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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1964, p. 10

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n0~ 1e Can.irli,;n atrr,~iBmvm.anx'îlIe. Sep. 2, 1114 Farm Animais on Display $aturday ai Biackstock Fair t' HAMPTON -rl zuc, '-t,' ,.ro , i:nt 'p ! i ai -F, balt i rr ',e'uckauto- lashînnît ctîmn Aller .t tiepr lii e 5cruil ix r liaIt a nier? iuig, andc il xx a5; de- nIcid te kcp lh'esme xei-cl lix c foc nexi ,, ar Auî îîîîîînull it'-i rte uu hithltginiu of tic rt xa. lite tue-s ofNI MI Na -b ti t Oroî xi li braîghît ph-le esr a fier xx iiihi gooddt t c x.erc said sud ailci iteh(- - l. ift foc hoîte.fet nt tliai i hîcx liaIa laognoori luit Aî r\c x (X i --k xi 'l ' Tornionto toc a fc"t xi î-ks *te hteîp nuliiin'he ttitie iof lci daightir, NMis. KEc te Mis t Weiclrnd -iu'.gu 1 rIalrghc( r o'Mi.. arto 'Nîca. Cal- iwk i-. xan uttoxcd rouît Ne- rmorial II loapiat cxxiîuiitc tQeu-t-x Ilsiicttat. Fînhi- ,oke, andî wx!Itlbde here fer some tuutt. Mi, antd MXl i Ra pli Bt-,ard sunt iatzht(i'avîsileci ouin iu dIam '. xth NI i a'rIn-Ir Fran:k BauriI (n "i Xli t'd l Jîý '.r ,. and Dou,-1a4 'Pent saîtudaý ini unrion a H "\ cl-î*fîx e ontili nid l az- et the hccom f, rc-1 T, rr cTniym" -Lx-cett nf i Ot re Cliff Terrilli b -.t,~5 -7t-ci- nirr'cu 'nrtiber present, IMc1 . ed, comirîg irom i Sîril v'ti, l, h . Pearce nif Markhain. M.ontreal, 01- P 1 l,'): - ' t 1 11, 't eiti's: Mr. Potip Rains- Collingwood i, P 's. B:"her'i ,, Montrcal, had the lar-g. 9 Perry and 'Frier r ur:-l ittil ' v prent. Pr!zr e= e PORT PERRY FAIR LABOUR DAY SEPTEMBER 7. 1964 CATTLE - HORSES - LADIES' WORI( RACING - MIDWAY lied Lamb, Srç"'. 995-2658 'T'niii Ii 'xIl Mr2h. a id NlMua. i.î-Aý lieIDonaIt' OliStiiud;t Ni'M ît xi t i CacCýirigautitr Diga siii IXli h- au- i iNI tri1 NI'r Kiit Bîtiît. at I cRtle'"t (uol - 'ti lianix' Point.- N J - ai-k ,at-uhian sd It til iBleiil is~ Xli. tici li' 'ledChtantiai" lcî i 0Kui'rîprt \bc ani c r. b avrili('ii NIu îr aîîl) e ini ('e i Cilm suld Breit, Nî .Rîi tcuv clii- salMua faitu-t'l1a;il- a Iuîrl lt l-lic - Ia' Car "a- cou. !!lt 'iitti .î orî i n i' e 'i xvrced une ofN'r. aid lr c 'c xxas s Sîula git ' x iMIr. ai-ici l.. Pciux Dexcli.MNr:ý Pii i% ix I t'îi-' a psuux- tir Ni,,- nl i h W'd' ors' 901hd MXI. aud Xli Bit! Rmxinut Bch'ituux*,'ttcule Sîiý'. siov xx )( li ePernx Dcxiii - Mre and 'li. es ',e Joncs, Ptcicbor-oitghl, xx e ut' St 'dax' exctui tîsior ai a !' Percx' D-'vtsatîidI -. lb Tii.k xx a,- a h-1 r-ttl' M C' ' cuntpaned k2y tL.à Chri.Une Iloskin, Millbronk, attendedi Toronto Exhibition.1 -Master Raymon d Tallag is' ,,pendi^ng anme hnfidays withý his grand parentr, NMr, and Mrs. Rnv Wilson, Claremont. %Ir. Graham Dallas aitended a 3-day municipal convention in London. Mrs. Dallas and the children visited lier cousin ai Breslau whle Mr. Dallas was in London. 1Adventure Camp Many New Friend 1iy <andy tr' (Doe Lake, JtiI>-'27 ti Aug. 8) \:.Roger Faroxv is spend- Urnlike Bexverley Rickard and Ing sorne holidays xxith bis Eieannr McCracken, wvhos'c icousstai akvîllc. tripif) camp you read about Mrs. Blake DelHart. Brook- earlier, I did flot have th,- lin, is spending a feu, days opporiunity to meet a nx With h r dacighîer Mrs. Ravy-1American Girl Scoutîs, bilt 1 mnndFar. On Sxîndj y, did have the pleasure of meec- A~r and NIra Raymond Far- ing some 54 girls \vho rpc row,. Marilyrin sd Gloria. mnd sented inw-ns an d citles all Mis. Blake De Hlart, visited ox ce Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Laxerne Farro\%,, The theme of oui - anîp xx a: Welcome. "Canadian Explorera ,". At this Mr.andNIr. tJrnýv \,ýi- camp. everyone %vas given anl cd o Suday vit Mr.Ardoppsitunity to bctter someotie Md nsS tîLa> xii Mc.ame tPr-d else îhrough advenîîîring. Mera.Rudy Jri ra O TI( aadventice camp xvas Perre. diîvded into three ('aflpsles. MIr. aliid Mis. \Vi l Baint, Si. Eaî'h site consisted of 18 girls * vtc5Mr. Chartie Doxnev. anîd a,('.0 The reasoît for, BOxx au îxil le uand N'ra Noua the amatI nuimber of girls uvas l'ut drsitie - Hiîaghn Calgary,. an that 'xce cou Id do more xx <ce tea giwsts xvlî Mi'. and i hings individhialix. The fical 'NI r> IIl i I ~t1randit<llSs xx-cck 'tas terriblix husy -foîr M ai ry Peter us adventurers. Mondav anîd NI lr - i li 1: d a tîiTiiesda 't weie spent geltun g 'P'nt t i t v 'lt? x1-1itiMrcOuir campaite iin order and a l N. 1 . -M 'i'iuIl -'a ! ':.'f;cui . dncs- Vi I i~idax' was to he ant 'Gbstackt à1l. auit I)owiglua Ig- Day'. Il %vas carried oui bv titiiîîî ion v.naîtored 10 Mi" Hale, a visil ing Austral- Siidhîtîv li "el M.\tr iai Itig- jI, Guider, and a Br'iish gulis w lith;., prîiiti,sîiîî- (Guide'r. xvho apeni a feu, days n-rr-i t:-'a ii r~FOre. t alDoc. RaLau i . t ii l.oîg t. i o',- 'l'O g i ve Soit ait idca doxx C ,iiil lit. i i t i. ('i1it>i'éci a rîtgged 1h s i'(amp) Wuas, I'd t k e molot*i npacro.: the Nlackiîiac 1in el'\oti hx giviiîg exanipi,.s Bridge, front suanIs ce. Mark' of anmi nf ou r ive-Y.wc xe into Pe-nsyviia and Ncx' ieqiitcc 0 1îi'xxiniîdeî a yoi k St aie I'hevahn snttd- pour eof ci-a v , wh irixsas cd the C.N.E. peggcd donlandd ten lhud 0G i-i"Vîtiicay Er'i i.Mcai opra ru uni g ai-ross il.Unor IMca. Chas. G ikes, Ncxxîastie, tii, a patrot of six 'cicr catied îoî Mi-S. iuthec Allun cacryig I fit uclp of 'a ýand fsnîit'. VhnegtI h tr On evvbng cur . hc btxven the six -islaun GI 10 Piieler. tido, isiw tec h ad lun havte alI eiat fi, 'it the Aliibor. of tyr Wef. MissJilI Poîtter, Gsha'xa. 's Anoiher exentt xvi iii Iii- speîtdiiîg a fexv ,da>-s xx'th lier oxeyd, %wasttheibut iinîg of ca grancipa renta, Mr. and M'.ri.Gioi'oaîraaxc Sid Kersev.16 lent potes and 6 titi btii.- MessJudy L IPi a àsp'îudiig citWe lsv u a leu:' naysaxi 1h lier aîîîitM o'tî' anid ot raeft piex- Leit PlayerBow'mantii lii. pet-ted t10 auil GOurs did, i du i k Mir, andi Mrs. Keîî Pooter goîîciîss '['hose w ere liai a and boys, Oshawxa, uweMon- fe'x nf ()u-r"otel â.ks. daytles gucal a xx lb Mr. atînd h us as Gît rapite flu', Mn. cKeisey. eci;Ito 'a orrPt Mri..and Mca. ROI' LU l antd ec aIco1thé, a brers a t iboy.- spent Sanday w0iiiMr.'a eîtîtî , i plcls<i.i andMrs Dot Jnahal he stde w cre cepî'cscîînhntg Rie- and ca.flouJonl a th ia, Snutti Afri-saind Csiadv coilage al Scuigog. Wc ý1ecompeicl agaiiis 2 ottici Missan ou0e SriI .Oh is spe'dig a tfec dax s xxitucampsites aiiîlew o. Vie tho' lier fniend MissNancy anîd feu Ihat t liai ontrae nt ouir: Susan Macklinmor tei sft Mr. and iVrs, MccxxiiiMounît- joy alteîîdcd Bîaekatock, Fair KEDRON r îg th",w ere enteritaneci by (hîteiîded for at 'tveck Mrs. Colmier, Bowmaniiie,1 Nlto enlect-ained. aUtt hose who iMcI. sud NIrs. Rosa Le( lisr iveiu on th(,W'estern buts trip. pali week enîerained 20 toi a- Mr. and Mca. E. Vviihuîc andJ lits ai diner 10 celebrateili Mr. and I Irs. Il. Smith alan 25th anit îveisacx' of Mi. uri Inttndeci from Hampton. M rs. Hb dIIaiock of Tocoîî li. Mi-, and Mca. M. Molîît v(,ini Jrc penyi rn Weillît10 IVîsseirans Lake on Gaha ua and Toronto. A Sunday. pccscîîttoi w- niade, . idc Mc, d Ms.Ie'îisinot he table xvas ret-citied vi th a Lindsay, ulied oinMIa.%d: specis i Sui vrsa cmes t in dcry sud miss, Mary Nîddcrx' the hape of aitlîopen hoîiiu .i. .u..da. aftioo.Mr,. aid Mr*A lviin Spenceur lias speIý ?ca.ClareceeRahm also cafl- <o' tinte indergoint2 îîaî- cd ai the Niddcry: h urne. iienit iint he' Itii'tii aOct ho-i A tam ber Of I la mpîiiitpedit H ospitli, andcImha- ier people altended the paritv ai t nivecl Io Uellcae'ley Hsptai. the townrship hall oit Sa tai-'dax-' Rex - Ilitgh Crrîsier xxas iii' eveninging10holîi' NIr c. id a 'pciai speaker at the SîIilax- NIrp Atfrcd Randallion I heir nior ng semx eaI Kelcitti 251i wddng n iixcisar - linticd Chuîrch.'FlH coilgi-egl- Mc. srîedinMca Gerge ich- galion w'as 't-rs' miih inýri-ui s- arIa.Bowrnanx'ile:Mr.soand Pdxvilh the cluix' and ii-g- Mi-S. Brui-e Yen and Mari «e. c of the ie-sage tie pi- Gron. werce recen t'tsi tors scntcd. Mc. Ccoi'ier xxiiiapra k with NMc. aîîd Mca. Clarence sgaiii aI Kedi nIounci .\ig. ;M Yeo. xx lieu dia topie xviii de "A Newx Mr. aîtd Mca. Gen. Yen, Miss Siraieg>- foi, the United Chtirch Lyn n e, Mc. aind MIS. Mili- of Canada'. ray N'en and famil> , Mi.. and Mc. anîd Mca HHarold WVec i Mis. Gleit Smith saul tanmil-, oiSaItirdav alitendel the xx'ccl- i attended i te Bsirstoxxv Famite ding of Ainstee tFraser ailÎ Pieictehel aI Sbhdald Park Roherl Haititaital il rICredli near tîttot.asd td e cecpltiit suGeorge- Mc. aîîd Mrs. Boîb Mc:Qîieeutioi and Tarnms T- 'oio, ay pEnt Miss5Olive i tke or Torei tic xvcekeîîr xxith Mr. and Mca ta apeîîdîng a feu- da>'s vxixtîitip Witfed Smie. lier sisti r. Mc. Wiilli ot.inlx ic.and Nîrs. Kart 1Lo5zch (ieîscM. u Mc.Bt Tocoîtto, x's i nc.and Mrs ao u amirIhsimoîitt Jas. Sotue. Itax abtNIrs Exa futiton Mupho, li Sce(sI~rl Ocîttia, Mr. andul Mýi- [it' kil mu, visuel t\ rc. and Mr.,,'Fhnînpsrio f Ralai e, Aiderta, Bert Siveos. Mrn. Lottetia Fitzpers Id 1- Coitgrattlal rnis are exîpnir- "cîi îdSee taiui cd in Mcr. Claccitre 'i'nk Oit cf Grîttîs. winiiig stare n ymbr c M. aitlnd ls ccgiB-î jîrinn it fatlaenu vegeabofsAnîne and Rath lus xx cck aIeso frutata and webbl. w-ccppart of s a njiixparix' ii Ai1lr. andiMc..Ilrd RitiielinAieln ieoet-oto d speiti he xx-eekcnd xxilh M'g ti t vdrhîgaliinix ersa v antd t\lr'. A lied îrt le Irai1 of Mr. alici Mcx .Eitgeiie 5W c-i Foole akp, near Noxvar, îe'cCaihantetîax tx'Of P0 ci I-lit îîîx i île. ocouigitlias spent thlice xx-ek.. Mlti. tîilri c. 1ti itt as giiest of Mc. and Mc-,. Ross Mr, and M. Gen. IAt nc e Hunting Courses Will Commence In September "11v <)rila! ti)cp' il 1;ilad aýidr FocesIz -t Hian g Ses am tratlR, on Heard, 'til d <idi"ugitutesagain ini Sep- lcuîdc i foc lite mi xi th car. Ttic2.e c'oh n-es tcaul- hî e lia- e etpenitaof Hi-Itn- Saf- etx- tiv' te uIo deuili f.vgante, att !%ype-t tf aronittiiiion. prop'r- ttauidliig f if fl anots 1iiplt fieîIdlimite r clotiîîg. oui' as-s and o-ap ced.ig su -am oi1,xx- the iorc t-oi sista Of S:x umît 'sof ntrisî iî-îion, a xx'clleiî examiutuitoiî andts-n hoi'offiueld tc:;at'm uIe a: Daianigion Poin-sIPark, Ment Orxxonii ovec te age i'f 15, please contlact R. Ileard ai 41 Sanudra Si.. G,,bawxa. or phonue 725-4325. The courte -e compuisnt before a perm!t can de issued. New~ Cariadiant- z-c-peu' ,]tv. rlromed lir xxîi] h-'o 'licir saîr ý i ta ? tu learin Canadian Gaine Laws, Threch i ix e xi . tirC\ ii-rt aý tht a M-r ac tulf pi-cr ce 'Nairr ai h lIi ' gu ir IIi ;; pi'ciod nf ronintilit' Ni-ut S,rha.l su ti iîthuîîIirîî lle laineel utx-ihiiS giOilI afCri ici-s ciii ýi * it ut-at axe i l 'ttc- D Lot % . c tIA î i tîrc C. sconi pai iied h NlI Rts bec Mc'r. Stalttex' Ogie ga te txo i cadli irs. oîî shou'1 ic ni iii<-uer -t'out tig10c- "Isd t ie i iheu iuce pr.i a ph -ili- osi>o n gcetlI - enoni Povbtsil aitStIft' nuicri xx-îitdpiano satdi '-ioIin: Nir.. Fred Nîbu .ilî ue sen ted aitn uucatt î ttîtu shîowx' icinglite .toî'i"(f il! Ilite ct as lItai îîtei'd ti- xc t- c ra c oPt moii ai 'lie filia ii-(- - hie put P-s lîpe 'li h script 'tecce pnndti-cld hM! :. N-Lj. aliglluiiu. x lii i m î~ui-' '1. 'lie lit c , fsuuîtt> xx,'- t 5it' lii the pafîcîî -id au.irîl- cicesa o f apprciartînxxîsc-att b> Nîrýs.Gordoun Ciieu piif-c oriuitie vi ic.c -t m'ril ii I) ' r i ihe di'i - h'appiness ar i te î,w ciuu~e * bs truip in AIt gtiiicli îîPark \Vc teft ac'rid9:30u) .11t. anl a ax - 5 cta 'tlt aoli, sexý- in l he cx-crn'sc. W'lieii've ior- riveci tak.xxe xx cccscp cd 'îî fîîîl mitru adert-slî.td prepaceldîdine: foir ail or, i. Sat tirdav x'as ce i cia>-on i lit va te:' f:'oii'foi. dot htx ui :ing snd -aiîteng. M.- Ilc t ciîtic:e G le t-ýir cita ciiotifou r'îiie We 'e tti atl!!'tu' ilah, r' utc xxu-MAS iii j o fat.,ail caitip Mxv ii soiltu hi',at cl1os e. On Ttelu',v'ttcn itoiiia c',titie c ('-xvrcart rît lildcd siix-a Cmipas-' Cn. ['t;îi pa" Dutî xxAS gîxea 2 ittpa. 2 coi passes anîd lterite)a riItgs, Eaîli pa roil xxa.tse oui ah 15 mtiniiute Uhcxts îiniest cri Io zay.,ltai a ur pst col tva- f.rS cal solltiipil cc the hi k'o in a tout hvp h ours. 'lhtursdiat-xxas an iti c i C'anne !rî;î. anîc i: tii exexti otîkee focxxArd tri, Wc 'er c arîtîtîld.5p'ut. satd ce ttîclIon raitli aroiîiîd Il iii M'iarxa s xix - !;d cla - a; il xxS ouir la- !fiîii dat. '(u bii:g clit! tac lîrîîî pn!: aol pis. 'FI I iîî i clt-xv1 a rc 11 igii, aud 2 , pnt' ic i hatit aie totn'ir h 'tIfkîrcp igutiîg 'l'iî iii er lxxo tct- xx i-c - t xxil tdIti o xvI'u a li ri-( I IîIlDe niar wat-Il g. r! at-ut Il i-do, e p snuig 'tsi c ite xvîtiîr 'utli aîtîîg 1 a:hard savin g ood-byri, ià, nanv lefI bh' bus ai differr M ea n t 1'i flt is Aroiitnd noon. there were onlv five left, tht'n 5 fnti r, as my ride hiad conr. As pwi~1 look back to my' advenîtur 'wq 3la" Doe Lake, I can'<t help btit lsh ip s ,iik of the woncrfui lime 1 had, and of thie onderti i siiitiCrit rurIîI)DI e-mie îon emc1Ihope Ille other Qg"q Srifl1 wiheii we rfi-sarr ia hd. I hope man 'va Gli k f roni Newcas~tte. allie " î'itiiijý, %P 10 o nne, aiîd experîcncc this vondcrfîîilad- iitw \VC k1îewet.î'nim'.I Itllc. d happy t imp. TAILGATERS TRESPASS on the. prolctve spaoS behind other cars by following toc, closely. They caî'sed over 7,000 accidents in Ontario last year becaus. they didn't leave a safe stopping distance betweel cors, Safe stopping distance is at least on@ car length between your car and the. one aheud for every 10 miles of speed. At 60 miles un hour you should be six car lengths behind the car in front of you. If a triilgater is following you too closely, hore's aofip from the Ontario Safety League. Slow clown a bit ta leave more spoce between your car ond the one ahead. With extra stopping room in front, you're not sa likely ta have to Came to a quick stop a. nd flot so likely tao be reasr-.nd.d by the tailgater. - Co-operators Insurance Association CI.Aan Co-operators Lif e Insurance Association Durham County Ca-o perative MEDICAL SERVICES Offers A Complete Medical (are Plan Doctor's Services - by the Doctor of Your Owrn Choice SLU(I(ALBENEIT1S 1IN(CI, 'D E... EX'IENI)EI I)ICAL BENEFIT1S IN('LUDE. .. * A ns' doctors' scj-%ices iîcedcd in * Homie and office cails. hl uap i tai1. Ou>ît1>'stienît diagnostic .,~as *(.s tos('Oi))i(' Ilil ci Biroth(Ii(hoSpic eX a n i n at iosn s. *Injecetions. *Ilea h h Examnua ions. Eye Exitni inations. *Plus Surgical Benefits. Be a Part Owner of Your Own Insurance Carrier \loi>îst i LI hani (otlv aauî lt xedical seirvics arereîvn "0, efunîd tîm Irerniuni paid in hie \eu-1962-1963. THE RATES ARE VERY LOW "ie S~'urgicai ,und Nla.ji lot~e(lmica akage is $60.00 )for a 1'ainily anid $30.00 for a Siuîgle lenmber. l'li ixt,îd(ed Medical Illan and Major Medical i- $11-3.00< for a Fainlily and S.37.50 for a Single MNendier tip to age 65. O1-c. fi-) Nars of agi': S135.00i for a Fainily anid $67.50I for a Single MNeimnher. INCLUDIE... * Ambuhîlance('a'c. * secial Irugs. * itpt)iiah1'eis aIi(l 'I1ltaps'. S END )THIS COUPON TO: D)IRHAM ICOUNTY CO-OPERATIVEt MEDICAL SERVICES Orono, Ontario N a mef, A dd remi You %vili he under no obligation Ti .s usliii o Cii t' - s. d ratizal unît aervintg the United Counties i ifDiham antd Nortihumber-land. (. l'IA il S IlAC KiII(IN - IHampton 2613-27,11 MEIS. t>NI.I<)S lORRJI.L..,Blac'k'toî-k 796i-4995 II ,0111 R>T ' <- l T! Fl ruînfe ;f 1rI I>~N'ii IVIJSN I-llirktork 98f; 439.%i Il would YOD like a modern kitchen? an up-to-date laundry? extra living space? f ind the best way to plan it in the free planning guides available now at your HOME MODERNIZATION CENTRE QNTIIO HYIIRO Phone 623-2561-2 1HTepeance St. Bowmanville Fran.k Honey, Pi'cs. 985-7176

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