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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1964, p. 9

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- - ... L ea d land. spent a few days vwith orerie OIThe Canadian Sttemn wavleet.,16 Mrs. Adam Sharp. Michael re-;uII~ ~ams Two ~Nw,, ols'1./anwpirFe ts3 00QLadies" jowig~au 1A family gathering wasN iI.. i... I £1:lis. By C ushng llisIl o 4held on Sunday at Mr. and by Jim Clarke Sam's struck early, taking a'to make it 11-2. Bbc" Adams- Mr. and Mrs. D. B.1 a,6:45. The firstngt ro aBib Btonhw hre 1 asa- ornt, wreSaure free night and pitsoigBcl, Mrln Wb er led n h tp fthe single, Coyle's doubleasc-Trot,1ee aura ii-RRU N E R ~R R E R Sam's Finer Foods movedi t rstwith Burns and Falis rifice fly bv Crossey and ors at Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp's .~I E E E E Into a 2-0 lead in the Junior getting hits. With the bases! Leveck's double gave Ellis See coming events regarding- Teamamn Ja utlfe Men's Sof tball Finals las4loaded Bradley lofted a sac- their final two runs in the strect dance at Ennisk'¶len, P;ll Osborne tossed a one-,hurler Stephen struck out tol error and scored when short- Team 1- DorsJolHen Thursday crushing Ellis Shoeslrifice ily to right field. Ellis' bottom of the sixth. Saturday evening, Sept. 5th. bitter, while striking out 18 end the inning. Another runi- stop Bill Nicholson dropped Mut tonr, LUnda eobeIJyeMjr lao ain 11-4. Ellis' Shoes looked little1 right-fielder "Woody" Lee's TdLvc eîvdCve RoetSeo sxiiig' batters, to lead Nichols' Motors nern reached base on a missed Eva Whitehead, Jackle AlexS like the club that ga veSam'si throw ta the plate went wLd for the top of the seventh Toronto with bis cousin David to a 3-O0 in over defending last strike, and one walked. Osonstv-u lTosa-Selam.2 Ogdn ieAln a terrific struggle in the open-' and three runs resulted. and held Sams scoreless. Stata Currie. champion Stephen Fuels in thel Stephen only allowed fivelolftwe2 otBok, e ndr alo aNî,Jm Jng contest. The shoemen had Ellis neyer really recover.l?d bowevcr niowed Ellis down Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon opening game of the Men'sisafeties, but four of themn ac- Alex Wiseman's single, a cilBoes Maiy ClSdsu. a ftfu evnin, mkin seen rom thi dimaobgnnin.e1a2,uei thinoaosof heanscmpayewthr.ondnrs.Tow LeguefialsngateWd- ounedior inge iunsin he acrfic byNeloneeosndneanSelersaNyd Seehn, eam9- na tchr, eD ernwieSmssoeiThe winners made it 6-O ý'n seventb. ending the game. GodnBeMaeGiv, nesday night. fourth and fifth, after a pair Larry Piper's double produced Duaine PleBtyPpr s narKrn Hya errors, wbile Sam's Gordnshone, M ade-G r ve, he ol tim e Stephen's iof errais gave Nichols an un- the fourth inning tally. Bond Team 3- Ju ne B krma- a y C a o a ln ll ta fensîvely. Dick Stata postd his' the second. witb errors again Around the Bases and Mr. and Mrs. Harold tbreatenedî was in the second,iearned third inning mai-ker. walked to open the fifth and ion Slaght, Mai- arsn ldsEls id aey fifth playoff win witb a pîaying a key part. Ellis' sec- Bill Bates continuing his Martin, Blackstock, spent holi- when lead-off batter Ted Dad-'The Fuels' veteran pitcher'Gary McCullough singled. Bai-b Milîs, Heln Boe, Tai1-JyeTnat spak]îg ix ittrbissecndond sacker, Crossey droppeds]ugging spree. led 'as ith dayF ii Montreal. I rt utn in a row over Ellis. Pickard's pop-up to open tbe 'three bits in three trips. Bi!' __________ o wssf dropped claimed five strike-outs an d Mutton turne O sbo rn e ' Helen Park, r In conrast a the tight econd Park long ly wa alsohad a harp îgbt t hi~third strike, and Paul Mutton's walked two batters. bouncer into a double play, but Team 4-PeggyHansM-ConeWean DtBnd t w o - o u t s i n g l ews p o i l edeO s-nI n t hedt h i r d , J a c k B o n d w ast' M o e"bR i c h a rssd o u b l e d t onb ellL eniteS h i r l e y D a v i soHdlw aE v e l y n WRi c h a r d s S h i r l e y coneneron Elli s t e r ney r : n en r ed f o c" d- hir ba e rsid nceDba d-borne's no-it bid early. Rival -safe on second sacker M utton's m ake it 3-0. da Simnick, M aryARc - G e n am ile N s it cotnio gintte ao an n ete o nohrer-lling six chances cleanl. aHAYDON Gi sharp Finer Foods club. Sami's ron. Burns fanned and Falîs Sam's remaining six bi'ýs_______as, egGbs BatieM-gWsh clubbed Ellis starter Jim foi-ced Pickard at third. Mc-:were spread between Stevc,( Miss E. BlackburnMorgan. Coyle for nine bits, building Manus dropped a single toi Burns, Jerry Falls. Bob Mc- manville, xvas supper gýues_,t of nceTem 5- Onie EceBr agPriAde so two trames*. Bill Bates, batt- Bates folhowed, bit a singlelPickard and Guy Parks. Steve and Mrs. Cowling. SI U L e pt. 5 AbghMeryMM ing champ, once again took e-ý as Sam's lumped int a 6-Oj after a below par season aver- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wr-f5 ~ Team 6 - Ka E ape, ea 12 Oli Ptfed light in pounding Coyle. Bill lead. Bradley flew to right toi age now sports a .300 mark' y, Toronto, were rece nt' vis-r Karen White, EmmnrmlDnaPetn uilHl saw his playoff averdge soar end the inning. iin playoff action. A far crv it ors at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd a e im ç llr1~U hem orste SilyRt 44an .93a witb; Ellis fell behind 7-O, asj from bis .190 league mark for Ahtons. w . WW*WWM Fowler, Daisy 1- oy, inaCsey Haynesfoarorj Wight,*Joan EngleyrDonn1 th e is nldn o e a n Picad d umpsne in tle. be st, rcin ing c nd le a ùî r.and ddi . ha a eredSun-s!m um m amlud run and five RBI's. top of the third. Stata walked'ý Jim CoYle was one of Ellis 'a F thre bis îcludng hoe- ad'scad ded a single ., tbe1sms cuscking otsge nd ckr .and E Mr, sawaverAdaS uo h rirmbe Had 90 14 GParks then rapped a singleidouble. Ted Leveck salo add_ day ciahiers at r O Jdi n u m m er Tro hy R ces iehedule- HEDQ ARERcOR in Stata. Bradley's singlel ed a pair of bits. "Doc" Ad- J. Potts. Sean.A14e1- 25-6 78 imade i 8-0 i the topofte amis and Bil Crossey appliedc Mrs. M. Bei-tiln spent: Sept. 21 1708 9-1-1-1 fourtb scoring Falls. Bates, singhes for bhe loser's. Siindav with ber brother, Mr.' September seies the end ofi Pepsi-Cola Trophy. Interna- tion and Improved Production Sept. 21810-Il 9 -1 -5 7-52 also on board was thrown outý Dick Stata in claiming bis and Mrs. N. Gage at, tbeii open road racing on the Mos-1 tional calibre grand prix dri- Sports Cars, Sedans and For-Set28 3 122 8-0-7 111 64 at the plate for the secondj fiftb victorv in the playoffs,1 cottage at Lakefield. I port circuit for 1964 witb twoi vers will battle top Canadian mula Libre Cars. Oct .5 4- 7 -h 63 2-0 1-9 81 ... ou oftheinnng.Braley brugh bi reordon he ear Mr. and Mrs. Bert Asbton,l top events organized by tb&ý and American stars for 250; Without a diub the Indian Oct. 12 8 01 -l 1 -4 7 there xere thi-ce out, stoppedi 10 a dazzling 20-I record. 'The,1 Eddie and Lea, Toronto, at British Empire Motor Club- gruelling miles in modified Summena r Tropby Racesý and Oct. 19 12- 3 4 -7 1-6 8 0 in bis tracks and was tagged 1 cbunky hurler bas been ai their cottage on the weekend. The Indian Summer Trophv sports cars. Tbe featured Can te Cnadian Grand Prix for Oct. 26 2- 8 61 -I 5 l 2 S o ut for somre wierd action.i major. reason for Sam's im-,ý Chtircb service wîlh be behd Races and Canadian 0 GrandI adian Grand Prix will be pi-e- the Pepsi-Cola Tropby will be Fulis finallv connected forî pressive record sio far tbis' at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Mr-. Prix for the Pepsi-Cola Tro-1 ceeded by a full program ofl the top two levents of the Can- Nov. 2 9- 1 71 -0 61 -2 4 two runs in the bottom of the l year. John Morrison, Toronto, wilh pby. preliminary races for Produc-~ adian Racing season. Nv 1 -6 1-. fourtb, Coyle and Crosseyý Ellis now have the difficoît' be taking the service. Rev BM '.cbi o Nov. 16 6- 9 1 l 2 -8 51 getting bits. Elhis got a brea- task of overhauîing Sam's 2-nI Dugan is going to Englandb ecu sxela ~. A Nov. 23 8-12 I-5 1-4 3 -i 9 ther in the tiftb as Sam's were series lead. Due to the amounti sLec eaieadNoe 0crcu ol hi iE V o. 0 65 1-9 87 12 21 aeltiend_ estoe-'sportsca clbhd eiý held scorehess. The winners of fellows on shifts. Ii ck1bc o the atofSp tet nna1nda omerl OSHAWA:- Barney Hart-!es and discuss the sport. Dec. 7 12- 1 -7 5 01 -2 8 concluded their scoring in the no games bave been scheduIed.; ber. Tropby Races on Septemberi a ne teTeOhw u lu e.1 o fIe Braspopcdb bo~. bcailimorantthrd aml cldonSeoemerh ta 3 lskeet shooters, wilh conduct a!vites ail interested shootr Dec. 21 3- 6 9-2 1-2 4 71-8 1 Ehilis made back ta back er- next Tuesday, September 8th ,o'clock at Bctbesda Cemetcrv. meaing iorsoot a a s eeting skeet shooting clinic at thelin bbe area to join ils mem- Full Line of roris. Bihl Bates chased twolat Memorial Park at 6:30, r.RosAhtnvsted b5r acng ororts cr s ed! Oshawa Skect Club on Tues-'bers for tbe day's program. secutive years f:-r 96t n ttems uaadn mnates home, blasting a bomer,i sharp. mother a! the Oshaw'a Hos- a oocce. CnimddaySept. 9. Artrdsudo edr16 nlsv pital on Sunda~'.motorcycee cati-i e s include y eie qarnlae 92icuie adbsbe efra eswsa h SAVAGE - E N N I 5 K I L L E N a n- nae lcb, hvn Ivor Lloyd of Toronto on a1 During tbc afternoon Mi-. tram Ottawa and now a pro- captain of everyAi-ada ordskeb capoul Maan x NortonGunnPoahenofHartman wiIl give sbooting fesional shooter witb C-I-L skcct team, For bpstixa S.,JnirQuec bAAG ad 2 xveeks bolidays. has re-. Trinidadi on a Honda and Eddemonstrations to show nov- la Montreal, Hartman bursti years he bas beena ebr192Twc nhesedy E N S I L E NtLirned Ioa Napanee. 1Sbackieford o ignaon a ices as well as bot shots bbe into prominence in 1959 wben of the AII-Aric ke ewn 0 tagtI i 5 UIhriA.MThompson, accom- ofrprsacgnhodnh o h aina ke emadwst f lU L J O n Thursday evcnîng , A ug . M r. and M rs . Jack 1hlender- i Mnrsrtn.T e mo o cyA.a i g n f r ng p sii n a ho ttgA so i tdp s 27th, Keith and Ruth McGîll shot, Mi-. and Mrs. Tom Denaaaied Mi-. aad Mrs. E.* R Maporton thmorcceprprsaegn oli, e nheNati e ona l dket eain as twicis a-forgugs 10 2 n wer vry lesanlysurried iI an fmil. i-.Ha-vThompson of Bowrnanv1ill prto o te etig il eaimingtand ofturig psitions]at-Shootig ssiions orgiHl tan.ast a r bs f-t1,teol esn i wene imeiat ie MillFrgsnd Osawa, xveMre i-a d v istcersoMr nducan ced by the inclusion o'ec1sad1fth1ket lav- ba hpioai in Vigni -a. 1 ecas apofionalb a ol od ot ae o at en the irme 0 be mlp leror s h al, eru sifand Mi-sB. M.lTeoso, Les- a sidecar event. oI nteceig b il edteCnda ibl1nae ati fte Al bsb a rwe al' W. carry .ga..tberedM. .msoLe-ý cee selection of film slid- around skeet ille seven con- American proessoa em hmino hmin.__ ýcelebrate their ltb wedding famiîy. kaid h a ieo h etn ____ BOYS' ~anniversary. Tbev were pre- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwjn and dMai- A. Thornpon attend- wil c vei-y close i-aiing ai-sicna______________________ BOYS for her the sports car drivers battle lamp and other lovely gifts., funeral of bis mother, Mrs. grand d a ii g h 1 e r Cvntbia: for enltries ta the Canadian Mi-. and Mrs. E. Pettifer and Ernest Irwinata Bobcaygconl. Thoon, Bowm-anville. o Grand Prix meeting later in S HOES ýRoss, Downsview, spent theSympathy is extended ith(ýrnsatemnh TefrttrrYU % l i fron 4 t 7 i B, , D Weekend with Mi-. and Mrs. A. Irwin's on the passing of bis M-adMs . Bak iihr ncaswI ei O E fon4t7inBCD L. Wearn. mother. hum. Dougurlas Dale and Neil: vited ta the season dloser. and E widths and Mi-. and Mrs. Geo. Iîwin; Donald Ti-ewin is spending and Mi-s. Cowling, atioadcd a'Early entries include AI Pease SENIR BYS 1 toil ei- Sunday visitai-s of Mr. a tew davs bolidavs ,withbis coi-n and weiaer roast at rivnl the Austin-Cooper wbicb SENIR BOS, Vý2 t 11and Mrs. Norman Scott, New- cousins Lloyd and' Earie Tre- and M.r . G . Shackleton. Sa- bas been bumbling the b ig in B, C, D and FE vîdths. jtanvihie. wia, Blackstock. lem. on Satur-lav venia'z. Fod acnof au Cok Mi-. and Mrs. Earl Trewin Mi-. and Mrs. Alex Clark. Mi-. aad Mi-s. Rov Grahaml and the Pontiac of Craig Fish-L Ask about . and Doreen werc Sunday Scott. Donald, Kevin and Ana, and famnilv' enjoyed a maltor;eci- The Satui-day event wiii]AM evening cahiers at Mi-. and Lendon, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. tria to Mai-moi-a on Suadav. be bighijgbted bv a mammioth Savage Mrs. Frank Smith's, Columbus.,Ross Lee, Kedron, Mi-. Fi-ank M-s A. Thompsonanad VMrs. POW-WOW, vicIai-v banquet 1 e 7~ g U U . Orthopedic Shoes Mi- and Mrs. Floyd Petbick Lee. Osl4awa, xvere Satui-dav H. Ci-os3man accomDanied lM.r. and traphy presentalion a' otq and Bilh, Scarborougb, were dinner guests at Mi-. and Mus. and - .1. A otand K,- the track.M M for children Sunday visitors at Mi-. and A. Weirv's. thv Ahbntt ta lipper Canada On tbc îweatv-sixth of the unV iIib Jtt~ Mrs.' S. R. Pethicks. Mi-. and Mrs. Louis J01h1- Village on Suadcav. moath the woiid's fiacat andmmLA_ 1 Bring your schooh Mr-. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- on Lindsay. wvere Suadav Sivl fi-arn Havdonata- ta.stest drivers came to Mas- childi-en la for ton. MIrs. Herbert Stainton cahIers at C. Avei-v's. teaded the Barkstock Fai- anport for the foui-lb annual properly fitted ispeat the xeekend witb rela- Mi-. and Mrs. R. Vutue and Saturday. Canadian Grand Prix foi- the footweai-! tives in Toronto. and St. Cath- Judy were Sundav guests of Full Line of. . MEN'S -WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S HUSH PUPPIES "The Comfortahle Fit" Lloyd Ellis -ioes 49 King Street West BOWMANVILLE I erines. Miss Roby Vutue, Toronto. Mi-. Lawr-ence Wearn retura- Mrs. F. Toms attcacled D)eu. ced homne from the Bowman-i.oration Services at Nestueton 'ville hospital, on Saturday. ýand was tea gucat of Mr. and iMi-. and Mrs. Clifford Peth-IMrs. Ralpb Sadler and Gloria. ick visited Mr. and Mrs. Max Mr-. and Mrs. Edward Mill- Johaston, Oshawa. 'son and Catherine, Mrs, J. D. Mr. aad Mrs. Grant Werry, Brown, Orano. Miss Mariai Susan ancd Scott had Sunday Brown, Oshawa, wei-c Sonda: tea with Mi-. and Mrs. Herbert lafternoan cailers at Mi-. ainl Leighton, Bowmanville. Mrs. R. J. Ormiston's. Mrs. Arthur Leadbeater, Mi-. and Mi-s. E. A. Werr ' v, Ross, Tom and George accom- Betty Jane and Bei-tveee i- panied by Brian Howcils, holi- cent dinner guests at Mr-. and dayed at Sturgeon Lake. Mrs. Allan Werry's. Mr-. and Mrs. Arthur Tam- Dr. and Mrs. Clark Wcri-v, blyn, Cambray, werc Sunday John and Elizabeth, Wilhow,' dinner guests of Mi-. and Mrs. dale, Miss Gerdien Snoeck, R. J. Ormiston's. IBowmanville, were Sunday Many fi-om Ibis district aI-'visitors at Mi-. and Mrs. E.A. tended Blackstack Fai-. i Werry's. Mi-. and Mrs. N. E. Wrigbtý Miss Elsie Oke, speat last wcre Sundax' tea gucsts at Mr.'week with friends la Toronto. and Mrs. E. Wrigbt. ýMi-. M. Heard is home frair Mi-. and Mrs. Clarence Stain- Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ton and famîilv bad Sunday tea [ville. -vitb Miss Elva Orchard and Mrs. Allan Lee and Mrs. H. Mr-. Dick Clark, Bawmanville. 'W. Gregg, Glenhornie. M.\ary. i for H11-- School Opening Specials Good Until Sept. l2th BEDFORD CORD Dress SlacksÇ Windbreakeàrs LAIMINATED FABRIC $5,e99 $3095 UP Lined COTTON SHIRTS $le49 Plaids, Plains Patterns. Sizes 9 to 16 years W. carry a full lin. of School Clothing and Footwear SHOP AND SAVE $ $ $$ AT GEORGESBOYS' WEAR BOWMANVILLE n i I. Men's Major League IN EVERY BOTTLE 0F The Men's Major League Men's Major League Teams wiih start the 1964-65 season 1964-65 Season on \Vednesday, September 9th~ No. h --Captain Fi-nie Per- d ,ithî a wai-m-Lip session. This fect, Jack Lander, Howar-d night is doaated ta bbe league Bromeil, Maurice Richards, by Liberty Bowl Ltd. and ahi Stan McMurtcr, Bruce Adams. procccds wiil be torned over No.* 2-Captain Harold Bent- I ta the league. AIl captains nett, Alf Samelîs, Harold Mich- ai-e reqoested to contact the elson, Don Oke, Jack Par-ker, members of their Ieam and sec Roly Coombes. Ihat we bave a 100%r turnout. No. 3--Captain Bill Shotter. On Wedaesdayý, Sept. h6th Ellan Brock, Ted Bagnell, Mat y hp 1bague wvili stant the tii-st Harrison, Brian Trimble, Gai-f SchEduîic ý.Prei-adeat Ed Leslie Clar-ke. wîilbe an band to wehcomne No. 4-Captain Bon McLean, ýt the bowlcrs and expiain the AI Osborne, Clarence Oke, )new i-oIes ta give tbem an Mike Murphy, Ken Luxton. ri idea af the tremendous pi-ize Frank Mobua. - liqt. This is the biggest jumo) No. 5-.Captain Ed Lesiie, the Major League bas made Jim Callan, Laurence Leaman, 1in prize awai-ds and soalal Bon \Velsh, Maurits Anacart, -bawlei-s shauhd get in lots of George Joncs. -pi-ati-e sa they will be able No. 6-Captain Jack Bond, la gi-ah a lot of the olt. Bah Glanvîlle, Bob Richards. There is no n cti-y ee Ibis Bud Barber, Ceci] Mutton, Stu. ycai- but eacb bowher will pav Craga. $2.00 per aigbt witb bbc spli No. 7-Captain Lai-iy Piper. gaing as follows: $1.20 for Hap Palmer, George Piper, bowling and 8n cents to tbe Fr-ank Bhtiat, Bruce Milne, leaguic Gîca Hodgsoa. sev -n ew cm- No. 8 Captain George Bebee. We have ýpcn mm-RusHaliman, BîilWestlakp, brr luis '.ear. i-amply BillNornoHeaninz. Bob Keat, Ormeir, Bah Copelaad, MattIoiýrF(tr. Harrison, Lou 'Wisemnaa, Al- Lau M-FeCatrs. us k bei-t Saman, Bita Weish and Vince Vanstone, Si Ti-ewin Mauîrit.3 Aaacait. 'Ae know'Ai-t Rawe, George Brooks: these members vîli he an Fe oe asacîta othe Icague. FrdN l. -at otBg Theeeuiethi- Yeai - ne]a]i.Di-. H. Rundlp. KarI sist.s af Past Presileat Flon Piper. Han-Y Akcy, John Oke, Bi-ock, Preaident Ed Leslie. George Glanville.' Vice-Pie . Bob Wlliams. Sec- No. Il - Captain Bob retai-v,. Allan Osborne, Trea- Williams, Bil Orme, Dave surur Fred Cale. Du-actai-s McKaight, Boa Mavoayard, Lau Fi-oic Perfect, Clarence Oke. Wis 'mn aiBce Foilowiag is a complete 1ist No. 12-Captain Bei-t Fag- oftIeams and the schedule as, ley, Bud Hcnning, Bob Cope- rcleased hy the Secrctary, Iland, Hank Janzcn, Ab Saman. Alan H. Osborne. Lowcîh MacDougal. AI] Trams Start nt 7 pamn. Sharp Date Sept. i~ S fr-f 2:, sept 30 Crf 7 n--tI C e- 0<-t 2 8 \<.Çn Nox i Nriv, 1 8 Nov ?5' 12 7- a 10 il .3- J' 47 12 .7 -i ,-0 'i i 11- 4 ~. 9 8.12 56 '. ~ t. 4 p-lu ~1 10. 1 7 4. a Fph 7, Frh i n Fr1-,24 4- 7 12.- 3 34 9-10 9. 8 12- 2 a. i 10 1' 49 ~ în 7 il 16 t. 7 11- .5 56 7-8 il 12 1.~' 1.12 4- s 8.10 9- 7 a. .3 2 10 q-tu î~ ,3 2.~; i 1-a 41 .59 12- 5 il- 2 in- 4 124 .1 , . 4 4 a 1 1 2 7- 9 215 6 %F(COND SCHEJUIF ,,-- 7 J 2 12 3-10 A 1 12ý 4 3. 7 q- 12- 2 l5- 1 10-12 4- 9 in. 2-10 1- 3 li- FI A r*pr 7 ., ;; i - 0() 4- 1 1- q Avr. 14 q- i 7.11 .3-10 6-12 Ap. 21 TEAIM CHAMPIONSHIP ROLL OFF 24 5 1-98 12- 4 i l 4 12- 2- P-4 1 Cali for Brading-the quality ale that's strong on flavour Browns, Blacks, Greeun, Grey Sizes 9 to 16 ý-ears I Ail Colors, Sizes S8fi> 16 %ears COTTON JACKETS KING S'I. I $1099

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