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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1964, p. 13

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Orono Trust ees Cons ider Compîling Village Plan Tnt' Orono Po. 'e-c T; --t-' a'.)n. 'ras' cheet marie wit'i that furt-'hpr suork he ( met on Monda.v ev-entnig. Ana. M:-s I. E. Waddell for proper- the statr suet! bu\ adri 24th, when t w-as repor',ed hs tv ai, Centre and Chunch S's t as'ers nr ialf mnci tht' chairman tha' *'i-'er n Nonrrîe>re's has been mareien The ma"ucr sea '- 'urned' k'ering survey for *rie ' ,ua: bann ht' pnopertv andi th(, D. Simpson to inVestig. Project was 40 percent com- Pletcd. Ih is expected :attht Plans will be comnpletcd oni schedu]e around tht' middle' ot' Septqrnber. At ý'h:s tîre tc"- fiers (viii be catled for t.he in- gtallation of the s:výtem. A letter w-as recccicdfrom the Departmcnt of nv' in which the' drpar'*mcn - IPd they had comprted nlans3 for new entranccs 'ntîo Orono ând that thev would he' con- lacting the' Trîîsîces 0in 'i, C lht' plans in thte prv nocar fi- turp. A lettçr wa x;3 - . --r t'ived front Ru,,zrl C Hotte". -MP, outlintnz thfe'inrogr0'S made by thé, De7parfmont of Pliblic Works ;n connrctin'î Wth ohtaining a site for nev. Post Office in Orono . N eg- department advised aant e'xpropriii:orni of the property at "Me. m e \'cotiations a-p io. e' n con'. n je Thettruýý ne'- de'cided to le-: ,the' protje:. c- vhthe Department. Afurlhe'r cIter from thf, Dcpartment of Hgwv ~ n rmfd the Truîstees that the * ,-had *fttuthe wronZt part\ n re.quetsttttg a parkiiîtz ~uvtfor the' main street ot Orour(, The' Trustrrs' lettert va.. rcffrercl tbtht' propi'r aîlorîtcsThis Icttcr :s 'o ne, folloured tp if a reple% . t'nt eccv' w t hin the next W'Ice't'1 A1 hAd i 'snecled tht' ono Hiall a;nriwho hveaskpd New Gas Service Girl dnc : 'aeind obtain prices on having work done. H. Mercer repornri domr- p!atît.ý of we'eds at the niorthI of the Village u-htch are to 0ne ru' as s;oon as possible, Thet, ruistees discîtssed 'he possibi lite vorf having Pt nper plan of the' Villag!e cotipteri. In this thep TriîsIees are to an- proach the fîrrn of\aîh Mackhîît andi Motîa:han wh o are prescontl\, making a ýLir- vrv of Orono for the xitacr syl m, The Trii.vcers are ie- to of hat'tng propric plans noting the inustallai ioni ofrîutdrr- ;zrotnd projeçts w'.hich wotd int-ludv tnot on]l'y walpr mains- hîtt also hvedro tindire'-rounri int1allation3. T i rtes< 'Labour Day Message We Must Weld National Unity by Larry Igpfton, lirrector District 6 U'nited StprPIworkerq of Amerira On Labour Day l9)4ý rn,) thtng is more vital tn iliter, ! fare of the' workitîg mei ndî womien of Ciada thiarina- tional uni tv .For- wttlihou ti he etrong bonds of national nii- ity andi a ,;çtse of i'ommnn01 identityanotzig s prîphi' Canada will not uriv'a- a nation let lneê achies-e any of the destiny designeri for i'. For man.v month.s. working Peoplf, have been incrnasing- ]Y dismrayer i atlite' risc of false prophe t s proclaimitîg the' destructive doctrine a f regionai. idolatr ' , the' cree'd oif the selfish and i hgoied i vt hnhd that t h r ntr )t f community, rrgion, provitnce are more importanit than'e intt'resti or Canridaas aRtia- tion. We mîît]71 lbewalee noftht' n faise, prophets anri thvit'fa.ý gods of gr-eed andi expeciietîv "n tiolize thcm means i t-od of Canada a-.; a tialior ihat spans different latîgîage.' ,and cultures. It mrans liii 2ise of pet I 'pritîcipâlitics rie- clicaled onlv b self-advaîicp- ment, rt'gardiess rtf tht'i i- pact upon others. Xithout ntitonial tîeati w ithouit a tit ed Ctatada,. sec carînot have the kiri of sour la i Set'u ' v ro r ii 'ul tr( people of Canada dsrv.A nationialIhea Ith progr-arîl 'hi 'wtll protect Catiadas niaI tvî- laI isoîcthe' people. eau- lit ¶ xtst ono a regtiotal basis M,%ý'-, tht' have wr'a 1'el.1 's -.Pole pr-ograms fan- super- lor to aoy that can bc, afford- ed b ' va bave-nol nergioi. \Alhtit nationial titi i Canada cannot c'olle v, th tuet prýobiems of iniiîstt ial ?nid fechnoio.gical hneA:cri 3urisdictional hatilhc>heiwe'eti the provinces andr govcrn- nient of Canada over s-ea - tional training andri rtrattiiiig hiave seriously î mpa ir-cd t'h't npportunties of voung Cail- odians to take lhcîr plat-e ni the ena of automatiot. Tt-attî-- Ing and retraining pr-ogramns ore flotindcrin.- on tue' -hond, -if irresponsible i gtili- ~ilSt as anY ntilotnal pi-oini nust face crutascu lat toit e- cause of riistutîilv atîd parýo- chiai seif-coticcrn. But we can not have natioi- ai unity tîntil se c ewilu to) modieritize and i reforin oui, Poli t i c- a I intittittions a1Iý'h make themiti calîttes 'apabI'ý cif meetIing t te c<'lletiges cf, 4-H Silage Club Meets The' Corti Clîhuîct't- 201h, at 8110 p.rn. ai hue Dti oif Agrîicultutre Ofc MIr. Hans'ev X'ur itIit. Si .i . Fieltd Cnîîî p 'c: a setsr ul'vttt:i I' coî'ti belt of lthe î tt ttt- thetu ga itstu-i r' -umg c-rntandr grain, t l is g z (fof lhanrie. We ca n- rinotho boîîîd by traditions thai are tro longer practical. We rîîcd andi must have na- t tnl sýYMbois if Cattadianis are 10 ries'e!np a rd p ronolte na t iotnal 11ni' v. Recalise s'e arc rtmocriv.the maior-itv, soîîlrch hoos oîur ,;.tnbol,; nf tiatothooiflag andrI nthcm-i. a tri the. mhîoriIte. no malter whiat thei r persotal feeling,, ýhoîîld accecpi tht' ricisinandr cndorsc Ihe.p se su'hols as the' bcgtntîîtîgs of Ciada3s great- est era. To fo-Iter national units-, we shoîtî rideniand *hat otur rotîla 1 pol iticiatîs tiirn ilte: t ci'tînî c e'ts ilva tri t ow-aridc Canada instear o f pursîîitg separatisî Irarie andi iiînm igratoit pot icies ssitlt for- cign gos cn ents at the' ex- pene of rtlicr a reas of the' coiiitit'x'There vwtll totl, e a n ni ted Canada tinitil pol itical leadcî's expetîidais mUi'h ont- rri ce l fostoritigt rade' hol- wecen province.- ofr("atida as " A Rb C 0PN f Cn gatlti iva tn N'Ir. johii iGik.andri is music part- ntîce. Miss Jaict Pvs siaa.on suiîîniîîg lrd plan il- tlîe d(ite'-class. 16 seat'. aid îî îrr'î i inni ng thieBroti zc 'îcla 'thie'C.N.F,. otiTues- dil at ~si.tuic se"e gis cmi nia f rk.I-ehighezt le'itîg 93 mia rk s'in fBaî' lî usit'. F sucre int1 iîe conipeii iti.'ýhi' tearhn iu MNrs. L .Tar- thes' do ino woonnRcommerce' abroari. For the citrrettsptî eco n orm C prog ramis ai rcads have aggravatcd tht' seriotis social andri cmniîtîtv îî-roh- lems of older arcas or Can- ada Ihat have heen d:sitthcri- ted he the rhiangittg indus- trial patterns of otir ms There tanie to ualtional mi - il v when e'îtire' areaS, of Cati- ada su ffer chýro-nie- povertv, unemploymnett andi popil]a-, lion displacnien, andtîritn af-! fluntt areas ignore tlîem. The' challenge tb xorkinzg People this Labour Day I1964 s to bcgitî insistiîîg that t hetir natiotnal leaders empasl/ lia - t tolaI issues rather than tir- ing to promote regional ari- vatta ge'. There t'aitbc he u io ~- t (d Caîtada utti wsonr k ti i people denianri tiere lie a wilitigîîess b tl,,tîk frirsiof tht' svelfare or tie' nationi, andr thei ofrwha.t;shesI for. thec this vasi landi. seho Suas a tco -n eof Mi- Gare Jefcs la sI vear-a!l Ko mtvillc- Agt icultire Col- lcee s, îr ga fe se ca es ssih(ards' (oýo1 o- mtant, Little Rtiiaii, uvet'stiii- das' 'i.'ttit's silhth tîtlî hti 'Cc' and idls -a nd. 1M1. anid .M1c Ron Rt'ooks a nd fin-ii'. Nli-.' .aicu' loii1".-tI a ritilr' . ReBtI -"e:1tu 1tîoî,B-eLite . spent a fesu Saturda s' s sibtrs wus 1 h t l - dias s ast 'eek s'itlu tht ilgt anrpa rente , Mi', and Me". gricat-ait::and I ticle. Mri and R .D m Mrs. Clace' Allii. Proviricute, Coi ut'A !Ilat oi-Is 'n tci surid Mt'. authnd It fristic Irai] NI-t:Z(s e ol" ug" n,' andti Infamue. XX'eson NuM aîîd hibat ine t hi, 1.911hi up edi ie r.Atîi loîe"1a îd faîîî ils aitilseta:' yvspeiiittg thce îîso Mes -Johîti Stevcens. iucckcri ( t -he' ctage at Mie. Bil'aîîd NusGillian Tsu'îuî Lake-ý. Stevenis, lotI)d)iti.hua\,(, hce'iî LAC Jhil Carks'isitiîîg heir"atlît Mr. Il. pR LAf bhî Car. R'.AF F.!,,-. Te'eailr isIlei i Citai Bat, NR .Ni Jhît lte, lésni- r. S. T. Bact Claî'k. Ncss'asîle .NB sito etBok " hase hîcet i speItrI tg tieil lioliraýs %s'ith thîeîr parntsi' î NitsIl. R.Foi <"Vî' iili atnd othter celat useslhasve re- St eens, Mr.R tt1amri Ni s t etrued 'olieus- Brunsmtick. G il i au îseî s'r-Mîr Mr nd rs.ilNie ap, uppeMn. Cnici,'t-js l NItsr-.c Sanrta. lyvida. Jîtrij'. adMcC-rneFn VIa'tu:' Rutns C'oones-. speuit ,SutIdas'i lte Dasu'son cottage at CcuareaOBITUARY mnI,.aidNs'lG "tce William I.eoriard Barton etial Nt" a Iil 'tirs. Leslie tack. oti. owiîaniislie. at ten 'i- Vi1litantiiLenn èritaui a î't.ager ed te( Animlîtiiiruiagra andri9pa utehi tîoss'uandr hîghii Orsun iftheFliavs' au' 1 *ui- rnpnî-tej litdeput rf )oue tI ('i[i-i tlt on.Suuîrîttu' afîci'- natis île. riiî'd i, leutiîrial noti t hcr tiu hie oldesý i lit Hospital iio rinas es eîuug, ted C ('leti utCanada. "lhîs' Itîls'24d-IthNt. Bat'tout laul heeil sune itit es c' %"Aith ie Hi a sean. ati prior 10 hîts la.: R-s, sidNI: XW'il, Poititen, itîness htd heet i iii aiti' Ira'.% ie a fo:1uîîeî' Ross'uîîaîî healthi foc stutir' tItut' île a h. î 't ii", tou owiiitei if suftercd a certainti auliiofi XX" lu\k I'::'î'r(' Il tih, r-)' lem-rtl 1oS,> andtiri st 'c l it hidariaso hee'uîfailttig. I ' CX' N-' i s ' XI ut I XI: s: ~ i ."i.kitt'i'i NI: - NI:.- t i r - h I' i 'uit" - Ntî 1" i i XX' t'.:,- - '-~t-lt '-tut,: :Xi-Ra rt oni us - ii n. ' Nlar-li lIi.1874. ini isi lin 'l'îss usfIup it('ui- the s iliagiof ofu titg'îîokI iess-Aal iflhti'd 11x, 55 iti -i týir .ii '<i ti l it it'5 - lîU iii't'î' t ( d tli ais t !i(, i ,'h ris LinuSois1 ( it JI.u : tu :1 . lti)., I'Itl H;i r- mai' .'ilit'l u'lit îrîkmtî it I !) shth l'fatîiil\ rios-trfint tîte s'illage o of rnse(,'-oî I. i li nil tîtte ttl 11,tos% ; 1 ic Bcs mutstie' i111)921. NIr. Rat- totiua a farmtnr tlîllit- e tii 1uu it947. Thîc laie NI.Bat trtoukrî;j ýtcii tîte' ct iti t hie i t of acriculturr. and ai-o uin ltir, groseth no' Boss matie i lIic hI matus' finrics appreîciia led hît kecu fi sciisf' of lîtimor atîcl quick %su Pt'uîpîe a su a e- t d 'id - tu a fectîcîtua nidries t oi ie hncifuie lits fauisl. lie suas ;îredecea s- cri 'v e lîs scfe in 194,5,tîtri ', a datietiter, Dctrît li. MNi-R. Hl Garduicu' m 19:17.liec ;si;-ut- suserilis' a iati.ghlcn. 'X1i .- Oluise Bautout. suîîhî u huttilie resuderi at 24 George Street, and] a soti, Jose'pht ". Barbu., Bnsmatstil'.Tsuo grauidchiilri reti. Miss Gloria Ganriit-. at-tr William tih1i R artutu ai-rt suîrviv'e him. iii e seas at-tacfi er- cnt or Si. Paît,'. lUnited Chu rr(h. Rt's' A . -t ilairi.'.g olftr' ui cd I t lie' tînts te fîî'îeral ic icI mt 1-15:houme. 24 Gentce'St'e' ou TFuer'cas a1 r""c: .1j 28th at I:ooît' ttr esc mans'hay i~r:îr tî'î Thr, palîbceus ee .frcti and nieighbnur'.. 1, Andersro, S. NtAlliztfir. HlNiaste "nr 'Bowmans'îlle CerneteU,. Nothi America's first Gas Setr'ice Girl, Daphne I)utîc'ansn. has joined tlhe 200 mon \whorinainlaini The Conistirnerýs Cas Company's 24-hou r-a-das*',,ctstomner sers-tee opez-alion tbroughout Metropolitan Toronto. Site' is enplo '\'ed in attcnding serv'\ice rails for Tom'nto iîous'Wix'es who request adjustrnent to Iherir gas rang- es. 'Miss Ditocanson works on lîi'r ou'n. drives her ox&n service 'ehitcle in te famniliat' (onstîmors' Gas colors, carries a fLili set of service tools anîd wears ant attrat'- ti\'e, îtifni of bâtte skirt, jacket and bat hearing the com pan ' insignia. North Amnerica's first Gas Service Girl is charming, ft'eckled. bluie-eved, with houndless ete's.She was protnoted frornConsumret-s' Cas Pet'- sonniel r)epartmnent. In addition to bier speciai training in thte îîpeuation and sers-ire of appliances, Miss Dun- CauiS(iit is eq ttilpped Io answýer alniost ariv question a lîotiscsvife, might ask about natuiral gas, its qualities aidlSs The Orono News M1r.s.James E.Richards. Editor Waîk'.oi Milss Erira Best, NI ixa ýFra i1 k A ridtou i acn Sotn i.Mr:. atici rs.wavtîe -1 our otf Toîroiî truSuregitests rof MrI "a ndN .I io'aî'e Be-il NI' r i l i - liarves '\'kî'îi, Fui' an T om hi,'i of M ill-- biouîk. NMr. awlîîrh Mt'Joilii K:I - iii lIn eît.t s Ild .Johii u NI Knit iTregi a. 't'is iti IiluBrwt f Kpoil- t',C ii.u " gili'sis of MI". ,tîh I si ("Iallice andr t' on i Suindav' ss'hen hc% 4r'rat:'l i sýciaI rc'eut Amti_ N iss Mattrioîînie oftn TOI ' isot Il()!ho it. ntg ai lier iont'îînt"Kirbv. Ucaii .a l aiteuideri the Fie' ! rsCoit l('vtuctînîn i iin p ,t (,!u"o 1)0. rut u'eiui'c, d ae i f Iar:su e Mri'amti Xl!. . Ilatis Couait. 1NIr ;nrl Mits. W. E. Keaits, Mi r. a n t'r. Drtitî r Evalis tiiid cha [i1i11':'-. PRowmaivtille. :t:'r ii t)sid . phii ie at ('.îîtîogw M1l.- t irh r'ud . Mi< ',Ruthi- ali.e ('uiis . B ait ifîîd, se et Ni' î'îl X: - Il. .1 Rr-oks. -tir' ~ ýwý a 'st i s. lasi sueek NI: i Xt' 1 o rit ri o Mi '. nu, s'."iMurt, NI. - . i' 's rht'i NI" 'I i n i ' .s u X i. Nor- Si ;ir'r 3<Orono to Host tiir':~ e'Drama Festival Mt 1'î"uuoic1In uctooer ilm ýýo Il zý Da anid datigli c la lýqe ocre1u Ottawa Sîttirlas'« atand Motîray to attend the' fîîîîerali-nassrof 1Cie laIe Mu'Ts. Noîra 'J. (O'Re'gaîî) Waiell, suife otf Mr-. Wui. A, Waddeli ofrBe 1Ps Corniers, fornterl s of Ooioo, ilt, St. Pat- n l sR.C. (liihî. c}î tawva, ou Mondas îîortuiîîg Mc. atîri)rd .Xaiîce Cooper tif OStiassva. mi,. and iMrs. Frn- est RoÀctwrî, atet Illhe uu'cke'td Rt I-tlas'iia.N,,Y . .\Il-. a ncd Mt's (;co.N rto Xii . miiiMourisspeiit S(ut dias' with W and Nîrs. Goriot:j Ruth orf rIa. Mlit cas' liau-oc-k suas stav'- iiîgZ %,vithi-. atîdMis.tan.k Chapnîati andriKctîîv sehile his nintiter sua" n lithie Iospîtal. '01--litigh D.,ke' of Guelph, spetit !tl(c-cc \d sitlî NrS. D.vkc anid Ll chu reti "\r-.andîriMrS ..Junî Middlte- loti and hiir 5t',ekcuid gîtt,ý Mr's Sc NIthîctIsori of Co- holug. sîstch I .and iMrs Miss .Nars' B3osu'r'n spcîîî a fcsu av ast w(,ek suVth Mca-. Ro 'v raîh 'XIr. andîri-s. Ethitanles of Port Ilopc. v.isiter Mrý. andi mc:ýs Ccî Joîîc: oit Satulriav. Stai ting t lus Stîîîdav ai- vie c sill rýhr'lîu'cIa4,3 pin. ait -St. Ssine Atîgh tat i ur-ci aid fon- !11e' fali anîd %vin terý 1-t'0i11, of I iniiitt is. % ki i c his itti' M .JohniîE. Ai' i- stri g thffi.s eek li samti. Sonsif XVi ihîct'forc. 'as% 1 e ci tri )lite foî'îîiîic, r X;attihî' iriose on matîin ce Se)LtIi. X ib icra -cîîo N1:- and Mcs.Gai lia'î 'ii!. aicclid 'eî. mrie l itii l.'m'w hou-e oit Di\ 'titj ?sr iatri'r As che mîci son ")iitlr rf i'o i.t-t NI'.andr Xl .fiet iorht ii <f '.a \It' t~~" ti nii tiapo 1" (-'týri .5' ' ýý I ( !!er ý <"e r atp d h u ;- hi!' i' ý , ;; i i în jolît A.'\ ý- 't n In aci fanmrIls 0 - vl-{n'arH. Nt' '. Xl's CRutsi atri f a ti" i ' t-J.lie ss'c'kenr iî ' i 'rtitushatiuiri, Mcr. Mi. a' i Nîrru1) ..t ritd. - iti :.r faî'mîA.% -pcutvt11t ht su nkeic '.~ Mr. aond Mrs. Nr. at-ti Nirs. C. P. su'allos s'rtiS i ciavs' saiors su'ith t un i'is-i-. 'OIrn. 'Fed Grigg -Mr-1 Ni" ,', Nlný. Bob Griff- t - Ioruti*'ui d dti. er'SnsuRhev'. t l" tI>'IrSsc. n r-1 ;V D.. an. %isea Bs eauch fot 'e hi' t iii il- Orona 7:1 Dut him Courut',' 11 Uwelt'oni.e an-a1fen thlJa rical 2 ro[ 15 lz t h t 1'ow na: o0l tht' I. I!ldn an rri rd Oc- toh" lic 'lc nilual Orono Dia ia F'stlal ake plae, This tci ;ponnso'ed hv ti]t' Cen*:ra i Durh)ani A-g qr-tcula] Fali Fair whieh wi Il be ce! e- brating its i l2nvear. A., ihli~e ârsgo hb,, lt' pop- of la t ' lihe Orono Drama Jetali nureases anîd this x'car wv ~e alreadv -e-ý t'ei% ed en1tr1Pcý fr"otu \eýlI-estab- .ihed thcat rica 1 groups in Wlhýt.%ý O,ý awxa, Peterbor- oiigh1. Lindsav. Bowrnanville, Orono, Picke'ring atnd A jax, Th:sý Festival pro%-ides a ra:e, chance foi' th e amateu r pe:n"m.iocomnetp À.;*" o:cr 'hfore' au audience' and t e 'iç;zcd h': an expert ý7 nc f:cld Of dramatics. In na~'ee'i's uir ad hidiucators. kn -n ý hea t nia!persona;Î ties a- Mr- James Dean, Mr. Leonardi Crainford and M r. Esse W. Liiunzh. Mr. Ljungh Or'-oaza:' and adjudicate this y-ear'& p1aý s. .1 The Canadian Statesman. Rowmanville, Sept. 2, 1964 Mix -em or Match -em BRIGHT'S HIAWATHA FANCY CHOICE Tomato Apple Juice Juice A LLE N'S 7 FLAVOURS Fruit Drinks 00 CROSSE & BLACKWELL DATE - FRUIT - CHOCOLATE NUT BREADS 00 LIBBYS DEEP BROWNED Pork and Beans GARDEN LAND FANC CREAM CORN AND PEAS YORK BRAND WAX OR GREEN BEANS CHUM 2c OFF DOG FOOD Look To Dominion For Guaranteed Quality Meats CANADA GRADE B OVEN READY YOUNG 6 to 10 lb. Average TURKEYS MIDCRD-SETPIC KLED CRYOVAC 5l CIDTGEROLLS.9; tb HEAT-AND.SERVE ELLIOTT'S HEAT AND SERVE Smoked Picnic 5-6 lb. STEAK PKG. c C Oe FO Shoulders Arag 9bPIS2 Deep Cut Specials FLEISHMAN'S CORN QIL HILLTOP BRAND COLOUREDCHOCOLATE CHIP MaOrgaeD P<G 3 9e COOKIES1'.0z'9c DOMINO LIQUID CORDON BLEU WHOLE Detergentc H KE 24-OZ. CONTAINER 39 (H-B ICKN 89 , FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS ONTARIO GROWN No.AIGO 1EEVN BARTLETT CALIFORNIA VALENCIA SIZE 180'S SWEET FULL 0F JUICE SUNKIST 1 Oranges ___ Values Effective in Bowmanville Until CIosing Time, Sat., Scptemher 5, 1964. WE RESERUE THE RIGHT TO IMIT QUANTITIES. 6-QT. BSK. >MI NION I I ~*1 13 lb NOTICE Townshiip of Darlington 'Effective September Isi', 1964, ail persons engaged in the peddîing of goods within the Township of Darlingtan, must procure a PEDLAR'S LICENSE Such license and information regard- ing by-Iaw may be obtained f rom Clerk at Township Offices, Hampton. W. E. RUNDLE, Cîerk. Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited is uncondition- alIy guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. FREE PARKING

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