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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1964, p. 11

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Len Oughtred Wins Top Honors Ho rtîcultural Socie!ty Ai ~îIrîS . t.-~n- ~ ~w I tre sen ts fvè ý. eceive Mwards Dphbý Darlina .Anne E.ibeck. NWl h pcs 'Andrea Eei, Charles FEvr wa.e iiPNw Franceij Hoar and Frank Hen- Hoiiculurai Soitops self ev: \x ar \î ::h î;Iý saI Dînner aifd F'o\vcr and Veg I-uge Audience aitVI/alfona, Tg' edn o dut bcithatl r.Ie: en oi h he fUow:' faovon ne!e vai, d.:e mivilie ad Disit m Red gîven extra rconl ,0 dispiý For Annual Swimming Show Necasl'e rresena;*.0adcae 1NewoRe ros eoeniae to rr.aglie iuts ad eae Tracev nbie\-, Recreattou uth n at1Halt N oi ,,VWrb toba a bM:-s IYnda Eî lbeck a idIvourinulri nerrmber cf the Retrie- Comm itteeie nenib,r, Reeve t i :. frer omlte v C n gb '.r-:fî ~b'v- M~ Janire Rckard. wo ation. H-e ioo spoke b! :ef]l oý Douglas Cunningham. Coumh'il avatiabie. Pfi' :a ndCIpil' a ýr arcçnrl î'-ï r('<. t\ W .a ionii on rs cf ira in ing and 'lhe audience. and h is ihouigh i srepresenta tve on Recrea*t 'm food vwas ' oIc iir: Qs tah park paokod r ýi n!, àlic:eîîî ai 'ence .proved theniseIves ai to-o ao wvith the Bownan-! Commitieepnud Mirs.Jean aiso, Ilii the nain halli i a'"rtliIinr :] 'rm rO. as liai et'er'np. ville Red Cross President that Rite, Sw,'-itmig Iiisirutj-or, ve.getabios' wNere' dispiax rnrithitet . 'i"lt t SainiBrereion.t. uairrolalof the children shLiîld *'ake pro. A, ail added t: Cat, the aLîi- and atotif 1e1 b;rd bous( tîle'o 7i2 w' if: tOtns a '(id 11 Newcastile Recreationj per advantage of the lessons ence did appreetate tlîe dem- Dowiîslirs. , u u raî î nîh'rct m' a neP~ :k ' ied the adulis who hadj ggîcen them. oisiration of basic orna:nî11(,îrIs cf all ix peso lw x xitr"fa. ren ld: ùiou ne to tiemw the swim. lie Before the show gou iiuide-:al sV.imtg a'tger- îldieroî ai Wil 1 1-a t Snr'i 01o v honirîîrr>dtîted Mrs. Rire and, way.thie rmike %tas again Pd thiS. î:ide,- the wtchftîl * ki. osage ,bridai ho a"d[Mr Otato' n: a-itnrt;Mrs. Rice, iii handed batik 1o Mr. Breretoît. eve of Lvnida Eiibet-k, the quels. dt7h gairosndt ': wn, 21- it poak:ug brîefiv. congratiai- 'who announoced his :'hanký 'q g-irls takiîîg Pari Nverv:i-o cdr*ýa' irepie-es :to il:î ad bof a1' Orc te H- I c epn C'Ird'hlose tubo bad passed tilose who had made donia- Fweri. Jao:ee Rickard. Dobb" m issed. Ili t ie kue a lai T1, "ori-l( " nattlI taS'iý hiit: ests. aîîd thanked the; lions. Their narres aie moren- Dariiig. Anne EFbbeck. and ia ff or r blit-v memrbe f,! '-!-î:t '. to hir g: anaîd boys and aisoin he tioned li the Recr-eation ConiIvid preparod pline a fie' claie. pt :g itij o vfra parentis foi- iheir co-riperation mittes report. On boia!if cf the Coronnti - feed ail tiîo;e alicîoidiog rt \Ta:xfc rrn- and mu loepinz the ehîldren inter- The folilowing aie the itarn- lee, Mi. Biereioîî oalied tuoff v doliihf:!'tsalab s i F rIr - M'. ý 1ý'. i; v ý 1-. es rd.of the Tadpoleç lagpd 4-6). Jarice Rickard antd presenIed, Pet-. Al! doniationsý and Il a7r *&' fo :Iv.It£! wre e Mrs. Ros Sprv.Pridn of earh of tthom reeerited a o-ai- ber o'îtb a gift and ilîanked V.'r;i;doetor r li11v lh ien0 Ttwiný : ne t. lie Bw anviHpand District fer zda- nictrgîr" for- ler t rI .til laisliel >i bers <of the NXcvii I i Soit Rie1 oed àfifî Tet - f i-idg t ho -,a ha t'n 'o!h 'tic rî'r' ,ctedadspkhighl ' Irf h V. ater and V.aier safetYs Alfie 'her .and exprek-;snd bler thalîk, doit. wîîd.hoos and fln' N\ka 'r, ýn- nef- vwniedl 'o appreciatton of the ehîldien Adair, Seth Couich. yvoîtce a!Io. The eo:i'.luSiOl Of thie C o hC boligît10iothe J': liavse AI m ntli rn t dci i '-ph t îa ki iig advattt age orf ,heode 1Bruio, Na ncy de Bru in. e'N'niu foLi:od ithe Ii;dt i i i or moni borao-as askrod tif M 71 -hr in C otardmi.rationi îorihwiip instrutiton offered Deîbert de Pape Susan Drano. Ille fa r ecd of hie pa rkRfflhtiofrd Cand Mr. Bickl ,va- ili O'rnrltoth:itnetbniPaddr' Dunocan, Darleie F.!_- iiitli inîg hlitdogýs anid dri nk- both of Rownitalit Me tir N ' riontR t-eanid i' DouglaF Cmiiîn tgiain 1 s Ilott. 1Elizabeth GCml, Sanodra tog sor fi di tk.s. gi s ponho t afiîd Jifri e a-'~în \' Gîc o it-- iti odIieed as the Reeve. and Garrodc, Daphnie Crandfîeld. - al tîiis hrouil toIl~ Charlene Hall, Sandra Reante lialit ksa, boit(, h.\ Mr. Siorc e \AI Jesncf-,Panet hoP-on egu kin Tmm Mlkewcz K- eeWe Y LOSe anditi j:idg ;niil vin McCullig Sandra Mc- field cf lritetir lie aiç Crotie, Bria n Mikios 'VMai . a ve lho!l'fil dx"e:1 jParker. Biiiv Perrin. Patii'To Iikord tait. and ;t o a- iltigIl tho I Powell Jd'portsmî h. mii ei lie atîb te îîîohor:v (/ !Vernît i Ca Rueppet-. Cliffn, O n un a 1IYfni îiaton.ý aitt 0:-V ui Shaddock, S i epli e t Selbs C o gri*mt:iowu ai e oxtot: 'Nillie s-ano der levdpit. Il i t Ne r-t - 'P'lie Poie e d .c Int o 1,-0: C £I litIroil foi, i 'tir t 'o t' " ne crin ti fatii li', otuoîr .-trivan ber lHeudcenDoî'oîtî,"Ileani I*eiu:-ued 11o11te1 Sfttîbja' totttg li hgle- lt it) a"bf,,Egtb'i'h-: RfoI-cîfiCld. Qtîobhec. wv1'here PV i s Pr, PNellie VaCIderls ta iarr. af:eî too'i sadido!îorl liv tlr litts 0Oitie orioral! exlii s -or X.St'î q1't les ît rai Vrs. Pnwell's Audrrv Vat'dorl-oop). Jo0hn:1osa triErartkfoî cI. 'lube store. lif1 wrc a ctpi tif !31)0;!1o": îto~~ 'ir'to :1'irlS'n <ranîd fainiîv. NMr. aiid' Xesselitiq atid loatîcîte \a- 4-1. nI m poi ic- lent inlt cf Ill, ëaud tue beail' .1 t \vo il:t"t i r ,!.r Mrs. Cairood. 'er-.vii gar. 1- ORBA. foîri- lîts s car. . lF' clî': itn. ni fro 'iî NI:,; î'r 'V i la!) \01vh las beon lho!idavlin- - ' 111P foilo':îtg îîa.ýsf Cb m -a gn'a0(loîgî tt x-h ii'g oto ti1 'vtbr a 'tri f i11 i ý, e&1Oitlario off and ont most of 'sî lv frýOîn Learti ln s' tn)Ili, tet ir asot n t i tt-ta it orl ras, - \Vh'iosnoa-'s"ftitthe 11w iîioîf. bas also lrotîr- ro Red Cros Begiitters unhirou cttot il<li:Iai: 'nin'ptf'.cm)'naîd s Prl~.lcîr::,rtwç- ttir (-r i leb t îjber' ali i; lime. !Atcht5otî, John 130 ld 1 niSJîPCOit01 lluit'dairttdc. bi:: 0':iii'ti l rtF f ot uI w r'. k-r-trirint: rltieî-Darletie. aîd M r ioda Cr-atto Diaiîe de Papo al1h c-cfpa-to,,t t-îlc ttîao'- tdN NI,- NI: t'il (i rIt attd Mu. ClitîtnFaIIan d a:boin de WIII. Casev ' on liard tifr iet r (lq:d [MttKtr barI :îcrIf:ii, k f5 Coî lit rtuiîe fon aConned GCml. Lvdia Crool. la'iiplavorîtlialiu-l. ýcfia ci o-in îohogtt :<1 pI.; -'oie g":: b n ~ <i rlea-an t,"s lolida': ai a Gat'v Johrl-tntRick' k v ck l it io nrt..eogo "î nîo-ti i fi it t"a'i: 'ir routageai Oakclene Poitnt. (on Tomnis Lo'rs Rhiiv VMc-- as tues did ti'\- IotCI a< -. i\ îlr-tPoit c \a.a-M, '-o:tif It L k eStitgog.Lean, S:' -an Malkieîtc. Kti gond Fnîirts. iit':îo<itrhait MtkaIrlIîigho-t ct ~~'H ni f rr' a(i"bPerrnui, Neil Vatîden.soop. lN - kO ~ M 1 ' e eo Irs 't- .I r I_ - Cti :1r, <'n ve il k~ ' Itigt e tat t 'OMrs. Ceci,_go Rc i-obî li ta- tîce Woo)d!a id. Corda î 'i- \v., t oai fut o. a CI '~ alid Vmu,.1. P ' ti i t ifih <inn ~ ~ ~ ~ C 'fii.'rl(,tr iotitd a: v-sillage after. laîîdi aîd lHelen \Veso'iîs. ptlihifig o-a- cf the hsi. b'hi: kr'icianlt. tW.Fartî' r-i lie C reh . ij\'tg a isiti in Ttiori:cý r a b te rai. R,- hhl ! Ni ic in'ieibi'cl ri i ; Mr k. Ii~ and Vra U Carles Tliefoiliovitip tresftlv' loiesI- ne hte Oti ot ctî:nidtîîg osltMru. DVi P~ ~ - rotn .'~t :ORî-no pa s,-cb froni flecititi rs Io 'Ilit- P, r icx va~.Ci lutcIa tl'Ir oo '.-ie ' t-rl -h tot11V'iz M t-. t M i 11 l-r,'i 1r Rr t'sa-aa- h c'. tiiitingeýi f ft h1, R kmorp utn.; B -b et. "it .--iI la'îite ft"ot~ Tii Drer eiovd Mar'.Bwereîoii Johni ai; eiNItir h1.t o'f l'. 1 utI Ci- lark Ra -ke ('s's r:î. it' trrl ri0t50t, i ir: era. 10kifien ti e a ngrla (liard, Clerte c oach(fîn i D.îIaiý Xalioiil Ii-'lon a-.'t-il,- 'l- lJ ~ tri lie iiif'flr"l'iThrv tiitlZttrf it'f ex. Dannl k' aitto. Coe , D.'1 O InLI 0 a fi nIlY porfret '-'t n 'i. i a 'xl:C r tii-I~pwe as1i)1;11)1ixi. oc'b riC ailerCrwadVlla e eii eoa uet.Crîi t2a hi-a'frafîiltiati r. Wl'o it f.' CocurI, speak t n - er'< r-, l he nri fr, MuLl i-o. Paniel a a NI'1 Wlieii a foi: i haIl t-a nie 1 î-tarîci Vt-t (;s'f i Ciii ci: Clar, i 'c Xi -.'t'.1 l-o tile ~I'tiio inliehmal'Dtiil. Bob Northnîtp. su, vl rtgsieost!vttîgi i. - ~~ I Xl- DiiIP'tIle Uiite Chliîîh "S atîte Pni-isîithiAlice Pir-- .tthla'd oas' li ihI pa'<kaotfi>.'l; ek Ca j 'i IF 'i ' tttretwîiip epairs. tva-t V" rma. Hanr v Pici--tita. Da'" iin 1 -:'. F r li-îot i utîr';j,1 C tof it.î:trU for1'2at-1 Tt tii.[la 's renia c Mni Pc. il LrrvPono Dboîtida s isil ftr --ilon r-\.0ii- l*Coitfi rfoi- Vr;nRAn lit it' 'o (irixe VMr. aîî Mis. mt'o- Shoat.lrer Dvd la'n.Dit- otiiOcri aîîd pîatt'l. hei-at l NI X' Il P îte t :f-vd S e r r Stt t andîI i- i k it l i'.rt (t1" *~v I'f' 71!i. fto!i ifi-'thie sr vi (e, aid Tillsoii. Servais tati de: 51 a' ucO'a/1ei ~gi:hStiolo ;rsI)1p' f in icotirit c rti I' . "t t .-i r fs t t!il-od!V Ira. F'otetit-p Fergiî- HebeýNd t Rn-irrnie \-itn r looerl itore li ke lid tti l Pa-<t rf btliin V' Tr,' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iNI a'~nd v-ere lier dintî' -Ilevden. George Vsi-. I- a iots liihal, or -otueO'litn Xl-12ire a l..î~~~~~~~~~~~ P . P.- tOt Clittlsarecentl i bers' ValtîderstIarr-e Mar c ia W: - iI h cg pini. ii1t!t v..ilt iCs. Os VI- Cî' s., ake Nni- i- X' a I Xi,~' "1, itn2 Ir.. Feirgti.on hav,,i, er5c-ii aîîd CarolyliiWoodla:id haek îtiî lus siorv. ntu. VI .Ctipird a Prît ~ ~ h , tr ùl or,1ttîl iuo Mis~. Mai-g. Coolifofl "i cl"'îgla- asd Tiais a- xoMl'I l d iI -oii. 1,1Ic:i tî fil Ccci qdri sprmuis. Mrs>. (o - icul:f-cm .tî r cFlil(Ioi'sctiP-(,[ ndtrlFrrb 1î'c. î tr . t FUtat i: llt~ lîi: t Vip rs. Sheil aîîn O'Rd Cros ti i eîmed 1)lae t C anid Dnoor" C rlîni HfoS-ahoi1 i r ofntI\ ;.C' oS aMif t i.- 'i a' o; By Co- nRehter da iro Arlet e A ib h-n. Ta - uti tIii AIcs a lla i. î *îg ic i i -r'anîur- S ' N 'tii-i' '. a i)d M rianid M r. anid Aclair A lie A taîli' ho l i3-ili hall a. .;ii ml h IIi' 1,î ,...-... 5ý n'a'i 1 n, 'i t i r ;1a îveck- h 1-da ' u îtîîo of Ni" d I ;- tr X.(.\ ' i it-t l. a t!a tl rd r r-l 1 t lulur el -g a'rts i - - aîb o i-nl1 "il' 't NI!Xl S:ta!! P:'ss oh t: tile Rs'ui'i-Hai t a] t lus sseek- are: Miýss Cat1h- ete Aldread. Mrs. Rbea C ras, Nia Cathernte HuIlier. Mm;. Alice tîev. Mr. Gtor- doni Lakiiup. Mrs. Joart Lots" en.v. Miss laitie Masoti. Min:, Adeile Parker anîd Mn. Aime- Vm'nî-sc-oip Mr. R. IBui) Wa2oi s in Oslîaoa FHosoiat:' ishile Ht- s exrooc-ic hm thii ziseet.. be sili stili ntoi h abhle to :ors'e vou ai ilthé, A Stoi-e for Sonue lime vel. Tluît friotidis gain-e rtf football wtll lits sot: and hsliittle frieiîds ins c'a:ISod Btîd atî operatioîî oit lht k o atud noxv'lie a t' at-- MODESS NESILES SPRAZE MACLEANS Tooth Paste FEENAMINT S(HIKK Shaving (ream (HLOR.TRIPOLIN Tablets ALKA-SELTZER ANACIN Tablets BAYER ASPIRIN Grace Hol1-te e. F rod Ho hl) Barbuara Haler. K f'i'ei lee Park-en. Ruthi Patiersoui.Mak Tilîson atîd Tourm Wallaro. Tht- following ili eoni-c Red Ciroas Senîior, haying pa ' - sed suîcesfilI't'frotui lt" niediate-: Ph il n r) ani-lai-ci Jenîîifor Gras - Kaihv Los-- k-iii. Canoti Lotvok-:i Arn, Mas Muimo. NMai- Craie Pa' - tensoti. Pat Rtudel 1. Nîmisaii Tiilson andci Titumv Waýlrn Debbtv Darliiig. K ito i dc Goo ver. Carolinie Majer ndî Ken Ri-e receis'eb thiîu Seti- lor awsn rh;. z The box" antd -iil;r1. -rots- iîlotg ci ile Ro: I lLireSa-u 48's eîir I re g. reg. Reg. %l 23i's reg. .96 1.49 4I 69e:59C4 4.4 39C ~ 9e 7 9C '-'i79C 68C I 977C WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK 1 BOWM.X\VÎLE NEWCASTLE COWLING'S DRIJG STORE JOHNSGN'S DRUG STORE " ALEX McGREGOR, DRUGS ORONO JURY & LOVELL STUTT'S PHARMACY < AIML - -'ý - -- - - - - - -- - TIH.*NKS TO St'PERVIS)RS~ I ti tte 1iitri lielualf of a]ý iak:ig lairt hi the Piay'rîunîri ac"iviip te. 'l'hPL!e i"l -! . C'a; inri- atuIl Rrî-r et it axi beiu:2GOit-r;l -- tr '.uî cii lte Pa f't. silpo: -'-tott puari o1f ft"îueuîî uc-'Churi frittti it t 'r! fîotîu : Sn :tm[ uirli e :'i s"iO îlîoir antpr-tat -t fî" -'i ti le- , i- n at -r 't- shlm hanior'fii"r ' a-io ie' elt' ý,ýoý- de~~~~~ r"à;H u rici isa'('a,0 i lit' cc-ci ' A-- i !l r 't-ct- 'a i! o - 1)îr-'î iri li' t lit- îtîfiî ' î llI1.'tII IP t11LP! k-ý-i ti k-sd î a' ea11K :oîî -î.p- a- i ,a î i' lia:,- .Mne t heNes tl' 'PT'op. he:o' .t12 ontti'se i o tn lie-p ots tilaP2-i-t :uati C'asia r -S.1O % p'ate- s'o:' Il :î1 : e ' ia rt Gh Cs. a'nd 'ifn) m'- . 2 ' l ,r v' bIl - lie- St-o; a' -i(CUns a-e 'li caine ". o' n on Prt, '0 A' - -. a: e a-k-rd. t.' cmie f.nn'.sa "b iot"!,-,offer s-ý! 'l:u ta kcng neo-'rne' cfthe-t, troron 'tiare ha'1 paie attr nii o:" %rdel: - , Una-o e-r 'uî.îî'tî de:na îi XX' h*t i ue ', lias ap cI p SP.,. C 'a: v- a" n'i n Fiaoi.':tc-o Xs r' - -o:,cteae b";. the 'a -t' t-c: Id îseI la a nu înt ih:un-o ' 'îîc' rï, ta'r e-ns tako r mý! on ' oa'e-'nv lhai c'r- 'u u 0- - C'i t' S5 i; ri. -o G, ir lie a;s l- tiii ilev 1lie tin- of tii 10 ii - fi ci n r tiC os t - MX1' FRr R kv - BCs'l if Mm' çz R R n c e. I-C1111. M r' Bni g r M t -t R, A11 Ail~~~~~~c tî.Xi. .C:pt.t: i I hciqt" - : Mrnig R . 'i MIMi-- C isrît (.iîx t. tîr Di"' lut:. ~ NI p! l: - eit: < aid I,. Gwio 'tt. i R;il P:: -. cc tltksrl't i- -î w ~ ~ ~ M tu : ýXl . tRl cdI il n s p t' a 1) t' a 1:12u i t Ilit- " na" ri li a li"irig- f: ci ip i C:. S all P g e t 'o - i Xi'- H tk. ilrî R" RI ( r. XS*XX Fat tr s: 'let.'Irs R NIt-k Nardo,. ('o f'o . t-. Sfhî I d ts ad s MovoS ah0 ,éiie;. I - i &C.tI rt-. Nt r: rie i. Plltie iv ' -- 'tr- Iu'a-Di forid- ýa:: a:.'"- la- ~ ~ E ailX- lri k-np. .iî 1î- -î c rl T ir sto.-. 'ti i. Cu-t i s teita- on-Ni I C-I:t' hm-h -op01 Excellent Show M ark a d SiariileY zoNa".er Iaris1n;- t S Iti I te Il and oter clas;. 1!si MeGreg-or Driiz S'o-P. 1I - A rleîî A]' iîd Douglas C'n'o.te' t',t-- -s Rit-kard.kk.w hI 'oib'F'raît. catb(- :'Ct ne to s ii-'Io ali L rir liani. Joli 1U' 1?-cuîit a!id Janlice R -k-a id Esa av ' - - M r- C Vi;lv AXs-a Ma rk. Posterltî utdS- Awsards: 10 anîd tinder. -in. Gertge-Fe~- A\tîer. Annie Clark. Bett\y T x. e'I.D,\r : 'Ji-lý(ý .JeantlHolmes anîd SiaîleX 'Me--lr:g store'.It.'Ri'-ntl Na ir: Il anîd os-er. - \'ttkt VIra. Flot- ' vTd'( Scl:tidr.Sandî a 'thOregoi -,'rod. 'tr-. P. iàl' -> 'Xi XV t I la: vov C teoiles-. Chrie NeXv- 'J it.B , i c!t Scrap Book. Beiîv Icati 'trs, A. P- i i ' 1-01111(-; and Armte Clark. Dot(- Hp ow-P.'lt " 1', C i ,,' o: aticot artrangementî, gard- o t ie)( flotvs: 10 anîd tiîid(r-. Vte:îd' -pi; Vt ti 'i- C i X 'l-oî. Arletie Allit andb lier, %1!-z. C l(' ul - i- - X Niamga ret Xertil anîd 050.. c'WîcIns(" p a' ti' -1:! St-r Siaitler Laite. Tini Nco.cIait----i. 'r Am'Bîereinîî. pie, Plie (g' not .t i- ardî. Roîî i le Bridg2r .er -'. C '.v'- - Cl 'h o-- tcRick-ai'd, Je Mtkiliitho os.Ci: 'St . til and os-r 1 h t'oe 10 anod ~ i ti - 'o.u-k tî:dc tlns. ahîsSitdgr.(ci iot; 1 P nnc' P"îi :p U'iltlsuat at'ranQen-îet- t 1 aui Ciî la'g otC s ovor. " Kara Lep Fergusoti. ui îtk-'sB -Ci"f ' Armte Eilheck aýid Bi3it'ocia R. RM't ii Rritdger' In amidLindei.r, c K-fC'nj.ii Rot-. Cu:-litglirs atnd Am' RIo.Cob'1-- ff Rreî'eî it. Roi'I f olai--Stotîo' lliliî- lc 11 atdîbXcrr.Kara Lee Fe-gli:- ehts!" Imhl on andb loeMar'k: 10 antd j "_ u ot ttîri o'-1S' icrl. Breincla Sie;heiscn. K leiiai loiî- ' 1.t~ r RoBrcand'iMr-('iiidrt .oP. Rord aiî Kats' ridgr r;, leit [Ce D'"- f- Ve'eoahle t'taraer- Il nîb îIic. L'ioîo , X. ID:'- (Xrî', Boîîîîîe 1Bridger., Kara XViîipirîti l, Vs' F'ergisotîanîd Joe Mark: Reritiete l tg:î-, MQ r 0I atnd Linider, Anis'Breretoiît elle-,ld.lirG 's Ca .Rt AiiClark. Kanliv Brýidg'n -: toiî u!:ttC t ll{onlsep l iin tt: 1 i atnd osîr. ' A t- \ 'a loe Alii Dormie Bridg'i ýand m. lM- ind Margarel 5,errv- 1If)aîîd itutIor K ailit' riidger-.rI Rtrb loi-'e'til anîd îrcr. ' risn in' Gccrp-e Gi as - Scitite Bridgepr nîîld JoeMark: 10 aîîd i 1CIPdr-. Newcastte_ lor l- d ittotr C in l 1gL1îir) ' s aîî ci K aîIhs haq "(intieFkisin". 1-oi' this Bt-:d2ger. next wseek oily. please seid Theio foiloss- i s a 1lis t cf zour nevviiiho direct tb thle -lie nialis- lic boîtait- H pi.. -ý. ttatesnîia,î Office,. P.O. 1110,; in lioi Ile Scivts' adoppt.,- 190. Bflmnfville. paoîifor c iînhlppand YVnil r ct-o pvratimi liaS tlîor tiito;ibeen at)preciate(1 nid l'il XViob laiid Produi-t.-t. B'tt--he hac(k ot-Pi e yMlr dalr- ii -s' i-T. Ea loti Co.,- railsý in time for- the rext vtttt BrolloNursetri,-lo. M Gi'r- ed iti oni. N\'Os,-o;n ' 't ar tA r otî i'i a t - C tii t tr iolid 'M~ ttatî i'of Xc: ti'- N o".-- t t) : - 1 ' t i i M r . T 'r an n o t 1 r r h h e -r XI' w' d Ci sal. i); Nr s'i"ib'ank lhp, threc Gilr C;ides v-ho so capabta car- t -i ti Iiici tidthies of super- s ic iz *icPark Piaytgîoundi. Tis w kt a e.xtinioi*lv well done, anîd altîuoitgh Ilue plavgrouncb wiru 'a-sucrin-er Ihis t'ear 'ni tiia!. iho oo-operation f'ot-oi' *thi, parents tuas 'lut ;t-t.r nl, M'l :Rr'o'- . s'otv t ui. T il 1, vni i for ob . -0 .'ari'ig cf Iii. ii, r îi.t la t ' i :î.: tbclî s\-or' C i roia> llimv Ar rest Youths Ditti' tto X'a:or 11-us' - usC i -. Rrtb~ For Stealing 't" t "tiit atrisoi cî ss o 'ricd Motiday'afier- t t. I -0~<i.iliubt tut'. f'ericnplanîsof gro ctof'-froiî tampers ah. i' i o. O-, Sm ' a XX i )civi P.î is '1'akttig .shei - ("i tni - Q.: înok R'sli i1C -aiîie sotIluIs aiso ar'e S:Il) Ru nnd i hr~oc rpc ii ise liokcn iii ici. on: c V.' t-nioa [" - I , t 1 a ;i l tachers, po" 11tr Uti c r <lis. fini r Ii1)ittig ieir ap- a1 "In! .,(,(i 'o blin l; (I.t-atai r i toui in oti Tuesdas-. -te,'oi'f 5-ari t 'a hile Brut-e Tii lsotuiOPP. ~î 'r ette: of thtal;t:, 5n le ars n fie !oi i t; ' o-c kitI' miîîr b ît n ". t 1totwa M"b 't ~ ~ o it'-tfir-l leds icVi nor Darmage .S'tgip('ottof.Coitk'l n Accidaent st-oi ot 1 --it]ati i otigli' f V"io, î'rî1tîîtîîî' be- lioun ul t: îras lrîoî s oIstabip ýI l':î'hîrt' lisc ý i >' .iu ll-t;.ti!lRtt'e p Ttll-c. PP. Tht' at'- g'I.g a j:cîi-et fl toî rîro t f'rnt Of r-t.g' f flic tiil. l o t. Ta i Stand. on o" .ili'ear îîît'ilitigsKtipStelbov.eeia nuottr r': ~ ~ oýt o11i011)rut.lctip-c o tl r P!-otî l,\ it'Fd Galt'i 't b '-tt lut ii d ttl ai", fr l40 F'im'alle '-v Couil. Scai- tuit:ii-ti. îo do-ftîîeii fri olurrîîîglî. atnd A P panke ct-St ',î'a':îî :an plie gven ai tIii- s'î:wed lis' Oori'roii Blake Mr- iltîti -.Plîoo. froin Kinig Sireet. New- At a fctîil'truc. iîîe Cîntni- ii' u'lio * inttr bamages, tno ' - i iî-hîîi îati and Meîtoiiht'i's dîlo it unies. V!Take datg lu le fl 1 of These Bonus Tape t y1 ~i ."ltt,1 Features to Claim mon Free Gifts Faster ici FANCY PEAS 101199c AYLMER JAM H E I N KETCHUP SAAATEA BAGS RIa eti rhct"' tr l1I 4'. à B69c Oratîce l'<-t.ttt- pk~. tif f10 75C SNIFI' PREMIUNI - SKINI FSS J1cadl,-'l'o-Eat Short Shank - . hole orlai SMOKED HAMS 7 lb NIAGARA Canada No. 1 Grade JUBILEE or RED HAVEN PEACHES FRESH CABBAGE CANADA> No . R'Al)l PRUNE PLUMS l'raçers ale'q 1' min 2-1h. FANCY PEAS T>o%î doredf STARLAC MILK Bowmanv'ille Ba s k t 89c <-I."p - 2 for 25 r i f i ft Il ; 1'la 5v n inir qt -29c1 IGA Re<'niv'oail Ext 'a 56.00> BonîîTape WHITE SUGAR C mn, Ito dtbtit;i- TIDE DETERGENT RZ Pe5ri,îf ý ,% ni Reevs-e an El' Ia S111 Boll .fsTape SALAD DRESSING 321. rrl51hî 2 I .ýz A1 Flnvnmir' p9 pk~ ni SHREDDED WHEAT BEEF STEAKETTES Prirrois lq. SIiced Side Bacon FISH & CHIPS POTATOES Rindixbi tb 24-ni. pkq. ninrin Nm. i Grade t1-I1h. b'iq COOKING ONMONS Ou .IGînda Reveiv n F-m i ra 5.11Bonums Tape CELERY HEARTS Bnd'%' N 1 ymnIt.Rite slîcsd 6-.t. pkq. AinrkT-l iimmnd 9-1 whita or <aloured a ix Rnitte Enoi.!Cmloured 3-1h,. unit PLAY "LUCKY SPIN" FREE id 1h. IGA OOTH in th.' Fond at thi IGA OOTH 'rndiscts BIdg. at the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION r FOOD VOUCHERS Foodliner - BOWMANVILLE- 15t;4 , txfi . Au 184 i Recrection Group Ex presses Thanks For Many Donations 'i SPECIAL LOW PRKÉES' At*ON NATIONAL BRANDS * AtYour Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. BRYLCREEM 79c Tube K LE ENEX Band-Aid Strips ' i'iMci IGA Ginger Aie CAKE MIXES I I j I I I j h I 'i Ju. COOKED MEATS OLD CHEESE MARGARINE pois hat Hot.ptali (11 EERYI F I 5LATTICE PIE each 49e 45C lnspitlity'! nkc'. of 19 TEENIE DONUTS 69C SANDWICH LOAF 26c 98c ; 1'omi-. - 1 h. pkz. Honey Graham Wafers 37c PRODI (IF: OF 1*..S.,,%. CAN. Nie, 1 1

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