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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1964, p. 12

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r [2 Tne tanadian Statesmnan, Mommanville, Sept. 2, 1964 1 Weekly Publishers Urged tb Pro vide Even Better Service WVeekly newspaper publîsh- der to record 'he vi a s ens were urged last week to tics of da iy livi~ng, o sappîy nlaet competition head-on bybackground information and DPPv:ding Setter service to gîve editonial opinions on mat- their communities and byv- , ters. of current interest. in1ý editorial opinions on mat- We must have publisier.s tors of current community in- who are ready to stand Up and terest. be counted in the r commun- " Charles Il Nolan or Stouff i ties, who wil no, let their ", vU1e, president of the Canad ýnewspapers become pale re- la Weekly Newspaper Assoc-1flections or a robust past." jiMon, told the CWNA annualý He said anv idea that week- meeting the challenge of com- l]y newspape'rs are fading us Petition should make alertr straYîng from the facts, des- 'Wekly_publishers work bar: pite the advent of the give- -away weekly aod competition ~ ' fnom television and dail1'v newspaper for national adver- Your tising revenue. Your Manv a Canadiani commun- iy, r. Nolan said, woîild have no x'oice at ail if t did De ortig ont have a weeklv ne\?,,pa-, pe r. H eadquarters tenniat cmisine, 4ln ed activities and projeets plan- ned to mark Canada's cen- Tlherc FOR ..tenniai observance in 1967. e iu He said the publishens could is llu C.I.L. PAINTS assist by encounaging an i- terest in local historv and "rTHIX" Canadiarua among their read- ers. Interior or Exterior lie cited onue project. liai "OLDMASTRS" ofthe Caidiati Librarv As- WOOD FINISHES putting on file al available New Colours Available newspapers of tbe Confedera- tion period. ""WOOD GUARD" Th project, ;ýipported bva for Natural Finishes tenni a 1 commiîssioni, wcculd preserve invaluabie Caîîad- "'Touch-Up Enamel" lana that otberwise miglit ho lost or destroved. 39c Jar He solicited the aid of Ideal for that SnalI CWNA publishers in locatîcg issues of some newspapcc:ý touch up job that miay be missing and Mr- "CONTACT" readers to ýerhi at e SeIf-Adhesive for trunks and sýtong-boxes fý copies of old rîewspapers . counter tops, etc. WINDOW BLINDS TYRONE WALLPAPER Mis.. Annie lathevIl< aý a dinner gucst of Mlr. aild CLEARING ROONI LOTS Mrs. Jack Hlathcrlv, Newton- ville and spent the afternoon SUPER KEM TONE at Mr. and Mrs. Angýia's wh-rcý and KEM GLOW ber grandchildren uiniteci.Mr. SMr * and Mrs. DoLig HatherI.v,' ABERNEIHYS r and Mrs. IHarrv -latherl v. SM.and Mrs. Wm. Teed and PAINT & WALLPAPER Mr. and Mrs. Mofie and M\r. James Hatherl v, Fav, Donna .3 King St. W. and Patsy Hiatherly and 15 great-grandebjîdren ail had a Bowmanville verv pleasant afternooni and ail enjoyed a delicious supper 'at Mr. and Mrs. Ben Angla. FALL FASHION FABRICS .NOJJHLRE, lei T NOWHERE, WIL I OU- FJND S( (21 4 Ol ERWHIJAu.N< J4ARITY AT THIESI I>RE-SEASONV IALUE<S THA.N AT IT-1LI,s, CLASSIC WOOL FLANNELS (10% '\ ýIon Ad de ilFor lýxtratStreiigtiî . Trhis is the' exciting fab)ric vo11îli love for fail and I)a<k-to-s<-hooi fa-,hions. i unipers. -ifis, stîjis, cjrtdresses. J nat fonîlling tilisfalni-c -tirs 'i otir it- ag1ina t joui. a tes i iai rnn lbue*s inctimde Piritoine. GoId, Rcirkers (rev NIix, Blie. Blac-k. Redl, Jrovn, 5l' wl'gtbs. -"'at-mgi TWILL BACK COTTON VELVETEEN Idleal for Cap>ri pa 1it. part - dresses. tailored chooîIL ,lodieS. jackeis. 114)11.C. Spc<.igi voirt . mîos t an% t binggo, . mîr skileil i %%Ili ~ il î a 0 l f d 1 r 0 i'Til ,ri .. to b.fas.t vlorsils9 lIilv. Ma;iin blef- gviII.. 10" %%idills. PRINTED COTTON CORDUROY MIirofaî.lIccu-1fr t leNard' s,, tîlaîl 'o-anîd l u Ns.oullfi IIa to1 CN q. . (,r, i l, -c%%ilîg fil ag - i..' i l tIc rlici wseII a. i-oitbing ' %ou'Ill 'o'e. 'akrs to 137 .1 d. l'th' is 0%lion <red atte l).se m pletch' hand washable. Wi!1 flot fadr Y4 or crock. Cohirs su eet al; candy-Pn k, .Shopping ià convLen ien t on a W-ITKERS "p>lan" accourt r. W*4%L KE R' S 5 KING ST. F. BOWNIANVILLE Legion Carnival Fealures Kiddies' Parade \vas quite a large assortment of baby hng- IRhiorida Johinson, Ruth Crago, Pat Gropp, Pat Reeve, Ading, loft to right, those accompanied bD'v Nancy Ecimoridson as the baby and Joanne Brummell. lUck F'oise -vand 1'rc.d Iýa,,,zn appeared in these clow',n ccstInc s <un a 1101-n macele andern bicycle. A1'\01oiu thie ceuDralcl >i-<<t' w' e'ucc.c! u,'lu iceul laul:i Bi euud a ( o\vuî, )eaina H-o bi Iî:'uu, Kii l \ 1l (,!cs,Iul -Ji un)nu',. Hccmuclu. NE WTON ILL M!.cc ci Mr M - x 'l, c lI '. g ic c,' ccl"EN ,('I oc, ' i D,nk !Ici c.Crc a cuc. * i 'c Ac ouco (x na:ci" c r E ur M- n -. x -<cBc'z, adp li :r l: c (cn.D 'S :c i c' u-b c. c ci, \lu . 'cu ccc- .'c v c". cc De'ob%- \White j:'the' munk-e','andiBreila t'--.t cjl«arn grincder. Nowak Eggs j' CnE Again in' I.CNEContest This year*s competition show of eggs at the Canadiatu Na- tional Exhibition in Tuî-ooto bnought one finst and one sec- ond prize to Mr. W. K. Nowak, R.R. i. Bowmanvilie, out of two cases of eggs cntered. Besides that Mr. Nowak sold four cases of eggs to Omemee Egg Gradng Station for sh ow- ing at C.N.E. Omnemee, Egg Grading Station won three firsts and one second prize. This is the l4tb vear in suc- cession that Mn - Nowak has. won prizes with bis eggs at the C.N.E. Mn. R. Brooks or R.R. 3j, Bowmnanville, entered five cases of eggs and wvon two finsti pnizes and three third prizes. Egg entries in the annual! competition at the Canadian' National Exhibition this year totalled 124 cases of eggs slightly less than in previou-- years. Powell Family Port Hope, spent last week - bere with bis grandparents. ,Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer. A t N ewcastle i SYmpatby i, extended t0 Since the ',c atber was not, Mrs. Boungerie on the news Of f"uai h orh'~ek the deat b of ler grandson, end rb A ugte f t h o e l David Braccv lu Oshawa Hos- famiiv held its neunion on, pitl last Tbîirsday. Sunday. August 30, at Wal-.' Mir. Jim Nesbitt rcurued to: tona Park . Newcastle.* Nnet y- hi:' home in Florida laslihtbne descendants wcne in at-ý Thur:'dav, Miss Anne Nesbittý tendance and the day ,v as1 acomavîghumi as far as verv pleasaîctÀ Toronto. Alian and Ilope lloldawav'\v Misses Donnca. liene and were in charge of the snorts, Susan Connors portrayed the Beatles and Ileo'lier dune Kimball speut Thursdavi pro 'gramme. Winners of tbe: Roaeh a fiercesome headhunter. bcere at Mr. and Mn:'. M. Kim'-'races were' 6 and uinder, Pat- bal 's. The deciding game in ti Powell and David Waiker;I Seek" which nearly ail took! guests. the Pee Wee Girls' semi-fin- 8 and urude'. Andrew Peacock part ini and thonoughly enjoy-1 Wendy and Mart on ais. po-<tponed ou account ofi and Rickv, Powell: 10 and un- ed. ispent a couple of dix s ramn, Tuesday, ',sas finally der Shirle ' Beatt > vand Diane' The "e together" w asý their gnandmothci-, G00~ . . lavd hee Thrsda,- ight.' Beatty: 14 anddcinder, Danal held for the McLaggan child- AmuHmtn The locals wene fortunate.Coulter, Hlarold Powell, Nan-1 ren who are leaving the corn- Mr. and Mrs. A. T. \'.: enocgh o bat oI iue ew-cv Howell and Elleen Tate.' muoity this week for thein a nraiywr nclx casle tam b ' a ratheî- de-' The sack race \as w n b e o e a ase , O t, r supper guests of the Bd c-cuv'e score. David Tonkin andi Doris Beat-I the Owen Sound district. The family. The McLagguin fdccc ýv ,Mrs. Bannabail of' i-occo anud týy. The fasiesî ',salkers wene1 family wiil certainly be miss-1 îeft for their nccew lcccî' lc' Muisz Maril.yn Falls cf. Stark- David Tonkin arîd Judy Pow-ý ed as tbev bave lived at the da. i '-ilc- ".ei- v sit ns wî h M s 11I. G eorge T a e and Judy- Long Sault for over 14 years. M . a d M :. \ u E. Rowe, last week. Powell won the sboe kick. We ail wisb tbem the very1were' Sunday supcier i!c;:'c Mc..s Joan Walkev 'returicd The pnize foi- the largestý best. ofMn. and Mrs. Hl. cyhume Thuirsdavý iati n er from a 1p)0 famil','went tb Margui-ite, Mari thanks to Mn. and Bowmanviilc. lice Wes t Coast wcth friencl. nz Goge Tate. The \'oung-c Mrs. Jim Woodley for giving Club 50 ladies wcIl icccc- t est attendaot was CheryI Ann the« "Get-togcethen", it was4te home of Mn. liiel'u: Mn. and Mrs. D. Maloiald Blain. and the oldest was Ed 'something the eilîdren won'tl vacs, Tuesday cveninz. Srt andi farnily vcsited ',le Ex On wand Powell .Sami Powell foget for a long lime to corne. 8tb. Fnuda.v' won the peanut - guessingu Mn. and Mn:'. J. C. Cook Mnr.,,and M-Vrs. Ad'va ï :. Mn. andMn. Gaitî and game. A peanut senamble end- wene Sunday evening visitons Ennisilln n.IIrvG famil' v hav e cnoved 10 thiein d the sports pcniod. ' of the Smitbs and Mn. andIGlenbbnnie, Mar,'land. ' new home in Pic-kering dis- When the meal wa s P*epar-iMrs. F. O. Smith, Bowmnan- Sundav guests of 1' tri( t. d, Doneen Powell led 1vl:e ,vere Saturday evening Mns. Bert Johnscxc Bar' LIane andc Peter lîcc- inging of grace. A business derson accompanied Mn. andý period wa:' conducted afer a '~Mn. Bill Lane to the Ex on' ear cuai xas consumed. Frida. Russell and Maunreen Powell! Mn.andMn~ Do Stpleonvolunteened to ben change: Mi~ a .ciand,'haeDone b Prt on f the sports events next vear aend iyh ave '-c oncewe ci. Uwbcn the Powelis xv:ll agaic M' Ni'o Mr. h( Gekiclrah2 hold thein picnic on the foîcthi Mi.and Mrs . .1cm inerSunday' cuf August -it Waliona' nd M o rtg ag es ancd L ' in. wene Fniday di' Park,' Newcastle. nec, guests at Mnr. F. Gilmen':', An exciting bal] ganiie and k i efhomne With thern.pleasaixt con',ersations bro-' M .ad Mns. Rc,\ hall and ughtlhie ouir icta a1c'o. Up to 800/. of appraised Chai i ua trip 10 FnaY .zaiud. dcc'cug Ill property value jMn. and Mi':. Ed Rowe, Mn. and Mrs. Bert Trim, took a trip t Toronto on Saturdav.: A nu.mben fnom hiere a',-, tended the PennY S al1e ai Stakville, Saturda,- evening. The B un Ile - V famnily hed theur anniual Picîcic ai kennis- is Lake on Suinday, going b'y bu:s, to Keithi's cottage. Mn:. - 'lnic as gone 10 CaStîctori foi- a wceck on so. Miss Bennucc-e Milhigan vvas able to returo luoroe froro Memiorial Hospital lasi Wýed- o esd a . Mn. and Mr.,.. Ralphi Camip-1 bell anud famul. ',s !ed n K ucîsto î, ',eek. '-e a mii. ancd Mus ljac k Ehloti and Dooth v. , h M . ancd Mn: GorgeLowes and Missý, Donna BaDtisî (cf Port Hope, atIcnded the Ex on ThUnsda -. Mn. and Mrs' Kenu Newtont (if Haiulton cainleclown for! Ille werkencl at Mn. N. Scoît':', takicg Gar', homne '\'.iitjjeq.ý Mr. ancd Mrs.Ar Bonne4t t ancd famnil *v of pont (2nedit. w~eue atI lie Rob cuottage oen tice ',vPekencdý \ln. Clarence i c ols or W u' 1ev, l e tad ch a rg e o fr lice uccumori-i ucu icu'c'lc se!.- vice. Flow,,ec':' îlae-d ou Ilice ui'.u' ", i ccl<oviucg ulemnon' efli laie Wcllis Joues and( e:lu Hace', of ().-ha oa. N e'xt Sicîcav,' Rcv R C. %vil] ut ,' i h liai-k l i a u i , ID . V , ) Al. ' n d m r M s" i a l l arc(' %;s «im aIRiclgeu ' acand -Niagana Falls this wec'k Five Tobacco The Ise leathen and 3,Penn ',' Rvder left for their home ai Pont Penny on Sunday afler spending three weeks bý olidavs at Ihieir glrandpanenîs .home, Mn. and Mns. J. Johin- Sston. Mr. and Mn's. Earl Penwan- den and famil' and Sdns. W. Pcnwanden ',vene Sonda, sup- pen guests of Mn. and MNis. M. Kellett. Janetville. Mrn.îîd Mn:'. John West ai-d David, Os'hawa. \vere SundaY afternoon visitons of Mn. r aîd Mn:'. Robt. Camnenon. Mns. Launine Skennatt, Wii- lowdalc. and Mn:'. G. D. Ben!- le',' spent Wedncrsdav, aften- noocu x','cth Mn:' .,'Gibson. Mn. B;11 Riple',, Bilington. and Mn. Hloward, New Ton- On10, wcr'ne Tun>,dg,visitons of Hice R. Gibsouis. 0ii Monda',Acîg. 24tic. thece Was a "get-logetbei" hield ai tihe home of Mr. and Mns. J. ,Wuodley'. Twenty-seý,en cbild- ren and fivc, adults ',iene pre- sent and ail enjoyed a Corn andi Wiener Roast anýi lots of, gaines, but the Most popular Their Licences Fîve tobacco varm . v ovr'-planted i he r 1964 crop q uolas and refused to destin'ý thîe exccss had their liccnse. revoked Frdav bv the On- lario Fue - Curd 'obar.ý (rowers Mar keting Board T'IIl nbu rg. was the r - . board had Losed Il: p rr 1t revoke production 1:cen;e. pranted bv the Ontario gov- r o m, e n' last ,-car. ,ne fitmer.s 'nw fà,ce i pr eîof herIcg .ifab!e 'r h;s Yhs~car's cop SInce ail Oii*aruo-growvn tobacco mnuýý b,: la- be markcîcd ilirough on'e of .,he thrce exchangc. oporated bv ihýe hardci The t:'% e, whùo overpian,,ed hv about 60 acres, are'James Puskas and William Broda, cf the Scotland area, 10 miles south of Brantford, Alberi Scb.'eiNraete or St. Thonas. a M:%ir AIýne- DeBock. n L v î. d o c k 2 0 m u ce a.s c s' St Thoma, SCIIOOL OPENING k Bowmanvil le High Schoo! " No hidden charges " No bonnses *No brokerage fees *You can prepay ail or part at any time, without Fora FR EE brocmure on SU PERI OR mortgagm-swrcîea, THE REALTY DIVISION 0F SUPERIOR DISCOUNT 17 Simcoe St.iih Open daily Io 5:30 p.m., Wed. to 8:oo ucu Othen evenings by appoîntment. % 27 SUPER IOR offices ln Ontario14 TU ES. :00 A. M. 1:00 A.M. REGULAR CLASSES WILL BEGIN AT 1:20 P.M. BUSES WILL TRAVEL TO REACH SCHOOL AT 9:00 A.M. CAFETERIA WILL PRCiVIDE REGULAR MEALS BEGINNIN, TUESDAY SEPT. 8th -GRADE 9,11only -GRADES 1, il only Ma Growers NEWTONVILLE Lose

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