14 The Canadiari Statestni, owmanville, Aug. IP. IPR4 Births In Memoriam 1 Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Cars for Sale Help Wanted Wanted to Rent !Real Estate forSl clÉsaefrSl ÉOBS§ON, Mâotors - has given LEE-In loving memoryv of a BALED straw. Cati 623-2202. NEW potatoes by the basket. 1954 MERCURY '--on pick- IFULL or part time atesi THREE-betiroom houISE. m-j onFm birth to a new mixed bowling dear mother, Selena Lee, who 34-1 Phone 623-375-à. 34- 1 *up. Phone 623-3134. 34-11Iwanted. Apply Mr. Campbell, mediatelv, reliable tenant. Cali, JohnAF. De' ]ge.Bowlers wishing to passed away one vear ago, TOPSOIL, good quaiv atMFAT -ue electric '.54-FORD '2-door , -standard,_GnsaHtl saa 7t 2351.3- ELO ELO jo10 this league to play at August 20, 1963. 623-3816. 34-3 stove. Phone 623-3427. 34-l' AI mechanical condtinPr- RELIABLE womnan for baby- 'LARGE barn. wthnrive BowMalnvie -1 rn t hn Liberty Bowl lanes on Wed- We littie knew when we woke 10 OLcanhn ecn aie. 623-7066 after 6. 'i1 itngoepescotcîd miesof B-ranvile Ct Poe -3914 nesday nights 9 to 11 p.m. that morio LARGE crib, uompltee. Phone OL hat _ enig,- wi]e mgoe re-swos. h Phones3-5034. 34-1 E\ueCaîîî Ophone nîtv contact Don Armstrong, Phone, The sorrow the day ol 23244 41 l'auge, 48' i.neyer 1956 FORD 4-Dr. V-8, auto- 623-2683, Mondav Io Friday OUE- Neyaît 10Acre farm. Netoxlet hdya-9romb.k 623-3396. 34-1 bring. WOODEN crib. 301 x 54. Catliused. Cati 623-7023. :34-1 matic. custom radio, fair coni- , 3.1* r owman Nwate rono ac.Bue an od s-buebbsns eto.Cî ___________ - Te cliwassuden th sock9 r7,Oroo.:34-11 SEVERAL tons of stoker coi dition. Phone 623-2761. :34-1 - lor ow ville area, :3 bed- in grooTersnibs.ovrtd no Engagemens______eDELUXE baby -crib, one yearljfree for ils removat. Inquire ok oRSl EsttnIadlih huskepn. pnsbt enns.TeehoefoToreeeT RLABE oanfr ab-rRme-t cnvnene. e gIRrs.Y areaprrnns r o bsnes Topart with one we loved otd. Phone 623-2606. 34- 1:'ai Mleu OsPhne623347.andcnsmîiiqota Ato-lui bsemnt eps uî'ac Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Davis. so dear. 34-i1. 'Fuit tinie. Please state age Orono 310, Mrs. David. .34-21 sal lae.Mdm.ne ahor c onac Solina, wish t announce the Sometimes i's lhard fi.) under- 112 -ACRES standing affaifa WILL buy or seil dairy COws !and experience. Xrite Adver- -F'RNISHED -HOME- OR imc staniencleasng 2,0.sto n iikusars .i engagement of their daughter stand hay. Phone 26:3-207(1. 34- 1jOLIVER Super 55 tractor, and heifers, fresh and spring-1tiser 530, c/o Canadian States-iAAET- for onth 10 ces. withbicboePce$90.Gvusn ifr PatrciaJan. t Mr.Fracis Whysomethigs ave10 b, FRD 963Supe Deta 0~:John Deere tra('tor, 1951 Chev. ing. besi prices. Terms avail-1mnl. P.O. Box 190. Bowman-' Pataitor.JPhone 728-9166.nis4-tyVirtuetsiGar-habee. Three RDears63oSpaer vill 2.00,iof-tentember.- Awiiti-nable.12.000.vTarms.ofamiivvlhome-onwaiacre cot. Davis Ross Kossatz, R.R. 1, In Bis wisdom. God has age 63-241. PhoneTlephoe-orsee.Rlp4-Dvis,-9_ fpleno ewhm.B-I2 e1bn iostxi ric ose o wtrhetn, icy c' take place on weduding Sep- plned upoet e. SECOND rutting hay. batedIONE painted echest of draw- HmlnOt,2328.3- WANTED immediatetv. Mail Imanville or Newcastle area. i arn ml tem tember î9th, 194,aitda,3p- Beadynss yd o poert sec.in field. Cali 263-2085. 34-'ci's. tsideboard xith attached i ai'woman tb sIItptX'consumners ,isalsrem oae in Eldad United Church, So- Beatrice and Alice. .34-1 EQUALIZER - (-r hitch for'mirror h1 2-sheif painted sideý oie in Bowmanville with Rawleighi References availlable. !mites fromi Oshawa.Asigers - - 41cbntrie.Cl 2-19.ýal ihvatr,1sl f-- -producits. Can caro $50 weeK-i('ail 725-8350 !$19.000 with $2,000 o n1 c~ arî ' i or lina.34-icahintraier. Cti 63-2191. tble csier, t st 0f Lawrence C. Masan, Q.C-ji part-time. $100 and up fuîtls 100(1Acre farm Iocae uhue anaddub~grg RM R:34-t ote' Encyclopedia. Tele- Law Office closed tintil August -time. WieRwegDp.J highwa\'. 8 roomecd os.o ae odol i Mi-ar Nrhannunevte nf E ORAL4 ordevie.Cît63-75.I 41 4i.H-4-90 405RchleuS64.om an oad bari'îi Asking $15.000.1 rs mmOhaa xel~ Sabruhanucth n1 M M RA S 14husevc.Cl62-î6 St. Henry, Montreal. 34-I j 51) Acres wiih bous.bridnracorake r- ~aemnîo tei auhtrDignified and Distinctive :29-t t, Fabrics fo School ffc wî i'anted spring. Water in ahildig.eig Picda12.0) Joanne Lillian, to Neil S. J. Monuments - Fiat Markers1WATER for sa-je and cUelivered.' CILEARING AI, OTTONS 16 ctise. rmJl 10 Io Aug.' FEMALE HELP i Asking $9.500. Terni 0Arsvaatln Voutt, son of Mr. and Mrs. in designs for any need. ýCal] Cliff Pethick 116-2i3clusivte.ct34-1Vo YOUtGctici. .teihigh school, 21-1 Acres with 101Roe VltNWWOES 1for LgtFcoyWrîtahr eie oom and'homc modern convnecs rrmS.11 vthS.)0dwn John VuiNewcastle. The 152 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa ' 2tf NI VOES.P I wrdn otk paeSpei1A RRIVING lackson's Druîg Store wil ermanent mplovment boa-d jn î u I:appointcd garag~e.Asking $12.50, t acnin -R aei fier l9tb, 1964, in St. Nicholasl72341002 728-6627, QAT su aw. . hale1. Edwini be' closed fromo the 241h1 b thu Apply in person home. Plea'ie repflV (o PoSti$1.500 down. p~n 843 Angica Curc, carorugh Ofic EenigsSiaub . R. 3. NeWiciliv île. Goodbrand Fabrics- 9th (or, renovation. .4tSE IA T AEIOffice Boxt11501. Bowmanvîllte. SAASewodAe. . On taria.. 33-31 King St. IV BowmanvilleP OD C STT Ont. 33-2.2- storeyaosne brc 34-1 26-tsf ('00o cok USED Machînery 1.H. self-1 Dr. V. il. Sîorcv' s otfifo.n DU TSLii). b .Atmdm cne Mr, and Mrs. Williamî Smith (2ards of Thanks 7,ec.Phiont, 263-2644. proî>ettdCmie:MH Ief- wiit he closert front Atigri 6.3 TEMPERANCE ST. Work 'Nanted enCuesý Pricé, $15.900. Trs PlrKwl r Anoneteeggmn f -ý0«l-,-t34' tpropeited Combine: Masstyi epeiiei17.!:4BOWMANVILLE CI)URTICE arca, 6rf me aner dauncetheenaement f woldlie o thank Dis. 'VvATER for sale and ceiveredl.iClipper P.T.O. Combine (hesi; ,1,.BAB-STTNG:rt.t-i nd!homei,. ail nmoderni uonveine ETO Iber tagherMaieBeemyEwert and Stuart, nurses ancýTiepDr. uGeortti Stcmoîî 's Hoft. i4re "' div- iDouble garage. Lareltén 5NEA.ISR~c laMm ams ay akr 50staff of Memorial Hospital for Tetephone George Fcddontna offeî'): 1H. No.a64dmovor driv- af Mrs. George Baker and the;263-2270). 22--tf ,en Comrbine: Demonstrator 'wl ~itsdta uutWMNwocodie.~ 4tA,ýking $12.5001. Terni.Mmr fO aa&Dsrc laieMr. eore Baer. ow-my lvelysta thee.. .TO. 1H.Combine;: 1H. No. 45 2dt et t nlsv. yo ol no okn 3O CUSTOM farming. fo r a g e '22Bedi'oom. west o o-hctEt or laeM.Gog aeBw, Eileen Newton. .34-t :6(0 BALES alfalfa lhay. 2i1)!ffli a:: -. o : 3-2 4 i'rs a day calIling regutarlv havesting. bating and raKý-manville- Modemronn 2 igS.IV 2-. moanilte Themarrage i'hales o ai listIa\r'. Phonie Tat Hv-2t iee ach month ou a group el iig obng.P take place on Saturday. Sep- Trator:f.H.tB2ankD(aitsluhc Daji-263-2755.-es:34-hn lene 2 94 nS.Johnl 1 wh Ioî'e so kind t ehoi' HRIE andnatsbra .1Tractor. 1958 International Ali\ouie wishing 10 bow i n Studio Girl i'osmetiu' clients ison and Soi.t2-,34.2i-,i iBOWMANVILLE.bri('k la oîSaî<st lember sokin 2,me1964, in St. it ra. . .,-ton: 1956 GMC i.,-toi: Rie l"riday Afiernoouu Ladie ,' ont a rotule (o be estabtîshed inMBihhome eon ~ main stree, bt o'l an.Faue îd Anlica. hr3h4-oma cards and visits white in Osha- 1lolmes. Tetephone Newcastl,, 1959 Ctiev. i-touî: 1948 hu1er-Lege oiici63-64 o$1,000owavil a' ONJO d.o 34-1v . RoHspime.darungaiow to3mke cmii dkitche)cli.s dining-roomda 0a'1d wa enratHopitl.987-4.518. :34-1 national 12-1011. Cawaiî Equip- o 2-45b et s.:41ar uhugt aei td- Trio adhe. drtankîs ord om n$.0)dowedb n. oel io-om Ra ir rns e13KigS.Elivexies. ecE.. write Studio Girl i î Lpîituksdg and Prinice Street. Ctean adwi apuci tadwiu pcî ugc amuxîîe hn 636 !ILeaguIe participants rmust nu1,La Fleur Av'e.. Montreat 32,.1 _3- ifTernis. va o i3ERRY-S.uddcuiv. at Bow ee- ns n -i-Phonîe 23-:3514.:3-1-1 SPECI.ALIZED ) tiR u'ti)er Helen Piper or onF, Rotit wuilpay rIP ta 50 e iSAPND When yniir, i., RoomIleri bLu rga oi-smew AlIi o I4511 inianvill.cilonSunda, Augrist f ton 10 the Enuîskitten Coi-ALUMINUM Windows. Door, 'o tenis md,\ Ags 2.!hu.32: dl awly dw o'te,. ihin64. Willam James !munity tfor the toveiy Iaaîps. iAwuîings, Sidin.g. Loruie Aliî A H m a li3xeu3xeb-1gui25. hoirob., %uit sake tasdoiî ii(go ith('tcdîoi fBomnil arne Berry, T ob cnuk lge i ar o. il arage.Asking$790nOt ferinbs91si year, bus- SRVICo FbRF.ICroweV band of the lte Neitie Han- il.' tose responsibie fou' it' Boxvmaiîvilie. 62:3-3871. 34-2* SKRVICE FO 102 Elginu St., Bow- 5 Roorned home wibv v erinîhuîao i cock and dear failier of nice prograni. COURTICE Hlih1S c hnoo1,MA T E RNI T Y Cauîadiau Orler af Fou esiers M AK E EXTRA MONEY manjilie, lots. xtExiA'llbonghouî 'William Leland Berrv, Bo\V- The Johnî Griffins Grarle Il texts igood con- Xi ARBowliuîg Leagri atcpnsWu aputbeT e.xvueYUGmiae18 Years, veniences. Onty $2,501dw.Oîy$.it innil n oecé'(i n aiy 3- or aiiyone wsiîg bowi ýçoyijmake extra moiiey. No Grade 10, 2\'ears tecbnicali 41Roonied homneon s t'm mavleadNvla(r. a aiy 41ditiouî. Phone 26:3-24188. 34-1 Rto laetlp e6353 Jtar' Altîîî I. Etobicoke. Serv-i 'iJ0 a, SED Waslîcr Parts, ail makes; 'r623-2918o utaiobpea e cleînne 6-534-or eperîcure uecea-ry.Sitma-s hol, drîces-c! mneot m- a. $5 of0 NewcS1i.00kî iietmi( docuut icc: was heid iii the Morris 1Iwibtasv arsanll s725-053aiP2 o6f-31 3 an\ooe, eweî kît eîtd Srwuggoî iut Fiînerai Chapel, Bowmauiville, hairor"toal io ae eul.Hp. oni'. 2Paddy'1. a l 725. -2-0532626239D8.EfomEerug.ofcewii 2,6. 34-"t alw hv, li p oeutiadysCad ngdtp-vint.EaCrn isia l hn Roe, pomuto au id tan$.1! it 110)w n.Aaiiet îd iw. ' cin Tuesdav. Augusi i8th at iso kindi ' emembeu'ed m Mrni ,Iam1o1 6 -2241. Afler6 p.m l'72-563 D .L.Eetsofice wilprofits. Friends and neigh- AA hRomxenîences aingq911ruis.Hvealo 2p.m. Inlterment Powman- I with cards, fiowers and gond, 1-2 NESBITT'S jb 'oe fi oiasfrmyom ans huuy an sighl. Write l'or A.Fanîi iv home on t acre a xite cmtcm. 4-! wshs inc Ihae bei (u-oKEXTS eut automnatlcaily, whii e Auagrusi î9tîî ta Septemubei' i7tih free roinur catalogue and; u bn &HainTernis.Eînikle.6ros Al i fined to Oshawa Geicral lias- lyonî wait. at MeMullen liard- LADIES' WVEAR icuie ncs fenrec samples on appraval. Special ~ TPO.6moe)A ouiii ls a.ir wia.%are, 36 King St. E.. Bowman - 33 KING STREET EASTr ct eoii -opti o-moriey-makiîig p t a n f o r PHIONE 623-71'27 home in excellent îpî C- pi Multlai[a-e, . Bae )týie vle -fmanivilie. 34-3Chui-hes, C 1ili bs, Sehl..35 Nelson St. Bowmaliville Double garage. Attmdmidlhu'h OuyS. ('OX At Mcyout atauLaes,4-Mus.-Bike Conclure, ville. -fi-Oshawa ilomer-Warrerî Co., Dp. 7:3,:__46-tf 'on'veniences.Asking 950 9Roihoewtiiar uox.t B.A., 6, M . PHD .1 rca'pwc'tk-fgoi NO OBLIGATION AMyivoîe wisburug ta joun ilte 411 Clcuîdeîan Ave., Toronto.i witb $l,500 dowa. Auigust lSth, 1964,wLeslieeCoff, good Mixed Major Leagrue wIlIyq SETC AN Loa2d9g-91 ternteo '74 years, beIoved hushand of 1Iwishto express uuîv siucre workiag coîîdit ion. Tetephone !viii howi on 'ruesdays ai 7,' After boucs caît:tw.hmlsiira lc Carolyn Luce, dear brother of thanks to my' relatives. friendsl 2631-2.388,. :34-2 -Pt contact President Murici iiai- CARETAKER - iandyman - P MI GDnl onjv-6331 odto."tlpieai F. EmerandKeneihE. nd eigbor fo' te gtsîsBUYiNG or sclling furnutume E rox'd or Beruîice Budav hy Gardener - for Bownian .vilip Phone 723-5501 Guy LeBlan, 2-75~ r\loueui Flawmanville. Memoriai Cox, t lowers, cards and vîsits drîr- or appliances, eail Elmer, A HOME iii the coIntrv wauut- September tsi. 34-1 Mruseîum. DuIie,ý: Super'visiaondoWesm rn 64 on ic'e wil he hcld in the Marris ung niy stay in flie hospital. Itiampion: business 263-2294 - cd far a vntbng Cocker' Spauiii,! nfali property and care ot 'n irsa r Fruneral Chapel, Bowmanville. Speciai thanks (o Drs. Siemon, iresidence 263-2695. 6-tf niai.'. likes chitdren. Phon, outside ameas, tawns. gardens,ý Prompt Service ýRoss Davidson Bethay0rvilwiîoeriim Iaîd onThursday, Arugust 201h atStwar an Gîi ad Ie Doors adWin-, 623-305it. :4tshîi'tbs, etc.: minou- i'paii'5. No! 4i31Tisi r r. ALUMINUM î forinside riean- -lo.otar faat 2 p.o. Interment of cremnated es on the Surgicat Floor. dows. Contact MeMullen liard-rsasbeo i, e ni a i n s at BowmanviIle Mus. Roy Langmnaid. 34-I" ware, 36 King St. E.. Bowman-, Notice ta Creditors 1iuug. Smaii apaî'tment on prenri E NEPRE .FakRa Cmtr.Tefml ilvil.Phoane 62:3-540(8. .24-tif ses tom r'ent available ta suc- ER EPE FCW.rak elEsae5pauar)ionic.Piud (nefrev intbe Cape]ywiivile.NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1ce.stnuItappliteant. The Board 'PI.t'MBI\(3 & lUATING ITES1.itisueoalurcfr mcetf-ind iite hae oîWe wouîtd liukc o sa\ iIIb' BEAITY Washers, newv, as N THR \oidpeter to litre coup!(, hnL6EMITED bi 3-emouîîbic unao Wenslveciî. 34i ýsincere tbanks for ahi tht' ývas$99.00. Ful fine of 623-3393 xvith garain.. Haly't-p 623-li93 beautiful cards. ftowers a nd Beatty appliances. P a d d ys In thue Estate af George Kozua. TO' O f'BOIIIANVILLE wr lingwoud liepii. 5 sRep1.0 ox1991veibrOsaaon ;SIR \bma.ue~ gifts whicb we have receivcd. Market. Hampton 263--1241. Att dlaims against the Estate ep ineadwe nai.S. ovnnil elEtt o FISuER Aelbrtat neA t and also for the many iieuuds:11-52 of George Kozrub, who died ain NOTICE age. epÏec adwe 8<ntroSt.B maileRaEsaeordrm.Qetoauoî ileBleil Gnrll x-vho camne to anc 251h Wed- lihe Ist day of Juiue 1964. miusî ni uh iea uI~rqct vil. FMcs. M. Wtisan, 177 idôChurch St., Boivavil îitai on Sunday. August t6th, dina Anîuiversar 0maetýsPASSANTS -Giadiotus: crut b ile ib e undarsîgo- ax aiti. MFuu-tM.u'idetanET2-fAf. oe '3.6 964, Alberta Jane Riekar u .nogtat. -flowers for ail orcasions. Co- e oiio orteEtt n Isetri pphtdfrteSecretarv, P.O. Box 528, Bo\\- SP IC TANK 183 Arre cdair,, lau-rat l day formais tie.rg.3,1-t.PUMPsNlicitorTfwntof Botmae vntIe.pEx-rP.s aopolnte6 f-r th it ter 86th yeam, eldest daugb- Mm. and Mu's. M. Vanî Dyk lainer arranigemnents. Phone rîr before the Isi day:3f-Setu- Town of BowmanvilMceioaygod2srebmc t Jac of tue i ife ofuileti, 4i 23327 22DkeS.,Bw ebe 96.atc' hcidte .S. OKE, Assessor, whil be WHITEWASHING STABLES 'home xvtb sepamatemoeu JaneRiekrd. Wifeof he imanvite 28-0 'the Estate wili be distmubuted. laIe A. H.Fistier, ear moth- '5 TIO'f blowlng miii- I DATED aI Newvcastle ii- 'avaitahie to accept, applica- BR O PIS apartment. tor help. ag otae ci- ar Marion, Belleville; sister lI Bow~manvilIe &Ditrcthonc, ET ewTOnvKI 52 ta mls rad f-nae Ewii îvArruut i aiPa- Mus .R Pa-e, Cnda edCosScit o.witb rock wooi. Womk-: 101h day ai August. 1964. thons and issue building per- PoeNiinil 25 w'mlsra Olive (Ms t. S. lun), Eda wiih guamanter). Fmcc esti- E. Richard Lovekîn. inits, subject (a the Tn's 2t teuî 85 HeaofuebdSa:li'nig.c eîd Mms IfM. Aln). ahoff ( publicly thank ail!mates ILa-yI. Wade. Tete- solicitor for Olga Kouitb. Building Regulations. TJerseys-r1 and ai] modem ac-mrggr t\îdDvip 'Newcastle. Rested at thel those who attended the Volun- p honc __Newtoii-v iile 24-'20. 16-t f' Execrutrix aif(tie Estate J e ipmecut and feed bcue in rr aitucînLuîi Pinkston Funcral I-omne, Belle-f teer Blond Donor ('linic oni WHITE, Or'lonî convertiible. - IVAN Mi. FOBBS, TOWN O>F BOWMANVILLEOIB'RES-FRAE at5200 - Ter'nis. dNeae PhouN- ville, wib flue funerat servicelIAugust. 13th. The surcess of btuuulng-hag, snow-snuut. Fut f1 JLlay or. I L D I N0Aces G en 2 1( n.Inemet a fl Iis clin18' u'dee-!vpe. g PLUMBING REP.AIRS with Ganaraska Riverui4 Maîalîm atemet inevuUe1,S9:-. :t8-"' as Pnwerect NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO ! PEINSPECTORPhn 26-11 oeîtrasmkebiidaAutn Sls Bellemlleeisuport 34_ laiauî t 55.623-7014. AND OTHERS ANnîii ECT O'fl ther--- - oi' asmatttbb au-si (,mtrýý34-l1 N THIE E'STATE F. GEO ~'RGE, Aoiaon vl erei'..Bx53-Bwantl ut w es ilin uî- Fmn qima sd 1 woutd luke tri expiess nîY OFFICE upaet T e-WLE THCSN soie 1IA LE, eioît-ue t e-sincere thanks ta neighbonimsEuumei TpetILKES THICKSONa s a ie-! 1lU.Y ebun tM-frîends aund relatives for giîi's, 1xvriters, adders. cashiers, dnîpli- lie nw sGog iks u-ou'iah Hospital, Bowmanitle. flowers, cards and visits nyhile cators, choque tyriiers, files, Vealle or as George Vealle,. te f oui Fridiay Anugust 141h, 1964, a pain n- oilHsfnîuniture. We bL[yý. sell, rent,, Of the Town ai Bowvnanvulc. McAl Hawtey of 33 Odeil Street, ptl yseiitaîst servic'e. Largesi stock, budget lin(hue County ai Durhami. Fa('- ni bis 53rd year, beioved hus- Du-s. R eia tans o han n LtaI-awiey. dearude Spue. e- ierms. New anduud sed. Low toiry Warkec, deceased, tvlio laitir niMu-s Kencib ik-Iart and Pavidson, ta ail1,I~ o%7erh(-a(i. low jîrures. Bill died aI the Town ai Bowai fakiîud nurses on Medicai Fioour Hamuiltoun.RHa g 1 a uî(North iville, on or about the 8th day 1 idnre n eia loOshawa). 281tof AuIgusi. ,1964. c- Boniuieî'and Jrudy of Bow- and Rey. Honstander anr) Rev. ' 8THETUSE ATiRso îianviiir'. Rester) at tic Nartih- IETUSE C. .. cuit cl, Smithu Funierat Haine. I a M-ifo-. WhE'ras. AUGUJST Sale :Strident dcsks,'196(1. Clu. 408. Sec. 52. 'turaiservire vas bediraM WE.Caî aiuus. îîîctu-cs. uîî'rasional Cueditors and other's tavuigA .:31! o'Clock Moiîdav afteruuoouu. (1 chiai's, la1)l". niaitresses, dlaims agaiuist the above estate i uucrîiciu Flwniuu r îl Cee- ~ îuuni ,1 in' , i.i I'.sl erlields, beru-annarc eqnUircd ta senrl partir'- jr' ~ ~ Cm(- 1 :3-îar icnu u T's rade-in.ui.nars a nd fulli proof tuereafIo111 1 Narval C. Waiteî i wsiî tasa\,,Dtniiuîg-room llsnîief. Witllarge flue tiundersigner) an au-befou'c a ~ncrethauk vn o h hîîr nufe. abbeaîr chairs-in hue 3th day oif Septeniber. BOB A~t tra bat iiNnr-'kind flieieud fr f, ovi gooci condîrition. Mi i'pliv ' Fn i-: 1964, af(eu' thicli date thli iuî H-orme. Bowmanîvuhlc. 0n ftawems. eauris ai svmpatb\ ltre. Kinîg SI. W . BOwmaui- asseis ai tue esiate wuli hue Wrhîîesntay. Arugnust 121h, 19(64,fThe G dean Bible Funo, Th'- ilic. 623-3781. 34 -t dý istribuied bavung regard Io Donald ahrot Robb. Rev. W. Rackham toi' bis lov- t the clainus tuai have t heu beeîî agent 76 vcars. buisbaid ai the iîîg message, the Morr'is Fnuiî- TV TO\VERS rer'eivecd. ,aeEseW'right. Service xvas eu-ai Home for their kiuîdnes-: DATED aI Bowuîanilte. On- heldh ii It ini" ori u t, 115 1 itue Esie Maris nin ~a toalthose wba helper) un aun\50htaia. luis l4ih da' ofaingusIý,, ('bapel. Bowinauîvitle. oui Fi-1,v the lime ai thue pas'- OSHAWA i1964. day.jj bigii ii :3)pun gaiada hiitaii d TTnn TLawrence C. Masoi, Q.C., Votir Local Auithorized Consumers' Gas Dealler STANLEY HEATING & P PL IA NCE S 5Temperance St. Bowmanville MIAI, 623-7041 623-3047 hy heunerigedfo te 2t1iuugs. Asking $50.001) witb horses. saddtes. horse I ailet, Position of Building, Weed,,U H LS E IG terns. etc., the' propemty of (lin lai's Tlrench and Safety Inspecýtor. UP OL TEiN 25Are stoc'klariu. stream,. ' Jar'k Houston. Liot I1. Coni. 't for the C'orporation of the'Save Dollars! Have your chest- 8 rooni loîîse, harn 30' x 80%, two mites so LiIlaf MOi- Tovi o o%.,anll uti ertield and chairs re-upholst-'lacatedr) a'h af Ou-ono. $13,00ü broouk.Wd'd. Auiist 26, 'l'w' o Bwmnvll uti ered. F"ree estimates, samplesý - Teu-uus. Sec Ibis fo<i r iptete lis'. 4:00 p.m. on Fridayv the 28th'taken (o the home. 97 Acres oui paver) roar). Sale ai. 1:301. 'l'd Spenceli'\, day of Augîîst, 1964, Budget Terms Arranged large sireani, gond pond sites, atcîloni ('. :4-t WHYTE BROS. I'PHOLSTERY' 45 acrmes womkahie. ideai me- .Aphicntsmus stte reiou 102 King WV. Phone 623-5252 tu-cal pmaperty. tocated iniî EL experience, age, marital status, 1 %TecmKIN salary expected and any other If Knda his u-a. 1500) -LIVESTOCK SALES information they' may fcel :LYCETT& GARDEN' 201Acres withi streauui andur uha)onySae rn perlnnî PL MIN anj AT 1 pand. Louater) nanti ni Ouonîa petien. LUBIG nd11ATNG1;On Iv $4,0001 - Ternis. 'Ox-tifl - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.n. .9. L.. REID. SHEET METAL WORK 1lit)Acres tocam Ou'ouo. g_ lorses. ('attle, Swing-, C'alves, AIR CONDITIONING o, om w, mden etc. Foi'truck pickup Phone, ('lek-TrassrerOron - ntaro uoam, ail fuuinace, steel ba ruî Orono 5 r 19 by 1 p.m. day nt P.O. Box 15î0, Phonhe% Shop 194N,1 3 6' x 78'. Springs wiîb good sale. .1. .A. Reid & Son, Sales Bowmanville, Ont. Res. 33R11 (Colleefi iponrl sites;. $22,000 - Ternis. Managers. 9-tf 34-i -I33 lOi100Acmes with fast Imotil- W A Y N E 'S stî'eam. Good ponîd sites. :35 Repairs F or Rent MAINTENANCE SER VICE acres in wooded land.Loa-GA NTE tcesirud Egsand L'pholstery adnot f Oî'aîa. $8,000 witb URNEDteeiina FIVE-moonied finî-îsled apart- j gShampooing 1$3,0001(1dawnî radio ser-vue tIo l]tîb ntakes. men',. huated. Phonîe 623-3194. i >inr WIl ri o12Arre- ond i .,,,î.i ..r TlviioîService Coi. Phani(e C r e u u u u i o u , T o o n' o ii o v e n a ,- f a î bh e i r iT V b U r r. L I L i L ) . n a r r i s e r a n d u S o i i t om r . 3 4 1 - 1C fl o , U I , 1 > 4 a n d41 1 1 1 5 V Jts t J 5 iig ( u i tomutli:î4~ aut'E.XVuliî'i-. 31 bo t Da 1-10Bown29auiv30ting uSti N 0 T14C E indow Service neai' Whithy wt od au 238.îî Box 9 - 31)Kîuu St.W.. 'lle Board of Truîstees of thte A'PARTMENT in NewtnîvilJe, lOd iiNirial - ('omniercijal 30 x 5W1. llmoi -Eiey'Ab 1'acsand Arnîuii GbbnSt D !888:B w avilOnai.Roa-atoi hprt I)ay or \'ight - Bill Leask, Pro». A mns(li.3- colsfrte Tanur)furrTeleavdbah. Phoen sieepaiirme o5e - Sdîools- for uil iinw Al 2(1 3 - 2()6 0.34-t1 PlIONI, OIONO '!55 Askiuîg $19,00(1.dlvuy cmes 4Cnr BB IN s N Cpit . Blt ii'> ' 'eception 4)-fBowmanviiîe Otui S'et 3he-StPhne2:-7. 4-f i\leuuuiruil h ostii~t. Bw îuuuu- -Corninq Events "\KEN'tiE li - 3-ROONIu'\tnfiiuishîed apauit-î'ouî',00M luiick. , aluos on1h' uîî insl'r v, Anigrn-t Fu'u'îuh- isauitt ur'igli(is i ai, abur N wus -dal Sl.)i, t j!)164. t'î'iil tanties Hobiii- ('0« i t î\- in ni tIo attend MI\e'Ou'N e Heul th Wed ai *e G r'îî- Llseîîîîîîouîte d aBy of nient.:3-r înu 623-5.5'8ii:1ied1aoKE't 'Te(rtillur) S481 > i otf(01,0u1o. (Diii..beloveni lHer'bert iloet \ ,9)tlî liii lîiu EN R L i'3.tr- itî1uu196e(4irie . Tin ste s u e 6da'nfu is.iîcit. Ptîun'6:51, 1 -tAC E N'A u I V i tei;i(ac i p i n "l EEA ukvSuîppcî nuýltiLL ars j164 asser) Br'lath NnînuberON E beroran aptaitnuieuii at. EXCAVATINGQu' iict 4bdcouî iInLsha dl l f rgauet 'j" aile 'ebbu-tion ialtIlluePi'esb\ t'lri1I h 1it g 01'\ Pai andin ' . Avt ('ert1utied I-Vat<CIII G Stnaker<bric Oveis.agi' 74, Rusted ai the . hiuich, SouthluNestleton. Weo 34- 10 nîtbthaî e ise a n i l Bar'low Fnnrat hion'. Par'k riesda,\ Anignst 26î1u - 9 tP ii FREBERS ur) nd eetuWedîîes- 'ai nebeuît1ru' ~of thiF smd s ept. Isi Phne 623-5798. Sand, (Gravel, '[op Soiland Ire cw atilasIycm 1,>)î-: iaS. sticet. Ou uuîîo Service was j '34-1 la1 and '20 ('u. I t. dat, Orlober 21s! frece for iii Board aiTf î i n i the puin- 4tF1 eiee T'eu-nus. -,p a uuerîeit er 14uî t alFlwesAtlas Models Hol Tu'key SrUpper at Cadrons. icipal amnouiu i 3.!tîitî!or EIGI-l-r.onincd sioiîc arui2-i 1 ATRSl('(E Frcderiî'k At .: euo fore a1964lapurposrr 34-teasonablr Rates bricratc Mai2t1,-tcmiar0,abThu :14- 1 u nrwi' bcbîs' 'ar 0iuha 2-76 - BOWMA vili. F" rck atuiiiîgta'ata - ('enuctri for\ 1964 Mode Bînîgni b10ayuoC abc boru'otvcr) W'. Siatboîî, Phone Nrwlon' .îî1edgîage s7:t em erqrt FLOWVfl R SHOPnugb I atr'lor'k. pansou-ed fai' fle constrnuctionî ai a (vil le at4:4tac' Prwu hec ilcroi in c u (anada. of ruaseti h le Junior (barober af roani additionIntrihue rcseîît Ftiouuui'. aitarbr'nl S 13YAServiceý 'SOUCIt, \tarx îl, t \lier CA NAIOco<'nsruction andifrt ls Cmec Rr aun n-th oi2. lleaFU ob hro-rooý NIEd apau'oicu.îîe',1N~&~IUV 051 î aae a alc e rsîdece, r'. Onîuo.Ontarin., 43 King St. %W. laeil.icnrl iP UýBN 1E T1NG 1 oi. .% i Cnhuamberer) bris Mr la Svmat'nuse, NGMENTý ncd is S3t1.00.0tton the seenîr,- Avaîlabie înumetliaielv, PbcîîuuALES &SERVICE 2 apartmitsl on o ( ntRfîeain-Ml 'oir Evclii R Ri'kab\y. betaved witc, HOSPITAL ARRANGEMENTS NagneticalvSealet L.id N.\'.. Thaîu1ksgîviîîg teekend, t ithe i-air)dehn rse.ciis 2-51 34_1'4H0L'R apaurmeuît suite eyiutu hn E"S tuiu', ai e Hle uchtiuugsau' FRE! ne BOUQUrTSl'ood Spoilage Iîarraiity Oct. 9 - i2'. Fiit'u îîocmatoîî wb'icti shah be a chiarge upon HEATED iouu--uoounianr) bathi (,%mivl tliitli'f laeHer S i. g aduI EDD OQETS I boî' î'ru ow ra'thue st'hal-house propeî'y anîrdevc emuvtc rmrIc- Iai6357 Domn'thiv Bauley. aîtt dear going-aAavplus Regular IVarrantv hneo wrifo '>43 . parii t availabin- Sept. u B r e tu OI 1,h)i $,otNihs - 6337 andPoî'î , pi'einiises anr) ail\, other uc al ti 0 ' pplySe v ce ,, DoelvBle".gigaa geuy. 'and pePsotiat propemîy veter) l,.Charunal Burgers. 1Il SEI>TIC TA.NKS AND dott'i. gî'auudmotht'r (uf Way'ne and corsage IA '1o11 QIALITI' FREEZER Snî 'ini Tiur.7 dvs L\în. a]a Oaa ae) i th every 7 da A OoS,9-in thr)r) ie or f rses34-2' PHONE Noî. 2 - 3-yeau-adbikrnhadErCR( te.Rstr Ihie Barlotw wedding A coe -1:calee t oaduo h eprt Iolbnao.$ Fu erai hai akStei1rdr e LwPie New Yor'k, thien ta Bermndaifrates. HA.NIPTONê'"8 uglw 110)1-$.11t 0ooOnai.utlWde- rvaQueen orBermuda. Tours 3. T'liedebeutres au-e ta b beATACieD fit'h-waoand lionse,! LropouDentpmntri3 Vate Cey o(cct'. ent o :îi 4 utFlwes C'las ad <Carr' Priî'e î>,th amauîger) Phoun' or - ,,,ri el dater)thie 15th day of Atigusl, manillttn. Beautilul gi'ruuIirs.,1tibSîstTrau uLbmyDasokS ie o R o ive Travel Ageiirx Pou-t 1964. are to be in the denoîîu- At'ailabte Sept.h1,t. Phone. BOWMANVILLE fSt "HNhet ah >nce orl>a Ijoher) Cliur'b for serv'ice aI Phone 6237141 atr ara y Hope, fou' infamation.' 34-31 ination of ruot tess ibauu $10000 1725-60)86. ::- WINI)OW AND) FLO R '>an Crp ed F m Stk -2 pro huutericu tOu-ana After Hours 6*>'-2184 - u ft - $209.95- Woodview Comrnunuty Centre eacb, and are 10 beau- interest - W edflowers by wuire -Monster B i n g o. Twenty aI the ate of 6'l peu- annuni ý -ROO.M bouse, ucentr'al .semi- E ('ail 62-f 3B~RTI IRFR anyw,%here 28-t 1 dIbchd.A'alabi Set Iig erie ftfb.n Nei- - - ---',20 cul. ft. - $219.95 gares-twenîy doIlars. fivePayable annualtv on the 151h eac tae Pt. CenngAt'u9pu.:Poe og[)sac \~~-\\ DEN BERU. tosephi~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 games-thurtv dollars: $150 day of Angustinii each yeau194 it'vrier 532, 82 C.hur<'h St. 62.1-3924 .10e larnoski,20'Nevovleent650<n hr'(oou rud'uYai ihio, c :34rlotograplly ilRMS A LS() AVAILABLE îcpo.d w ackpots a and' w akosa n are to be repaa invc'on Cauiadian Statesma n,.O.11ITpsWnos(Iae a 'n-- 2-07Dp.Amn i'N 8-~6 Stisreet. Bowniant'ut. norne- in anti setc r $250) Door pru/es. Next n 1samît f rn 'lBx1(. omutut .Floors ('leanet, i, axed Ken Horkin 62-05ki Fridv, ylninug. Arigusî 4(l!PH OTOGRAPHY InaR ..Re Ba onte1hdyofAgs S.1 1 o9 huVî Den Berg' Chag of Address - 1 lo ipa Os ha wa 46-tf the years 1965 a18.bt i io:atS , aho h f.pliav ',n..,'aBrniolte 51hdya uui: MLShm.CuciadPhse3- Spot8. el (i64. ' ag gce athe0 Aonlulo:Writeconvenuenr'ei- AN RIAL SERVICE, belaver) bushanur)oa Clasiai 161 King St. E., L TIME STREET DANCE I iclusive. Rie Adycu-tuser 5:33..\atdt u ja i rpîdFr Acquooy, dear father ai Bot. Bownîanville DtOW>VVtVIiVLL ODa NIKLE amount af principal anr) inter- c/o Canaduan Stalesmaxu.î%.. all Washint W__ ankd p roeti of Toronto. Rob and Joe Of Poaits - Passportsa r'TSKLLN ,P..PIDO tsf ~~~~~~~~~~~~est payable in each year of the;Box 190, omavhî 34-1.,:Flîurs S-rubbed by Machine AWRRB.TlpoeTlpoeclet2322 Eowaiile.Rested aI the Weddlngu Anniversaries IID LOCKER SATURDAY, AI'GIST. 22 lcuu-recyoBoedeetuemanroWndwsCeaei 21-:e<.341'MA NorthcUît &e_1 Smiîho th dbetuessFunerîVndosllene 1,23 5:, C Homte uiner&tsentrvi a 330aBSTUDIO ' SYSTEMDancing from 9 - 12 ».m. 'being appraximateiy equal. BOWMANVILLE. brick buuld- rvc t3300SE f-50 Draw wlll h- made at . F. K. MALANE ing. about 500 sru. fret ,vo'k 'i"snable Rates LV o'lcStra feno.AST RSU I 1 1:30 p.m. -~~iso 75r Secretariy-Trc-aSLIurcr spare. suitable fou'-srnatl wort:- ReNiden il and (omr'lIc M Fiat, lRt ut-TR Phone 623-2502 (,ý friiiib .SS o no o naviesho1i. Centrai. S:10.00 miinthi Service any. Phonie 7ri3cieiL~neN.33C tr.3- edi o iu lvH l323là. 623-2698, 2tf 3lî 8il14 DEADLINE FOR (LASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.