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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1964, p. 9

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- - ( -, - v. l. * T 9SPORTropICS By Frank Nlohtin 623-7234 FINALS STÂRT THL'RSDAV Onir one E;am-e av i'ed in the Mens Town League last week. hiii ' ..t .t-ha cone partrr'ulariv for defeîrdrng, champion Stech-r, F. -' 'p'n~rffe8tp. Ken'ýz Mens' Wear 7-4 to ir- the .-P : xa ries nt twn ()games apiece, after Ken" h.çi ak< r.rý !- <'st , 'Wii t h<- cuid ,,eatlier hamperini : !!:p. ...'['rfl .r w re s('oru d 4n this one, than l three .rp re-_l "rKens 'SV(nn2-I and HI -ni .-xhile the FuýeI' arria'?"rI0r The big sn r-rd'-rr'h tncoi..rer t'.as pia cd Tues-: day nighî and r'nh"a rr;îrncs it should have, been a rland, Th- "n . \"s Motnrs in the best o cfsen fal xri::".2r<r.t hl E1ie1gb School diarnonrl :. pn r.. -:' .p.Future ganies go Ties- dayrr and Tbujrtri4r . <r ne -'e. -rne plâce. BANTIAMS PLAY FIE-:E :S.\'TUJDAY mia na er IRpr rPa'f -'1rrw-'i rare MA î. ". ek ArrteHl un b'tr <'r:Er\Lu rrrrLrrrc'. v-ilr.r*ie- Perre-! tanguisherre nit t ir< e.ncrr'rtPark: hpre5aurdar- afternoon. ln the nopnieoroarm"e <ofahPr- t-rf-tnree t-ta toff 'cries, Game1 Urne is 210<î Orhe r Aui? i(q à-O B A. q Wanetr Mrnîround. 'he second ..n . .' y 1 r 0,u Ie rr ,.rg:re 29th. Me follo:"rr,!: '-or . Srr da 0rt bdr'rre ~neces- Far' andUr in ife'." , r "ruthp to' A xii j be layed here on Ser-tpn e r DU, ].<raPUmet out 4o see the Legion-' npirr'< in acir-r t' r :rr sr 4 1 rirre .rtrr -gîve a fen'l) thr r ' rr r r r X'%V tr' <r !11 .r t r 'r . :r :r'rr]rî rr 'r 'r rrrr-n ii i ira t'. ek thiarRî.b-rrrr\lr,'jr P, r p'r 'r'!Wrrr i)îrra rex" M rî H Brrr'.Iir:g Leagrîr i(, y ,i-r n (it' -,ir ,' . .or' rlrrîr re xx roer' Ilayerz a:re'r -rr"j " rrr f 1 - la.'E , r 'i<rr-t plat EI-s air thrr r'rl'e))r. .xrr.trr. r Pîr-.or Mo- tors l'tri, ni rr e J': At times ike this... you'l 1 ke B3lack Label Beer sar!"MAEL, BLACK LABEL!" ___________________ t-- Frank's Tati Hurler !Sam's Have Big Fi Downing Frank's aIna@M So econd PI« a avJ of a---- - , by Jlm Clarke skv high h .ien Sarn score. Fran's ariev nine trnes in the top of th' Frans Vaiet- nax ~1rthird, 'aking a 13-2 lead. T11I rrs-, been swep, under ihe winners rapped ont eglht hil- playoff rug, They absorbed a1 during their exDisive h hurniliating 25-8 lacing 0 nframe. Monday night trom Sam's Sr' onind t Finer Foods in the second a' cotn c- garne of their bes' o fv awav frorn te pû1io semi-final series. Sarns le-1 adding three runs in vicot ~-.esIhrn fourth. one -lu ,the, tifiÏ îh ,.! 2-crs:e a, Î.another eiti iithe sixi P. 2-O~ ~~~r thotehl the series.' rein In the year's nost lopsided, Frank*s pick-ec up a loi, contest, Sam's whacked out airnr h bi-,addfr. total of 22 bits-. Thev dro,;er m in te fifîh and theïr final Fran's tarer, 1 run in the sixth. lowdale frorn the -round in, Plate umpire George Pipert the' third. Keni. Baker, -wh'o1called th e ae ftrs' relfieved. took !bîs lnnpsl complete' innings becalise o' frorn tbe r.inners drrrirîg bisidarkness, saving Frank's froin four innings. "Willy" was1 further disgrace. blasted for 1!I runs and eight, _______ 1 qui W tue 7 Pefferlaxv, Mr-s J J Watson,' and Ber+ Bowers and Lonnie M- I'Dan S and Miss Mar-! Chaprnari attended the mail gar-e', r: Toronto. 'Mr. and d çe!iver:v on R R. No. 1 during Z . T o M l o',.,iJolinston and AnnmýGeorge Bowers' absence, Jo*hn.>:on. Claudiia and Bill cflKata :dAndrexv cf Lang \Ia, knam. r1r.and NrNet'~c i Nr a'd M'-R Davi- ~~ Werry i;?. i L.a"îx- and Mr. 4Arîý _Mrs, M.:: Bailey ani. Hcrward G ae f BIackýzîock '\1rs. Herbert Vine has re- Mrs Frank Smîcins rn oie fi-cm Lexington, Mich:ei ' n*lcshe soent Arubund thle Bases;: Box ui lie !!-v;:ziIec lier n' o t'le rý <'<k r î ipe:'daughter -w,(nbe:- f 'rr te: MNrs. IN. C. Marlow. Irs. R. E. Nl\[iddleton and fam- ,a !",ir- coring a!. NI" . and Mrs. honnie Chiap-1 i z,,, Conk'-ville attending B-r c. ~o \l\I'::-naia: .d fooir bovsreturnied!l ~iw 'rRuino J .' 1' » . . ' ~ r "': .îr"-e ' N".r-, Rat 'OC Rcor zierii Chui-ch of xx ;'rrrs.on a k. ',i>Jesus Chris-, of Latter Day Pritt-~ ur:J t rii r Nrs. Alan Wilson,._RaIpli; saintsý spec'yc i!iîr 7w' P aller tXVO -- B:s. :.rr<art steve DISCOUNTu SALE o:-:tfor- aX, xbJerry ~' Rio:rckALL STOCK TO BE SOLDI Týý!:<-R ici Luc-il AT COST st ts for F71 ar: ______)______________________z___ IThe Canadiari Statemman. Bownmanvle, Aug. 10, 19843 eýmhits during bis two ful inn-i NEToRi.x:S, Pcrrt cot- ings. Kenny ini relief wasv N S L TON ripped for 14 ruris and 1-4 F~- . 'IP'kOC hi'. and Mrs, Maurice Sr r'rx i.r\ .1: &- "îr -' Whii hi mats ftteed els, Lorie and Debbie of O rx' .ri 'onj their averages. San's Dick aavstdbrprns r shori vi .r- ;rîbtr Stata coasted lte bissecond'adMs anItland e ar \'r f-trrxC. playotf win wx'1h a-rr:d five' MNr, and NIrs. AlfreriPf:'Ca"'.ikre itter. D ,:-k .i.'rr] .ix --,G r r r ý ar:i \ r 1o: Nr M t < 3ro9'x 51110< hi rr( ' i e(J ler s: r'n n, i a ': e hrr:ax ' rr ".' " tP'i Lu 2-O eann il<' irs'on par Mn Da'td Ir'Mlle , t(~r1o ' i Tnt' ; :. rhe 'lt-ol. M )rCS Sr'1ril aH pr 4 n n T nîîîri, Hantri -. : 'n, L i. \r. [f r ' 'xxa r' iti , his tonl ni lil 't m cur'la et Titi-ra\-. Thv",' r'err"n n :e the 'r i Torvpsoo Mc tIr. loyt d re ' ; iei-rr- .1 r x (P r rndKaye, muriiillr' îlrçioi. r:: S:mY ine Fîril~ iorric<"t 'o!r'î'i "ui. 'willrv,« la Wlnrr . iîo, vrre eîr:'< -f Fîr1ge:- Ro:î:d, wiiid tii). Ou rIirlr tal ai o ast îSil fthi,1)e r-ihioste<s Ïri he ue- FiW Hjohusrr ru ,Rroeri Johîr' iii the secrinrigaine (of 'Ilîe etifiasr ' Crr - g'r- re r5uOeiOhrrrnLrie rroidM..a.Nrrf Sam's Forge Ahead by Two Thursday.Iltk . i: 5 (-ri1 î<ti; i' -o-s 'o fî ildt' é ' r' r'toii i tii'il t\r 'aîrs Marvin Pigeon Home F brrds to tai r:'-Sound, Ont., an Bros arr ririe di>tFrice uf i i,4miles, tre race i r'.n ýSarriav', -diin al i st-t iracbir 'lîîî-hi t- :i rst !M<2 t"- ai l'ie rr'tî~r'r Elexen n mmerr:U ofrtr Bown-rin'îlle ar: igr (h'li , - ~In r-:îrrtr eî,r. mrh' nïri euSteeis c1n,-l - v h.v irrr' 1 , 'ril L. it i IicrI' 1ii12<. llr ih A & Il Lu ke's Laits Win Race from Parry Sound r ' Ir 'r' , .'- . 1 19o'.r r' (1 ' r'f -".e cç (k: r ~ r- eI1 'r'rI !b anu n. , r rrtrî. r.t Sor Sudbur ' 'r»r21 - m .les. 1964 CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION fol. Atg. '.17 Ycrunng CndsDa t Wei1t Aq. 'T iod Produo.s & M1ecnantr' Day rhUw Aug '.)?ilira!. miisk, Arts A Healtri Dair fî 'rfr~, 'rsRadio ~ lelevirron irDa &àt. tug ?29 International Alhietic Daiî Moni. Atir. .31 Weomen's Day Yîîs. SptIanulacturers & trieClubis' De' Yiýd 'er. tJeirnDay Uhwr Spt s t îrrsportatipÛrr~ri ratroi, & Comr'rercial it -'i i amTers* < LevestOck FPýuade C'a- Mr AL O O K COLOUR TV 1 PiN[trtwLr i ro;ioaast b(A oîack-and-Aihite and olour t om 10.Do A M.toi11.00PA.dalay. Broidcast w il be carried or Mooitors thre ighoffl tht' grounds Thi s voir chance to st'r' the it r t ololir t" vizon tr rrginat' in GIANT HOBBY SHOW I il your hobîrYr or choose a new one, heom among tht' displays and denion- *tatîons ot 41 dittF'eîrl hobÉjnet, in. the (;cneral Exhiî.tîts iiiirfî:.g INTERNATIONAL AIR SHOW ?-lgh in the sky, doot'. tj C[P ttIrl Iront Grandistand the rewest îîjrcraftt 21P uIP, 1 his yedl. cou -,an se the Bluie Angels. wurhiî aîîà.-ru--. precision aeo- Datic (lrsflay iratti siz.'le througn trie iny ntirer ttorjilnî iwac CNE AQIJARAMA THE GREATESI SHOW ON WAIER ëAUi1q r tunîprov tîir k1r dive, and raiCi hy'Jropianes iii thri s lterrng arer sh0îi, and bParuIttl Aqliilaids rdr. Drio dazzligrai la D esh5oows jally, ta a th-ý Waterfront Garndstand, FLOWER SHOW A Untrillitak rirg collectlion ut gairi- ir, lsn tuIootrn,. rai,-ed esPeCially for the CN[ f iower h. FASHION SHOWS I r'- iuur yr'u ctAire tC'vrl fliri ttS l~htr~ trorn haute ' uture Io s*rrn suits. in the an 'cnriditiciiîed theatr:- at th" Queen Elîiabý1h Btilidinp. OAIRY PRINCESS COMPETITION lo(velYy Oung lad1ies trom 4r. countiecS îili match bt'aiity. charrn and dairjing - <lis each evening n threCoîîseum, unitil 001E wtns the title ef Dairy Prîncess, CNE $17,500 MARATHON SWIM [nie &orld's lnng- rii.tance swim. mersw*îllbattit- tht 31-iiile LakeOntario arrîirse trori Port Dairtousce Hdrbour. S,., Catharines, tolhe CNF-Watertçont. Share n the excîterpient aIt ti- finish line, OpenIng Day. A[j2.. 21, W, M -é. k AU0G21 10r(['L i j 1 M9 "0 ý n NOT OPEN SEPT 7 Tý0M SUTAY to Iook, listen, Iaujjh, learn, and enjoy every minute of the world's Iaroest annual exhibition IUSTE NI SENERAL ADMISSION: ADULTS 15g; CHILDREN UNDER 13,100 EXHIBITION PARK, TORONTO- J. M. FRASER, PRESIDENI HIRAM 1. MCCAL[DM, CENERAL MANAGER CANADA IN PICTURES 'he story of past and present tairs and exhibitions presented lty the National Film Board of Canada. MARINE MUSEUM See tarlada'ýs sta-tarîng history rfý- corded and i dsplayed in this remarkable building. 75 ACRES OF AGRICULIIJRAL WEALTH Here tundec one roof is the Iargest agri- cultural display te be tound anywhere in the world. Livesteck judging, fruit, vegetables, dairy preducts and the popular eig and Cal t row'ý 'r SPORTS HALL 0F FAME AND HOCKEY HALL 0F FAME A tasciîîatirip 'nlcct'în til souvenirs aurd naementos triim the world ot sports. This year thae bobsled which viin an Olympic Goiti Medal for Canada at Innsbruck will have the place of honour, .ARMED FORCES OISPLAT A [îuge ouildoor exhibit where you ran Iearn more abouit Canada's armed lerce&s SETTER LIVING CENTRE A giarrnomous setîng ifer.1il that's fnew ini home decer. Sme the Iatest appliances and iufaiîshitig-, in elegarit sltîflgs. INTERNATIONAL SHOPPERS' MARI Thtètaie tand exow; un' yours 10tuIook at and buy in the international Shoppc(s' Mari VVhr :' ' tîritri-'i di'..splay thcîî wales, ANTIQUE AND CUJSTOM CARS AND HOBBY AEROPLANES Set the cars eftotenay and tornorrow at the gleaming Mlotet Show, And don't torget tht' Vetcran ca' r, lixitd ip for their part in the Lxhjb!ticrn. ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN THE QUEEN ELIZABETH BUILDING hometurr rgrsnr4:,tahifrn shows cookingttûl and floral ar- rangements in the up'tbdatF QUe-en lzabethi Building and Thetare, SPORTS ACTI VIllES i.vm-ry day fha,, ,rue .sporrt.'vpfîl aithe CNE, be on bandti ta ee records brokcn. THE NATIONAL HORSE SHOW Chamrpions, horses and riders, meet at the Herse Show tavie fer cveîed awards. Il's a giittering spectacle with feature events as well as cempetition. Aug. 21 to 2J in the Colispum. SAVE ON FAMILY TICKET BOOKS Get your special family books of tickets for admission te the ONE Crou nds enly. Four adult and six cniidren'rx tickets for only $3.00. See your local ticket agent or send money order te CNE, e e WE MUST VACATE BY AUG. 29 FULL LINE 0F SKATES MIEN'S - WOMENS - BOYS' - GIRLS' MODEL TOYS - SOCCER SHOES BASEBALI SHOES - GLOVES - MITTS BATS and BALLS HOCKEY STICKS AND EQUIPMENT UP TO 5O00/o OFF OSBORNE'S SPORTS & CYCLE 26 Kffl. ST. E. B01V141 ý,NVILIE ORDER YOUR TICKETS EARLT FOR EVENING GRANOSTAND SPECTACULAR AROUNO 1THE WORLIJ IN AN EVENING Conieduan .)ack Caiter and Dublîný-bitin sio b hsyear's Musica! exîravaganza, Its i with international per- !otiimerrsand tree travel tefat i Ir 10t %0111 lu' 1w 'y seat tttrlder i rl calt nurniber')vJ,'-r41i ami incluiie' Il'- p'- jr-n pet tect rt.rr~ p 'w ihl ag. poptnr ,. irrc-*ourks. Pr irur acark Artur has pilt rgethu- another truly sensationial shc.ese ,rdir your tickets early. UNITED STATES NAYY SAND j rn magniticent Unîtpd Sîates Ndî 8arid performs twice daily at the CNr Bantishell with a specral satrîte to the grpat John, Philip Souxa LAUOH MICKEY MOUSE STARS IN THE GRANOSTANO MATINEE FUN-FESI Miçkey Moute andi his friendti, in perso, tam in the thiII-packed afternaon show at the Crantistanti, Aug. 24 te Sept 5. Along with Disneyland tavouirites, sece farzan and his thrilling wild-animral act, the Fiying Wallendas andi a hrsît of spine. tingling circus acîs. A MILE-ANO-A-HALF 0F MIDWAY Rides that swing and rý*rp, s*eet f lutty canidy floss, Ramýs of chance, and side 'rho*5ý itt the Midway with latîghter andi dliRhf;-aerY stép of tt w3y Mme 1 1 1 1 il ý 1 v me i 6% ai Ilrlri r)rlv à 5 1 1

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