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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1964, p. 16

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le ne CanaianStâet an vil. 1Au . R4~ Rtaricins Learn About Bad Drîvîng Practîces On Our Modern Hîghways Ant instructive film, Free- o! il. Graphie denîon-tratioiîs WaY Driving Tacties, prodîîc- ,howed that shorter zpat-er re- ed by the Ontario Departnient! suit in ba collision-,s. of Transport was shown ai the luncheon meeting off the Uîîcertaiîî drivers aie a:ýo Bowmanvi11e R ot a ry Club) a danger to other ca:r anîd 1-eld at the Flving Dutchman their occupants, the picture Motor Hotel on Frrday. The' sîoxved. It wariîed peop!,e motion picture vividlv depiCý-t- lat before venturinig aithte ed problems that have ariseo wheei ot a niotor vehicle oni through high speed formation thie thi-roghwav theY slould driving, and gave solutions. A. H. Strike received a Nine 'Vear Perfect Attendance P:îî The presentation was made by Art Ribey. the attendancu chairman. The birtbdcay ot Forbes Hex'iand w-as cele- brated bv bi.s feiiow Rotar- jans. Ken Hockio lPd the '-oUSi11î- ringsong, and the piano au- D i companimcnt was played by v P-ub Hooper. Pasi Presîden' Fro of the Brantford Rotaryv Club. Other guests present aithte luncheon meeting in additioni 25 YEARS A(,( Io Mr. Hooper were Bob Riclh- ardson, Jack Biddulpb. A. (Aiigust 24, 1939> Rees, ai] off Oshawa, and Cap-ý Miss Dorothx- Walkev, off tain H. Fraser, Bowmanville. i~~oosvstigMs i The film, Freeway Drivirîg Stor.ev. Tractics, referred to the thou- M i ss Rozabeile Palmer, sands of miles off controll1ed HuIler, visited Miss Dorothy access highwa.vsl built during Rcars the last 10 years. Il was pointed out that higîîwav en- PMiss Dor-ollît- Porteous, ineers have made these'wide Pot Hope.,<r' visitiiig lier roadways the safest places . oU*OO5iii Miss Aîîdr'ev Coin- drive, but none-the-iessthe stock. great numnber off cars beiîîg Miss Bernîice Wight lias driven on these throtîgiwa t retîirnecltroni a tvwo îiîoitlis' daily bas resu]bled in certairî \ sit wi1h relatives at Maid- problems. Stonie. The motion pictiire showed Misses Marlou and Violet acar trying to get onto a Crago have been hiolidiayiig freeway and having difficul-, w ith Miss Doreen (.iiawforth lies. It was explained tlîat, ai Por-t Whitb 'v. this was due to a too slow" Misses Shirlev anîd Lon- approach. Cars unterrig a raine Jiarmer, Oshaw 'a, are freeway must do sQ aI lthe' lolida.ving w-i1h tlîeir aurît, samne speed at whicb the ra- Mrs. C. tViNair. pidly moving freeway traftiî- IMr. and Mrs. F. Andei-- is moving in order to merge soi;, Moose *ja w, t isited with it successfully. the pic- thuii' sîster, Mrs. J. S. Amies. ture demnonstrated. MVr. Jack Rite lias returîî- Il was also sbown thai a ioo ed home after a pleasani hasty driver often takes longl-: holidiay with Rev. anid Mis. er to reach his destinationi Merriain. Rice Lake. than does a driver who sticks IVMr. Allaîî Kîiglîî lias au- to the legal speed limit, whiciî cepted a position with 'Fîp is quite fast enough. The fhlmI 'Top Tailors to assisi them iii also emphatîcally proved that,ý their exhibit at the Canadiaii a slow moving car is a suri-î National Exhibition. nus traffic menace, and the' Mr. and Mrs. Rupert G. dirivers off such vehicles, com-I Haml *yn, Ottawa, are holi- 1 monly known as *creepers", daying aIilhe Christie res- bave been the cass f n-; dence. ai Port Bowmanvile' niumerable serious accidents. Mrs. Roy 1looper andc Experts are aiso aware thati datîghters Gertrude aîîd the "Jack Rabbit" lane chang-ý Pans,. are home from an vil- S rr is also a danger-. It wasz joyýablo trip tlîrough Earterni oxplained that il s not wise, Ontar-io anîd the Thousandi Io change lanes except for aý Islands, vîsitiîîg friends ai ,î specific reason, and then fueý Lake Calabogie and Ottawa. î %vise driver alwavs signais, Miss Doris Milîson. who his intenti ons befforchand. has conîpletod a special t If an emergency makes it course iin vocal anîd iîistrti-1 ziecessary for a freeway driv- montailimusic ai JzUivîSt. er to stop his car he muaI.t Collegiate. Toronuto, is sperid- f ýet oui off bbe lanes oilto theu ng a week as Canmp Leader b iiide off the expressway a.s ýat the Boltonî Sommer Camp. çuickly as possible. Viewers! Master Eixvood T'homps;ori, L were advisecl not to xvorrv son of Provincial Const-a bie fibout the effeet on their tirck". W. F. and Mrs. Tlîomrpson re- d qor tubes. in the case of a fiat. turned Saturdax, from a N -13etter ta ]ose a tire than a' six weeks' vacation ai Camp e life, the film warîîed. Makwan on Lake Baptiste._ The motion picture alz-o Mrs. V. Argue lias returru- qrlearly showed the puis or: ed homo atter a ploasant M lbe practice knowo as ,tail-1 holiday w vith fricîîds ai, Rating". There should be oie! Hall's Lake. T'le iibrary is irar length lefI for every j() being put in ieadineoss for fi ines off speed. For iostaince, re-operîirg on Friday, Aug. 1 #q car drIving aI 60 miles an1 24th. hour should leave six ucar Bowmaîîviile greets as onie v lengths between il and the. <of ils newer'î citizeris Doug- hi vehîcle mmediatcly in ffrcnt' las Carmait Davey', V.S.,M _ R V.Sc.. who lias taken over FINE QUALITY the veteririary practice off l MONMETS ND the late Dr. Tiglhe. dc MONUENT AN Miss Bea Jones. Moose ei MARKERS .]aw.Sask.. s xisiting hon 4 te"&W O6 h. f,.. 1;Y*A',isltr, Mis. Johin Roblin, d( Ifr~ ~ ~' f * * Scugog Islanîd.M Stafford Brothers LMMTED Monuments Box 133 318 Dîindas St. E. WVhitby Phone Whltb.y MWohawk 8-3552 f oeI-;ke Tot-,nship. The Board! oas requested that a report b *v Pn engineer be filed aionz wbproof otf fnaocing. Clariification bas also beetî a. cd of the Towniship ;;I re- Spcut to Ilte Jackson Memyorial IPairk in Kendal. The Tw ship lias beco asked to clariî'v a sentence m a letter iniwhc il vas -tle hat the 'Towni- si. 'p WftlitiIdoidPermtit av garnes of sport ! t io': Sanda Thi z- r'to bu ic-z-d v r bav-e looked op the.r Ini lie correspondeiice ;, \t. as aiidcartîîl v iarîed bc. also noti-ci tha t the Depa rIroil' pld ate ut eilffî'oplnth e ; r (0 Municipal AIlfairs rs cuîsîd- prancît oadexiav. e t ii rpi il( thO0'-0110WaIer prolit ct tranit radwy. ý ýýa proJcb for assistanc- Good sensze anîd sk I 1arte natif r tIlle Muniicipal lýiwia' needed -,o take the Pressuîre Fiod.Tiis ot) trei .\ dLrt l iin ii ad w these qualities driver s max relaxed and reali.v enjov,,l lutns he Department Transport's film pointed oi In the Dim and Oistant Past ron the Statesman Files 49 YEARS A(( Augiist 26, 1915> vii 'i he ut s ', bc Miss Evelyri Dickinîsoni lias î'ettîrned fromn visiting rela- tives ini Dtndonald. Misses Margaret arîd Jean Galbraith spent the week-- enîd witlî their brother, Mr. D. Galbraith, Wbitby. Mr. T. F. Wright, Piîîci(i- Pal o! St. Catharines Btîs- îîîess Cuîllege, Mrs. Wr'iglir aîd ft-i'y have been on a riiotor trip'to visit bei- moth- ei', Mrs. TP. A. Wright, Black- stock, and numerous other relatives arnd friends iii Dar-lington and Bowmaîi- vilie. Miss Marion Van Nest r'eturned Io Sb. Kits wih theni. Rodeî'iî'-k M. Mitcelel, Bari- toire aînd teacher of Voit-e Prodciior and Singing, w'ill re-operi his studio ai lis r'esiclerce, Wellington st.. Easb, on Monday evenrng, Sept. 131h. when he wîil bu pieased ho lîear vorces. Mr. aîîd Mrs. C. M. Caw'k,- en sperîb a verv pleasani a ftorrooii lasi F'ridav xvitlî Rex'. anîd Mis. John Gar- but t anîd familv at Bjjîrks Beath xvhere thlv have been camping. Miss Eva Curtis is t isîtirîg frîends in Parr-Y Soiund. MVis- VVirariLegge. Osha- wa is visitirîg ai mr,. S. Cari i er 's. Mn. Cordoîn Gillis. Clarc- sholm, Alla.. is visitîrîg hi-. parents5. Miss Carmie Paîutuii z- visiting her sister. Mrs. F. A. Fitcheit, Londn, Grit. Miss Bussie Walsh 1)a - beeri hoiida ' irg ai Swastika Lodge, Thursiorîla Park. Mr'. arîd Mu-s. F. J. Mît-b- o.lI and son, Kerireih, have beiýn holidaying ai Lakur, Sctrgog anîd Niagara-on-the- La- k e. Mrs. .1. NI. Black anîd tlaughier Janiet of Winînipeg. Man., are vîsitirîg her fath- er, Mr. D. B. Simpson, K.C. Mr. J. A. Milne and famiiv have removed to Orillia wlhere thev have ptîrchased a gî-ocury business. Mrs. J. Fleming lias îc- turned trom visitirîg IVrs. 'Dr.> Moore, Brooklin. Mr. Fred Qîiick, Belle- ville, was a recent visitor îere with his brother. Mr. lVm. Quick. Mrs. Jos. H.. Smiîlî and Mliss Eva M. Smithi are houi- davin, wiih relatives ai Pet- erborough arîd Cameron. Miss Stella Siemon. Hav - don, is visiting lier sister MIiss Rilda Sieîî'rn. I 'luhp vnl ni l' i kp,'new' Tniwnhi p Public Si-bhonl C1CIMtiic 01i1îcbonTuusdiav, A AiigAea whicl i s to take u ffei(t the, -(,-e\-e a e-on Jaiiuar 'v Ist. 1965. This w ste fi -st sih rcî o r o qteiez-t troihieSchooi t rus- the Township -1-îoare ,bormic tues nil'S.S. No. 12 (01, rnu> bv bhe retentît aseîaib< b ht ti ssu loîdsotin iii' iiobelfold a il schtiol sections iii -iirî-idd i in the -e-îî Il'h le e Towîiship n bu a rijgjl, 2nd Mortgages " Up ta 80q of appraised property value " Terms up ta 10 years- -@ No hidden charges " No bonnes " No brokerage fees " You can prepay ail or part at any time, wdhot notice or penalty. ?,wa FR EE brochure on SU PERI OR monigages, writt Phoneor vistthe SU PERI OR office near est you. THfE REALTY DIVISION 0F SUPERIOR DISCOU rhnne Collec't 725-6541 l'O Simcoe st.Lh openi daiiy lo 5.:30 p.11- \\'d, lu 8 iii> p iii. Other et-enings by appoitîîmernt. Cîosed Sattîrdav darrig .'tgîîst 27 SUPERIOR offices in Ontario * C.otllliil z- lu arraniige a ~< special îmîetig w htht' trî(, lies ut the 01.'0110iSectionuiîvlîer thie reqîu-sI I be disctussut > A leiter- w'as as eevn froiri E. F. R. (J-borue w'ii asked thiat if thie road i closed aI Lots 32 anîd.3.3 that blhe xývester-n liait be placed iin lus Possession. A reqiies t'vas aiso rcio trom a rîtmbe- r i New-îorxlie soc kin g 1o have the sidewaik alonig Highiway No. 2 extendedi bIobte casi. Thie rierk w-as aubbhorrzed in applv to liii fluparbment ut Highvaýs for grant for sucli wor'k.' Reeve H. Walkey anîd Couin- cillor Chater Iwere appornteci Io meut xvibh iir - A. CarrUril- oris io seek informiation anîd spoton the applicationi of the Townrship o! Clarke for a stib si dy for the recurîl purcliase of thietire eigine. An~ appli- cationî had sOome lime ago beeti nmade bht he Tu%t iv,ýiip (if uî-ici no word has beei r i- ceiy cd. ~A le'.tie'r foni thle (')iiia no M(liipal Board sta teci tlat, the itnformation on coz-t ' sob- T mrtted toi- the r oad prog-arin [ T antrcrpated b lie uiîdertakeîi bx' the Tou'iîshtp wît h ass'ist - anîce tri-nnthie NtIunicipal Lnuii awa Furid w'as no stutficieiîî. The Board askcd for a delailed nature of work w'iih rcalrstic ostiniîates prior to passriig arnv uudgment oi thte proposai.' A qimiar lettor w'as rc',-oux-, Pd cdroni the, Mtintcrîpal Boarýd Mii(r onricct nl Wub thfo Cuti- bolitin ai l îojp* oî Ii dc l P. park land and riattîje area in "Ex"0ffers Opportunities For Avid Camera Fans F a S ', b--oi...u Canada,'s, 'nOSI,' P piIa!ý lieccua for p;c- Mio-pk-r *r bil;h' Ca f,- O ain i N.oai xbiii dru îare ic ad v p sied hst t'on: la:a tomtue ('e.1p t ord î', b liapoxia:i Fî-' plan' !ieaci . iot (A or wat-been w ritien; people :Alt ho trowd.l 1)oî,'t abliOPt he EX'.decideon thie pose vont- sîîbct-t M:a IMe Shrgs xoM '-xani Ioep anîd iookiîig stffi'.atCe came' j photograph. Evenîz-s ch las Picttirer' of Ithech i Id rc ua t- the Wa rréré- Da v Parýade. îoig candî floss'- Moili adni ir- the CN E Huore Show, 'Hie n.- dispiav s A ie But t"er M- gtîland Dance- Curîpetimo.L Iving CuentIre or Dad exa-i - lie Hobby Show,.Ithe Flower long new euoipmni artaze b1% Show. :o inme ontx a fem .kind tbaî l uo"w th a re boun d Io keep your camn- -piii of tHiec(NE. eia basv~. Yoii'l! want Io h i. Captuîre' bht moud of uev oie' tlash îfor ofctires Et<îibijoîi troîîgli theex- liWIh.lz- ntred Ai thie to nia- pi'essions <if tOit" fanîilv anri lieut holdings. Fla.'lî .z- i.. tot ing -.oavun irs tir keeping color of lue ~6tb Canad:aiî bu ctîiidrun iii tnw National Exhibition forever. MEMORIAL PARK COLOSSAL BINGO BOOTH. . REFRESHMENTS.... FRUIT. BLANKETS NOVELTIES . 0 . . GAMES 0F CHANCE.. . RIDES FOR KIDDIES! LADIES' AUXILIARY DRAWS: Transistor Radio - Luggage - Telephone Bench - Siep Stool Walking Dolls - Basebali, Clave and Bal - Pyjama Dol! rhad - for ouldoor mrtudies off' To catch thé actlon of cari. people, sav. a, the Fountain. tests, dancing or races, use a Ra'her than bhave votîr s'îb- fas;t shutter speed of 1/200 to !/2.50l of a second. With a jects sqîîîntnÎig at thle stfl imple snap-shot camera :he pe-.e tem l .t hehiSuniiti actioni cati be stopped if 'lje h~ ~ ~ sd oi trb u aio ack . pictrîre is taken from a fairix' voî ~rol t i-uilithe st raîght-oti" angle. Il :da a ve v m i r(a mur-a Wlien n ghclt talls, donit p t ratfor actioni. It's rctxvotir camera awax-. Thc br:l- .a*ch -aý acb-a affair - la ice o! t he î'olor-ed lgv -"'w flambovan t barýker boomý1- (tan pr-o-ide interestingp:- t1is s-pîiI the aoimatvd tbrus(. Br-ace vour camera ni, <'Npr(z-so f tii' ch i dren: a f rm stipport anid take tinie r u ofîriîd11'wg lieuXIostîus oft he ferris whcî..N a idpa urî s.merv- o-iotîîdsanid tbc nli :c A Cmra îaseî'u.;11ha -;holil;-%va v. île: te net k st rap s, harilv :riBv asi 'g a i ittle imaginaq- a î:'wd Not. oîlv dou,,; tion a adkeeîng <r camerýa tîoetagainst damage, it ai- aIthe 'read.',,ý,vo Il bc abe >o leaves hoth liarid'- ee for'!10 capture ail the gavetv anid CKIZDRLN 'SO Starts 7:00 p. m. LEGION GLEE CLUB DRAW: - - Set ai Carnin~ware - Transistor Radio - FR11 ATTENDANCE PRIZES -$10.00 - $15.00 will ho drawn for ai 9 p.m. PROCEEDS FOR LOCAL ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION COMMUNJTY WORK -10 p.m. Orono School Section Wants to Be Excluded From Township Area 1964 OLDSMOBILE "188"i HOLIDAY SCENI 2 m Dr. Hardtop HVI>RAMATIC - WINDSHIELD IVASHERS PIVER BRAKES TICKETS ---»-.---------$.00OEach ONLY 7,,000 TICKETS W/W CASH PRIZES of $5.00 a 1 1 i area. 1 (IN CASE OF BAIN - SATURDAY, AUGUST 29) LEGION GLEE CLUB DRAW: - Sel of Corningware - Transistor Radio Il P.Me

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