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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1964, p. 14

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'rn'c Canadian S'*atre'mnr. &ema':iI Aub,. 26. 1964 f Firsi Reunion After 41 Years IDarlington Cou ncilI Ct. ~ ~ M 'il'î M '.in \l; d C.; 3 bRci, ) d I. î A i i.] i l .LIr a':,ýd Cou n l 1lor Bud3: Xi.~~ ~ m ':n 'n.Rî'B -.îtG. L. TaW'n t)b i iau ul(.o I c. 't rdn ' aJ\ CC stoacqutrina bý!e >1 fie Cricîia: B o . ý .'arv lanid, for road in-: and rG;.b ta nij:n .a el on PreýI-on %, a 1 e of the 'tc" rg od .\i .tR (1 6t: lbn.i-4 o iiarJ Moved by Counxc:lor' Dae." aS id at. . B idai 'hat Ihis meeting i.: 7PONTYPOOL featuring GIGANTIC CHILDREN'S PA 6:30 p. m. FRIDAY, AUG - TO - MEMORIAL P4 FULL LINE 0F AMUSEMENT B( RIDES FOR VHE KIDDIES GET YOUR TICKETS ON SPECIAL 1964 OLDSMOBILE 2 -DR. LADIES' AUXILIARY DRAW j. Wc f o ......... :.. 4 Wcit anîd c'atri %c> eni lî i tî Oeciml 2 . t) îý ; slamtciied thut turin >sa'i Rosît- 4 1.,' 1ci? u ic t>cmvillange. Mosi '-UîiînIICI '--. . ,i -t i.cia.t:' . ta.- lott i.iis cx'ckcnd fau- .98> hnbeu. The weathcr lias also sliie.ed ctp grainî and tohacco -92t 2ivî'stîng and second crotis r "o" a C.,'Icu't'.. c'i>i c t a i ti r tai Mr.j inii lob' '~>> *c>. Dî'>Tu rti. mi lin iipoor bcalth asuer <if t.i (i cci Fa'c -tmî'gc.'îiiiidei gliig sni-rvrxinTaoi ulîi i f ulauix"ct -i-,I. J i i Jî iitlnycd with tii" pa ~ ~ ~ ~ ýc î. t '1)e.. i Deii' of Higliwavs. po:I, ",l ilil\ A laige cî'a'.d îmseîî' pa on hc ci.t Sairday ai 2MIrs, Llayd.c tilr " al> i ýlCîtian bc'lcl ini thie Ci i n i'i ii lii. ci i 10 (rat.i"e Hall dcue ta had cccata- lhc c i i c te td 'r G o d lr c e s p r e a 's l e îi le;' h.. T.-...~ p cxti i iîtiqcic'. hmriuging recor'd .1> . ' .rinces. "li'. ui ' Ctî clii. Gu., Sofibat1i plavoff.- coiuei. Tlie Jcuniar icani bld a t anil B <(lIt li uîý t'>)*o 'îg'rii a liest of five semic'- D-tes>' c 'auc itc"('iioo î - ' cc.iii Cavait cith the iiext Pt uc' 'i Sntuît Bi cc ."lierctoilit A th\arday ). 'l'liei Senioars draîiped their fîst ~ciiîn lt' cibec ta I un lir anieta Bailichora on Scundav cou lite:> 'aitnsd tilct me'î-and ci il pltîv their nexi gamnc bat'- 'i" Boart'ireI i-b ~~-Tuesdp*y. 1ut-i'C->iuî ~tt ii ii lii, Glacita cvelcnnic i'. Beinei elai Iýl r îuit >teo~tf îiriueiCIappe-i.of Hastings who cisît'- Rt-c îîd îîîruer ncighhoums hîri 'dixcl i ru- alctjktlk n"onl'.' Tu" 'Ciic 1) îroi'c' t 0i i MORRISH o'. !coud in iiD"îi ""ro 1)iic). lt iiit'nt aliih .li Duu'thiv XtcCaiîiellI t. ji' i . pe'udiîig hIle ast iiîaiith cf 'ulivid . Ir'i t. R-> ' uuliiay.- cc'ilî hem acînt andc M11 i.1,a I dCeaiicill)cir 3c I iic'lc'.Mm. andchMns. 1). Powell, ttîi .t ' Tivi<iun' "i Caiollbelhcnaft. iii iii [ut' fit' u, îîî"'îîîî e ' Vrs. Williauii Adisonuau of, th>"'c. ' ouf 1),', uiC l' "'(ai i.-mY, M aul., iMtr's. W îI. aî 'i " ' i i o'ri'cj li mu Me[(Iotl ii ad M i s.s Beckett tu 't ' ' cirii'S700tiMu> tct-u suppeci guests of l\'Is. M. fec 'vi' foir tir(' ycan 191. J. Oshornc and Mrs. D. Haines Xli','ci(cCuîîut'îiîr kt t ~iiWechiesdut.\.Acigu. tI19. ait c; tti- titi ! t lt- Clt'rcbe Mrs. Eina Barracvclacgiî '.cs- act >î i'iiltii'o"i a ni-c>' îî -nly visiterm Tbcrsctay V~ ~ .o"c'c rl)> Cook Gffîo -.tIitmnuriiuig. tii(' 2)th ii. c i h rs. bic Wt itani Mc'Halin. Part Hape'. b\ 10r >. )"î ~v ii'.e ti. andchMmc. HaoxantI Dciii' ~lti' ~îîî Ccîiuitlli G n>-[cli 1-1 oîp', sd famiîy arc' 4hi cil t h R'c've snd Clc mI ,, s-uciiug sa c'ecortir ica a Imeurdb I'. ill-~izcd itri 'O'iOM N.lo a ad mauagiiia flic ~ictt i'>ciit" tlIei>' G i'cto D-"fauiî cf lits pareits-,VMr. and l)i tii' 11. lutu 1 w a %c . !orm Xli. .Dasosn Becht'e.'hoarîc 4h> tr i> .îiiiLti:a21'.î ce- Mn. Hawar'd Paynut' cf Wcs- Xtuul F!," )!'*. rî'cîî ut-chformî'aîd I'el isalsa takcii aver Wl't'i ~p . ~dctie" ai t te farm of bts fath- Mn." heCotan'îtcilos IDicc n- lc .Mr. Allen Peters, iha f1tii tntRclc btut' c-iti.ccttîMrs. Pctcrs, arce v's- t unteî îr tedc atile u n tlîeim laughter Ruth ta ,.i;r.ýcndd fr 'liedurtiw ofVancoauv'er. B.C. tht lutiiý There cvas a nasty accident, Gn niotic-ums as fîted. a By- >t t[le corner of the road ta' la-v ii acitîiuricc' the re-taca-,G.-ica oui Highway 2 an Thurs-, lion of aav uîrkc-s in S-itî'in which twa yaung mnî lini ikcr. Ccee"n' . IfrniScarbaracugh cecre tîadty gix'en j, .- eeral readingis. ccît sud brutsed. Bath cycre cîuie.sealoîl andi ncîmbem 'il tuikenti tePort Hope Hospitat 'er trî'atmnct. The car in w.hhch they xcerc riding skicl- / , p ced ami the stippery raad, bath' cerc thrawn aut as the' car î'alîed avcr itt the ditch. Mtss Beckett is cisitiig fuic'ids in Toranto and Coaks- rwE.~ /1H~assa ville for a cvcek ornmore. iMrs. XilamiiAddisonî. '.hiu ~ MAYecAaE lîts heen spenilig afc. davs ~- NEBREADW/NA/R, x'.ithm lieu' son Davitd, aimd Mi'. 8(lT YOI/K#OWIf/O and Mrs. Lionel Hughes. ne- w/lys IP wffl turu'ed an Suuîday ta Mrs:ý William Mllatui's fao' the re-' TÀ'600/G/i ininicr of hem cisît. 'Flie faiilv of Mu'. and Mis. ýfor the weekend ta, honour thetr father's btrthlday an Sat-ý' ciida, August 22nd. Many, tu'îcads cvcre also present dur-ý ing the e'entng xcith coligratu-' I tttiins. 11C - Chair practîce ccas lîeld ii, ELL ~the churcli an Thursdlay even-! j i~ng the 20th, in preparattani for' clurch services an Sunday1 23-3231-72 SC GO ST Septenîber 6that 10 a.rn. Sun- suiiaer iiohtdaYs at 11:15 a.nî.c PLAN TO ATTEND.. Royal Canadian CAÀ%R N I% A lari "> d -i iii oi ti1-C mmies Abaut ing 'taii. Torrnto.Bhwiati tue RrIr':I' aon C enr' [', :-t k meneyn bc r b e i'a io ci ville, Part P 0,rr a I ci suc day n;il. iii > nifih ii tm' i idci pe r otsies. iruandina îctrriîni'ie>; of Mr. ,ii l i o 1\ ( i a i (ý( Thoe voi 'starti'to ff xx'tth Mr. aunci Mi' l'h tîNt l Lar (SvlIvIIIKohiu) Mi W c..(1i mutc antîn.A s>eavcn- Iner.]i Mis. Glenn iLai ma rro tiika rcdarr hcinl'n1111t was then Ila ie r. Gang andi Crai- xisitec ChI L urefI, XýijnLb'I . .\liN 1i'ehich requirecd fraîitic s5arcI'i Mr..All>n ait lsoan nd tam ilI Maeni ý Im i j< ( ai 1 iig. A fter th(, i lit. hid<"èiii- ait it'i r cn a ' :î \ aî progran)i1i h u e. ti,,>oa-s(,ek xvas plaYe'd, iliow le tui . Sinlda> after tianto 'mloi v MrI, Garde> ýaaîiic of t'aitshîooî, u n. as Strana". 'lIIi î.îu'.ecîi>rncveci. For !iicil ilcIn' Xi> ViI'iu'i. Ic tank tlwî'i: . 'at il î i i-seieliitilon Irebeach ta fotr ad vtBaxn ai foi-ni e. hiii' iirStircîn> up]av- fresh cor'n 0ait iheo 'ah - oinl ndarc vaisilintheXan ed Com u.ý t BIw [cie'."pliedrI lv the Cariiaghan. Dur- ton, rcît>.;in te aI ed "-loi ('crc".- tic uc ii\ i', I ncli th(e Counltnr Invr Wriex-, Mi.~~ - ciViII\I'L n Faordors. a1 readili, voL '\h' i Ln e, 'a tIre>ed tui r regret fori- nac ,(- " t,.. ' .alr sigiiig andi liped ihat i e.' misses Tdhie antd Min: Dao c lii arn î.'.Ciieltsotiiiian iiîia.Meataord. aire 'clos' Mmsý. W' .XAulrî u'>.a i .i tincr-lin tiiiv \ae. t njc'o f ma ndlMr . Bruce Mauni- ly AcW'î'o)vi Vttaon bv 'ail. .1w.' nci faniil.v. sangl t r> ec C'îmiu Cnngra*,ulaionu<Io t Mr I.'cI Mvr. and Mrs, Llcîvd Wi in g h;ni c 1f a' i Il(" i.ii 'rs. Corclen (Catherine andcifanliîlv >pentiSaturdaý Mrs. GuordncIiî a c'.).'"«ilBativ ) '.vo wero marrted n ighl anc i unda\,vith tilt 'ie.. (>'> i n \>.aîrîîii' i, St. Johîns .iîl clcia Ci iah'Giî'aiît Fergu-ons at tlîcoi. a 't [-mm îî11 f 1.-: Cri)Satu-arn, .cais ta,,(,an Chancdas Lakce Werx '. l,îii >> > Thon' w \as a i-cal gal- t. M. Genrar Wn\Vlt'e, Brial goo' Xtt>i i k"" t >îrratIi'n tllie Unitecd Ctînreh 11and John sl)in tas t wee wndli u iof 'i, ": - uidcav tmcîrnitng. Mis. 1-enr>- cii'niluiii, i n ic'triî Onlami( andl>-1'ic S- Il ;'c cil La I Waltt n anîd Mms. Harvev Gra- a(1OQCîcbe ho aie pic'ktng uI_ tn ace:epi tietille ;Ii 1'c1:1I«.hlaini .cîa a cluet. -'With ai Mis. Wol fe in Gîta wa ta cnric fînar itci'alffli c'v ý cxii >M "nd a Pra ver" e>'.honme. iîî.-rttciiî>ii i' i' ti ) i \îici Rc>niiiil, XX'lfc' Island, Mr-. and ?l.. Ru. -i D'X ait a tuA' ' ii l1iAtfoIre_ dehîver"d a fi uc seionmnail nimanîm d Marilyn spenit Bat b'ce c c ci îîn I>>' -"li îs'sVictctry anaî is.'%eek campn)ing ta Eastcrn Or- NeC MValcolmileto iace 0w, d. l11 Sanrlak' Sîhuol Mi's. p 'taita aîîd Quebeco. caon edsli cc' n ' ak' 'Raiîeriltottl a .tar v of iii-1 Miss Patîliîîe Gonds. 'X>tî eii a'.so vercitreucn' e nd >resi ta *vaung .and nId alike. I humn, i s snndiîî n the \ve i Cre'".\cI",'i'ici Je1rm' 0pens a Winucm-w." withi Miss Beihi Diîsmaarl, MIrs. Gi-n e h!lc'id ce t iii i Mrs. McDncîgatd.Midlaiii. Ytr. BrJaii Dci irmnlîr gift>. i l oiii1iit> 'n > . .i.itecl Mn. a nil Mr<. Glenîî '-pendintua a fe. clxs ti 'n pariakeioî >.tine, ' hdiiLai ner and hoys. anni Mi's. Oiiia ing Io mu 'si- tîml:evid 1).tvt> îîWhcelor. alsa nof Midianci Mr, Mina:> ['a> . N e' Bîîrnlîani ornihe ",raîjf ncit 'îî" "uteni Mr. 'nd Mrs. Eriiesit' a> île. c isited Mrm aîîdMr., On~ Wan'uA >'. I aî> 11). r-1mer. 'Vcuenedav'.Ru.-.s L MCutl.jO\7la>t .'c'ck. nicir k ICcil%îd 'l. t he .--Jan;ce and Brenda Yella'x is liieMunjv cottage.,('1ir:cr(,ý ori> ii". jtc:. Solina. spent rmasi Of the rone Mi'. Wye M --'ok e. it ho ieRaIph Larmers Kii ttrîî pite 'u 'ir.Rolit. Broawn. B Shlw , .i e.'tiiili Bue Mai snd Bronnîc c'i -.ieriheii>for-' a> nior's parents>. Mr. aîîdMi: Xco.Greiîhank. Wednces- Mm sid Mrs. Gordon Pais- O IU R 1ev sueýnt a tee' dcav'slasi wepk Le ion e. tii lAito' le friends andci MARY FVELY' Sm c'I c' dci g tir- ci;ng a Pî'iî- ' Mar iv vL vIl tSaLCIch. t' ýc'iiicn t miithe laie Heber Jahn Sanci i R ' j.lid , M--s. Inai _i Piii s - peacLcîýLly V aws,*v at lic, I ai s i'Àp.Wole'.iI fo t la'ate i îsidene, G1a0110, Gnt.,a. RI c >~'cciRoc. cîîr I * Monday. AUguit 17, 1964. Shc Rtoril n md iiîî . Wxas 89 ý cars nid. Brn ntht, Mr. atidr.. Dale Guner Sîxth Line of Clarke Towni aîd. Port Arthur, sllp, 1875, Mary Evelyn Ricki- ar'e ialicd' vin- cetifithe Vert- by was the daughtcr of thec enajn* irncs a BaeShe received her education ait M..adMr.Hrl KryPbi co Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thomnpson,! ,On Oct. 21st, 1903, she mar- Mr. and Mrs. Jtm Marlow and' red Heber John Souch. They Mm. iîd rs. ardo Paiie1 resided on their farm in Clarke vi'-ited ai Camîp Adelaide on!,minuni 96 hnte Stiiîdav., retired ta live in Orano witn Mi.,îdNr-. Ted McM\aîîoeItlîeir, daughteî', Mrs. Harry Il (-CoiPa1:1Iii-. M and MIN »At- Bailey-. Mr. Souch îîî-deceas. M '-rre ornt, c d Ilies wife. Dc-. 2, 1959. ýR Aniai to triI Lake Placid. Mi's. Sauch xvas a member ai R v E andA oIlir points of 'njjOirfoÏUnited Church and at -raicI îamenî'>. ShelIx lierLi- a deo'ted itother and grand- meitr graipai'eits. aîîd Mar- niotiior and found her pleasuî' cc;n. thi Ken Gr-ay z' it hou' familY, her ncîghbour- I ~ M' icIM r.- Nael MarjOI-jjjand ilîcir c'hîlnlrcn. She leaves th muc.1 i i'..G-a c>. vis ted "Il' 10 iiiatrii her pasng twc 2 8i.i Xli'133;11 Fcrî.tsoîi>iidnd ci gliters. Eiheeîî iMrs. Carl M..'Rfl c Fc't'i. rusunîci> Bih itgs tand IMms. Darothv Mz. aud Mr ý. Dal*tonDan Bail(,\ . alsa two grandchildren .iirî îî ' snîdnga cecek Waiîc and Mary Lvrnn Bailex' C xi tn tii f Grona. thrce brothers M' r.ani i X"- Mcri .t>Bailc>'. iianc nesister alsa remnain. XI' r""' ' 'w c r e 'e k o seph iW. cof Toronto. 1Harold a' ' mih.t'.M r' C. if Gt>kville aind R. Perc" and 111r, iî'k ah' tof Bn wmanville anui X'Ni l *I .1.' d Iloceard.. Bort î Mrs. C, A. Cuinîmîng i af W' DasonToronto. A bit'ather. Addî..ýan. OOTHS nd M- V A. Toron- and a sistet' Et bel (Mrs. Aert "'a"' ( Tro J ' ýesis Of Chapmanî predeceased ber. REFRESHMENTS M' "' ýut"Mr .BaCc'.' and The furcral was held in the \I. ~>Oraîîa United Church an Wed- j t.. '. ji1a, ha nodav.Augus 17é. 1964. %with - DRAWtale Mr. nd M-'.. Joseph Fle't Htec. Basil E. Long canducting ' ioc'ed ia -ct-to.geîhier in the tht'service. HA D O Rccrc'a*'oi- Centre.,!ckio'. PaIIbcamr.-er uet c Nli--i.'« Sa i ' ftt'mnooui. Ai ici'-"13. Harolîd Ccîmîîîg ii fKitetima- dLE LU D AWa 1 a' c'. 'A'an'd r. George Xest'r. Bow.nia- ýL ECLUBDRWTi0ntf' i>'t '.io n 'R <- ville: Bob Koýnt .Ne. i(a -it' i i e':.-l(~ 1", k 1 ..uun: tc' M atti' . Urui :îîî e. ocd, Rat'l-orn, Ln' Cali- ment in Orono CemcuLi .- 14 'tfi1iot 'eUUnhI.iof six bratherýs and two sisters after a period of Sorty-one Veairs taak place this \veaýr an July 23rd and 24th. Hcnry Alldred and Annie keyroldsweTe bath init in Baxvmanville and later Henry emigrated with his famnily ta \atîîa Earl *v in the twentieth century Annie went xvest and thcv were mar-ried and harnestcaded at Redvers, Saskatchewan. ' li ntiniel'i' cheatli af bath parents made it necessar>v 'olr-thle x'}unUerF chitit 1 lit' besei t t'i)st t i live %With irelativcs in Oshawva, Bawrnan\-iileand Newv- cast le. AIt li flenu vAi Idti 'c, thie eldest. of 'Poirtage la Pririlie. was haos t ta his brathercis and sistes as fallaws, Neil Rey nolds af Lake Cawichan, B.C.. William Garneti aof evîsSaiskatchewan, Robin Trewin of Newcastle, Ont., Charles Thamas (il' Oslawa. Le',lie Herberit af Oshawva, Mar, Mi Ns. Gardan McKnight, Oshawea. and El lin . Keith Ormistan. Bawmanville. lits l\lrvF. ÀLa.woad (of Chillixvack, B.C., eider sister aof Ilienuv Aildred, Wxa>ý an ltni'K(li'nSi 'aI the reunian. Miss Gertrude and iViIr. Frank Alldred of Carraoll an.. cett anale ta attend th e yathering. IVrs. Magw-aad, wha is 83. enja 'ved the pli> l(n' xith thle falla \ing relatives, .iIs. Neil Allclred and Barrv'l\'rUs. Gani-it Allcli'ed, Keith and G len. Mi-. Caith Alldred a)f We 'vburin, Sask.. Br1LIUceAlldred ofi Newcastle, Ont.. Mrs. Charles Alldred and Brian. Phaatt iies E nît i t taxý1j1 elft tIa n '-htNei I Alldred, MarY MýcKnight, Ellen Or-mistai . Ar-tliha rAlîfi 'id. Back t'axe. Robiti Alîdi-efi. c;at-riett AI ldi'ed. ('har-les Alldi-ef. Leslie Alldr-ed. BLACKSTOCK

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