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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1964, p. 12

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12 The Canad1my, gtatesrna, .26manville. AuX. 29. IP94 Bîrths - Cards of Th ns nMem ra Articles for Sale Cars for Sale 1 Notices For Rent IRealEttefrSaeiel Estate forSl 1ïYkST RA_ -C 1 a u di P a n d Mrory ad n CLARK-In loving memory of TOPSOIL. good quality. Calil'55 CHEV. Belair. automnatic, Dr. Dinniwell*s office will be 6-ROOM hoanse. Newcas. 1 aI 6LbrtS.Ns* Giadys are happy ta announce would likp ta thank everyone Aima Maude who passed away 623-3816. .14-3 very reasonable. Telephone cloqed during th1ot f hn G-48.Con the safe arrivai of their son, for thpir cards. gifts and kind-1 August 25th 1952. BOY'S CÇV bicycle. 26-, $20 623-5772. .15-1 August. 35-l' 9-ROO ose etral, imn-IRATR hn-23' crn Satîîrday . AuR. 22, 1964. at Children's Hospital. harnd.EUX b bA-] mechanical conidition, bes be-. <.'fiSdfom AtsOfi(I6t bv c1: h35-1c Pnonon613-53t Mvemorial Hospital, Bowm an- SsnWrv.51Frtesudo oc Wad. Phoe baby cri, one vearbet 6355.3- vile, 3.9-l Td.ePone623-2606. ofe.5237661:~ 15 until September 16. 3-4,,3-ROOM unfurnished lapart- .buliglt66X10.Pr-e$.0 Ten. C.î famly f te lie Sadiv rnissed and ever i-e- TWO gas staves in good -on- '6FRD odtie1n ments. Three-rnom furnished rnaujv n tsewelot.ndie -IK-Cheryl îs happy to an- -Joseph Vandenberg wish ta membered by Mother, Father, dition. Phone 623-5066. 35-1 'radio. good rnechanicall\. elp-; Dec-oral ion Day at Nestleton apartment. Phone 623-5578Oraniisbsl.(eusnNE'ATE o Iîgwv iaunce th e birlh of her sisterithank their friends, neîghborsi sisters and brothers. .151 0- ACRES -baied--oat __travw phon:e 62.3-304.3. 35-11 . Cemete ' v Sunday , A iîgust 623-3 10*2. 35l-f off'er N -o cs -on ' Denise Louise, boro on Augustland relatives for cards. floxÀ- -Russell Osborne, 987-4374. 1954 FORD Wagon, gond rme- 31.Srie t3ocok. FRIHDaartment. three Etpin po-iiiv f'huglx.u- o.ol 600 23rd. 1964, a? Memorial H s esand expressions,,of sym- îCOWAN In loving menorv --chanical condition. Telephione "ro sadbtro.oeta.ih adna -on rc XI\0,îX' esnhç 'paens reRea ad re ad ev.K.Frmponforhi Imohe, Volt ar, hon -ýfutsealers. Phone 623-3102bcclosed for holidlays fromýeveniogs. 623-3591. -3-t1eas-ilv pconvo,(rtcd btI2-5. Fisk. .35-1 kindnesç. 35-1 passed away one year ago on, WATER for sale and deiivered, 15 OD4D.V8 ito1igLs 9hbSetme 7hHAE ou-omadbt1prmet. Fnlbsret 196. 4 hursevic. al 62576.matic. eistom radio. fair (,ai- inclusive lu case of emergency apartment available Sept. 1 1gaq frrnace. bahroiJh Au ut2 ,1 6 .14 h u e vc .C l 2 -7 6 iio . P o e6 .-7 . 3 - al M r oil H siaBow -î Pî1 41F KELLY- Ken and Dorobhv The famîlv of the laie Mr. A tioateîy î'emembered 29--ý-tf; Anphoe63261p5lcl Mmra osia,~ DvonCharcoal Buirgers, idown) and stool aînd sn iLeVI M .1 -_ _ ____ ---- -_ 19561 METEOR, van.. lIex- mariville. . s34-3;ow an ile (nee 1-ockin are happy ta an- jMI. L. Barton wish ta thank by Mary and Leon and grand- WATER for sale and cdelivered. etoalygn1h-on o- Saes_-2 Give us ant offer. Bnwmanviîîp - I t Frank pri, tnolijoe the arrivai of their son Dr. Miklos, nursing staff on daughters. 315-1 Cail Ciiff Pethick 263-2131. ditioiî. Straight 6 enginec, ruios Auction Sce al rv Steven Richard. 7 lhs. 1,4 oz., Ifloors, two aod three for kind ___ 32-tf Perfecîl.. Gond gas mi eage BOWMANVILLE, brick ul1 an Alîgust t 11h. 1964. ai Me- and excellent care given duir-ICOWÀ*AN-J- OiO emiiETCsoe,$3.AplvS9. hne63-48. :îjîlFrntîrDiheBedng ng bot50ome.etwokhoe hotaerhca hoe6'v3fp tnorîa;l i sa n p to tathe 1Of8a dear mother and grand- 29 Church St.,Bowmanx'ille A'3 b tAntiques. tire estate of the late space. suitable for sn- oî-îgan ilt.dec'oratd n ti t an~l~ Hos-1a. Bwmvile n isstr a inopitratll,!niothfir, Violet Mary. who* A5'53 a CHEV.. hFmtrgod lizabeth BPun-i ai ber foi-mer shop. Central. $30.011 monl- 1h. 3 0artensac lnd \kn 2.o friends for card awayfonempatr arebuilt sttraînd ' cr ot skinipic 11ndn. clletbu RORSON, Motors- lias giveO the Northcuitt and Srmith Fun- lAulgust 27. 1963. aae eehn vae lae rieao and day. Sept. 2. See bilts for- lisi. MpeGoeae siî î V ~ ~ btt 1hrl oanew mixed! bowling eral Dîrectors. 35 h -ovinglv remnembered bv ta ia,, . Jse elpPu wt r jnp aîd auc ha'- Sale ai t1:30. 'led Speuicelex\, W ne rc 500%il ý leue . 0 Bnwtprs wishing 'a, To. Vva n rndaigh- 9748.3- e-.nny SS a] 632 6 aucioneer. 3 - --- v an euprca'$501 -xit RS. Lt)d" nîi i lac en N w ndsan; join ibis league ta play ' ewauld like ta express t1r-ni5- CHROE bid cag andstandi,51Deadstock Service SalPhone -4 .vKin cs e il 5tit ov LieryBoîlanes on Wd-s"cee haksn"ape . - good singing canar. Phone! FrF ai-t od icii aeo hn 8-6411).\-î AR -AM riillynghs9't 1pr..tion ta aur manv friends, rela-iCWNA oigm oy623-3910. 3-1Lîvestock ForSale 1 fat-ni implemeîîts, the pi-op and HghstCasPpldFriceSockd 5tPîihnoihae. Go - nesday :oights WrightANLotlov1, Coriem6, c'ontact Don Armstrong, Phone tives arnd neighibouirs for acts of a dear friend Mrs. Perc WATER for sale and delivered. YEAR-old liens, Rhode Island rr .ne Wri]'\&,p.oi13,.2. 1n Cipld J. tokT Vani ig. .., Ne: 2 ~t 623-3396- 5i0fknnS haWn us dîi 1Cwa hopssdawvAvg- Telephone Geor-ge FeddeiMa Rd-c-. Phone O,1 Da Trlî ngd South i, onMile - PhonUReTLonFURisanceVnies lem5 cell;H A BOGERS-'l'edand MaY (nel fathr and randfaher, el-i -ver reemboay hySept. da, .sSale7.1sae (1: pin..mZZenith66660 no chrge tharge tL SouE BI COGE rS ead tar'.' umcelfathrnd W. andîerMle 'mebrdb ar ence and Eleanor. 3 A5t-1 ae.Edi ILSENh'fesaî cw.l.o 1eserve. Term'scash. Clii f Dept. Agric. Lic, No. 286-C-6;4' 18 King St. E. Bowmnilepiîtd Cos otouAk toe, arevappf thr choansn, bome W adle. ake Staîîb, R.R. 3, Newcastle. Tele- dute iniSepteniber andi Octolier. Petlicl.aiititeer. 35-1 2ti Phonue 623-323>ii 4.ot'ens andie arrivaIonof98heir9.choseoVisou. irnBannie 1.ndrKensStaî--er-- Edward Robbie. a brother for, an f.qyj*5teDUNK (îîee Crydermant Ill' Fa,,R.R. I Ennailn__ oud ikktyeprss m r fSire%.iONE mansç and aone ladily's,1ein. Phone before 5 )nm 1have reeive ircionsh pt-W ~~m i~4A-o IGI.\ ¾ Three years since the dax. one bOY's 20" bicycle, hein" 728-3601. 3-imsIbphicaciilh o Da rCipe a ai6-roonitwnso-yhîkothoe lroivr Xkn PdFrnimî lt.Ail coiivenicne \$tmmî Icm ST.oLOISenta and ncee re thanks tn neighbo r The one we loved wa allediShort,_Phone 623-2479. 35-1 Imnderri n antique -ftrnýiture.Stork. Pirked up promptly. nice fml os.Akn 0,ir IGI-YFA5T. LOUISStanra î ceea'forSale anddishes of Mis. Frances Telephone collect 26.1-271'$350 it :.ocahXtigtnlîtdigs ldei (ner Mchean) are happy ta friendis and relatives for gifts.; awa% *- GMC -pasefgorbuSgode Sad. glw~N. .Nw annoui.ine the irth of a daugh- flowers, cards and visits whilei God look ber home, il was 'condition, $275. Grahani s Sa-\,HgývvNo 2 , 1 e r , 8 b s 1 2 o z.bos .h r1 2 v 'oi . ,m oio nH o p i tlhn drs d a y , i nG a a g e HiV i e m o r i a ln S E D H EHo s p i t a l. M o d avan dt . 71al H i si l l Fuil l .n O u Ala rt S i . e A 'rgust '201h a t. O shaw a G en- spec a l t anks ta D r. M cK enzie B t i u he r s h l v h 26 - .1p .1p i a . a -b d OO i bu m a o'. .$ t, t . ln y do v p v iî . 6ures2n2sil.. 35-I Re.-istered No. 1 and (anada tri. LAtit- io ne, ltivd Clys licence N. 33 Ct4sa], a r2 bi-n.(ar g .lig' iidut..1i1 ats yo k b -sovih Mdîglvl r. eniember ed Wb" IGH qcîality No.d erfod 1 'IGenesee. Highest in dale.3-ltfloAsigi 30 wh$.(O tmin 'kiîs:jo.Tr. &baf Dri Ra lwnrses351the MedclFor. Dad, li.Mani. sister, brothisUl heifers of breeding Yield and top qiaaliti-. Deaths " < IHLSh îvîg m-i3~6 d 35-I Bf) smle oe 635OLIETO K ALS Work Wanted 7cAcreirnt. Ilmornt ou-e marya hak OAS In "v. m-ne63-10 iVE T CKS L SI*SLýO --filfîîoadigmaux îl'e, gond landi ai bîl it~ aae Ot> sts Mkoi , of Mus. OwenNicholas, 40 hbp. mtradtaIl' 5t tDîhm(Invsls rn.wgn . W errv & Slou in . Lxeia 3001 vt o. ~ELSuddenly,'.al bis resi- and the nurses anîd staff almtaadtraiwopse xa rgs 2t.Poe6375.:se.'Oronat ot -F erv Ihurs .7:30 P-1111:Phonîe 263-2086. a g~hafsh O a, $34,00f-oo \ ' dece 2 Posec S..Bo.v Mmoia Hspta. owia-19611. EETI agwashing Hein Wanted IHorses. tUle, Swne. Calves . 100 1Acres imir rNot<-ni atre.hîc.lgeixtmau nianville, on Stnday, Augustl ville, for the care given me' God saw yniî getting weary i EECRI rng , etc. For truck pickurp' Phone1 MOUNT.JOY Backhoe Service i dgondig-i-onî. îavod rive'.. ain 1 machine and gas stave. Tele- QUALIFIED pinniber foi' On-'Oronno.5 r 18 b! 1 p.m.dy f Trenit-es. dralins, foLunda- gn ol tudig ngn ' 2-3. 1964, Arthuîr Henîry Bell, dlurinig my recent stay in bas- I1-He did wbait He taub 'hoe62-12. st ainTriim.Sholfr oxa sl. 1.Aofid&So,-aeslOupaîd etî tns îg ndpirAA igwv .iid ipalo onî grae v1 iu- bis 54th year, belovemi 500 pitlI.also tai the many frieiîds; phoe-23-12. 't-oaariiraninuîtoo fr .mirsle..flA Red xoiil ai~~~~~ 1eat1 e non he atndMlvep'whoshowdnksh kidoes anbd';$20,0i00 x'.th ,58.0)((t vash 'VR1Ea a om H e ut;sasaoîî AUIU idwDo 5-diay, 41-houjr xx-ek. 3.-. an)rs backfilled. Caîl 986-4737. tell, dear brother of DavLe.!Iwitb their cards, floweu's. gifts ndx-hserd 'Cor t a Awiiings, Siding. Lomne Alliuî, FULL,1 or part tiine waitresses 2-fSlsîn-EneBais uîcalmdmî o"uine jean Mrs. Ralpb Daxwson) and and visits. Thank voi, Rest"'. Bowmanviile, 623-387 1. 34-2ywantd. Apply Mr. Camipbell, Tlhe uîîîdersîgned atcioiieer GARDENING Weekly miaimn-. hn ~ 16 n. o sig s2s Bn'.etl. Serxvice was beld in; (Mrs.t Rose Osbor'ne. Sadly misseci bv lîuîsbatîdiU SED Wasier Pa rts,, ail- makes;îGenoshia Hoiel. Oshaxwa. 17-tf wîll seil by public aîîctiouî, tenance. feces built, trees and 1i-fiii +he Morris Fuinei'al Cliapel, -3- Owen 'and dalhterGIey.I .p oos ad"XEINE ahns o farm machinera - ha'.. grain sbnubs pruLneci. rototilîing. VAIl.t nv.: îdom Inlerment, i xx~i~Market, Hampton, 263-2241. general miachine shop wxork. Hierb Prestit. Lot 31, Con. 8, evem-gueens. fînwermîîg shruibs. RFAI. ESTATE BROE Asmg t.t. ,Ammigst 26 al 2 P- neret!.wol like to expr-ess un'.' PARKER, William Kevin--li-i,11-532!Apply k. & L. 'Pools. _1) K mý-DI onl ie re adua eînao 13oxmanvîleCemeler> -35- -siucere îbanks ta relatives, ever laviog memory ofour1 West. Boxvnmaixill uIv.g r35.1. 1P 1 King st. F.. 3~ihm nmîîîsuot ah friends auîd neigbbou rs for the~ darling gramîdson and nepieSINGLE sprîng-filled niattî'ess,; 35-I straight '.vet of Eniiiskillemî, estiniates. Darlington Garden'Rwanil CA~~~~~~~~~~~ RTI1A eoilRs it.foes ad o -st Bli"xh eît~~~ clean, irn gaod condition. Calil 'SALESLADY, oxperiemice pre- Omt.. o0S11 da..Sept. .tb Service. 623-3905, Bowman- Bwavlemii mi 10( nn 4,iTa1 RBwnAvile, on patiet ii Mnioi uil25h. 1962, age 14623-2554. Mrs. E. Brummecll.fer ucd. Wriie Advertmscr 5:16, Listimn mext xeok's paper. ville. .35-6 Bn".mauville iinîomîi.-t-t noioi inanr. i .eay, Augusi '22. 1964, Charles1 Hospital, Bowmanviîle ."'M1 months. KEYS cut autamatlcally. while' c/o Canadiam i Sato-stari. PO. Tlernis cash. Farîn sold. No.îtr'activie. alnîost ie'..", c-Pm:cS i-tCeu ni"e .-ienry Carter. in bis 801hlspecial thanks tri Dn. M c-1H e x'as ours for suc-h a little yoti wait, at McMullen i-ard- BON l",1 BoWmaiiyiitle. Ot.0111.. Clifford Pethbitk. A. B A A R S rooni brick hiuugalo'. vt oi..sii uy$100 year, beloved bîusband oflKenie. nurses and saf n while. iware, 36 King St. E.. Bowma- b- tc ne.351D 1-~ T ~ -at.t egrTag eait-hlc on lc 1I e(,. dear father af the Medical Floon. A vei-' And we ail Iaved birri sa, Ville. 3-tf WAI'IRESSES, liant-iune or ±m 1g~bt.twnT îtmn.oc '-Rinc îîgix.o Charles William, Taranto:1sincere thank vau ta ail. Ho.'.'niutch it hurt ta Part with '-OTCs cmieF2 fa- ful ime. iînoio - a b1'v cx B.AILII-I-SALE :PH-ONE 623-7127 61,4 % N.lI.A. mougage 120>iclttoi'ofRwaivle Marionie Jane (Ms. CaaeleomCbinieFCooper.:j bimi xxii lu garai As4i900 $7900 M aj r e J n M r . C a I s h rl e C o e .h mtractai- pow er take-off, gond 1 pe ieuîce i. 85c pi-i bouc. .Appt\- T'utbe oied ai b neloîcus Pu ni- 35 Nelson St.-o m a lle t h 4 .900 faindo'.'. i e o no i Ione x îl u Robertson), Preston; Thomnas 35t- liOn]l.\ those .vho hav'e lasi wvrking condition. Telephone Ontarin Trading Post, Outumn 1lui1re . Appliamicca , Hamîptonî, 46-t 4 umefnuott"-libetalt i oe -t, 1-ieory. Dotuglas ,John, Dorotby ' cari kîow,. '263-2388. .34-2!!10 n 19. :s- Fnda. tigis 2. 164 a ni-p . y 'irtue of a larîd- NI PRFCT woacresmionti<f oxvhniaii i- Alicp (Mu's. Clarence Oke). ahI My' inîcere thamks ta the Anid yet, he sti11 5 witi Lus. ONE yelaw canary with cage1 WANTED- Mai for prof itabe' lord '.alauit x'e ivili offeu- foc P< IMEINt; & HEA'rING creek and spapng. TIhemîîbi- ]tmoot -o -i ur' trf Boxvm aixilte: E dith M ary neighbours, friends aîîd neîa - m l a' eveny passing day a d6ov rRo1.0 ;îuîod. te'.h us np s. G o d o fi e. w el1l buiba nmît36 x 12 '. H (Mms . E. W . Hanlan). Isling- tixes for flawers, gifts, cards The m em ary -af bis sm ile, lus , ni u ta l . M k and caver $10,00 also one -itf Raw leigh brîsaines o d lv s l 2 office cairs. Ph neî23n3 46a ru o ris 36 x 1 0'. 1-mm ha Ioui. Service. was held in the and letteî's. and ta ail who! toîuch, ' Phone 623-7015. 35-1-' Dept H140101, 400(5 Richelioîî'al mntum long lacides. O sît- 2 R -d45.00i0ion-h. ternis M".orris Funei'al Chapel. Baw- -v-ile ewiei Oshawa! WiII live in aur heau.ts PO o .9 inanville. on Tiiesdav, Aîgust General Hospital. S p e c i a I alwavs. BUYING or seIling furnittîre SI.. St. llmnv, Momîi-cal. 35-i 'loscope Model 4601, V TV-MVI OnariF0.,Bo 1599iN 45001 it tris Nxvasio ligAwv ocfin 2,5 AM 2 lutermeot Bnw- thanks ta Drs. Baldwin, Grant, "tI God's Eterutal Care". or appliances, caîl Elmner, ;FEMALE. retail sinreci cerk, Model '2 l2, fieldi streiigth - -)St. Bowmavilricar ome A on-b'-Cl.$ ll ov ravleCemeîeu*'y. Huilland Stocks, ta R-'. . Gandnia, .andpa Bates, Ham --:btusiness 263-2294 -mature, preforahly experîienc- eW i lb ,cah Enirand la lia If of goondrit-- arcîtas u t:ii bm tbî 'I~vo or is isis, lsobbcAtîtieLyda. ncl Hak residence 263-2695. 6-If ed. çStfadyv position. Repîx-0ice n, daîcluoee Bi lau'. SEPTIC TANK landi. mnal] harmu. gnod"arrly îîî r p- i tt .TONEF,. Wlltîs l-uiphrey On nus-ses on 2-C Floon Thanks AuritiuWilmaadUneBi.Ios and Win Bl'l-- Adx'eu'iseu- .534, t/o CanadiamiLcociadBîrddRiif*fI An.T~suppiv. On'.' $7.500. NHAFiai.o.Dxnpy - dy tits 4hM, a dows. Contact McMullen Hard- Slcsri-ii. PCO. Box 190), Box'.-- r PI NGr±~. If \oii au-e thiniîtg tfa-] ol.5.1 Wllisý Humphrey Jones. New- Mna.*A.) Geîrtîude Terx'.illegcr' STONE--lui laving memory tif wue3 gS.EBwa-mu-I.3.5-I Fa rim Sold AuICtinui Sale - -jtrhmf foille. in bis 62nd yean, be- - 1my* vdeai' wife Winnie wha -ville. Phone 623-5408. 34-bf5tedDt-aadHrforITFwA IG SABESimî oiup,,,,,ome fani u rs-Amc oir rI loved Ihisband of Beatrice Mer- pase wvAîusi2,16.r,,, ~ 1NAT atil. baleti hav amîd stu-a'..BR CYw'VT, eslas eta1uimn"t 16' 6"PLYWOOD u'unabouîî MAKE EXTRA NMONFI' aulM-F diesel *lîacior, coin,- ~'hn rrI i.iwl i )nl oitiz-633 nul, dear father rof Fae (Mrs. We u'.isli ta expresnuir[Truîe xas ber heait, ber action;4 h.p. electPhonc maton iA'2552iappyW'im biîîoth '.onshofOonSatul-sincere thanks ta relatîx-es, kiuid. taodim rier hnevfritret. h Mu's. G.oW.Edontons and boer fiends and neigbbauu's for FHer life was a pattern neratar $,250.aconeump t'a36e. yoi r.akpou-ta V c N'.îo aler, odti-. ad.rinia- 1hv ltwh Mr.G ,Jnsadbohrtheir kind expressions of sym- - hose leit behind. -io$,5. hn îoa3_71 : uî makren exiîesary *îi-Iuex- Sdi n*L Mi-. Da9,CodcAsi-n AC BU GEhaxd e t-fin(]ui xiî asaIRn a-imn-ehay33 n)f Melville lies. Newtoniville. f pathy extended at lime nf oui- Goci knows best for reasons 3î citiog top-value Christmas toiLs8&9,CcssiBTRG S ednettîil'ia tr3 jChapel. alle ostreiet.Pntankteeaeet W divine fi alBEATÏTY Washers, new, as ,Carda aîîd Gifîs. Eanthig,2,Cavani'T'ownship. two and .4 011 BtRNERS - FI'RNACES bedi-onihou-ne niitie -uta Rex-,, WWni. Sre.t Houis-e Bit eeavnenîous ai o s 9.0.Fmî in f uoil.Preia md îih aif Miles, SOuthwest of Miii- CLEANFI) parI of Bnxxmaiuviile;lihaM rt ge 1-ope, fou' private service on llaudeî' for bis words of cao- lime. Beatty appliances. P a d d 'ys bourS biv on sighî. Write for broo îemlsx-s f PLjMBING REPAIRS -cusdrhecs nets Weïnnesda, Amgusi 26th. n- fart, the Morris Fiiuieral Rom'- Sadi>- nissed by bcîsbauud Market, Hampton 263-2.41.' free t-oîori catalo-rue anîd' Bailiehant,. ,,clli-g '.ithout -~ibhis iaY be yotmr chanebW xi i"Areet i tereo Lke'iw emtey~~~tlei efiiet eric a-m-iJohnr.35-1 - -11-52 samipIes, ouiappr-oval .Sp ,_,-ireserv.e on Mouida'.. Sepiernben .Phone 263-2151 si-Il.35 S].h o escn Newtonulle.35-1 hwsHmeadSholCuhIGIRLS' skirts, dresses. coats, nney-niakimtg 1) ia f1, r 1640 hourD :(Islen0P.0. Bo. 54.1 Bowmnv lil rn ia Saemiia~ 'tiiîcic ut McCl~'s -îdemlyaI18 fr poviding lunuch ai the STONE -lii la'.'ng useinor'.' of sures 10 and 12: bov's siorn Cbturchcs. C I 1 a-coil' -nmuîepoilyI1.))22-tf-erNoX'tai. oic ew home after the frîncral duhe-nla'- înere coat, size 12. Ail in gond t-on- H-ome-Warr'iu iCto.. Dc-pt. 7:i. riacs.Luc King st. E,- Rowmauillîe, on Caroî',n Cox. Kenneih Cox. Stone xvho deparled this life - dition and neasanable. Phonîe 411 CîeîideîiaiA- 1,e1,01Toroit o.ovdtîuug h ae~' aiu 8-25o sa' Molndav, Atîgusl 241ht 164l Elmer Cmx. m,1' Atugtit 28th, 1963. 623-3753. 5 29-~Lx'eu lnîs -ek tcl coa, dan moîher ofnha5re we eaiswl igr-SALf'm ulii AEVP --Reid, suctioîieer. .5-2 Save Dollars! H-ave yoîir ehest- '-3972-1.2-t Stc.vnt Aîîor: mnîeStw- We xvould lîke ta ihsîk Our fai-ever, ie i irto thî'ee noonis, suitable Gardener - for Boxx'miauville edr V ne ered. F're,,estimates, samplesý Real Estate Board StwrAriâ 'n t- ime cannaitchange thern. orcotaeMTbeendervs Mmsuî Di ianuîer-îîrîtaken ta the home. 177('hurc-h St., Bowmaîile PrI-, Atrora. auîd Shirley (Mrs. 'fitends. elativ-es, neughbouis. it's rie tuiot- roni premises. Make an affen. o ai l it p er t'. amîd i-au-e f TENDERS for Il-e suupplyicig Budget "ernis Arranged50 AceSok F r Jon t.Crix. oxmaîvll.for cau-ds, flowxers and acts of Yeassthal max'crme -Pote63237 1) ce tc Pr.hrcurai ert- t inmk jsex'er 3.5waiile inns:nussad tf, r: hoe63237 l- i outide aroas. Iax'.s, gaîdouis. of fu'llra(-e nil duriug lte ,WHYTE BROS. 11PHOLST1ERYý Cpel. Bwuianvllc Ser-aHrB.Runie ad atenIl 'H.shibuîîbsetc.: mnion iepaîrs. No, sc-hoot terni. Sept. 1964 ta June'102 Klng r '. Phe 2-5îsuli o liida Exeot6:-38t-t ic-t'cun Blic Cao o iuisda. B.' physic an d f Memai Has Mý- lovina, remnernbrance o! USED ail furrace for sale- - hn 2-29Suho idav 'c hn C'k.l oînmeuIisBox.'- piaiLegion Pipe Band. Cari- .\*ai i Will beat up ta 4-apt. haminesîmsiblc fotiîîidotpaen 1965. f Scor 55 in rcisii ouse arge64bau0ut1 euu.ilsIt'.î<uîSr-e oPon ninulle c-nietr. l-*aiat egr. ataui lub- L.-\iigl'.' meneie-d bv $125,00: fonced air. Telephone - Saiaateulo rn-PulcSrotx.ilb eeie n-f xaio t$410 irn t15laii ein att lb_,1 se' fton reiti available to stuc -b'. the iuidirsigted tîritil 6 LYCETT & GARDEN- 5 ceOcladFrn '-\aC earn Leuoiade' nxiirv3'dmlbr- iw M rs. Editiu 372-2035 or write Lk King,11R fuaprc elent brick home, gonst- cric Vahme n McWL,.IMS MIîl .e'.is 47tb Badirv es* .ilW - K Stîo'ner- in -TreanlSt,_C%,urg. 35-lces tt. 'l'lie Board p.îm_ Sept. .3rd,1964. Apro-PIMI4 n ETN odhouefubi tnt. aîda Iwle' sn 147thBattl-Y;Rev.ý. K, i --- -_-__ wouuld puefer Ito hue ctupIe hmale galloîîagc 2.0)50. Mu- S. FTMTLWR ae odfotg M.i,,AS ae e';,PAý;SANT'S-Pe r en in ii 1',:wbt, xvouid hîve lu. Rc'ptyiiiRîh iîuSc--hra IETMTLWRK Pvdra r'bg Nsn- Mr' e el Suidde-ly ýail eomiHs osade o hertoih-SUGG I'IIl'-ii loving memary giadialis; cut flowers for at! '.x'itiitg b'. Sept. .5, sta tiug Ennuskullerui. 35-l'IOI ~ - aniniic Al qupno ptal. Boxx'ýnant'iIIt'. on Satllir- ifcihuess anîd kindn-ess dUrincofabiv hlanateg, Orono - Ontario inclîuded. ExcI-eei rtos-i:9Ki1S.W _2j 94 ae Iieu--n eevmein '0 eovdbsad ahroccasions. Container arranîge- ag, experiet aîd'.'iu1hne16t 1\4XVliais of RR. 2, New- Ilovig husband aîîd dear. faih- nd graiîedaher ALn Suggitti ments. Phone 623-3527.122 axailable. FPuuî hier dc'laiis tiii At'ARD 0F F IEl'E1,T:N 1) E R S . : shop 14Mb mi) en i S5 t0 AuTeri <-atî, elxet 'x'fcnI rmh mMelbouirne W. Ha'. e'. g Druke Si.,Bowmanvîtle. 153 'i-equutesM.n'Ir IN,1.Wisemn, T.'lhius is Ici arise thal btR theIIoIî- cnm-.O A- ePs McWllmau-m.d %v iteofthero u iiceettaka --16.3.-tf Failm. Cslia'.waea, uoiirnrto Kcnuibh. ar sutAîirex I.>ia haxlanciînuî. Baimfi ieinesae GEHI, Fasae arvester, PT. Secrelana. P..Box 5128,x.' 'oar taIbbcT.S.A. nI Snuih '. "-"i. ". .typTn ,;o * o us tAc i C f 51 ri. auîd ,Vls. C.. I. -eider DBovman-----'---On""'o.rP'HONE in Phtgcpy 1loss norniy.belax-ed htishand '.'.-ilbe pleased io greet their O H lkTerr R:I, BHAaMi l.CihnnPONE p 'l-632- :!98tni tîubr l -u.u uu'utîtte8t a ~P OTGRPHY anmd brother, Cecil James Rob frieuîcs at a îe.ception in ri lion- Documsîre Seni-trs ard 'Feuudr HAMP'ON 'i63-250 nu olim -vIl- iOtnuti]n% ti . 1 isamu. We esepcmall>- wish tri aur nf thelu' Fiftieîb h TTe7t i.o Bo:150, ocumo e nai beohtumeiT RO E 26-606630,u]',t <ui-S.iîi)'l19tl1"'E-. ti- o çhang o -ddes - thak-ktbe Re\. RB C. White Anniîxeisarv ta be beld in bbhe-361 Gibbon St. fiaI 7'28-9180 Bovmrans'lle, Ont. Dfrmo. or ofie Pudicoo 6630,P8Rroruuit brick h('i oriS-r-52 -- 161 King Sýt. E.. ianid Bt". NI . B.Sandersoit of lion' Centre. B w avll D yo Ngt-BilLaD Po. Ea meBloc of Pa blic Workt Buil- 141a'i i ~ht ',< 'tuicr -tdriui i' 'Daton%%hL- ih eak.Pro. e5iinEs.i TockntoP2arOaiBuild- BOWMAND ILE lareuut en. iiru, itrit e.m, î,m aam tbaiso' etî T r no for heir couisolung on '!'htitmnsdax - -Septembeu 3rd. I 40-tf I -Cli-o-- D W AN i O Rlare Mkiie-heuu l'ymy mîi iuu orntsPas.%sportsl word-. ati t>ie donr ons ithe l96ý, Inn -03_5 in the afler-!- ' an Bad !i\v, 1tBl,5 ~ÇeclIn2s nniversaries mari>beauitifui floral offer- nom-' amuIi 8- 10 r'clmc nti USelED Cmine: 1H. self- Rcoanged BarhawiexOedai h uudroF-.iig-omt lrîniieg î-u uur tIftut'Ilîero sp- utl ngs hie pallbeaneu sfoi, thei v35ng .- 1poplîd omin: -Hdslfi-ArS10(. O(jx'a, Bondm. a82ClenigSevce s.oo-TnSt.-Bus h iu62t<h-3-gi-n3i92t4h-ri a pcil:kmudiess and Barloxw.- Fuuuîeual CombIne: Masse\'j101,---.-- - ceBoa d unse otafwil eCleieîmgpperled ( ombin b FRu1n0 i le i Perfrmane aud St.623-924 nma ix i Il :tuunI,- f oFbohc ASTOR STUDIO Horne. alsa Dr. A. F. NMr-t Wanted to Rent C1ipp5()"P.T.O. Combonde (best FABlvnuuumo 1111h P'hone 623-2502 Keu'zie. înurses anud staff of ei'); JR. No. 64 nîtlar dri'.- cocuple preferîed. Telephouu' S) as mei Bod xul b Alo'Iyps Wnd ('eaned ed ver Lijandah sud oiînU-- 38u1a-,lrfttrnan xuî 20-2,Memorial Hospital, Bon-maî- HOlJSE iii Newcastle. Orono ien Combine, Demonsîrator P.,623-2692. 35-î* nequmuired a.1 pcied.Forrland ae opantD'epemt - - ville, ~for their kindness. ai- Bowmanville au'ea,.13 bed-T. 1..Combine; I1H. No. 45 SCHOOL teacher îeau-hiuîg aITee ness wadelofot e nîuîmd-ANdPORIL SERVCE i edroi b Ifric IlA umn n.ioffru u. igoarui' _____---Margarel J. Robinson, Ormîmo.ioonis witb conveniences. Re_<PT.O. Baler; seîf-propelledUnion S.S.N.. 1iii'. SI 4.2îutî - $1.739 the 'I'ltrinea i W lluv. niauix-illN., <îî- Persona-l -_35Isomsbl enns TlphreMassey Grain Swathen: M.-H. mleo .S.o. 1 67, Darligosupidb IeDprc'ei.WIIWsdowr 4hdy fAiut - supplies - (Rubberoi O i30eDtenant' Teehno.pato:L.B- Tisehae-.Poi bR86 5 l'bowest or au'.'tender tîuii fty(ostaid in plain - (.Ttd £ D ram .1, Mrs. David. 3- N. 3TîuîîemnauB-20 iasal No. 6, Miltoni 54. oricsalvcep. Floors Sertibbed by Machine Cl 2-3. ~ods aie ~LO---- - -Tu'actar. 1958 nternaion'aIl 623-indo393 i ie go5c, 24ied o amnplinTIVE poultry, id _- te-_Pets2t-ton : 1l956 GMC 1u- ton; ROOM anid board neqtuired b' .'. D. MîLL4R. orAWnow Ciaer-Bam9 ona uc ofcio tpx,- sameple 1959 Ch' L -- et.su2ri: 1948 ier- mal'leat-ber in the '.icinuîx' of Depuutv Minisuer. i Reasonable Ratesfc i .xi-~ic 'lsum . so.Mai rcrDp.T2.tcs .Pat . ch-TRE tbonoigbbre-d Beagle national Ij-tom. Cowan Fum-Ontario Street Sn-hooh. Please ,'DenarueiafPbcWok.Ridtalad omril KeHtin - :ss Bu.2 3hiigSW- No .-Ruber Co.. Box 91.,arry. Phone 7 r 13 coilect jiips. 4 months MId Phon-rie meut Cri, 134 Kiui2 SI E, Phone 542-7408 Kingston, t-cil- Cimanîn. eip }Iamilton. Ont. ~2i8-hL 623-7192. 35-1- Bowmnan-ille, Phone F'.-5689J lecd, 351 35~-2 33-4l Joe Barnoski, 2z2 Scwtnlu Xmmtao.3. DEADLINE FOR (LASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.

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