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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1964, p. 3

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TSetting Was Blackstock United Churc- * 'ANCHN rie. Toronto. àssî>tî1ng: Mri. Ca roi Mantel.' Bouquets cf white and pink Mrs. Nancyý Fisher. Cadmnus. gladioli and white carnations Miss Donna Yeliowlees and loemed an attractive setting Miss Laura Griffin xxeoe co-, in Blackstock United Church hostcsses for a kitchen and for the wedding on Saturda ' panli,\ shower at Enniskillen. afternoon, July 18, 1964, at____ 3:30 o'clock of Audrey Alberta Carnochan, daughter cf Mrs. MveiMAHON - MARTIN Grant Carnochan. Burketon, and the late Grant Carnochan, P.oiquets of pink gladioli and Keith Edwaed Brown, son and *mîiims enhanced Albert of Mr. and Mrs. KFeîth D. Street United Churcb, Osh- Brown. Toronto. awa, on Satuoday afternoon, Rev. Philip Romei of Ju'ne 6- 1964. a -2 o'clock Rlackstock oftîciatrd. an(] tnw wbven Mildred Diane Martin. wedding music \vas played b,, daughter of Mr. Weslev M. Mes. Gordon Strcng. Black- Martini. Bowmanville. and Mr. stock., Mr. Mei McCov of R.H. Dean George McMahonnx-e 1 Newcastle, sang -Th e Lord*s united in marriage. Th-e MY Shepherd" and 'The Wed- groom isthie son of Mr. and ding Prayer". Mrs. Frank McMahon. Osb- Given in marniage hv ber axva. brother. Lawrence Cariiochan. Rev N 'T. Ioîinirs officiai- the bride wore a floor-length ed and the m wedding music gown of white taffeta brocade. was playcd hx Mrs. C. A. The fitted bodice was fashion- N av1o r. fed with lily-pointed sleeves' The bride. wbv1o was give-n and a scoop neckline. The in~ marriage bhx-lier father. hack of the gown was accented wore a full-length govn if in a ful ostie style. A carnation white peau de soie, sequin crown caught ber waist with an Alencon lace river- length veil . 1hecarried red skiot caught up wîth self ]roses on a white Bible wîth roses. The bodice with a streamers, round neckline and lily-ooint- Miss D o ri n a Yellowless. ed slceves was enoiched with' Oshawa, was maid of honür re-embroidered Alencon lac-.. and the bidesmaids weoe the Rer bouffant veil of pure sîlk gooom's sister. Mrs. Annette illusion was caugbt to a head- Bruce, Bowmanville, and the dress of a seif-material rose, bride's niece, Miss Phyllis Mc-: and stuc carried a bouquet of Cullough, Burketon. They'red roses. with white ribbon were in blue flocked inylon'.streamer.s tipned witb sweet- dresses with matching lace heart rosebods. jackets. Their beaddresses Misses Brenda iiuîbbs and were blue organza roses trîm- Bonnie iilobbsý nieces cf the rned with lace sealiops and they groom, Oshawa, and the carried aqua and white chrys- brds s-e. Ms îd enthemums (carnationsi. Martin . MissLe, iae Mis rnd MCllug.the bride's; attendants. 'lhevy Bureton, niece cf the bride, eeninialhotuxn was flower girl wear-ing a blue of (oitulti luesfortur nylon dress with a matchîng olac odilices bh.ucop ei- brocade jacket. She carried a lace andcelbow-legtscoop small basket of oed rosesn ies and elo-eghsevs white carnations. The bell skirts were trimmend A friend ot the grooml. Mr. al. the waist with a xelvet sasli Leith -enrv of Willowdale, and bow. The.v w'ore match- was best man and the usliers ing floeai headpieces with weoe Mr. Milton Bruce , Bo\w,- Wi5P\' iîlnsioii x'eiling-. and, rnanville, boother-in-law cfitheir trescent sbhaped bo'î- lhe groom and MVr. Joseph queH vcr of wbite rum Stephenson, Borketoiî, couin rtinted bloc.j of the bride. Mi'. Kennelli Baker, Mlaple] The receptioii xas beld atGrove. was best man., and theý Blackstock Recreation Centre u'shers xveee the bide's bon-'ý wbcre the brides mother re-' thers. Messrs. Cordon and ceived wearing a pink ('otton Dennis Martini of Boxvman- brocade dress, a white veil bau ville. and white accessories. The The r'ceeptioîî xxa> bcld :il boidegroom's mother assisted, The Acres. Miss Madeline, wearing a blue flowered dress jMoorey. the beidc's aunt. îe-, with a sleeveless duster and ýceived in a txco-pîcce ensemn-' bige aceessories. Their coi-1 ble of lemon beige brocad-' agsweoe of pink and wbîteiwbite accesŽsories and corsage enrysan*'ocmums. of gold 1'mums. ThE guroomr' For a honcymoon trip tithe, mother assistecl Iii rEceive,. 300fi fslands the bride wore a She wore beige lace over taf1 ye&.,ow linen suit with white ac-' feta with brown accesscipi! ressories and corsage of bronze' and corsage of tinted 1*mnum s 4.oloured roses. Thvy will re-, Before leaving£ on tbe wed side in North Toronto.» ding trip 10 Kingston and! Several parties bonored the Eastern points. the bride don- bride prior to ber marriage. ned a thiree-piece red. double Miscellaneous shoxcers xver.e knit suit witb white acces-ie lield at the homes cf Mes. sories. Thev ai-e residing at Pinkney, Toronto; Mýrs. Yvonne 173 H larmony Rd. North. Osh- f. Wright wlth Miss frene Cor-iaxca. Mr. and Mis. Keith Edward Brown are shown ln the above photo as thcv leax-c Blackstcck Unoitedi Church l'ollowing their wedding on Saturda 'v afternoon, Juiv 18. 1964., at ::30 o'clo-k. Formerlv Audrcv Alberta Carnichlan. the bride is the daugliter of iVI s. Carnochaiu. Burik6toiî. and the laie Gr-ant. Ca ucociait. aînd the gî ro is t he soni (f IMr. andl M vs. Keith D.. Brownî of' Turinto. Photo bv .Asiîr StI.idio Recently Married in O s aw a VJlloiiglib. Osilaxxa, andtiMt-. Gcrid StiiiX.Boniiatix ille. !Engagement "ienia riiag-e xil ta ke place on Saturda '\- September l9tlb at 3:00 p.rn. cf Miss Patricia Jane Davis. Solina, to Mr. F. D. R. Kossatz. R.R. No. 1. En- niskilieîî. The bride-eleet, the daughter of Mi'. and Mîs. Ralph Daii. Soliiîa. is a gi-ad- uiate of' the Oshawva General Hospital Scbool of Nursing, ,class of 19614. The prospective bridegroom is the son of Mes. E. W. Kossatz. Pembroke, Ont.,, %ik. -h14ie ýpirk acce~- Thp. Canadlian Statesmian. Bowmanville. Aug. 19, 1PC4 3 Forhez, andhe corsagce ux pink sweetbeart roses. ladies took part in ail the Mr. E. Nicholis. Wooler, wan After the reception a, Club events and seemed to enioy a recent visitor with his sis- 223 the bride ',nge o lier participating in the games 'ar-'ter Mrs. K. C. Hopkins. going-aNav- suit of vellnw and ragdb Ms,.Wlo and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright whie .irie serscke. Sm rs. R. W. Fowler. The pienic visited the Armstrong Funeral ,.ore vlb and whîitîe ace tables had been assembled inl Home ini Oshawa on Thurq- sorieý' and lie--corsage %%«isas protected a spot as could dav evening. Synîpathv is ex- x-ellow talisman roses. befudadwr clldntnded 10 them inithe 1oss (if vx- ti good things Iocat. their cousin. Mr. Charles >' Miss Wills 'cas R pur-'~~ Somie cf the prize winhiers Chandler. bridai sbowe,-r b%, ler \iû err Mos. R. Melcaît. Mes. 1. On Siindav Mrs. Normati Cvclaospitaltclilofand s C Zwarcn. Mrs. F. Wright and Wright, Enniskillen, was guest "wMrs. D. Battamis. Door prizes of bonour at a family dinner aszociales of 1!ic 1flcnls!vc \voce won by Mes. C. Wilson, wýheni 25 miemnbers of her fam- care unit at flic homie of M\rs R. Fowler. Mrs. 1. C. ily gathered 10 extend their sesMarare Slve ao CaolZwaren and Miss Phvllis Hoît. best -wishes for bier eightieth Bro\wni. Also before lier xved- ý graj - box provided a gift birthdav. Mr, and Mrs. Fred iding Fidavý to Donald COLIC-11 for -,Il Ihiose oct luckY enough Wright'and farnily wvere pres- oCf 'Newcastle. slw xx-aý enter- tIo\vi n prizes. ont f or the occasion. tained b v ber aunI. Mr1 lar- Jry Schroter of R.R. 10 and r(- ceived g:1fîs from friends and relatives proscrnt, and nei il- bors gave lier a sboxver aIb groon*s parents. 'Mr. aod M!- Dîd." asked the small bo. Frederick Coucli oifNeoa li a anntaowdt hîave more than oine xe? Mr. and Mrs. Sai Va n son," replied the father. Camp and fanîil b ave lotefil a vacation trip anci întend x-st U pper Caniadacklý Whnyou arc oltIer von%%"Il ZAS wx'll as otici- pois cifii- terest. 1realize that the latu -Proteets Mibss l)oot î11 vFo)Ieý '- pcnt the weekend xisîl ing Miss Patl- ricia Knox. Solina. and tie lte Mr.i. 1'W. içossýatz. Mi'.aind l\'s. 0, W. Loxxî The xxedding '. iii take place and Rickv. Londlon. Ont.. x in Eldiad United Churcb. xeekend' guests or Mr.ilai Mes. C. Wilson. On Saturdua (OI('H -WILL1S ex-coing Mr-. and Mrs. Bill Ke enko. Kar-en and Julie Am A iîorîevýmon!.ii Florida, and Mr. and Mes. H. Wilsoi Nassau, New Orleans and Col- Oshaua. mmcfd xx ii Ilicil f( corado xvas tilanned bY' iss dintier. Aniî Christine Wills, Reg. N.. and Donald Freclerick Cooich On Xeicsix i bu' Ras xvbo were marîed iin an even- Lîne Good Niiglit)oir> ,Ch ing ceremnoiivFeiday, Jiîlv 24 gathied on scbedule for a pi( 1964, ai Murray Si. Baptist i t1whm fMs Churh. eterorogh. Barnes. l'le tcol. uiisettle Cbiuuh.Peteborugb.xx'ather wxas iiot fax-ouirabl Tiiex xx\i ll îrît tii nI aI' c 10 an enloYahle timie but. tli tlîeîr lime iii Boxx-manx'illc. Miss Wills..wlîo lias bhecit on the nu rsîîîg staff ai Civic Hlospital. wbere she g-raduatnclAd iii 1963. isthue daughter ofMe andMrs Clanod Mxxas g ot L A aiid M oso.,lifaod vias gif iin niairiagi hvlixer r ather. VIt-. Coucli s tbhe son cf Mr . f andit Mis. Fredernic ('ou î'cI> Nexvt-for le Thetlii ui îug crcilliiia'.xas. perfo roeol y Hi t teRext' Dai ici Yoiîiig. music- xaý Thn e ceptio(11 %xas uelat plax-ed liv Adarni -iawxcx'and the Storie Park Clubbcuse. LarrY Hall sanîg-The Lord's wbcoe the britte'> niotlier re- aPrx ne'sd The Weddîng t'eivedi. xxearntgatx'-IecePier pale greeni Iiuuu dies>. xxiil CmmeGoxxi-xxiin by the bride aecessoric'. an d ia corsage' 0l aîîdlier ilii ce a ttenidants xvcre -white and vt'l liîxx aiiation ý. desýigiid by the bride. The bride-gimonuuuts nîîtb cr _ asisted. wea ng a grven lace Iler Oumwtxas of si 1k iegaui- dress> , xx iii cat-cssoi'ies aud a z ovter bridaI taffeaxith a, similai tcisage(. î'oitrolled s k i î t appliqued As (tei>icoup el totioia l-pxitlî daisies anîd flowing iî:o "Qa thapel baniii.andc had a jiac- ta Niaga i-aFt l. anid Ilpi pt W'Iof A lîlcoti lace witlî scoop Pocoiuî. lu.uu '1l1iiu ti'-uc- andi sribell sieeves ron-ý bride as-c x'ai-incu a li îi-îîiuCî ilmitecl Aixelbow teîig> turquois'se uil¶atid xxb ti iii ox c A.'rinîrg of'dais ripD-ý cessarites.Oi thuir ilirn iC-v pliquie, betd lh,,- bouffau vvil llix e i Oshîaxxa., -ouîoi ît xi. o! of nylon Si'xei-s tarli-s hliuiiu 1h, i iti lle, anti ic c'caeied a t'as brideioou ile-r tîîi-up.cadu orf labh>' tîauxe oic'lîi(!s lii- c ixîii t- - îtu'taiucd xxith lii h e t iî>î-. Siî'plîaîi i ýVi1h l ni ii c-i-laîieou -,linxx-eî- -d ixx bu 'Id al ihie [uoît'if i uXIi-.. Gr'ahîam iiii t-. O-.ta. Sic. was ssisitrl lixMIS.Rli-haurd Mis. tri c i T(kîuti, li brîdcg-rîottt i ý' ra il cI nîuut lu- field a ii--lutiuis slcxxi'i ai. tint- linuini*Toonto.i '1'bc xvoîîîetî fliI ren Mctlincli5t Cliuio'hi lîlîl f a '-it iii xxi c aI liiie tion-l il' fMi,ý. X'îllhutît lircscîi. Mi-.. W. Il. 1-X) 1n i li' - u c- l I lic bride wxî'utb[utulfut-s on lt-- haîf cf Iip 'Siîtluix- Schluttu Oshaxxa,. xx-ss lîîsiîss litr a neihbu-iîuclsbiixwoixx-hen th-' bride-eleci t-- xnliîti- u tlii'(iY xXli aii cuiii i se'ii cI il u' li-i uI- ' ith a va-ai in", t' ali i I - i:ri tia xx a., p i t-ll ;1-,x b"I ti ' i îîalc -cll\îiux luttith'ilî.ai-kesi (if xxi e.-xhii-ot ilace xx'ere mais icoîf Ilini- M . id Pri'ucc-andol lriresnîaids Mi Margare! Silxee anid M.' Pal- taSclîî'oter. lîir cousutil Ti - iore pictu îe liisil xci 1lnxx chi Iff nil, xx'eus t 1C lg 1bý plox-es of xvîite lac-e. and tar- rird casciades tif xxhite zhasm dru, les snd xellcxx' roses. The groîcîtîs attendant x- Bruct' Jacksuoni anti îsheu--ý ,xx-c Jamies ReCd aîîd Chiarles xx tut a s,.lh-uiotf tit lgreetn lau-i ovu' r tffetsxitIl i atc- itlac-cjak-lci.accesL'OritC5in beVi 'te anduit ai-iisage cf xelcxx 1, -cS. Thle groot-il. nitî o i-bit in ut .-Itîc' .acl:el deC iipinak ci lîîîsscd imiiportcri tho'te xxho are incapable of proterting thems.elves." r v Carl Leslip CLOTHES tARE IHINTS! iyHome Cleaning is Dangerous fluid shnuld lie, 01 landled only by experts to avoid explosions and fln'. n, foi ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION CARNIVAL Meniorial Park - Friday, Aug. 28th lin' A WAY SAL E lack -flto m School Kciye's Sportswear BOWMANV1LLE Choose nof rouii our large selectiouu . . . and lay-away ready for schoni wear! 5.95 - $24.95 DRESSES ONE RACK& 7.95 - $ 8.95 CLEARING OP .0 -$ 1.98 OýNE RA('K :LX-$ 1.98 CLEA RING $50 ONE RACK $14. tg) $16. $1-0 reg.$ $9.95 Up SHORT SLEEVE CARDIGANS $4.95 BULKYS S $3.95 - $5.95 $7.95 - $8.95 up LARGE SIZE SHOPPE BO WIMANVJ LLE CAR COATS TWVEED AND NYLONJ $35.00 BULKY KNIT SWEATERS .............................$6.95 to $14.95 COATS Fur Trimmed....... $49.95 to $89.95 VISIT OU'R OSIIAIA STORE Nr 68fi SIMCOE sr. N. JACKETS BLOUSES -$1 Nxlr. anr! TIlts. Donald Gog Ellis. ,,Io\wn in ihe a boxe photo . maienîricd iccen t lx iniiilic l'c Mcilo- tl s(htiu. saa. Fttî-mcv \ I Niss M taR ose Ian- CHl Willtighby. Ce bh e tîcl's tut' claughteu- (uf 'iis. (Ctîrge \Vi u gliby - Oshia\wa, a ndt lie late Mr. l I- liihv.Thte hicii iîs the stnuctf 'xi-s,IIcu Shilii iîr txilî.\aiuvs. Stuithi> BE DOLLARS AHEAD WITK.. SPECTACULAR SAVINGS!I i Thelrui'i,î ili ul-i- xx-. sidthlii late Mi. Willotugli- iîx ai1'. lii irltrutlgc-u'uiiii-i1tlie suii ii of, i. IlttxSliui 1< iltixi- mîlu ixil t- 'Fu Ii' l i luXr I; lut i-uit ' iu ii' igei-. l Mrta I. 'lcli il i i bric xxii t t,.lix i; -1 f r1 . îuîuî1î of Xli XXull n.î liii k - lîtcî xxa-xveiiig -u li li gixi. il ('wiuhSiuii>156-i fil-- saliiutiuu at Ied lui- i'lit x u Nx ai stlin iui sutilier> tut .c-aluijîc,! Cliattilîx l;"ii is>clidlt'I rîîxx ilie front cf titi- bcrfîuït a i lieu xxhite' îîtai l ' det-. îîldi a ' souldcr-lù-igiii xî'ul -Shi' îarrîd a xxiîiî-Bible ( u>e,-c xx llixx hliei-a ruatiOncii-. xIiloux xx eetiie'a n rut-c-s and >i'pli-- Theii- îîi ut fiii tut i t , 1ý \lai-c-finuuî VuIIruglihv. O Im~-, grîx', iOf pure u 1ik lîxi i- ut.5 cap an-i --sd butr f kt i h:taii*îu. a 11 1lu: paii cf hoizontîiail îli'ats ttanketl xxilil- taîlie-i, u: uu;î-l iîuîîîl' ii c' cîrf- i bucxx ialbc- xxau-t!iti ctonplu 1- tut î1le frotcItatl ier ci lil- ri-'. xxua- tlruc x o' tic hiolding a !ilii(h-bt il, Thîe brsi mîan xva Mr. ('a i- numan Shirk. Boxxmanx ille, ando Canaid'as teadunc Maiviufacturers ot Quality Metat Dnette Furnîture 5 PCF. DINETTE SUITE LARGE SIZE- TABLE 36 x 48 x 60 Niw l Rpt Value Ever during tîbertys 'Suite et the Month'" Sale' ii~ ~ ~ ~~~~~; b1 n T<Of'6iiip 5aricrp,'<if 493 Fai<t,sýd iieéuir, acus -~ r~ ,a'0tr~i., c les? isja , ySuitei e .a iLeading Value it ih@e Aiigîit O. ' NOTE lTHE AiiDITIONAi. FEATURES TO 1110SE IiLUSTRATEO i i a., n Dpj F .O c, [Enbossed Upholtiery H* , toa1 i ,'r',i- tpe- Ftrmes braced and weided * iîf 'niri Jh L * omioi. f orn'. fittng Char Rau ls YOUR CHOICE OF BRONZE TONE OR CHROME Brouze Toue Suite Features: Chrome Suite Fuatures> * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~e 'ail 'm...Wanih t<n .h -tbe OîWdgran e,'iusve * '-a' i * Ue dsýsî.n -n Mu'.tîiîm * héi s Fciusve detgrl m Situer u.,el a , ge - th Brior T ;n. bn tài., feilh Charcoat Otan Bola (t.. IjJl r claSSE N Nuit iu.urunuu Quuli Oui Diamond Dexîge eh - t ____ ~'095 $89 - /,%N- OMPLUt Large Famîty s e te g36 r 60 2wi "SUITE 0F THE MONTH91 (Franchised Deaiets; Fa. 1 ».iant se UBIe 3B6 x o x 1 4 W t :, , SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 41 BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-7071 BASE UINE 57 KING ST. W. SKI -WEAR... STRETCH SLIMS ...... BERMUDA SHORTS reg.s SABRE SLIMS DISCONTINU El)LINE Reg. $14.9.3 - (Cearing SKIRTS LONG sixlEEV~II PULLOVERS K;Kaye ps 4 I6ST. F. ALL-WEATHER COATS IlJV E RSIBLE $19.95 - $24.95 KRAMP 161LUe

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