haven Nursing Home, Mill St., South) A latter from the Dept. ftrip. aftec whicli the familyý diving, life-saving anti trowný "S 'yIl.e's Du'eam." Miss Bi-îbe'h~ tI V - eua 3 ab _ Higbways was rend, statingt serveti lunch ta the honoreti proofing, anti an adatitaîrac- Niaisai- in a monologue in 1b e gi ELLJ LU - they txvill look mbt thein- coupla, lion of aight girls tioing sY.n- focmi of an imaginary latter * AUGUST 17tIh -21st. (Monday- Friday) tac of the signs '«antet hy chronizeti swimming routines. bv Muriilta Laura, i-evealirg ý Cho 9 13 ..tevlae o rcý9fon the boys anti girls, anti ber new foi-ni home. Mca. H.1 T ioo ug îs .07 c < 11:0 .n'.Mill Street. Il is bapc't t hat awartis ltothe succassful ceni- Ashton describeti "A Boy" in, ir these signa '«illi elp some, in didalas will be hantiat out' bar reading, anti "Woman'sl I: a Please fi in the form beiow and bring it with keeping the speeder..ta tbe that night also. The date is Intuition" '«as the topie fot jI N EX -FailTsus20 Seali6 yo.splok iit. a the v v.rof'li 623-3303 set for Augus, 19, aI Wltlona' Mca. L. Wearn's neading. A, lookiotatbemottr of'haPark. Show Iwiii get under- na'« group, 'The Beatles".! WATCH FOR THIS AI A H W E trucks using I Street as a h Name____------- -.-. short cut fi-rn the 401 tao the for' way at 7'00 p.m, complete with long heu- wigs OW AVIL 115 anti 35 h'«v. W N-DIncitientally, al! the classes anti musical instruments, dît l B NEWCASTLE IIUUara askedti t be et the pool on a hurnorous pantomime, antid!;STR Falher's Name ~ ___ Council. too. hope the Cen- Sr uuar Tuasday, August i8th, aI 10 raprascnting George, John,,I"J: COWLI D UGJ HNOS DRUG STOREEj tenaprojeet tt'ill ha tîseti SERKIPjarn. for cehearsal. iPaul anti Ringo, the famous1 Address --_-_------- b attd a buildiing ta Ute Corn- Al simmirng classes ara English Beatles, wece Mesars.iIli> ALLA A CIRLPJUR, DRUGSORN ___ __ __runity Park. Thein itea wintiing up activities thîc Chacles Ashton, Lawrence wvoult incIiîte a change roam. week, Learn o tas'im, tatipolas Wright, Robai-t Sleman anti.UR &hO EL SudySchool Atîended- Age - xvshraoi-ns anti pos;zblv n - anti baginnars will ha finish- Wayne Beckett, with Mr.UY',D E LST T ' P A N C Sunday ~~~~lunch caunitan. Pro pec plans, eti lv date of publication of, Douglas Ashton as manager. ..... . A..A.., wiil be dcawn up, and thei-i the 'ýPaper. The Red Cross, Mrs. L. 'd -on, accoinpa.niÊd.---,

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