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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1964, p. 6

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6 The Canadjan Statesman, Bowmnanvllie, Augz. 19, 1964'ý Wilson, Nich Bengs, Melonie - - Carr. Susie Kav, Karen .Tcf-1 N fries, Patrick Lindsay, Nor-H N oy man Krang, Danny and P. H À Cou tie i N o H u ry lake. Pat Allan. and L:nda Nîr. and MrsP crC larke Case 'v. offFlorida wreFrda vn T'n Pee Wees have started 9dnirgetofrad «ro o m pl wit O rd r i'heirplayoffs with mlcre. Mrs.CharlîeWrrn Tuesday the first gamne was M¶rs. Dlavid I loupei, ()rono, started bere when il was iiron'tcsawthl%-. For Safety Inspector called in the firs nnings on A. E. Billettad ihMs accuntof tundv sor t e den Tea.~ fh s United Counflies in Cobourg ]em. How are we gaing to Thursda *v Kendal %vent ta L'w r.Nderrnan. oio v. are in na hurr,% ta comply withý get suitablv qîiali fied men on Welcomne and won by a 21-i i1 w Mrs. aactG nds Department of Labor insist- a part-time basis? 1 think score. Bob Foster pitcbed the Mrs. Ilunt. ance that a construction safety there is a littie resistance ta gai-e and Bill Robinson Ira- stîîrtu arat. Inspector be appointcd. the department's method orf caught until hie was bit ini xedr 0ln lmtns The question has croppcd up praniotiflg the safety inspector the ;ixth innings. Bill Me- de ntswis imsapa et various meetings off United idea. There is the feelingý cer -atiglitflhe îcst of t he ts he s u n ades i 3ret Counties Council avec thelover the department's insist-igarne. It is a best 3 out off 5 fr Cou r: ce Ifigh School: Pest two vears. It was last arice, on what tl considers toiseries. Gene Baisori, Raîîdail Prime brought up at the April sessionî be suitably qualified men, The Juniors plaved three and Wenidclî Prime. Randal by a Department off Labor while the requirement is for ýexhibiti on gamnes this week. Prime rîivdsi\ firsf class field man, William Ovens, who part-trne help. This is un- Monda. Stoufffville caime bere. honouirs, anid twu third t'lass; indicated the department was realistic." and were beaten bv a close honaurs anîd wonIî wo scholar- beginning ta feel sorne irn-ý Other official opinion w~as score off 2 to 1 bN, Kendal. hbips. Ile plauns fo attend Uni- patience xith municipalities that safet * act regulationis, witll Rav Couroux pitcbing. eri n Waterlon. île. which have not appainted which exempt farm construc- Wednesdlay Oshawa c a nm c hrathcr Wenîdel] comipleted one qualified persans ta see that tion. will make the act gen- here and losf by a 2 fa 1 scOre? Grade 1.3 siibjec' whilc in safety act regulations are car-: erallv ineffective. This situa- with John Quantrili pitclilm2 Gr-ade NI and plans Io fak" ried out. on local construction tian wîll continue îndefinitely' for Kendal. Sundayý Kend3l another Grade 13 suhiect while jobs. lin predominantîxý rural agri- went to Stouffville and again takiîîg Grade Xli. Dcterrn- United Counties Warden i cultural areas.--Examîneî. were successfiil by, a 2 f0 i1 atian and bard \vork wîîre- Douglas MeMaster said last-- score with Ralph Kennedy slts. Wednesday thaf one reasan Pitching. We hope they scr-ý Last week's (allers afilih A. whY no safety inspector has KENDAL cecd as wcll when thry geiW.Prescalttborne wcre: Mrs. been appointed is because. inta the pla 'vofis. Frank Ilancock, Krrn Miss with a prtdarninantl.v, rural r.Wtescm lin'j(a, base, there is insufficient con- Wr ai-r c llrlf o bc ah1c %vu M. Wande hm n Malette Eîfi elid.M r. srcinactivity atan foriI' l erx losaer 10 îwa hopsan Iast Monday frorn Eu Uie fa kerp a a ultima n. "orisae('tfaf, affer beinog' hanqiiPark and .; - Business Drcoy rpeetor hîîisv. rnonfhs \vbiie bridges were, inc -\vtî them for a wbjle - "The obviaus a arounri heing hu1l1. the SevenbLiUne. Mr. and Mrs.Bropkpma and A this is for various M unicipal,- is iaiain open for frafffic. faml aeAoe uIfon ±ccoinfa n y ties to appoint their . e Mrs. FAna Dobson xvas theý aemvdotrm en a part-time basis," lie sai. 4L 't of Miss CatberinetrmentO Tiasv's sr e aa t è R I, .1. DIuI,î,II "Many ofthefmunlivelneai-Stewartastleay.Chartcerd Acu u.îuufnui "Man offthemuniîpaitie Steart Sunay'and Mr. fand Mrs. Roy Vernon 93 Chiiuchî Street hegan to do this. only ta re- Miss Eduib Thornpson, niir~E, and Chervi are movinz in. 93:of ceive objections fromte ein-rainin.- in bei third yveac, Mr. partment on the gcoinds thaf Van couver". ficxv dnvn ta .Kllg f Wlo 1 LEONAR[ JAMES BROOKS the part-tirne men were flot ýsPeîd a few davs wiîîî lier Kend ai Church Sunda v mo ro- 1 îree Acinn: prpryqualified. grandmotber and tuncie. Mrs. n,î dg aeui atogh- arseri 'That raises another prob- Chas. Thompson and Arthuîr. n gv qit 1foîg f Tse 05 n 99.1 Pcovoking talk on *Finding uit 20Wa 725-91>5 Cntr Mc. and Mrs. Len Wood-. New Sense of Values". Tl Oh aSopig nr J.rock eer and Davind. Dr. chair sang "Tell Me the Oil I WM. .1. il. COCIGlNS R. KrbvandfrindMr.Old Story" with Mrs. A. Fos- Chartered Arrotintant andMrs Gerg Clrk ndter at the organ. Next Sun- serond Flor the Sarchuik farily were day Mr. Ji Young off Osh-. New Lihrary Building down ta their sumnmer hornesi here - awa will take the service. Cor. King & Temiperance Sts.1 THE i ~~~Te faîindation for the lne62-fl church's tnew kitchen was puItiSt YALE. FRIEDLANDE in Saturda\' The bouse bein' g A ian S uaents chartecred ý E Ii -I Irerected hv Ra-y Hoskîn of ree conni -E A S YOshaw-a is !so eiiider li-en-ed Trustees wav ouithue Visif hret.i akufc ýT V si ere 64 King St . E72'-8-7371 y Anoîher indication off pro- W I4Ygress e. the painfing off the Ontario ca-operatives wîîî __ shaxva. Oifario white lrnes on the road bie- camne under close scrutînv dur- ÜONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS' __tween here and Newtanville. îng the week of August l9tb & C (. -These will be of special bene- wben 35 students frornof' hatrr ccuiat T o uuy fit Io the people travelling an ot atAi ilvisit r Oshawa Shopping Centre when the mist is dense. Ontario under the auspices of, 72 8 -7 527 I nsurance A farnily picnic was enjov- the Columbo Plan., Pa rt ners: ed Suinday afternoani at thie Particularly interested in Hon. ,.1. W Molt îIth, FC I]eed more insurance? Who Lakeshoce Park, Oshawa, by, the operation of co-operatives A. B. Monteilli, B. Com , C.A. Mrs. Win. Meccer, Mr. and the students will study mto G. W. Richi, C.A., RIA. doesn't? The question is, how Mvrs. George Mercer and fam- undertakings in the Toronto (Licensed Truistce) do you make that large, once.. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coat- and Barrie areas. The group, G. E. Trethcwcv, C.A. a-year payment? ham and farnily, Mr. and Mrs.- will be divided with 10 off the. R. F. Ligbitfoot, C.A. WVe have the answer for you. Chanlie Roach and farnily, Mr. members surveying the Toron- B. R. Waters, C.A. TL'The-iatfrd'coneninland Mrs. Eddie Couroux, ta area and the rernainder in&BROW 1Marie and Lyrin, Mr. and Mrs.Smce ont. arSi?îed Accauintants nionthly premniumu payment1 Vance Allen, Mrs. BillAle The group will also spend a14KigS.EssawOt plan. 'and Trtîdv, and Mr. and Mrs week on similar studies in14Knla asOhwOt Cai orsto intody ad ih adii ad Nncy ~Quebec and will visit Westernî Partners: Callor topin oda an Bil Mdil an Nany. Caadafora prio of, sx1ýRonald F. D. Wilson, C.A. find out how smail monthiy ptainities foilwsed yraes weeks. The group is just con-1 G. Edrnoind Burrows, C.A. wihlhelpyou ffor an gares ad a inecluding a six week tour of tePoe7875 payrnents wl epyuafr n ae n iedinneriMaritimes.c NE~ protection ail through the from well laden tables. The Ontario tour will be h ir opr a c iic # ar Holidlayinig with Mc. and Puevsdb J .OMaa Mrs. Trumnan Garbutt for thesprisdb J.EOMera_____ of the Co-operatives Brnh, JackeGawrutt r.Leand - ,Ontari o Department of Agri- Ch'nopractor Jand Gax-. Camping Mîke clue and is being carcied Office then ive- r.y thamisg dwek areut inco-operation with the 15 Elgin Sf., cor, off lorsey SI. Mhe.raver fr sRon aNeile major co-operatives in Ontario. Phone 623-5,509 STUART Bl (Keith Swacbrick's sister)OfieHusByApnrnn and their four eidren.__ JA ES S0~ Hodaing at Ken-Gar Hils BUIRKETON D la n f ai butt were David Leitch as Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Coul-, DR. WV. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Insurance Real Estate Counsellor, Greg West, Ronny ter and Susan, Arvida, Que-'75 King St. E. Bowmanville King st. E. Botivman'viiîe Geigeir, John Evans, Brenda' bec, were Wednesday guests Office Hours: OffceReadece Rumby, Fat Mann, Kathy of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey. 9 arn. Io t3 p.rn. daily 623-681623549 Sean, Janet Ozenbrook, Jay Mc. and Mrs. K. G. Roblin Coe audyadSna Iand Gay Darbyshire, Kenny attended the funenal of Mr. fiehn 6359 ____ ,__Walsh, 'Donna and Doreen Howard Lowrey at Cherry Re,. Phone Newcastle 987-42611 Valley.. DR. E. W. SISSON, Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbardý L.D.S., D.D.S. called on Mr. and Mrs. Rus-! Office in bis home BOWMANVILLE ýseli Davidson, Raglan. Socny! 100 Liberty St. N., Bowrnanville 623-5589 ta repart that Mc. Davidson Phone 6213-5604 R OYA L ~is very il!,Ofic Hours: Mrs. R. Davey spent Fcîday 9 a.rn. !o 6 p m. dailvTHUR . - AT.,AUG.20 -22 iLindsay. Smt set Cîosed _Wednesdav - Sna THU S. SA .,AUG 20- 2 1lnMs.Jack SihDpn Ri- i. C,.-F.-CATTRAN. D.D.S'. WALT DISNEY'S day in Peterboraugh. Office The C.G.I.T. aceompanied 7,5 Kirig St. E. Bour manville E..~ ~ I~a~ u yf, by Mr. Flayd Argue, rnaking Office Hou rF "3 LIVL~~ 0F UIUUMA~UNA 13 people al bld, enjoyed a1 r.t ipn al hayride on Friday evening.! Closed Saturdax' and Sunday In Colour They ceturned ta the homel Telephane. Office 623-54.59 I f %T Ahf Mcnd1rs. . A.Tu __ ___ ui, rea a ileparu; Er RICHARD LOVEKIN Gre h fl n ta alev 5ouiuoffbospi. BA, LL.B. re a ,id tyn,- with ber du ;riýp ghter un Oshawa,- an S t r - S aluo Mr. andi Mr.-. Allaîî Lai-me, igs e~csf rtlty Toronto, Mn. anti Mcs Enixcar d lui-95 i e a McMahon and ffamily, Blc- 9531_a - stock,. wece Stunday gtiest5 orf MorI Mc. andi Mrs. Har-old Larmen or ga Miss Gwven Shuer, and Mr. Shier, Newmrarket. wece Sun- ADEAMTO-ORN day zue5ts off Mr. and ri IrzPhion" r 6 i B.ruice Lee anti fainil.\ Fr Mc and Mrs Orville r euepeFr- thL. ~andti rIcs, Oshawa, arconipan:- - ~ P~ It's goou uiçaiiiî nsurance to have Glen eti by Mcs. E. Bcvan v 1'i-d otaerraauhl Rae Daiî'y dehiver ail the dal dairv-fresh Mix- Maud Brovvn. Scuzog I-- foi ;îrp~e~o products your fanîîly needs And rernenibet- Mr- Christie c idbn onluî d'îýp i Inari Mn H, nti 'Nelcao hauir't '- r of a e your own good health and enjov a inik-break MrsD,.npar-r antifamii - frid". at least twîce a dav. Torontno x-ere Sundri-v itf HAROLD C. PFDý'iVEI. off Mr an ' Y-Peter Ga'ýBnp chefl anti formiv r-a;,gtI'- 9R7 4,01, PHONE 623-5444 FOR DELIVERY M.mJulv Allion l iir dz> - Fr3nc!. and Phul'o Abli -n ' Oshawa. are holidavîng witb -KEIT-H A. T.IFT.O Gîar\-Alhison. Optrnutri. \Ius;ý:;Alice Taylor l.; holi- 141 King St E Pov a- lt dav .n, xxith relattve3 n office Hourzr-B:. nrnrtrent G i n R e D i y Cook£stown, Teirlron -6 G l n a D i y fdSch t in 4,5 NIioiTue Tjr- Enr. 98 King St, W. Rowmanvile an hîcWreh i à oda n iaio .. T 4r2ý iMPTON Priel e (:, Wodrtie l Mrs Deiii Htdgun, Ajax;, Mc. 1ainci \rs. Etigar Prescoit. Enl- fîecti .NIr1' and M rs. Glenni Pre. cott. Nom, Zeabanid MNji Ross Po]lt x. O-huawxa: MIr.anud Mur. at SoNr-'ulthnpîî Mr.unti 1k Mrs. W;ruud Mn-. Rus-' Sinil urr -dri.Cshiw 7Mi -and Mrs. ,lacobb Kessîci audAllielua anid M r. Pete-r wekidw1il Mn. and Mrsý flanuptloiî MunîiipatlI a!! mas INlit- ntue of a hiappîy padry ul, Sur fui rda vecuiing wheu t1e uclaf Xres rutMu,.an ci MuI. Itga li~cui.Kfiiveld, gatil- cicc triIoihnur i' fiir ouniiigsf >on. Mnr Ic-it Pi esrttt muid bis clial-nu uuîg bridle, hîtihfroîîî Nexý',Xt'n laild, vhio have speiit f heu- liuvnri tiOiltanrio. A pliiuse nof nioutvy vas perî rd Itto thuîg rouie. NI t -ý K 1ti1t 1ila riir i 0 1 Potui 1'cn\ .s spuiduigsouIie lit- davs itl lie r gaiirparcnts, MNIrt uindMrs. G, Adlunck. Mi1,t NrsRriliBalad Apîrlufourn uu;~Puir ll., heI tlroui AnI-ti ar. MI i tiiM\u Nrbic SIcri rît t .Jrrjiti, l'rtil :tîlfci . lîî Erra k li, Iu uil unirIl t.1tt ntlc f a ti r ir ir irli r irtu r. 1 fin, i t il cd lu us ;:11111t M us (Cari i ' atr M I. Cariic cnii uti- dy Mri anduîlMns. Keî'fe anud four chiltiren are spendiîg twoi wecks with Mrs. Keefe's par- ents,Mn anti Mns.Abex Car - nick. Mn. aî.d Mns. Joit Cai nigauî anti Douglas speut Sundaiv eveili îg xitb .ant i Mn-c. Herbent Prescoît. Eniîiskillen. Mr. aîîd Mns. J. S. Eddyx-eaîu, Oroîuo: Mn. anti Mns. Bibi Eddyveaii, Nem; I.iskeard, xvis- iteti ai the Prescott boorntt Suida 'v nveliiig, Mr. anid Mcc. Bruice Caverlv anti elildren, Oshiawa, vîsiteni Mr. andI Ivrs, Keuueth Ca%- erbv oui Salurda v. Mr. Verrue Chant. Ttmiuiituî, spi t lthet' wrekeuiid ai borne.- Mi anud Mrs. Ted Chanît at- triudced Peterborough Fair on Saturday andîti 'sited Mrs. Cbant's auiot andi rncle, M!,. anîd Mrs. H-arotld Hambîvu,. Mn. and Mrs. Chant and MnI. aînd MuS. Chas. Warren ~ru Sat:întay, vx'e(nirig-witb Mn. anîd Mrs. Ranri-ouai thein cottapgc ai.Crae Mr. aund M-s. Ted Chanmt. Mn. Vernue Chant, Mrs. Gary Chant auîd Eric visiled ouiçSun- rba. wf Mn. anti Mrs Jacî Cartr-and daiighiers, Tooni- M r mandi Mrn.. FnsletIloîe Wi'llctv.da le: NMu. l-xiiCr <Icrutaî:1.) " . iiîINr andc Mrs. c-x i vnlcrmaut Mu l,rwî. Willianisori. (if PII(-fypoorculs1icmut hie wrc-keutdj( xvuthu Mu. andiri ., PitvDrw- ril uirl fanîily ('auinlirt ne )eweil I o~tîluga v(,erkvllMn, aid M'rs. Bri- ,Ttnk, Sobiuîa. Mn. anti Mns. Burrows vîsut- red on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Jamnier wh'o have bought a home un Port Percy. Mrs. Chas, Burcows, Ajax, is spenduîîg a week xvith Mr. anti Mrs. Burrows. Ou- Thursday evenîng Mn. and Mcs. Chas. Gilks, New- castîe visited Mrs. Luther Allun and farnil ' . On Saturday ev- cning Mrs. Luther Allin and George accompanîed Mn. and Mcs. Gilks ta Oshawa ta visit Mrs. Ml\innie Hubbard. Mn. anti Mrs. Johnî Lyon, 'Ferry, Jimmie and Rabbi vîsit. rd Mr. and Mns. .Jack Yeoman. Lindsay, an Sunda 'v. 1 Mrs. Mel McCîine, Kafhy andi Cindy, Oshawa, and Mc. auîd Mcc. Player and boys, Bowmaiîville. Mr. ai-d Mrs. Lyonî aîd boys xvere aIl lea guests off Mn. and Mrs. Siti Kcrsey an Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Banrv aidý farniîv. St. Thomas. spent the weekend witb ber sistec Mrs.1 Killens, Mn. Killens ai-d fanu- îly.- Master Douglas Killensý refurncd borne afler holiday- îng wvith the Barry' family. Mn.-ý. Sykes, Befhesda, visit- vd on Saturday %with Mn. andi Mns. John Knox. Mr. and Mrs. John Knax x'isitd on Sunda 'v with Mr. and Oun Stiudu'V Mn. auid Mrs Mu - Bon L.uke. Robbi anr: 'Icri 'v, visi ted Mr. and Mvrs. Douî Jonah at thein cottage on Lake Scuigog, Oit Mou)ia y NMriantdtiMrF. Elrnrýr Hawes anti Mrs. A. lîa]wPs,. XVithv, visuteti Mr. anîd Mca, Ron Luke. Misses NancY anîd Susan IVacklin arne on holidavc a+ 'South Pocupine in the com- 'and farnly, Prince Albert, pany of their aunt Miss Shir- Sask., were guests of honor at ley Macklin. a party at the cottage of M. M. and Ms. jas. Smith, Yeo's sister on Sturgeon Lake. Kingston, spent the weekend Ms. Bertha Yeo, Mrs. Ev- M'ith M. anti Mrs. Oxeton, elyn Colville and Miss Bernice M oui-tenay. Ye, Bowmianville, visited Mr. Ms. Brantoîî. Selbv. is and Mrs. Geo. Yeo on Sunday. ispening a week \vitu lier Othex guess were Mr. and daughtec Mrs. Mountenay. Mr., Mrs. Sam Adams and Kelly, 1Mounitenay and family. Bowranville: M. Grdon Yeo, 1 M. and Mrs. Kenneth Sanm- Mary andi Neil frorn Enniskil- ells. Blackstock, calleti on Mr. len; M. andi Mrs. Delbert Yen andi Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy andk Lama. Oshawa. andi M. on their wa '- home from their Jc Colville. trip ta the West, Mr. and Mrs. Doit Lewis, M. and Ms. Danî Black, Mke and Cathy, Spencer Prt, C ou tice; M . nd M s. R av- 1 N w Y c , p n mfw d y mnti Clapp. Tyone, ~with Mr. anti Ms. Wilfredv .Sunday Visitrs witb Mr, anti Smae. M c. Ceeil Sler n . M aster Riki S rale hati an Ms. Harv Booking. Pont1 eye opeation in Oshawa Ho,- Britain. anti Mr. Normal, pitlaI ast Thursday. Booking. Bowranville, 'isit- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Abbott ,ed Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Semoiî anti Mark, Bowmanville, xere on Monday. Suîday visitos with Mr. and M . aid M ccs. Harvey M s. W ilfred S rale. Tompson and sns visiteti 'n LasI Wednesday Mr. antd Sunav wth Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Hosken Smith attendedi ATnold Lashbrook and famiy, the Warden's P i c nl i c al. Brampton. They also hati a Presqu'ille oint. anti caled 'isit with Mrs. Thompson'e on Rex. and Ms. Plant at mothe. M c. Lashbook forrn Brigb:ai. Pary Sount, xvo is keeping Misses Linda anti Beverly ouIse foc er soli while is Taylor, Bowmanxile, are vsit- xife is in Brampton Hospital ing hin graniparents, Mc. witit a nex' son, and Mrs Hosken Smith. CrRecentîx' M . ant iMrs. Lexv Last weeks x'visitos wttu Cyderman, Mn. anti Mcc Mr. and M'rs. Hosken Smifh Haroldi Salter, Mn. and Mrs. 't-re isses -lanice and Diaîue Grdon Wilhhuîc attenred the Prescot and Master DavidJ .501h wedtiing aiiiniverlsarsv-' o:Presiott off Enfîcîti. Mc. and Mcs. Percy- Clarke. Mrs. T. Burrows, West Hill. Greenwooti. .aîd Mcc. Les Brooks, Bow- Mr. anti Mrs. Harolti Bason îîanville, visited M. anti Ms. anti farily are spening a Beri Stevens n Sunday. few days at the cottage of Mn. and Mrs. Charlton Mr.- Mr. and Mcs. Lewis Trullan Bride. Peterborough, witb Mn. Lake Chemong. ýand Mcs. Clarence Tink, visit. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vea cd Pioncer Village on Sundav. THOUSANDS 0F SHOPPERS HAVE WON Specially Sciected - Valite Check'd - Branded ROATSlb 3 9 Speciaiiv Sclected Lean - WelI Trimmied Short Rib ROASI 45'lb Sp)cdaiiY Selecteti - Choice, Pluium - Grade 'A' Mape LeaDUCKLINGS 55C Idcal for Burgers - Fresh Mlýinced GROUND BEEF m- For 'Meals in a Jiffy - Lean, Tender BEEF STEAKETTES 2 21bs 79c - b -159C CIRCLE 5 BESI BUY! Regular 2 for 51c! Caloured Rose Margarine CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! Regular 2 for 49c! Deep Brown LIÙBBY'S BEANS CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! Regular 37c! Assorted AIIlen's Fruit Drink.1 CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! Regular 39c! Nabisco Melmac E Shredded Wheat CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! Regular 37c! Red & White Homr PEANUT BUTTER J CIRCLE 5 BEST BUYI Regular 89c! Lestoli Liquid Cleaner CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY' Reg. $1.19! Chas. & Sanborn 12 INSTANT COFFEE I uar~ for f611r' ft-(b7. in% ORANGE JUICE 2 for 65c l{uIr 27c Trnder t10-ni7. Pc% GREEN BEANS 2 for 49c GREEN PEAS qmnd PEARL ONIONS 29c 2 (PFNINC; TCDAY' - .Another 2C Redf & White Mn1trket ini Hanover MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNISH'S MARKET PECK'S RED & WHITE Dix: NI. NIN: NUMBERS TO PLAY 4 6 ;8 PLAT loi 16 18 ""24 261 32 EAT PLAT 341 36 li38 PLAT ON601 62 64 ARo 661 76 I178 841 86 88TO 90,96 98WI Check Your Card- Against Game No. 9 Winning Numbers! CASH WINNERS 1 WATCH THIS SPACE FOR WEEKLY WINNERS - PRODUCE LUSCIOUS ONTARIO RED PLUMS No. 1 3owI Offer M fIM o 18-0z. Garden Fresh Iceberg No. 1 Large Heads 33c. LETTUCE - 2 for 25c Pi CisPý', t'nînchy- Ontario No. 1 <oUl CUCUMBERS 2 for 25c 28-oz. Size Large Green No.1 7 9c f-ISWE PEPPERS 3 for 19c off pack Regular 27r! Choice Red pittpd 15-o,. Tins OZ. Culverhouse Cherries 5 for 99c à 9 9 Regular 26! Prepared 16-oz. Jar 6-o.. Jar& 2 for 29o izen [Food%' FRENCH'S MUSTARD 23c Regular 79c or 89r! 48-oz. Jar Su preme Pickles Sweet Mixed 69c Rrgular 2 for 39c! Parket Park 9O,-oz. Pkgm. Robin Hood Cake Mixes 4 for 69c Reiula Wh'1' ite 160-o.. Sfi 8 c * Mcaple Grove * Orono m - Newtcqien mvi I Il 1't*ph Bike-d!' Pstnn or S'iribram olid Fahinpd Reatitir 3ir - PkU. ofl. Oatmeal Cookies 31 NoinaOIîn rJnt F rick ICE CREAM Bird% Eyp Fro Regular 9IC! ý%,hjtp 160-os. Sise

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