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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1964, p. 13

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sary presentation held at theiljC re day evening. Honor Janetville Couple Ihm r omnilStr-Cme .unn Mr. and Mrs. C. PeriwardenCrM Wae and Cathrine werein Saturday e ve n ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk.N On Fiffief h Anniversary Vdurin th e e were Mr.In CNEShow Vsitor fth e McLagan. Alex McLaggan, T or on to. Jack Carter, the stand-up Approxirnatelv 250 well- floral arrangements. The din-1 among them, one from Hon. Monday, Tuesday and Wed-ý comic who has appeared more wishers called upon Mr. and ing-room table, at which Mrs.' John Robarts, Ontario's Pre- nesdav;' Mrs. Gerald Dobby,1 often than any other on the Mr.Milford Goslin at their Sadie Mansfield of West Hill mier. in vl ubc n isE Slia hw-adrbe hom inJantvile n Stur (sste ofthe bride) and Mr.u. Among the friends who lona Dubeau, Ottawa; Satur- hshs oeotn ta day, July l8th, to congratu- Ewart King of Gore's Land- called were Mr. Alex Car- day evening Mr. and Mrs. anybody else - is accustomed late and extend best wishes ing presided to pour tea. had ruthers, Durham M.P.P. and Leonard Craig and Beth, Co- to the vast audiences of TV.ý to them upon having attained as its centre a beautiful three- Mrs. Carruthers, also rela- bourg: and Sunday Mr. andiý But, facing the huge audiences and pssed another milestone tiered wedding cake. iced and tives and friends from British Mr.JaeSihBana&nthCN Grdtndsoe in hilves-their 50th Wed- trimmed in a golden effect. Columbia, Albert, Sask., Ot- Jacky and friend, Robby Nes- lof the headliners of Canadiana ding A'iniversarv. PI was flanked by golden tawa, Belleville, Cobourg, bitt, Ajax, and Mr. and Mrs. '64, this could be something- Milford J. Goslin and Ger- candlesticks and with golden Brooklin, and local communi-! Stanley Goble and Brue else. The show opens August' rueBlythe Nicholson were tea and coffee service, ties. Tyrone. -ý2lst. St.e Pal'ongian. hur1, The granddaughters and' On the officiai date of Mr. Bruce and Gerald Kelletl "But it doesn't panic me," Regina, Sask., by Rev. Canon other young friends of the and Mrs. Goslin's 5th wed- Janetville, were Sunday sup-i atrtldaTrno intr Hill.~~~~~ MisLl aveh(tp onored couple served the' ding anniversarY in January,, per guests of Mr. and Mrs.iviewer. "I've xvorked places, sisteroftegom wa guests, namely, Misses Joan the immediate family met at! Robt. Comeron. Raymond' where the audiences were just b oiesait he r. hserGsiom)hHwltSire h home of their son, Mr 1 Xent bock with them to Jan-~ as big. Ail I do is wait for the Calnasute th MacAndrew, Linda Goslin and and Mrs. Wm. Goslin of Utica1* etville for a few days' holi-iroar to come bock. Anyway,, Cledrsup p o r a lot ofepeople Say i blog groom. Mr n r.Gsi Carol Stacey, ably assisted by for a family dinner party, at days. Scblan r.aIotors!"lo John Goslin. which time thev presented Mrs. E. obeadMsP.utor! made their home at Morse, onGs.. terprnt ih5 i eMMullen of Haley's Station, Carter, just about the ms Sas., ntl teyretrne i Mr ad Ms. osin er dollars. were weekend guests of theïr! in-demand comedian around 1922 te live in Ontario. ' the recipients of many beau-, sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jackî at the moment, will xvork' In honor of this celebration tiful gifts, flowers and cards,! Ali join in wishing thisi Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Free- about 20 minutes iin an ahl- their Janetville home was also several congratulatoryý couple many years more of mnlSabrub on oit hw wîb tateuly ecraed w thteîegrams w e r e recie, apl are ie ___ Sunday' guests. Executive Producer Jack Arth- 1Mrs. H. O. Williams and ur has assembled under the' nish and family to Warkworthi Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rear, Ian descriptive title 'Around the, 1~I WiO V I L Esn. A. Wade and Grant!r and Mrs. J. R. Parkinson and ing the production's itnly ai n i e t t tu f il n S n d a ie idr oo, M. W rd i n v nn " rfet ,A surprise party in honor of.Mrs. James Oliver, Dori n1ett tofvleo u- farnilv, Courtice, were Sun- international flavor. Miss Janie Stacey's 16th irth- Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. Norm-idoy. wheî' Kendal Juniors' day dinner guests of Mr. and Carter represents U.S, con- day was held at her parents' an Watson and Roger, aIl of were playing an exhibitioný Mrs. Rye Gibson. Mrs. Nor- et r1Ieinwt qa borne, recenthy, when the Bobcaygeon, Mrs. Wm. Stapie- game.i man Davis, Jennifer and; billing, cornes the lovely red- guests included Mr. and Mrs. ton, Mrs. Lennox Vasey, Mrs., Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Farrowý Terri-Lynne. Pontypool. are1 head, Carmel Quinn, an en- Don Lepine, and Danny, Mr. Willie Joncs, Mrs. Jack Elliott,land Glen, Mrs. Helen Bowen. spending a week's holidays gaging singer introduced and and Mrs. Wihbur Stacev, Mr. Mrs. Cinton Brown and Darlene and Doris Todd, with her parents, the Rye beîpcd to, stardomn by Arthur: and Mrs. Rod MacNeil and'S. J. Lancaster. !have gone te a cottage at Lake1 Gibsons. Godfrey whcn he had a TV' Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Leel The Pee Wee girls enter-' Scugog this week. Club 50 show. Boisvert, Mr. Don Owles. tained Newcastle here oni Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kim-ý Club 50 hcld their August Among the fcaturcd per- Miss Allie Nesbitt returned Thursday and managed to eke' hall were Sunday visitors at 1 meeting at the home of Mrs- formers is Allan Bruce, theý home from ber western trip,!out a 16-15 victory. Play-offs!Mr. Alf Graham's, Newcastie.i John Vaneyk, Tyrone, with husky boritone from Scotland,ý last Tuesday. istort next week, with Orono1 Mrs. Bourgerie wsavst nine members present. Mrs 1who has been enjoying great Mr. and Mrs. George For-lin first place, Newtonville,lor in Oshawa on Sunday with Mlsnoee h meetingl success in leading supper clubs, sythe of Toronto were Sunday!Welcome and Newcastle in'!.ad r.EdadBrcy ith bymono11. 345, "O for a notably the Royal York's Im- vistor wih is istr, rs r hatordr.Karen and Lynn Gilmer ofý faith that wili not sbrink." peril Room. Margaret Stacey, last week.I Newtonville Girls will meetpotHp pntteweedFnllowing this we ail repeat- FrmtePipins th Carol Henderson and GregiNewcastle in that place, Mon-wtbtrcui n ao en- d the 23rd Psalm in memory euiu n aetdsne Wade were visitors in Portýday night, for the first gamneldersen. of the late Mrs. Fred Partner, addneEenrClea Hope, last week, with their of the play-offs. The second' Mr and Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl who was a loyal and trueandncElnoCabsa cousins, Karen, Jcff and Lynnlgame in this series will be adgrshdSna inrmme fte Club. Mrs. voice student at Toronto'sý phayed here, on r. adnd Mrs. i Kim Milîson odce h ee- Royal Conservatory cf Music! Gilmer. ilydhee n Thursdaylwih ran Msaril imn b usi essbn andand the object or more thon: Monday night the Girls' Pee'nigbt at 6:45. bal Cobourg, and were sup- tay u sintesmeetng ovr tanc n Broadway produccr's ot-' Wee team played in Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane ' AfGa at Mr.tetioh.MissCatbn.ginfact and won rather decisivehy. and Barry left earhy Friday e u tsAfGa the program committ e, Mrs. turned down a firm New York Messers Ben and Murraymorning on a holiday trip t0hm', ecatl.Charlie Penwarden read twoIof«t aperi an\v Ross of Toronto were cahiers Milwaukee. Mr n r.Br tpeo short poems, "Junk Coîhector" musical, "Somnetbing More" inu Tuesday, at Mr. F. Giimer's;.i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grayiand famihy, Mr. and Mrs. Len-, and "Guests for Tea.*' Mrs.foecfbrCEGndtd Miss Bernice Milligan under- !and daughter are looking after noxVayM.nd rsWm Jacobine Vaneyk rcad "Grow- Show engagement. went surgery in Bewmanvilhe the house and Post Office ihiStapleton, Mrs. Herb Gilmer,1 ing Oid." Mrs. John Vaneyk1 Hospital, Thursday' Iast. itheir absence. Mrin r.DnSaltnstarted a discussion, "What's Haaiirprsndbyn Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bas-1 Mrs. Loriie Todd bas been!and family, Mrs. Lorne Todd -Your Beef?" and get varjous exciting bula darwer îîamed sett and daugbter, cf Toronto,1 spending a few days with Mr. 'and Mr. Bruce Donneîly enjoy- itopics to discuss as a result. Lupo Keawe. Other notable: were Thursday dinner gustsand Mrs. Don Stapîcton and'cd a picnic at Garden HiIlI, W closed the meeting witb U.S, contributions will be cf Mrs. Leva Ovens.1 family. 1udah ymo no. 5969, "The sun is oeb uors u ak Mr. and Mrs. Wifred Wood! Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey; Mr. and Mrs. John Scott cf sinking fast," and benedic- (omryc h oyBso have had their threega re visitors at Mr. Wm.!Newcastic wcre Sunday even- tion.Lnhsevd. TV show) and a belting singer,: chihren rom ran-1weLunch_______ Olve Bown chilren rom Bowmanvile,Stapleton's recenthy. ling visitors at Mr. F. Hender- OieBon staying with them whiie the Sympathy is cxtended te soii's. Aise fcatured wilh be the parents are on vacation. iMrs. Cecil Robinson, cf Oreno,l Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Joncs outstanding teen-aged bugle Mr. and Mrs. Vernon, whe'on the death cf ber husband, xere at Pleasant Point, on NESTI.LTO and drum bond from Quebecý have been living in part cf'last week, after a engthy il-lSunday. City - La Clique Alouette - to the Vancyk bouse, bave moved ness. The funeral service was Mr. and Mrs. Cifford Hetz, say nothing cf Canada's out-. te Kendaàl. ibehd here at the United Chuirch. Faith and Christine cf Foir- standing Canadettes, the pre- Visitors at the Manse ast Friday afternoon, foliowed by' vîew, Penn., visitcd Mr. andicisien high-kick ine choeo-ý week included Rev. and Mrs.Iinterment in Lakcview Cerne- ivM arsnal Mrs. Cecil Wilson. igrapbed and dirccted by Mis. A. J. Lockhorse and family cfîtery. Flowers at the morning' Recent visitors with Mr. andi Midge Arthur, Quebec, Rev. and Mrs. Ivan service Sunday, were in grate- Mrs. Bruce Heaslip were Mrs.' These artists, prominent in a Kennedy. Don Milis, Mr. and fui tribute te the late Mi . o orea Qfl W. Campbell, Mrs. Hugb Tay'- cast cf aver 400, wilh be bhend- MVrs. George Whytc, Mr. and Robinson, who, with bis wife,l H nlor and Mr. and Mrs. Harold cd ino a succession cf spec-' scrved this cburch and cer- Miller, Lindsay; Mrs. Kennetb tacular producton ubr rnnity, se long, and faitbful- KReti rereni rfinadM. ant ii ighligbting the cboreographicý hy. cf Detr'oit. skihls of Ahan and Branche 4I Mrs. Giddus Joncs, cf Bow-ý Colorado Springs, Colo. - Miss Chrystal Faihis is visit- Lund and musical briIliance, kh manvihie was a supper gust, Ai Ma rshai C. Roy Slcmain, ing with Mr. and Mrs. Donald lof Howard Cable wbo wiIll Frîday, with Mr. and Mrs.~ 60, deputy commander - in - Thompson. îa adpcod6-ic rM. and Mrs. Reid Wood and Air Defence Command, retir- er. Mrs. Jas. McMulien, bas o f the finest on the continent.: family were Friday visitors in ced frem the RCAF hast Fni- been mcved te Cedars Con-' Nîgbthy, the performance Toronto with Mr. and Mrs.ý day chosing a coreer spacning valescent Nursing Home at wilh end in a traditienal blaze Ken Smith. Glen remained for:1 more thon 40 ycars. Columbus wbere friends trust cof fircworks, launcbed from qaweek's heiday. h mrvsrpdyfo a1 Mr. m.HaeSr, cc'- More thon ,000 members, o pavsrpdy rma ff-shore boots on Lake On- irdan unfortunate accident Of three US. services and thebrokHapcoallaibnc. Mstarie, a few bundrcd yards, Ie eal Saturday evening, justl RCAF marched past the r- Wifard Jackson, Marilyn and' from the CNE oval. west of Creokcd Creck, wben 1tiring air mai'sbaî bere whiîe Cliffard wlîo are on a motor her car was forced off theicannon from ncarby F0rlrpt heMrtms SampleS road, crashing into the cement' Carson fired a sahute and' tMp.tandheMrits . dnMt E V R abutment cf the bridge and supersonic NORAD interccp-'i caife, Cheryl and Jim of Elora AreNo o Dspay overturning. Mrs. Hale was, tors swept across the field. 1 udygcsswt i. ldtiepr htM Are No on Dsplay pinned undcrncatb, and suf-1 Siemon, last serving mcmn-land Mrls. Gordon Mctcalf, George Wilson bas been ce- fercd extensive injuries, in-'ber cf the original RCAF,lCheryl, Douglas and EMaine. lcased from bospital this week * - cluding sevecal broken bones. Joinied it in 1923,' one yearý The twe Cheryls, theugb no and is home again. Her two grandcbihdren who: beforc it teck the prefixirehation, bave been pen-pals,; Congratulations te Mr. and STOCK AVAILABLE were with ber, wcrc not seri- "rayai" and bas served, for severol years. This was Mrs. Lloyd Wilson (nec Glen- IN 24 HOURS oushy injured and after exam-1 througbhout the hîstory cf theltheir first meeting and the two d isn howr are mtion in Balowmanviile Hos-. service. families found they have a' on Saturday. Many Yelver- IF NOT ON HAND! ptl ecalwdt euo His successer at NORAD s' great deal in cemmon. tonians attcnded cither the home. the ast RCAF chief of the MI'I. and Mrs. G. Wood cf, wedding, reception or the k * We understand Mrs. Haie air staff, Air Marshah C. R.'Scarbara and Mr. and Mrs. Vic wedding dance hehd in Port bans been taken on te Oshawa, (Lai'ry) Duniap. The position McMastcr cf Angus visited Perry and Join in wisbing Hospital, wberc an cperation, cf chief cf the air staff was Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. thcm the bcst in their mari- was to be pcrrormed Monday, M U A S ionn.Th a hc asabclisbcd bY recent parIia-: - toi amalgamnation. M URALmentnrni gaction whcb ca : _the OBInrTUA "rOn Fcidoy and Satucday of Dr. Siemon r. K ie- S hebed Thursday, August 6tb Lakeshore Road. Tow shi ofmon, town, is o brother-mn- fcorn the Morris Funcral Chap- Mrs. William Addison of p alngo aw of the Air Macsbah. 1 el1 and xvas lacgely attended Cabry aioa rie Township of D rlington 1 b, relatives, friends adnih baurs. son, Mr. David Addison cf Effctve epembr st,194, ilLONG SAULT Rev, Walter Rackham, Osha- Port Hope, and friend Ms Effetiv Sepembr lt, 164,&U a, a former minister cf Williami McHohm xitb whom Margo Murphy is spcnding Hampton Circuit, conducted she is naw staying. persons engaged in the peddling of goods a 'few davs bol;dayýing %itb he evc.Ms letCc Sincece svmpt- 'I orgacist, playced bis favoucite. ptYl ex ber aunt and familv. 'Mr. and hyrnns, "~The Old Ruggcd! tcnded te Mc. Jenson in the within the Township of Darlington, must Mrz. F. Parrislî, Osha'wa. Crioss". 'What a Friend Wei recent death cf bis wifc Liha. Chnis Brooks, Os-haw,ýa, iS Have in Jesus" and "In the bhe e n iii eah o sra spending a few davs with bisz Garden". be nilhat o eea procure nephcw. Trevor Murphy. Palîbearers were: Mervin! years, but xvas lhouahbtotebc- Mr. and Mrs. H. Carlyle and Hobbs. Leonard Stainton, Har- imprevcg Her passing came famîlv. Toronto, Mr'. and Mcs.:old Clendenen, Alec Pottera shock to relatives and PE L RS LC N ERMillford and fanily, .vW Jess Van Ncst, Melville Mor- friends i hscmuiy PEDL R"S LIC NSEmanvlle wee Snday caler'to. iMrs. Straker cf Toronto of Mi'. Robert S'm. Tbe manyv beautiful floral, spent a few daN's last weck A nurnber cf the youcger arrangements wverc ev.idencewih br str, Ms D Suchlicnseand nfomaton rgar. gné-rtio atende Vaatin-cf the estecm in whicb the'Haines. cetuccing to Toronto Suc lceno nd nfrmaio rear. geal iconat teneVateon-deccascd xvas lheld. Tribute 0on Frida.v. ing by-Iaw may b. obtained from Clerk at Churcb tbis past wveek. Uic donations to Heart Fund, Gidc-' Mrs. William McHolm and Mrs.KenHarv ad N,.,on Bibles, the Wottcn and Pow- Mns. William Addison spent MrsKe Hrdyan M. cil Picnuc Association a Gideen Sundav with Mn. and Mrs. Township Offices, Hampton. and Mrs. Eari Prescott, T ' - Bible. iLionel Hughes of Port Hope, ène. werc Wednesdav eve2n-, Flower hearers were: Gor-ý Miss Beckett and Mrs. W ing visiters cf Mr'. and Mrs. don Clendenca, Dr. W. Bec- McHo!rn were supper guests F. G. Smith. tham, Jame' and Harold Pot-1cf Mrs. MI. J. Osborne ane, W. E. RUNDLE, Mrp. Hazel Ruttan. Graven- ter, Frank M"alter. lHcnry Wot- Mrsz. D. Haines. burst, \vazs a recent vis;*or ten, Kennctb Cavcrly, William There will be ne service at Clerk. with Mn. and Mr.z G. Baker. Johnson, Norman' Stinson, Mornisqh United Chîirch on Mn. and Mrs. G. Baker at-,Alvin Bovd. Leonard Barton, Sunday, Atugust 23rd. One tecded Mn. and Mrs. C. Pur- Sam DewcIl, Percv Westiake, service onIv aot, Wchcomne dly 25th Wedding Anniver-,Nelson Robbmns, Leslie Wotten. Church at 11.15 a-ni. Full baskets of firr. fresh peaches are aweyz welcoe ... and Peaches are row at thear peck at Dom,.2noo. Perf oct for pie" or pre- .erving. and pri-cd jusit nqht. golden, îairy. Freestone Peaches are easy to serve with cream or i futu aIs. Kîds seulesat thesi anytimre. su botter p 'k rp a basket or two today. Peaches. from the .orchazds; $0 you. Dcorroon. E >&17/find mo e g o6mW FÇele e . Dombl ô RED HAVEN AND c JUBILEE 6QT. PEACHES BASKET Canada's Finest Red Brand Steer Beef c FuIIy Matured For Tender Eating E> " POREROUSE __WIFTEAKS ( T-BON STEAK BONELESS ROUND OR ROAST EASY TO CARVE Rump Roast Beef FRESH GROUND BEEF Baker y Feature RICHMELLO LiCINNAMON - PLAIN - SUGARED DO-NUTS Household Needs N De ep Cul Specials RICHMELLO Salad Dressing 32-OZ.e JAR 49c CLARK'S BRAND TOMATO 10e MOM'S REGULAR COLOURED MARGARINE 4 1 6-OZ. 9e 4 PKGS. 6 DELMONTE PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT 4-Z DRINK TN39 AUSTRALIA GROWN ARDMONA BRAND SLICED OR HALVES PEACHES Ail merchandise sold nt your Dominion Store I Limited is uncondition- aIly guarantecd to givi 100% satisfaction. FREE PARKING Values Effective in Bowmanville Until Closing Time, Sat., August 22, 1964. WE RESERVE TIIE RIGHT TO LLNIIT QUANTITIES. n Mc

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