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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1964, p. 11

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ie wca st/e 0 .1 Newcastle:- The Newcastl' S)c t î Swimming Classes under *he 1::oc (l. f1 direction of Mrs. Jean Rice held their swimming tes's on Srat i KnWî,' Monday morning. Due ' Janie and Craig. ecovo.ed a some misunderstanding, t" vIsît a"Virs. Whitnev'S o. nstructor cxpectcd to attend ters ea'tagzc. u'<it the other these tests was unable lo:side of Peterborough. ov",r corne, and anoher instruc.aclthe weekend. had to be brought in. Due to Newc'astle mcmhier< of 'her such short notice, thcre w.;Bownanviiic Legion attending an unavoidable deiav in th,ý th( annuat pîc'nic helti at Wa,- Lime starting. and thetet tona Park on Sundav were ran close to two hours bchind NIr. and Nîrs. Robert Shear"ýr This made the contestants and famîily. Mc. and Mrs. Ed- Uneasy, as they had been pre.. mntidM1ajer andi famil'.,VMr. pareti for some timne. With and Mrs. Bruce Tillson andi ,the weather quite cool for a famnil.v, andi Mr. andi Mrs. 'ne. and suddenly with the Douglas; Wallon and fanil.v. dn break ing through it would Mr. andi VIs. Trac," EmbIývi becorne quite hot again. andi andi farnilv arc enioying a, they began to tire as the time,\vacation at a etttaze a? Fene- went on and on. How.ever.i Ion Falls. ever v class diti get ino thc' Mr, anti Mrs. Ron Munroi water and a series of strenu- anti famnil'. arc on vacation, Dus strokes, diving and life- bav:nz a cottage at Algo-nqutn.! saving was performeti ScM.P. F. LeGre'.tr,-.--s1 Som wllwnani ohe~ i <kin oPeierhtr,-rouch lifrr will be l mai aodrope th(, -,veek, -with Arcb Deaconf WHI e mae f 1-pea, ý,-and MSrc;. Balfotîr. same class next vear. It izz I £Jersona/ Pee Wees in Di LD.kui B"' il " 'r r-r ' - r 'r- 'r. "'" 't o" ':'r r ' J' 'r' ' ' - - s.'-' Srrr <'"' New Uniforms Lose Opener I Nowvcastlp - The e.\ti Propr:cocs 'r! ' ~ o o Bvs' Pce Wee tcam na' r-' <r v stores and restaurants ,vill bc entered iata :,hie 1. 0. il.A socrv ta leari t hat the driver zames, '.itb thifri.' c'a on of~~~~~~~~ te cpîtukMckA'beînc playet il,î sita: base'ils ituckgilkJ îAd Xugust iSth. at the Comniiiîii- ams a, isltttgil, v la Park. At that timo î' t'v Anr. in Sick Chiltiren H met the Pee Xee t eam frai', pîtal, Toronto, awa tn nFrankford '.ho '.voo. 1'i:b j a Pcratl 01. rscore of 16-4. Our h t ,,,.m Dr. and Nr' Jack Hart' ever, are intentiinz 'o <i': wîh their daîîghtec Susan, them agaîn, and ' r<It'. St. Thomas, were weekenti goal to ibhis tîme he tht' vil- cuemsis at the' homne of the dot'- t or s. tors parents, Mr. anti Mrs. 'îThev- get *<brr-r chaîr e ii Percy FHart'. Satu;rda.y afternon 't' 2 ,p. MIr.anti Vrs, Robent (Johcecti xv h ebv p]av* aI;3f'rn.f'I anti son Nel of Soîîth Ben"l, Thry iwill non rlîbt 2we 1 n nd- , v Ir.dMcanti Vrs. R. ceaI trx andrifilt, thrirbn;tr- W. Gohecon over the' week- ta fînd a fuîll row onf Nr\n'ca;Jr- coti. and attcndeti the' Goheen fans rhetrrîng thrm on, ifon'. famîly rrunin on Sinday at alita bc added how '«'oacfI îhr Sprînghill Park, WhiihY. team looked. wben tivdrcr- 0%vin- t to bati'.ethrthe acdI IÀPil' tht' r b~ c î' Lircis CILlb Lriv-:o BiiiîJ() green n d tîrc h I ite<p r r aîcictenli;'Sa' irda<ty Lnok s'vatccs ýTbrw, 'c 'i for f u r hr r onr)t ice i îh isi -,,rme thbev hmd '..'0'r paiper. t cr gi.ateffirta ank-z ai, " r nid ta Mc r.Fr(,(! V <-IJ ail will corne back.Frsm ck ,wwuhi~dracn h 'h «"rr' î< t it may have on 1v been th'Ri k ra * ****m*UîlAy,'vco 'c.' tension of a final test, and i a with ail tests. same will t"nz5 6 h A n a e n 0 up. Ail the swimmecs, fro-n M 6thOV theookeiood, and bw. eat .vishr-Necastte The tiC"stb eai-ce Riclaid and Bacc'.v wooe od e swith them.acnuaJ prcoic of the BicIsard Pcl w'i.'vtb the' fallo'. 'v Mc1 cîe SrGrî; a wr ihte.famil','was helti SatocclavJ, '.x'ioiog prce'rStala s's tîcG hli, Nrîr A watec show anti prcercn-, Augiist lta? Close tan cigh".' Pre- 'cîîonJ racec,Mori\'- irs;R. MeLean andri ii b;rir- tation is set for ibis WVctiinca- 'nrmbrr"s of the familYvwerc r0 J cI"6 to 9. Dale Paxvc,-ll rancl familyý day evenîng. Followinz t ha t proe<o Bn'.' 1fian , Lorne Allio andi night, a camplete lir-t af the Ducinz tie sopper bouc, TlboStîin . G:l2z9 ita12, Mc. Andti Ic. Uni,'r-o .icr-I girls and boyvs passing iotao the Prer-tiden:, Mrc.lI Allun Sandra Rickard: Boxa,ç 9 ta o wcce rrcceo visitoc.- .'.iJitir-tini the ather classes '.ill hI, v!co th ie 0af Dougre ikard andciHara<cl1 cour-lus, Mc aur-I su o available foc the' paper, - o f mlvt tp'p ji c a'vlJ : Gis 12 <o 15. Mac- MecMasters. Briiht wvatch for vour son ar daugh- askedti<bt ail rrgister.Ie caret Weci v arnciJaývot' id- Mca Gordlont <li t ;îti J ter's name. thenasaketi tua Vice-President. gond. Bo'.'; a vec r 16, ,]rtc(,k .Miss k< or-ht Macrîtm t'< Mc. Stan Po'.x'ell ta prescrnt Rickarn a ricrI Davpo Wecr ry p' liinti '.'the' farme(r' -'sir r tht' special prizes ta thnlie mcm- 1Lanies" r-bac l:rc.Btty AIl i i'.\rs. .AI('rt.t-.rttJ I brs n ht flo".~n ci' uîl ttr-I ocde asebaît 'Miss Darlene Clîr.iet. 1h'ti Playg zornci gae bi '.. fa" acetîracY,'. Or'.'al1visite-I thle foi rs li. i . t I st, Ha'.'ingabt -a" cIa;*- St iison a id Jack Riekard . Vori". n'sC on-]ltîîî V a i.t t i litý est a th e teof Augo'tis , sNa:i iamnriiing, B c P n t a o okîn' aîrîn!aîtl r Report bhis as won bY'.'Maurice Ai- Rir-kîtrcî G i rls' tîrce,-leggcti pitl, Dowas\ic'ý.,. mcrrir- lin; 2i, ta tht' aungestra c e, M a r y n S t jn saoîiiantiaccanîpanieri bis '.ifcr-iid I ic -member altht' picnre, ibis ,avnO Bitignati Tht' softbail athers '.-heti the'.' .'îa tcrnIjiii- by Eleanor McCracken prize weni to) Anne Allun: 3rti,l game, uinre tht' niarrieni mpn sîistr -in-laiw, Mr,-.T.W Slrtr ta the aldest memrber attend-!i took on tht'c sinigJemni, fu't-:tin anti faneiiy ai Braoîpît0i; Newcastle:- Due ta lack of ing tht' picoîe. thîs was won ishe inii a le score. L.A.C.I. JohnueClarkRC'rF pbii'y, Playgrounti xas bv Frank Rickarti; 4îh. cec- -ChairthiamN.NB. Mca Hi joli, slow starting this week . HOW-1 brating a wedtiiuî annîiver- Cak ecsNBac ever, towards Wetinesdav ther sacy closest I ta iist lst,S LE visiting ber parents, 70i.unr- ~ttedane rse.The high-i the' "bride anti groomn" beîng 1r.H Cîcu"'ao-It î l ]ight of the week was theý Mariol, anti F'eri Parc: 51h, M< ah 'itwsaalro bis parents and-Iolîr,-rrcla Bicycle Rodeo, wbîch was, a prize '.as g-iven ta Bill At- MS K' Tws satîives,,. held on Friia 'v. For ibis1, lin for owrîing tbe alcîcat car;':guie.sIaitue Bahîcer-Liars-rn Mcr anti Mca R l.e-iirIc event the chiltireanecorateti Citbh. to tht' mal ie'vth tfit' smaî ' wetiting in George St. Unîteti famîil'v have,( reîiirotrl lnnîr-' their trikes anti bikes, each lest waîst, luis was won a'n ~ Chîîrch. Peterborough, lnsýt frorn speotiing thecir hlrIi hopeful of winning a pnize.ý Wa'.ne Pearce: 7t h, boYs un' Satlirtiay. l'liîe bride (lice Lcarýat Algonquin Park. Marysia Majer anti Kenny De , der 1'.vece measured 01 fac] Lasen) ilý'.vsa omr1eitet Mr. anti Mca. E. Sprv.'andr Jong received the prize for, the largeat cars, anti fac tlis fii 'omîîî.familv ha'.'c eturc- î<r the Junior group. Haroldi Powell was the ce-' Mcr. and Mca. Face w e il aftlr spcqting their tîctt- In the Lions, Gary Johînson. celver of il prize; 8th, lady! Blackburn anti Brian are hall- at Ardien. a nd Aimie Breceton captuceti' be ing closest ta 100 potinds!da.'ing this '.eek at. Bircb MNaster JiiiitXi,, )erri,Si. " first prize, witb Melonie Je'..1 was Esther Allin; Pth, Jayne' Point Io,otic, Haliburtoi. 'Peggy, Donna andi J o;miî sup and Paul Quinney win-r r godwoiî a pnize foc tht' Mca. E. twist attendeti a tea'Dean, Diindaîk. arc', i:tiitcý t ning second. We bad onlyi girl under 16 with the mosti last Fridlav at flice home aflIheir grantipareuits, 1. Mc «ni gone this fan when the e-freckles; anti for the luth anti; Mca. A. Campbell, Maple'Mrs. C. Hiagermanii. thertoo a anti Itstatedfin alspecial prize. John Stin- Grave, in hanour of hec dan- Ltl is Dbv Mlr to rain. As a resutl, the ci-' son, he won for flot having a1 ghter Catherine who is being.Oshawa, s stavung '.iîiîh hc maining events wene canceî.iYle anet nVncue iiS'!great-aunt, Mrr-. Cecil MiII'., led until Monday. The report given bv the tember. ýwhilc ber parents anc on holu- norinating committee anti ac- Mr. anti Mrs, Fred Twist, tiays. I woulti like ta take thce cepted wxas as follows: Presi-l Whitb.y. wece Suntiay visitons, Mr. anti Mcs. G. Barnher Opportunity to thank Miss dents, Eiieen and Bill Aluin; with Mn. andi Mrs. E. Twist. lanti famîly have ceturnci Sandra Goulti who set asitie Vice-Presitients, Kay anti Stan, (Intendeti for last week) ýfrom their holitiavs wbich tht".' other plans ta help me, both Powell; Secnctany. M y r t lel'pn n aio on Wednesday anti FridaylPearce: management Comrmit- ýMr- and Mrs. Sam Buttentset nCliona when the other leaders wercý tee, Charlotte anti John Rick,- attentiet Nexton'.ille Cerne-, Mr. anti Mca. Ray Sc" ci awax'. Ins. Howardi Quinne\t ard, Phyllis and Ken Symons, tecv tiecoration day service Islîngton. xvce Frîiav vîsîtor, donateti money for the prizesi Annabeile anti Garnct' Rîck- anti wEre supper ,uleats of with hec parents. Mc.snd in the Bicycle Rodeo, anti Mrs.ý ard, Wilma antiStan 'Xliîii.Mr. anti Mca. Siti Lancar-ter. Mrs. R. R. Stevens. William McCracken jutigeti Sports: A liveiy program of, Mis s Catlierine Campbell,' Miss Gaîl MeDonaîn r.i t the bicycle decorating t'on-! sports was coniuîcteti bv WaI.1 Vancou-ver, wvas a cecent visi- ing lier cousini, lMisa Chri c test. Tbank youbt. -'o Rickard, Peter Werv,' tocr'.vith -Mr. aictiMca. E. Mc.Donalti, at Bote Echa. _____ _ -Txv<isti. <Irs. C. MSlls, Misa Bai bai IMr. ai Mes. Ken Shackie- andi Miss Joyce Milis aîndl[-itt Jr- tonandattifamriI'.attentieni 'Dec- Misa; Debliv Milis, 1, l rv Day" celebrations ai Oi-Bcdewece Titia'.' î<î t The Moclern Way lia on Satirrta'. vi's:tors xit iflice fort'<r-r'"- '\Ic. andt 51r-. Ra'.qAllîn r-eiatix'c alaiCaimphell\.'Jie suari To Be Traditionally at ael.,N'vate cAtnO hisa a I; anti VIs. Howart i Cr'icrnian :C. Mîlîs anni Miss lovut h1" anti family. Maple Grn'.'t, Mr. .'strd flie, t'armea ier' , Correct anti vIns. Clarence Bel anri Mca. Gardon SîîînkaniM. farnil'. Tow.n, wer Scinda.' Roy Goond ai PortPer 'I t' - ilrr 'tIr îr r" r:' r r r, .5<. t. r rt:' ~" i \r"r,' ": Bt'" t"' ' ' r 'r 'r ' r 'r' ' r 5< ~ ' r dît'"' "~ r 'Une "'r' t "irr r" s! Prit 'Ir \t a r t <'r <t 'c' ' r t "tir'. <J "r' k' r ' "'r r <r r r "r I. SI ' c r r k r ' " J' \rr< r t t'. t' 'r - r r r' N 1' r r lit-' t 1~ r r r r" SI' " r 1)'. t r; 't r r-t r r 't! r <1 rrr t' r r- ;~ 'r <I. V r 'r t' ' '<r XI:. r. J rer-r, r cri 'r ~r- r".~ rI"rr P.'. r-' i If c'. 'r rrt r ' J i r 1 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvlile, Aug. 19, 1964 c' !bus rîr. this pa.ýî Mrs. Lewis Pearce. M. aduhm Lde 'kc'r ';w~rir;Eastern Ontario M\rs. Don Lane and Terry, f 0:', r. Crawford, Miss Mary Lou oow to Courtice 6O 13%a -; toird st-Osaa.M. n Ms Fe tn c n r -Iwa~Crawford and 'Mr.Geo. Car-} a . T,1o!noai ca croup on a nochan, Port Perr 'v. visitedi I > ~ .4 ýo11 Newx En,- Mrs. G. Cr-awford and Mr. andi 5 ,U V D .rVr. 'ug-nia and Mirs. Pparce ocirr the week-1l p n g P ay f :)s.0-oý dav a, the end. Karen Essery pitched three-' «r' ~' to e îcludd Wdnesav uest ofMr.hit shutout bail as Courtice * ~ l:' .~R~îOi<and 1Mlrs. Mar<vood McKee, blanked McQueen's Ramblers o riIlp ý0 tthe Central School c Pur: ' dit, visited ionville. NIr. and Mrs. D av id diamond here Fridlay nîght. Iti '<c:' R-F. FordvlcKinle .Miss Loda wa te pein me of a best David Jr. .\jax. M\rs GadE hî Ldis'sRnî ambDlers 4-3 of five DurhmLde'sm- I llBut otint-, Fuilav, Thornhill, and Mrs. final series. Courtice was forced into an *t'andl Garv vistled the Ed. Lau-ýon. Yelverton. 'r'WrXodford oxver Mr. and l Mrs. Dalton Dorreil. Gloria Courtice smashed a'extra i inning before edging t <k cl îc hrotigh? Naocv. Heathrr ad Janis visit- home run and two singles to McQueen's Ramblers 4-3 at -1 Pani i J: n) Nancv. Hcathrr and Janis! lead the visitors' attack on los-1 Courtice Tuesday night. The NlVa' Mniitjn, 'sît' frionds a t Pal1mer ing pitcher Betty Therteli., vin gave the honiesters a coin- il 'l nfo a few' Rapids and Bancroft,Snay Charlotte Courtice also tagged! manding 2-0 lead in the best fran exami-: Guosts of Mr. and Mrs. AIi a triple along with a single with i f five league semi-final. That bort Wright and Mr. and Mrs.' Helen Panas collecting a pair, 's unless a protest, lodged by {r.'orl'pent the Fred Trewio were. on Mon.iOf singles. ' Manager Reg Willatts is Up. bc, lheld by the Durham Ladies' -î x : c' fcî'od'<in Port dlay,'v, R. Stinson. Bow-r Th only McQueen battersexctv anîl:and coi Wednesdav f0t solve Essery's efforts were ý I <r ec cavMr ndMr LoneShaandKaren White, Delores Daveyl The Bowmanville coarh .i'rn îînav xîlih Krvin, Fleet,,,ood.r and Ruth Sykes each with Iie htadiedw h Dlinrnors. rs. Nivis ad Mr. îsinges.right field line was called fair V '<îci itnhnoMr . r. i, inniand Mr, siîng ._ bby the umpire, who then Xl t'mdWall werc 'Mr. and Mr'<. Orr venning,l changed his caii to JOUI as S SIalillan and soný Thlîrsclav. nd Mr, and Mrs.I the hitter, Annabelle Sehn Dr evý am omkiso an Eicl!im L ove in cornpleted the circuit around r 'il vurv DrBe.Tomronto kînrrS a tud aî"Jil ..JV II the base paths. M ' w- l. à 1-1rdSyl- oroto er . ,urd rKaren Essery was the top, 'r.Vn BxmnîiMrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ken DunsmoorPr sl re s ugerr Courtice with a an'd' -J 0oril onFrankJ vîrîîed i n Rleîl optlrhome run and two singles& r rr l'<t r.Ben' SatîîrdHav, whicre fice former'sHenPasadN nc Xl Bn c"; F th "r . rm a at~Jien t r r-Responsibility rThompson each added a pair P 'Pc~r'. brthrmas a iinstr cey of singles. nîr"ri oto thicir ciIcotý Karen White led the losers r o hBlack- Janicc Criwford retuirned a-I think people aie getting with a double and two singles, oek homo Siinda'. and has as l etereresItal he de- white Doris Joli srnacked a '~r t't'n cn;n uc<. envArhe. he~serve," im Lovekin, Scar- trinle and ignaFread 'I--Tinvcnn 2ist ýoni rcePort borough teacher departrnent Viiiaarean 11-J ;\I - Hope. Keni 'Crwod isrha, n ewatenaie Lenore Smith each had singles. ofr;(ndn tiHt"ki Pr Third game goes Friday in ~ wt'rdr-iîng o edn hsxv nPr said white attending the work- Courtice, with the fourth, if r r Hrrr'r- hilp ' on journalism at Carleton necessary, siated for Bowman- ValCamp Farnuly PIcic University recently. ville's Centrai School diamond <rrrri i r-ic laut TeanulVnam a- Mn. Lovekin said lie was!Moncday night. LDE 'Y<aRast yoar. il,\ Piri'r took place a Cart-1 surprised atth high lvl f McQUEENS LDE H 'h'0vRn'. Plewman, wvright Commnitlv Park on1professionai independence and Softball Battlng Average* r'Il<r<J. were Frida'Stindax' . August, 16, 1964. I responsibilhty exhibited by in, Ruth Sykes 20 Il .550 '11 lin'md Mrs. -A If noon. 71 of the clan satrdividual newspapermen who Peggy Haynes 42 13 .310 rH ronlJil, were r(-Iown <o a dcicîrtus turkey specialized in such fields as Karen White 27 8 .289 of ta o! rs. Dav:d cdinner ancd an abondance of medicine, science and educal Doris Joli 36 ~ 10 .278 other delirtoos food. tion. Betty Thenteil 59 16 .271 M < r; avmiond: Keith and Wilma and Rich- Public criticism of the press, Delores Davey 54 14 .259 "t-rnctnt Mr, Rd. arn andcii.\,supervised the~ it was concluded, is unjustified Virginia Fairey- 64 14 .219 1-I l'. Hi. Kîrkfield.; gamesý - swimming and sports' and based on ignorance. Audrey Fowier 10 2 .200 i S c' c'. Bryan,r of ail kinds. and an excîtîng Mr. Lovekin, it will be re- Barb Milis 50 10 .200 '. rFriclav .guests bal! gamne, both juniors and called by readers of this news- Donna Carveth - 37 7 .189 :11 lst. R ob B3ryai.' seniors taking part. paper, was chairman for the Lenore Smith 55 9 .164 i"'.n ourtîre, ils!PBusiness meeting '.a s held Durhaim Club of Tononto visit Annabelle Stephens 47 7 .149 frw r ias wth the!! and the foilowing officers for to this area on June 20 this Helen Nicholson- 23 3 .130 lqUt5 1werec Pieted: President,lyear. Diane Burley - 30 2 .067 r '\:< Walter Wrightr Mr<. \Vn. VanCamp; lst and <Jr aýnd Sirs. Gar-j 2od Vice Presîdent, Mableý Y.r"'4 rvis-;ted Loraaandi 1-leieVanCamp; Sec'v.-' à r'C'aop Aticlaitie on~ Treas., A lieen VanCamp;l t rJ Sc' loy WnghtSports Corn., Audrev andi Nor- r r. manMeWiIliams, Donna anti r r ' dMr.antI Glen VanCamp.r <crt Fergusan anti The wcatber tucning cooler.; i t' heur cottage on in the afiernoon, ail moveti ~r- ~<h<rla",Siunî.Iay. Don la the Sa.ywell cottage vhere .c for a wcok. stpper xvas serveti anti games t' rJMrr-. John Mewr o! croquet enjoyeti. Relatives r it, SI ant iid c;Austin attondeti fcom Guelph, Lista- r" a Tlcurstiav anti x'.el, Enniakillen, Ci o t r t r tihome ta Torontor[iri "lOshawai, and l-1 '.','e)r'a visit.ý cal points. Chr r ~s Rock El lis 14-7 To, 10 i" J c nt J t' n, (i h iJ ; cX.. Fin al Series r r r I tc' 1 13 leati Ellir; r r i t-r 't'c ii<g txvo ini r '< 'ut of tee fi ftle. Char- r rr!trnrnýsùl tleic leadti ta r I r-r r. t rn'c in the sixtie. '<n l,.hlornta ofethe it 1 C, rigce Miîchelsone, Dennis e.Daug Latie anti Brïan r r r. JS'r'<rr Ian txvo l'ts apiece foc: î C rî;t lneClarke, Har-ý 'r \It rt r-n.Pat Murphy r ~ ýc 1' " r t" Paquet atiteti r V 1;' ixlis wece r 1 l rvWobster, Biih t' ' r r'A'"dams, Jin r ,h r- lve'kaned AI r r ' r" t ' J'hrîeîstay iat t rr r' I' riaI Park in the. oifrt l ht' semi-finai (q 111,t wock thec. The collection o! the' day $10.00 was given ta VIns, Ganisiiore for the help of tht' chilticen in this sehool, r A contest on "A Floweryý Romance" was conducteti b Y VinMs. Sxveet anti won by Lindal Row an. Ins. Fergusoru, assisteti by leer sister Mca, Russell Mount- joy o! Blackstock, senvet a, deliious lunch, and a social!, bouc was spent.r Linda Grcay won the prizeý for the' lccky cup anti Maxine Mc'e Won the prize forý guessing a lucky number. Get- weîi cartis were passed aroundi anti signeti by ail ta be sent ta Mc. Reg. Sutan who is in hospital un Bowmanville antid Mcas. George Johnston who is i ai home, Thanks was offeti ta Mcas. For-guson anti an enjoyable a!tcrnooîe came Io a close, Roll caîl for next month Is, oId greeting cartis,- PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES " Issued in aniounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. * earn the above indicated' interest, payable half-yearly by cheque. " authorized investment for al Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. STELINGETRUST \STER CORPORATION S 372 Bay St., Toronto 35 Dunlop St., 73 MIsosteugo 8-t' WeddinghInvitations T'hfrmn.&enqraverl (PTiz.&îarTr ir"N& Ments. conhrmatlîi 'otat m tru- r lr nand siiler a1aniarN u' Qnnotincernents. e. Thermo.engravi*ng (RAISED LETTERINC) 5 'Looks and feels like the finest hand engraving. The ltters bave an elegance anti indivîduality onlyL the fineît band en- graving can match. Thermio-erigraving (BAISE[> TTRarr)« Cosa abow a hof as much as hand eung rat'ing, becauge it ecumin. atea the copper plate that makes band engraving so xpensi%-e Vçn I T'S REAIDY WITH'IN THE WF.FK Of four-e <to!) pan n f .ra'I,-hmar -rz ra-r-,".<o- r.rpptlî%n. r"'rparz.'tharnroiandar- uJo" <'rr Seipri rrn nur &gant catalogue orf îawi.'lui-rrprt paPer- Ill !dtînu'î t '.i rf . et pt., îuu - H j 'Z5 priu-ed as Io% a' 30 ib' 19ffand i 10<1for ilS.30, urun. plete with double enclopes and ti-r-urà. availabie at ,Canac/tan Slatesmian' '.'Jsitarcs with SMc antirsc. E.ý T'.ist xvhen all cojoveti a pic-, ni' Sic antiSiaL.Jo'.d Richiards, anti fa niil'. a' ti eni tli rCrapo pucnuc on Suntiav. Mcr.anti Mca Kene Shackle- ton anti famuîv wer ecmit vi * ior- xx Jei e if r ;stser, Mr. ant i-r. Brune .(Iit, Rctoîî. ZION Mir-.Elizabetii Box'. nr-andt lier '.au t he Bcveroîîci 'retor1 o s -f On - R iver, Manir - . ic;. Aii' Se'.'iei rr -panuidbY Ic raîndlrSI. le ii Goatinrurphy au'nd -acî i Osheawa, apeot the"' tk wi.'tî tien farmcc'staritt;ir leushaiet, SMcanti rSic ila'.'. arti Hagediorn anti famul", plattsvilce. The res j i i'11t fsîr.r Grave aie sOr-adI". a J,ïu r1;olt Mr'Ir. i.Allisan's 1îîîoîîîeîu' t Mtemorîai I Inspita .ita' r'.; v.ille. Msc;Howa rd Ha4ri-'r-r' - far i'iy, Pîatts'.'llc. a ce'..ur lir molleer, Sirs.Al ta oS'rr" ti. 'Io I .l ..'wecrr-'la r,' o r'd < ~ tt Ilaha lirf-t; "' t"r Iv, r.d Sicrrnd SI: ' Clametr-'s 'rt"i' r-re .iiii'. . la.s id t't r'.'. Or-la,'x a. Mic SIac-iall iStrîni S'.iiepatîi '. i W ot << Ue id Vatncoen.rr. 13C. .'.ýcrr îîcn lu'. n d <iIlis um or-ri '.. guSi ai:."' s .1: eIl s: ' w Pra NUti. .ead T'.'. rî I- Hui Mti- i'< .< '1 rti Sic n Il1I ta T u <in ll,ý t ui-ir c il r Ha' 'I frc. 1 ,t <I r,-IDo ront I ." t(F;if- "1cIls, rr Fliiýr-r-[In lan '.t' r i .iltrl<ç. calr .t ct- '<<'ci; t"r. 1.1 fr R r ta r and' -'. . ' . <rt-t J ' -- "<t - a~~M r-ct'. ""t','tF.': '"t'cgrautrI I~~~ laa,~-'< r-< Reot i do MrsîtrlM -z vr5v1<la cIx', -4< < r'. t f, ' 'r ' Caner r-r' r-tr'tt'.c«'s' th'<r St" B r t'I i'~r'rr';'.' r--petilie tir t tri t t'r-'rtrr;r rI t'< J-e, ("ni- R ct',- Jnu' 'rri r t'<t'r<. 4' Stet'ir-rr'.I '.ivtle i B ' .în-I S rr < p rcrnS'rtf e. r rra ir . lii M '< tfl nurr i" 'ît Sla 'n'otr-a ur-r t' I îa <a n r.? i Jt-. li r r rrt MIrur, i <~T iiai 'r- '<r 1; IJI 'Xr -'t' Jr' ,r ai. 'r-'i ~ i ~1'r' i'iIr' u itir-p h 'Jr- ,et 'r- 1' ý fi.. ' ir -r - r'" 'r ar- 'nirtir 711 - r-" 'it treî t "t~' c,<<r. '. St' F'F ; ( iA IrrM ari- <.4 - t % 1Iý é 111 irtt i '<ThF tre-l t"r" r" M1.'- Y' r- ir, r rOU t td r n " '-i' r-rI t c-r' lr-r Ro t'-M't" a' Fred .P,'t- r -' r"-Md '~ a 'e Dant a \XoMod'. peasant evening. P0I rn - t',.cn's paxcoît ri ",; a'n ingo twork J 'r' r r 't t t r Jr r, r-' 'r "r CADMUS V. titr'r l a'ý,' aft ernoon r f< n i '<îe oicie r'm\i~î' ecet- J'ru Jw 'i "Bic.' bc r ' ii" .as tîeil iir r'.i.t rtaî peî'iod- rua"" and -i h r ;,;,rJ '<iir-t r t r.' t ;jî tilt-< 't ti c r-" r Frt irîr t r r-r, Z, r-.'; t: duiofre r . . r SPECIAL LOW PRICES *ON NATIONAL BRANDS* j A t Your Local Druggist's- Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. ~: Listerne Anti-sept-IC 7-oz. 73c value49 Il,, ORNAL Capsules Reg~ . 1.39 1.09 " I'SPRAY NET --.---- Helene Curtis" 12-oz. plus 3½,2.oz. 1.59 <i BUFFERIN Tablets------------- 36's sugg. lhst 79c 66c Iiii PEPSODENT Tooth. Pate -o.-..10 value 69c 'RIGHT GUARD -- ---3-oz. Reg. 89c 77c ~NEW DAWN 'Hair (olor------- Reg. 2.25 1.99 1111 SCRIPTO -- - Wordmaster P'EN witb REFILL 1.59 value 98C I'CON FIDETS----------- The êanitary napkins 51c value 3 7c j*WILKINSON Stainiless Steel Blades Reg. 69c 59C Iii~ WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK Il" OWMANVrLLE NEWCASTLE 1COWLING'S DRUG STORE JGHNSON'S DEUG STORE I*ALEX NcGREGOE, DRUGS 1O019NO JURY & LGVELL STUTT'S PHAENACY Ré_ a 'r' J' Swim'Tests HeId Monday , ', 7; i mi ArlrcTorv MOTý,VATION

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