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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1964, p. 5

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Reports f rom Women's Institutes MAPLE GROVE W. 1. lYellow-leez rpr e der ed two piano duets wtthout a flaw;, The August meeting of th e *,h ev ' ere wonderful. Miss' Women's Institute was held Pa.tricia Knox was our guestý in the church baisement on represcoting the Jun ior Far-, the lth at 8 p.m. The sing- mers 4-H Club -work for On-' ing of the Ode and the re- tarjo. While Pat was arrang. Pseatng of the Lords Pravernghesrciad roctr c-ened the meeting. vlrtý. looev took up collection ,'The Roll Cail "A Rule foi* and roll cail] vas answered,1 Safety in the Home" %%,a s g iv - rngorbs maeu eo.It as ecdedto '. for o , me. Pat's pictures,: Newtonville W.!. to partiel- were enjo'. d bv ail. They pate in aur Short Course. were beautiful. 'Catering to Crowds'. next February. Our smilînZ president, Mrs. Mrs. Fred Stevens gave the W. Hills arrived to conduet Good Neighbbours report for the businessý, of w.hich items the past two months. '.ere fcwv Sec. Mrs. W. Ash- The trip to see "Front Page *on read the correspondence, Challenge" was left for ,when încluding a letter from OU" Our turn cornes. 1 ae . adopted daughter in Japan. It was decided t ae oaMr_ý. W. Yellowlees and Mr--. wedding in Octobrr if the U.C B. Hooev are ,he 4-H leaders W. would assist uz. for coming orotect. Commit-ý Mrs. W. Brown r-ported fo- tees iin action gaave their re ý the Association of Consumer-ý. por Is, There are several soc- Mrs. C. Jefferey was in charih' ials to caler for in September, of the program on "Agrieul- -so be readv ladie.s. The meet ture". Y Mrs. W. Brown gave in- closed '.vith The Qucen. the Motta, "Peace of the Worlai unch waés hein', preparedi I)epends on Food. She said in',heo'.e hall and we were~ that the 'Frcedomn from Huri- all' avfor' OurLISLual CuLpý ger Campaign" vas introdue- of cuffecî A member from t-ho Franklinr Park playgrouncl took top honours this1 ed ta help the underdevcloped] lunch cornmit1ce appearedivear for the most attr.,active float ini the Pennv Fair countries to produce more food w:th anl apologizing look t&PlÏarade last Wednesday. This photo shows a portion of by newer methods. The de- annoince thev had forgotten velaped countries hclpcd with to plîg in the coffee pots. money and information ono Wecdisappoinedlv- sat baek iyndfml. aeao M production. If people get the and a fe'v discuss.ionjs were eoncluding ,,,ilhelie of her M rriea infl T necessities of life they are less soon unîder Wa.y, such as: A Poems frorn the book Lk liable ta be swayed bv Conîi--old w.eek ai. the cottag-e; \&hat Seugog". M rs. H-arrv Me- munist propaganda. A worild WCvecou]d bu%' the twins:,andLaughlin read -The Pension wbere every mani, womnan and a shoppu in pe vbs. adChoque": Mrs. (Dr) J. Me-' child has the necessities î,f delicioLîs lunch orf cakes, ce Arthur, a paper on the Inisti-ý life is nonlonger an Utopia ceman 'fce'vsen.1o-' bIcOde. The Tapie, Safety". '.aS cd. Number prc.ýcnt 315, visi- Mrs. Allaîi Beacock w-as iii also deait with by Mrsý. tor-s 5. charge of the contests. Thî? Brown. She used information \inner of guessing the nurn- received from Mr. Dalrymple ber of beans iin a jar was Mis.! an the 1959 Durham Countv NESTLET>N W.1V. T. allon Dorreli and the luck 'v Audit Report Figures. Also spot prize .vent to Mrs. Ale" used was information on W An1ýr enjo.vable summier mcclt- Johnston. Pprojects as regards 'ae' i1 of Nestieton Womnen's Abutt uih"a ev in the Home '. lotttea edAgs t d bv Blackstock and Nestle-1 Mss Dorotby Foie'. favourcd wheI) about 60 ladies gath- tnldcwhl isB lis with two piano solos. Mis. ered! n North Nestieton Unit- Pton ladi, m'.ehî e as .A S. Dylegavea cupleof d Church basement. Sched- .Pot nl aeta readigs. rs. C. Jefferev îîlcd as a picnic at Cartwright gol îm'vsraîe ~ erense e hak ohr oMnîvPr.i wsdcdthe sale of a retquantity of group and others on the pro- cd to have. the meet ing lit-arn. Ms rc esj \vas ini charge of these reccipts. gram. A salad plate was serv- doors. '.vhien the wcathcr was ed by the group in charge SO cool1 Janciville Institut, Appreciation for a fine' after- when a social time was enjov- was representecd bv 10 mcm-,0000 was exprcsscd by Mrs. ed.bers and Blackstoïk tostitute Samf Cawkeî', orîcydale; Mrs. 27. Other gucsts were Bert MeMullen. Janetville. and present from Honcydale and Mrc. Porc,, Van Camp Af SOLINA W. il. Bowmanville Branches. Due Blackstoc'k. Io illness in the family. Mrs. September metin îg vil] beý .uly 9th about 401 SoliiiisWm. Milligan, Newtonville, beld at the homne of Mrs.1 ladies and a few frierîds '.vct District President, xvas unable Adelbert Bcacock w.ith Mrs.ý on a bus trip 10 Petcrborough tb be proscrnt. Malcolm Emerson as co-host- and Pine Tree Lodcic. A very The meeting openied in ilthecss. Visitors are wevlcomc. enjoyable day was had by ail. usual manner after the guests Our Augustmetn was were '.elcomed by the Presi-,> held in the Community Hat] dentý, M rs. Athur Hyland. i Thursday evening, Aug. 13til. Mcs. Lawrence Malcolm play-WE DN The meeting was a little laie cd the piano and Mrs. Rieh- commencing, but was capablv;ar-d Davison took the place of PHILLIPS - MI'TTON opened by Our Vice President.1 Mrs. Herbert Vine, Secretary- ' ri in i t v.tUnited cbîîrch, Mrs. W. Werry. The pian ust'Treasurer. Following a short, Bownian'.i-le. '.vas the >ettlxng,' being absent, Miss Gladvs business pcriod it was -an- for the marrilge on Saturdav,l Yellowlees offered ber sec- nouniecd that the quilitiust JL1V ilth, 1964, of Merridv vices. The Institute Ode hadl been sold and RhraMtocagtrD sugand Mary Stewart Col- the next block- arc. to bc 1412 oet utn agtro ~ungMr. and Mcs, Robert Muttoni, leet read in unison. Minute.' loches square for a lining now TwadM.Nra d of previous meeting were read on band. Twa ndhi Mrp. sno c jànd appi'Ôved. A program '.as pxesented as br .Pilp idMs )i *Mrs. B. Hooe.,Was ;, follow.s: Mrs. Russel Mount-Pllp (barge of the program, theme joý the Motta. "Praise Loudly being Education. Mrs. Ilooev and Blamie Softlv". Mrs. Rv .K Hiilne f Iht ere anCapficiated, sud the s'. eddinig regretfully annournccd ta ee*VnCm The Pass- Mrs. Milligan '.as 10 be oit' îng of the BackhouLsc"*. Mrs. mu.sic '.as plaved bv chur'h guest and comment on the Adelbert Beaeock, a paper in-' organist Mo. A. Collison 'A.11 motta, but she was unable ',, cluding history of local places! accom pan ied the soloîsi, .. Ms. be wîth ris. We will look for- with Biblical naines; a descrip_ S. Black. of Bo'.manville. ward to ber visit in the near lion of watcr regalia '.xorn Given in marriage bv lbec future. througb tbc years ai the lakuI- father, the bride wore a 'white Misses Kat-en and Brenda cornerstnnes of ibe commun- floor-length, bouffanl-skirted --gown of chiffon over taffeta.: A lace, front paniel to the: '.aist and a back bo'.v igh - lighted the govn. 1-er shoul- Mc and Murs. NormanE der lengýth '.eil fell from a shoIAn as thec\' lae cTrinity P us ireutlar'ci'outi of white shas- \ville. fh11ottil) 1 hir ar' the vellow-throated '.vhle orchtdbiiesth dagtroM Ion a white Bible.bieite ageroM- things Miss Marv. Lou Marc, Peter- to wtn, and lte bridcgroomi borough, '.as maîd of hoitor. Pll lips anîd ?sls. IDoi-il Ph i y'OU and 'the bridcsmiaids \vere wvant Miss Leslie Lander. Bowinaii- ville, sud Mrs. James Englî-h within of R.R., Newcastle. TheYveie A w a rd M onr your sleevcless dcessezs with bell- P nt D o reach sbaped skirts. Miss Lorie g.po l Mutton. o.mtiil.srnal sîsteî- of the bride., was flo'.er -nimailsip< s % !1 ' leld 1h glot'1erf]oor-length aqula the Pl de 0f Potlt'pool ] fi oî'k fui] -skîrted \v th B.A. on Fi ida'. ( '. iniig v 1-borI sleeves aud auccented be '.5e Ilattencîcu l iida Il!z c a sasb aînd ho'.cat the hack S-.ui eýý Thask ttue Zg(11n %va istlinmc Ail .ore ci rcular c oft'. oc saI bl 'i i îe . mc '.hite sha5ta dai 'co'.iî>and and an utitîstd gît s t toui tbeir nosegav houpIucîs .ec 'hrlig tuc,18atil Q lctcd l ie* '.l:u nc - > sa%". ' *h I : A w it' l Uflrc ihl ilI q yl. The'. .\-Ill-b.'a ee": BrigMllanu personal cei needs 1 nrone r00f2 LOWCOST LIFE-INSURED LOANS Dow anville Branch: Oshawa Brant. MAMES BFLL. blanazer jA.mtsLS cAmti. , M.uîâi, BETHANY MNs Bh Ccikc: a old lie: homne in 'he '. ' az- aud nioveci-n Tnonio *Th ursd». Lîo\cl INesb ' ..Pc>"Ar"--i Mir \'nîfoed N'.' NI" ýand IrMc-Gordon Cha-o aud fani:]'. areco'> old'. for thé, 'îext Ivo '.cks vis:t- 'NIrs B Nl>oî-i B- 1Ni. and M.'S. Reg P> o'~i.k ',Vî s 'i NI 's> ekc:.d Dà, h Ci:::I.i L,, . -d a :: Ir - SI -:W z c .,C-l the lar-ecisplav that dre\sx- manv fax'ourable com- ments front the larýc (ccnxvr of spectators along the iar'adp con ùc rrinity United li - Edward Phillips, abo e, are v Uiieci Chiric h Box'.man- idi, ont b ttt(lt Ju '. Il, .1civ Roheti a iLut toii,' thle Ir an nilM s. Roberi Mut t on, îs the Son nofxMr. Albert E. Il ips. Phboto b.v hît' ,y Prizes at Penny Sale .iaiili)ll up-i> .1)!i I \eJ.î 1)co1. G!ois c t-. i- i 'I - 1: ro n"t . G : NI - vail paci(ie1 . Idv 1 lornier: >~>~~:<> N: W. Vair: plant, .1> H . ., : i K.. t- K iYî~ 1-'->:~ lUi i i. 'ii': fl T'>:, R Roc': 'r'. 't'a O. 'tX's. . i. "i 't]>, ~;,> XV.,, ~'. Xl.. NI." R le Il-o cie "'i <t' ~ n i t: NI, r' r' T'..' r'., i r>' I~. NI> >-i e,-' t o~ ',1>'> r>, ' , e, NI - '>1 c.' s" i - >'> -, .. , I NI 4 . il' r:: -Mi i-o - 'os Nîrj T r:. X' ' :' ' . Fa 'Coombes Cian Theanadian Statesman. Boumanville. Aug. 19. 1964 1(I.Flls;twesJli Cs'IýM r., M rs. PU hair-ciit, XalterFaj-:vc ancd flo'..'rs, Dor onýnn hrooch. Ea r1 iie Ucr M ark Silver Sandra Fallis: posad pan set, Thelma PaA.. ua ch quEU toy, Gw.etu Muiph. jelRo- uiiiversary bert H-alloran: '.all plaq:I's, Mt's. Ruîth Fisk,ý vase. Mrs.ý To celebrate thoir 25t- Bruino, ding atiesr.Mi. Fruit dishes. Letna Kelctt: Mrs. C. C. Purd v (nec cushion, Mos. Hari-v Van Hall) beld an a flernuc W icringcii: vase and *flowers,: cepiion ait lteir hor Gwen Amnon: cake plate, Nan- Centre Street, on Sal (IV l-etherington: p 1 a q iî e, Augusi. INth. Tbev %ve'c Gwcn Curtis: chlocolates, Ml-s. ricd ;n Bo'.man'.ille ci Cornwall: ho'.els, M rs. L.. tst 12,ý 1939. Bradley': bassock, W. A. Re:cl: For the occasion r wall plaque, Jean Youngmnan: seore a becomning amnber doîl furniture, Joan Richard- drcss and corsage oh son: dol, Kathv Hvland: table roses. A'.whihe carnatici clotb, Mrs. Bruito: piotute, toiitieî-e '.as pînnedt Gordon Hunter. lape] of Mr. Purdy's irdy' h urd - eHilda tii ra y me ma5- i Aiig- Purde fcois I on bou- to'D 'ssu. ~SUM ~DR SFIRST GROUP SCLEARING , utiPi rdvs sîster, M rs. ol s ourinmas Harvev KvofTr Holds F urth n V. holinwa-s bridesma id.i 1 P. ý-ccc-ed %w:th the ann:versaryv u l Pcnic r j! n h î'; ' omý for the fourth aonual Coornli n cz,; hrsn:emm tarnily picntc held at spring- Gckîstý %ere zreeted at the bill Park on.August 91;1 d.' b'. t hc:r son. Mr. Wayne Purrid . Town. . vho as also Basebafllvas plaved betore f'h -etbo. the 36ô present sat down l 10 : care f helustbok picrte dinner at 1:30 p.nî. Thc perfectlv appointcd tea Sports and races ,vere led bv table, covered '.vith a white Colleeni and Dave Marsden linen cloth. was centred bv a wîth rîbbons and prizes f~ or e floral arrangement of the xvinncrs. mauve pladioli and vvhite "Guess the nunîber of smnar- *rnums flanked bv silver- lties' luckv vincwas Daxid trimrned xvhile candies. Miss Coombe.. The surprise pack- Marjorie Purdy, Town, 'lie age raffle v. as\von. bv Boo -,.ni's s ýstcr. poured tea. Coombes. an'd the býridc's nicce. Mrs. A short huýýince-s period foi- Bruce Mlur-phy of Toronto. lowed with Presidcnts Rac oîe coffec. and Reg Coombes in la. Minutes were rcad and ap . rvin-, n !hc !ca roorn proved. Eleition of ~" the annliversarIv couples, officers vas held as olo'I.liîree dauighters. Linida. Jenni- Presden. Jxî ad M fer and ci aher, their daugh-' Prr. tee-t-laJ.i nr aanneMPr- Coombes SeerciaWayneeaPur-r John and G vecn Cooiibelý. 1 Sports. Carol. Shirley ani Bruce Coomnbes and Peter Auch. HorsvWlD E Mnd wcere cnjoved in the a fternoon. > W D M After a bounIt ui picnic sup- per, ever «vone iourne'.ed home- 48 KING ST. E. w.ards Iooking for'.cardl Io rext yecar's pieu ic to bc helcl ai.t Ihl sa me place oit the second Sunl- LA ST L dayv of Auguisi. .CI.1 ESSES .... , ......-$5 00 SECOND GROUP 7 F~I ~CLEARING $ R1 BUY NOW AND SAVE $ $ $ 4 Air - Conditioned For Your Shopping 4 Comfort %>ÀIAÀA À À À À À À I I Kraft CHEER WHIZ 16-oi. Aloro q loch pie PEPPERO' 15 9 jar 59 PIZZA PIE Y OId South Frn7en 6-0z.Royal (;xest Rindlcss1 -1b. pkg Orange Juice3ins79c SLICED SIDE BACON )g5 9c MA 1l 0Z5 C No Ilaste -No I eft (ber '.whole, split or I"rencbed POTAT0(HIPs'ý9'5 PORK TENDERLOIN 6b99C ORANGE JUICE TR-oS. t CATELLI MACARONI 2-1b.pAg.ET JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH 2 siz AJAX LIQUID CLEANER lize 69c 3 7c 45c 71c MODESS Regular or Carefree Picq. o1 12 39c1 1> îices Effecie 'Autg. 19, 20. 21, -2, WNe Rutse r'. e thle Rig lit t)lu itîil tQLîaîît i t lt. SAVE 10e EA CH DEMPSTERS EACH PLAIN or SALTED i6.oz. pkg. 39c 39c 24c 37c CARAMEL WAFERS GDÙN' 2 pkgs. 55c EXTRA THIS WEEK. IGR' '.IX"tN o To$36.00 1is PEACHES Ri'ean Extra $10.00 tapc TEA BAGS FAB DETERGENT Reccive ani Extra 86.00i tape REDPATH SUGAR Receive ail Extra S2.00 tape '.ith EVAPORATED MILK TULIP MARGARINE FRENCH FRIES TABLERITE WIENERS DUCHESS APPLES 6-Qt. Basket 9 C wjh .1iî> l enicv; 1 Bradford No. 1 Grarlp Size 21'ti SORANGES doz49c (ELERY 2 for 25c 40c oit1 Kinq Size vi t h <dfl. No. 1 Gradp G;arden Fresh 3-lh.b. ags OnIv the Fresh Taste Best size 140s SL'NKIST 101b an cdAR ROTS 2 for 29c LEMONS 6 for 39c ICA tall ins>" 3 lb Gn.tî McCaiîn% K1rikle 1 &-oz. pkg. Cf* 7rnde 3.ih.bciqa Bowmanv'llle IGA Foodliner -BOWM-AN-VILLE - Winning Float Came from Franklin Park APPLE PIE Hospitality Cracked Wheat Bread Round Oatmeai Bread CHRISTIES SODAS BACK AGAIN BY POPULAR DEMAND!! PIay 'Lucky Spin" Free At the 1<, XBooth in the F ood Products Building at the C.N.E. .i rd dv. and Miss Dian Goodw:n. ail of Bowmanville. To mark the anniversarv their familx' presented Mr. and Mrs. Purdv with a five- piece silv'er tea serv'ice and door chimes. and from rela- tives they' received a silver mante] dlock. They were also the recipients of man 'v other gifts and numerous congriatu- latorv cards. Honored guests were the anniversary groom'.;pare1:,ý Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Purd v. Town. and the grooni's bru- ther, Mr. Jack Purdy, Town. who was best man 25 x'earq ago. Seventv-five relatives, ago. Also present vas thie flower girl. now Mrs. Ra!1'~i Rowe (ne Joyce Purdv i. Town, niece of the silver wveî- ding groom. Sevent 'v-five t latives. friends and niho called to extend congratula- tions and out-of-towngus were present from Oakville, Toronto, Oshawa. Ottawa and Montreal. S'FS LADIES' BOWNMANVILLE EARANCE MER

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