lcniae achieves a majority their first play-offs wvill takel E l c i g a P e i e tlf the votes. As a rule, statei them to Mooretown. a villageý idelegations vote as a unit ali o h t lieRvr ot Bank of Montreai Review dcial cad idlF islisili «v of the popular votes. but Secur- sthoughre deeats votam -'i Nears,,' ,e ts L JI1othn QuatClaR ransoth TeofcofPeietO k-r«ýi ythe end of Election cd 5- per cent of the votes ofdividuals if they wish. l Greenwood left last week Io th UredStt~ f mrîaDa3. hlie irot then legally the Electoral College. Th ue he Re fl <.an ra l< a course al Flint. Mich. the UlngteSt onesof Agrecat utdPrior to and during the se- p uln8flcovering ý O n G n ra k i ver tk lisln cnoeo ra ulcnadDemocraticna Tuesday evening the Wel- power and influence. Events 'l'le 1-cf îlet rai quence of events described 'tional conventions differ con- Plans for the developmenteast sections of the area. A corne Pee Wees came here for in recent years. particularly, vol-s for euuh Atale changes above, there are other stages siderably but bath now require, of a swimming area and park boat bouse. and change house the second game of the 'series have combineri to extend the e r 10 vears as the Humber ln choosing the President, not- a simple majority of the dele. near Corbett' a1nteaeohe eesr ditonadwr eetd25-10 with dirct ffetsofthePreiceîî~ f orîre îoralRepc~nta aicoeî* an th -gates' votes ta select a presi-' Ganaraska River were unveil- he said. Bill Mercer and Bob Foster1 influence to evcry corner of tîxos tuo . hich each state is'1cnetin n h cam- dential candidate. This candi- ed at a town paksbar lfg 'dsoudbcpst haring thepiein dulies and the earth. Canadians and entitled is reappointed accord- paign. dt sue h d ak o. ieur iOj ot iCln pý-pIearondthe vorld %,,-l iig to the decennial census. Presidential primary ele dteassumforesthe eaership of meeting recentl, at tlie beach. Cenent' Bill Robinson catching. Thtirs- fotaw tis vath spres.earsl h(,re:îden o ilelorT voes tonmbcrereofhoelectora té hi paOy frtionsas theduraed RsC.ortlyhieafterarataleietidon tofhetheeren ectioningKcampaignte e iection with keeri interest: but, of 2,5 states lias changed :înce begirnning of this century. Like and serves as its national stan-Cnevto uhriyfedtesepsot aksol eCOeanaaiwo 8t to manYv, the mechanics of the the IasI presidentiai election other features of the Ame-dadbarr1 officier, said total cost of thel bc constructed. 5 with Bob Foster and Bill 'United .States ciectoral proced- %wrth states in the mid-west and can eclection .system, these Oneectwouf btabot $ir0. Prks oarsmeberEa-Robinson on duty. Te o tire are somethirîg of a mx %ý- nOrth-ea.t losmng Representa- primaries arc, in effect, largelv Oeoyh irttsso He said the authoritv wouldl ward Goucher said a public this series three straight frorn tel v. ti\es, priniipallv to California controlled at the state level candidate, once he has receiv- supply technical aid 'inpa-beach is desperately needed. Welcome. No games lost yeti Thesoe îrerioi ~an Forda Caifoni. orbypaty oranzaios nded the nomination of his party, ning the development but: "This year the Lions Recrea-. this season! Keep up the goodi TheFAl 1i1,ejtýn o ths IFtace.lia 40electors thsregulated bx' state legislation.ils to~ indicate his choice for could not aid the lown finan-ý tion Centre pool has been tax- work, lads. Revew s o <ccîb th s- ear. cîght flore than ni 1960, 11 about one - third of terungmae-teptyb cial]y. cd to provide ample time for Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Mercer,ý minen thfe etion 0 th ul- c t ,-,i iiow eîititied 10 States party voters are given nomméee for Vice President Waîer in ftie area has been [a swimmer training program," Mrs. Mary Luxon and Mrs.î Cief Exenthe e uiof the îîd lu38 Rrepresentatîves. îî ad- the opportunity to choose de- whose name will be coupledideclared suitable for swim-' he said. Irene Mercer visited Mirs. May Chif xectie f te "iitcidituer, te the 'txo Sonators to legates to the national nomnin- with that of the presidentiali ming bx' Durham and Nor-ý West Beach hias not been Mercer who is recuperating, States of America. in order to xvîîcîî ail taIes are equalv:ating conventions and, in some candidate. The Vice President, thumberiand medical officer uscd this year because of the froni an operation, at thel assist readers iri foiiowing dle- etbeistates, 10 express their prefer- who must meet the same con- of health. Charlotte H-ome.agep lm iiak n oeo e agter Velma, eltometsn tis h-dcneairiosfi, iectoi -' bi.,ence among party aspirants for Prstiu t ualificatosasthe Children now use the area for!, tario. The Corbett's Dam pro- Mrs. Jack Cann, Garden Hill. oicîi erIîîtprcsidential nomination.. The prsent, suces 1ofthepe- rt Ili w important to-> ar inpopular %vote n Novemnber resuits of these direct pimar- pwnsad uie"oft edmmndg but it i nsuer- pertvis th ae olef wnalicyalso visited Perytwas mnnofror the OUILtt 111e ît on the tirs4I Modav-%-after iesdo flot as a rule influence presidency in the event "of the tvisndanddneosi cr mjgaeas.lefeI ith i nlicn 1Chur c i c \Va 194the second Wednesdar i De- h decisions of the national removai of the President from 194tePesdn -il eee-fember il their resýpectivecoIvenitions as much as they ofco fhsdah ei- Mr. Carruthers said the; Secretary Ernie Brown ask- with Harry bcbng one of bis1 lcd nt îrctv b ~rn ii S~tates tu0 ast flîcîr ballots for affect the choice of party can- nation, or inability to dis- udceenboksadohrcdw ttecnevtion au- helpers. millioo UnntdU Sattedit/States îdutitd freVce débrisdiate forstae adcloalef- carg thopowrs ndodtie debis houd bedmegedbromuthex-x Wvuld eelaboualx]WewereaIlxervsorv 1 ,%<)f votîng age. nor bY the 70 dent. "li Constitution requir- fies. of said office. ....President the bottom of the river for panding the park area into learn that Mult Robinson had Vluilii ore polis e:pin Nov o omb esbthsat each e-lector miust vote Tihe national party nominat- Johnson is the eîghth President safety, and Io give il greaterý their land which adjoins it the misfortune 10 fali and Io he ols n No,(nibr' utfor at Icast 0110 presîdential or ing conventions, first held in ta assume office as a result of, depth. The noi-th bank sbOuIld , north of Highway 401. Wii- break bis hip and is 110w i he53neyer m son a odr are xnvie-presidential candidate wbo the 1830's, have evolve~ot the death of his predecessor. bbc graded to taper gradually' liam Austin, chairman of the Memorial Hospital. Bowrnan- hoe revr i a abod r e l-s net iaresidfont of Ilbc Eic- sd h ntdSae Cousti- TeAeia oe a nto the water and a retainer authority, said he doubted if ville. Mult bas been in Linton- lege tloi~-,tale. Cortifieci copies of tution. The size of eacb dele- unusually heavy responsibility wall built aiong the southý expansion could take place on hunst Nursing Home in Oronoi loethre Eiectors' ballots are maîled gation fluctuates from con- on Election Day. Not only does sbore to prevent crosion. authority propcrty since there for a couple of years and bias T hoe Constituion of tbe 10 the President of the Sonate vention 10 convention but is he choose the Electors for The field officer said Ibel was no access 10 it by road. been badly crippied up. 1l'nited States provîdes for each andc to xariouIsOthcrofîiciasý. xeighted roughly according to Président and Vice President, dam shouid have stop Io-s. Mr. Carruthers' plan com- Mm. and Mrs. John Awde of .State to appoint" a iitumber of Early in lanuarv, Uic Seirate the population and the num- but he also votes for bis Rep- p]aced in ift raise the wate r ,pîcte with drawings was re- Jarvis are visiting their daugb- El',ectors equai to file total and 'the flouse of Representa- ber of party supporters in eacb resentative to Congness, often level four to five feet. A rail ferred to the committee of the ter, Mrs. Martin Foster. Missij number of Senators aind Rep- tives xiii sit as one bodi to state. The selection of delegates for a Senator and usually for shouid be piaced around the' board foi- a recommendation. Marie Foster of St. Catharinesi resentatives which that stale witness th(- coutiting of the and altemnates ils made by state a number of state officiais. dam and cribbings covered. Mr. Austin said that the was home for the weekend. sends to Congrcss. Tbeie are ballots aiidthie candidate wh'o paty organizaîlons through The ballot whicb he uses to Boat House Needed conîservation authonily could nowv 435 Representatives andc obtaîns a simpie rirajoritx 0Of the Luse of primanies, as men- record these choices may in- Mr. Carruthers saici flic undertake a programn of flood 1010 Senators in Congrcss. But the edoctoral votes is ]lgalliv tîoned above, or by ather clude aven 100 names and may beach on the north sdel control and beautification of l reis dets for flic fîrsl îîirne, cecte-ci Presideiit of tire Unitîed means such as state conven- bce aven 500 square ioches in sbouîd bc tovercd with a tueli Ganaraska. He said ti U l ank Farnily re0et f tihe Districtt <f States. If no c-aiudidate for lions szei ayer of gravel and saîd' wouid deepen the channel Columbia will tue periiteci lu Pro ident sholîîdreev a rua- Tire three main purposes of' The voting machine, which sprcad over Ibis. He advisedj hhrougb the proposed parkHai vote in the- presidenitai dc-oritv of thie <iccoral voles, a national convention are ta was introduced in New York that brusbh and logs on the: area. The parks board defer- H l s I\eufliUI lion, following the ratificationith(,e ciboîr soffid bh referred %wrîte thre party platform, ta State in 1892, ils now used in south side of the rixer be! reci a decision ta apply 1o the of the 23rd amrinrent 1to ef to lt'h(,Iousr tif Reprtesenta- oraiethpayfoteeec a number of states and facili-J cleaned îip and picnic tables, conservation aulthority for The annual Gilbank Re-I Constitution of the Unitedi tivos. a conslitîîhionai provision lion campaign to foîîow and, tales the necording and count-I placed- arouind. the- soiîth and Ibhis project. union svas beld Satiirday, States in 1961. 'l'lie natitrîîs tîîat lias been useci onliv once, most important, ta choose the ing of votes. Unlike Canadianý August 151h aI Orono Park,. capital. although not senilng nii 182-4.pmyspeidnilcnidtblosAeia alots us- IP~p~ 5***p O ver 40 members xveme pesent. 1 representatîxes In Congres:, Il s cii:tnr ua atitotruiii nItI is on Ibis lasI item 0of busi- ually carry political party des- ~~*~Afler dinner the presideut. wllxot fr trre cecos rtu tio iflldiix reqirircil forr ess thaItfice attention of sev- ignatians in tbe form of a- Carl Church, conducted the j bers of bbciEl eorM ('ilerne cdisiatec, f Electors Iostole emal tbousand delegates and synibal or party 'lame. Like On Wednesdays Aug19IîSI191 leave because of home duîties business period and tbe fol- burso theectviii ho 38mciei- hloc for tire presidentiai aitemnates and the public ils most ather régulations govern-' members of tbe UCW e but others enjoyed the îoveîy lowing officers were eietd. 2701 electoral votes e candidate irominateci bxthie ccntred in the summer of a ing élections in the United aItbe cbur-ci for their August d i Spla..S .VîPrsident, Mrs. enn rud ýuiîred for a presidentiai caai- nationalr convention of uls party presidential election year. States, the type of ballot used meeting and were taken for.TechrhwaVivnane belr; siecnas, Mrs. dEd dîdah 10 rbiev sicois urud nre 1211 iii> evei TheConstitution requires is determined by each stale. a special trip bv the group il ofIi as ek .'ryo;SotsCmiîe 'l'lie riilod i ror .îr Fercu ia' ' aioc bu olo oîîlx that the President of thre In summary, the major charge, Mrs A- Clarke, ton- Mrad rsHeo ake r.ndMsHaodKley tirese iKictor us rligo for iih( cairdidate wxxli tire> United States shah be a natur- events which lead ta the choiceMran s.HcoDrkM.adMs aol iteý silice 17891. largeli; as a îosculî bnci broupîccietici support. ai-born citizen, aI least 35 Of a Chief Executive begin venor andMedms.Ba entertained two interesting able Committee, Mrs. Fred Gil-' ùfte voutoio oi](lli~Te riosl reeit de\ition \was y cars of age, and rsdetwith tbepie nta rm r owhclga.Trvke , and'Mr. rax'ellers on Sunday night. banik, Mns. Edgar Tbornhorr, parties flu practice, shabc leg- in 1960 1wiieîron(-, Okiahuirra vithmn the Unitedi States for élections in several states, held aCaec ihl.Tcývst hywr rvn hi w r.Cr hrh isiatures bave uirecteci tirat th(,ntfrisedtl bruesfnie 14 years.I goes ihu say- 0uigtemnh f Mrh car and camping on a long The picnic for 1965 xviii ho Electors ire ciiosen bh. popu- Republicaiu taididate. ing, howevem, Ibat the persan- through June. !cd the museum in Boxvmaur- trip across Canada andi tbe held on the third Satîrday oif ]aî vte vririr aie.î't'lire ,\s a rpsito b iitrra iadpliia eurmns In the sumrmer of a presi- ville wheme Ibex' spent most States, one girl fram India August aI Orono Park, witir -Iates of candidates for ic proredinre of tut siate ruf Elec- for a presidenlial candidate are dential election year, thre ma- 0 b fenonboig anîd one from Encland. dinner aI 12:30 p.m. loîrs arte ionînated, tlrrtnîghtors frîrni cdishatco voirîg en manî-yvand varied. Apant from ion political parties hold Ibein thedxhibits iere trb lie ae At fhie Horliculturai Show Special prises were prescîl. 'arnous procedu res. I)v the par- bloc, tIir(suct'sflancirdate the obvious citenia of cbarac- national nominaîîng conven- cagdprm lieh i ecsl nFidyngte ote olwn:Ods fs nganizatioiis sitiiin eacli neeci nul at'x ninajorits Of ter and ability, il is penbapsit ions ta choose thein candidates arand re so neou an w eell l fcateon Fiday nigwtneLady, tbe foowng:Dan;Oldsn Itate. Wbeî a voler gocs 10 the thernatiinal poptular vtotes, in significant Ibal, wilh one or for Président and Vice Presi- amranged that One would necci severa fther bden won ay Mnstle naDean;EOgd- polis on Election Day lire cies order lu rulîain a naoritv of txvo notable exceptions, certain dent. This year the Republi-,t pn eea fenoîspie o hi adn. T horey onest Gnlea, M Eard pott vole for jastonie Elector. tire ciectorur les 'iere hase tradîtional "background quali- cans met aI San Francisco teinaee ae îms aemmes fIes Ciey opnen;rLondges Mamniecti 1ustcîd lacie tincales <ruIl Ile ireen ssrrliirrrt'Presi- fications" appean 10 apphy. For mid-July, and bbc Democrats of cverytbing. From there; anci reccived seeds hast spring.Couple, MoR. anci Ms. Mnes brallot wiiiciu siate w' Fiechtors dents n \îuutru air iîsîorv. instance, of the eleven presi- convene aI Atlantic City stant- tbey drove to Oroîro %wbere Tîmm NîchoLs tieci for first rm oer; MIrcanlyMr -1 %vithi iis state lie srIoe:1For rx irnr rr1,Ï88 Hîarrison dential candidates elecled since ing Augusl 24. Ieldeso1h goî ro-plce dfor Iest arenfoand, gr ed opern an d Younsg.eEd- ~rpport. A simprtle rrajoritv of r 100v,00l)o>0ofo',<'r 1110- 1900, il is notewonlhy that nine Active electionr campaigniing. vided a deiious picric so- rei'dfrtpiefrbsga mThrton; rYsoui n g es Ire populan' vrtes îast lni a lar votrs Ibm Clevelandi.hbuthiav'e been Govennors or Sent- usually begins aften Labour pr Tebsns o'trebesac uubrs c rndmolbe, M NmbCro rtate viii carry alIrat sttt"s 6.7r morencrra soes1 alors, and six bave bailed from Day and continues la just be- montir \Vas coiiducted Ibene, onu mixed flowers and on dah-CuchGesigN br f ciccltoral xotes for tire candi-,mosb rdu t mii ur cu iîrence states with more than 20 Elece-fane Ehection Day, which Ibis hy tire p'esidcnt, Mrs. G.Tuf- la enfrPyewnfrTMayoBrble b a, Mî's EsR. diate of one party, Althougli tire sas in 1948 ilMu'Irumîan toiaI College votes. uyear falîs on November 3. 1 ford. The Ireasurer xvas Lll f or the hangesî sunfîower, and Tayl o: Bitday Choe t nraine of tire wiîiningpri-oivi juisî unîcre r50tien cent Usually by the thrd day and The members of the Electoral able la be prescrit because of Pennyr> Webster wonflo Dean. tlire national convention bas College will mccl in their iIInessý that dav but twso gîfîsi able mention for ber garden. e rssftresot complcbcd ils other business, several state capîtals on De- 0f oneaserc eccied fonr Oe ofLen ugbtrd's rize andi takes upils principal task cmben 14, 1964, bo cast their1 recent v*isitons iin the iieigil-' winrîîrg baskets of flowe-wreafo]w:P-eooers, mm ~ w~w-m ..-- tire nomination of presiden- ballots for Président and Vice' bourbood. vas enjoyeci by membens of ani ceiYeîîoîes; boyls, '-8, IIK~ UIY k flI<IIIN N tial and vice - presidential Président. Mns. H. ALAstinl, Save the ih în~ eolwe e Davidi Gihbank; girls 9-11, LI ~ ~ I au e ~~e~ caîrdidates. Thre sccretany 0f On January 6, 1965, tIre 538Cbildrcn coîrverror, reporîcci mornhtif o~ ven for Sunday Brenda Yelowlees: boys 9-11,, LIB R T G R D N S the~ convention begins ta roll- Electoral ballots wilh bc count-1 recciving a lehîer slatîrrg that marnyprisessfonbisveneawon Billie Gihbank; Girls 12-16, cali of stales ta place names in cd before the new Cnres KurI Baîmganîner f Vien aypie o i eealsDnaGlak os1-6 UL R -O ERrO E omination. Oflen a state list- ai opacewtth hm teAscainhsand fowems încluîing bhe Freddie Gilbank; Ladies' Sboe cd at the bcginning of the ah- Constitution, the candidate who wo h soi in bsawand for the mosl outstand- Buit ta Your Own Specifications pnoe fo avva-KcMsGlnPru;ei' phabel sviîh "yielci" ils nomin- neceives a simple majanity wiîî spiredi for mt ans dx'ears.inrg exhibit wbicb is he lg- SoKick, W lnfrou ; irsnk 1VIANYPLANSTO CH OSE FO* atiirg positioni ta a state listed be legally elected Président of thai money foi the spon.sor-- S 'Thy 1 rs. a u naviBasGit- hAYP A ST H O EF aler. so tIraI a candidate mayb the United States of Amnenica. sbpo1 hlc bog h There were 50 aI hnwig ahs n Bskt Move to Ihis Prestige District %Vithoutt eI t' hav'e tIre acivantage of beingi On Inauguration Day, twaý Save the Chilciren Fuid, Scbool with Marie Austinibank, John Lammer (lied);, nominateci by a key state car- weeks later, the man ebasen,ý shoulci be transferreci 10 wonk' eading the scipture. Somne aven 12 ycans, Elgin Tayl or;, BUILT and DEVELOI>ED BY Ivxin bbc procccdings. The in effect, if indirectly. by th&fasmia aue iîog members wenl on ta attend Ladies' Naih-driving. Mns. Es'-j qualifications of eacb candi- people of tIre United States in, h eua hneso lccu bevcea ecreirt rdra;MnsNi- date arc extolleci in thre nom- a year - long séquence of Ira- tcheregulArscornnelsof onleturc neria I Welcon-îoent ît Cyemn cnr Nal- W ALTER SCHLEISS inaing and seconding speech- ditional and légal procedures, cu r vi ceS w a imnng.lnîdriving. Mn. EverctCmd- sriewas cnutdaflci]binWseyviile,lmn The children enjoyec aý EXCLU~SIVE AGENr usuall>' folhowcd by noisy, ens, nespansibilities and heavyl close af the meeting. A tripac befio ig Suday, eauvsrambhc.t roiý colourful demonstrations. Tisburdens of ane of the mosî nucbcgourso ire St.6no rv iche in idtuili Roelatiskiwereprsdrtownr proeduefrequently lengthy, exacting offices in the mnodemn foresîrs' station %vas plaîrnîc nomisih vnig e-'OnoEnskln, ova- s fhlovedbya scon rIl-word.but some of the ladies baci 10 sire bere. ile, Toronto. Owenî Sounrd. K eith P ete s R ea tor o eyaseeton rolT RONE (orlhee The Harod Ausîins left for]Nestîcton and Millbrook. 7 2 8- 7 2 8candidates. When there are momnngbut anc 728-7328_________ocandidatsil___ rTYRONE Anol utnwr eae ýb eesr otake sevenal' rdnlly P' r their return tilI labe Satur- _________________________________________________________________ Mr.and Mrs. Walter Pa rk 1F m inc da'. ight. We were sorry ta lJr. and Miss Shelagb Murphy char Arnoldi was ilh durnigý qe f ____________ His. ,, "~ ~~r iUiiiEîabeths ic . PjA Mn an MmsCcci Ralni. hat followed was bîghlîgbîed ReTuod viiinMs by h sio y a>mond D. Jars isCooug.G Bunketon, alldonM. niGoeîrofToronto, f2) a tn.o IAIMr. andL Mrs. E. A. Vîîr Il edatîghters, Doris (rG oead K fenlecluy W WindbUUI kers [>ssîed Mr. and Mus. A. E'anrs, Nelson) andi Barbara, of Ponu NDAL I MI XEDi B'COshawa, Hope amea, f3) a one-man duet ï LAMIATE FARICMn. and Mms. Douglas Mil .(guilar andcihrmonica) by. Folks are IoiokinR forward $5 ler ~and Glenn bolidaycd a alhGobeen o otHope, o nh n fe hecod, 11 l I c 9 9 IS ult Ste. Marie andi North(4)aîp sol o f ont sRobent rsi e wcldýeathe oaf 1has t ADDED AT1 Size Mm. ! adis r. VeunT- Goheen of South Bend, Indu- week. Fines were really need- '099 i s alt and chilVducnOsbaw, ana. (5) a solo bx Mrs. Ethel eci. Il raîber made one shiver WE HAVE RECEN 16Nersbaltan hidrnOsawMiller' of Ancaste'r ho just tbink of the swimmers were Sundav callers off Mr. In the business prognani, pluîîging int that cold waten and Mrs. C. Clark. Supper Norax' Gohecîr of Pont Hope ta try to swim Lake Ontario. 2 S O K Lie uet ere Mr. and. Mms. neported on the pogress of Il liras been bad for farmens 2 S O K C OTTlON J A CK ET S li $3095 up Wilfed Clark and cbildren. tIre memomial mai'kem for tIre and tobacco growcrs as wehl.1 FREEI InstruCtion i Tw~eed. bunial gound in St. Mark'5 Mu'. andi Mms. Paul Mercer Little Diana Blark enter'-,Ccmetenv. Port Hope, of our anrd daugbîcm, Maryl,' Guelphr, ladies only from 2 to 4 tained a fcw lilîle friends on bU.E.L. ancestors Ne,,%- mcm- spent a few days recently with C ~ï U r ~ SH I TS 14 ber fifth birthday on SundaY. bers elected 10 tIre Manage- Mn. Fred Warren. August 31 st to Septern Plaids, lains Iatîenmms527e'. lu 16 ~ars #I.Mr. and Mrs. Bill Flynn ment Commilîce wcme Doris 1%.JntLngtf iie Plais, lain, Pttens. i7e 8 o 16Nvas --- -- ----and baby, Oshawa, Mr. Emer-, <Gobeen) Nelson off Baltimore, ber daugbtem, Mns. Jack Neal son Milis, Taronto, were Suin-:anci Kathleen (Gobeen) Clap- and others ses'eral days hast day visitons of Mr. and Mrs. hani of Ajax. A panoramîr week. 'K. Black. photo %vas taken of the Mmrs. George Mercen andý We arr afui ue o Shoo Cot+in an FotwarMr. David Welsh and tniend. assembieci famil,.. famuilv spenit Wednesday aI HAVE FUN A We arrSHfulPAND fSAVE $$$$ inqa oT wa Bowmanville. wene Sunday' Prizes weme gîveru as fol- Lovs'sirk Lake near Bunleigh JOIN ONE 0F callers off Mr. andi Mms.R biows: (1) oidesî lady Mrs. Falls witb ber brother Mr. and: Maynard. Flossie Goheen, Oakvilie, (2) Mms. Chanhie Ehscy and tamily, - ___Mnr. and Mns. Roy Maynand, latest mannicci, Shir1eyý Go- wba rame on ta, spend tIre MENS ~~were Sunday supper guesîsiheen and Jack Zurba. Oshawa weekend with the Mercers POE6 D MENS &of Mn. and Mns. Leslie Huint,, (July 1963). (3) fmom fatbest bene Mr. and Mrs. Cy. EIsey, vH NE 6 Hamptan. distance, Robent Gobeen and Carol andi Marilyn visited' Katîny and Jdîth RbmWEAR oldesî man, George Go- bolidayîng in lIre U.S. H KING ST.L BOWMANVILLE Haydon, xisited !heir 2and- heen. Sîrouci, (5)> youngesb Due la the nains on Satun- parents. Mn. and Mrs W. baby,. Richard Zurba, Oshawa, diay', the Sports Day at Little Rahm. (19 days.. Biain was called of£ and TIre Canadian Stalesmanomsil, Auz. 2C, 1164 ELIABEH VLLEadecided ,o go along witll iîîg a bootîr a: Port Hope Fair, No cliirci services oun Sun-! but orrhy ho se:'ve sandwicheî da-. \Ve expect ocîr nesw' andci oie insîcaci of a bake sale. mnisber at tire cnd orf lre Lunc-h s-'ns scrs'ed. nieurth.Sunrdav Sciroolsxs Oil:s uîeaebrnr- beldas îsua. sited tb gor hoMorrish cip MNI. aund Mns. Vernour Pea- _-eot. s strîîn.ard x'e rcock x'isiîed svith te ire aue 11planr " 1 go: aisodonr't forget4 at Mihhigcen hast Suînday anci the inrvitatinou'lu Ilarsxood Ib- saxv Ms. Peacock's mother. stiitu'e mur ,Irc :)t:d iiitire c%- Mns. Jackson eîring 'Mn.aard Mrs. Jacksorn Pea- cack andcitsxcrboys anc hall- Me andul NI: Joiu' r Drkolzrr,, uîî ia in Prnce Edwamd, "Wibirv. viziitrd sx:tb Mm. %nd dayùg 'ars. Tlicksoe: Counly aud cashemrn points.- TIre ladies were ta thre par- We are -lad ia rirear tilat soîrage. Cantbon. recenîly aurd Mes. J . Ml 'itdres is hmre front finisheci up cieauring icr pre- tire lospitsrl. ai Lo Doris Beat - pamatioîr for the nresv uricister tN-. Me. I, Sbctîpa:'d ias re- anci fanniixx hturneîd fromrrltic 11r:irtal f- Several attended lire sboxvem1ter an prpa tinonrîris eye for Miss Betts' Saxon>'. Stark -________________ ville, last Mourday evenirg. Oui Wednesdas' ex'ening tire GET CASh TOD.A U.C.W.nmet ah Mns. Quant-, FOR 01.1 APPLIIANCES' niills honre. Mnrs. WhVIite pre- sided. We derideci ho hax'etimul ouîr postponed Juine tea as aP.Tîsu~ Faîl Tiranrkofferng hate ruSSFID Sept., vithrtire slides of <r Hoiv Laînd b\- Mns. Kennrdis Telephoure 623'-S303 as nilanrecifor in irîne., 'e________________ -., \ \~'soe";> for your weekend Get ini a supply of Carling Black Label today 64- 26NAl BLACK hAREV" GRAND OPENINGI1 LIBERTY BOWL LTD. BASE LINE,BOM1SIlT OPEN BOWLING FRUDAY, AUG. 28th -IILDREN MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY ARENTS OR AN ADULT - LIMITED TO 2 AMES IF PEOPLE ARE WAITING! 'RACTION! ÇTLY INSTALLED ER TABLES the fundamentals for 4p.m., every day f rom nber 4t1, inclusive. ND RECREATION THIS WINTER THE MANY BOWLING LEAGUES 23-563 FR DEAIj an Fn an Famly Rcreaion