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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1964, p. 1

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Lawyer Robt. Morris Represents BIdg. Inspector M. J. Moor. Building Inspector Attends Council Meeting MaYor Ivan Hobbs Expresses Couni. Ken H-oopcr Moves That Dep. Reeve Ross Stevens Council's "Non-Confidence" Mr. Moore Be Dismissed Moves To Fi Vacancy Reason - Non -Confidence Counc'il Votes Unanimously To Dismiss BIdg. Inspector When He Declines to Resign Briwmanvilie Toxx nt COLPIiîh I from the position of al a special meeting on F:'î- Buildin g Irspector, arnd that day evening terminatvd the lie be asked to have his re- is u de l services of.VMelvile .. Moore' signation in the hands of hîh ~d e l as Building Inspector. Ail Town Clerk by four o'cloek; miembers ofcouncil were pro- on the afternoon of Friday,: sent at the meeting. aild th(, August l4th. decision wa-s unanimous. This letter also told Mr I-is Worship, Mavor Ivanî Moore that a special meeting Iobbs stated that the ..pcci-1l of counicil was scheduled for; ineetingl haci beco ecailed to seven o'clock on Friday ev- deal xith -everal mnatters. H-e eningl. Augaust l4th. Mr. Mor- SŽd d hat the resignation or ris said. The lawyer inquir dý Mr. Moore from the position what the reasons were for the ->. of Building Inspector had flot requested resignation of Mr.,~ becn received bv four o'clock' Moore. on) Fridav afternoon ai had Mavor Tilobbs stated l1îat bie etirquested. counicil had asked for the: Robert Morris. a Buwmn-an-,Buildinga Inspector's resigýna-, v ille( lawyver, askciled if hl ion for reasons of non-con- could spcak 011 behaîf of Mr., fidence. -We are prepared tb Moore, and this permis.sioný.ive you a written Iist of theý w'as granted. Ie stated thati reasons why he was asked toi Mr. Moore had received a let-, resign, and you are free to ter signed b « the Town Clerk.E publish thern. Counicil has nol Jack Reid, and dated August! objection to vou doing So."I 11lth, 1964. the Mayor said. The commtinii-ation inform-1 Mr. Morri.s tlId counicil ed Mr. Moore that the Board, that hie had spoken 10 5ev-j W. J. Berry of Works mneeting on Monday eral people who have had Orle niof wniî illnosi evening, August lth, had re- building done in the munîeî-;actix.î, îorîagenarians dîed sud- (ommended that Town Coun- pahity. He added that they denîy on 'Sundav înornirîg <il ati îî next regular meet- are willing to lestify to their while attteodîng- church service. ina, whrch was held later that "complete confidence in Mr. Ho was in llis 9lst vear. For even in request -Mr..Moorel Moore as of this date.", Mr.,many years, Mr. Berry operat-ý Moore has done exceedingly ed a book store where Frank's ~*II isuitable work as Buiding In- is now loeated. lie was alsoe tolen Pi'i :speclor, Mr. Mor.ris claimed. an E>xtensive îraveller both l"His work hasbenogra during and aller hîs active satisfaction to myseif as sli?-fbîîsiness life, anîd older States- c: ouId Ila rrn itor for an owner, and also to man readers xiii recall is in- Could Harm our client who felt that Mr. teresting xritben aceounits of SMoore had repeatedly helped lthose journeys In far off. fas- o ngsters him with sub-division agree- cinaling places. Ifle was buried ment and so on," Mr. Morris on Tuesday afternoon. Chilren n Bomanvllsa id. ( hîcildrly i Bothe anvie, Mr. Mor-ris asked if'1 e~peialy l tuebeah aeacouncil meeting could be ~ D r an IV P rould be in dcanger becauseta -D r m M .P of several botties of pis tak- I .îurned until pertinent par-: e'n from a Toronto wý%omen's jtîculars of the reasons for the purs- on Sunday afternoon. reciuested resignation were ýLeaves for purse w~as stoen or ost dr Mayor Hobbs said that Mr iniz ber visit to this area. It Moore's resignation had beenýC p n a contained tio( bottles o! asked for by Friday afternoon C p n a e sleeping Pilis and some ner%,e at fou r o'cîock, and it had flot, Russell (C. lonex \IP-i)i pis that could be fatal if been received. *'You haveham 'ett Ottawa A11guSi 1711î taken hv ehildren. Constable heard Mr. Morris", hie addedÀto ttend 1the Ilter-Parliamen- Brd rc(>ercd theand asked for couneil's o an' Uno Cofreîcb e purse on Mlondlay lu some ion,. held ini Copenhagen, Denimark. garbage at Bowmnanvllle Councillor K en11 l- o o p e rý from August 2th I o 1th. .Tli Bec.but (lie pis %were staied that the meeting ha'd Canadiani deleg-ation iorn-1 li is s iun. been calied to deal with the prised of eighbl mhr ofi Parents are urged tb i*%arn requesled resignation. 'Mr. Parliamenit, rpesnin ill their children about the Moore was quitle aware of thisiparti'es in the flouse of Com-1 danz<'r involved. lTtJR TO PAGE TWO) molls, i ind txvo Senatoîs. ta VOL~UME 110 16 Pages BOWM1XNINVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1964 Equîpment Shortj 300BloodDonorsz1N Overflow CIinîcI The Executive o! the Bow- room.Takt r. E. Riiii- oîanviile and District Branch, die and ber capable stalf f Jf- Canadian Red Cross Society Comracles J. Bedford, R. were m ost gratified with the Brough. M. Conwvx. J. Fer- v response of Iheir Arîgust gauson. E. Hlall, K. Newman.i Volunleer Blood Donor Clinic. M. Westover B. Williams and 7 HMarîy new donors joîned the A. Wright, bbceclonor. went! ranks o! the regulars and a an lhcir vax' refresbedb' 'i total of 300 cîtizens from tea, coffecookies, and lhc A'N Bowmanx ic, Newcastle, Or- knowledge of ii job xveil donec. onu and the .SUrrounding dis-1 Also assisting with iriect- à trict turned out to gix-e thal ing the donor.s, ilerical xvork à-, s others max' live. land driving were Mrs. B >-M~ ' A total.or.2.58.......... ...... A totl of258 obbis H. Hbuk. Mrs. F. Grffn.Mr.. blond were collected. Through H.HCe.M. .Sr'.r.~ . , . . W. Wallis, Miss Linda Hibhen *' . ." '.i:.- no fauit of t1e local Brancbe issBt oelan o' .n5s membcr.s. an insufficient sup-Mse ehPwlanE-........ pby of equipment xvas sent erleyv Riekard of the lst N cwv -.NMiss Carol Greenham is the charming leader of nY Fair parade last Wednesday evening. In the back- fro Hedqurtrs.Unfrtu -castie Guide Companr'. and fro Hedqartrs.Unortn-Messrs. F. Grif fin. H. Hlibbcn1, this ru of young "Sailorettes" ail decked oui in <,round, the Ontario Training School for Boys' band tade t cls eabefore evernne R. Spry and W. Walli.s. appropriate costumes. They led the Playgrounds Peni- prox'îded music for the marchers. preseotclsebe oedone. [rsn a bet o i C o s Erin Nicks as Queen Mr. J. H. Davey, Blood Donori rChairman. expressed his re- I (I grets at this inconvenience toifÇ f. the donors and thankedthemil L.Jt*1s L.Id eL.4,ugcAI 'for their support. There 15 na ,'i rl,1LJÇ i P e nF a ra ad 1doubt that wibh the interestl; MORE BERRIES -- This scemns la be the year for blnu. ueînlae i thee big gooseberries. Last ueek it was Mrs. Foley succ&-sni. xvo sent in flic iant otes from M aple Grove. Mi.Wf. uei This weck Stanley Joncs of R.R. :3 presented the F u t r s Mn i e F o t 1 speriso, ws asised 1Editor with about a dozen huge oties that he said Dr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -1, VH.Sre.dto wreJust a few of the big sized bernies he had _____________ Dar. M. H. Dystor, Ms I. ntie n -s uhs.AsomiOn Wednesdav 4eveninig, Aîîg. Tlicparade xvas led by the Dyktra Mr. A Kaminai 2th, the AnnUal PlaýgrouundiBoys' Training School b and Mr.J Kopr Ms;îPenny Fair an x'ae asuinder the direction ofM. il SpfÀit~c radate ~i~~~n Wltc Fink dvîes f achage held along several of Bow- Bagneil, followed by r den Trchlrad rs . nth Oe Hue tLoupan Devclopments on Imanvi]le's sîreets. Shirley Fowler's majorettes, of the Home Nursingc class,i the former Cawkcr property, Manvers Rd. N. u hseet pndU xihpagrudfotsadaiv took cae of te donos oni a parade o! floats representing'alcade of cars which seated R u d U theres besfTheon des'n willî noxv begin an August 29th. Sec advt. for !the seven playgrounds in Bawt- tlie, Penny Fair candidates for d U Auiir oBranch 1of details. Incidentally, sex'cral properties changed ,manville. Each float represent- -Mies Penny Fair of 1964." Tefolwnrpatbeai bbe Royal Canadian Legion h ands through Mc., Frank-'s ceai estate firm the ,ed a different couîntry' of the Tu7e jrdges had quite a time cîdents occurrcd durîng the xxere in charg"e of thle tea past wecek, including the farm of J. Roy Metealfe, wrr wicnastîsyarsdeciin, .the. Penny Fairlpast week. SUFFERS AT1'A(K Mi1'. Lorne Sievi Seîs'Taxi suiffei-ed heari attacl, carîxv Wc moroîng (iodlav) ar baken 10 Memnorial 1 1-lis condition is report( Judges Choose Miss Penny [air for 1964 R.R. 2 the Andersoni farcm, Wax'erlev Rd., and Russell Girmistoîî's f arm, îîear Eiiskillen. ansecofd COURSE - Rcceîiil v, Bîvaiîi Chamber of dnesdav Commerce distribulcd copies of a brochure advcr- nid was tising a 10 week Managementî Accaunting course -ospital. to be heid herc cex'ery Moîîdav night slarting Sept. 'ed to bve î4th. Anyone xývi shin g to participate iin this course - - siîould contact The Cliamber of Commerce, Box 1240, Bowmanville. The cosi iw minimal. S25. SHADES 0F LE 1NANS AI Mosport on Satur- day, the Northi Toronto Mutorspcrt Club bas ai- ganîzed somnething different, the Sundown Grand Prix. Therce xiii be a full pirogram of events, bi the feature xiii start at C) p.m. in truc Le Mans style, xitb drivers sprinting across the track to their cars. Four- bours later. itn dairkiess, the wîn- * nec is expectcd Io compileeibe race. Campeis will be welcomc Fridav nighi anîd Saturda.v. LONG RESIDENCE -- Arthur Thomnpson of Ken- dal advises that bis famiiv is aîîotber that has lived for moi-e tlîai 100 ) ears, siîîce 1850, on the same farm, loi 8, c-on. î iiu Clarke Township. Wm. and Susaiiah Thompsuin caýme fiom Durham, Eng- land. 'ihex' iived foi a fets sears at Zion in Hope Txvp.. theiîiiox'edbIo (Clarke witiî theii familv, receîx-inQ the dr'ed fioin itie C'îowni, this being Clcrgy, Reserve lanîd. Arthur Tbompson and Mrs. Gariand Catheari are ,t-eat-,,randchildren, living at Kendai. Fred Tlinmpson and lits famiiv ive i i! Vancouver. xvbile Mabel .rs L. E. Smith, ]ives in NorthIIiixor California. REPORTS -Ai bhr' moment Ilîcerarc go man'v playoff ball games qoiiîg on all os-cc the area thai wc fiîîd it difficuit lu keep up-to-date on the events. Tt would be appreciated if teams svould keep us anid aur îraders abceast of the îesults. We arc' not purposei 'v neglectine ans, ieams. but find it impossible to prnvide stifficient staff ta caver all v - 'x~ the ex'eits. NEW STORE Wor'd .îmes îlîis ,%eek that Boss- manvilie's mainî street xiii hav'e a ncw store in bhc near futtîre. Na cie!ais arc available yct for publication. but mure inîformation shauid he re- , kk. leased next week. Queon and the best float.AfÎer - t the overhead bridge, \x'est quite a long meeting, heyo! Bownianville, at 3:32 ont came up xith Miss Erin Nicks!August l4th, there xvas a lxvr 'Rain Lanceis ýimPenn~, Fair Queen and!car collision. Drivers invoivedý( Fraînklin park was voted as iwere Alvin J. Johnsion, eib h( best flua t. bound, of R.R. 1, Tyrune niiic :'Ke "s-S ephe 's Pcsonatios uere made byýMyrtle Ruby Belsoy, l i-i? K e s p\lrrîll Browvn. Mayor Ix'an Wardman Crns., Wib.Dm S11,x afb l a e fIb~ nd Councillor Kenilg a siae i 4Q Tuesay'sdeeiiîîggamc 1\I-vor 1llnbbs crowned Miss J. Bird investigabed. Tuesay'sdeciing arneErin Nicks as Miss Penny Fair, On August i 7th at 1il1 hetwcen Kens and Stephrii's for 1964. arn. at the corner of Tenîper,-- in Oir Town Lcare w~~as Couincîllor heun Ilooper was ance and Clîurch Sts, a !uco rained oui. r1îite bus v iin th(- role o! mas-,car collision inxoived John 1 'I I They xvili play tî'nig hi if 1rr of c(leeoriies. ýward Vivian, Tyrrine and Joliîî n o rain, Thursday if r.îined Tbce.udges wcre. MayorRonald Miller, 131 King St out again and Sunclay afler- Ivan l[obbs. Councîllor Ken E., Bowmanville, Vivian i- lnon if still unabie (n finish Iiuoopci-. M1rs. Tpien Dcvitt, Mrs. heen charged wîth rIss il p. NIarg Liiens, Mrs. Annie Oke,'driving aîîd for not benîîîg 'lu for nl o seenDon CGilbiooly,, aîîd M. Brown. sured. Damage x-as îîppr-Nxi finals with Nichols x% ill def- Tliî Pennx\ý Fair itself was mately S77 lu hoth sebîcius. initely gel undcrw'ay on bîk t Ilîc'C. NE. midwa.v xvibh Cons. Ian Smith v.'as tbe iii- Tuesday, probabix startingvaiu' hootbs, set up al] avec vestigating officer. al 6 o'elork. iHRN TO PAGE TWO< 'TURN TO PAGE EV/CG ACouple of Colored Girls, lOc Per Conv NITMRF.l? 24 Competition \vas really keen for the titie of Miss SPenny Fair for 1964, one of the features of the annuai Fair and Paradesaudhv the Recreation Dept. piav- grounds. Winner Ibis werxas Erin Nicks, ]eft in Ihis uht, daughter uf :Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicks, Lovers Laite. Fit-st runne i-up xxas Sharon Reitmuciier. centre ',nd second rtitneî,--up xvwas Dariene Hughes. rigbi. This iliiolo xas baken xxiiie these three contestanbs WEe i idîuîg m tîk k.'zpra de, prioir to the fait. NEW ROOF -- '1rîînîxtvUnited Church is in the process of beiiîg re-rooîeci. In Newvcastle, the United Churcb is aiso undergoing extensix,-e re-novations bu its interior. Wxe hope to have a mare compiete stocsv on these aleiabions in the liear future, BAD BILLS - The monc\, foroers have beîî ai 'sil again. Lasi xseek. a second $20 crtnerfcit bull svas passed bere. 1'hî number of buis anc was 'MTF 625474î. Thie la'.'. is loînjfor- bbe cuiprit, jbut he or she has nub. yct bec-n lucatcd. Sandra Knight and Barb King wcre well made ini color as they sat on Franklin Park fîtiat dJurin- the Penny Facr parade. Due to a shortage of space this :-, maris v(f iii(, îctiýcrs cof floats and other parade attractions could not be includied in thîs ±a.uc2. Attractive Sallorettes and Leader in Parade 10c Per Cor)y NUIUBER34 t

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