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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1964, p. 1

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Kine lie Joins Two Cowboys VOLUME 110 branîan hemarn 14 Pages BOWMANVLLE, OTARJO.WEDNESAY. NUUST I2 1R133 Bill Thicsbur,,ei. the only maie honorary member of Bowmanville Kinette Club as evidenced b.v tlhe huge seroli, was joined at the Kinsmen Carnival on Saturdav bv Don Arrnstrong- and Ray Lathangue, a couple of 10-gallon hatted woulcl-be cowhovs rec ently returned f rom the Calgary Stamrpede. Mr. (or Miss) TFhiesburniýer vas aittractivelv attired for the event in wig and other female ac- col it rcmenr ls tulai di'ew onl Need is Great Remembe Tom orrov piil Iroonl. R3esidle aS i\(i\' onle s ýi! and xlitî 'Veil xvoder O,. o And iý w ;(vii g' n i 'Fhere sniia i.g n-4 23ilUIt( ('idedi lo do :i\ OS vil i ri fuur t hue nmiii and ic i îliai. ladies. In <il leu %vo'rcs, 1 danîce xi besirnihar Io a1 Seas. Il shîmiîid Le fLiii 't lI axai lable fi uni I hmmup BIG ONES I low 1!\ht (;nuîx-cdir It. \\-(-Lave nm 1 larrx ' ii ic'euiauîif \hapl plastic lia" luilled i xiih il xxc have evur seeui. Oniei s abmu i a iielihand a hi TI'i c v a1m(i: ilooîk mle heriies \Wh's'lia lutseilel I MPROVEMI;N'î' Vîîk. wseck 1)1111ii ga uiexxSlu> Tlhieatre fLi.a nîmluri ipi, iiesda v 11mI.ti îuig scaffoldiiî thle C'aiarhiaîî Im;ei'iah Bar ed forlicoii lii i -aliii RECII>LS Tiw îo us'iii borla's lei io ilas Siih DaY at hihiu( it l, tlits tii Sol watSchdul tue Tif) lîmi 'iîîîîiii imon \\ x~a\, 11i rt i î l 1, I li ili CH()ugui: ix txvm shichi Bowmanville High School Grade 13 Resuits I Bowmanville High School Bal. Suzanne, EC 3. EL*2, Grade 13 results are as fol- H 3, Geo. 2, Alg. 3. Trig. C,î lows: Top student was Patricia Chcm. 2: FA C. FC 2. Gi with eight firsts. and one Brough. Judy. EC C. EL 3. H second. Carolyn Stacey wroteý3, B 3, Z 1, Chcm. C. FA 3,ýj 10 papers and had seven firsts, FC 3. two seconds and one credit. 1 Chant. IMarie, B C, Z C. PC Code: EL, English Literature; 1C. .EC English Comp.; H., History;' Charles. Michal. EC C. Gco. Geo., Geography; Alg., Alge- 3. bra; Geom.. Geometry: Trig.,,ý Cole. Jean, EC C: EL C. H Trigonometry; B., Botany: Z.,'1, Geo. 3. Trig. C, Z 1, Chem. Zoology; Phys., Physics; Cheni. 3. FA C. FC 3: Chemistry; LA. Latin Authors; Cooper, Lanny, EC 3, E L C, LC, Latin Comp.: FA, French Alg. 1. Geoni. 2, Trig. 1, Phys.' Authors; FC French Compo-' 1. Cheni. 1. FA 2, FC 1: sition; GA. German Authors;, Corden, Margaret, Z. C: GC, German Comp.; GR.A.,1 Crowc. Elizabeth, EC 2,' Greek Authors; GR.C. Greek Phys. C. Cheni. 3. FA 3, FC Comp. ;C:i Aider. Patti. EC ., EL C.ý Cully. -Jean. EC 3, EL C Z' B C, Z 2, Chem C. LA C, LC12; C, FA C. FC 3: Darch. Betty, EC C. Geo. 2, Anoniehok, Yvonne, EC C. EL FA C, FC 3; C, H C, B C, Z C. 'TURN TO PAGE rwo- Courtice High School Grade 13 Resuits Top Students at Courtice High School Avg. lst Cl. 2nd CI. 3rd CI. Cdts. Hon. Hon. Hon. Randall Prime 7. 6 2 Gary Down-1 - 77.0 6 2 1 Allan Youngman _12.6 5 3 - Dennis Gay 71.1 3 2 2 I Kathy Siemon 70.7 4 1 3 1 Carnival Winners Receive Their Big Rewards isiderable attention. The following ir a lot of1 Jean M. Hancock: EC: EL: the .students and the subjeets Hl: BO; ZO; FAC; FC; GG. This photo wvas taken on Sunday at Robson Motors1 is iooking on with approval. At ]cft, Mrs, Cliec n which they werc soccess- William J. Hasiuik: EL;: Il; whcre the new Pontiac was turned over to Mr. and Hockin, King St. West is being presented withth fui. Code to subjects: EC - BO: ZO; GG. IMrs. Tcd Miller, the xinners, far' right. Thev are bcingj prize she won, the chuekwagon barbecue, by car E n gliish Composition: EL - Ben Hofstede: AL; TR: PH-.Ipresented with the kcys by Car Draw Chairman Harry rnan of this draw Ed. Leaver. Englishi Literatore; H -His- Earle E. Keatley: EC: ELC ollacuti., and Kinsmren Prosident-eleet Bvron Brunt tory; AL-Algebra: GIM-Geo- AL: GM: TR: PH: CH. metry; TE - Trigonometry and Randali B. Prime: EC, EL,;- Ii-I- ,zoir B lo o d C lin ic S~~~~tatics: BO - Botany; ZO -Zoo- Il: AL: GM: TR: CH: FA, FC; :eilM eigFia ih ~~r Blood Clinic 1FrenyhPH - Physies: CH - Che- GG. !Car r-nls BridgeMetnriayNgi rv:LA LainAu', h o r s; Weridcll M. Prime: TR. FrnhAuthors; FC -FreiiICHCF: GG. v ait b ons Centrem's-~~~~Composition: GA - G e r ni a ni Ronald J. Ro:kay: EC.skid I pe t ro ReSlc ca io rio c0, fnal Authors; GC -German Corn- Donald E. Simmons:E, xx atlch a(,dir .ialt ELeJriver Unhurt Riý, .iltheewalh, ndwai, overs >0 o od heal h, position: GG - Geograph 'v. AL: G M; PH: CH: FA. FC. So voni look at that preciotis Witt)hlieu, blond. no mnatter' Gene Balson: AL; ZO:'GG. Kathryn A. Slemon. EC, N lte oteo loEL: fi: TR: ZO: LA: LC: FA; Early M1onday morning bri y, A g sI4 h a4p m utl oteo rare. Marilyn E. Bull: PC, at 5:35 o'clock. . . Gyula 7. r d y, Ag st 1 t a p somec stranger was ki ndc We al] know thiLs blond is a Robert C. Borton: GG. Margaret TieCshorgýer: BO;~ Gyergyak of Sudbury Nva einnx'gh 10o donate. life saver, laite V. Deeoe: EC: EL: AL: zo. alone driving cas> on Kîng Thblood slowlv flow's imb And il î. soniethîing thalîaIM T:CH A'C ar .Tb;AL ;T St., %when his car Icft te f votr loved one's vein, mnoney caninot boy. Gary G. Doxvn: EC: EL: Il: PH: CH. road, stripped off five guardas n G l o D Il l on gixe votir share. So rernembcr 'otir x'ow in Gm: TE: LA: LC: FA: FC. Rober W. Wehnlert: B0: ZO. rails on the forth side, clîmb NR a o i enf r D c s o îhat Iho;spîal rr>om, Thomas J. Gascoigne: H. Michael Woinik: EC; Z0;~ ed the bridge .iust wvest (ef 'DeptiYReer eRoss Steespriatrproe .Thiv ouid llelp 10 replace the miL- Dennis B. Gay: EC: EL: 11: Pli: CIH. Cream of Barley Camp, and :al Go inconMonddy, eod iecerneo iin adforP ea needed soppix. B:Z;F:FC G ia . onmn E; roiled over onto its top on 1 ev S ne rd 10h iI r I t aks ahaf lotir orfou Norma L. Gcaring: EC; EL: EL: AL: GM: TR; PH; CH:'th brge ni ved t>at he mn utcs f he m gc a theyl ec slie BO: ZO: FA: MC.'FA: PC. No injuries were reported. Board of Works mectngg e d idntb ider t iltv ~I C SAnd voor btood nmalv sae Carole G. Greenhani' 11;1 David Staiilton: EC; GG. but the car sustained an esti- on July 20th and on Augoisi \x'ires. a laiwealso request )eliridifeet s ln- lie 10;G aidBrn: . aed$70daag.1(tth be adopted. This w\vas the Ontario Mayors and Reeves eîîr dfernti pan Vou xit tee]better xxtiev adIitthe yr vniio p ý Asso atoe naro Mni- t al Bownanville Golf blood iii yonr veilis, st01 tbe tte ntbes idcia soe Etio O)dth hose in charge have de- Your blood will save snme- 'n ciýax'cl o isemri-formal attire for' Followingm items were sliip- bIeniiie lie decorations and thie pdtoT'noRe Crs EI that Cooncilior Carl R p r rie 10 bîiot'iseAuus, ,1964: Gs~'eonded bx' Couincîllor Ho R pooprase bahpryiteSot '1 rw rrlshirts, 2 y rs.: l p u e r, had moved that the BuidDo ( nr le r'l a Change. Tickets are 2 Pr. flan. pyjamas, 2 vrs.: G o e ring Its Ep o e ' n spector. Mel Mon b g C nrl pe s xvlrx5 print pantv dresses, 2 y rs.:; asked 10 tender lus resiglà"to- 2 î'ose panty dresses, 2yr. Bowmanx ilie Town Co ciiiel ffie hourîs - 8.30 to 50)b orole utelrI J bode 5 red pants' dresses, 10 yrs.; on Monday eveninîgonan!' p.m. Moiida'1 ttîrough Fridav C ses000 of Friday, Anigo1st 4tChim c f the Dog Controll 1Io lûxaid !-olev of .ýI\aple 4 green overalîs. 6 yrs.: 54 19- mously approved the report witb one hoor off for lunch. hsmoreNvspssdb o0 idea. but ()'i Tucsdax' pce. baby layettes: 500 blood10f the Staff Policy Committeeý Vacations AIlei W eIfar Casesotin. xs paed bttG e prescnited a report: em nanirnous roll raIl vote faltte meeting of Bownian- IL, (îro\e brought ini a (-fini(- wîpcs: 2 women's for employees not covered by ployers entitled Io two weeks nîcmbers of cotincil. A sPeca l on Cooneil on Mon-_ w bigestgoos beres hawls,: 6 pr. bloc soeks, 4 yrs.: contract, wbîch was prcsented 1xacation after- one vear's Le i u eneîgo on-invllT da eeinwi,1omuuend-ý 11 qPr. blueocoks. 2 yrs.; 9 pi'.1by the Commiftee Chaîrman t ono sevic an thecnridu cenig ir7 cle.tro ficr aesA -lsi of is.Folv'sberies greeii socks, 6 Vrs-.: I wineiCouncîllor Glenholme Hughes,lweeks vacation after 10 years Te eor1f h e fre oucl sehedug l 7c loch oikc tcDog Con-, alfmsem to stern. sxvafer, 12 yrs.: 5 3-pce. baby1who moved its adoption. This ûontinuos service. A vaca- 'Admiistrator R. J. Wclsh for Cosn etret T like pîtiros tItan goose st 1 Pinik kiîitted scarfjvas seconded by Councillor tion week shall be a calendar Jo ly, wbich was submitted te ('iclr op etien hsrprtxa dped ooio a Rnde 1fornmula, Mis. Foley'? doaed.Ken Hooper, and carried. Al weeký. A sehedule of vacations the meeting of Bowmanville,by Cotiiîcîllor HuLghes, nîovc'd!sceoncd hY CooiceillorWc Aîîvone iîîferested lin quilt<ýmembers of counicil were: of office staff and departm1en-,JTotn Cooineil on Mondlay:that Toxvn Clcrk, Jac'k Reid. le:,' FIS. ing, knitting, sexxiflg, or inak-i present at the meeting. ;heads shail be compiled and Ievcnling shoxved that there be asked >0 seiîd a tettei' to Councllor luidle stated ien hasýe becun busv îlîis i ng blood elinic dressings,! The report was read as fol- posted by the Town Clerk as lwere 1019 welfaî'e recipients in Russell C. lonev, M.P. f or that a r'îolaiapcrdh Rev, Henry Okulu ne front on the Royal please cal] Mrs. E. RundIe. lows: carly as possible. 'the towni duriîig the nîonfh, Dr-hin Coinity. thanking hlm- fore coticcil al. its last meeting,;ms rahe hsSna 'oxmen. îîdonWed I621-54:30. Ail mnaterials sip- ".Saf oe nict i- "6. Sfatutory Holidays-The:fhree less than iin Junc. on hhîbicnnii <rLs n lec hat lifogCoif'o~no prach S toh's AgS c galorîn le atsi 1o plied. lies aîîd rights of empîoyees, Corporation agrees to pay cm- The total cos>. of xvelfare for slcîcssf1ul efforts in 1rrangm;n, fro1 Officer was ccîîdoetiîig Clirchli ere will be thE Rv ýg he astsid ofand confirni the right of the ployees for each of the holi- Bowmanville for Joly was $3, a satisfactorv settîrnuent nfi bis dues uiîsuitably. He saidilHenrv Okollo of Uganda h ik of C'ommerce indicat- Corporation t0 manage its days iisted hereunder. the celc- 566.90. bot as provincial and tlie Chapel' Strert erossiig thaf the Dog Control Commit-i xvas , i Bowmaiiville iast ca lisl ou tlîat buildinig. LOMBANK IVINS affairs. discipline, lay-off, dis- bration of whicb they woold fedieral sobsidies and charge problem wilb hie C.PR. "i r had invcstigated ilue coni and neade a great impreso 'l'oida îîglî t Mcuril care.demteorpromnote ofberwise have worked had it backs amounited te S3,07().50, Was arid plaint, and fouind that Mr.;on St. .John's cogregios aitlis nit seerl ci- Pak Lmbnkgirs ailclb employecs.îlot been a holiday, a sun rhf, actoal (051 toItie town Endorse Ti-e Plantiog 1Iloskîî as Dog Control OffucerMr. Okullo was bou'n inK y lait li asri e dera- PasrdnangilsbaGlbbs i "2. Reasons for disciplinie o[,eqUivaient ho their torrenti!xill bec nly S487.40. Couîîcil xvas asked b\ hi es onducuing bis resfionsibili-in aef gnaa al ccihies for cach monthi. Lonîbaîîk xincing bv defauilt., discbarge may inciode (a)>1,îourly day rates for the lini- Expeîiditores in Job' vc City of Barrie to endorse tie tics withiîî the powers confer-lwav clerk. Latet', he becm ______violation of the criminal code: ber of hours tbey wouid have Direct Welfare S2,418.25:, Nurs- foiiowing î'csolutîon asking red on bum by By-Laxv 17111an' Anglican Pricst and s i picklcd peaches. Anx\ (b) garnîshee: (c) miscondut worked on soch a day, provîd- ing Homes $96,5.65; Soppe- tht:"Tit v equest. thîe inil most suitable maniner. sistant Editer of the "e of liee mcîps voud KN IVE'rMN'i I)AW officiai capacity. (d) mis- cd thex' comnpîcte the reg-Imeitar\ aid $120. and exccss Prov'incial Gove2rnmenlt b adrl The condition of the Dog1Day" tlie wcekly natoa spaer nd v heaci "'1~ Knsmn (lu's I- onduef iconnnected w i 1, l 1ularlv assigned bours of work !and medicines $63. a sob-scfîon ho the Moiiicipa ,Poulîd was aise foond tb belchorcIi nwspaper of Ugada spati-andbY head- 'l'ie inmenClu-s n-dot)' that tends 10 brîng dis-!,On hie dîssinimediatciy prior The welfare recipieiîfs for Acf aotlicrizing any Municipal e.xcellent, with adcruatc x'enti- Prior >0 Ibis hovas in chag vestment draw for this weeK credif in the Corporation, ni' 1!I and fnleowing the day ofýthe m-ontb xvcre 16 bonds Of Counicil. xiflîtie approval cf and kept iri gond re- of a niissirii in a largepan was won bv No. 192, Ralph teîîds 10 impair the xvork .4 clIebration of the holidiay, uni- families with 54 dependents. tLe propci'tycxvncr conccrn- pair. Councillor Rundle re- tation. At prescrnt be is sped as Len ei'ive frîn elason.Bowniavile. e 'îLeemplyee (e abenteusî. ess oîîîerwise ni o t u al1I yi five single persons, lb patients cd. o planît trees ai municipal'poî'îed. lie added thaf Pirovin-'ing tîvovenus at Virii xvilI receive a cheque for "1 Hirings by counicil only. agrced. The bolidays are aslic nursing homes. four desert-,experise xitbîn ciglît feted ciaI Gox'ernment xifcEsthe irnierue thaf Air Foice 5. Houirs of woi'k--Normal, TIRN TO PAGE TWO 'TR TO PAGE rWO I ilieur îîrnpcrîy ne oui their!have aiso irnspececd the Dogiand small rlaugbtcr came oe erelia ben anelld.POîunciarnd founc il, satisfac-1for thbe stinîmer to loin li i Ml foia ugsteen ca cclbed.fory* v it everv Y , and 1ud'm ission vork ic Pliladel ha Augut 2th.butrigd W alh r C ls insm n C rni al row to Bar Mjrni m nmmnded the. arrangements Tlîir ofher five hlr i riinwa 'vs andithe high- Fr i e t e us K n m n C r ia ro d t a e M nm mfra]aias mained inii ada iii. thie affair lias beeniUuna 1 N E ) ) <1.L ' ýI' iiiii, gouuîe (ii liteSi .:\hje ns sitti:mll .n:I iJse!Ost)t5'Ci en's Att1l's Wei. :i il St pli'si sl'l s as nairieciouf Tues- dax u Ilhî. hsll lie plaxvec tonighîIt if tlie wcather is odmc, îiuiumusc wif aiîîther canecellafion lias to lie iîiaîlî SuiLîuiî iiarnies x\ill be phavcd on I î lm i'd 'liii extiu*îvat flic higb school giuît~d~ TI .,Iîie tuit wix'll confliet xxiththie lien llix. l'a u ir ado dunc':ris-a i.but îlîat's the axtht n gs xvun. min it i mes. A Iso. there us a Stucet l'ait ni t tnighî the e"s no lack oif acui vii' , ii'I(, . (kXTIIERî N( 'xamc ii'imaeport iappeariutg '1 us seck un .ui'!'mî: 'ii palier. thiere xill be a huge tiathlermuîg 'im-e tiatu 600 . .. at Darlington Pnîîxinciii i :ttiis Sundfa v for tîte annual re- utnion omît, M(,nlui;is clan. At east three pipe band.s vii lit'pi'esent andiidtete will be a full d a v uf spoit li- eiils. Ai'uhie C. M,\enzies of Port Plennyts iesideut t Lut 55e are not certain liox Inaitml l u c . ivu 'in:îîtIis imm ediafe vicin if v BIG LEXGLE 'l'îmvi Assessor Clarenice Oke was a surprise erîtx* voui Mondav in the Provincial Lawn Bowli- Tuuýni'nent beiuîg held in Toronto. On Stîndav. formrein-îîles champion Gordon MlacMillani(if Oshiawca )honed Clarence to sec if le would f111ii l'or thiier lead bowsler xs'ho couldn't îakce par't. The 'swonit hree games oui Monday, con- finuucd ho \\'n oui Tucsdav and boxvl tonight. in fhe finals. Incidcnial" . thi owmanville Laxvn Bowl- ing Cltub tliat haîîbeeîî mpeîatîng at fliclocal green this' veau. îs holding a fournament in Osha\va today for the Lîuther NichaIs Trophy. Unsîghtfy, But Not Unhealthy The chill.v wcather on Saturday evening proved to be a discour- dogs, coffee, chips and other warm items did a roaring business, aginjg factor to the large crowds that turned up for the affair but but many of the others found it tough going. Early estim-ates place didn't stay' 100 long to play bingo and the many other games avail- the net receipts at somnewhere between two and three thcîîîsand dol- able. The basebail game held a fair-sized audience, but if was too lars, most of the funds comning from the car drav. cold fa sit and enjoy the other attractions. The booths selling hotij Kiwanians Plan Picnic For Familles MSst Kiwanians must have heen on their vacation this me ek becail-e only eight members gathered at the park for suppr on Monday evening. There %vas also ome gucst, Fred 'I ippins' father. /%PPrciation %vas extend- ed to llank .?anzen %who was in c'harge of the golf tourna- ment heid reieentiy at Erinli that îîetted the ('lubha bal- ance of $48.50. The next meeting %vill be ini the form of a pienic at Kîwauîis Park, startingata 6:30 p.m., with the w-holm- family invited. It will be a POtick supper with every- one brhnging iinough food for their own. This will be Pooled and distributed. Cof- fee, ('ream and ýugar will he supplied bY the ('lui). There x%'ill he games and prizes for Ithe killets. A'i coilo icuilMi)nîni(eIiIi u., Cotncilloch li llcvc Smlîiu Ilb r Chrrgi Shiawv Coist niictioul roi;umîx arcuding thei. namism- lcinm iii th(-i l c(-mmrii tr v ho ru fru tic> toIi ilic F'ifiu nie (2 mi- liant Txxn o re Sign% A lli c tortrom th h 3uui>n ville Bul i m Siiil or tbamiked f îîîi or haiiuig Scouol Cu inSigris pl;imi il uit sre uumuliigLoid Elgu iicoi lTe boum rd ru'- qi iesteul ii jt 1i cm nore such si gris Le oumliiin Suog Str*drI cmi r Sii uond ml (t forc mmii îlîti t rumffic>, ;)uid( min, al V I'îtii Stree't for soiithb hmiid Ira iii. Thue Scltiol PllrIjcl's reqoest w as mîfîrchrI cl tîîe 1Pcîim Corirnitte ,ýtim cit i'ti i r e i- port buick lu coitincm on a roc. ton by Cou rîcuIliii K ci Hloup. c r, si'conded 1"Coonceillor Wesle;' Fie. New lVorks Shed Acmmunieation from the Departmeit < i Igbway's ask- ed ei-cuil f() approve a change suggust-îd hvi:.'il, iho ii'plans ( i cxia TO PAGE TWOî BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12.1964 101- Ppr (r%"ý NTTT'NIMI,1:> 912

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