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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1964, p. 3

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Wed in Trinity United Church W eaa ingSeveral parties were given eaaingin bonour of the bride priori to bier marriage. A misoellane-ý ous sbower was behd at tbe borne of Mrs. Reginald Burr,: Courtîce, aunt of the bride,' witb 'Wrs. Oscar Pingle, Mrs.! Ron Pingle and Mrs. William: 'WcClelland, Oshawa, assisting.i The brides rnaids and matron of bonor beld a sbower at the; borne of Mrs. Lorne Crago.1 HUBBLE -McROBBIE matching headipiecesand the'v Mrs. Harold Hamrnond, was, h~uues o wiiepon-pm ore sterling sîlver bracelets also bostess at a sbower. Tbel' ri).,santhemurns and yeliow gifts of the bride. Thev car- girls of the office saf0 h mnums effectîvely decorated ried baskets of 'white ancd e Liberty Ornarnental Brass Trinity United Cburch on Sat- 1ow mums and rose petaîs. Cornpany, Toronto, gave aý uArday aftemnoon, July 4tba b îtl lse Isctee icellaneous sbower, and theý three o'ciock wben Beverlev the latter aîong the aisie to bride-to-be was also presentedf Sandra. daughter of 'Wr. ana make a rose petal patb for the wîtb a purse of rnoney frorný Mrs. Alex 'McRobbie, Bow. bride. the firm. MWr. and Mrs. Georgei Stephen entcrtained the bridal' manville, and Neil Hubble,i The bride. who ,vas given party following the rebearsalý oniy son of MWr. and Mrs. Percy!i n arriage by ber father, xvas on Friday evening. liubble. Frankford. Ontario,radiantly iovely in a long xkere iinited in marriage. white gown of nylon uver taf- Oui of town gucsts were Rev. W. K. Houslander of- feta with full skirt adorned prcsent at the wedding fromi fýciated. The wedding rnuýîc witb double panels of scaîîop- Camp Borden, Toronto, Wood-i -as played by Arthur Collison, cd cbantilly lace both in the stock. Allîston, CarnpbellfordI Ille church organist. 'Wrs. Lloyd front and back. The Cbantillv Frankford, Peterborough andý Ayvre was the soîoîst. ýlace bodice bad a seri-bateau Enterprîse. necklinc with pointed back, The bride's mother was es-iand full lengtb fitted sîceves. <or ted down the aisie wcarîng Th, Cbantilly lace wos bigh- H Y O a ý:heath dress of pink lace ligbted witb sequins and H Y O orpink taffeta, whicb had pea'-ls. The bride wore a Cleo- 'radMs akSur, .<ior scllpedsîeve. hepatra style beadîiiece wîth Su an Keitb, and Mr. simhatd to iec efeet~fpearlized tendrils over theCanig Haito, wr the front of the gown was ac-!forebead, and the softiy fallîns ngunng, Hasilos tonWrn centuated with matching scal-':blusb veil over ber face w~as'MsD anrns Ip.and xvas ernpbasized witbiof silk tulle illusion. She car- pînk circular bows. She wore'ried a white Bible, a previoos 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Abbott, .5 an attractive wbite bat, wbite lgift of the groom, wbich wvas Burketon, were Sunday even- accessories, and ber corsage crcsted witb white orcbids,ling callers at Mrs. A. Thornp-ý WOS f witeandpin swet-stephanotis and ivy. Between son's. beart roses. When Mrs. Mc-!the Testaments she carrîcd,'radMs etAbo .Robbie was seated Mrs. Lloyd! Mritanlace handktrcshefs be Ayre the soloist, sang The l and Lea, Toronto, werc Su Wedding Prayer. ogn obr rnmtes day tea guests of MWr. and Mrs The atro of onor MrJWh en the bride reacbed the'J. Potts and family. Lloydmctrobbo hne. Ms.altar, the sohoist sang The 'rad'c.WladBr LloydMcRobiesister-in-law Wiedding M n r.WladBr- of he rie, nd heBenediction. During rim, Ticbborne, visitcd Mrs. M.! mfuidsbMisseMaartetbrides-[the ccremony The Lord's Pray- Bcrtrîm and farnily on Thurs-1 mads Miss Joa Davey Pingleler was sung, followed by Lord dav. arMins Jo straet lookcd Blesses This Hour during the:LnaddJntSap chrig in sretlcngtb signing of the register. Ensihn abr n eh lrocks of willow green tissue Ensiln abr n eý faille xitb rounded necklines, Lloyd McRobbie. brother of Ashton are bolidaying witbl elbow length sîceves and scmi- tbe bride, was the best mon.'tbeir grandparents, MWr. andi bell skirts. Eacb drcss featur- Tbe ushers were John Webb, 'Wrs. Lloyd Ashton. cdýr a floatîng panel frorn shoul- Bowrnanville, and Milton Mor- 'Wrs. Richard Anderson, Mrs. decr to bemlîne. Their floral gan, Port Credit, brother-mn- i Cowling, Dole, B. Cockburn,ý heodpîcpices bad matcbîng wîspy:law of the bridegroom. visited 'Wrs. J. Cowling, Salem,M illusion vcîlîng. Tbey worel The reception was behd înion 'Wonday.. Pictured above are Mc. and Mrs. Neil Hubble, New Toronto. The bride is the matcbing satin slippers, and the Sunday Scbool ball. Harold MWr. and Mrs. W. B. Black-1 former Miss Beverlex' Sandra McRobbie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Mc- sterling silver bracelets, gifts Hammond was UIc capable burn, Dale, Neil, Mrs. K. Cow-1 Robbie, 2 Jane Street, Bowmarsvillc. The bcidegroomn is the only son of Mc. and orf the bride. Tbeir bouquets!MÇ The bridegrooms mother, ling and Shirley Table, attend-! ,xvere cascades of white and!'who ,assisted the bride's iother cd the Foley pienic held in Mcs. Percv Hubble, Frankford, Ontario. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Neil yeilow 'mums. ýin recciving, wore a bloc îmi- Maple Grove Cburcb base-i Hubble va's solemnnized in Trinity United Church. Photo by Astor The matron of bonor and the1 ported e m b r o i d e r cd linen ment, on Saturday and Coi oy-ý - briesmaids wcre followed byîsbeath witb black and wvhite cd an evening of pictures of M w A s so 1iwo pretty litthe flower girls,! accessories, and a smart black a 25tb wedding anniversarv, a re in B ck t k Janicc Pingle, cousin of thebhat. Her corsage wvas of white and a trip round the World's bride, and Deborab Harnmond,!and pink sweetheart roses. Fair, and also at Prince Ed-' who looked sweet in dresses, Following tlic reception tue word Island.Ap on d fr of whiite nylon over taffeta!bridal adget dýMs .Topovstd'ýp one o wîvtiî ful skirts enbanced withi. party andgc Iltsla- 'rs.SA.rt Oswon visite journed to the home o h Ws hrOhwo n white e ___________________ de' pacents, 2 Jane Street, day. and attended the Fair. wl'ic erbrodery The ba brie'sUnited (ounties to view the wedding prescrnts Mrs. A. Tbornpson visitedi Tr. -- and spend the cvening. bier daugbter, Mrs. F. Osmrod In 1955 when Garnet Shîeidý - orabocrno tp Bowýmanville, on Wednesday. asapontd L e Coun- iNorher Onario the bride 'Wr. and Mrs. Ross Asbton te sesr Ucassc Thre a two picce ensemble. and family were Sunday sup- value of buidings. ]and, and 1Teskirt and jacket were 0f per gcîcsts of MWr. and Mrs. Ro. i.~ndustriai plants was overl mauve linen and the bodice 'WcLaughlin and Mrs. Ednai $62 milion, was of floral silk. 1-er acces- 'WcLaugblin, Blackstock. i On August i, 1964, whcn J. soisad becoming srnail bat Glen Ashton, spent a few C. MeCall i i ucceeded Mr. ~~ . I were wbite,eand she ,%ore o dav.s witb Bobbie McLaughiin, 5Shicld, assessmentiadrsi jcorsage of white orcbîds. 'WIr. Blackstock. above $84 million. Bock n, an~d Ms Ni ubl ill ce- Sheryl and Beth Asbton,!I 1950~ the figur-e vas less thoni Ncvspent Fridayan Satcirday $3 1Tr brdeotndtoP.oi witli Mr. and Mrs. Harohdl The big probiem iii. thei -vWright, Oshawa. United Coointies' assessors cf-! 1iI II~ dence Puîblic Schooi and Bowý-' Birdie Bcrtrirn spent a few;' fiee iodas' is equalizationi and manville High Sehool. She is days witb ber sister, Mis.RnaIl its ramificatons. As wh, c:..ýýCNA1NSER mpîoyed by the Liberty Or-iMorrison, Oshawa. Mr. 'WcCallum coi-ries on witb . .....namental Iron Company. Tor- 'Wrs. 'W. Bertrim, Jean and! ueiionld w3 orhca ludses- onto. The brîdegroorn was edu-Birdie, visited 'Wrs. M. Marks,ý Lindsay, on Sunday. sr r townsilagss.d M 'r. and 'Wrs. Lloyd Slemon t0 is s ~~ M o t hr s ! jToms, Enffiskillenon Suday.1- vrn y Ic al OBITUARY MELBOURNE WILLETT HAWLEY Iw~ee dvc>teu 0 nim to as-ýI sessment problemis in the Township of London, Middle- sex Countv. While there hef worked on bebaîf of the town- 1 ships of Mosa and Metcalfe,l% ktoo. Previously. lie xvas asso-1 The community was sad- 0f Cana a dened by the deatb of Mel-Drig te attmao boumne Willett Hawley onl wr r. MCe atesrm servea August l4th in Memorial %vir, Mt.e Caadin sta]ed Hospital alter a one month's Corps (1e941-1946) staldin illness. The sympathy of Mr.~ he er vres Hawley's many friends goes, he 'vasore.. to bis family. Mr. Hawley: The United Counties' aszsC- was highly regarded by al so was educated in Mosa and! wvho knew hlm, and the manyi onhp'sho<, beautiful floral tributes testi-. London South Collegiate, and fied to the esteem in whichr nvri. fWsenO- hie was held. He was in bîs ario. Later he had a coursei S3r soi] chernistry and farmn economics ai the Rîdgeto',v 'W1r. Hawlev xvas born :n Cetnin Madoc. Ontario. His parentsý Mr. and Mrs. Gerald William Kelly are shown in A etnÀn MWr. and Mrs. McCallurn arcý xvere the late Mr. and mrs.ý the above photo following their marriage in Black- members of Cobourg Trini'y Willeit Hawle. He received7 stock, United Church, Julv 4, 1964. The bride is the United Church. his education in Trenton and for-mer jovce Marie Graham, daughter of Mr. and Bowman ville. r. orie Grhm ..2 etenadte On December 3rd, 1931, Mr. i~Cu n\Gaa .2 eteo n h Haxvlev maredMs *l bridegroom is a soir of Mr. and Mrs. William Kellv, Newcastle Girls %vife. two daughters. Mrs.BoaxendyD wIln Kennth Salk-r (onni), dv dnner-Liets f 'Mr.and wnPort H p and Judy: two grandchildren, LONG U SAULT Mrs. Don Davey, TYrone. Michael and Donna Staiker: 'Mr. and Mrs. James Saw- AI a speciai ratcpaesnet hi. sister, Mrs. William do n anlNv akig held Thursday ceig r o W n S re Slahi: and a stepbrother. Sc*tioni, having sold the:r homeBetJhsn w lced-.ioeSnorais Jaek Dixon, Youngstown, New ve no h os trustec to fil] the \'acancv left In Lake i eîilde York. ~~~o\,nuid by 'r. G. McDonlald, b:, 'r. A. J. McLaggani softal avutPrHoe MWr. Il-awleyv was cmphovcd fornmerly the W, Vaneyk farm. MWr. and Mrs. W. Vanevk MondaHoexvcasle elmnagtd bv the Goodyear Tire and M\ar ' ornish spent Thurs- were Saturday evening cailers from ho pe a i Knig8ts Rubber Company of Canada, day with Barbara Kristian, Of 'Wr. and Mrs. A. Milîson. . . iyof vtha - Limited, for 29 years here.:Hnrnptoni. Catherine Pcnwarden spent Newvcastle scored one run in He was Supervisor in the Beit îMr. and Mrs. Calvin Crago a fcxv days with her grandpar- the first and tbiree in the thîrd, Departinent anc]tainil1v. Providence, xvere ents Mr. and Mrs. W'. Vaie.'k. 0oi v to have Port Hope tic the During WAorid War Il Mi Sztuiicav evening guesis of Aian Vivian, Tvrone, spent garne %vitb four runs in the H-awley served four and a Mr. and 'Wrs. Sidney Cornish. a few days wit'h RaYmnond fourth inning. The vîsitors took hial, vears overseas with the Mis. Geo. Armour, Hampton, Camevron. the game however, and the 3-47th Batterv. Royal Cana- spen't a ioupie of days -vith' r adMr.Rot anîcron best-of-five series, by scoring dian Atilley. Afer thewàr br dau~htelandfmi', Ruth-Anne were Sunday four rons in the top of the hc joined Branch 178 of theand 'Wrs. Sidney Cornîsh. 1 vening visitors of Mr, and'eightb. Royal Canadian Legion. and 'Wr. and Mrs. Alian Baker, Mrs. D. Oke, Oshawa. Barbara Adamis pîtcheci ber va's an interested and activeýJailet and Michael, Water- Mr. Brian Burgess, Janice, team to the win, giving up nine member. down. 'Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Ian and Karen Rear, AIder- bits and one waik, while strik- Mr-. -awle Brtan aalsona Npop-a Fal oodwere Sunday dnnr!ngout four. She also aided ular member of the Bowman-IWr. and Mrs. G. Baker. guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Rvelber own cause with three bits. ville Legion Pipe Band. He,:Mr. and Mrs, Ken Rundle Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon On the mound for Port %\as one of the original drurn- and] Mr. Alfred Richards, Sa- Strong and Gaîl, Bili'vduff and Hope, Judy Wall allowed nine mer~ an piyedwitbthe1cm wec Suday cveingMiss Julie Tbompson, Peter- bits, one walk and struck out band Lintil illrîess forced bis visitors of Mr. Robert Sim. bruh 'r cna iiosto oi oeldteta reirme:.Visitor: dîiring the vAeek of tbe R. Gibson's. at bat with a home-uana Service wý,as field ai, the wý,ithi the McLaggan family Long Sault School single, wbile Valerie Tbomp- son and Gilda Croft contribut-ý Northcutt and Smith Funera1 were MWr. and Mrs. P. Vanevk, On Friday evening a good ed twvo singles and a borne-: Homne, 53 Division Street. )n;Tyrone. Mrs. Alcx Linkie and crowd of neigbbours gatberedru reeciey__ Mondas' afternoon, Aug 1-, Mc. and Mrs. Bob Jackson and togetber at tbe Scbool for a -____secivly at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. W. K.ifafmily, Gaît. card game and social eveningý Housclander, minister of Tri- Wcdncsday cvening, MWr. and and a presentation. nitv LUnited Cburcb to wbich Mrs. L. Pollen entertained tbe Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McLag- MWr. H le eondoffi- McLaggan family wben tbey gan and family arc leaving tbie ciited. showcd their pictures of their Community tbýis week for tbcir Thepalbeaerswer ýtrp to California, U.S.A. new home at Paisley, Owen Gordon MbacNelruwerStal-'WIr. and 'Wrs. A. J.'WcLag- Sound district, tbey- are going 623-3303 kordo MAnold LbB.race a- gan i eave this %veek for their to continue farming tbere. .ncw home at Dobbington. We They erfreeteeitr thague Rymod utchin- are sorr IL)i sec tbis family beautiful large plate glass mir- W M A son and Morley Oke. leave our commcinity but we ror from tbe communitx-. Mrs. Interment was in Bowman- welcome 'Wr. and Mrs. L. Pul- L. Barrett, reading tbe address ville Ccmeterv. 'Wbilc Mr. len aind famiy to our midst. ivished tbem the verv best and Hawle.v as laid to rest the Mr. and Mrs. Pulîco are buid- a happy and prosperous future Legion Pipe Band played the ing a ricu home on tep of the in their new home. Lament with muffled drums hi]]. After the card 1ame and in honor of their departed '%i. and Mrs A, J. 'IcLag- presentation a lovely lunch wasi members memory. pgn and family were Satur- served and enjoyed by al.1 Jcated st Stockdale publie! School and Wooler Higb School. He is employed by Anaconda Amerîcan Brass, New Toronto.1 ~oy Lunney, Bowmanville, M There's S 11(1 Tîme ta BEAT the RUSH! Get Your School Supplies Be fore SEPT. 8th ENTER BIG SHEAFFER CONTEST SEE DETAILS IN OUR WINDOW are guaranteed for f irst school term after purchasel VOUR NAME .ngraved FREE of CHARGE on zipper binder bought here. STORE AIR-CONDITIONED FOR VOUR COMFORT Rickaby 's 27 KING ST. W. Ltd. BOWMANVI LLE 1 T BETHANY1 The Canadiari St atesman, Bowrnmanville, Aug. 26, 1964 3 The B e t h a n v Pastoral and Miss Margaret White, Charge of the United Church !Peterborough, visited on Fi- SALEM held a combined pîcnic for day at MWr. and Mrs. E. Cryder-' the famihies of the tbree mnan's. Congratulations and best churches, Pontvpool, Betbany ikySrplsiBogbm shes to Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Manvers Station, in Pon-!holidayed hast week witb bis leton (rednee Pat lli) w typool Comrnunit.v Park on cousin, Ronald Knox. Ronald wertedmarred Osnwaestut Saturday. The races, compe-iis spending this week with UnterdaCuc, saal I titions and baIl games Wvere1Rick1. . ad. .Kn hcke enjoyed by ail. The bountiful, Mrs. Frank Westiake Sr. 'Wr. and fmlMr. endhacl. picnic supper %\as caten as'o o n ailM.adM, one bigfamily.was a Sunday supper guestlfGerald Shackleton and family, one bg famly. 1of'-r. and Nfrs. Pery W est- Mr. Gordon Shackleton and Races: Girls 5 and under, lake and famlv. 1IBilly and Mrs. Roland Shackle. Catherine Beer. Joan Rîcb-ý Mr. and Mrs. George Smith ton attended the Shackleton ardson; 7 years and under, and family visited on Sunday Ellis wedding. 9 ve Argnduer.CaroeRl Co 'atk and Mrs. Frank West- Mrs. Jack Bate, Beverley and 9 ers nd nde. CrolCO laes.' Barbara and Beverley Barry. Vancouver, Mrs. H. Par. mar. Mamnie Argue; 12 and stayed o oias sons, Mr. B. Parsons and Mise under, Li n da Ricb ardson,ý. dfrhlia- .Pros Town, were Sun. Karen Richardson. MWr. and Mrs. KarI Potter, day- visitors vith Mr. and Mrs. Boys 5 and under. Jerry Islington: MWr. and Mrs. Jim ýM. Marchant. Fallis, Mark Bradley: 7 vearsjPotter and family. Maphei Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackourn and under, Perry BradlevGoe r adMs a Rony aneiinen 9yesGrve M. nd Mr. an d family at.nded theE 'Middleton and famihy, TorontoTw and family Wr. ndeMss.hE Ronn Vaneirn,-e: 9 earvisited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pot- FoTW ienSttMpe r and under, Larrv Weatberihtj ter. Mrs. Middleton and child -, inca al r Murray Finney; 12 years and ýrare - ngthswekcburch last Saturday. under. Wayne Fallis, Bryan b t Marspn d ing s . th eek Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coombes, McKay: 14 and under, Ralphl ise aroWiter n Hyland, Kennetb Porteous. Tommy Langmaid is spend- Margaret Shackleton, Messrs. Senior Ladies' races, Mrsý. îng this week %vith bis cousin Ed Stephen, Eric Shackleton, Harry Ryey, MissTeddy Lunn at Peterborough.RoladDnWsh erte Harr Ryey, issEleanor Karen Lunn is witb ber cous- Junior Farmer members for Porteous, Mrs. Haroid Whîtc.iin, Sally Langinaid 'hscmuit h ooe Ladies' sack race, Mrs. Harry .an rs'Hges Brthi o mtrtford ast Wed ed Ryly. issLida ichrdsn.River: Mr. and 'Wcs Patterson. evening to sec "The Country Girls' three-legged r a ce,jBobcaygeon, visîted 'Wr. and Wf Ann Wbite and Mamnie Argue, WifRyeagaî nSu ______ Lînda Richardson and Karen day. Richardson. Girls' wbeelbar- Mrs. Mable Wîntec. Miss rdw race, Catherine Beer and Irene Winter and 'Wr. John, Lyno Argue, Linda and Kar- Rodid, Oshawa, were Sunday Y u en Richardson.i callers at MWr. and 'Wrs. CharlesYou Married women's roll ingi Langmaid's. pin throw, Mrs. Harold Wbite,. Teddy and Philip Broome Mrs. Harry Rvley, Couiple'ýs are holidaying this wcek ati Decorating egg toss, Rev. Wm. Piercy and'Wr. John Broome's, Tyrone. Miss Eleanor Porteocîs, Mr.i Karen Broorne, Tyrone, Ws He dq atr and Mrs. Harold White. i with the L. Broome's for holi- H a q at r Men's sack race, Haroldiý days.i White, Allan Beer. Boys' 3-ý Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox! leged race, Phillip Beer and and sons attendcd a bicthdayý FOR Larr Weaherit, ennethlparty on Sunday at MWr. andi Pocteous and David LaChaJ 'Wrs Ken Tink's, Ebenezer, C.I.L. PAINTS pele. Boys' wbeelbarrow race,11for their daughter, Joan. Kenneth Porteous and David Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox U"THIXII LaChapelle, R a 1 p b Hyland1 and sons enjoyed holidays a. neirorEtro and Bryan 'WcKay. Fantasy Island, U.S.A. Itro rEtro Mc. and Mcs. John Fleitt ,, DMATE and daughters, Brockville; L.ASES SO NAMcs. T. Flett, Columbus. it WODFNSE SOLINA 1cd M. and Mrs. D. Flett and New Colours Available Promotion service was held family. at Sna ShoSudy Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson morning. The Superintendent, and Dorotby, Beaverton, visit- WO DG A D Stan Milîson was in charge. l d 'Wr. and Mrs. R. Vice on.' for Natural Finishes The prograrn consisted of ai Sunday. vocal duet by William and! Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires vis- "'Toucli-Up Enamel"" Valerie Taylor; piano solos by ited at MWr. Percy Brent's. Marilyn Knox, recitations bv Wbitby, and Mr. Ray Bemis', 39c Jar Beverley Pascoe, Linda Flett Oshawa. Ielfrta ml and Shirley Westlake; read- Mrs. Rae Pascrie and cbild. - dal or hat Saob ings by James Baker and Mrs. cen visited Mrs. J. Dyer, Osha- tubu o Charles Langmaid and sccip- wa, on Wednesday. turc reading by Janet MWill- 'Wr. and Mrs. Ross Page, "CONTACT" son and Sally Langmaid. SteVen and Valerie visited on SefAIsv o Following the sel-vice a pic- Sunday at MWr. and Mrs. Wm. SIfAhsefo nic meal at thehal asc- Call's, Newcastle, and at Mc.ý counter tops, etc. joyed. A pcogram of sports B. Wolnik's, Hampton. was conducted by' Mr. and MWr. Alvin Boyd, Bowrnan- WINDOW BLINDS Mrs. L. Broome and 'Wr. and ville; MWr. and Mrs. Gibbons,, Mrs. Don Taylor. Saskatoon, Sask.; 'Wr. Wesley! WALLPAPER Miss Pat Davis, a Septcm- Powell, Miss Mabel Powell, CE be bide-to-be was guest of Mrs. Wm. James, Mrs. J. Flem- 1 LARING ROOM LOTS honor at a presentation party ing, 'Wr. and 'Wrs. Mcl Morton, SUE KE given by Miss Anne Wecry on Oshawa, visited Mrs. N. Wot- 1S PRKMT N Tbursday night. The gifts froin ten and Francis. adKM G O girl fricnds present werc an Nancy and Carol Knox hoi- adKM GO Heirloom bedspread and a lace dayed last week at Ken Pas- tableclotb and several 'nthers. coe's, Brougham. Brian Knox A dainty buffet lui. was1 spent the weekend at Wbitby A ERNETH ' served by Anne and ber moth- wihteCafrs AB T&HY'SPPE ý'er.The U.C.W. picnic wili be Miss Gladys Yellowlees and held at Cartwright Park on 33 King St. W. i'Wrs. J. Yelhowlees were Thurs-1 Monday, August 3 1. Plan to day tea guests of MWr. and Mrs,! corne at 2:30 o'clock, bringing' i Bowmanville L. Herron, Oshawa. your picnic basket and cbild- Mr. and 'Wrs. Wes Yellow- ren.I lees were Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grills, Val- entia. Janice and Brenda Yelhow- I lees holidayed hast week ty U e fe s U u l Blackstock. John Larmer, Blackstock,1 The six-year-old wvent off to visited at MWr. and Mrs. Harvey Yelloleesfor everi daschool on the first day, looking last wcek.1 very grown up ini a neiv blouse Sympathy is extendcd to the farnily of the late Mrs. Merlin and skirt. Hepburn who passcd away hast! wcek. i lhen she came home, her Ewar an Jon Wrrymother asked If anyone had i spent the weekend at MWr. and, Mrs. N. Metcalf's, Oshawa. ýcommented on ber new outfit. MWr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and farnily were Sunday teai "Yes, the teacher did," said guests of 'Wr. and Mrs, Barry Cowling, Bowmanville. Jackie.Sh adslogs1 Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pasc. "ws hdes id as longas and family, Mr. and 'Wrs. E. wsdesdlk ay h iCryderman, 'Wr. and 'Wrs. Rossididn't 1 act like one!" ':('vrip mpn é-nivsýr m nmi'%,'Ed Leslie ýSi REMEMBER OUR ZIPPER BINDERS

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