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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1964, p. 15

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-r,v Classified LICENSED Nursing Home SOUTH Haven Nursing Home Accommodation for private a ndc semni-prîvate patients, lounge TV. Fully licenscd,. flew building, modern. Visitors Welcome. Reasonable rates. Free ambulance service. Phono Newcastle 987-4141. _ 41-tf «'THE Locige" Nursing lomne on Highway 2. Licensed. Ac- commodation availabie. Kinci <are. Nurse 24 hrs. Visitors welcome. Phone Mrs. Wm. Westoveý-. Newcastle 987-4252 24-tf Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goocis) mailed postpaid in plain sealtd envelope with onice list Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. 1-152 Durham M.P.P. Visits New York For->Aging Com. SIN(ElIE APOLOGIES 460 .Iarvis St.. Toronto, Ontario, Auz. 14, 1964 I)ear Mrs. Spryu 1 bitterly regret that somte of 'our Bowmanville donors could not be taken due te shortage of equipnient. The situation need net have arisen, and on behaif of the RtedCi ross Mobile ('unie Teamn, I apologize. iii course, the errer %vas inexcusable, but -,vuid yeu c o n s i ci e r tihe followinx Points A cinic of over 300 in a bu wn the size cf Bowman- ville in mid-summer i. prae- ticalI3' unheard-of. For in- stance.,(Cobourg, a town con- siderahly lariter than Be,.%-- manville. colleeted eniv 225 botties on JuIy 6th of this 3ear. And 1 consider a sum- mer eliniecof 225 hetties tn lie quite successful. ('alcu- lations cf the amount cf equipmnent needeci in Beow- manvillie rnder sucli circuin- stances %vere based on a ma ximum etn of about 200 tintties. Witiî respect tg) the at- tendance at the cliîîic. your Brandi and vour donors are te bie most highiy cemmenci- ed for the almest unbebliev- a bly large number o f people who came te the clin 1<. This incident is a seruins one, and lias disturbed me greatly. Every effort wiilI I)e madie to ensure that sim- ilar mistakes x%iIi never ne- cuirr. leurs trub'y. .1. B. Il. ;oedlelleuv, lirector .Area 'A', Bloci Donor Service, (anadian Red CrossSS cey S TARK VILLE 1îts. .A. Dobscuî spînttIhvt 'x'eecllud vith MViss C. 'W'. Sbtewart, Si'uth Line. Mr. Duîbent llalIoxx <'l andc faniîIv. To'uronto, haxe bteîî speiiditug holidayvs at licin suciner home. Mr~. andc Ivrs. Brîuîn CasweIl andi famtl y are liaviiîg a holi-ý day iii Ottawa andi Queben'. Mus. I. Plum. Toronto, i s p'rd 'rz T. r. 1;owman Anti Richard. Shantx Bay;: Mr. and Nirs. Hovward Grass and Carl. Oshawa: Mr. Lloyvd Avcr. Bouxmanville. and Master Ru- la,, '. Doýman. Recent v;sitors of 'bhe J . * Ho..Bla-kstoc-k: Mr. Georg., Woifc. Brîan. and .Jorn. Burke- ton: . and MNrs. F'rank-- lin and famîiy, Mr. and Mr-z lleirv Adanis andi Joani. Bowniaînville. we re Monda'. "venîng tea guests cf Mr. nndMrS. Les Cochrane and Rn pi. NIr. and Mr>. Les Cochranre and Ralph ue i e Su idav gues! of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane. Port Perr. Mrs. N'uffe Ilckaday andi \1,c~Evelvîn and Jean Ilock- aday. Soliria: Mrs. Keitb Hoh- den andi Gail. Kinsale. and Kathv AInn('owling, Pet!- erhnrough. M re\ondav ' - tors cf Mr. andi Mis. EIme:ý Lee anîd lamiil., Alex Carruîtlîes, M.P.P. Durham, as chairiîiati cf u Select Commîttee of te On- tario Legislature ci Agiiig. s on a four day xisit to Nexw 'York City to mccl with varicus govercment officiaIs eîîgaged in services to the agîîîg inî the State of Newv York, Arrangements liaxe(, io'u made for Mr. Carruthter.s nid the Secretary Consultanît of thie Committce, Mmr. laxvreîicc Crawford, to icterv-iexx-tht Director cf the Bureau of Special Services tif the 'Nexw York State Departttieîit of Wcýl- f are; the Drector cf thie Dixisioni cf Da ' Centres for Oldr'.r Pensons: theîe nipcrvsi of the Concniit ' Serxic-es Program, and th(e Dîrentor tof the Division cf Auxliarv Services for Nexx' Y'rk Statý.i Mr. Carruthers and î t\r. Crawford wuil also Ne rmeet-ý ing wîtb the Ncx'Yrkaw members cf ithe Nexw York Joint Legislatixe Cnimmttcc iii Problems cf bbc Agiîg. Th'is- commitîceis niade rip cfri'- presenitatîve senators andisi- t;emblymen from bottli bthe Demnocratic aînd erhi'i parties. A visît xw'i I a lsoc eniade to the Jewish Home andi liospiai for the Ageci in New York(il. for interviexws with thie ex- ecutive director. Later in the xxeek aàx tsil i,,-il! he made to Jerse Citx tlo ineet with the irectii of Hiealth Maitcru uite Srxvic fu the eldeili' in Newx Jersey. ENFJELD The August meeting of 1iVw U.C.W. was held in flic ba>cu ment of the church on Wud- nesday venng. Mrs. L group \\ý1 ~n hî~gcwl th iVrs.DonalId Pre.3cjtt giving the scripture readwg. The devotional -,as given by Mrs. Elmier Lee. Our President Mrs. A. 'Fa *lor shlowv ed a film on *Nepal. The ensuing question and answer period made the enlightening film even more intcresting. As a departure from routin, business wvas discussed during the chitchat around the tea tabîbe. Sun.dav dinner guests xith the J. -W.Bowmans were Mlr. RESULTS COUNTI MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE' Consuit a Mcember of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board Liberty St. N. COMIE IN TO-DAY' .. . AND C11005E VOUR LOT IN TIIIS BEAU.TIFI1LLY PL:XNNEI) SUB-DIVISION OPEN HOUSE MODEL HOME WILL BE OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION Starting AUGUST 29th 2 TO 4 PP MI EVERY DAY Tînmes Buiili Bv LOUPAN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. As Low As $14,2OO sl,739 DOWN 177 CHURCH ST. N.Hl.A. TERNIS attr'ndprl tIl- f:înrrp1 cf Mr. Cecil Robinson 4n Nexvtonxit last week. The ladies of Shiloh U.C.W. me*, at Mrs. Dobson's home on 'We(dnec.dav evening. last %eel: The scripture lesson was reaci bv Mrs. Ewart Robinson with ,he commentary gîven byý Mrs. Magistrate's Court Heid in Bcwmanville Bob Robinson. The Pres.- held .Augt ist t. 1964 was xx :hdrawîî bv the C'w dent., Mrs. John Stark, directed He xxas founci not. gui ttc 5ofi the business portion which tri- Although his client ws dukdrivýin2 but aiiltv c clîîded defînîte plans for cater- convicteci and fineci. Toron'oI impaireci drivizig. The fhe i rI; for the vcedding neXt Iaw.,er John Gora tLhankedi was $50 and costs oIl0 i a. s rnonth. Rev. White gavýe. a Magîstrate R. B. Baxter for anci he lost his licence. brief. edifying talk pertaining h:s patience and understandc- in the nexv curriculum. After ing in bearing evidence. lie Constable P. -ilthe Mizpah Beniedictioiî lunch stated that Nie had neyer al- well. OPP. 10< i f; i \vas served andi ail enjoYeci a tîded a faîrer court,. Hîgb \«as taxossc. hosttI it adMs obc' L c nJhnKinsk,, rate of specd. Ili. the ,quarter hosptalty.2 Rockdae Avenue. Toronto,: mile he followed 1dmii the Of- pleadeci not guilt 'v of cai'eless! ficer saici acciscd rit off on-' Hý3Mpt n W .1 driving on Higbxvav 115, Jonce to the shoulder twice andi ovn r 13th Th fin wa $50andthe centre line twice. lie sa.d S1 o r t seven days. accused was very tins teadv. on Byron Charles Kelle1t, 211. bis feet and iii 'p c ar 't ýas n ReportR.R. il, Pority pool, stateci that qualîtilx' f li .qii: Report lie xxas îîorthbound on 115. Defen> ie (cio-<T..'o 'i Aig Ilth as the duv foi- intendîng to turc left onio -.A oi bus t rip, so, arounci eiglit ligbway,. lie added that Nie:Oh a l l \ "-î oclock xve sta rted off for put on his signal for a lefI !t'131 accised liad ,)I l)n job, Beleile.Thirty - seve turn and wxas wailing for a ~~ t the ok ci Coiipc': -1 Belleille sntinBoard becatise îOf Ii-1 niakes a good b bus load. -Most soutbbound car to pass wheiîsandtha i toil hdbe cf us vcre inembers and wxe lie was strii,-k from bchind by adtiltetobehdbe had sorte visitors froi îOsb- a station xx agon driven by ac-ý causcd b'. a familvquar andi driiluiîig. Magistrate R., awa and Bowmanville and cused. B.B 1e xurndC'c P Swedcn and four gentlemen Constable K. H-. Suiddard.. Bfinxe would N îvimihea iade up the ]oad. Our- genial OPP, testifîcd that lie was mufie woti ho etuive i ias andi courteous bus driver, Mr despatched tu the scen f h Russel Balsoni looked alter us accident %hee e afun , K 1- simila cin verv wcll. We travclied on No. musbko and Pis passenger, The fixe mii cho gul la-t Hiighway and saw many fine Peter Garbus. both with beadi: week willh illegal possessuin laxvns and tlowcrs. Port Hlope injuries requîrîng treatmentl Of cigarettes fromi Annles and Welcome cemeteries flowý,- bvDr. *Butter hi Bethany. lie!, Place, the propertv of Ho'. ers were beautiful. At Treniton added that thev were later Wilkins, King St. w., lune we saw sorne lovely air planes, taken to Ross Memorial Mos- 30th, appeared for seiItcîî"e.! coi the north side ofthelicstreet' pitlI Lindsay, and detaineci! AIl elected trial bY inagîs-1 anîd on the south side nian.s' overnigît. , trate and ail pleaded iorîct unts of Air Force men werc Constable G. Ex-ans, Opp,1 guilty except Franik Alfred' 'pr aet i s i ni g. Their' tented' told the court lie smelled ai-ILaroche, 28, 200 Kinîg Strvet grounîds matcheci their uniî- cobol cii botb mein andi found W., Oshawa. Thiis vcek Waul- foims.We av~theDea aid,12 ful bottles cf beer ina ter Allai Waugh, 0.R.R. :j, Dumb Sehool andi some littieý lBwavll, cage folk wcre pla.ving coi the lawn. 1Apcue hag hinted bak leîj B o tintl, ciîgd le ,Wc hiad previously asked to, cue xlaîe htli la lot gIll *V. sîtthee bt i beng olandi bis frieîid were on their Forbe.q Bruider. . 8 l'IC1 ciavs, tiiere wcere sonie altera- vcay to the frieiid's cottage at Stet1se ncîig tienrs. Nogies Creek, four miles: trial by iIicige andijury. We x'renie ii ellvîlenorth of Bobcax'geoîî. lHe said Lro-l>'xas reprcsciîted 1) IvMrs. Jîmi Reynîolds, a for-. that khîsxif'l l fe .C diai oxii x le nierHampon emb andes- thabe haci placeci the beer and Gary WilIiani Grav,2. rue Ilmptn embr aci s-in te paper bu- in t')ac 05 Quebec Stri-((t, 0-ixxa ctirted lis Io the court house satwthu lsknwsde dierc1teca. a Rv arî wce tke thoug. aîdThe charge cf illegal p055C5- Clarence lin.22. 4 ii xitnessed iii the court rooîîî,Kiig sevra vuig oupessiniigsioî w'as dismisseci. Streét E., Ouiuv. vT. jei'- pernianeîî tly for adoption of George Wilfred Crich, .369 myn, Oshaxwa. Helî ýi ici ¶NaI: -melovelv cliildreiî. (Thev L.'sLatîe, Oakx'ille.' Was his clienît,;v,re lîctlîh - sonnre s apl A io achichargedi August 131h ffith in- fuil]yenpodlingalîii xeîiîtlîeir onwi-i \wavfor lunch't, ct gdi'ngac llgiacicnrb tiiig the flcSu- tir shîoppinîg. At 1 :0tie bus'pseson j eon bre port of their lionie.ý pickcd Lus ip aîîd drove lis HsWrhpfmdGr to tlie pia builinîîg. We Ii osîp fiuu ~rr lita r tliat glass is fortiiecifromi FRQ AIY adinynt o saînd anîd put tliiough a special SELECT USED CARS" 1119 andieîeîili:giu cf illegal possession. I lu m- process to make il conte Out- SEE - -erx'enl udnieiit iiî i l ON I ii a liquid. Eacli onie xas giveri week. lie eacdVol a glass souveniir the shaîîe cf mu stody rniaîîd)e Wauig i eye glasses with bi-focals bc- * * ~ ~ csovuî lSpe Iic 8u fcretlie ar grcnd dwîi *VI ~ v~ ~for pre-senteiice report. BrI",- Next visit xvas to the Electri-, der was plaued on i lnu, SSI) cal building xxhere coffec and cash or $1000 oiioe'xtf nie douiglinuits we\re eiîjoyed and M T R S L S srtY toured thcbuld.iarrîr, wcn OLSLE roche's recordidii I rîiq l building.h Ncrbo tIMITED - Falls dateci back Io 1952 and there were Ixco litige freiglît- iîîcluded breakiiîg, eiii iv andr er's. Theiî on to Mr. andi Mrs. Earl McQtieen, Prei5. theft. car theft, and assilti )ii Ted Cliait's cottage al. Oak 219 KING ST. E. a police officer. lie vsrp- Lake for ant hour or more un- mlanded in cnstocdv unt il Seo- lii it started to rain. Thexi back BOWMANVILLE tember lst. tii the Marsh H-ilI cliurch Authorize'¶ Dealer for Gordoni Foxxlcî', 1 ?, 1703 xx'licie Mr.. and t'vrs. Chanit Kn tetWawt si weeniarried nl d the Oak Rainbler Cars theg reet W (as. axvt's n Lae omn' nsittepr- Phone 623-3356 edlast xveek xitIi pciurv vdda sumptilous suppeî' iniinh wr h a selý tuling. ew htaeducr laioi and saw nothing. lie pleadýd' buildng. ue tales ere laci-guiltv aîîd xas fouîd gu iltv. cd wxitlî gooci foodi, aid tlhe N'e Just don't give thele1 floxxers inI o\,%, boxxIs wei' e 'rx best deal in tow'n-.. but -lexvas remanded Ont Of CLîS- pretty on a side table. Mr.' when you make a deal at tdv crawk.xnîc li Carrick moxeci a vote cf McQueen's y o u recelive1hdbte idajbadke thanks bo the iadies for Itir guaranteed service. Any Ouf cf michief in tire imeari- lovelv meal. It raineci ail the dealilis not a gond deal time. wjyhome, but down cas). thev -withnut this service! Raîplu Bodnicks. t p, îîeedocd rairi badl *v. as the 0 bortuh. odw cirgc un lawîîs xvre really burniec iup. oug.%a elt-e Jie ýWe came home on the 401, 16 an lr lt ibstigfr tird ut apy. rs Renods 96 Ranber sommer crottage. breakîîg. tîrc bu hapy. rs.Rcyolds ~ 4Dr.entry and tbeft. froi the col-' made the rounds xxith lS is in tae"a770"rees'-drvîig o ber <'ar. talle and i. ci,.. a, Ii r ,, d ..'î Z o S> nIjM' 9 >1>i IIIIUO) O r, I IVIr Arthuir McKay'. Mn. andci Mrs. .Siroff, rso Torounto, spent tewekend at Mr. Llo.%d HallowM. Pesto 1Miss Bettî>'v Save xx hoJ brîdie-cIect for Septernbe aq hoodal, a shoe M Av ttends Meeting, Assîsteci Mrs E. oe a I edVa Lne Miss Martîvri Fall se pendjle a ie mîan *v bcx'cv gîts anc neantl, cxîîrlessod iNon aplîreciatioui bu ecandatîc e ocu. 'Or.and I \lrs. llx'liIlui xxelI spcî t bhie xeekend xi)t Mr. andi lIrs. Dtouî hai, oc Niagara Faits. Friencis t rou iltis dîsîtul adas buggest noast-to-coast moving organization. toppeci -a $10 million volume i 1963 for the second ýyear in a row. d Total sales in 1963 amounteci o 10I,257,1Î3, Paul Kecwoonl, -President of Allieci Van Lices Ltd., toici the annual meeting liere today. This representeci a slîght increase oven 1962 andi the largest volume ex-er acb- ieved by Alîreci. The van line handioci almnost 43,000 sipments dung tbc y'cil r. Local rnox'uug firni exet-utiv- es attennîg the meetinîg ini- cludeci Maurice Prest.on, Presi- dent cf Prestoun Moxing aid Storage Ltd.. Aliieci Van Lînes rcprn'sentatix'es bere There arceccxx 97 fiili-flcdga- cd rienibers cf thle no-opera- lix e nitiiiîg organii/ticn from nttast tri tt4st. fouîri. i'c' etliai last \o r n ( uit ii ii îieibt'r' braîn'Iî offic-es. bhicie aie 1-48 Ailicci agerucies se ux'îuî tht publitc fnornWhitehonse iin fie Yukoi) lu St. John'is, Nexx'ý- f otin nla id. Mir Kenxx'od, uîaiagitiug di- rerbor nf Ketiiwonfi's West- mcmi Transfer naîdStro Lici , Montreai, lias heen presi- dent cf Allieci Van Unes Lîc.. for fux-e vears. -le was suc- ceedeci dring the annual mneeting hx' .1 N Shorbiiffe. presideni cf MacCoshani Van Luîîes bîc.. xwilh offices in Rd- nionton. Calgarv. Saskatoon, Bcd Deer. Aita , Dawvson Creek. B C.. andcinugstonî, Ontario. Newl-Inclectud '. ic presideuut is J. R. Warreun, îresident anci generai manager cf NM. Raw'linson Ltd. Toronto. 'Ireas- uirer is R. A. Waring, '.icte president cf Dixoiiu',anrinucs Ltd.. bondon, Ontario Mr. Shortliffc îoîîîud NMac' Cosham le. 1937. île xva- born in Pugwxashî. N.S. andci mcx d cut Wesýt as a ho' Hle s a proinircuit Kixxauuîan in Edmonton andi president cf the GYro Club,.lIn hue past ycar Pe scrx'cd as chaîrman of tic transportationî cornmittee of thle Eciontoit Chainber cf Commuerce. He lbas serx'ed îxx'o rermsc as presîdent cf thc Canadian Warehouscrniri's Associatin. He iu marriec i x'ih bxx'cchildI mii, a bo'. ani- a girl. andioce, gran(Ichilci Ile- -'ou. : - -ce con iI 'u u' cion:K- èbassy in Boïota. Cotuibla.j ii charges be pleadec guiîtv andi electeci trial bhc niiagistrate. A charge of failiuîgc to stop at a stop sugn, rcsrilticg ini ani accident anîd amage. x- as witbdrawn bv the Croxyýii. Constable G Evanu:. OPP, te.tified INa I ie(-hacibeouî cailed 'n bxv thie Cire.area Flue Departmnent tc i îvstigaîe a fire wbich ifdetioveci a sum- mer cttage ou içPesoutlîeast shore cf bake Scrîgog Juie 131 i "*Mx' iouxest iga: iou r.iloxx acn'uued liacia Iteuided a cia ttc ai Caesarca xxilhî uîs frienrh Danny McLellan.' saîi tie cf- fcer. 'After Ibal, thcv%.parked the caur uîar Mr 's. Margari Taxh\-ors cottage anrd, xxhuhîi Mcbcilan slept iuil the ha'4 seat. Boclnieks fo)rceci the reau door of the cottage. He scli' a sign '4E's', severai decks ou cards, some packages cf froz- en foodi andi boxes cf bonits le placeci these îin th(,i-a: and,. retrirning 10 thie ýtttage Ilit t'xvo matchiesIothe In ho - terfieln. h. 'rbon ex-co t lih pierandi îtthcorc liuîi2t xvhite the nottage burritd. "On tlhe 171 i cf J uîuî.' coul nlnded Counstale Exa i. 'ui Grîer'iixx'c>t. e x P>rcî lii S *bui, t 'ut' ,'!: -<r-: le i n -t Snîîue tif Ii' books>. . Ltr'V xe senrchîccithte clii-suu deuire andi fouind an uox cf'tii> bocks andi teutn er k. cf pla.v- inîg cardLs hiddeîîiut tuîc gar- age. These xx'ere ileîti îcl froni Ilie Tay)o tota c .Tue cottage vas cvalirdciail~O) WOLD'S LARCOES'T 4Y'DrÂI UC tî fr ONA CANA-L LuWK>-W6 LAKEu.OUIAKJO ANO GEOKCGIAN BAY'. 01?IlNO c( 3ri ,1ia Good e~v91;.1~o,'x LCPrAW bek - ev.ç W e'/n - i:-.d tie conitent*s S$2000 and tliere x'sxv li1ttle .isu r- ane. Defer.-c couiîsel, W O . W soc)u,. Toronto, remnîded 'lie court *that bi-9 client appeareci hure Jonc 23rd witb his mno- ther r nic fatiier. Thev gave Robert Wayrr, 11entsev, l7,'Thp aa icAaps,'.~ nav U A P. IP, 14 - an employee of SklarFun--__ ______- - ture. pleaderl mot guîLty o ~nes.tnaohrcrx-ihcsovutlnx pk consurning îîncer age Juncle sucm ol i iiiar hît ci- Josephurdoch and C,,-eek 6th. Constable D. Stuarc ivas i i-n- oeh'udc n P OPP. statec he wvas callcd * uneA vase in North Bay. Hc forci Peter Goidrdge. chargri the service station loi at the ole tuao more cars an.d enci-en the 5Mb of August wîvth ë,. Town eULne corner andi Hyg.h- cd up inc ontreal whcrc he îý' tomp)te'd'reakiflg and i enV. uwas 2. There xx re tuaolï> , chargred"v MA another serions of Ken Nick's Menis Wpec' occupants of the car.lie ot.itrooffensec îheft of a car from i Vdîsno ed. and he eau, îhree be-r Ilarolci Gici Trewin charg- Tetro and a radio froni Pre.ý botlesthcwnoita~Ne n-CPd mlv I14tA with careless ton Transport. elecîcci trial 1-. proached. drîi.m on Scîinog Road at the iiîdge and jury last %vrek. D,:- Ti~ .~ ~.,, ,.~ - n1ersct ýon of the Seventh to the lateness of the hou, cd hiere con an carlier dac( andi tNh -ca 'ýes 1fia', eýn handilecd i eti(Iscv s a id i li 0 rcacnn 3,l ie iiori nçi f ror -,va ev'deîîe aîîd be xxas commiit-. ?",k îWu "tYfusecYrr nudý led 'n the Toronto Psvchiat-' som e ia cu pl nl rlc( Hiospital for examination, cloîbe>. Mg5tacR. B-Ba\- a:îd observation. The psNchi- tel-cismiusseni thie ca atrîst's report xxas presenteciD xi iii.OtroTai- le. tur t ~ing School for- Box's, dlia rg.'t Bodniek.ixx'as placeci on suis- joî'21hx'ti sat au pendeci sentenîce for Iwo years ,Ihefivîthplead ultva.d car, tîuî uond'ion lie report as re-ý founci guiltv andc reiaildcd quirmcd to Ille pr'obation offi- 1 ciucJi.Cbîig o cur ;n Toronito, obtain further onîe xxeek .A i'siatv psyt'lîiatrîc t i'eat mi e il t aiid, frol thle Box s' T raiuîiiig i axe the ps-ciatrist adx'ire StIion xxi lcîîr e eIot>> P tlle crLiP cf his progress. It rsnttln xx's fouirtler required that li's Cîsal'F S cî P' parents post boînd cf $2000,. -I thla t lie abide bv Ithe acvice test i fiec i tat ixliws a-Roc) 1(o of lus parents andc promise, investi gate a stolcîî ca r Pc- îîut to 1eaxve Toronîto xitbcii b ongiîîg b li x'x M- adx'isîîîg ie court. On the R.,R. 1. Fit iisk utleîî cnrclcss drîiîîg charge te'-I learned thai olcri d ar fine wxae $11) and cosis or fixe eoped' fi-rntii be Tra iii ut da,.School Ithai avx.' - itiucl cia xs. fite officer. -He lie liacilîudc Peter' Dacno-, ic ueci adi- îortlîwest xx-erc he auiproncli- dress (except origitîallv Port cd a far-m hîcuse. Fiiîd'iig cuti A rthîur).- xxas cliargeci Augîîst - Mrs .Xidr-cs -Cook itli_1101m 1 2tlN ý, x',Ilîobtainung liquorlie as--kn'd for îîeîp. <x n i.ý xvfîle Lnider~ age. lie pîcaded [ car liac run out of gas. Fen'I- gîiity and xxas fourîciguilty.ig c'v 1 îîî -N ffrt He wa i'nsx ys in jail b t drive liiinî 1o utîe tearest f0o date from Anîguist 121th, so gas stationt. As thev appronchi- xxas free lii go. eci the garage lie î'naclîed cx ou Conistable P. Ballantlý,ne,1 andi grabbcd lier armi, order- OPP. toîl the cuit lie was'i ing her Io kee(p goiîîg îîortli tollec inviîxestigate a case 'n on Scnîlgog, Roaci. Northi cf Oroîîo xx'lete sexeral b)ovs., Enti skillen stie nîitced a--ar- xxere drîtîkinig ini a n'ar. Ht, coming up bo i id. Slie brak- saici lic found moilx' vDacv and4 eciliard, giabbcd Ille ke * sanid a ftIilln'ase andc part ofý leapec cuit of ,hlet'a r on lier beet'. side. .An'ttised, xIiî liaci beeni, "Ar-uii.t'tî .iiinped ol uit ' ltîdged iii Coutitv Jaîl in Cti- side andc racci across a ficld." houîrg, saici lie had parents iii saici CcntableDiîdi."l Toronîto huit di not wish 1W stole Hlaroldci McGill's car' aid lu xc wxitli them. fi-l stateci droxe as far as Poxxas, ani thiat he xvas Iookirig for work There il \vas aharîdorieciandc in luis arca. but admitteci recoverec bx' Powassati polit e Sî'rx'iîg txx' moritlîs ini Kenora : the fclloxx-itig day' . oui tie( Jail for car theft andi six: wav\ lic brck-e uIci sevei-nl nionth- ii Guielph Reforma-l places steaîiîîg nîtiîc\, cloili- t(it' foîr br-eak iîg ancd cnt iy. 'iiig, foodi andîci quor. Ileii Clarke Hligh School Grade 13 Resuits 'lie folloxing are the Grade :!Dctg Martin E Ci . C 2: 13 rnsts c-f students who this ln g. k , *2; Hist. 1; Bot. I - Zoo. vea r attendeci Clarke Hligh 1; Lat. A. 31: Lat. C. 2: Fr'. A. St-NccI. 1; Fr. C. 2I. IP s estiniateci t at thout 80 Wam-îe Mi lIer -Bol.t. : Zoo-. per cent of tbc papers written C;- îat. A. C: Lat. C. C: Fr. A. bi * vlte stridents reccîveci pass- C: Fr. C. C. c;eng, C. îîîg mîarks,.n-Mrh -Zo ;F- 'l'le marks xx hidli weî'e made AdvMry ZtoC F. kIiowii last Wednesday shoxv A. C: Fr. C. C: Geog. C~. liai at least 10 sîîîdents âai Charles MîîrpPy -Alg . : Clarke xill reneixe hononîr Geomn. 2: Trtg. J; PP s. 2 grau-nationi. Chcm. .3. t Ist Class I otiotis, 75 and Rrt'k Pea ice A],,. 3; Guni. over: 2nd Class 66 Io 74: 3rd 3; Trig. 1. Class, 6t0 It 65; Credit, 50 Ii Barry Pedxxcll Mus-ic C. Ga]Ali-Bo.C Zo Shirley Shart-iEîg. C. C: Gai Alin ot.C; oo.C. Eîg. k. C: Bot. C; Zoto. 3. Miary Lytn Baiîey ,-Ecg. C. Keill SvabicL.ig 1 2: Kcg. Lit. 2: Illst. 2: Geoni. C- Alg. 3; (dccci. C: TIrig. C. '1; Trig. 2: Bot. _2; Zoo. 1 ; Lat. Ps. C: Clîem. 3: kil. A. C. A . : Lat. C. :. james W slcîsr Eug. (C.' Duug Barraball -list. C; :'3:Eng. k. C: Geii. C: Zoo. I; Geoni. C; Chcm. C. Chiem. 3; muisic 2. Wills Barrabaîl --Erîg. Lit.' inda Westlieuiser liîg,1, Hi-llst. C: Alg. C; Geomi. 3; 3; Bot. 2: Zoo. 3: Muit 2. Zo. 2.' Catliv Wilson -Euig. C.CI M. J. Bt'ougli--Bol. C; Zoo. -Eng. L 3; iîst. 3: Bot. 2: Zoo. 2; Chenu. 2. 1 ; Chem i. 2: Lat. A. C, Lai. C Iyvn Brown Mnusin' 1. 2: Geog. 3. Ioc A. Cameron-Cheni. C. ,fn isnMii Don Clwil-His. C.Grant Yco-Eng. L. C: Bot. Vicki Cotter-Hist. C: Geom. C: Zoo. 3; Lat. A. C. I : Trîg. 3; Chem. 3. Fake urn-tg .3 Teresa DeJong-Eng. C. C-: FnkieL.Cu a Ei.C.3 Eng. L. C: Gcom. 2: Trrg. 3. cg L C Zouo. 1: Phy-s. 3: Chem. 1; Fr. WHETHER YOU WN1SH TO A. C: Fr. C. C: Geog. 3. 1)îatîe Gilbart-Eng. C. 1: TRAVEL BY Lr. . 2: flit. 3: bat. A. C: La". C. C;,Fr. A. C; Fr. CC: AI1R RAIL or Geog. C.S E MS Les Hopper EcFg. C. C: Eîîg. ST A S iPf I. 2; Geom. C: Trig. C; Bot. I -Cinul Zoo. 1: Fr. A. C: Fr. C. C: Geog. C.JU Y & L E L Carole Ketit-- Eig. C. 2: Y OV L Erîg. L. 2: Geom. :Ti.2 TRAVEL AGENCNY Zoo. 1: Cheni. 2; Fr. A. 2; Pr. Bowmanville 623-3361 Concession h1eard the char-el and the heavv backlog ci s si~d lie pleadcd h:s cases pending. Iliev v.cre fý ()\Il(liý, ther remnancd for anof: b l)enirs l.zirooqýie. ;7.5 Mont-, \veck. The prcliminarv w, oa.:n Avenue. Oshawa, plead- bc ehcd at nine o*clo-k eci ,uIt o breach of proba-' Tuesdav morning bcfOre tion and was remanded in regular court ssinbrzin LYNN VALLEY PEACHES Hi. -C ORANGE DRINK Save ONI'y 39 48-oz.[:4 WAGSTAFFE ASS'T. 7Sae]JAMS or JELLIES 2 Jrs45C NESLEQUICK INSTANT (HOCOLATE 1CONLY -b 49cTin BONELESS LEAN STEAK ROAST 691b I'RESH HOME MADE Pork SAUSAGE 39'.l IIONEY SWEET HOME CROWN JUMBO (antaloupes 2 for 29c SWVEET AND JUICY CALIFORNIA ORANGES 3doz.99C Firsi of Scason Delicious No. 1 Waxed Turnips lb 7c SHOP AND SAVE DYKSTRA'S 77 Ring Si. W'. PII10N E 623-3541 VARI ETY FOODS C. C:G C.i1__________ _________ 1__ 1 EXTRA SPECIAL! < r WHILE IT LASTS.. LIMITED QUANTITIES Ma rvel-JKote Ka rdboard ~AVAILABLE IN . WHITE WALNUT - RED CHERRY4 AND WHITE OAK FINISHES 4' x7' SHEET $518 4'x 8' SHEET $ *9 IDEAL FOR REC ROOM WALL PANELLING' SMANY OTHER BARGAINS IN CLEARING LUNES OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Ltd. SCOURTICE Voir (One Stop Luniher and Building 31aterials SHOPPING CENTRE 728161I -DEALER - 728-1617 BOWMANVI LLE Sunset Terrace SUB-DIVISION FREE DELIVERY eustnm radin. Local, one owner. Immaculate. 1962 Falcon 2-Dr. Green, 6 cyl., standard transmission. Real eeonomy car. 1961 Rambler "American 330" 2-Dr. 6 cil.. standard transmission uu ith ov'erdrive. Good cdean ca r. 1960 Chev. 2-Dr. Blue, 6 cyl., standard trans- mission, Custom radie. Local trade ln A-1 ondition. 1959 Pontiac Parisienne Convertible V'-8, automatie, custom radio. A real sharp sperty automobile. 1958 Pontiac 4-Dr. Hardtop 6 cii . automnatie, custom raudio. (One ouvner since neur . ('leuin irîsice and utit. see thi n r! 1956 Pontiac Wagons 1 te choose from. Bnth are 6 (-YI., standard transmis- ýsion. Sec ther for a hargain! W e have riv e 195s - 1956, Chev. - Pontiac Ford %%e %eli for ',200 or ier%. ('ome in andi give us an oUfer! Service Station Open froni 7 a.m. until 12 ridnight 21ý-HOUR TOWING SERVICE Phone 623-3401 After lours 623-2083 Member of both N.A.L. andl O.M.L. CONTA CT: Eari McQueen Weldon Brown Bud Fogg Jack Miller IF Jerry' Goodmvin Bil MrQuern Sales For Appointment ta Inspect Phone 623-3393 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE m MMM Bownianville

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