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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1964, p. 6

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9 -The Canadian StâteEan~. 3ownanvM1e, Aug, 2,1~ WeaIth., Race Prejudîce Hurtîng U.S. Campaîgn t10 Win Uncommitted Nations In a stimulabing address on speak to the Club lie had sug- ('onvern to V.S. Viles 1 Anternational affaîns. gtvefl at gested that hîs topic be some Tire speaker dec larrod 'lînt the luncheon meeting cf thte aspect ef international affairs.lAmerican U 2 hase7- liave lu'.- Bowmanville RotarY C! ub oHn 'Ir. Romeril pointed ont tha' corne of etiormous olm unu t Friday, Ret-. Philip Romeril, lie' does not dlaim to be an its allies. I le spoke 'i tice Blackstock, discuisse-d tht pro- - expert on international affairsirisk o f ail ii atioli \v I'l I ent intense cempet t ioni to svîru: despi te th e tact that hielhasI coulId resLi t frîtii so rite a ion the friendship efthte uncom- lived iii haIt a dozen by tlie United Stite's. _jnitted nations that i5h i çctou atries. He saîd that lie ha, Mr. Roinenîl reî-alled 'lI1ne' waged b ' the United States bot-n greatly înterested in the 'motto aI uthe'tart ' i 111L and Russia. H-e outlined thiujc iîebsyutadAmerican Ret-oltitionars- Wai:r handicaps that are î-aLiing ithe jrecallod that lie bad been a:"No Taxation W7 tlit7teput'- US. to Jose 1Hintis ttruiggie. Leg ue of Nations speaker foriseiitiotit ["'717 i -a -nd suggested an imhportanît ev eral vears in tlic late 1921's. 'the Uniîted sltt' lt I i litt S olution te the problem Ntîinîi la 'le i!tieir slttganîioîu Id lit' Not a Vice-Prosident Don Morri-' sstei tlîe Bahamas in June, Ani latioîu "i Iotî Neti d yresided at the luni-heon r' -repressont atiofnte.Ba-I r. lRtoîil t-l C 71r - ng whicb was held at tIie'î1% Istn aMelthodist Chîurch bald. Ing Dutchman Vioter J1<tulI fie k Iîî lîîîlion' , t mîght be- Who )lias Iast WNord? announced tlîat st-ciA lai1 Choie aifi lîated sitlthe IUnit- lie explaîîîoîl tliai t1it al- been receieîsc of tht- îu t i d Cî;urelî cf Canada. le said most intolerable pronuîl'î lia-t deatb in Calcutta. Inli. Et tif Iat n-î'n lie bad eountercd raised the quîestion of stlut 1lias --Nitîsh C. Laharv. a Pa. ¶ Pre ' wv'thIicue iggestionî that tlîeiribue last word in ilt(îoiî, i __dent of Rota r\ 7't rnio inn- i-~lit insteadl teconît and militariy leuisioî thlait, who hold tfili 1-li tIcuIl~~ i ffîIliated nith Ibue Mthodist w'%ouIld be I ru s a nmalter oti Ilf, 1962-63. The BowvnittIIt 7 biîl f leU. iahd:and doali. -Rotarians 'i nu-ir 7 1i" 7'e\7 1771 m d iii disrnav - *Good "1I suggest thalI7t tlit' 1 iii t-il of silence a a t rlitO tu i l, - Lord.iot nîlluftic United ýState. a itidentî eiîpirv filt liii' Lahary's mioiti.-eai-lY stage'.ut I'tl7 ofi'7 The birthia> t 't Ilai i-t',< -I janaiça, people talked'bas good i('150i lt to i 711 -. elle wat-C! ht' it .7bo'it a pessible polîtîcal anîd think hoth it'iSlsoalils 7ami7 fellow Rotarian:s. c 77' P -' e'oin- lînk for their coti-iob.jecîi\-els-. 'lh(- U.S. -litulî ent al: the litnclwoiin meotil g i r v. But thes- fîrmlv peinted'take a careful looîk a t t sî'lf t wvere Harold Wa-~t0 i iReott fiai it w'ould iîes'er belan empire builîlor inLiniirî iug Claytoii. AI Reed. i'!<of Uii-oane vith tlic United States, aI- suspicion, eus-s-, and oit piii '%a; S, Roblin an I Dio D77- ti iotghifliie' were iinterosted larity-. Butlliis aloiut' îluîe mage. hot!) if Wh::1.t b'. - 7I77d1ini canada ini this vwav. net acceiit for- tItei' ln ill CaptaîtI'i H tt13. Te ouest speaker deelared agaiîîst hlieU.S. Rut. -a ti \'177 H 71 's csideîît alnîost es'ery-lis building ail eîîîîuî îe InI!i ,1 to i L.!' ' t 7 '!ir hatItie Uniited States Roth Empire Bîîilders spcakcýr. ParoitB' a1 -oet i- ltsin-gfiliflie sbuggle bo witi "The lvi lpii-r t ti 7t ii'- oif Rex- Ph i-p Ii~ - -- t-tlie atpres-al aîîd backing of file Ui ted Stbatcs and Ii1h" shandn n id n i r-'-' ' iiiruioiiiit ted înationis tlrough- USSR arie hoth empirut- lii i TleCtaid IlIî' Xli:r lx ' AMOaoui the ,vorld. 'XYankee Go ers. 'Iiîc United StatusI-'.l had szers-oc - 7 ' - 0772 b it is arc prevalent in the sa'ig rate t lia t t itîs mat in the f3r -B: " - - - '.i'- iîtii îotitiies. Tlie Peopl" voIiiibaî-iIs- lid I for iI <'eri- in g Xord W-ir I. - i , 1,0i - ofi' uNaini arne h md of the tonial possessionis a iriu c-d fmeut n-ýL.o <', 1- - iXi r-i '.Tlir licart ists01 WollWtrI.aii 1922. a' i -- -,i 1 tii joh as, they arc ired tiot iakiliip i-tipl '- fion,î ic- M~-i.o.'- 5"" ~ i " "ni'.of na'lic ertPlaces.""flic suie-a keiat- I Duini', X\'ilh t X cllie î'emiîîded lsbi oîs lt1i f) -- Ronirril ,'i - n l i nited States lias liiot -his sls oîîlli i ien )-,n 'thi'Cîtî"'Ilei-t l<"oiutt it îernîational leader- prcs'-iousql, sîroiig nationstîIi' i."%l he "c i . O O 'C 17t' ' i,'i ver, il lia'. broCgit t cii alwrus dn ed i fii: 7 ?ýtit gos-ri c n iti <'~ - 7,7(1 t ç Wlin the US. refusen itlîii ocoi' the igeuor f s Vnit t nia îottîî a i tlîe League of Nationîs Penalty of WIlIth ratioî.n,îr -ýRickatId a I tht7r Wonld War 1 it laid tbbc The'Tîîî . i adon~ii;ii Mu. Ritkarit ,Io1tii. ' ' ob ndla t ion of its islationisi oe lit ofilus lc.l ilîat Xr.Ruoî il ,cr î l O 5v un rrinuiîothtle lise of Fascisnî oe atîihiîi-: le-1 -huid lueîd pastcruitl- ;II tll' 'This itiesitabîx- led to Worid pston 'li -îu eu'oî aid. 'hie -.S. latiiî u 'd tIl"' -Bahuaa uIn Jtiiittit 11' Wîr il and aIse te the n-ar in'Mrshall Plan.iIl hcuîîea came tri Cut iaIalai1t957. u i iNVet Naiii'. rcdnfontei;j has lîe'î btlîr iii ni cr cf tii',' Mn Honieril explainred that i'eoriil ff i hou ic t-Si t 'United thle IT' S. iiad fot inbended teto lndrc- îolt--Il î'Utu- silioc-uîe. proc-tîco the drasblc results cf ritories, Iîtît iîig libuiess ;ou-I Nî.Ronicti 71 <itti0m, <Rn-lsroîsa 1oin tht' Lcagtue icîu t artans. litît wstiuuMlr. krdCi ilof Nuitioni'.,as il hartonll.v a r -.s-ch li t3 i -tli tho Clirman of toe Progruiýi sî-utto oresorl ho a bypeo i a id o Sa hsr - 1 i ît Coin-,inihlet'r in tvitorlbu il ttnî 9tl i ouirx- noîî-commitmenl ung aii1 d l ifi f-ttl;î r a andi isolation. Mr.Romnil pottîbcd ciil li lt -TheoU.S.lias no ambition to bbc United Statos îIiv;î i tr' ivrt-uase it s territorial pois-hnîta fn-il i -r '.tis flic speaker' tated '.ituggle xuili t lic (rtiîî t - hic i tpcahht-rl flaithe' United 'hc t- tiiaout ftîo - Siair'.poirv reggrdliig ar - -inibc r ri a rr i-t l-n - .ttl - i~3U~~ti tii ii-it t oftrrrihors' h-as 1LIt 't- re ato t-' h, -ProîI' cfý. :111v htýýn on- of Plirrha5re Il - -eait l it Il 'roi, tf ctff fri-i 1u-Iptiu i i tdheît Pueitr o 1. o i c coMi3 t i ,] ,t' ,- fI1 ýnl. ,ý-îîîff lt itb tr vtilt )reocÇ- tînt'-. o I ut,11 addclofa tIliou, I -t&tpatt- of Mexico had been r-aonn li-'e a tîrî Ail Il a' ~u ucrl h rl lirotigh t'onquesi. bbc -"Tlîe i-h ii-'h iutc hin-lit fiiile an91ri il 'aiited ho w' lth Ilint- lili i ttl t ant o ils do1i.] ie gat-P! later Iheni frot ;i t luuu< îîîitlcir A Unot.iritté- Purcliase an-] FOR l =--l Urc lak s-standing and kuttî-jIoe tv ifi I SU NC ut couiquest and annexa- taOlace()f o !il t e lntdth eo liîîg s t result f Ibis iisilai e-cd isola- C Lni~~~Romian Empire bad a way oftonaidtsmsIdfcîtt contcnd siithi. R- ga iniri g politicaî suPremacv' H-leexplatîvr thai flictUniit- T{erc's what OUF clck-11 -) bs.'vtaking svoaker countries cd States' sîvallilias-1auci vil doforyou ( ) howj É undci' its ssing. It would onîy. cappcd ils strugglo for polit- 'wloo ryanhveou (1) po-I re quire land for fortification iclsupport aîîd tbe gocîri n-l - ~oucanhae boaer ro -and ta garnison for protection o other couittnies. lie t-skod 1 - lction through flic atcst -witb apparently no ulterior hwtîeVe Nms- î i Tackage policies- (2) l'oinu otnies. yet s'ast territories dîd: downtroddeîî pCsaîîts of Soa;tit0O cut arcas of possible saxin gs heoni part of bhe Roman Emn- Amc-ric oîuld fuol -t-nipathiv ~n yorprcsnt prgrani (~) uno -witlithie uimtof the' 1' S1 -incover anys seieus gmps i 'This %-a ' of uîcrcasing its whose represeuitatuv.-Pzlut t'liit1 unoLr protectLioli; (4) *<îlair, doctin iauhs been adopted bY - ila ou rsnt~ . ie US." Mr. Romeril said. le iusu- -c uur',li 1 -watyor recrt nsi-nc ýpoe - cf Paîîama's separatîcîtlrnidst of Iluesi- îior îîop ,s - <loos ind tIes ftinti<n.pot'ert y. Ot '~Fcr's e hI~altîî Iorhi from C olumnbia te become a The'dolîtg (ni, tuf food andii i - '.1tc. and Paîaîîîa's rcsultaîît econorii aid 1w t lut- -Nineni- CI zerd.î.alilt-at-o of tlîe Canal Zone to t'ne' cans st'il îîuî iui lcaut i ieu ' lI 'îitîd States. the lot of Itie upont- u Ii i i icIl .C' ia leased Guaiianinîo ho ocontrast, andcliii utci itittfli-, t' - U.S. TIîe United States Armericais lhave 1' .Oia-t'ciio- î receieci dbases iithe West -toriclus tliioîigliutîiltîuttouiI Inthiot- f îom Greait Britain for for tLheir <oltîn piu u id î-Iii STUART B lof) hdestroveis. andclthe num- speakenr acePrjcl<- ouil i lit-' ssonîd by the US., frontiaePrjdc LIAYAL ut - ut ilI.lihav-e greatîy increas- Wealt laîîlrat-'pr idu- t Incueethen - The poliey etf are formîidatblecdubiile halrii Insuran'e - Relb-a i stae the' Uinited States in to bave caps fuir.-tht- Unî idStute - King St. E-. Bounia lTthtIhC w1e1niihiin stnukîîîg distance Russia tranuls mneIto lit ' t'wi! Of fi'e R>'sjdenî<ce ThetUi oî. lcU 2people of îîîlîî-n -oîitu'- lia 77iW-stPakitan iasspetk thîeiu- lanugtlg(', lioi-t 623_5681 1;2 3 )19.1 s, In.îd KusliPkitndras asaine f ocîd anîd hig u.' 1 toI crîle daurid Peshawar. i: United Sta tes P ti'(L crps I __________________________________________________________ ita i atc'îîutho itltt lil Sgood licat-ilu lisîrancec Iohave Gien sioflarirs, andl Itî,rnoîtti to work, tliev si-lI Vuifitiiihc1'M flac Daiî'v deli'<er all the daulx' dairy-fresh be badly hndi-appîecim 1tic u products your fIanily niccds. And rernember flaluons, Mr. Rornt idlar lt yourI'own. good lhcalt Iland en'o arilk bek '*Tht' Renis sav tiîcv hî.î il" rac t- ptrudue Ttiî e i-t at Ieast twîce a dav. cans shouîd rai liuîtthr sihiltrs rarc ouiittiîilirrcd tt s-' or six, 10oiinc Ibrorîgzlicil lb' PHONE 623-5444 FOR DELIVERY earlb Tlîc (oiitinuantc'cof race projudice stilu iru'-'o ur aster. spoRe o et ic ionidotts iii- porlancf cf acqajiring nit ocls'1-11 knowledge cf othier nations. Xff Gien ae D iry but a truc uridcirstandîîug. 98 King St. W'. Bownianville bbe problemrs of otIîcnj t iO rf tharikmq bMr. loieril 17'~ hi- address. Vice-Presire nt5 I M'orri.s also voiced his perso-DVw ai3 appreciation tthe' gurst speaer - Port M L Vt;TTIl IU 14 Weceehome IoMir.aim R e ad y i rrî ved h omne carlY Fricda.v Ctîî - o r r1OoronIg a fter S:pendîn g fîve Port iHopIe and E woodcerfiil n ek -fin BolIand. pîtal shioidbcco Aîiothnr of YNoln elig- Ilî. S. Nl ihle b7îeht'lOr î s ehnced dt"i)tOmm iît 1r- ch a i I bite the diist tisSaborda ' .A boar-d ltî tneek. imbr ilrom YVeIt-rton at- "If111,m%. ho a n lendet I ln h o r i-Neait ten of'la m. hl.t lIl q Ilie hud li.Miss Pat MON -lte utlîq on, hîeld af heu home Ili Jallet- nill Iltl't", oes NMr. and 1NI r'ns- Jîohi i .o ilid i anifls P' '.peîibSndaY \niltil file Ra lph ia leolîîs <if Setîr- borough. Miss .id;Robinîsonî MIr. îiiiM rs.J rernaiiiîd for a1 fen holidavs.1111anlfris issevS .\filiev,Noinia ad i-jtlMs N et- n ir t a i t i i da :77 îlt iit il 17 'tit 111 -wîl!îxitAï. aniNu M;l: 'tshari It 1nloi of Loin- tii tIndl Nirîk \0-( i"tuiIIs M7 1 ie luk wjlsolls. Mr. andi 1141-. 1 :\ltstei' Pi't-I lisuiox, 'trî- sen ei'îr'- ct to. !S apîii g ft'sv sto ks ail im01- îî".î <i of' r. lhe Get'ald MGls Kell (Couhlraie. XV 'Master Goldo(Iî Page of Pe't-v-uh ilits 1w ' ;Il7ca rh-boiti-Uh sîlelîtt lîis week 7111 1 :i -. 1Il Ittn î-illi Ille Floî-d Stiîii.wîî ls Business Direciory IZAV .1. L)IANG 9'3i ('11111,01'<i t uu tî LEONARD ) .lMES BROOKS ('Iatt cil Ai-toilîlit a rit ru se iln 21h3's's' 72:i-'9m (O'ts-ti a Sîthin îîî g ('Centre' N-t-coIt -l-- bt btIi t 'cii Nuit T l l'îîîîîîu lite SIS. - in tIt 7377 Iltu J. '<'s Nîhl ihl, l'il .A. G. Wl Xo i. 1(Stiii. (A. G. 'V. h l CC'A.A. WILSON S- BllOV 1 1 '.i:t(t St. lii t Cll aa hiît. C h r 0 p r a c 1 ic Ws. P i o i i tt 987 4t21tr s E t'. El . r llcr Offr'ctcIli 3479om Of)î i ltrt v t. N-. 's -tîit t - rr 1ît h tî.îîî 62,t-5ii604 t ffie Pue : 223 os, PîîîîîdNel-at«-v l u-' 18-4aY )IL . F. IV. SISN, DDS f iî o llii- :1t .' i tiii dtiiit cîod '<Satu" duo - Sîuîdtî Landî- S in hi 7 t)1 :t.uî'. tu hi ý i Box dttilx Busnd itîîîts.uîîuclerSiiicas S l'nd adSuRveIng W.M t-:NG., O.. I ý A' . H. St l- o rt t(1f B u Si,î lt.'- 'i'eiccboic lga E.TRICHARîuD STIIIKI M o r c uti a Sta eiui s Hos pitai for Hope District by October - 1 e fi e w listric tlios- uînpleted hv bie, proper-is' i-i, told ti' col-t(I or I \\<i ue Ilappît li' î. Ile le ýLD J. . Buin- vlslt(l w'l 1 li ted ase 1.Cotlitîîîle ilIed on Mr. -l C(ill-î Xli- î'd li-.C. Strii m andt htiu ' ll:. iit Mi-:-. 5h ivtu ait T oi- ' l hash'eSîuncluîv tti< t !;I(, W , t- 'X h 71 Ite hoiiit l tuld ll tht i l'tt ;ýu 'tMt- luri M IrNIîu 'i nid 171i 'M. 111i l t am tNi Iss\ volî- tîu s . ' l't Ii- D ufllîhiXl' 1- iX l"utîpsv Icitn ut AIu I un iI Xi il li -'. I)u t p ýr l fiis w 171 'il 7 t,1 7- il)g i ii i f-f li 1 l l ' tuI ii1 "( ,t i,î - l LOIN f PORK COTTAGE ROLLS Re.g. .15c' DelMonte DRINKS PINEAlPPLE- G>RAP>EF-RUIT ORNG~PE- Reg"t. f Goldl sva aic 's vs l1 RED SALMON 59( MAZOLA Oit Reg. 35c' Illantcr's B;Ilcled PEANUTS c>.) () ile 83C Io,.'I 29( MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNISH'S MARKET PECK'S RED & WHITE %itiutb<-'opn atit. i\li the Pu blic ctailt 1011 ihe n s1)11 fri 1,11r he o.11 6 nto - lisct! lt:s-s fi-nîîiii hoold Ilot lîspita! N- -ng ome 1î' î nc 11 71 lin t t af t i î i t tub .110(j '1 h( ,i u ' t ni ; il I i , t " \0001ii ttutiti -'. iii-i iI t li(, gum ra 1 1 itliaf '.. t llP . l;it cil fl ut'--1 î i it îîî- ti-- tî' andtiihtîuu t-iî .'<hi- 1 !77 E xami ii ticr îîotod atl! o it tons'trç-b ion wîll he -C onfle ed hv- tilieci of b1if lie otitiî. Xoî ont, nîontilî hit'liîd 'lîîîil l ' i'îitto -oi' ' .l(lie -il. iý Diîîkc-î C'oi'. litt 101foi. tlia, hi I3312 toiba-tfîî it. M r. Milli' -titI 1' il' n-elý oîf illit- pati( lit: i lillOis 7,l lttitlie ilavts suplpI ('77 711 l:ntI iiv e 'îiltsv ini onv- Ti. hie eîîîillictive lltttîi-iig, t it'a or fi i-t i f1 !l( itttî loisî tl f n Uthî i nt ff n Xli- Iitt - -;itl : si uIstalff additions-hi"lîei iîîe "l'Ve bel)i'i itîidliht'd 'Aitli ap- hIlititi î il -:1, lit o' til idlii. ihitti~~ li1S ,'- lt'kîit li 1'î;lî.t Mrch N. Divid Fll liuo v -'. î anI'M . nl Xins Gc'on fosn- X>t' M-l rt ilt -ii-- E,'t 1ti-t - I - ' - - 7 7 i q-" mit 'l t 7 -- i (-;t i i't 1 777i ut 5t ),( 'i 't liIi 1 'h xt 71 Xli K ilu1lt I Ithi t>Yf C( ,it u) i- ti'tro lltht;m il 1l o<Ii pt î f'l II)'i ni i (cnllI l i- tio t1O( l'<Icit Ti l oi un cî iltr.orl 2' -Il). Avecrage lb65c SI>ECILLX'SELECTIEI) - 'iRIAMED ,11ST R(hT LOIN PORK CHOPS 1b 69C cr.Mr Gri adl n riel j'1 c 5.77J jxî't'-.ÎM. t'i lf ïPiiN , 1 1 7t l 1I T î t. ,i i!. N o' 1 fi' t Mu ' P in nR': (1 i f ;11iii v'1 Of't i t' ;,t' I u - I ,' t7 i <t ou l ,a'SI I 711") ~ ~ ~ i XIMkil, \l7t Ml-îa 1 'iut N '<a rlut l ' 1 l uil ' - ' n îtt <I îî6îtt 1,' i tu'tt c 'Ihi iu'l -l M 1 -ou h Nîl5 r pXc re S m ý. îzto -, M i. THOUSA OS 0F SHOPPERS HIAVE WON 16 TEMPERANCE ST. CHECK YOUR CARD AGAINSI ,i.1-r u IiXS t' B;' iegnlu 2 f CAISIJP 1 f 1lc' 1l oz.hî 411K eir ('111(1BUY Ul'! N E "l t i S!)(-' iqîtid i0(- otff packi ('IRC'LI 1 3ESTI'BUY'! Reg. 37c-: Lihh.v's I"ils- TOMATO JUICEL Tin33C CIRCLE ) BEST BUY! Reg. l2c! 2-11). Colin mACARONI SPAGHIETTI 371< GAMD NO. TEX NIJMBERS TG PLAY 2 8 10F'x 221 14 20 1 i 22 28 30 1 36 38 40 42 48 50 UN 52 54 0PLAY cepos 62 64 66 FR[[ 68 70 80 82 88 9 92 94 E N Ts0,' OJ.UIO Gaine No. 10 Winning Numbers! W ax JIF'î II I li 'J'Stîîc 'II JOOI f. hol 3 rok79( BÂIIET C»ius;e8rj 9( ('IRCL -) 5 I;i- HUYBf'r lic Ibm i Strainied our JUNIOR Foouds 10R's 1 Regtî la r 79c' Pali n(Garden - I1003 to ('db Hlia" ez. 8ic: leîd & lhite Brttnd INSTANT COFFEE KOOL - AI D Uc ~ ~ ~ ~ o Whi'p i e t o sh<le FROZEN FOOD FEATURES' Rteg. l for 53v ' ' lt-.îî,îl,î',t iv o cr lFili, i (; >7. 'lins LEMONADE 4 for 49c Suprenie Brand 'ancy CI-olîorny Bag GREEN PEAS 2 Ibs 49c 59(1 5 Hoz JIar 79C~ 2 pkgs 25c 1Cli 35C FRUIT LOAF 1; i - PRODUCE- sveet .JUit"r ()tspa'l). ORANGES Gardcii No 1e~i CABBAGE 2 O)ntario Redi Ripe No, 1 TOMATOES Mild W~hite No. 'ON IÔNS 33< 0 a (wood Size 49C hcadS25< ;-hî. Baskct 89C 2 1).Ilag *Maple Grovç a Orono Newtonvillie Specially Selected - Value Chieck'd - Boneless - For Roasting Trend Sausage lb 55c Tren-d Bacon lb 65c 18-o, 'ITits 27 3 1 NESTLETON Mild Pure Porli Red & WIlite - Lvan - NESTLETON Mil and on c 7 X!o, Mr Mi- R. Sam'(t Xl PStîî:\çNîî:e Mr. tiitîl M.NI Cuti îot Iîî' Stmmii', 17i. l(VCi75i, i l ir~' )

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