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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1964, p. 11

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Who says history doesn't repeat itself? Posing calrnly on the grounds of the White House are British ]Redcoats in full regalia. Exactly 150 years ago, they wouldn't have had time. The British were too busy hurning the American capital, including the Capitol and the White House, in retaliation for the American sacking of York (now Toronto). That was ail part of the hostilities of the War of 1812. Fortunately, bor- der relations have improved since then. The redcoats, members of the Fort HenryGuard of Kingston, On- Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor Playground Report By Beverley Rlckard - Feiduy being the last das', Newcastle:- Due to poor weatîî- we beld a parade of wbîcb al e, activities for the last week hie childeen weee dressed up, of puygouniwer spet ,in a costume cf their own ofacvegames wicbwoud eno choice, uni paraded up town actve ares hih wul kepiand back. Upon retuening te everyonc warm. the park, Mes. Fred Shuiiock - vonday 'vas spent on the judged tbe costumes and pick- finishing up cf Friday's "SPe-ýed, as follows, Best costume, cial Events". Prizes for racing Maîysia Majer and Sammy were given ho Valerie Forget, Glanville, Most Comical, Rand ]licky Glanî'ille, Cindy Grroi, Kernaband, Most Original, ani Greg. Forget. A paper Royanne Pacey. plate race wus won by Nancy, Other events were wîon hi' Debruin uni Sammy Glanville, lDenise Jones, Brian Forget, TJoni Kernuhianni, Laura Jessup, Vuierie Forget. Cindy Garrod, Amie Brereton and Brian For- Berniece Pacey, Melanie Jes- get won a backward race. isup, Judy Portsmith uni Amie Tueciav, sînce it was windy, Beeretoîî. wve playeni some fast movingi The playgeoundc supervisors ganues, uni latler settîci down would like tethbank Mes. Bren- ho makîng faces eut of cottonieton. Mes. Major undi Vrs;. batten uni kîcenex flowers. ýSbaddock for the belp ,ith Wcdnesday, the Lions heli a the playgrouni on Feidax . 1Il basebali gai-e, wbich the blue was geeatly appreeeiatei. bir r'al-cli until îetuening: We would aise like te thank 1(),-) 4 piýnîic labiles te mukeMes. Fred Glanville, Mes. iuecklaces. ýBeenton Rickari uni Mes. Sam TbursiaY-, because ot ramn, Brereton for peizes they dlouat- the clîildreeî weee taken in the:ed, speciai goodies weree do- hut wberectluey sang songs uni nated by Mes. William Stoeks, marie signs uni pioneer bats, uani Garenis' Variety Store. HoId Vacation Bible School at South Haven Newcastle---People travell- cess of wbicli excecird even Ing ioxi'i Mill Street, Neîv- the hopes cf the staff. custie, during the week cfý The school hai as suiperin- August l7tb to 21st, may haveltendent, Me. Desmoni Mc-' 'been surprisci ta sec childeen!Curry, the stuient in charge ion the lawn of bbc South Ha-,of this pioneer work; Mes. %,en Nursing Home. The accu-Dbohnktahro h sion ivas the first Daulv Vuca-Dbrsisytacrcflu lio Bile chol f te Nw-Pre-Sebool department; Missi ation Baibe Shol o! the sNe-,Carol McDonald, heachen cf1 casle aptst bucb, he uc-t le pemmac-v depurtment, uni, - -I Mss arene Bowien, teuclier1 HelpV/anted of bbc hejunior deparbment. Miss1 --- June Bowen acted as organist' 3JELIVERY boy for Newcastle and also toli the missionari'ý area. Weekly. Apply The story. Rev. E. O. Boomer - beought the cîosing stor.v euclî' Caruudiuîî Stutesman office, morning uni other lielpers, Bowimunvile, 623-3303. 36-tf wcee, Mers. F. LeGeesle<, Mr.i jîn *ON NAl jtAt Your Local Dri ACf *%l Fl 111 ; tarin. were in Washington recently to celebrate th( tenth anniversary of their friendship with the Unitec States Marine Corps. The Guard, in 1867 uniforms displayed their famous 19th century military dril and battie tacties along with the Marine Drum anc Bugle Corps and Silent Drill Platoon at the MarinE Barracks in Washington and the Iwo Jima Memorial ir Arlington National Cemetery. This time, the guns werE f ired in salute to a unique military friendship, noi in anger. Phone 987-4213 and Mes,. Chester Jensen andl!~ their son and daug-hter, Don and Cathy. *Aill of thesegv faithful S ervice. whicb udded 10 the sucm-cess of the school. m Tlîe average attendunce for' th1ie fi' nine, v ance 0 this wý of suci uni te îvlieii as ail time. refeesh fol loxvi a wa rU. brough Pu"t . Fiv- ficta tes: Rii-kî Elmu I1 du Co, Anti. S Karenu aunci R- fei- gv Dar gleî, A loi-k. 'Flic, "Gooci Thursel cliilcirei triet ai lieue ci of client-h for aIl Morîîir Mondai Low PlR TIONAL BRAND ,ggists - Thurs. :iIpr 1i OlC ci n ri 1 1 ~ cf PBABY POWDER Jlno' ug i ORNAL CAPSULES 8' ,DELSEY Bathroom Tissue2 pI1 111> KOTEX Feminine Napkins- 48's 1.86 va 1"" COMGAE Dental Cream - I.TAMPAX Regular or Super 1' ug i lLISTERINE - 7-oz. sugg. ls 1 DETTOL Antiseptic PARAMETTE SYRUP 5.50 val WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH Wl BOWMANVILLE NEWCAS ~~COWLINC'S DRUG STORE JGHNSON'S DE SALEX McGREGOR, DRUGS OROM TI~ RLOVELL STIJTT'S PH, ~~ _ _ L . - . . - ie mornings m'as thirti'- Aug. '18. 1964 .vitli a nuxiniuni attend- - -.- Edîtor caîaiman Statesman. h L iL na . f t J .The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle. Sept. 2, 19864 'rU ilSnKeglailns egarung Fascinating Exhibit by Gas (o. Watefow forAre Huners 'At (anadian National Exhibition, Graciauis outdoor living, a*'- Bag and possession limits dla\-as part of their daily bag! The regulations which pro- tion, - Dale xvas an usher for -.. ali-gas *"Kitcheni tl for wvaterfow1 remain essential- limit and eight may be possess- hibited non-residents of the .the occasion - at a pretty safe Penthouse" and the ltest lv unchanged in Ontario, ac- ed. On and after Oct. 23, two 'James Bay area from shooting distance we trust. fabrics and fashions modell cording to the 1964 Migrator 'v Pddltional scaup or goldeneye Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal. by high school and universitr Bird Regulations, details of max- be taken daily, and four within five miles of the shore cln Candy and Terry hav- students are combined in Tli which were released last week may be possessed. of James Bay ini two specific ing borrowed brother Murray's Consumers' Gas Conmpanyw. by the Canadian Wildlîfe Serv- The txovo ear closed season areas has been revoked. The truck and cabin ensemble, fascinating exhibit at t hW ice, Department of Northern on canvasback and redhead areas învolved are between spenjt a couple of days this year's C.N.E, Affairs and National Resourc- ducks lbas improvied the popu- the north end of the Ontario- week with friends at Sand Many Ofthie press.,adé es. lation levels to siome extent, Quebec provincial boundary Lake near Huntsville, having and television representativ@[ The bagan possession lim- and a limited hiarves ill bel and the east bank of the east- concluded harvest by a scantiwho attended a prex-icx in tlj- its are five and ten for duks allowed Iibis year. Two of ern mouth of the Harricanawi'two lîours. Better Living Centre, ThurS'- fîve and ten for geese, five these birds mas' noxv be in- River, and between the north Art Rowani's gals have been!day, agreed that the Bru& and ten for rails, coots and cluded in the dailv bag limit bank of the northern mouth gadding around again thisMisLmtefbrcasoi gallinules, and eight and six- and a total of two in the! of the Albany River and Cape ýweek. Linda is away this weekiby Vogue and Butterîc k an teen for Wilson's snipe and posss,,on limîit. This~ applieslIHenrietta and Maria. at a C.G.I.T. camp at Port'the modemn natural gasa woodcock. Ontario hunters In the thir'e Prairie Provinces,1 The details of the openling Dover on Lake Erie. Elizabethliacs nvîx' vi ea may take four wood duck per Ontario and Quebec. and closing dates as follows: spent a feu, days this weekeibpitiesonsh w-stopper. . Duk, al. 'ot xith1 friends at Wasagai Some of the fabrîrs rceprew, Bea c h. Girlfriends she dlaimý stismai irce' rallinules and (3eese W'oocockMr, Alex Taylor, our genialiyears in the nuiifdcue > WiIon' Supe 3>stîîdent minister, xvas back inlsynthetics, mnin- of thrm ma jjýde (2) the pîîlpit agaîn on Sunday,ifrorn natural 'gas, and Ili To te Nrthrn eptmhr 15to eptmbe 1. to Sepembr 1 to fifl of vim and vinegar, re- fashions, by lciding Piris de.. D.Is tricNthe. etebr15 eember 15 Decembr .1to frcslied after a four week holi< sgners, aretd ixvtHe Disric . --------Decmbe 1. Deemer 5 Dcemer 5- dayv. A prctty good racket, this gas equ ipm n vit h Iule 2. In the Central Septrember 26 to September 26 to September 261 to pchngr.buasnss!Mr.onde Theredaye: in îîolt hn District -------Deceniher 15 December 15 December 1.5 hen r. Pildere an o r Mr. -îhr r:mrî~rb n hars wlldecee ha al fam-goxvn, about tow!, c oui alid 3. anth m.hrn11:0 E'ST il if) arn. EST Ocoee r,; have at least a months'litimper, luncliceel* costlem&è To the Soutero:3l flOholiday each -ear? Don't holdileisure tlie s~L cocktýail District. Octohefr .2 InOctober 3 to Deýem-ber 15 x'ouîr bricath 'tilliti transpires!'dre,ýs andý s m 0î O CI. ecernbihe 15 December 15 'Phis weekcnd we had the1 particuilar miiin l.o i,,ï dl4 nEsxCut 1.0an.ET 1.0an.ETOjbr3t pleasure or visiting Lindsa13"s gown designcd i\, t i mdnt , 4.J se onyIt0)u IoET i I)ai S coe < Fairytaie Park co-owncd bt a England*s nexvest fu.-îîîon rage. October .3t October 3 tn December 15 former _Manversites - the Percy Commentarv ()Il lushins1 Decmbi 1 Dcemer31Preston's and another Lindsay.'gas lequipm-eni h Blett-v lThe following changes in cooking. or aftrrhie birci bas wounds a rnigratory gamebiessan() pi'eYiBright girls froni Consumerrs' ethe regulations apply across been takein te the hunter's bird must noxv make aIl reas- wîned park resembling some- Horne Secr--e Dprîe '1 Canada: residieece or to a commercial onable efforts to retrieve the \V ttBwavleCem ofý The fashibî oî -e:ý, tn ~l1. It is now mandatory that freezer locker. Migratorv birds1bird, and if a wounded bird 1s'Barley Park is an ideal place staged evcry hal uif ern it1hunting be discontinued' after mnay not he exported from anyi recovered the hunter must kill t o take the family- for a Suni-gas air conditioiiue( theaetre in- the daily bag limit lias been pro'vince ,mîi1ess one wing and;it immediately. day' afternoon - pony rides, a'the Better Liv ig Centre, x-~ reached. the xxmîîg plumage remrains 5. Special permits mnav no\v nirnis. ii-nulated nurseryfaue fi fales\mc. 2. A hunter may flot possess attactîed. be obtained by managers of 'rhyme abodes, free archer Y awou]d not ordiiiaril.v h(,sce9e jor ransort migator bir' aby the public umîtîil Octolher.- or~~ trnsot3.mgatrybrd 1*Iiiiters nmax- net tise civilian airpoets or the om aml f real live Indians ici The colorful noicidolr tvii unless one wing and the xing recorded bird calîs or sounids, manding officers of iliyternaiecsues Ir ra n h Rtilc u i plumage remains attacbed torntv otms ly re n h Ktlcii h the brd. Te wig andpîum or moaîially or electrically1 aieports to take migratory ,,rounid cquipment, refreshment Peîits'ofru ýpne~ age may be removed if the rop(,rated calling devîces. birds whiclî are endangering adsueirhph o PClCIit ogtir ideumsfor niiir1j bird is prepared for immei 4. A huir xvlîo crîpples or. the safe operation of aircraft. talsadohratatos-gas equiprlncet îm e filling a i-cal need for that dis-i average hiote(. iite trict. Infra-red lcienmieet - - delig"htful wiv iii tIifoi. coâr - A MacDuff Ottawa Report 1,Me,,,eenngs;oln thiepritîocwý 13 M e oers Gas barbecues, permiatent i, . i istallations or prals a M idsummer ivaaness - Present at pool har s lanisiHa T~AU~ f;i fI avers etntinofbeRd B tt'n C ubacunand don batha is- heaters, coron un u 4.1 TTAA - Poitial ai- Mr. )jfeiiak-i-,of oure Buton Clu an ga lihtdris, ut ue ar....f...........r rtetin f heRe Kenny Wilson topped the Babi'--He xii or fort *'-scveîî. F~or maux- hectic summer in the Capital as thlir (test ex eerience Dear Sir: and one cao be excused for hl a sciîool. and pupils, Regardiiîg an itemiii i the!flot being able to tell tuie cacher., alike ve re sorev, current issue of the "New.ý players even with a peog- Fridav miorning arrive& :castle Independent", under the ram b ad lîad a ivonderft1l Social Columo. It is the firrtl The Conseri-ative high The sclîool eîîded with1 item and bas been mis-quoted.1 command, for example, iments for ail, and ilie, It should read: - "The Cut-, sent a personal letter to î n g cî11i 1dirrn eceiî-ed lers bave received word froml the Liberal Minister of -.: England tha-t Mer. Cutler's National Revenue asking -ial puize fri c11lîmmiwîio sister (Mrs. Shipley will beý for contributions to Tory it hIe miost -lildren: pay-mg themi a flying visit in funds. LeGýreslev. . mid-September." The head of an organizu- -Dax AteedîiceCcci- 1 would be very mîîrh ôb- tion called Underdog huels c-DavAttedanc Ceri cd if you cao correct th s, a milk carton full of beef - ~ ~ ~ ~ i RuIDroli n i, nte next issue. blood onto the floor of the Aeelress. Gal. .lid.- andi Thanking vou in advance,: House of Commnons to deania- BoeaP ApJol aind Greli Youes siîîcerelv. tize what lie (-onsiders Io - Feewiu.- Laird, .1(- Me. H. Cutler. be a case of injustice le, ;urail and Pattv ,eee another mani. -isu'il 1e l-.ei. And as the flag crîsis i i Edwiin Prie 71l\- NESTLETON rolled on towards un id ýu1 huîflIiilmer's ivas oe Ulth Yite.. Mr. and Mi's. Otto Bra- limes difficuit to tell îvho -Dii.MeudmieCee-ti- ofr Bowmanville xvere Sundav,? was Prime Mînister - Mr. *1 l'~u-Ee Barnes. x-îsîitors iil Mr. and Mrs. Pearso>n or 31r. Diefen- Ber-u Ter i- ar:-v George Bowers. baker. and Rickx Pcan. Pc"- Mr. and Mrs. Harlex- Deveau The first t\wn iwiidriits rrach. Donî and Jeff Lan- and daughter Shirleyv, Toron-1 are probably ot x'ery Sig- Ailta Mce Debbie Pol-' b vîsitect Kitchener Burton. nfcat Cathîv. Dougie und Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Aver-i The letter appealing for 11l and four sons. left for party funds. sent out by end of nie scin0I.lhouv- Coopees t o w ri, N.Y., aflerý Senator MecCuteheon, .v-as spending the pas) week withý sent tb Revenue Ministr ufont the e ien oasooa his uncle, Mr. Bruce Heaslip- Benson's former business forhiechtdrîiasa nd Mrs. ha,ýsip. flrmn in Kingston. ,andews lb h ben Congratulati,2îs te Mr. a4d It was probably ocim o<f - nivilmcci carli Mes.Lawrence McLaugblini manv sucb letters Sent omît [as ut 4:30 P.11. AIl the 1(id os h -. a- opopetv otiues n of thie village anîd dis- (LnaRs)wh vr a-topopcie 1otiuos reixie.rieni on Saturday at Iîinerkip,l Somnebody in the Tory. office ýr nie.Ont. didn't realize that the E. J. lers are acuim rennini-, Me. and Mrs. Clarke Wil - Benson in the address wvaq otlîer aetivities of the liams were in Toruontu to visit the same Bensori who is noiv iSunday: Bible Scfioolý Miss Eva Williams who ex-- Minister of National Rex- 1thîe fumilv ut 9:51) arn.>pects to be home from hospi-1 enue. mg Worslîip ut 11:0)0 a.m.! talIhiis week. They also culledi The case of the blood à s: Bible Stmîdv andi on Mrs. Williams' mother, Mrs.ý bomb ln the House of meeingut8:1)) m.Dave MeMullen at Columnbus, Commons was not prelty. ho corne are assureni of'Cedars Nursing Horne. 1 It was a shocking, unprece- m ivelcome. Reneived Me. and Mes. D o ni a 1 d dented incident. Y'oung zis du.e te Mr. FrankiTbornpsoiî, Mr. and Mrs. Ro-, David Cowlshaw, EngIish- for le lise of part of the, beet DeJong and Me. and Mes. born former journalist, ig Ilorne anmi luxn for' Delton Fisher weee gucsts at wvas arrested and il quirk- acituities. _ the Mc-Laughlin-Ross wedd- ly became a malter for - ~ing on Saturdux-. the courts. Mi'r. and Mrs. D o ni a 1 The confusion about wlho fThornpson stayed over wîith, i actually setting polies' foi' I ~ famîli- cf Woodstock for the, more serlous. tIC S weekend. Miss Chrystal Fall-: Neither 1%1. Pearson nor s, Reg. N., came home withý Mr. Diefenbaker is acting l bemn aftee xisiting Mr. and an appropriate role in the >s Mrs. Everett Sandeeson ofl flaz Issue. 41: a niMi.Ros a'l Me. Pearson lias gone soft *Fri. - S 1 n anlileleil, 1pslt pr-escrnt a il Hgi alro LnsyCanadian flag designî a -a 4111 ivoocl cousins from- question fpiepe 4ý1 Mnot, orth akota 31r.Diefenbaker', he Recnt'is'itoer' vibli Me . aecepting Inintlations b îIand 'ult- M3irs wei e Mis., private meetings ¶ îth 'C IG. Broce from Pouice-Coupe, other leaders to find a 6 6 Il B.C.. and Mes. L. Neighbour' solution to the flag dead- 4ugiof Dawvson Creek, B.C., this' lock, systematically and latter cousin bas flot been toa stubbornly refused every 4IOntario for fifty-one yeaes. concession offered. ýOthees calling to visit were1 To the disteess of tîmose is 98e 79c 'ii Mir. and Mes. Alex Maies, Me.1 who favour a new flag anmd uni Mrs. George Sellers andý who admire strong leader- l i Mr.anîd Ms. Bud Virtue. sbîp, Me. Pearson bas bue- i~ * ~ IBowmanvîlle, and Me. uni kîci under at the fîrst siguis 1.0 9 qll i'M.e, George Windsor and' of real opposition. 1OiliSiouffville. H% offer of a frre vote. 3fo~ 7CMe. and Mrs. James Van- on the flag, and a commit- 3 fo 89C 4111Stone of Cameron x-isitcd Me. tee sludy wth lime lîmits I ~ ,jand Mrs. barmen Hyland. on the commihtee and the alue I1.59 q1 A showee was beld in Nes-, subsequent debate I h - 0tleton Hall an Saturday, Aug. House, could mean the end S4111 122nd, for Me. ani Mrs. Ralphi of hîs triple maple la t 1.0 79C Boxwers (Ceeule Park). Mr. flag. Only a feiv months LarneMlolia a- ago the Governmenh, in teLareficee Maolm s. Marsen Mr. Pearson's own words. Satîoîmof swivel rocker uniýwsrayt tn rfl g ottoan. w4t4ne on that flag. maingd oto a . witi- Noîv presumably, if a conu- ý73e C 411 ym ndsoe onvmittee recommendeni any 59C w xas made, for whicb the'1other kind of flag, the Go\;- vj oung couple expressed gra- ernment %vould be peeparci 1.25 9 1 cious tbanks. Music for dane- to aecept it. îng xwas supplieni by Clifford For those who admire 4j and Jun Daves o Oshawva and an accommodating Prime due 7 9 Merle Elfri of Port Perry M~inister, one who can ai- musi with bis tape recorder. vie,,' and tries b sy'nth- E KDecoration Day ivas hedat suze confllctint opinions, ~TE I~Cerneteri- on Sundax-, Augugt' doing a good Job. STLE301h. Rev. David Romeril. This diplomatie appioacli BýA., ieliverei a fine aiiress -wýhicb is second nature in BUG STORE 4111 at the church service nt 3, Mr. Pearson, bias been usei i Mreani Mrs. Gardon Met-!with somne auccess in Federal- ro ý ciîf. dhervl, Douglas and E]-! Provincial relations, aine, enj oyed a two-week'i lt failld however in ne- IAIRMAàCY 4111 amping brip ta Prince Edward' gotiations on the flag, and Island and sRiw mucb of ihatý the major reason for fai- * _ .i Province's Centennial Cele- ure le opposition leader bration festivîuies. Diefenbaker. Eusmgîn, uand xxii i deany' - tinug inii s pow-er 10 defeut thi (o-eurre hsflug pro- posa I It matters not that the ((b%-Perment p e o p o s a 1 voti in 'i~a majority la theIlonise o! Gommons, on a frre vote or uny other kind of vote. Mr . Diefentbaker' and lus Colîi S(,rx-rtiî-es t-an prevent -ani- vote fronu being baken, h 'v siiply v coritinuing ho tuIX. ande that is exactly wivîmt iie liaive been ioing. Me. Pearson called a ser- ies o! privute meetings ,witli otiier party leaders bo try tb break the flaz deailock. Wr have it on the authority o! the three minor party leaders that tii" Prime .llinister's athi- id as frank, concilia- tory, und generous. A clii" to Me. Diefeîîbuk- er ittutee xvs peoviied b % hyiirnsel f eciibeforethe nueet.iîgs %vene heud. H-e told a ('eusprvutivr nueeting in Beemokl iii. Ontario, ihat the Primie Mini stenvas ealling he hîeiigsbcause lie was - onk up for ai) escape route oni lic fIa". Tt then -eeied ho be Mu. I)h',ftnb)aker's w-hole purpiose ho block any pos- sible escape. 1fr iid not x-unI any vote on the flag. le dii not lvant any reas- onable restrictions on de- bute. le didn't want any flag except the Red En- sig h. Iii the 1p1i-utc meetinîgs, it seetuis m-er, lue wus smmply i nig Ite fiîîelotut how far lie t-ul d îîîsh thle Prime MlViiîsterialeîîg the road of netrnon . IN'lîen the Goverament <'xpressed Nwilllngness to aceta single maple leaf dersigo, itli the Red En- suîti inshead of the U'nion .Jack as the Commonwealth flag, Mr. Diîefenbaker de- n' tir ced(. W'lIlltîe Gox-ernient said i t ux-rîmlelugree te a commit- tee :1un i*v wii thtle Con- sel iut1i--s hul peopoei> pcexmdei it-uonable tino ]iImumît cri e îîposcd, -VIe. 1)m- -uhuurti.agaiu demur- libiH-aine apparent to M)I-. Pearson then what shlouîld have bren appar- ent loim a go, that Mr. ba i-i- h er %-otîld setle for tiotîinir less than com- liute pnostionemrmnh or ablahtntfnnbto! the Gov- ernotent, flag proposai. GimîenmIbtis situation,the only ltiîoumîable ('ourse for thue Goveriniîeît is te fight il omît. ,encIo 0he peint of an eei-ctmou. NIe. Pearson is lIi" Prnm inlîister. îuot Mr. Dieeuiuikr.If any-one is ta -linnse a flag, it sheuli be a oiîîii f Purliameýnt, i iluit an opposit ion of 95 tneu.nmbcrz n thbbcHouse of Beef Steer class- uni also fbbc <T'( 2ui imeeting nf the Open Fut Steer class witb luis Pionmeer Buttoîî Cluîb was lueli entr - an Aberdeen Angus,! ut the liOnne Of Mcs. Mar. ZIO of core The Yelverton IJCW 1. Gartshore, Newcastle, with ZO geosseni over $300.00 (threeý 13 iiembers uni one visiter l\rl1. uni M's. ElniinR oss hunirci) ut their refeesbrnent ýpeeselil. uani fanix, \Ve'st 1-ill, Mi nd bootb - busy as becs witb a Caris of buttonus represent- Mrs. H. F. Steplieni. OshFuWA, ;few queen becs directiîîg op- ing "The Heavens" unid'were Sundas' visitors ut .C eratien of a strong continigent ,"Transportation" were display- Stainton's. of' workees uni a few cf we ei so there weee many star Mc. uand TMes. George Gor. idrones who kept eue distance: aîd mnoon buttons in the first don John anid Jtîuniir, Mes. feom tbc scene of activity lest' geoulu. Travelling by sriow- Clarke Mooî'e, Oshauwu, iVere we get heanîpîci to deuth. To- shoe. cuuîoe, dog-sled. herse- Sunday visitons ut Keifli Staii: day after muny mules are back. bout, balloon, aeroplune, ton's. lwearing a brilliant pink hue îeiîîieen. train, cur, bicycle Me. uni Mes. l'e ('unicron explainci succinctiy by one: unde e-c b ' foot. etc., werc visited i.utLloyd GCiltiuolr,'S, erosy heuicd i lomo-sap - oo tlie colies o1n the Transporta- lPeterborougli, ()'i Sitodai-. mucb fuie unidîîot enîuff luair! -tinîcaris. Me. uni _Mr:. \illiuum For- Soi-ne lie was spont iin thueisvthe, Aginvoumnt. Mu.y- nti Two other events of local exc-lange of buttons andiMes, S. Ariron, .-erluoiroîngli intcî'est aIse bruuspirei on seueching tbu'ougb a box of Jet., xisited utl llorirv D1art's. Saturia.v - thie wcdiig Of- buttonis doniatci tethue club. 1M.adMs hw Miss Put Moxcuî uni Me. Ster-, Mers.P. Crawford feom ILa- iOMe.wuniMr. Landu nuls Tora liîug Me-Gui cf Ibis cemnmunity, bluan, Nex' York, was tlue guest Glamun unidauhns Cour- in Janetville United Clîur-h -,,eke'ui h gv711r icviieS t. iîî ainion's h bewsembattaut e vepig-oferiiîteu'esiing undinilstructive talk on Suniai-eemin bestood Wisb es r lueneglll.i onthie Zoiue after which she Me. und i M-s. Reî's Dajt, bonrhod W uiesine bue' 1ceai 1he members' horoscopes Judy uni Jay Wooii-ill(n, visite wil] bc tuking up re-idence il, c-oeîîîîg Io birthday dates. cd ut Henry Dari's. - Pfon thno1 hoii thei- retîuFollowiuîg the horoscope ceai: IMe. AlfrediStn. xxii, fro ihix'luîîemouuuiîîgs slîe showed caris cf Ilani, Mr. uni Mrs. iwýV- Me. Dale Stinson attendeni a beamîtifumi moden Zoiue but- Geissberer, Susie uaud Danitl second îvediîng - bluat of Me.; bons of black glass, carved Victoria Corners, \-isitçdidit uani Mes. Deuinis Carter wliîe-b1 peau.1 carvei ivoey uni othersilHans Geissbergces. ,Sr. 'took place iii the Que tS. of gold uni silver finish. iMe. uni Mers. liaus Gehlae Unîited Cîuîrch in Lindsay At the close of the meeting ]berger Se., visited ai Leo Doefv wiib recephion ai samne bru-1 a ccp cf boa was secvei. lies, Maxwells. YELVERTON Tue xwratuemmun proviied fîine t o operabiouin assisting a gooel turrnntt for thc neigb-, bourîing Blackstock Fuir -aý beau-v î-ramtîFeiday nigbt to1 inîpede aiah lreai v belated; lîarvest folloix-c by a 1oveIyý ceai- day 10 attruet visitars In, dcions. 'l'lme nisual pattern was f-îIlluivd -- 10 minutes te> aee the "tIainý" uni the eest of the' ufterîoouî devoteni te visiting-. t-htnva-kmîug xiih neighbours uni feintîu,,xîutcbing the horse' readmring thase big awk- - i-arri lîmuheing draft teams m trappmngs. badgering the la- i-ai "heables' a foursome took a bu cf vmsmt Io the 4-H Exhibits In sec ivho got wbat prîces uni what with. We weri, pleaseni 10 see aur two local 4-H Cluîb Members each trip theur respective classes. Tre'.v Mualcolm placei first wiîth bus club gilt uni also, too< fist in ahowmanship.i a »»"" 1-

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