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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1964, p. 2

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2 h aalnSaCha.]rtmr-lt, u;,1,lf4aric5 Dent-or. I Ts.n - Haymn. 1,rnan Th Cnaia Salsran Bwranile.Au ~Top Students lat B. H. S. ech oda aS 0?r Lî OI Ia1rot.Nsaw;À&.N an r.R .Ormîilston«s.L~vle r.Jsi hse.Ms Mr. and NIrs. Harrv Strutt,. Promotion service in the Mrs. Donald Yellowle.Zo.tnsnEfid; r. ýOshawa, wcre rer-ent visitors Sunday School wifl be beld'visitedi last Mondav iM.R alAgu.MnesSain T h e O ro n o N e w s ~ ~~~~~at Mr. and Mrs. C. Pethiick's. next Sunday, Aug. -13 at 10:30: Vices and with Nr ,Y~ Mr.ndMsFan Watr Sor~ Mr.I"~i îeaci~ o'clock. Following the service ]owlees and Miss Gla' ~Cutc.viie eetywt T heen inNe w BorwvM.N. learinor evrvoe ill gather at the lowlees.Mr.NWtenndFacs ial Hospital axer a \veck. We Communitv Hall for a picole Mr adrîsîavv* i. and Mrs. D.Flt aa Mrs. James E Rihads Edito wish him a speedv recoverx-. real at 12:30 o'clock. lowlees anid faniîlv vstdm îd iie nSna vt r~~Iciiarus, ior ~~~Women of the cormmunitv Tuesdav with Rev. adMs r n r.C eta Mr. and Mrs. Leili B\er. Br it Blacstoc. w-e v isitoi , : athered inu.,i Conmuniv R. Shcrwin and sons tter ignrb Blcsok e 'Hall on Mondr< nîgbt fractaea or ae r n r.RePso Mr. and Mus. A. A.Martin leu r Co cn\',Ir. Mltfon Tamb- nerauint \Mr onCook and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharps. bb hofoorMr Hl\r tand atMraW \ll nd aiv tene he3 Of Port Credit 'vîsited Mr. anc. I.n 'Mr. Reg.Surttnand Mr.-Mvr. Cook, Scarborough h Mr. andMrs. DonWea:-n L 'orFk N len - Mrs. Geo. Morton Tuesday ta Tom Lewiîs are patients in Me-: eek . Y 'nand Larrî Frankln. t-wiii lees and Murray, Mr. n r edn niesr eer Thursday of last xeek. morial Hospital. Bowmanville. Miss Jovce Harrsof ' I weande vi\ fScrbroghd 'VI- dnd onofMr adHarvov Yello\\lees ande r n r.J Mr. and :Mrs Jamcs L. M s Mary Lyness of Toron- visited hier parentsMraAL .an ...Mrs . Archie Aldsxvrth\ M nI ~rs. J. Yello\wlees adMs saa nTusa Johnison attendcd thc mdr- to s vs ng Mr. and Mrs.Mrs. Law rence Harrs cL.Warrns. Iovelv, Luseful gifts were reGladys Yellawlees ite onIîgtaM.adMr.9n aeoftheir granddaughter, Geo. Morton this week. Mr. and Mrs. ion Tamb-. Mr. and Mrs. Franck incîk- eived b.v Helen for bier twins. : Sunda afternoon withM.adGapl',Tutn Richard Stanford in Ail Saints with lber sistcr Mrs.Rosý,Coast Turoneor,.haar. vee reent Mrs. ro. ( lspi î ited eel Anglican Church, W n b ýor GreenlcvMr. Greenlev and Mr. and Mus. n mRikabv TanerOsataMr ar rd nt and ebtîdren, Orono, visitedverl clys Saturday. faml at Marmoora. disembarked at Montreal last!.andvisithAerrt. v1;Eli eM rs. Bruce Tînk's.o ensa' wt h Mi. [~M~ RSSCI Ru. Donald Hav ,,week after a six weeks holi- adbohrAbr.t and Mrs. Bruc îîi ers vnn Mr ndMs Rsel assNr adNtedMs .A risoî ussteewr r berry o ovl ubc pn n o ai fSabrula oEngland and Scotland at.tend heStaLn iiton pYD iieu 1 Brokîl, oWun. MsA.R.Mhaf n r Friday night with Mr. and visitcd Donald's grandparents, M ciJae RbnsnonSndav te antof a- M u i.RcadA- Slyaî Fv agadaeBs ecî.Bs i Mrs. Lloyd Ransberrv and Mi. and Mis. R. E. Logan, also, of Orono, husband of Mr_ý. o udya rano a-M.adMs ihr n al n aeL attended the Ransbcrry'Family, visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrae vn oisn Patricia Gili Carolyn Stacey 1evý Camp, onanît.d-i-soii, Niail. Floîlda, are bolida-ying ahlr n r.o ae ae oiae il Pienic on Saturday. 'Mrs. E. G. Hay. Lakesliorc. .brother of Mis. Francis Hall, Top students at Buwrnatville High School in Mr. and Mis. Floyd Pethlî,k lolidaviig wîthîMis. Comwlillc Ltnns,,. Petcrborougb.bscuiDvdOmsoî Agincourt, aaddMRobin, ScarboGraueh13Mr.ramMisi.PatriMis.Fia.tBlack- 'fcddh-eLuof. Per.eabdror.hanB Mrs.aW. iilC. haer and hosmea B rbil ,etnilo udy gnoradM.W.Rb1G-d 3xeeMs arca(a)Gi agtroiand Mrs. Osw,\ald PetIhic, buîn and familv. is holidaving -with Isos. Ms o Bkr ena hav reurnd hme rom Little Bonnir Taylor Il- nson, Orono, passed awvay at 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Gi, King St. West, Town n are i n r.Rbr Miss Mildîed Ford. Mou1- Tommyri Langmaid.Cahrn atnddasoe two weeks visit xvth their Brampton with bier granidPar'-the Memorial Hospital, Bo%\,-! n n!aeM.adM Rbr daughter Mrs. Robert Gilmer ents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshal manvîlle, August l2th i hi-! Miss Carolyn Stacev, daughter of MVr. and Mrs. W. i Luty,' Port Hiope, X1ur.-.\, treal. daughter of Bert Ford., r. . ockadav aîdEle orMsBereyCwig Mr. Gilmer and children at'Chatterton this week. î5th year. Funeral was fromý Manseli Stacey, Orchardview, Town. Miss Gil vrote Lac., Loraine and Leoriard, n i ilinFr.Who enjoYed a miotor trip u aaabid-ob.a1tehie Carievale, Sask., and with Mr. Mr. and Mis. Geo. Aîm- Newtonville United Church.,inpprsotingehtistadoescndwh Toronto, wvere visitors a* hr iaviug lived vxilti their grand- Beachi at fil( %weeke. Ms arvC an Ms.Jon atawy f tîngand famîly ai Tîmmins ItretNwtu I ene- - arscitt. s i and Mrs. . R. PeandckoneasecosdMi. andMis. Ford,! Mr. and Mrs. BruceMn-vle VadenMa on. Hathawa IistoherMis Jo n terme c i 7.7per en.w ewii enter pre-Med. at Queen's Uni- M îdNr.A.mSap(*!le Foc'ds 1lic cd iorhh of Ha' onrMi-. and Mr.rce Dbh Psn.ruga, Mis Jn ales'wh vsîedArmstrong who retuîued home' .VertStv, Kingston. Miss Stacey wrote 10 papers obtain- attendc kficrlo bi dont village), were gueshs ol Taylor anîd fiily teddbldyv bswe ~ e Mr. and Mis. Franc-is Coîx-an la>;t x.cek lion a sex.era,1 Mi1ç' lim Malbrstv.tMi secods and a cefid witha7.6du casliedtni>la(n Ceu. Soida A. TaipEmitfo- Park. Mis> mx Kennedy, Bob- 'f lat ee s owwihMiantmoutstr.i p un the UnîitecdEtxx'etl ,vithb Mi. and iMiRu in -nfs. xoseod ndaceitwt 7.>>CciRoi- r cîA. TbmnsonforaIIconu-nie o tugoi va n>ivr-cuu ac Mrtwkis. By o ter r.Halctas Patton attended flic Deenia- pet' cent. She xii be going to Queen's University l'or SOM. Orilîo, onu lr:dae. cea1tl eebîd NutTyo oiaigci i isDrtyFl Miss Sharon Allun is visît- 'ri. Chas. Cooper et ited i ir lion Service at Ponityýpool au hoiiotir B.A. de ree ini Ciassies. Mus. F.'Fouis jmmcd Il(' gwIo tuScboul here. tblic xeek with is gada-N~peGoe iie eea Cemiel on Siiiidav. IHamnptn> I-ti tLite lad e u M c Ir n k(il, ir.adNIu.Buc oî- aswt isPa zx ing liei aunt Mis, Harrv Ta.,- and l Mrs. Vauce Cooper a'cltoee us1i oB,1ý-aa tdMs r loi, Mi. Taylor and sons of lamîly, Oslawa. cha-tc-îcd us I0!ipN11- l le ý r.Mr vli ikbville anJ points of iitc Y <uul a a>cin r. lgni s.Mi u i1 J egrai Napanee this week. Mis.MaryEeelîx Rlkah ___ Sada uino-Ohwai 1.childreui, Mir. and Is .WMNmu îdfnlOh a with hier grandpaîents, Mi 'Heber Soucb, passed awav al. P ennyM Lake Ladge. Mi-. Allait Stainhon Eîinis-, Taylor atteixded th(, ibîkxstd i udywt n an-r. rhe ui b hsýer home an Mondas', August V T 1.Mis. Ea il Tc .Do iec i lei.x ui iau rfamnilvpicîîîc ai Oîono nSi-aJMs .Cyemn wend Mi.Aci1an 7th. in lerOtb vear. FuneraI l/rrI c 'and Donald, Mr. 'and Mis. Ai-thLt' r Tucc ut2a1d William urdas iatdMs . ae u Mi. and Mis. ,John Kerirniou 11Wednescla * iifom OroucnorVV,! I~3.Lloyd c ilcixoit aid ici Samlit u a>Mi',and Mis. E.Tiottc.laiei.uJMsB.Hey Haedo .Mr atîr Mis i~ r i ut.i Ms. Eau Tboip- Milîbiook. xx> re Saituidxh- \iîdMs .Cyenu Boulter, Dr. and Mis. Kcith Uuited Choit h. Inteiment i FROM PAGE ONE) *4WHi oi r n is hr l. M Taylor and caugrhtcrs or Orono Cemrctciy\. the i ous Centre Steele. Beivur-i-iit ceee -'i>aund (vu.thta cweSatur-. guests iOiMr. and Mi .cegussoSnayfM. Brampton, vîsited Mi. and Mis. Mir. and Mis. Russeil Ralis- 'l'ixe Plaxgruind staff had !Sundae tea gttct.sat Mrs. F. du cc-i>ii calîc,-s atMs.Tal.adMi...BrtCeaea MarshalChahteîtouî on Sun- bcu'iy of Dorval, Quebec; M.seu a we~ ipriu os .Txupot.Mi. Tc'ii c M i s. Piicx ý'<a ilaicu. Elmi(udrraîisb- dlay. mid Mis;. C. V. Wilson, Mru. for this cc-eut and Maig Cor- M iss I llejeutv ux.Pucc itan - l'ltoupson anidr frucnd WMax îe Jean auJ R oicald. Luse aîx c i e osn yd Mr. and-Is. Sidney Lock- Jean Wood, Charles and Joli>' den anîdliei staff arecorn- ciflie, is lhuuila eticg cci l h cc-- tudccci n alr. pi ceriJssa i.aJM-' liOla hart of Port H-ope, Mi. and sPeuui Si.uday vilhb Mi. anid mcuidcd 0o doing a job vel fcousinu, Miss Liid>î Avercc. Mir. anxd isý. Ri>ion it.Frank Weslakcs i.SRnlBwaî Mis. wartRobinon o New-MiS.Loin' Caun au lamu>, dixe vs. ach i G îcxbaiger id aux Mc us. haea. M. auni Jan Wchîak s c sd iucg cil 1. xcas cic'. ckc'rd.vainc: tonville calîed on Mr. antI Gaiden HPul. lTestoiuic. us ho> îdaeing -. 1Mirs- eoc e Bertu-inu aucil Mi. and Mis. Graut Capl.wh i u i.Bs rd -is eoMoonatThs- Carol Chattertont s cîsîtinL' The Recî-eatioîi Cs lommittee i, -cwi,ýil>Tvrone.- - Fran Ms e.Mro atTus.grateful for the co-oeaîol-.,.ixer Ia ugiter-. M r.* ait cI . ý t> îi i c -laLtcuiciu. cOdMs.' si. M-.Iic ctak raxai aiv dlay evening. îeeiced fron the Police De- GROSI' -KOZVR VANDERHIl -(jBSON BaîhLurbI Betu uiind auJ fmmîx-. ,ir.. (;ourdouxanxd Siirle ict )îîaaJDns ac~ Mis Ceu JncsMus\~>~ prîmuit Lins lub th b- Baskets of pîok auJdxxhite On Fîiday evening, A . 1,Xlvs uv i-ue ooit) M. aud cirMis Ro.s Ashîtcd Suas e-uxu h uît 3ucubu.c îccda I oufcl . Cal merchants and the many gladioli formedl attractive 16, -7 pn. i)Baug ,kstIukss Rcîbxthedc. nd' aid f. - - pid il-ilaplî.Mi. erg no's as ee UN m ~Penny Fair a succcss. st gi l(-sol ntdUnched Chuicix. xhich \\-as Mis. R. ViIcc -Su ca Aitncslî csEnîna Mu- andJ.Mis. eo. C(cual',i i oighldy vt u w ~~~~w~~~C~ciiuit-h Satuirdas- afternoomî,ldecoîated cc-db beatiiol piîxk cisitoîs cvcu -, ianud-MurVc.rci- ,,Toionto, aund weie. Tacuuttoî.ici, tcîniixghoe'tcîîsxRnlKn Toes'lle winuxeis of the Luck Agut 'fo4,iu'th aifgaioiBlInpetn-(b Erl Matrs (iid uici1 ncigue ofofMs.M T ik- cids'nJ.îxt.Nuiui-x nx i blidyîu -RMPAGE ONE. Davweca olox: siuge of Sylvia Fiances 1Ko- siti, cauglitcm 0f Mi. and Mirs. Tiet, Bccw îu: ic lý. ai 11d '. 'clccud. oui Scunda. Nr.FakWs fac i_ Tcamne lhre ortui, D10 - -J. Bird, 34 George St., I st xîh. daughtei off Mi. William ýCecil Cibsoit, R.R. 2. I(,stlctonu, Cail Matî-r' r -uuutti o I, Il.Ashitn auJMuA Mi s.Faik WstkeS.a M.aJ i.Kn ac P~DAl E elx t hî a c i prîze, a foot stool; Mis. V. E. Kcxzcb anîd the late MiS. Ko- bb-nc îîIbrdenip-te ua Jss x tcti' <tt cu uti nidaeouipuic ed Mr. Je.cccixtîi le.NIM.r.ii Ian.AtedPtMe ani prepared ta do s oic,,.ýunkin,> 29 Duke St., 2nd prize, zuiianJ Mi. Lloyd Arthuri Vandcihetl, Blackstock. sonui of N' u i~ctPuits 10 Peierborocught on Mr. anxd MiS. iarcKibac tcie hoeafe Maxorlbob;asicî f aux paîintîng; Mis. Maîrison, Con- Ci-ose, luîut-Mr.aiMxîertc ucsVd » McciandI ai t>, a ccc.cupil Itinaught 'yMi-.xxeu t eer- Mi.v i dos. i titTcî'.e bemzrM.aniMsaRi idltr lie declaredcession St .,3rd pui-e, a peu 1: R-.Piii ouxr tofiia heucl.xM u.>îcti a ilBeckt-t uidue Nîr. e al cteitc' r-, ixd soIilt ci isiiatMi.aJsiidi c cc1ra ek i M' oth er obscocnc J i a- Mis. Carlson, lîcînt St., 4th RvixilpRonrrougîat ex î îicnirl fica- dbvMssHspjital: NI-. Ashthon'o ii ohrnebrocor(ili;-pri.'e' a waileh Miss Nancyev c i t hie xxeddîrîg niusic was Bc ii111Rmxrlcîleut-auJnd .0. Bu-eket, Bownîr-l dM.Pts iie ioan funxciit Kshaog ak cd la nake a st ateixicuit. No Mc-Roberts, High Street, Shh pla-ved bY Mis. Cordon Stronglcd foi the>' cocuble ring erevxille, cei> cl a itu p Io Nid - Lic i-.A olis c, P teoMor.g U SED CA R opinions were voiceld-. seon- izc, a xvaîîet - uhulrç Orgauist.Miss Mary ý'Ci-Joi Sîiiîg l lnd Jtc>sce ltheNIartryIBob Jouw( GoudAshton, PeterborGoughFoo (LEARAN (E edby Deputy Reecr ROsH ý olois anud sang 'l'lie Lord's e 1 di~j~~ ~.and ý:ýicd \ auJnci:.G ra 11ami iahtended 1lt, caul,:______________________ resolcîtiona CciWeddiiîg Praser ancd 'F'ixe; arS tilton o uica. Lrau\xng the biring ofaiid O e tii' mairiage bs 'clirLo-'d's Pae.W eioieN-le e> Mr Ruay Ashton rechu uied YOU'LL LIKE HEW Y EMA E - N Wfather, tllie bride xvaîe a' floor 'fixe hi, -lc i n iiiaitriage Wliight arîi gîrtoI- ic îur vil- lxoîccm ou Sala idas-, bax'î u cng Inspectai and oi Mclvi île' iength goxvu of siîk faccd lier iaiter, cvccie ud fîcor iagei uthte>-apari Itentt biii- speu six ccecks at Kingstonx E E YM ALA R.. V N A N D SAV E ! mooebeisene, u htund mU p dicseamisiinî bell sit ap- wbigte oigau0afoc-c-tfea isNa-uulc\ccgi î Cil"pt stu xr Wehri eacfe ra ihyu re Mir. Manies cmplovnicuh Lie die andsii'l ed xx-îir tdbolcpt-o'> o atunuitiomin cx OSE ONLYI hriatdimditl. u- 'ROM PAGE ONE,' pliqitedl Withbeautifal t-ose icaturiug a scoop ncckliiue, Iflic' -Catharilie, ,spi-tit tii>('wctek- auîcut1. Mis. IJohnix McKecu.ý ar\up n p0anxd iuuclclîing Scp- GtTisaAcgitIRlanîd leaf irrtpocIceJ alercon lace, on îeefttdb>c u n wt irpucuts u u olc.. .or a fulli coureato fml ahrn New 1964 Dodge tenîber 151hi. car ailowancec tiiO usaAgit1ta pitsevs itdbdc nýedwt e aetM.adS1la ew194 ala totaand iîclîîdng August 1 8'lpm.CnsuleD "i tc:tldxut hetoe ux bl1sac sît nan. rs y .'.lcx ucifu]>.yo'I niy tr eI rpre oo n Newndes1964nestgaîîl coiisseed pearîs. detachable llbv appliqcues oaimiported guî-iis cacoua .Wiixh's aie loiaei al Lake Sim- neil arope auJan,-aIîc nuxy.OimuutKing St. Eus-t, invoîvung chapel train ni whit-h the thice pure lace anîd miniature self 801h i irthtiac. ('ongu-utcîla- COO. 1964 !,.-Ton Pickup benefits, cup Itanad inclumdixg ' - -a Ig St flan - lIke pîcuts fî'amcd thelbaw- "iebail of theM-s gCii zautaIoixs 111. îrlot-al Septenîber 151t11, 1964, thai.Thomas Muson, 97 Hugli aciensxc gowuu tiouîs. VcuugOU' OneOny Dmostat Indxxy b>' rwim, tri'Mi,Manie'Lawnd ailPqctc0S ritsi'.netanxa lowslihibe vtanieldSt.Mi. auJ Mc. B'e 'c'ca e a iz ies , itemuG cxnuSE O R D IL SECAL LOweeuîce t., Lindsa. Durîî- pîliqcucdxitb ilace, peuîls auJ ah hie bac-kwa'ust by a self jacîsue aritiDuc-id., luîJot--seuiple t1wGail bs' tue Coipoialtin cibe age ta boîli cehicles cxas occ11i îlxucstouxes, lier headdress wusbov. liecr lieaddress xcas a - .Slfxoxfe ld ut the Legion lHall, thec s oert 1-DR. HADTOP ixrcci-acecneci' I1h>cnci.a i.-niet of' appliqoed lace ci of ruic rguuîza rosebudis and Ville, QLte .,avee Vti mug M-. Bownxinille, Satuidàv a fIer- --R A DO n 'ctni Proviciaell Poilice rî'pcct lic- eaecd ic s'ccl peails auJ peariizeJ flowers holdinxg a i noix anJ e'eîîiîîg. FulIy equiippcd ith auto- and uxceuîtru s cicottuitdaicc-c'o-e hiruiest.oixts, cclx cli held lier, boufiant si-alloped c euh nf siik -Yi*,.-Elsie 1Oke c oct - n:.\v.andc Mis. W. Blac bti), ruuirdo.Ol 400 untux1lis mi pissithe ni mu- ac-c1c0eaxts iofg aagi'e tcfineripvc'itand sîxe carired ilasiou. Sue carmîed a baouquet luS-t Thxît sda>' al Mu. anîd Mis Du!(-. NeI, anJ Mis. Coi ,O lym pia e t u a t mils.Reuee fr uik toux ho eud Mr. -Moore s ser- oe.110adsx1ian4îr-acascaide of pttk ircses auJ off pale pink cuarnations anxd: Roui I lotsîonîs, Pic.toix u u-s .Tab sale.cvtees tho the tnwxn. --pral ye.S'e epeEiulisliiî îe. white îiinature muniîs witlii Miss Dnri.s Wriighî aundMi hulsafteuîded teCie cxn 'King St. E.Bomnil adxcrts:;On Aog. 121h, ut 5:04 p.. iss .1 uteiilavs c.xcas idc pigs oi heatlîri Mcruav Ax forci cau-re ol nia,-cilc tut Sulcuirdax lDur 1961 DODGE for a uitcv Building lispectai auxi 7A lighwav alt Nestîcton, oni ixouocr audItie buidcsrnaids Miss Louise Walteîs, Oshawcca uî xiti î Mur. attd 'clu-> Fia chI uxg1"to Prociluilaruik.___________________________________ DepLtix- Becvc Stceuls stateil. i o terde ,asad s),\, Rc_._tl- _. "hei"Deluxe The Dcpci>ýv Becce, seconded'a veiucle drc-en bY Alfred Boy ceere Miss Aileen Van Camp, a cousuu i tebie ca xiSu olît'.N Bryaunt, 243 Faîleigh Ave., Miss Carol Kozuub and Misslof 1-horuocur and the bîidesmaids! SL[mdue uaicxtth I Couincillor Hooper, ma2o shw vuî u i oto. sniwGoe lovrg rîsWiCMiss Donna McLaughlin, aJMs lhi Scîaux u V-, utmti, uso that the Townx Clerk be in-;His wasthe onlv car involved. \eeWnyLee aud Karel 2, Nestieton, friend of the. Mi.anxd Mu-s- Cail Curlîs, Diane V n a an(uzneRoers g al:) radio, remote control mntxhin the Canadian States-ithere was danage to hus car. Ai ,ý tce cgbJ derbeal, Blackstock, sisher ofi Baltimore,.Mr. anJ Mis. Roy- mirror, backup lights, nan lai tcxa wccks askung liTforiile -îîdd u Ai îîîîq taiee loc peaudrethe groom. Tîxeflower gi KoHaî i weldss lang applications frtepston Augtwov.ilsclidO so qos cv pa d a s utIle Miss Craie GilbsonKoHmtn r n i.z whel dscs Glamig a Buldig fr te psih 15h a 1:5 pm. soie, witt A line flare in thelsister off the bride. The atteInd- Il. Milîsoît auJ fanîi. Soi'xa whlt. Hre s Ddges bet. uxsccti -T Sthe 8tb concession off Darling-, skirts, shcer crystallette elbowl wr dnia on f Mr. Ken C(oc'eriev,('îîl. 1961 ORVAR 2.R.%vacairied. R'e u-ton. Drivers ceere Alexander Icuîg'nh sieces, together withi ans orpu nisaraual over ai-f cyl. Good clean car. Ou aLotueoîm hy J'n-ad rin shi R.R 14Troe peau de soie raIl caller extend-'icta, vsith scoopî ncckluoc, short nec ihie, r'conted y Ccmnnd ria Isil.R.R 4,Bow- iuîg ho a paunted collai at the c-up slecc'cs, rose cunboid'eJ 199PNIC cilor Paul Chiant, tl was dc-!nuncille. Bath cars wre dam- huck anJ acccnted with Iwvo cuunmeibarud cncircling waist, R cr ation 199PN IC cudenl that the uxrxt meecting uged bcct there verie uxa iflJO- tcuxc boxcs. Shaoes ho match anxd.1Oinglbelsrthgi LU ETA -R :on TiouuCouiy cxII iC eld i F'iepeaple' cere inurcd bichIl* îe -loves. Their lîeacldress- îughted bs- hw trimm-ed final - Pla14 ipOre are îcxh a few of hlce many big Rexali valtues uvailtenwdîugIbsscilsme LU NTA 4D . nTusdvcceigSelcx- hee- cr-'c a ringlet of natching ing detachiable train, uccentcd i l IlRxllDu tr.Rgh eevdt i 6 cyl., eustom radio, mirois, ber Ptix, a> cight o'clock. a ame-car collision ah 3:55 lirl. peuîp Je soie, and Ilie carriedhcasilrusdsgnCiC LI vt.t xtcErrsndmtîrs cpe. Gooddeancar learng -The of i th îe Finanxce on Aag. 15tb. near tlie On- nocsegav s of piuîk carnations bî'oicred border, They carriedu at a bargaln! Coniînitt tee meehmuxgIelid Ontuila - Dcurham Coutl vhuei, aundxvhxte chry sauthenuums. csae idc lsnuu-~Ciu i DE SOTO Thursnluy atternoon, JtuIl16, highway 401. Driver ceas Cora M.CbGoflov cas iecaois-ege xuî A U G U ST 20 to SE PT . 5 1959 D OO ai 4:45 o'cloek ceere rcc ieed, Jean FaIloxx. 521 Palace SI., t xMar. aJibe tuhers wew te carn acnsed hylîcthr ii> Becao l20ruxtgu STTINWAON nri ddonpcdonî a nioticn tic- WlîithbThe njuedxcee asni ilîiiauxndveasrd wRama>-wh. iteadhce yhahr-h rls ofîhal. l cil> -- % m --nariner a> inspections af pie- on i elailâe Jose p ilV autiDenu Tue groaux was educated lu *EYCi> aiPgeC4-c che ni roS mi>REX Tii cuacu> .-u)-divisions, uanîlv Berg andJlobannu lîseiibocut. Allistoux PutîxhuantI Bantinîg go4- j REXLL A-S-REX TBLL.d act chg A trRic S C 50 2uer icen cf the conîstructionxHe receic-eJ bis education il, Meninîmail Iligh ciotluxiand îc.îdc inOrîlîmaGOtarto. Miss Naîîic Brxdî ýp'Jla R PEN2~' 4h~>fî nyap~n . MOTOR SALES cic.t Carrucd Halband a, IUtrecht B.A.S, and ceorks ix the cas? i'ph of Guestr c-erpreeni t rn fecv davs in Toronux to NI, MuSPECIA L\\REXALL BISMA-REX Ç~bflc1a t'm$9 CHRYSLER - PLIMOT .TH If, c-a:s azreer Cia, a nielt- Werk Spoar Sehool, Theoret- Geueral Mois Sîreetsvulle, Port Hope. Oshi- and is EF Branudt Wbilr LADY DAINTY HAIRSPA lithùnsraCcti a-wu- un i h 3ado ok;ial and Practucal. On Augut Tîxuc x Il rcsd- tu i Wndsoi accu. Bowmanc'ulie, Poil Pcrry, theî-e .Keîn look i ýt'1he. Aigu-79c"t >cxarciP $5Sae6nîtmîcîurrIs VALIANT - DODGE Camrnîýtex'ouiilbe heîd aon 2, 19,33, bh(,nîurrued the formeu Phiî:a Xpts.. Wilson RBi. S., Hanîtptan and surroundiuxg dis-! vlntea fotal g.7e'a 20 King Street East MnIuuiaY, Juil',' t 1964, ý Clasuna Vanx Acquaac,, c1od a uac a iie. -Vursut ' vShacîucilon u Sa> urdlc 2 CELLULOSE SPONGE P~trcxhuds'n o >hnbincm eea luuther couxcJer allier uia-survives;. figlil. cu>ead2eaa nehg ~tî 'c......... Phone 623-5487 ters disccîsscd ut this mrteing. A carpeuxîer be trade. Ihuet, ýLTTR - paen y ntourgas- Nlc 'id W!ot p'it hll nd2 e ac1 XR PCA!PLMLIO 'Pg$ SNw.. The mîeeting adjourried aut deceased had carrued o 01>ARE buRs- lust xx-otmilygose eek c'hh br ocscl.Mss much a cîI h i tn '600p.m.' axcn business operatian for tcco berrnes bac-e beet igî tkis year. NMrs, M. Robinsont, JanuwevPalmt, mhe lcn. fss, h rpil.all 824a, Rs E$500 tECIAL!289 y-ca rs. Before nox'ing la hit 44 lloîît St. ads-ises that lier pui-ebred Bostonx aud Ibis xveck Janict-> s vismt- Nelsonx Street address tbre-' terrieir came liîrough xc îth an arnazîng ltter of i ng aI, Weîdy's home cears ugo. he lîad lîx-ed Oi Ifi UlSrcnty heY tsuali-average aot A specdy rcr-ovee- ccý i. lx- - SELECTED FOR USE BY TE16, CNDA LYPCTA ,Temperance Street for fouirlfielt aî dfiMs.Dc 'lB'-m Syears. While living in HollauxJ -oafml.e fhorcc'us. aspilult-rcRi-itv he ceas an active and enîbau- e h c-srreedisu'- REXALL SUPE L N M N ULR -O E NH M Sastic member off many clubs '1R ULT A- OD RN HO ESand organizationîs. hiRF~eo n e r h t c ee. Kcu iiIcii -- PEAt OFFF R' 25% mccc Ota. *1 Py oe >Sc Suîvic-unnbesîdesElizabeth Kzl rei--Pliramîcci Rexalit a rerniîm qualyciivtcndme, Bui1t to Your Own Specifications Sare Federieshi %ifa fle t 0'fhebloodtal MA YP AN O C OO EF O to; Rob and Joe off Boxvman- FoDeer l B ildaingfllowing a recent bocut cithJ 41wi'3virlblipucveS.i.eii1.3 L ville: and four grandchildîeuînsnn. Tx -n 1n44' ihaabtssii blo p io in . T e on 7B'wih 72extaluatablets peu cve1.1ir.iai3I Move to this Prestige District IVithout Delay Eric, Ronald, Robin and Mîhel. mnunity joins mn %Wsinig bei a IW"%J o144'sw0î vxta hiiosav$.lSeill He is also surc'îxed bs' a brohh- Q , 2M.rP B e ( -C. %,or\,- ieedy pt owprîne a n Siper PIv,n )ncriqSRo 13UILT and DEVELOPED BY erAlex off Holland. llouxc cxauuced au MondadvN1ranMcIroii,ýe l ....... BUIL andDEVEOPEDBI' i rie funeral serice %ceas thxat Bau uett and Rieder - ENNIS ILa eund Mus. cîir>': lus-ce 0nwonty .........................49 >gIc held fran the Norîlîcut &Crcughîauî bacc been appo ut-at epnd g tu er aI W ALTER S(NLEISS ISnitb Fumerai Homne, Bacc- cd as aichitecîs ta design 0the ' and Mu1s.Joe MeGilI, afer pkq Mix, ng imt'pof, EXCLUSIVE AGENT Keilth Peters Realtor I 728-732 81 munville, on Salurday, Angust lSth, and ceas condiucted b v Rex'. K. J. Frampton of St. John's Anglican Charcb. Boc-- maux-lle. lilcîrnient ceas ini Bocxrnanviîle Ceneteix'. Pailbearýers xcere M\,essis. .1. M-h Jamies, L. Laskai-i>. .. Geboers. G. re Buler, K. M'av - ersvcld and B. Laskaris. nece Federal Bcuildung iuu Part Hapù. Tue u:ccc hxuutduuug tic be h, caNed aox John Strcet. ccill cash an estumnateci S350,000 and xcill contaun luculunues foi the Post Gulue., Cuistonis flouse. Nationî- al Enplo uxeît Services and ahI athher federal servimes in It.his area, Sbauux and Deanu, Coo-svilleLake are bolidaving wihh Mr. a.J Then e 1us ixcihx actic-lc' aI Mis. H. MeGiIt. the weestern part off the section Mu. and MOrs. P Cariî(,ai i, the last iecv cccks. Mýr. anti Oîdeastlc, andJ -Miss Doris Mis. JaSe DosI are piagressung. Milîson, Osha\Awa, ceci>' ceek. ceell xxith Ibeur uîex haine and end guets oai Mu. anud Mis. a lîttle lrlh-r cet thý Cea. hîxciux Stephensons and Bovds arc Mîýses Florence anxdNlur- verv busy witl tlîeir vegetable garet Lunnc.y, BrooLlin, Mrs.: stand, SUPPORT YOUR OLYMPIC TEAM- YU GIVE GENEROUSLY AT YOUR REXALL STORE JURY & LOVELL 2KING ST. E. PHONE 62 Ç i DRUG STORI

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