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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1964, p. 10

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New Hydro Station ai Pickering A cost-shartng agreernen, -milIaon will corne tram Utc with greater optimism and 't lias been reached among th Federal governiment. con fidence.' Mr. Robart.q said. Ontario government. Ontarir h raneet agreed - Th e advent o f nuclear 1~ Hydro and the Federal gov nprcpefotedirbupoer in Ontario might be Q erniment for construction of a lion of net revenues make the compared ta the discoverv of 1,000,000- kilowatt n u c 1 e a r- capital furnished b%' each a dozen new Niagaras. From '.-- electric power station. oarts' a full commercial-ty-pe the turn of the century. aur Premier John Robartzadjnetenwj >xpected riche doeeti eore W. Ross Strike, Chairmanoful return of principal with have% nrbtdsbsatal,' Ontario Hydro, announced thel interest at market rates as ta the ecanamic development i SY decisian at a joint press con-J well as a good lik-elihood nf and prosperitv of aur pro- .~ ference in Toronto todav. profit in the government in- vince. Naw that this water- The areemnt povids tht' v sns and reduced costs power is ]argely developed , ' about two-thirds of the $2661 in the production of power." nuclear power heralds a new . million estimated cast of thel Mr. Robarts said. chapter in the use O! aur en- v...'"N nuclear plant wili corne fromn Mr. Strike said OntaroH- ryreorcsfr.the bneft Ontario. Cost will be shared' dra will apply ta tne Atomîc o! thepepe"M.Rbts as follows: Energy ContraI Board for a 1 claimed. Ontario Hvdte wil provide! reactor construction permiti Mr. Strike said cntu- enO amounit equal to the co.zt,'ta build the plant at a Lake1 tiotu or this large-scae ont-I f a coa-biirning power sta-ý Ontario site in the Fipr clear plant is being under- tion of similar si-se. approxi- area of Pickering Township, tknbcueteei vr niatelv $120 million. with the east o! Frenchman Bav and reason ta believe that in the Onaro goverrnmert provid-'20 miles east o! Torontofureagebcsofect- -tng an additional $66.5 mtl-ý where Hydroaiready v wnýcitY cari be produced by this lion. The balance o! $79.5: approximatelv 1,50 acres 0fi means aacstower than property. 1 that from coal-burning power u~.The first or îwo 500000- stations naw operated by On-( 4-Il ueuegate S kilowatt units iss heduled taria Hydra." for operation bv 1970, Mr. The plant is expected ta' I Strik~e said. Design o h rdc Tai B s T ur plant wilI provîde for an ex- four mills a kilawatt-haur. tension nf twn rnnre îînitsj Power from comparable coal- IAI& ~which wuld raise total ca-1 burning stations operated by ' ,~- ~ O f Western Ont pacitv to 2,000,000 kilowatts.1 Hydro is about tour milis. ~ Mr. Robarts called the de-1 (A mil] is one-tenth o! a î.-5'W. - T h e National Centennial cision "one of historic prapor-1cent.) ,'e "'-- Commission bas made a grant tians for aur couftryv." ;'The location of a power ta the Canadian Council on 'This praject is the second station un relation ta areaq Of Twin reactor buildings. 145 feet higlh, will be prominent features of On- 4-I- Clubs for travel and ex- Iargest nuclear power station major electrical consumption. change during 1964. A bus naw planned anywhere in the is also an important consid-l tau'io Hydro's 1,000,000-kilowatt riuclear power station. Long tht'ee-stotey build- Irnp to Western Ontario was warld (a 1,180,000 - kilowatt eration. Alter laaking at a ing adjacent to the î'eactors will contain spent fuel storage facilities, machine planned for one 4-H Home- station is now being built iii number of potential locations shops, and ventilating equipment. Administration offices and control room are making member and one 4-HIBritain). The Ontario plant in Southern Ontario, we de-, located at the end of Ihis building. The cvlindrical str-ucturîe between the reac- Agricultural member from1will be powered by a reattoricided the Pickering Township~ each county east of and in- conceived, designed, engrineer -'tei preferable for manyl tor buildings and the lake is part of a proposed containment sYstem, It \vOUtld be cluding Ontario County. This ed, and built by Canadian',.'rèesorîs, including its prnx-1 used as a pressure relief vessel for the î-eactoî' buildings. Or was held during the week, It ensures that Canada's lead-ý imity ta large load cettres.i Turbine building (at tear), about, oi ne storeys high. tvill lieUSe the plant'Is nf August l0-15'ch. The dele-î îng raIe in developung peace-lThe final decisian, however,j two 500,000-kilowatt turbo-generators. Cooling water'Io condense stearn fou ce- gates tramn Durham Countyl fui uses aof'he atom wîll con-ý rests with the Atomie Energ.y heating will be dt-awn into plant througli channel (bottom left) by pump os were Esther Rosevear, R.RÀ 'itiue,î Control Board.' said Mr.p os No. 3, Bowmanville, and Jim' "At the national level, lie Strike.1 at waten s edge. Water is returned ta lake tht'Ouigh channel behind the tutrbine Byers, R.R. No. 3. Burketon. plant marks atn impressive ad-i This new plant will be theý building. The tour included visitg ta vance along the road ta utiliz-- 'hird I]uîiclear-electr-ic gener-i the Universit 'v of Guelph; tche ing the natural anditcn ating station in Canada. NPD L chlatels nýi te Bîtru premts-'. Shakespearean Festival, Strat- logical resaunces o!f and (Nuclean Power Demonstra- Lands and oIes steobc accutpted. Pt ovided that fard; Horticultunal Experi- for the benefit o! the entiretion), a 20,000-kilowatt Droto * W UIN tlue township retairu owner- mental Station. Vtneland; Nia- nation.ityena hlRie-ha;l.ipofheciinheou. gara Falls: Western Ontario ."Thebeen prucn eecrit production of electrir- btye ea rodcaliveecr ias lAI Io becua in the peuses Agricultural School. Ridge- i'cv sing natural uranium, a' sinuce 1962_. It was built hb e Auust tstRe96.oratîY ton:ad ist t frsi- minierai which Ontario P05- Atomnie Enet'gy of Canada: Oru motinnoa Pavi- and dlustries and places o! histari- sesse.s in abondance, will be a Limited, Canadian General1 <,ame ,aw Enforeement t hi e Conserv'ai et il 01cet'IHeaslip, the Tovwnship ol Mari- c'aI and agricultural interest.' welcome addition ta the en- Electrie and Ontario Hydra. The work o! the Departiment î vork. ves shall havc an itdiîgent Agricultural Representatives ergy resources of aur pro- At NPD, Hydro lias operatedithf Lands and Forests is fori- i s anue. teelttg that mienu- tuineal rate ot S225.00l for the endi officiais and 4H members vince. While fuel require- a staff nuc .leat' training pro-jC most Paît tnteresting and bers o! the public aie croni- utdertaker. $10.00 fou' the inin- of the Western counties show- ment~s are relatively small in pleasant. but liRe aIl occupa- ung nmore appt'eciati\'e o! th(, stet cttctd $20.00( for the openu- ed every hospîtaluty and made camparison w it h uranium gnam nmrrha he1ton.u okba t esrole ot enforcement iii the ig o(uthte gra\'-e.--Cauetcd. the tout' a most enjoyable one. mining capacity the totali'ets pleasant aspects. ovenaîl progt'arnof' îsli ille O011uamoti o!o Pari" _arrd The two leaders who also initial loading foi' the first Dougalasý Point NUCîlean Po\&-: Wi'cbou'c a doubt te leasl wiîdlife managem-eunt. Porter, atu appottmei't is t qconfnibuteni n-uch ta cte trip twa reactors will be abocut 239 er Statiotn, this counufrys finsti savory af these is the enifonce- Tfhis is important becauise ho art'anged wt the Mui were John Cockburn, Assist- tans o! uranium oxide - this fulI-scale nuclear plant, 15! ment a! fish and game law. .illtihe conduct of thetu pa- 'ipa I Engiticer at Poîrt Ilope ânt Agricoîcural Representa- project is significant as a scheduled for openatian nextý That the citizent'v o! any 'roîs, Cotnservationi Otticeis on tFriclay, August I141h, 1964 tive, Perth, and Mrs. Allison forerunner a! things ta came. yean. Situateni on Lake Huron iocali'cy is largely Iaw abidinig,'Musý,t uake tains' trequetît ati10i.i . ta discuss the secut' Miurray, H 0 m e Economist,j 'An i mmediate beneficiary midwav between Port Elginlis an es'ablished tact' but itiproi hcso utr n f-o ag uvr ora Cornwall. AIl delegates of the will be the already vigaroos and Kincandine, this 20001i.s equally truc that asmauîpeoi eeek t h v ntemjrs a ntruo!n ArecIv emb to f a 200,000. 'fishor en, lin ast'îtkilowatuctilanAil mmbers e 'tu gen ca twsamst Canadian nuclear indostry,kio ttpatsbin built'percentage o! the citizcnrv of o o! sv avae the siucerest Coutn'i ianîd Road Setpernt in'cenesting and educatianal which caoi look ta future nia- bY' AECL, with the co-opera-any locality is eithen unsviInmgý respect fnn the laws, and atte tetndetnt te go.- Carnieni. experience. mestie and foreign markefs'io o! Ontario Hydra. Esti- or unable ta accep'c anni abido 'imoino ealpa- mateni cast o! Douiglas Point by the gamne laws enacteni by'cmpteritucn o!at' O mtonu!Hsl a1 lis $81.5 inillion. on lIegislators wbo ar'e actitng wogoig a iueDp.a lgwv - ~-- n the ads'icr- o! biologists, Some cati acopithe Co- are tii be coudactoni Ia sec if natniral scienfists and others servation Officers visil Philo- the easterui appraach ta No. 3 AssisiFarrnes în'ima'ceîy familiar witîî 'c-e sophically anni even take tlie Highiway !u'om the l4th Con- B LA CK TO K AsIU UFrm r for lite hbhts a! tish and game o)ppor'tuuuity ta add ta their cessuonu a! Manivens be naiseni anni wî-ose necommendations knowledge o! their s p o rt i order to give a hetter ap- Dro ght- W rm aie based salely on theit' d-- atd/ot law's g)\cruulig ilt proach t(1 the iighv'a ..Car- ire to maintaîn a balainceehe-:others are-, o! couirse, chagrin'- riedn. Details of assistance l we that which is haîvesteni eniatnd perhaps attrnt-ted, noO' Oitui otio! o Porter atnd 9 9 th A N N U A L froug hh ave suWo r J i that whieh is leti to-OMticb because (ut the dela.," PaYvnethe folowing accoints lasses du e to dnought of' armv'1 assure the contirtuance of the > orPassible incatweîtienee huitar,1 obpidIlJneum worm infestation werean1 species. because o! the implication that carotlakecr, $41.65; Road Voîîch- noonceni last week by Ontania I Thos law erfrcement be- they n-ight be giits' o! au-t rr No. 8. î-oad acct., $15168.35: Minstr ! griulur, ihecames necessary' e-s. McArthuir Funeral Hlome, indu- Hon. Wm. A. Stewart. i The practice af recenti yeans This is peehaps anitiîitder - gent ft.neral. $225.00; L a retractivebasisthe spring anni l spawning, and Farests boat approac'hes Agric-utturai Sa(-ct. grant, 1964, baseni on 75 prcno!rs,'te pre deer andi moose'yoors on a lake, or- whet a $10.001: Town io! Lindsay.hoas- Sci er A u ust 2 9 h 'the transportation ca f aieasans anni winten fisbing Catiservatioti Officer confrants pîtalîzatiaut eharge-hack. $8.25: tn obe shareni equa]Iy wi'ch 64 anni will be continueni in at-e nat about fa be subjecteniîbrebc. 211 iye ~~run 2:0nonOtt'awa. 'the future. ta an intet'rogation-taithf-e Peter'borough, wellare charge. Inaddition, Mn. Stewar t' f is durntg these limnes whini o! a prosecutti beul back. $78.82: S.S. Nu. 7, schoul G a t P r d, las said the Ontario Governmentýwhen garne is rnast viuJn1eiabtie lw nfocemnt icr. g Of one \ î,$1000-00: il Cuts Au o ndtvidual farmers eqoal ta are most frequent that the management that tequtros Iî vd ro. Tw\vp. Hall. S 10.12; ýrtrm ~ ~one-haîf the cast af freigh'c ta Conservation Offîcer muos t yaun co-aperation, wbei t tbi BIr- wr-tî Prtutting Ca., supplies. AniqueIuto avalade move feeder cattle tram empbasize enfoncement if he'is praferreni bis task ts made $73.1?:; Aitaf' un iSii droght areas fa the stock- is ta limit the success o! the iinfini'cely casier anni the pros- (fog, liceeoes. S89.50>: Bruco yards in Toronto tram Augusi game law transgressai'. pect o! saur being able ta i'is. Ponlypool Fîre Ano>uýi W bar L Riders 13 fa October 31, At other 'imes enîai-cemnent Continue succeSstully tisbiîu'- $48.00. Mangai llacsa The Ontario Government is designeni ta mesh w'tl and ai' bunting yacîr favorie "oc-p pa\.')ol Fit-e Arr-a accowct, will also, upon application, de- coamp le ment other aspects of tion becames hîîghter.S7.': H. Vautiffernnt. stt Show of Pedigreed fe fr ne ea te n v I freCO mot.oîfa i i JuirFarmer Loan in cases, Iesitemeigadjoturti- Lv so kwhere lasses have accurrecl ' C u tiiSept. lst. 1964, atit1:30 from drougb'c. I M anv rw i l) p...S.T. Carrioi. As a furthet- assistance, Mn. R. javinisoti. CierR Stewart said, the Ontario Gov- TIhe AUgc I m-tingoýWs onyolo\ýe n Ho se a d ore acng ernimenf will extenni a bank Manvet Monicipal Couii'mai citandby h I ,( H rs s nd H rs R cig guaran'cee for 'che purchase ofiwas hed on August v t wa BURKETONu toth 1_ - _ - 11 -Y 4-4 i 1- 1-1 BUR ETp Ono Low Prioo 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COUORS TO CHOSE FROM ALL LENSES PRECISION GROUND TO YOUR EXACT NEEDS . . . NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR TINTED LENSES OR PRESCRIPTION SUNSGLASSES NmO ÂFPOINTmimT NUCISSANY G40 Hou rs: 9 ar.i <o( 5 P.11. Daily Closed Ail Day Wed. Phone: 728-1261 *L.aboratory to you *No Middlemans Profit W. titt ail PSI, Ocutlis and Optometritits Prescriptions et nm*rne 3w prices. B roken frames repeired et replaced while you -ait. Lannseduplicaied. Ai- otfer fo poîctiase fte Burt> Movenl bY Par ne, secîîuîuî-uitieooi was a uece-t guîost a! properly int Jane'cville; a letten b\ Potrler thiat art attuîtl fe Mes. E. Be> au-. from Joseph Gary, Paîttypoal, nmacle t ha c eoffîcît ii) Soe'iti ýort-peut t tilXl . Ont., cat-cen-ing fte asses-hlarge nof u lie Ci Cii iIStsatu tVaitDattu t lit Nlenii i- ment ona uavacant Pant.Npool Gî'aîts piesent tu ti-(, ti'\tli Hostpi talI. Bos'uia'il le. pnapertY ihat lue owns; Dept, meetiîîg so ftaimitre iifniî'-We w s i-tu-r a ;pui s 'Oa', o! H-ighskay1s advise 'chat e!tect- .tioru caoi he aseailable a'-lto ive April I st. 1965. thatfte fte ty pce ofpi'o.ecl t hat s"ill .RA,ýE rentaI rates fan cet-tait-t t be au pabefo, rg'ao n t f- r.tcl l:.IRAui' De1. cetaîr a ett ilen honite 'a Fiei o! Higbwav equipment will he rOsezs. -Cariedst-ti-gruluvstî tta. charîgeni; Deph. ot Miunicipal Mn.Jc b(anretlsts' VIs atusArve,; in OIuaýýa jAffairs, chequte tort'he firs, .crd bbc ocrîcl catui'eîtii the tow d.ýas iîh Mn atîn i - hall of the 1964 per caputa alesun-ut n vaai sm-sînn ithll .ad trnly j grant ht-tthe at'nount O! $3,-mu r î, rrî onray 'cha be su S ti Prip.sMthlan fami 1197.65; Cartwright Agicultor- irau-tts")i r: Auattlem oN 'il- onyol al Society, reqoestîng grant be mrade la self. o!!fthe snahllMiss Enina Lai ris, peid- fao- 1964 Fair; Uniteni Courities un- a feus as ihMnaî cottages in exc'ess of fte maun- aswtMrad o! N. & ID., Equalization By-idwelling an tue piopenu",. NMus. Walton Carmier, Torountut. law o! Assrssment ai-twbich' Miss Bette Poweu's, Tlorot, the 1965 Caunty levy will be On- mothi o!o Ponter ai d I baseni: Dept. a! High-ways, ne- H easltp a request froin te Aletth wavlorih is questhng that plans for bridge C.P R. Ioa(-Jose a nailw-av cross- iSone ' h lo reprîttMr approval be submifted wellî nimg in Lot 25. Con. 7, was rt-Gea.Bie snts vl anivance of time reqoineni; one .jectei. Lt is the wish of th e ta Balchv pe ier nt tionw-i sheep daim andni 'eral ac ýCooncil to le ave bbe roa'J and. wlt cI> We hoplieudito Carre(iA nuimber !uom here al- Mn. PLiMuicha approacheniCarwteuuded Oshawa Fair, 'the Counicîl fa get their assist- Maveni bv lleaslip, s-uuei Mn. and Mrs .A. .1. T tek. ance ai-tbehaîf aof'che residents b-P ,re. lthat a $Ir.uî grnt indsa. visited relativr-s anîd o! Westc Poobypool ta natIegîeih h Crrngtfienî nislttthe village ait ¶11 the Dept. o! Highways anni ask Aguicofloraf Societv%.-C'airt-ii. wr-r-Ret-t n that 'che road of access awnr-d On motion of Payne atnduMe. anîd Mes. Allai) Caeu'îer. anni maintained by the Depe. Ponter' the Offer o! Puîcnaso Toronto. w eue Stundas giieFts in Wr-st Pontypool bc hrought and Sale ofth'l-e Burt-t bouse tut of Mn andi Nrs. Hlid Car- up ta the same standard as bbc Jat-etville ta be accepteni. pro- tner roani sas wben tbe Dr-pt. 'coak vîdeni that the township ne- Mr a!id Mes, lanoîni Asl- if ovet- front the Township ceise ail cash atnd retaîn lb2 fan. Entîiskîlleti, wee Stîu'dae- when new 35 Highway wvazchattelsý presentîr' on the guesls o! Mn. anni Mrs. J. Aý constrocteni premises. Carrieni. Sale suh- Tnrnbuli. Moveni by Pa\ene, ' cronideéî ject ta the appraval o! the Mr z. Fila Krantz. Oshass'a, b>' Heaslup that a le' :.r bp Dept uf Municipal Affairs. Mr. and Mu-s. W. Hopps, Mdýs written ta the -Pont Hope O t!'ii e 011 "loto! O Heasliru at-d C> nda Hopps. Whitbs' w'ct' of the rPelît, of ilw s -.- Parler. the offer o! Mrq Wm. Sunda% Ocicsts of Mn. anni Mrs. in& that the access roi it Sandersotu of î0.ûfor, the B. Hubbaud. Peace, Order, Good Gov't. Canada' s Choice! - Masse y Plans Announced for Ontario Nuclear Plant '-We llias t' eat ti-c ed - ut tu- a lhard and -ac Mr. Masse s aitd thia nt- Promise tut Cauadîaîî life. hosverr lias ai ssas' sonte- what blctrred Cariqfaianý' iinn- age o! themnsels'es and d tlof- ten diseout'aged heu initiau- fis-es intt-atian-bciilding. le calleni Con!ecleratouu tutti- j o! the great politucal expert- 1 ments with wl-ich Canacliau-t. >have heen concerneni. lias Been Difficuit "Althocigh 11OUr basCefdI nonstitutional structure, ss'tth vast arcas o! power vo:ted tut the provincial goenm ¶s lia,; somnelimois maneiet dîtti- cntt ta tacRir- somu- utatinali prohlemns. t lias cllos'-d the establishment antd develop- ment o! a sinîgle tae n svhieh the tIwo omajloi uro- peaut cultcures anti a lin ttif minorities lias\r- 'o-oxltlent and flourislieni." Mr. Masser' said t'waa lasa a -omplicated uattital pa' - iceut t ',We are A lantd er liai,' î't titres. Thore i.s a large Fu u'tîe part, a large Ettgltsh part ami( Sa hast o! snal 1er elhiu'i( parts, " _Evers' t-at hv tscei i- a dmrinant . separale anti ni. - tinet." Th e roîrttiuoer d t)îlo ni a l q i eu iiversi ty' tuallnurilor ssho wsst Gavrtu-o-Gener, f trom i 19, -ta 1959, saidQuuebec i' thu, home o! Freunchcultue Nant- Auiertea and ~ iDurham 4-H d Swine Club The ftnalI meeîting o! lbi- Durbanu 4-IL Sss me Cicub sua. bielni ah the tarin or if M. l-oss lat-n MValcoîni, Nestieton. IMr. f 1 alCoîno show cd the grocI;i 5tbrougli the !arrasvi-g crates i- andi variaus pens o! pîgs in bts dhuge bat-ris. (Mi'. Malcolin lias four baars and 80 sosvs alto- getheri . Durig te tocîna class o!fu'market guils serre .îcniuged svihh reasotis gus.eut. A test covening tliis sîi-mers, ,work tollawr-d. Dcîî'tug the Pibusiness meeting il %vsve de- -ouied thal thr- clubh xouild pcî¶ at-tn a sus-me clspla,\ at Ot'oîu- -IFair with a turthet' mee-ting toi i:decide on the- thor' anid luý :work' on lte prolect. The tocet- ,ing was aitactroni atten syhinli l1unch %,vas *ser'sed hy v rs. Mal- colm. Iut altendance at tlit. m-eeting svas Dss'tigbt I hili. a y:'oung vîsitor tram Beave:'- laidite, Alberta. tDurhamC MEDI( Off ers A Cc Doctor's Services. SURGICAI, BENEICITS INCLUDE ... PORT PERRY FAIR LABOUR DAY SEPTEMBER 7, 1964 CATTLE - HORSES - LADIES' WORK RACING -MIDWAY I'rank IIolne.v, Ires. Fred Lambh, Sec'y. 985-7576 9 85 -215 8 2nd Mortgages " Up to 807, of appraised property value " Terms Up to 10 years " No hidden charges " No bonunes *No brokerage fees *You can prepay ail or part at any time, wîthout notice or penalty. For a FREE brochure on SUPERIOR manîgages, wrulE, phone or visit the SUPERIOR office oearest you. THE REALTY DIVISION OF À SUPERIOR DISCOUNT Phone Collect »j25-6541 1-7 .smcoe St. Oshau a opein daily ta 5:3(0 p.m., Veni. ho 8:001 p.m. Other evenings by appointmerut. Claseni Satunday duning Augîist 27 SUPERIOR offices in Ontario ..ounty Co-operative At% SERVICES implete Medical Care Plan -by the Doctor of Your Own Choice EXTENDED NMEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE .. . * Any dcîm' esicts nee(led in * Home and office calls. hospital. Oui-patient diagnostic X-1laNys. *Cystoscopic and Bronchoscopic ex ainina tio>ns. *Injections. '~Health Exaniinations. ~Eye Exarninations. "Plus Surgical Benefits. Be a Part Owner of Your Own Insurance Carrier IMembet s of Dut harn Cou uit.\,(o-operattve MVedical Serv\ices ave reCe'iug 20', Refund on Pl-emiumfIS paid in Ilite \ear 1962-1963. THE RATES ARE VERY LOW The Surgical anid Major INedical Package is $60.0>0 for a I arilY and S30.00 for a Single Mcmhber. The Extended Medical Plan aînd Major MNedical is $115.0o for a Faînily and S57.50 for a Single '%einher Up to age 65. <iver 65 years of age: $135.00 for a Farnil.v and S67.50 for a Single Mcmbcr. MAJOR IMEDI('A LBEINEFITS INCLUDE... " Ambulance Charges. " Special Drugs. " Laboratory Services. " Appliances and Therapy. rF-NI) THIS CýUPON TO: DURHAM COUNTY CO-OPERATIVE MEDCALSERVICES Orono, Ontario Name ~ - Addres - - - - - - - - - - - t'ou willbe under no obligation- Tii s iiie no <tt ba rgantzation serving the United Couities Of Durham and Northumberland. GERALI) SHACKLETON - Hampton 263-2744 MES. DALT ON DORRELL, Biackstock 786-4995 MERS. ROBERT CHATER- Orono 36-r-1 DAVID> WILSON - Biackstock 986-4395 in The Canadiart Statesmon. Rowmanville. Aug. 2fi. 1'184 Canada's first nai m -o" ote than jusi otne of our 10, of the kingdoni of Canada 1Governor-Gettcral said last Provinces," Canadian. wveek he believes a liereditar,: Somye say our plural socie- "-We are reallv not a o sens of tolerattf, and coin- tW î a rnosaic: other eall it a or shapeless cotntry. We a.rý promLse iill utimatelv hein sa la d.' in aur fourth century of se-- in etiin te robets niv le ~îdtha fllwing the, tiernient and are about ' facing the countr\ i recent wave of immigrants' celebrate the 1 Oth ani: ver-- Ri, I-Ion. Vitweli: N1 frorn Europeth e newcomers sarv of our constitution, told the opening session ot ilhad ut been re-shaped: dif- *Ta doueti third Commonwealth educa- ferrenees .v ere -welcomed in ~o h lctcnttW tion conference that Canada isi Canada. ine fthewoldesconstiUoi passing through a period ex- Influences Lite force. It establishes the pr:i perienced bv nost îounIrieýz lie aiso noted that Canadiain ciple of! peace, ordcr and .zeod and federationý of eontitlI life %vas inlfitenced to an cx- government- tional and political strain and tent Canadians somnetimes This objective liesaa:d u cs readjustmnern to a îe equt- reali7ed bv it bcing a northern, chosen in preference Io 'o' libriuim unr Problems as wetl as~ alternative formula net "The lie r(-d it a i v Sîie o!f advantages were derived from iliberty and the nitrsi e tolerance a nd uunpromi ei beinel flankcd bv two great'hapoiness.« which has ettabled us ¶Io carry world powers and two oceans. "The choice indivaies a so on over the gonieration)s vil. NI . Massev stressedi that ietv reflectîng 1,h e o rga'i Ihave no doubt. uiltîmatelv,- Canada is a i-onarchv and has growth of tradition itsoif lielp Lis Io settle uhe qîesîio!izz been since its beainning. whe-!ther than ane created 1w iu iwhielh toda' hbet oi i u!o ther the Çrowvn was Frenrh explîcit act of reason or t said. otr English.- Now ,he- Crown'concluded Mr. Massev. J 17 Bond St. East 2nd Floor L Oshawa, Ont. 1 077= 77 Pz C-, - , , f Co-, od a a ýtJ U S,_ fcývrrdd 1904 ' 1

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