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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1964, p. 7

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T' ' .'J<~ ( Mr. anid M~Hso'sm:tu n)f Dumndas uerp Mond,(ai'\'rvis for; wîth Mr. anri Mrs. Robert Kerr. Elgin Stroot: Mr. and M1rý; Norrman Jamcz. Kingston. ' pent the xoko t\'ith Mrs. tamez' rparents. 'Or. and Mrs. Wm .M, Attîn, Scurîcg .St reet. Mr. and M.Hi;zl Swi-- Fon and [amiý...S:idc havp heen x-sit!nz Mr. andi Mrs. Harri Sutton. Wt.g Ion Street. NMlr s. R. Land. Cpa!br' r--r Stenhen and Chrîstopher si;_)n' laSt xxeeoh ;il, Mr. a ndH. trI .j ack Oed sctar tHax% B-':. Nrar Mr. .Jack- la r K ou S', Ea- m- ciao a n dMrs. Adxînh.h av f rolurned from a dol,1îgvh t f l Vacation in Nassatî MIr.Murra iMi tandi his thre sons. Donralrd. Jp(-k, and Joscph. cnjovnd a u' holidax' a! t-utsvxiltc or*L BaY-and Penmh:,-oh(-. Mr. and Mr' rîck (;<oi1 aurd son Dni. :\lMss Sar Bry(eand Mr. I.arr v faur-or.k btîx'r rourred [rorn a xh- holiday at Crowr' Lak'e. Mrs. M. Mirddnp. the Li- brarian. has, returned froni bus vacation ai Sairdv Cove, and visiting frionds at Rridgoîox'n Anrd WolfvillE', Nova Smo! a. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilooipes- and Tobi Jairu. tonn: Mr. ind 1 Mrs. Walter Stuffof, Jann aud Val, Tor-onto, spent Simîdaxv with thr Calvers at W,ýaupoo-r Miss Pais *.' Blake haS jUS' rpturned [rom a vecoh 1ý Smetzler's Raton Txitn School at Hiddpn Xallov Camp. Watkins Gien, Neuw York S ta! o. Mr. and Mî's. Jamesr Mar!iiir, Manireen, Krm, PaUl and Wayne bave roturued from a .yrven.iovah!e vacatinon ý Prince Edwardc Island aiid Bar. Harbor, Maine. MisNancv tlital inr! er friend, Git Roberts-on, Cha'- hamo, rr'tiirnod homeono Sun- day after spoudîng ho! idaY t with Mr. and Mrs. Jame5; Hait. Liberty Si. North. Mr. and Mr's Georntge itb Ardis spont a weoh a! Big Bob Lake. Thoir cîusis for thr first fowv dax-ri xx-ro Mr. and IVrsz. Glennr Richards and their childre. Date and Daun. Miss Margairi Prîrtr i- retrei'nodfi-cm a sxw ktouri cf England aind Sr-otland. This wevk Miss Puiictenirs iin Strat- ford. Ont.. attenidinrg perfcrmi- noces at the Shakespeare Fr'F- tival Theatre. Mrs. Ivotox \',arrstuîrearnt datigbtr. Miss Rarhara, re tur'-rd hor a-t 'xok nomi a ve'-entovableho îda'. i Itr \l- Va i non,'s 1ni-clt ýani a t. and Mrs. 1,, a!. Flenni- inz of Lake Cu .W ro .n Mlastrr Jeffr(,x*aund Mîi 1»' otte Richardis spent a fcew clays % .i*h Mr. and Mrs.eog Ric-ha rds %wh 10thpir pa roir' anod ha hi hrotb rr Cbroin rp!î'r alt-n1u! hofunra! of Mr. Mcnd.fatlir-r of Mrs. Alan Richards. in Omumrne Brrr! 1 L;C a.1 ba S 1i(1et r Cd [rom I .a he Coucisn ing x-boi r ho zr'îîî t *woup nk--ai tl!e Orîtarlo At blet ru Camp as re- pro-el a! xc f roniu Bi r-n rit~ ~~lnl Butr~rS:ot Riad x r-ho--ci:a îni lts u0 Iio F.H.S. Rus' Ph: sicai u cal io)nIuiii-n Ms. -and Mis. Wilian-,('ut- vilttc auiri John -iîrr- Sun:- da"ý fi rorn a xcix p 1ca --nlt Mrs i l1ton \',suk i -N xi 'm Nlauihsan puait.catfurnia. Sal o [).-O oZo and!1 fo Rr-Farm xxi re aur io oif 11ln rCt nux d '.-i!l. Last-t 'eh M r. arcnd1 sJoe Ciir!lahpc, Gxxen and!Milir' rospect At. roturnori bxtrain [rom a vr-atimnn Vaîîcoiixer- Bu C. Onie day. xxhite tIrr. thlex ci ssurt byhi'bs anrd B.C. fcrrx tu icutoria, 'Van(ouvxers Ianid. a nd hiar a pli-asaut x'i- t wiî h Mr anud îr. George Rohuriî, West Saan'h Road. mi, and mrs. W. .F. Orui- aslun. teio Mr. àaIlri Mrs. 111i21r Suxarr-iou, îîrirg' aud Mr. X 'î'o. rîoxx i. Peter- horuîg!i, accompaniod NI r. and Mrs. llarrx Stîtton. tuxyn. Io at coud the .50!h11 ri osar Srrocf St. Parus Anglican Ch urch. Porr-toxx'u last Sun- i dax. and the roruptoi aftir- xva rd. Rer-ci i s~itors wîth Nil" andr t'drs. A'r! Mai-torrisoîr -Flou St., xx-oro Mlr. and 'J rs. ('tiriii Bogq. Dotroît. Mît-h.: M.andt t\trs. Raxy Luhba and son Ri:!, 1I\rs. BîilAndrexi'.aIt ut Noth Buv 'M r, anr!M r S. ErCI u-a:', Ric-ha rdsonr. Grimsxbxy:\Mr. ails Mrs. .Jackh Huchîrg, Port I-tnp-. ai-id Mrs. Cirartîr Hociilgogf Suri!h Fori ipîe. M!ss Wcrir!îBcnîItec lba- l'i lirel thIl s -tic c houii awxa rdcd IIrie oi'- M-t' f t hi e R o i a ICrrr1utr Torl. hS iteîd xt!: a-rttb- orl. sdir t for- thbu r gbuxî marilk iii il)',Proxince cf Oit- tari iiiC ale2vi3ol il- \cix lias hecust iid ll e tcCeli sorx-alury forr txxo iaur!a Iii ycai s andid rfs':icond-i car- sc-hotar-.lirp -rirdenir. %Itr. anid Mirs. K. Vi' .5-x t ,have retîrred to !!îri' Ireir- at Salmionri 'i. B.C.. ti- tiotiduvi"%iîgxl1 iScrli t xsistpr- N. -R.S-!In T-eroanid i Mrs.W .-Miai- donal d. 1icivSIrei i-las xx'ct as inativ iorlier -îar fi lErd- ansi 'otritix c-. Th'ib- i M r. Sicîwnr!s niul-i i;incro'-r n 45 sorr. bis iii nra Ioni hring in Centrr'uiiry<Ot. \tr-. anid M rs, iHirotriliii n m mroîluanrd faîtrît- - -'orrtltSt., arl cI rs A. . V'ilni-îir. Tt'ir fite. traxc uiri rctirrit frnt r sil tp nîr.armd T R.f. lanîd Lahu. ixr arits N -.. 1 Wh'tiis and fîrrhi B.rr-c.M - anrd 21-. R t-anitrtonircl :ii fa mitx1v. oîîdoî. Onti aîd itir. arunI Mrs. D. Fl anr utirîr!aind fantiix -S!. Thuira'- Te' is cittoxoti a trip te I'xlrrixlturg An i i tinr îrrroofr t'<r n' tend ritvi exl rr prsta!ixi xîIl l.i'n~lai1 cn tigl m n-rirs at" os , n(ai l d tui Thro itcetnrr-nrda 'l'rur- i REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 'Sctsgog Street, Bownuanv-iIIe Rev. Johin C. \'eibrî îgzr', B.A., B.D., I\Ilîuî.sLr 4 IVWORSI-IP SERVICUES 4 9:00> rn. - DI)tch 1:0011<1 u. - Englishi S7:30 jpam. - EgIbtll 4 Proçlai tiaîtg the WVhoIe Cotnsel of (,rd § S "Back To Cod Hour" Broadcasl 4CKLB ()shlawa - Stiiidax-, lXîg. 231rd, at 9:15 1,11. WiII Celebrate Firsi Birthday Little Peter Van D 'vk Jr., ahox'e, wiil eichbrate bis firsi. birthdav on Sep- tomber 27th. Peter is ilhe son of Mr. and 'Mis. Peter Van iD-k of Lindsav. His proud crandpar'ents aie Mr and Mis. Jlohn Van DYk and M1lr. and Mrs. John (;ebrrcrs, ail of Bowmanville. Plioto bY Astor StLudio A MacDuff Ottawa Report Streamlînî ng Parlhument nIot-ou r m :x11(, 'rîI W t, ' - . t --lîii' iiî 'rîrît - teb c fîii ' is- :lic i Pe un-i 'rtsi : !(,(,n- 'îlr ' m a! 1 ( i 1 li o no-ý'w ,11 I ot 'E: r l- r ' : îr ' 'r i :;1f 7U r. poarsi« man dC the roi led Iîrva t ini the (Oni- nions a nd lator repoated it in a atioii:i1 teler-isioni hroînIdr:st. 'Th i s a ct ion.iif laîroni b t ho C( , e r ilni enil1, 'ioîld iinolve the radminis- trat ion introduinli a ;or'- erlinron Imot ion uir'tft ie ('onînelis lu alter the par- liarinr « vî'idesc. lt 'o,îld prOOr a lei.-Ihiyand bit- tcr dehtrea rlil fi ir %ouîId bav e t lie hop:ssod h a nma- .îorir" - t' il i - -.-.I- - x ai l iu xx l) - .frîiî-n-- ~~~ b t ý- 1 ~ i:, 't Thlfre ia% ulirrr iiite Orf t lie nma i il v'cmI 1il t ce, oun P r rd Il -e. I11kAiîîder thle ria inannship oif 1; t a n I e y KiiOsi-e'.the NSeu- Demo- cr:î;tic P'ark nienher friîni IViini eg jîitIi (oent re. '1'~~ ~~ i- t --, ý1- - Tr I lr -n t r :r i Pi a i oilîotr - h 1- h -:îsCO- n i. t t u-v w-o lIln ' s Il : a r.- r:'u - i.- 'tPh en.inreîîd:î t i of SPOriilnîO inje ainol tîonltcpie d vehatf,er 'r japtcomru 0tf Cosv vrinîneii t - 1)ropio sed lPoZi'. Laillr The- I'clliite ss ou Id Ire rer1 nired tri appîiîon-e îr ne - te'.r ( teor Ilns iti e- c i uenbie.- ÉPP F Po t 'iho tri m - -: - t01 îa c i Cal -s r- i - ix - 'uss .it-u' !t hîr ~ adra: Nam.iio xiliî it (,ru )- l i lIl cii o i- .î! . utakp uoid lt iv 'il i 'uMr. Pra -on's ain- 1rox iîr1' a!lirhe detax' and the o-: r - Illte conîmitîto t"0c' ale -Io 001or)n xxilr it.s Job. Bui 'n t afi-aîd that tris state- rîc xif i oit t' nia mke cxir work il, Illte conirmitee more di ffi- t'iiru ad 1I iirl e hart nut l v 0 n iii 1t e v, ei Ilvr o(il sa id it." ils Own illitiatjive ior1on01 'h I %Viiil i Pe g memnher, turitn requost i-(om lhe re.arded as the mort ornt- "< ns a.w o0ni 1(1considor sta nding authorily ini the dthe miijmum periol10 lire ('ommons non, on rules, is ciaiIolted b o v stage o -r %orried hlx NIMr. Pearson 's Od tsîf dcli:> e. lit -oî,ld lb roat. fle contends il trot dr'al Nrr'il îuatto's :al- n oiild he Most rînfo,tunate read v on I lle ordler papor if t he (overiinîcot brouzth t and itlrwriii d mint i ltrco i ils owsn motion to alter % vithl respect to any stalze of the proreduires of Parlia- debalo a fIer liii> stage hadl ment. stiirted. 1ttc 11i,.s,; turi lcoi11Pd oui t1 'T - -ri- ii'rii c-rii ( ' î ru-, 1fltp<r)-Orl %li a mRa4)irtý .rv, n);l 1 î~ ' io-r't'îsdo rot xx'oî-k if the opposîýtto- s:n c: \ S u - i -s nil '- f: rciz 1Il t} iom ilfa; r. The o p \'-drrli- r :o i utn ' tn loiri ca i aixiwax s find 01-:;zî1ll R1 1 î11 xP r cu 1ulmur i x a -'Iou lb xîarît surh ru 1tes. dat lu" t.'o 2:nI 'nin 'l'le ('onserr'atir'e Houlse rit ut'isic ci:of 'ii' li - LIeader Gordon (Churchill ou - 'i-r'tst-.-r'ne ri 1ias more "ehlenent in hi% n - n- - l -- i- xx e- i 0- oanni Fe nlt. He said the -iýo - uh - -f n-:irct Prime Minlister',S statement -~ ~ ~ ~~l o îrîu ..llil î l wiî a "threat'. He said Mr. t ltî rTon ii ' c x - sn r cPearson n-as in effert say,- -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i. rit--oo --o (îiir r ,~l the all-party rom- t.-îco 1 i t I- I<c ilIe that ilnright as weil i 'r r t: r r-------disaîcl M r. Kf l 0tri 1esiphas iIa.(r îrî es i lroi WESLEY VILLE is lhait i s paruposrd i-.N an ' T'Iri' oaçs a illIlI btn-o <losure. It is il Svsienî for ir-ci ic lrra corîr anor thie liolse a s i.î iîrle bnî eoot ho poashes ar- thirang~h pa r tY rovIlre seil.aî-rixe 5cr lte fei-ladios xvbo are tiii". îo pili II, unie t11:1 t xi ai vonr holidax- are liaing shoaîld bu allOi-:l'itri 10(le- tI'" rmr- tri npet anlotilir qtuil haies of ;on-crn <rent hills. du alutWî t cxx'Beac-h. 't'-t- ii iThe l - riMPpeuple Irave fin- isiinr(rlr < butr pirkîng 50 tle'v, n.sî:-l- pril, E c r M i ~ Ix itîfrir fricîrds. bad a loitc hctcrf i ou biai ride on Frida v uigbl xitl' iîi 'i t týj\ nu i a IParl Auistint arîd tractor SUP- un - NI .i-'i- 5i t-n t r r rti I llhe piillîrtg powxer-. It C'. Drii ,îî-...t ol ruxohceoira liaro iagoi î~n .1' o(, ci - i foi, tîrore ser-e rcver 301 w-Io I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Iý Il t --t~ <i N îî: tri tire hompocf IMJr. i (M i i b p p anti Mi-slHarold Austin [or lr.P i u, gariro- tard rats. j: - ,('oit '- -t ' -- - Sta rîrîr rad Ille scî'iptjre i'rî îîrrîr(rrsal (If't jiev aIl- al Srîrra i st-bout and a lsn locration ils a stop forws md. îIaiil tIhe tinthe Il N% Il l:n ' tieti' lttr'i i if a:î l i1 r if Nrià. (rrncnicx ir f tnrîr iloited mLpru lii s ai' a Irt: 'nuirr vnîîiriî'ris'r (Jîia e- îlî:rrî sî Ual atcrrded tiree bsi-c-î billes fr'oîîr (ra- ()ai l anIId rti -re rt Ziiui A letîci- xxas oiiii crh lanoier tlliil nrreuitltîte ofi uithe mrtîei- parlýa II îns theni Itir o I f MNirijiil,Ill. ie girl nx-htr s tinuqe.Bitlr-v<-n liihire- h bihI' l- lc'd le0rat'a nor-- (" i l,în 1'. s Ii' -î N% i - Il ir:, t. -, if kiîî front her finion. 'rhe 'tsi î ia-i>i etariet i -rld}ood. tiv- mlembe)rs cf the suli- 'A procgranmme of assistancre ('oflflitte b:1 vo )ut their ýthat uises 1501 people in a tw'o slp 'npif a fpron .11Onr tlhe x c-ohperiod bas acbier'ed slow , Pliin. Mit former ,peatker but remnarkabte progress. For, Ma rcel ;t nihert, mre cf thea oi' f ]ilttxxhose develop- Colso"rtir-e î'\!rri son tIlle Iîlrt stPPed al ighit montbs rai-jel. il; rnu i ;iirIiîs hoie- ~hi-mhit tarîglît 10 feed her- foesaplil t"Oh". !,tri îrepand Pvienmake ! it Ici i rguî:- suiinds. This o-ethbnd M: t-c i- 'rt .i lia-frosi an eigbt year nid - --. îu -i - - .. - isrn Ic' tiîs normal mgo. an a - --- -t ~- -- -~nI er-.hi: no or uone x'ho) bas r' - i - t M -, c:ru t hPtr aQe of 18 ve r'. fc: Ait- -'ýî- - .\i \r-c' n tir \ith interost i iîh i î-ar nuoifth! bis xxcnder- ('oisei,îîinl*il\il;\% nsr'.r> f t!thapening. The bItpr v-as a g rea t dc. I of ,, nijp;jtliý i r . r - 1 10 ore 0f encou rage- that 'Mr. Riins les houird 'iiitr'.rîtnIo tthe parents. Prim jî xe r n;i\ii il-atiIni Mrs. 1-btor Dm rke ý%iiIi s niv 1r tI î.i' friirît a botida r' trip tin)n abli t I tlie- it -pilri v o 11;k- ii. ('nnimiitreni a li 1 nil 11 Mr.-.I: Balfouir- of Torrntois Prpreî'sson> line .lri-i,îîî ~P 1itb lierda u gbte r, "ta id Mir. Pe.îr'.nrî Mc uî IanClre 'xi-r -- ' - .M:. - ad- r..Neisxorî by of 'hi it- ,i a i - tr, ' - - Ha ill \xisited xxiI b Mr.'and - tot ~1i'~'u ij fi nandîlacrorîpartied tbem to tir.h's ( the- I i Sîior!fa mii: reunioia MtrîPir-asaut in the afier- -i VI' ~i - 'nrîîîî G tri' .a Nichols rets>rned - i" ni" lJarilni xî itb the Nors- 'r~~~~~~~~~ -rN\-n--- i. i-hx[r xeeks holida r'. a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ' nnr xxrti E. Barcxx - P-~~~~ 2- . -hcer dcriM-19the xeekend a bi i- .i -Pa: .'c -e ru TMrianrd Mrs. Wori Rub 'a:'. P, iî:-'-- " i )gct-ar Jack of camp i n'. - " u: '~ ':- - c r~ .' -l 'ý :\r. aird Mrs . J.Jen- - - , --or' ~- ~ shixa.Wittî 'O-r. and M,- . RBarovxciigh: N 1tr. a ld Nîr- A1181riMartin of Port Ntr. ns>le'. comntCiii Cs-rt 11tj -id Mr ajid NM rs. r lier hra-rinz the Prime c;rî lsNîtn tif Ororîn un niinister "s as; i WEdneýcia,:, durig the week- !end %i h'.'%Ir. ;qiiri NMr--A , Thorndl vke. the latter', orlp, Mir. WKm. Smith from Biançion. MNan.: wxilh '.\r. and lMrs. Freci Hoskîin. Mr. ancd Mrs. RBoy Baile '.vtý, e chiidren and Mrs. Baile \s urother. fnruterix%- of Janiaica. noxe cf Torioto. Mr. Ern Gýlox-er wxvi hbis dau.cter and fami!x- of 'Torontu x rsited w'ith friend- hc,: o- on Sî:ndav ai-ii l lad tra xx lî 1t ho Hector Dý,7r-k's. Roc-ent i i attne saine housc \ Oe'e Mr. and Mrs. E.. \ie icand xMr. anld \IrS. Jack ; Wade of Niasgara Falls. Day Care Centre' To Remain Open The Ontario Department of Heath i is nul ronsiiei irr cilosing t'le Dax' Ca-o centre ni Cobourg, RuSSeVl Rowxe. NI P. P. for Noî'thulni ber! anIld, sa;d las'xuek. MIr. Rowxe Said *theî e Ild ber::i rîmors that, the t'en! re wouîld bec io.sed after ain an- Th~ Cnarlan Satetn. nanv-le. Aug. 1P. 1Pe4 7 nouincement OthatDr. Ca rx' reat *ervire. ,le centre lus Cormack, direror nt the cen- per-fo-,-nd - n toc commu'tv. trhad hbern appointed as- A-\renlaý'rmn orDrnCt sista mmu erintendn t ut tOpremachla r .nz -oSt r v:' b- n Ontaro Hotaa!ai N ew Toi-r c' - *, M froxxPz.' onto. anrd '-rts' '1,2"bc a shrt The provuicalt îvebo'Ms dsltrx a: lu xci Dr Cr- tOai t h P Drpastmernt of markS dopa:trier and the ar- Heatth haî; overx' intention* of rival nt a nox î:rcctr. heepiu cthbe day crntre in EstabHowbd 'in '1954 mie operation. and tirat the onîie Cobourd Dax' Caro Coue-:'sr xx dopa Mtent. froni the nîinis: -r une of the Pioncrr'Sntru osof -own. s ronciolns-of ire[ ils k mid n Ou ari'o Specials Good 'tii August 22 Y t ISTERI-NE ANTISEPTI( 7 oz., 73c value49 ORNAL Capsules. SPRAY NET-iloiene ('urtis" 12-oz, plus 31.,-oz. 1.59 BUFFERIN Tablets 36's sîîgg list 79e 66C SACCHARIN Tabletsk. Brand Il gr. 1000',q 89e 69c PEPSODENT Tooth Paste RIGHT GUARD Deodorant .3 - 4)7.o,. t!9r77c NEW DAWN Hair Color FACIAL TISSUES 1.019 v'alue 69C SC RI PTOt 'n,'rrraster sO0LO0 Plastic Tipped Bob Pins CONFIDETS The sanitary napkins WILKINSON Stainless Steel Blades SUDDEN CHANGE By Lanolin Plus The' perfec-tcd, .n-ritikle-smi)otliing lotion that acts in minutes, last, for houas. B3' simple dynamler contrac- tion. it tones the skin, i'moothes out srne, and the puffs tinder ebes. lean'ing 'our con- tours looking heautifully deflned. It acts notiveabîr', nisihîy and so quick- -n y. non will sep and feel resiîlt% rminutes after y-ou apply it. Sudden M ~ANU lýw('Iange is a eon-entraled, purified, na t tral1protein. a <-bar, invisible, - ,. i~ Iiqiîid cosmetir that <'an hc iîsed ax ofben as you like. 3.95 IBaby's Own Gora®, soothes sore guins lb Stops teething pain E 9 Rub directly on gtims Wok ncntact b oj n C 9 8 ~ sj1r» 'snxx îîie"2 for 53c Tour-t"'-iî 2 for 27c l'on %%1itoh l 1.5 iî i<98C -I.economy pack 1.25 ec 37 c Reg. 69c 59 c Aids taoning.- Helps prevorît 'un. burning s Tikps it1mb out of bites, biens, skin irritations *at nvisciLr!pe WilI flot rmb otffon rlothcrs. Cîol- ing, water resistant -,Safe for ch i dme n. S URFA DI LI Profes sional SHiI at Your Service Vou a phrlauu h sa s)a rirFr hct an- i. tif filro fiîl tIpiîIcirx- on f il miî paîvt filî dri xi t I l ix-hiiesoearx os the v i'tiî fir . Bti finl andic foreuîiosrlire s a pnrf-s- cra Iminr i ega rrl- îrrg hi ahkrît anrd hînxol ge in tlctîw arîltiîg (if pi cs-,#-A ci ýptuiis as file iltis! tip rra -ta îha ge ;: Ir is : tirrît- andtr servicrt-. 'This is as if shîiîi sI hi - andrti li(, . Ulilt'sitatiig trust placer!in iii miihi i!si- aia -nlj( public atîke ta irîclc'ed a hîgh trîhute to tIre foillitil son lt-e ho rende, s.1 4mi rH àROIHERSi Espirets SM KN >1BLACK fastpain relief J,-/',, t ii c ~c!tiesJicCOGHDROPS frchiIdren -(<r'î-'- ,I *<t ~ .. . ......... MOth.. w. cme E.~sPi ,t-h ilt'irer) n ,,i -r - en-ain tah t fprompt arcci " . . Pnor - mipoint. simple fi-vmr u- t1 Ia v o r rc CI ' ~~~Stops Throat Tickle 15cZ.' Ft rt pioýi- 'I tmqR fN M lA CYc' o f A S A_ - >nm,i i n <h. an" i, a trd tMncir att i t u inj" an aradiinlt ait. Alstir.m, -iir., aiz todai ,it iil or .. Lnoos r» i ili»lin Cherry, 7cBlackc, Medicated or 7cSnioker's Drops. for ildren <Sec o-mmndeîi v on,, 45Ç PRESCRIPTIONS 36'si 1.9 36's 1.98 1. D. A. REMEDiES ALEX McGREGOR 5 KING ST, W. *DRUGS e - - PHONE 623-5792 n a ST. PAUL'S UNIED C.HURCH lMîniîstor Rex'. li.\A. Turner, R.A.,RI). Organizzl Mr. 'N. Roaýtu, L.R.A.M.. A C..LC. 11:00 a.m. - Connreiationsworship A liloartx Wr'tunmp triAi COME and HEAR MR. August de Berdt, ex-priest .Sl)eak ahouit 'WHY 1 LEFI THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH' M1r. D)e Berdt hds heemi assistilig ini the %%ork in the Christian Reforrned Church ini Bow'nan- ville this summner. Corne and hear hirn tell about his experiellue of the grace of (od. His nddress wiII be illustrated with slides. WHEN? Tuesday, August 25, at 8 p.m. WHERE? Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church on Scugog Street. FRUITuAul say gdodbye to CINS11PATION FRESH FRUIT EXTRACT NATURE'S HERSS vifAMIN 81 Espirets Relz. 1.39 1.09 Rvý:. 1.99 51C value 1 -e 9 it h 1- t STOP

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