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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1964, p. 2

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2h Cha<nadipn aena.Rwinîl.AijZ.2A. 164 lit in dn this work Sr, T i2 gested getting Ross A 1 i rre a d with his tractor. Noxv, as lie \V.A. ol.ks in the fcrfo Building *fl3pector iseveno oclock *Ufl' five. he cît weeds from 6 oeclock ilI dark. rOm rCAGE oý-Edîring -h:time 1 was n lcnd,,,ce o, Mnre' a own mpiveeio akehim, and I think he %vill hack hehaif. These perrons %were, statemnents vwbîch wcrre uîîac- me p.Now. hsmatmr ..over,ime and driving, aF uwe liot cald on bv Coxîncil Io ceptable Io them or n dcai1 M had complaîn:s 0on private niake reipresentation lIl view the right to hpave work earli 1 lts I vrîw o a (if tflic aethat no member nofsimply liera use he wxs-îhed I o drct'm whr t io th'Ceîncil can find faulf do so. 1I aireo had fre o l. vJ1b ither Mr. Moore. in- As the Mav. .îîir i tf, two men iitin veeds on r he)(.fre w-hn iT liad nore rprr 1964. xxho agwîesed 14,1 recommenodatîonnof lile '< Manl committee ocf finance Mr. and Mrs Martin Scott, thl r-ny resignatton lie 'e- Pickering. %vere Sundav callers quesled. withoui bearing miv ai 'heir aurit and uncle. Mc. explanation. and Mrs. N. E. Wr ig hi. Now. to ail miv good friends Lawrence Wright hadi Sun- %vho 1 have had the privîlege dlay tea with Wayne Beckett. off w-prking with. somne mav Mr. and Mrs. Herman H-aass, hav-e thouight, I wa.- a little Ronn and Nancy, Bowman- toîîgb. I think x ou wxil! agree'ville. were Suindav, tea guiests 1 liad a joh to do. and 1 didi01 Mr. and Mrs. K. McGill. II1S K1L LE N day visîtors ai Nls.. L. W'eaco's and '< sited hi r fiit bei at the 1lospîtal. Mlr. and Mrs. , edPtt- and Robin. Sennboro ýii, xx cie Mondav viîitors ait S. fi. b ick's. M\iss (Olive I.î,r-. li tu MVTs. W~. \Iuîiii lo--' J Star. Brianamtuîi .'<lîi î- r'slatv office ai 71 King St, V., mn i1e.(npposite the' bus terminal). With two years of ex - perience ini the real cstate sales field in this area, plus several years %vith the local detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, 1 trust that 1 amn suffieiently quati- fied and %vell knou'n in the district to he of rral service in -,nu ihe-nrer yoî, deride tob hy or seli that ne%-. tinmr, f.îrm or business, or for thiat niatter anything cominz itnder the' headîng of 1cvai esiate. 1 will strive to make this a business that wI enhance the image of the real estate hroker and salesman in this area and an office that %%,Il1 ,warrant your complete con- fidience and trust. Jack Ricard Real Estate Broker 1 Kilng SI. F . 62.1-2.101 blding îg ad ho lic ieplaced - anîd enlarged. 1 was agai n askced by Couricil if 1 woidii,..Jung tiaist~ prepare a o)lan aud gel pî'ices,ý twhich 1 did, sud the building '<xas lilt. J was also akdWin s Award in 10 supervise lte coîîsh ictioui1.1 As te uten stacied at see 't-Iock 1 wss aiwavs oui tluC .. o t s job. 1 iuiit t--a v. Ibis liiild .1Johnut Mecmui k, age 14, soi iîug stans t oda',Withoct Soff Mr. aund Mrs. Tom lciuii muci as a huaimutcack ini the!Maple Groxc. xwon uan î i masouînx' '<als. Somethîhng foc umusical abîlul> >-sît-rd's diffecentitttîani the arena w'iieli at te Cautauhuau Natioutal Exli cost cra iii'tiouaods off ax- ltiitru. le tt tPo-uaial pa>-ers' dollars, duce10 îuîîhiîîjg tpiSîlool u muîeîîî. cîumd '<il ehse liut na lispeclur Io s-cc citer fGrade lo ini Sepù-itihîe tie buildintg '<as properîx' de- On 'I'uesday ah liii CNi' ut Siguued sud bu :î. lt 11, ý4 I the Cnupetitîouu for' te Plant was agalut asked li'v Mr. Citani.1DUet Class, 16 Nears sud Un. tîme cbairmat off Puiblic Pro- dei-, John Mucuirk sud Jesîtý penîx-, if 1 xxouhd prepare sut- iette 'laxes. Oshawa, both agi otîter plaît for a works garage. 14, took tîird place aimd 1xvn Now titis takes a lob off lime the Bronize iviedal. 'l'le' Piaaud work. As 1 do not liaxte d Johnt Sebastiaut Bacli'. bhe fimeono cegular duits- , t "Sheep Safe.v (ina/e.' did tbis wock af bome. 1 alsoý There icone mauYte rhaUit got prices whiclî 1 yas askecl'fcom ail paris off Ountarioru ak to do. and Iliav-e btis plaît irtg pîrt int u is c'uteitst. alîu resdv bo go aiead with coi-'Johîi McGuirk simd Jeanîuetfî sI.ruchion. Wbeut the timeuTaves deserx-e cougratlaiaouu t'ame 10 (-mt wecds (as '<ouîfor the lîonuor tue:' acbîcved kîtoîx'1Iyas weed nspectoru. "bc '<' are piauno pUPils ofn Mc tuep boy-omachinrrs'was nof C. Tartoîf. Osawaxa. tt72 ..onTed , ot r.Park, asud stan kiui umîuut. t itere xx as a CollIisio rt )u No. 2 - of ctîfrim tlr xa- il'i lîlgutîx s>- l hec-Daulinugtrii- -f ol)tîs i biers--uîituttt Clarke CUrie teîii'eeit liso (j 1HIL Ttuhi ilclesitltlii îfn' c t-ans. 'l'lie drivers '<ieue Mars O R IEninhIiitsihii Ccîrnîîal. Rf. .2. Bo'inî'iIle. bliiiu'îuîuuîîlc c udtu- mui c"i Krup, Pic-kernug. Mr anud Mus. Rax ut-ttKiv.rtuis Putimli ('utîtitti. ltu '['hcre s ia.damtage Ici bItbhi 'e- antdclfamuui\, Crotonî, .(lit., 5 . N r, ic> s ru-- uti hjitueltuConsttable P. Sîcuart, FuI. Brxsisasd Lloyd. Kiru- Bcuicti]t'i, ltt't-tu OPP. mmmx cst ugated field wutl M r. sud VIns îJ. a reporth orfa ii-kiitu't l'x'no girls . 11i as D tl)oîi,x Br-auus, sd ilucît frottihtu iit lien ria, FIPR.2,.13B11rkeltuuii, Mn. sud l O C) buîeri'otll an'slsIiit- txi 1,%il i t t n d ape 15.srI 'Muas Eiieil(;aI- anud Carol rehul ted iecunlix Port-- lv i iitldîttp ttîî v 1î1it.-cr-xuoc. Dt. agi' 19. i ronit ild a t ravtelling psal] utl.xtîtua îî rece_ i cliihîrin up resil, R Nontiierti Dîtarin.tif $61.511 lcinihîci e iotor aîrl ot il stutudax - mi,.anîd Mu-s. C. sa Conusable lait Sîtllu tti ,Iwiii.- I t'. '<<cci' t cutl c jl e ii '(uil- sind ILorra inutc speit luolida ys- 'estigatmuîg îî fîtct rt Pst it Dî-'is t tirvit tif Me- a a todgo umar Sa rît ussatd oiiral Hospuitalandîmul ieiurîd the reuttainder xs':i Mm.r, Ch n 0hm luuiî-1mii'umu t-."uuePortt nope. ,2iI e - Mists Ilevnu ipsu Miss Gl- Mn.. imd Mca. John Roti(tii' 03 h ld e 1- lirait xx ccc' pssseitgers itut a ind farnilIt' speuit a îîotîflî's e ec drivenu li' Gosse Feddsma, liolidavs l te llaliliutciuiP tc a e B.R. 1, l-tcrwoocl. Qut. Mr. Fed- ares. PIii thete danas c-a and naicte dri 'Ot i M.s m S bA'%sr Fi-odcnMrk Dnvier. sP ->'Mrsse In r g a Brd'intiu'< lDeacvide aR.St-tu- - asd VIns.S. Esr.mi- Boýniai\ilecolicid a Sci-antd Mrs. A. Corlice, ni. anîd I r g s p Strecet simdthie MiddlI rMn. . morcisout. Mr, sund - Eoarl al 12 3(t p I. iii îu S udav'. Mrs. .1. K usmnauî Mc. wa id 'Flete xvce:î379 g i t t wh22i( dBoth Caurs sustaîuîod exteuiîeMus. M. Kiuîsmaru xxece amnm ois tfor a toîiàI or,2 - erîsotage-'.Consable 'T'racyvDavis svrlVLI9CUISw1,serdi)Ii tri\ vstipatcd.- scea ocupculsxhoslrd ilieî igttmnIiit AI 6 2îi lu iti tutSailurda y,;petit last. Stu uda wit h MI.,gram dîtru up ilite pâ,i ix vo i-ans ct-ti dccli lue Coi -said VIns A.- emai t at llue- monîîs 'Thue o iniai - -l t liu oîf(lchuc-lu nd Ontario Ino'<vWas 1182 xhu uu Streî-'s.'['liedrivers '<ero Peter Mrnaîd MS. W. Broix-ta id.-pacticîpauîltcIakiît i 'i lxxii"ut' Berkoxie. Cobncurg, and Johnt famil.v lave nelurined fcom' tbcee lttes oui 1iî iitt Martel, "> %rouie. Bolh volicies ithnee xxeks a, their tottage 'Floîgiiolit tlie-'r . i îuur' V sustaîuued a faiun arninnit oni ýCacta cea - Thei- tetiiicd montits Itîxeut ut ut damnape. Criitsaiic Dout Audcc- Ou rdeei ng -fcom a1 iuîvolvied uw arit: anrdîît soiu ii'<estigatcd. 'isîl x'ith tlîeî c uteu-e anud -classes, qijc.ilt tri a r't tix On F'îida>' aII4-36 p.ii. Ilicre faril7x' Mi-,sud M rut. BiIIj gamnes. sîuup stumup . -opi - tsias a collisiont on King Stceet'Caix-er al Calver's Cove, P'c-'-ing aimd <tlthc0 cr'ýý.<'1r-i: XW. ahltire Wiikiuia Set.x'ice'ton. fie>' enjo>' tîotîî Sutatioui hetwxeri îx'o cars. 'The Mi:ss Loiîîte Weitenb, wxi ii 'T'e Speî-uali vCiitt5nt-iu du uveî a '<ece Priait Page Brad- retucuîed home tlimasumnieru quite poprîlar,.'îeîa. îîicî' lex - R.R. .3, Bo'<xmsut<tilO., and t after fouir 'cacs off tcacbîng: DaY, Irîdîsît Puî'ivWou-,iamuti i l lln'<xar-d J. Pu!rges, 9 Chapel iii Germais, lias been attend- Spocîs 'fnuinuanuimt. nirI'r Strecî.itut- sumrmer scbool ini To-' Peniuu Fair, MSaBitrvgoss. a passcuugcc.ontho M.s.Wehuîert enter-,'The Peu-tti'Fatu it ut. t ru 'ut i ,- suuffered a otînor neck iitjcryl faincd sex'ecal utighbors uipon bbc mnost poputiar sr u iii the sactidentl. Darutage f0 ltte, Lotuise's reicuro when -they.ff volof hcu Il Vi cars amouuuted tn more, than ,heard some off hec experuencesi week tlle clîmidîti pf p i- $100. Coi'poral K. Fueetbv in-iwiile bbev eujoyed a cnp off heur casts as p,l i tuf ir vest igated. i tes ltogetiter. regulan urafi ia.ý t EROR - erctwoFraokluru Park <xi vu ERl' -Tiei-e appar'ent1ly' retw glaring furst by te jiudgv- x u it ii onîoî's in latt svek's; editiou. The actionî Photo Of Centre 2uîd. Kmxmuu ird. a jlllii' softbali pitchier was of Ken Baker, utot centt Masstc- vy tlî. i'ru'uuua ii \'lI'Willowdale. Tlîeîc also was an error in the and Ontarîio 611i 1-u iinel'S up for the Miss Penny Fairc competition. 'lue suci-crs f ia. - ' -p excutsia s dtîc Iotnttdc-t t MJiss Sharoun Burnîs' name should have been in- sîuperv ision o tilie clit i c pla - clu 1dcc. groulud stalf. va. Da1 l ic rr> ai t Mç- Idec dr if <'tir rliib,-zwnuld i avg. a detuoîstration or displavy at !nrono Fair. A displa v'x as dec- cldtipon ThMieGrain Club inmmijttee - s Murrav\elo- Sî.l~'li n1t:andulpiss'cain nr. o Cu b 'n tîptpii cd lix b ni panen Mi. ;,irl Nîr-. N. Wrigîîîwer-e MI-.W n l iîciî l ti l ic Sul ix i-ai lut ai tiîcir -nusinsiýs lt . t o 0 itidp-ge gait and 13 )0 iti 3nînks, "", ttîi- Il-tii Cn()Ilu1îî'n i 0ho1, \Valtei- db ,( N d il.Nolnmail Voit RiCk;îi d itticd a voie iof Ncs e-. ' ut \Vilîîiso. i xxlo lias Il(,eit i toris b I i Wn litiî telut- ,%i i 'Mît .B:îîîks o1 n ltdav.. 11.1 titci-xc alk 51 t t .1 5 1 Bel lu t id s;:~ ~~~~'r a..Pt \tlîi î id R(,11(ill, and Philîp.i M D ly ]I.îî v li,,, i Sîtid-îx- S t ii Start of Race tirý Saiitiday dampelied ite B -liig i <t < i ltiat t 1)-v pli i îîd tii-i ibti i-t îild îtrot c he In Pi1ît ( ii tedlie fiftiltti V u- lit ii liîxtuit!to t. J i txx ii îî tit- b it f & iiiil xxi e Iiib b', ii Il i 'î v tii lt-x e .\îlîtî <i -Sa tiddxa iiituo -rt1i Il. .\1: ptt l jtllc-d tic(' %xtIjIIîitý 22 <3 imt ut(111 (tn (t)f fOj 1 ~ ~ ~ 16 if MI'. i N, tî, f \l Ken,-ilîil iti in ex' WcC l d ix ci( -ii. fi i-tlliams, rv.-a l iii diti casd tiil Stttî<ay .a! i li d1i. .11m .t12.tit o iloi k 1101 i. lu- !!w "i' . 1I <t- 5('l T lie' liad il) figIt i lt ii iî > 1.)ii<il tlt'Ilall Iii w tanud mtade xixgond 'ille u-iisirlcntirzI llie xx athll sî.1<.db\l~(il. se'i- t1if rivixîddu ut .--fc-o wok t- il hi .- Meeting of Augii-t 14111, t t w a sstreets With sx Rii esides for anvone. If voir thiîîk 1JMvsîsilons îti Shtiw- O i IdIt l 1r 11Wx efrentMrMoon chiatIe es-:sJocl1t,11; akdui tCi ae :tmit 1 lrlo-manville, spent the weckeît nd MrHI.Mii \vnr kw<'az ont the poin, in s lic submitted iin writiîîg i ni-I rate st-ve'ral ollien c Oiiplaiiits otirable May or aînd Coiincil on sxmai\iittn tl 11 Y-Tht' poin! in is.ztie %.der t bat Mr-. Moore tiudOf di ffereiitnati trer. 1 hittl loi'-S'<xi ciiarte toi ue otr lMiss ~~Da rîceeMasters. Boy' ixtetided otl in;lti in 'nsip wx1,Iltiie ptîblish them iornont, a., lie sa'<v orIy-eigi t lie%%' x- I-l .siîihII ave îîoi beeniua id. anille. is iolidiayino u-xx'ith leronti)(.hiî- l'îl N ('o-tri-Iiland tts mrmhcrr ft W rstta vi dltoapartrneîiî brises ;off 2 xokld Cou lactoefo-mc.and r. .VcIu. eln elut nn i îlv 161h. ai a rmc'tntg disent,ýss iis letter with Mr.j tînits, seven addrltoîîs ln xard AndtdecllicMe.Ms.WibîrT M erlinVey phsti tt-ur iti i e-f 'h$oFinance Commitieceth(e Moore and take stieh steps as idwelîîngs, Iîre aduditions Io Me ooe crp.eaBn, wrWirco <iitiss Sîîv lesaî eIox t lil filowing members off Councîl you se fit. t was Council's schools, and tiirt-ftc Mr]'- x-Biirllîg iîPeetr. oiwers at Mcs.F. Tomsiot SiekCii i i t ts Ili veeprescrnt:Maxor Ilobis. wish that Mr. Moore should! mils for garages, cari porcîs,'.or ne-s.F.T4ms Il'-'vc L'ttic. Depulv Reeve receive theïr reasoîis in Ie creation rooms, aîîd reîîoxa-i Mr. aîd Mrs. Grant Wercv, 1,'foilutt0. l-cet.and Co0u îî c i 1ior for puliicatioon0ib tis '<eek'sfions i 1964. 1 ad-o îî Stisaiî aud Scott, were Sit- Mia. (citIr t-il'.11 t tutu. Ilneltgisaîd Citant.: statesrnanitf lie sholoid Wsitrench aînd plctoîlii:g iiiutpei'u vies îecLiets igo r rt -. bus, wa ( x-l ii t Siî< \,ItlcSoorp, vas p rese allta opulilish tîîem. iog. besides Pleîily of itqct t ca e,1 l' brt e t.Bnwman xxitIîlier aiiiit 5rs. V.'rtoi Tid ,poe ' rai-ieitlietgtons. Wia b oî),ii eSoccv ta report Lawrence lier. a id( cxii, Mlurxii I n- flic ommttcc adikcd& at .inx-esîiations.We al<n owniaiîville hs a iime;lpigMr. Moore Srkn Srk ew faclorv beng -oipe,. ci av MarshitIl. MaffluGi nt marine Ilc folloxý i :n saz uPer: Edward Wildman. '<hich the owliseiuî e ;o pIcterpitliwith prieumnonia. We wish were Stinîdav diii l- i t cu --Re-ad ailîdciApproved it his er asaeclosetii <ROMon. IrONF t im-oa spred ' vîecox'ery.C.Acx' - mcii' 1 7],h dax- off August. 1964., ee a -11('vatc itnll -i'îtbroff Sf. - li î'utAnîg- Mi-. aud Mcs. (eo. Iî'wîî M . iiNIis.l)tîx i . x-I i1lic a t i t;- Pait xbody îtiiîks li ns eplitlie tCitirchit. cCarter îtîok xxere Surtdav visitons off Mr. sud Nin.l îîii i - x fR0 M-t~ r hff u e-le xe. r. NMoore RepliIeq pile ni iles oit a carl, IIsi pf anai e xciiIietnfu e-Fcts xiiaidM. an StdNnv <ci 14t ilt i' Nia. ith ud.lttx ltl aid To ('ouncll's Letter tent tv il. fi" ffliest iii th.le \v-.Iis Mrs 'i'oniv dSMi.tandBoliay-' I v i taici s a I tt.IVa bllî15011 tlutoff Ilîr Reason No. IIt 196.3 oti'lpautse-'cit il iiibu i iof Ite Bx'îivIegnt atr Rtil 'iî.- U-a, ýIi Tow l 1 do tic* know how t is, esol liti li a tr RIl '<t- - ti 'oxî' t itsiî-'<t ~ I dounIk iivv xx- ii - Ot )pPOl t iuIg rItle as i[total'\'Cliii, pastt pesideit tof!; ItIx[c-ii '<sas a Sunda pr-oxvidence-e saslît- iiili upmi t ta-xr a OquesýtIoit, uc satd romm ittee a rrixted ai ite îig -inspectai, of xxa icu* ta .Illi(-'B0\xvîutîitx-i île M-'Iî's Cat- xisit i fDatleSothtI, Bab- iua t <xas icc-cssar,<' for h <cou ures thcv bave listed. This saotc-sîes on eic, adtailub, hst pi-esiderît oi cavgeoi. in duixe more nmiles ;' invihescrclY not what I told them.1and coad,; n iiew subdixvisions, tIleRuw,'iiîtii'le ,Branci if M\iss iiida Av<ery' s ml t- ni ia 1of"it diiIx- 'litanutare luIli te fîrst place 1 told thernmni ae i 'ofes iald li-'Caiiadiali Pied Cross Su- daviitg '<ilh lier couin, Miss a m crtii lv b%-te Tnxx'îPoliue my car had 6,010 miles oo ificoýst Off serxvices, xciîl x-i t "V, and a îîast presidieitloff iIelcîtAvrry, Bowmaîîx'ile flo 480 mles ao tht 1 paid eut mdx vbv ite(t, i bIle Baker-,Protducttion Cli :Mr. aîîd Mrs. Arthur .Iak eli-. i idr-utotte4x-800, -lthoflesioibt.uand Mckîaîî wceSioa> - m fi utri:ic (omit tee wotild judge that 1 bad driven it ie:i te ýodcs fTioi siMrhnwr tna\, p o c tilat-n i-rI mot rùng (.JcLxt i11.50 miles on my owîî, leav- the town i uitling, il nla itde l\tMr I (,titrWas ii5su a diniuer gitests off Mr. and MCA t t(ii be lîad disco'<'ed dam- îing 4860 miles ontown busi- consideralile mtore '<onk andtidirechon and uieiertt oif tuErR. .1. Ormistoit. int- flite r\vcr irnstallation! îîess sioce April 1.,I1964, not miles on Mvy<'an. 1I d d itfAxîsxRîard of filueR>-cn- Mr. and Mcs. K. Pooler and<14 grlsixiît uitet -n i oui Foliîch Sîreel, caused liy' May 9, 1964, as tbey stated, s ayt 55 astitis gaie Iune son Iiîafifltf-'off I,-chIîlo fmlOjis Ktpy ciiOPetitl<mtt 1larZpe bidris çiilice.treutel. b .l.ul y 16 1964. They 81,0so74-40.MY salai>- lasi vCcir Torontolu. e ilo dft lte ýOshawa, M r. and Mrs. I ent Dî-rgtlcli-ntiu Whrîî Maxor llîohbs and Dep- state 1 saîd il was necessary (1963) waut $3,538.50. 1 also iMîsîcrrBaliers Associatioîtni PlPayer, and boys, Boxvmanville, iins wil co-îtiimci';1it!1 Ii- ri-flc' llcx'eri ePrkedlorm rv oemî~gt $75.00)for xveed impitoîCaniada, sud '<as Ilte oîîlv Cari- MI. sud Mrs.1J. Iyoosand! xîîtli li te(-,coiiira(clon fili con-'liaitthe Townu Police cruiser, Jo 1964, Couutci I ,a w fil Iu sel ad laitnuetr nili-' ru su I iamiîv, Mc. and Mcs. S.Ker- - mnggi'<'iig a ciiîimit.iuii triactair dciiri tiat the pioe I1 bld tbem I was flot interest- MY saiacv ah $4000.00 )fuir aIl Bakçeca Associt-ionlînitsd orffilew ute. arriptoît, wcre guests ofadditionîIli i pviigiî-.' aî lian lrie' damages and Mc - d in how maîîy miles the .iob,;, buldinîg iî 'tor ri Master Brîikeis off Par-is. iM.uad Mcaý. Harold Ashton. îlle taîk uoi t ilt' nt 'Moore licîîsaidtat 'rie dirl -cruiser drove. I was interest-' trench inspectai., plcminiig 1 iin- iig InîliWolId Waî'r 1OOas off tîteir mother' , represert tint say lite pipe '<as damagcd cd in me, Bv the wav, 1 spector, saititarv iiispecior, sdWcd\a I i(aInlirthclav. Mcs. S. Kecsev. lii' ha rtie hc îa foîn hugt tisca nw oi pnliweed tispecloi, ait nd aciu naîîî d bar Htr.c armed Mr. aîîd Ms.L Stiloi Th xiu- f--- i off serx- ces ii nw o Api sciiivsVioiîýr, icîuut lit' foras he A ~i nfwei-e '-isilors on Suîîîdax xxitliî ilIl e cîuxu- 1 uttl flitc boilders ttinte sard sav- iH. 1964, so I know how mai -iOf asrice 1 Lbdd -i,;Foýc. i ýý as i rIpo'-ible flu ie damage. 'miles if bas goute. 1migt v1 al-0tifand %viteii onîe xvas , P- e'ccf tlt,\\'arlime Prieutanî licd acîgoite Dri a cîl a nite athrfir îlu ul -- "!.II)J' M r. Moore ta id iliec - I have another car which titis , sa fel v iispectnr. Poi"u 1a Bita rd d icinîg Worîd 1miss (;a il Stailîtoni ais oi - Uniîtedl Kîgiîîîîu f)i i ioi. îu 't !hls ii - Il)as t Iltlie Ihabit orldiv foc pleasu ce. t ml, ni v car" ailoxia ncec xas War l. 1,arl ild ite 1t1t1re ila" dayiîîg- 'ittî lier cocusins, tîte'courtet- <i panu .5'îî wr alonrFridax'vj es$6500 psai ec ttt, îtlite 5flmi u cl t-ist('itada I opefaiil>, atPr'inîce Albert. Airnya xn.iamII il 1 v ,Na' iii l e a x ' ti c x o r k c a r I1R e a o n N h s o. n t i e s amhi e a s il ' v s i îe î i e n i i l n r s l u i i î s .M r . a n d M c . E lw v ii D ic k e v - D a i r e C o i i i ii o fi l v i f ît1 env vrîd a iexvild ciit FiaI ibd hvzomîiewiit e1a bîi inîg spet- I VI i'-C'a rIen'vas te sou or aud Velota wece Su îday tea K ingduiiii Sitexx tîx 'iI lcsvc xx'ork (caryoit nidevand wet orh 1 ee loeii159 ii eait u Iidge ni the brking dîs'pîav -gcnutîs ai Mr. aîud mi"-,. M. Itoutôoff bilrup un e. t- 'I TheF'iîiitc onuuitto x's audwaerjob Jdîscovered lost the 2- r cscîbdivisioiîu. aI fic aitdiiî National 'Staiuîtoîî. le aeh tit h i- r\ýtnemelY distnrrhed b,, Mc.l at te bulldozer was pcîsb- (agaiiu migiltsvtts"spi xibtofriaifi( a itvvasai- iî. oîl cisdiaîu- t Her B>aI ) 'Siiu Moo ssaemîlsdiiu'a-ing stoites tbe size off my-bead entirelY by tic sîîldivicr a51 fi 161. lie \&as aiso w-cl iîy , Scanlioroctght, Speut Satur- t tubec aud thIs matlerxxasi loto the Itrel, wîthout. pro- no cost tb the fowiii, and for kuto\wuî as ait aîîtlîur. Ife bad daày with lus parnts. the A. agniit dcalt xitb at a oictliiig peclv backfilling by hand, whiciî 1 nex-er was întîficd, xx'iteîi a îîîîîîulicr off books nu ,L. Weainits.CII\À 1 <if lie Board off \orks oit Jclv wbich bv the wav is î'equiced. also fthe $75.0 for\&-Cecd liît-îI .au îdcitiite tr îd Ms . Iloi'le. aIIv aru s 'I i a,i xhchtime a rt-snl adhc ci-bteý .J and that if these stan es spector. I[ iYiixfigcîres anc marit- aatiles ho liakiog mouri- Osiaxýia. Mr. antd Mca. RoiS aiWrdsi lon xxas passcd t10 cquestl- 'uk transît pipe it wOud ' 196.1 1 î-cv-ix-od ais iII Canlada, tule Uoîfed Clemeiis and Breittoît.Mr M.Motr-s resigitation. As',pu a loe ini it lte size of $435590, yet wxviîi 1u'oitau-tcedStaua Greal Briîaiît sud ýMucî'a'<' Axfond. IHamptOl. ýCalm e r Badge oîIle "I ý01e y ha.We h Mayor, our Mayor aînd iufocmcnd Ilîm Fra, ex'î' ceî icu i . ç~r m Depcîtv Reeve aîîd myself t did not get a caîse iu 196i4 Sric w<as liîid a i t-' Wrightt inii totur off Miss Nt 'ol~i ici t rini aicd lis et-o- '<euf îî ) o 10check '<iti thue be said ceclaiti lv I lîd, if MOI.,t itica iîe I2DrsWîihlshcha anc rdnntiîlailit Cruitî u-ee-.cotraclor lie liacked ie UP aiiybody -ait figure titis out o'cîock oni Tiiesdav affterîîooîî. Mc. aud Mcs. E. Pettiier aîîdmee nilg o '"idax-, Augiisl. l4îii, completelyin ii <eaf Iliadld t10'Show me TI id, I1xxoild 'ap Rex'. K. .1. FIrutiptout. rector nI RoaS. ous'ex xecMii Asatai c i l I-t'- a li iaiiimu5recou'ded vote. tuis conmhîîee. prei -aIe t-itis ssltc-e tti'Man-.moAsis Aglicut îtuel 'Ftuetiir t- rs . offiflc'si ui tc-e ea if sid gond fi' Ilox. ii î1î C.tti(i (~nnutmifhil.('x itos saîîd x a son No. 3 fur starter!toafîx simd 1i1osi fii e. 'iemtoeot l 1'TT PP s'ic îîli"- -i"u r lnnscd liti t,îcCoilicuil. felt 1 tried 10 expIa inii î iismy emper fou, w'<xli 1thta" beaubi iii ifloral ti nuutcs w'<ioBASL)INE Jmer" x <-sterii -coclh i ii- t ual nin icw offtif, stalceit 'l;, tcomitte that 1 htad becut pct-'apoîogizýed thover iuemiî'i evidce ioffthie tigli regar-d 'ione a laumel liacixt 'uîarie lix-.VMr. M tre huev' - ing in considerale oveifime 'on tuaI 'omitiii 1 e. lFor tii ttanid affectiontt îf ilite comtmun- Ve aie glad tu n k Mirs. l'ic badge biu ii iie u <<'11i rît iit-cuninune 10t'nplov;and thal 1 lîad lefI carly on'<'C>I ail ku- i li ai-e liocît ' il,, andîisitrict forc tii-'laIe Daîmts Batiasi ccublgn îîi.amaiaix-uutuu - uogtied tht' soine occasionts oit Fridays toliîeved off m>'dît tics fr tic C Ie.i'a,(, rccItiluess. gl s ai ud lieiriîi '(iitut tirrri lot' tuidepfendeii-ce orîaittecompensate for ibis.Ilui wbicilîreasoîts stated abnve. I ivomîlcla adi]( ýo.i itari if offli Bu i lding Iiu.scclor'. tteMao tae ît iobody 1 Iisx x'r floi "T-'eîal I icaresrtî' '<l--< .u< fl Mir, and Mca. Keinthtrt i-TorsBtxuu xti'Ou-rtttt a ionunt'<it wlui the waSs2svilig anvtbing, vere Ibis malter vas hiaudled Deuîscuuî. ,josephu SitetiaitA-u .Rick.y aud Heather. Bar- ptd 1e'bth rgr igtovnwsca dafc iteled St-iut, Daniecl DU 1dlex, rie. vere Ticadav dinuter Wien Ir>h. r'. 'lixiti),t. i ricicr,, ezoff th(c Coticitil hB* hn l tirregrddbegt nilws e PocIpp, Il, lnîIgiiesta f irpreis -)îî i udluuiiiui lp iit iîncrttelriercd, huit tlicy Sav 1 Icft tbree limes, once ai iiîuanco commnitîe oueetinmg 'tf simd Jesse ai N esit Port îe'Ms Konelier pntsM. and lie iii Vutu-itî< r i t Sdli tuai ibey colîitotral allowlj3.30 o'clock, once aI, 4 o'ciock July> 16, 1964, liv My enînoo adtts Vi N-l Itr, i aod oce aI4:30 'r 'àe , AsPr-tb d iSCILISS thii îtSt Wett as tutBoxi mranvîihIe ' MIl. Mecl on Hill, Kinugston, cîîîded ra llieîrit îtI0- i Iln for ule ,sayillg 1 vsould con- bhtdcosr olMn. Johît Copp, Torntuo, Mr. bdsetu i t t uuî behîud cioeti doupr.Ceouecrv.Di-k Melcal f, Tor'noto, . M ' Somo thi et eei'i' Il( ti uc hts rahue:ses. 1îIi o it optiit II 1doit hlit-id G rdout Niciol. sPale, Mr.ias d ns B Ohe aitîuîuîc xx l might bave said i, as lent- ilfxvocîd have IlItII 1unhav- sodonMc. RseshaPaîe, Mcr. xxssan îde< fiMr,.g' i 7 per wce alitie igl()tiolenî Me iut b diseu.S c'- Accident anud Mcs. Fred 1-iler, Dri plai,îed ltaIIhueit daulItu- YOL mv sk io I tan hiigswih heman s c and Mirs. Secele. Bowtaut- had pic-kcd iI î~ II)i l î I ILII, iý'lo hae ben vox-ihicMr.w-ccp rs.tJî R. evishlnrsipc sud a ltixitlo~xtir 1;i e x p a lt tis o m e off i te ut- î ot a< so lu tiî <on c ul o in !n d - p c a f a nd M ur. R oss M etc alf. se util to n t lst a vi>u time, but always considece ixeletwoed to 1 . I oud Ms lle olrck h ,l good relations are good for1 have ceu'tauutly licou xxllitg I Th0 i am a t- an toihis- Belleville, soeuil a fewx da'. s aoylthuiîg Or anyoîîe. Sîarîing- resîgît. But Linder autuaI su---oi t lis uuuniuingiq 7I:08 oc'lock ý-cecîrlx' 'vililier pacents, Mr. as fac back as 1959, Counicilj ies off vouts thit oc'cmtrned J1 nutMtuida.ý, s Road, îoî'tlî off aud Ma E. Vnnd acek. deie obida dog pouuîd.' deciincd tb do su, No. '2 Higbîvax I'lue driv-ers M r. and Mrs. Ro Vain T ive a I wasasked i would pre-1 Succla' il lhîîs tbrui in o f Ihît cars ixvolved '<ece Cantp. Mn-. anîd Mcs. Sanu Vau:the s Ro pare plan frc Iis building.i bave emplovces <vîo -aitt laie William Hl Brownm, R.R. 3. Camp, T'om, Srîsaîu, Lorie aîud' I did, arîd the building was confidence ini îlein eoîpio>-erBowuuîaîî'< le imnd Ed'xacd'Lisa arc lîolula>'ing al, Mink vanis Be t buît. As tlhe contcactor sîart- ,and engeuîdeî' the saite inri- Baîuaasteimbu cîgge, R.R. 1, Bow- Lk thîh xek cd ai 7 o'clock and r ai 8 tirtu, eac'h pau'ty mîust lie a- oîaîîxuic Bothli cles 'ece Mn..simd Mrs. Goi-don ita, i T o'clock, T was a]ways oi tîel suced of fiiull aud objective dauuaged liti uhe ai ei 'u-Ms . usu udMs . eca nu Tilme - - job cau'ly. In 1960 I asdisclosure for c'<ervouî's liesi stable D. Sturint OPP. invesfi- fnx'o'.Obx'.ieeSti again asked by Counicil 1n pre-! î, lumothtic Iasi off galed. dav visitons '<'<ifluMrn.dsimd O t itrcil , Pare a plan for a new works which is thie towiS. Oit "rta uimuiiga rs .Wlsn lree ou îi ýi I B1.'R. gaag. set ary ous The finuance c ormumi!ttee cou- stuxtol o îîk a car drix-etulix y Mn. anid MIr. C . W\V.rtxx- 14 Massn ounîild.ii Ilttr and rovemaovmule tcy 1a * tuîg off lic Mavon, Reex e. Peler Rui-lard Rîme.Rexdahe, asimd Rieki-. Londont. '<'ere Scum til iniiBîî trI to gel ideas whicb WOLld ru iDcpcîly Reeve aud blrae OuI.. aînd orme dniveutix hyAlvini dav oxe'nigit giiests off Mr. le iit'tif att i ib oOur pat-ticculac oceds.1i Councillons met %vitîtie oniSouit. R.R. t, VIns. C. Whlsoni. ni>lcssIlItait S5iifri mi, alS0 901,complete prices. Whîeîu Jîly 16, 1964. 'Tie Board rtf eoliided oit te(,SixhtiCoures- W vs' xere i-env snrrx'taocrî ai Bîuxx iýii 1.i iil, tte plan was completed theyl WorkS fiai niet-ti-eio. ,jo-inutRoad tut Clarke Tiownvuship. learut MIr.I -Dx'o î'<as'sud- Beacli. Constab'- lat hi u decided not b bîiid, so Ibis _sequcotle, ta umade tmp off al] Damtage flilt, e hvlitles doîîlv takeuî ill sud s a pa- sonit stixchiaî' lark Ricard , xra lime and dci'<ing w-as six members aud <ouutci, und auni-tu taed omturefilit $1001).teuît 111 Qatae clie-al ln- îiî-e'<<- ahcct ~,ii iessr ~ ~~~o~<-e *lotî. tle Mayor, Reeve aîîd DepIItt C'omnsable '1' Sîtcucely, OPP pta. u- best xxisîes. loi, a 1 ;111r-lased .f., t .,noti , ~I ii0 .. ',~.-Ree lwas the latter boch -. Wxeia]. gtuî ficr îîtkrlcin an sd tilt>cii liiil th, nndninL- ofrnv neu real Il 1961 te Arenas tll(A i 7:22 s ooti htuesda'j("* i'. g 1 lriu-.d e'i' o I i i i-t il t t - l.-"p uuî ofî.'tx mc x foi'th Cl ut' , i c oiiit-- uiv tioi Ai !h li1 xil n' lc i. Itic-Mt1-. îî 4-H Grain Club Hears Address On US Methods t- 1 luît1fi r t it Il ihau t C ilig l)l i ýi i I i 1 m lit i jhe -Iiiupi Su1lL( Co!p- l i m'Iib T hol'h' îîî - liii, îlt-t lt i îiii' Bitardr -- h t m ti iiniitra..ep id ii Gti u C11ii)t. xx .i tua ut- i u hu ul u-m. it.- ~t tiis tt iiiidtcc-i he i iut lt il il u ip. 51 i~ ~~~~o iut \niiilSn' îî t \,,' lt 411 iaîi m - m c lx t l t !c 'ii i -t ii l, iii- ( t-i t ii i i-i unm i', . ttiti i îî-.î -SIlda tai-c1v mx t- 1ý i ln- - tti1i mîttu' sîlciai sittu utS 1tuf (tutu) 1mu pzro wui rlu u i f -ci ut ta -I ' . l nti5 s il i if lui ii i uli- i l ina xx ( îîcîiu 1îels tutf il . 1 il týi a 1iktI ('oIitpî. lIn M .x ock'itîls I l 1i tut-. ;tu \i le lIo p ;ii 1,m l Iaxitii B1os . i i 9 36: t Vu il- Bro i c-l 13 1 1 0 1 i i. St4i (.ui Iami 'luk- 17< < <ut Pou Frankc . lîtircI. 5lu 1 h t B Siaminloru. 97uI1 57: it h Giît ot u-l ui Suit. 958.-.7: 9hi .5 a ici K. I.iikî . 957.1lt-t. 0I lil C.N.E. Features Ont. Experts 4 - PEN SPECIAL only 79C 5-EXERCISE BOOK REFILLS 4 )c< N'al itvef ot1 51 C 01i tatutu'. exuttut! Sta ) tii (' i 'ii - x0ii Ici xxil 1 lit-' Pal înîtd til a tii -lu e t)o f Ia l > .ee- i inîu h gl Na'iitu tal a lu i x tii- Viîiiîti- id IDc '-el npnîeuu Prt î pp -aidtul uuat ouiC' 11.100 Squiare tui- uof diiplaY ilu5e lisfle-ru o;nhticF iii th ie CNK Go<tîii Ca rtv xxmnvidc iige tif iiîtta-iî betuig aîîîriuuRater fîîîî'îîimniirkc-uî lix'Ouuiuît' r gcmx 'i tutti misali-srîtissionus. r 'lxii t -u ' tnta rio s aln e luuuî'glm iiikîlasSilice iii-'fol. O(it Sail if 19f12 wtid l luxe saold d tîtîo ,aic1li I TI" Prr'< uitin rî't i x citclite t' liaeî III(.largest d spia>' "ai t'a B',c utax cnt1- of >l ('-Ilihitr i n i ux - fuî it-ni. c-l!Illîîui-i. B1ili ig lsiligîl- 'lut tîlt 1lbois xvil lie Allîcniianaud No. -a cuahimutair Stwi cm ilcir> axut-l u uitittics as . C~~ -- Roltiitiiiiansid Czec-Ilîohnvskia l- tîuux lac mututun- vuhîn 5)qniaiun imî 111115 Pues1 piluo- mui Sent îuodlictis 10otl SI> - disutct'ar'sc.2 M!.- o'midaauu titi'i- t r- Gtgor; Ai ullil nutudlIo taxe au '.iex - W (ltmt lic lîlu xliiliiai tht-' C-'NFttuis A. v iec '.îtî i iiiiî i Ioxow uueig;iaiut'.i tli '< lI li-,xiii -lx tf pi-iduit, MriT . ritimtttic-ud"c ' amclai î-X 1-Th Fle ihm-i irîtv.\C'at'-si rIc xx ciut ia f etI' I lCtu 1)u a n i mii stîd Sluuitg (luit- t - Rîîî i-i t îî- mal i Ioi4 -li ttles to pouf. -Si-I)nol '<'hich lias a tcn huixxug. 'i mrg \AH l le luerliili ,vright payers iAssn. unsla x AXigusb 22nîr. teîuhd otect mgute nd hetaitu '<as hued rgui t-oontitut> um all lau'iîgui Lakesbote ut Aaaoethmn '<eue t'c'ltxc of lmf it asst- re 'a 'rescuilt Ja tiof lus eOMMuuîi ceraie aîîd '<ork i i-db ltheCalxxngii Cu it-il - 10mxinug officers xx orf Serve xuîîîil theiexe ttiein uîg i tXigu.-t, sicîît. Mr, A. Dan- Pics, Mu.B. Ccup. -'Fiers..Mn. M. Mc* uîidilncs (2), Mn.E. r'fo. Mr. C. Wisotli; Reuuieutriititivut (l lo utCacsanca Fast, Siî'rxxsu: (')es va RIev A Sa.iC=ut o ('daîeauîý ple iantdigîp. Mc. t. ncîsîum Pent-l.Mr. . tBONUS VALUE 90sheet loose lefrefili 6 3 - RING BINDER w~ith RefuIlatnd Suthlct Iivider only 99c GENUINE LEATHER BINDER S.9.1 o implete with Riller. l>eieil, Eraser $4 ,99 (1n l>lioto lolder - Specia I Brand Name Bail Point and Fountain Pens Reduced up to 5011o Buy One ... Get a BEAUTY BONUS FREÉ! miiHlenca Ruthin'.tein'x ONCE - A-YEAR BEAUTY SALE - HOUSEHOLD SAVINGS- SILQUE LOTION DETERGENT ALL PURPOSE CLEANER ?2-oz. ter. <9c8 9 c 1 o')()1, Sptcfl 89C1 89C RUBBER GLOVES RR Metal Waste Basket 49 regi. 98c - "tpccîal 8 C reiz. 7%. -spriai 9 SEAMLESS NYLONS 39 EXTENSION CORDS 5 reg.59 pr. Onb-39 reg. 89c Onty57 Sh I hop and Save \ow . (. n thce'Man * ,Kargairis OUR Dît tin,, the Re'sali Sale of Sales JURY &LOVELL ING\ 'ilT .PHONE 6f23-3il DRUG STORE (R~1) cmr SALE PRICES GOOD 'TIL SEPTEMBER 5th Save an Back - ta - Schaal Bargains! FREE! Bail Point Pen with purchase of any school supplies FALL TERM -SEPT. 8th THIE ~'CANADIAN SOHOOL OF BUSINESS S nce 189 6 CAREER DIPLOMA COURSES ~UNKSCAREER TRAINING --fl7fnyrýyorF INSHING -SUCCESS FOR YOU MAIL TODAY OR PHONE 728-7081 for LITERATURE NAAE .................................. .................. A UD RE _-SS................................CITY ............. THE CANADIAN SCHOOL 0F BUSINESS 52'2 Simcoe St. N.- Osbowa 't I-f Returns ta School t t t i tu - i ut-I ni ut ffîî-t-î fui t ~ - u.. i., (iii - iii ut i-tii -~ 'tutti prorturtm that ar@ sellIng Iil other conrtries. Mr. Randalisaid that tmue Ihis '<cri ad heen ani excep- tiotîal montb for Catiadian ex- ports and tht' tountr 'v.seeniq4 Io bwil eadîng for a record ex- port 'e i B ,blc end of \latv 1Ihe- '<Car total exporis, tittd h îlv 17.5 per c'ent for- tn "i.îl )ýif lhnit S:3.1Ibillion anîd tiî.ît1î icicil end products fn:- Ili >ait)(,i pvn od lhad rîsvii bx :N - poi r telt for a total orf S >41< iffllioni iTepan nIorf Fiononi - n -. d Dcclnpenl lso ha;ý ;q bonI n i ntl h vProivince or Onialo BiffId iti, wb ich adver. 'lieçth man x srrvices axa il - âhlb-'ii) hu.i ncscnien ii o1I- Po)il, e1 'expor îl dsplit aid denart meut lbonli hare open 1Io Ili puîblic froni 9:30 s. tittîl 'n :1î il p ii. Nlnda x tirouigil SaItîti dx, liguist 21 to sep- Prepare Plans For Addition l),îaî toîiiîi x rstiîî( I lig}u Scttîtl Board %xvili 55k îîîîîîtilliciut> t<iiais 10 arcept plans foi a comtposite addihio ai t r - lili Stbnol 10 ac- itiiiniitiir' 600 1additional si(:- tt' iii a Irlt i n i lopc lien 'îîic sa id"A lîoped îconstructtoittonid -el nîîidei xxax in theicSpcing (or t 1..i lie addition inbcliercadx% for 1v. e li Svptemîbr, 1966. Port inpe Recve Btîb Exci- s'on -aid allihe rtiiiicipalities lit iii coilitv ltad agreed Io liii, t i tht .cooi board nru- I1i c. tîiOlîx c(s 1n consider iti' n)eil and (-olxl offlte addition. (oîîlli-o ni locmted iicar lte 1111111mu of Ilieccoulitvx a il il ' sîIilciî tta fi-nu Ilte arCe,

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