--- g: - -~ . . ~' t"' 8 Te Canadian Statesrnan. Eow anville. Aug. 19, 1964f jÇSPORTropcs~ By Frank Mlohun 623- '234 PEE WEES AND BANTAMS IDLIE This reporter had the opportunty iast %veek of discuss-' f ng the baseball playoff picture with mnanager, Don Gilhooly' and Bert Perfect. Both the pee %vees and bantamns vere named Eastern Ontario titie-holders by virtue of being the lone! "B" classification entries in this area. "Gi!" says his pee wee crew will be idle util Augusi 27th w.hile Bert's bantarrn aggregation tvon't see playoff action until the 29th, That leaves the bo-'-s idle for quite J some ie, but their imanagers will be 11e eptt.g them h Iusc: wîhpractice sessions anA the odd exhibition gaine, We'MI be keeping our readers intornied as soon as addi.i tional information available. so %watclî thi!5ý ouniri for fur- ther details. GREENI GAELS OUT TO REPEAT Thîis reporter hasn't had mnucIi tin'.e ta dJeýote ta theý lacroýýe ituation this season, buit the sport wvas very mucli; hrought to our attention las? w-%eek b,, several requests toý obtain tickets for the Oshawa Green Gacs lyff gaines., In case an: î.nîc "Ise hiî 1z ie san. - ed II 'e hANeni The iext nîigil Jur1 Pi,ùo' dfoot ctid -a fie odirorial on j J îni Bishop and the Gaels for the Toronto Daiiv. Star. I a- crosse u-, detîniteUb on the 'pwîgagaiià, jus, v. ien t'ap- peared certain that the sport was headîng for oblivion. Tt had disappeared from the local scene -- at least untit Eîshop appeared on the scene. Jim has b,ýeen the drivn force %vho turned Osnaw..a into a lacrosse-coîîscious citv thati had to turn away 5300 spectators for their tant playa'ff en- cunter. The Gae]s appeai ceriain to hav.e wî'apped up their " first series b.' the lrme thîs appears in trint. They %il probably nmeet B8raîr-iptotnagainii ithe finals. wnlhithe înal t goal, defence of thte %Mito CIP hi Britishî Columbia John Davis is the Green Gaels' big gun, this year break-, lng the leagbje scoring record by a fantastir 44 poinit2. John, or 'Shooter" i vou prefeî, ainassed 91 goals and 93 assists, ti 24 ganios, nt v iî ch Qshwýa v 'on '21.]n the fiî'siplayoif game Davis gai'nered 12 points; agaîns' ide" OSHAWA ARENA H-aven't heard nîuch about Oslial., ae jeu. Areia lately, so last Frîday alternoon. v-e decided to head out. to Thorton's Corners to set for ourseit-es just how' work was progressing on t te building Although v,~e don't L-i!ou- nuch about thisi sort of thîrxg, il would appear thit a 'tl fuvt yac is nePrding; hefore hockey is played ni Osljawa M.nîîrnî ...... . . . . .~ Congr-atulation' ,.to Bob James Ilrî:îr Sc i iithe Junior nv itat tonai Championshlip at Whitby's Ashburn course recently f-Re w as tied ivith three others after shooting' P 75. Rick Gay of Courtier- came fiftli -..ith 76. Sevral theis frain this a rea entez ed the îî:urnaneeî tîntdidi t plce. + f t1' f t ROJGH MIME FOR IMPIRES This reporter has usua1- ita) cilo.2 ~î.r.ti, critical comments about sports officia'sing tocally -. mainI~ because it îs a tough. thankiess job. v.ith officiais beinî forced to taRýe eîîough abuse as Il k .As .\ e.dû a lttle hocke" refereeing oui-self. s'.e- krn'.'.' soietÀ-nesnow"drfffr'ult. a de-! cision tmay bc- ajicdi': s'h , l ake àflilstake. Pî'obab-' ly another reaszon s that îor-g officiais peî'sonally i a iown of this size mrakes ýýtn ather hesitant i putting thti r;ap on someone The fai-, te players cani ci cze .- but ".;'e eItlb cornes ta pittfing it i"îto print, w'e're tsuaally contenti Io o calisfied 'n the çiiie i (ah thê'v are doing treirý Hits Homer for Courtice Girls Gloria Cou ricc of lite Courtice girls Wenii amre ttn'niii i. vt a !pIiî. on)u r oni Friday nigh~ tre10PîihlicSch"M il rcîunde in t he îîlaï v i h \M'- Queeni's. Sie i is on bore' aintr ont firsztl's ltî'.îitrt-<<+..tîft I.t Loseng Pitcher the oither fans"' toivards ie unntptr-' lUatdtt.ng tat 9dîe a' Town'iiLeagie Softbaill olaýofî. "'begi i ci vondor if the-se officials realîse tiieniselves how bad the,- .seik We hiad alr-ead:,' ox'erlookor. se' erat pocir cails- a v'.hile -anyore van niake a niistake, fÏaluie ta admit it '1-11 !0 tr'. and remedt' lUe situation is worse thaîi the error itself.~ ~ .)n ane occasion 'the plate umipire calied a bail foui, thal, everi th-e opposing teani lad ta admînt was fair. Anotheri tinte a base runner wsas calleci ont at thîrd despite the fact, trie infielder wasn't es'en on the bag. This type of urnpiring gi oUvi-us salis doesn't help the garne. A close calil Iviii'i eaa's find as mnany disagreeing w'rtl the umpire. as those s'.ho think he miade tht right decisJin. But Nvhen e'.eryonel 1-,j the pai'k except the officiais, sets what happened - h bad. But tien then wvr ould stil be Inclined ta gie Mr. lUmpirF, the benefit of arîy doubt, Indecîsioii lias been tic î'eat do'.v'riial. aîîcu, a~ reai P-ern tast '.'eek. With a runînr on first, the shortstopý fielded a ground bail aund threw ta second. We assume b her DT! runnier isas calied out, because most of the time these gentle ' men just dont wanîta commit tlîe.sîise e' r. o quiIVkl When tht ruî'>îer clarnted that the second t'siai 'iissecd ,he bug, the decîsion w as changed ta safe. Then tht oth1erý toan'î argued Uc shonid hav e beeri Gnt That put tht base uitnpirin~i quite a predicaînerîl ho% tan 2 'ae keep r 's " anEc tîaPP'. ',"Afteicor:slti ' tfi Iielate r.npîi-e 'oie reversai tasaw the pIaý er' betrug calied out. Thr, strange part about tire entire ps'oceedincs w a.. ,ilat the ba--c umip ias in a better position than ailvone tise and hmid hUc eon realized the rnnîîer 's as saie iiîstead of ou"-t '"'- th at shoiiid hav.e beeîn ii. KRuasi'. ,~ti ea"iahît.cl y : w %e imagine hc e înied t" inirke su.iet W, inade n mraio c i" but in doing so. luîie T:îtî-lail O'.&îi i Dei iia, Froini tire O> 5'%,,e i'. i irld etper.'t tt nnýpiî'e'. -t thue cal] and st.ucz " a' 1 'rýIre iiiltci, .rar. odtiog aî *hie -lidp sei evtryaîe kno'.î NoV nI j:t h iTk r0'1, 'weh'i ae u ti s.lt'în irti' aS 'ae xx ejo act-L1 Cl. Fac î' :h . ' l'ziltliiL t:ie' ai wc e stîlli nia nianlît' I sof s::i. 'r r.i- sîr. L . 1 -1 fans ancd pla ' vrs siîouldi-it. axcto pin'a, à r-' C: PONTYPruuL Edltor's Note -- Tht abo'.e aicle dots î.îît refer I t n. : ' va y to Raye "Gusty" WMest, v;-hoin 'se consider ta be the'. areetatPrt:iOLtCcie leag'ue's top umpire. Now forcrin oui loud ' ~v dont te-ry on Sundiay foi- tie air blwone'eoainSev " s JUNIOR SERIES Rain and a uancelled uîe asî te, îdC-:o- Ing of the junior playoff semi-fînial ~eries future coritests. Ellis dowrîed Charran's and SainVs %v.on ox'er Frank's in 'i1e two ganies played thus far. Sarr 'r antI rankr eet agaiin Pdonday night viih Ellis Plariing Chartran S on 'Iuescia..'11We third tilts have Franks s, Saaurs îo-nighî t Wed. andi Chnt'-: rans vs Ellis Thurscda:. Al ga-s Q iii hf ptlt ed ajj ile Memnorial Park start'ng at 6:30 pin - 51h' MEMORIAL ARENA 80 WMAN VILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, AUG. 2lst 8 Pi.1. ADI'SSION - (hildrimn 35 Ar -î 91t rand'l 'Tn Oct I ("'i iio k 'f -uîî hir on %Ind -. ga,,,F Ci Pe.cw Uni 'a :ni 'nu ct>."' eu 1- î cf p: ' 'r -1 : se'ton anda" aga s' C- 1, r.-t . te a io"c '> fiav 'ft' ved k inn 5f' i. b, re' e'- - '-t i ".!t'. S 'a D i Winning Pitcher IDarlington Soccer tSefflor Results Au ---- Tyrýone 2, Saleni 1, GM W. r'red Utri Van Sec . gc:îand I. Hmmni n ad for, Sa ir . Harn ni' ýsolina t. 1iimnpton f (al'cared b:.-G, %Verr'. t na i'nc d ht B. Neinj ýz. Pd '.E' My~i' Cli ~ aU <". 1 T ' i r1'd-b'1 Sec T ,rxe. en Junior R émi 1 i 'r 1) R . oc iscor i iil" b' . îti'n i' î M , in bI Ï -ins ' lt d-' ' ir 'iat[ei 'l veir0, Ken R, xir fi'cini (J! . " kir i'l;- un :- e. - 2 i-i f <'I i i r-lIC '\Iv(-~î r-lits Ris on mî4îfuî~Iîi m tih'e rr:ilshO 'Frank's Nine Run Inning Il Re.h.i.r te. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada SPECIAL 12 PRICE PASS to Uic Fcils to Stop Sam's FoodsI KINSMEN SUPER CAR ,Who Came Bock to Win 18-9 ~ BN O V 1: ""r' 1 l "' n -- ! K' f :. i ii" r 'iir atii f PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE Lt' <W' s'~ n I ~ nt~ K" 'I t i I t ' 'n'r. rl lii 'i U~ fi - Ici - '~~'( "r P 't il ct , I r.' 'r-' fil "I -r ci " i '~ i"ri. T i 1'. L'il. i i'.'rr "r, ' r:'". i ' -' "'t, 14 "'T' T" O' r Si lirri r I ~' 't> 'J<r"' t\ ~Li h i - "b ~t" E ~'îî: a i e "1' n *I'i i i i 'i"I -.1 t1~îî -~. n i sî-r~r - 'i ' ~' ta r.î'e i r i Be e-er T r'- 'c-ni' a tli-~ r-"d ..:r.ilr"i2 il' i 'arc ci."'" ' 'I '. .' '~ '-t -r. ' 'T' '~ " ' I iiieî Force 5th- Game ci 1jhtr> " 7 'i I l ý S J A 'iittd I i i Ir-. *Tî e j i. "i A,'uund thora," fo Fuels Down Ken's 7-u4 To Tie SemimSeries 2m2 S'"'p1u-tr F l"it 1t idei tr.diCotvlug'r- a rîr"bo"n Uir.mtparts r'îtrî m M'n iti trt?îînr 'f -j W M Pa~ tXci 1-1 mWt the Yfi e .i'-lase - r'ret cl"TJr, r.'i i'.-Feiî -ni' ber-' i fiJ >tiee'îrrfî ~f ü! oo ecI lr.Bol) Asîc tos SlO rri Po n i aiiStir'W st.mdeu d.rtt-L a o" icT.(.Sundectforà n ti(ut mrnLLr i"r -i)' lE TîcIsOtS' ai 6:45 p= -h.Afor t i 1'l -î 'l , t-~t aîrd r itX r ; 'iîci.tsici tmrr -épiOneit'trtt&r- ci inre h ir FOui îlllatPIKI M Jain an tli p,' Wîi tatp i'-r e"xYt 0iscl hi utg uiirî'.i 1 e *hie. Iit thf.t i Li'd =H epp a, BtiI i ,m'c.r'trni i 2-2 deit'a' Bush pitchii ol 1) ti fi tî eas tie riie '. se' rý Cir. eî -.çtý G eor teptuanrd johîî s( t (~isialttNdrilI'fr'onut "-'iiî,îî,îstalilrtcn i'n-r~i~ r .' . .'t're lic b 8u r Li l) I 0'lr. ti t, re li iti ,.Xrs'î' in ~~»n ~~~ 'arge.st sirgle mnirg ioutput of Uit.a 'tc 1' ave q)i i w:eW tic iii-st. Leaci-olii ht ti iar' MitanfD'c al mOi&S ee'îoraln . rd Se p ineci- ut'>, ra1e r', J l n ' '.h ,,S i'fîrî. Steptît'- drew 'anailier ieniti fiCLE' U% . n S tîbli - - 1' : ar anîd knirT'..'I U1.' .Afrocpare tn load the tba-s nteçouhip ha a itnu Abte",JîrtiSst.iï:"Il est Br '-mes ra aser,-B ni anrd Van 'rcp " re t muC', nul. Johni Ford or) r i 1 ;iî.t n'ir gle 10 ri tîtd fl:g iirfi capSt,"i(i' Col- ' r.'t iru::~ .r' 'oi T'iforcel tBti diai P Uti X'"seî 1\0ic l r"c . r'a ti-nW' 'miCt ici r . Es-e, honîr"ce 'st rnaCe Ucnlt: tcar c t lied AMer>' Wcai lprî tu c 2ii 'ne ltre oark-t hIr i %il,5n' a ,k,,-[D,, BaeneLl roucticd maie 'han one safOt'.. Wh' Ua te Ua:t. Il '-tan. Fordl f "rlc':the bog, andBRld iris? might 'home con and single 1 1'i)uced to secoiirf. but Jtr ha%-t h een safe Ted rJadsati More rlnîs iwere ' 'rc'imc et ,-'rivered a twio-ci t r-rgi 'watkc-d. itîhonat Wright thi - conter-t than in ait thre cr. te ru. 'r'ouC i un a "'ici cc Ufore pri r. i - envi'curt n. or - " "" r PTr' u-C(L .. 're".' - ' ' 't ' ' ' ' . . îrg. rnoc cfittirg for fait actii'i- "Slp - Riwe nisr.ed *'Jggs" lBagnpUis fr-rît-niff irîndernc 'tis than "afibaIL. Mit' \t ; t"I it ut) 'e S'i a' 'T: iL " B [i ;) rui P - i 't ýr c ý i ., '" 'op 1-.- l'rc p' C 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE* CUSTOM SPORT 2-DR. HARDTOP i Ii I)q» l S"il n wEil h <Re %i ( l ' si i, i ite w all ie.w î'ldisirs. wilnd- s Ilield s.as he rs. 1) ti vle t seats. Sa 'e bus udî'eds o<f dollars now on tis 1962 VAUXHALL DELUXE 4-DR. fi '.-v ., loi..sc ligie ue j.ne, silice' lie%% I>reti ouis o<<'.5(5s naine ontreq i('et. ()N. îEl R $8,000 '.\ R. E 4il fo r Ieus t'id t lat 5 ' dao ot ' <lU> 4'.'.lCa sh, ili li. Lo Caille <1500 Big Sn<.w U Ill Gi lo.) S1200.00l Smal ~uo'.~hal(5 3 nos, 1 'lns :Z600 resî, la r rames. S-150 Sperfal gailie# Don't torgiot îo boy tht'ecln Npar for au 'nd saî'e mont'. ONLY 12 NEW 1964 PONTIACS LEFT TO CHOOSE FROM F"or I mt.1ila . t' .iNs Ilims .,.anîd Bou s- IllalI' beiilsla'i t.\"scar rss l ~see onle' 1958 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN W' i b tususîradio. I'.liite w miii tires. l"inishied ini 2-tone Black and White. I.ocally nwnect since flew' 1958 CADILLAC DEVILLE 2-DIR. HARDTOP iNe%% eogine, new transmission, CRIN- toni radio, powver slcüering and hrakes, plus power wvindows. seat andi antenna. Excellent tires,. This is muie of <jur immacula le îsed cars! BUY FROM YOUR AUTHORIZED GM DEALER &G6 KING ST. E. liap Phitri D'on Ariiitrong, Sales Manager Ste~-~ Pr('smouî Colin Cooke Rav Lathangup PHONE 623-3396 - ----- - ----------- - ----- ---- Stew Prest(pst Colin conke l,earîî and for Tyronie. WV, Pig. got AuetM SOiiii3. B.TS. Goî1a >-r.ed b'. b G.' Werry, D W~'q k~. .1Wc-lake and for R3T S. Bar tîi Zin 31-fami' wi 1 Goast'r'roîed by hý Ntiý.R. MtcLean. D Bar. -i( c*'r 't"Ii ic lasers. W i'lxrOIIC 4. Lnî'sk't- ~;îtrî~î3 S f'eyangtýa (Y) 'Ieam Standitngr Ztcci T To \l t Gal. .er I 't C"r 1'02 Mr 1, Se r im.r in