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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1964, p. 14

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14 Th@ Canadian Statesmnan, Igowmanvtlle. Spt 2, 1084 Births Cad fT aknMe m oriamn __ Articles for -Sale -1A r tic1le s for Salîe Cars for Sale j 13ROOKS-Ron and Margaret 1 wouîd like ta express sin-ICARNOCHAN--in lovingnme USED fruit sealer-.7 Tephone TOPSOIL, gond quality. Caîl '50 FORD 2-doorý, V-8 stand- ore pleased to announce the cere thanks to friends and morv of a dear husband. Grant 623-3102. 36-1 623-3816. 34-3 ard, private. 623-2788. 6- birth of a son. Roy Stevn relatives for flowers, cardsiCarnochan. wbo dîed Septem- OAT straw.- Phone Newton- OINE RCA om inain bew 1961 AUSTIN A-401 Pari August 24th, at Memorial Hs and visits while I was ai ber 'Ird, 1952. ville 29-36. 36-t. condition. $200 cash. Telephone station wagon. nicw tires, washl- erohl rf or Marie and Douglas. Hospital. Sincerelv, Ili m,62-193-1UE ahnyI. HrlSt 36-1* Bert Parker. 36-1 iNeyershall bis ninmr 2-18 1- SD Mcînr H sl-io vS.3- fade. ~~~~~54"* BOX spriog, gond con-1 propelled Combine; M.-H. sl-15 ECR:stdn ia ~vIOOCRAFT .lim O d e woud lik b exrea~tbougbs shal ever ditiort. Caîl 623-2295. 36-11,propelledi Combine: Masspy sI, efc cniinbt Lyda îne amro> ar or iner haksan a-1 ' wander QUAN'rTiTX' second cul baled Clipper P.T.O. Combine (bes! insid and outside. Best offer. Lthe spot wheîe be s laid. barinPhonep263-2737.nd6-I offert; I1H. No. 64 imotor drxi'- Phonc after six-987-456:3. happy to announce the birth' preciation tb the EnfidConm- Ev tespomemherf e bx'lhid. en Combin:nDemons-rtor7..36-1 on undv.Aug'~ 30'an tosereponibl fr te fe Esther. 36-I1.WAIER for sale ana delivered, T.O. I.H. Combine;: 1H. No. 4,5 i.fý tonr ugheMr y Den- mu0 'nd ty or e lovelv ifoto CallCliff Pethick 9263-2131. P.T.O. Baler; self-propejled '61 PONTIAC Latirentiari, 6 1964, al Memorial Hospital, delightfuL program. 32-t ase ranswater: M -H C-.auoaîc owrbrka eowmarnville. A baby sister Judy and Glenn Prescott. No. CARNOCHAN In B-20lovîiîconitme- for Andrea. 37-I136-I orY of a dear fallier and WA'1ER for sale and delivered N.3'rctr H.Btirise ra A-iconiti.5î -~ grandfather. Grant Carnoc'han, 24 bouc service. Cati 623-5756. Tractor. 19,58 International new~te hne 7557 ýwho passedi awav Sept. Irci. 2.9-tf '2ý-ton: 19,56 GMC 1 -ton; fe6p.n PLINM name is Rodne We woi like to expresýi; 1952. DION1"televýision itb national Iii-ton. Cowari Equîp Wvork vale William and I arrived at Me- our sincere thanks 10 ail our 'e hink of him n silence, swivel base. $45. NewcastlemetC.13KigS.E, roilHsiaBowmanville Long Sauît friends and neib His name we oftein recaîl, 9874613. 3- 6etCo,243igSt . DAY cace for -p e-school agea on ALIgust 29th, 1964. My bours wbo presented us wîth There is nothing left to answer WATER Bormsalelan. deoneered i ' children. Cal] 63-346. :j6_- Moman Dd reAure ad hauifl lae las iror But his pictiice ou tbe wa!l. Telephone George Feddemal3- RELIABLE babyh\t- fi or Don. ~Greta and Alex McLaggan1 dauighter Ruthb, son - ii - law .-20 2I __________361 bfor6lavig-te2ommniv7 0.rreembcedb usi63Auction Sales part tn.Pholle 6323 ~n~nem nts and famil.'36-t1 cCiligiadELECTRIC range. wasiling 3_ grandichildrien. :no- machine anid gais slove. Phoni NEiL SILO filling, self-ifloadttt Mr~. and Mrs. Lloyd W. The family of the late WVillis ,CR CIAN boiig:16-t' ILIVESTOCK SALESW .. er lqnePort Perry, announce Humphrey Jones of Newton-!CROIA -r l - MASSEY-Harris -31)" Speciai at Dra ou a en ArlPoe2308,5 th,~ forthcoming marriage Of ville, Ont., wish to sincerel ovo vdacs ahr rcor necletcndto.Ooo-1er hîs,73 moi\-ofin. darst alie-.Irai n xcelet on itin1rno-Eey hr. 73 . RELIA BLE womnaiî forda thepr only, Nola thank the relatives, friends IGrant Cacnoeban, \vho passedi Caîl 623-71:39. .36-1I Horses, Cattie, Swine, Calves. cleaniîîg oic bab «\ sitîiitg. 0lee jessie, to KarI William Kyry- and neigbbours for the mnan.y awav Sept .3rd, 195-2. 'IHRESHED wheat and o tc. For truck pickup phone:phone 623-2:382 helweemî 5 amîdF tow. son of Mr. and Mrs. expressions of svrmrpathv dur- Dear father, now tby work iS stca\v, bale yourc Ii, tIcler Orono 5 r 18 by 1 p.m. day of 3 :1î-t Stepheo Kyrytow of Etobi-i ing their recent .bereavement. oer,pelsa.J.ARid&Sn alsMONT YBc-h Src tataeplceo Studv,36t 'lli iliigbadswlltolbale, 623-2242. 36-U ae .A ei oSllMONJYBclu ervc, coke, the wedding ceremonvi AIUMINy UMi Windows, Doors, ilManagers. 9-tf -Trenches, drains. lutinda October 3 at 2:30 o'clock, in A lvn<) moi e,kn n wins ii o tionSanaid auptic lnuks dttg 1 Il Si. John's P r e sb y t er ia We wotild like t eprss lo ig ater kn ad wung .Siin. oreAlin6F23i-3871.cîui ae acfi.e13aî-1364f1 ChîircbPort Perv. 361 ur sincre thank 10 ailouîr NotrrieB avle62-81 3-258 lîead Diî aîand lerefordt Chuch Prt ery. 361 lti sn rie nds tal] neigo-onue 0oneartb wNe will find IIF.INTZMAN plaver piati 2:1ih\ ndsrw GREIN Vul\ia-I Long Sanl it ns n icattle,-o bwthaprxrr 5oril a - il bac traw (AIi'îNoWekI uat Deaths ;abeutrfulplat gla niE rer bereî bDv $bis . 47Ilorsev St.131, 6 -1-îmi edb . 1 to rees t:d GRTFION A th Hopiti fore leaving lthe commuIn- Keî er Auidi-i. on- ila LSEL)Washe Parýts, ail makes; ilCi .fîî iietc.. the s:uPP iue. cllt i i GIFON-AthHoptli3.KihBrown. sl arenice, h pemtps.iady o pe 11 ý tif Mr. lDavid Ariptus u..eifttiii for Sick Children, Toronto ', Ôreta and Alex iMct.aggaii daîigbter-in-amatono22i3-a22d1I1 ar' FreeCIn Friday, August 28, 1964, Jacob adfmîv 6tgrnsi Gaî.:6-1 kt 2.npon 63221 st Tg onsi & It. o cand a vrgîis fmetig~utb i and 2. Cti''I'ownslîip t1w5-a1-)a'. a ii lllde. gt uru Derk Griffioen, aged twodays, aîf nioules soiitbwest of Mill- estèitae . 6-13:390tiigmitî aicî' infan son f Jacb andAudri NIC tOLSlu ioiiîg uieutorvBAR TIETT pea rs and Crabrooîk, or fi ve miles west of Si\t.112:,i. 3îi,î ane Griffinen, R.R. I. Burke-!. We wvould like 10 xp*es of a dear litisaatd anudfallier, a1Is ." oRR ,Bi ibr e ii iloîvle ton. Service was heîd in the ouir tbanks to oîîr fiiend,.iJohni R. Nichols, whlo passed Phone632.rsre oni Moni aSeplemrber TREN'CHIN\G Mor-ris Funeral Chapel, Bow-1 relatives and oejgbboîîr for awav Sept. Stît. 1958. :;6-1*17,t96 4 (Labour Dx 1 sale l nanville, on Moidv August1 cards, flowers and acîs of k ind - I's iiot thîe woi ds, tIbe are KEYS cnt automattcaîly, while commenice prompîi at l ANI) ('OMPLETv F"I 31, at 3 o'cîock. 'IntermentIness during the bereavemeiîî but few. you Nvail, at McMullen Har- an. 'Irmai sb Lîi Ito TAN~K INS'TALLAION Bowmanvilîe Cemeterv 36-t1I!of our father. We especiallv Ils le golden iien oro ware, :36 King St. E., Bowmian-:bt, served itih the sale. FRANK BRINK0 wisb to thank Rev, Wm. Ho1-10io .ville. Ht . i ic ar ris, cek Jack landier and Rev Harold Turîî Eac 1 flo,'.ei aînd leaf inaiv 1BUYIN(; or selling furnite Re idt auc-tioîi 35 11 WADDELL, Mrs. Nora *J- e. Cal 26-271 hospital, Ottawa, on FridNovelda AllNji, tihevr, or appliances, callElmer,.:; Aigust 28th, 1964, Nor~a J 1tBerv 1ai.b ("'Ciigtt s'Irt mia% set. Ilamiplonbusiness 263-2294 -Antoit sfrnlale tif nudu' ici o A. BAA1 O ~ ~ ~ ~ Bl Rea, eovd wie oT-'he bea ris of eatîh wîîoos eresidu îîîe 26:3-269..6-tf aitqioIi md ieau uso . 1.At 3'eablve ieo 6-i Rlr M-ý Frances dt(e\.Knso WiliamA.Wadel, 7GadenAr tle nus\\1(jii,\,tAI\] TMINI'MiVDoors and Win-Rd .. Newtn itvit le. Io behetîld o I-Iig eafi Place, Beli's Corners. Rested' Aie tht (OiMul"n H\r-ltui iti (1,ab vDifll nt McEvoy Brothers, 235 Kent1 The famnilv of the late .Arthi- foi gel.Mcaii. PHONEi(;'Pluml" Street, Ottawa, after 7 p.m. ur H. Bell' wisli 10 express -R"umc'mtîileied(lihv n\iîte atîd \tVa kngS.E.B Sn(i leiresus, rg 5 esn~. I3î u vl Saturdav. Funeral en Mon- J their sincere gratitude lu ail fai 3 1l6 ille . Phtone 623-5408. :4-tf erro.Iiuiuldîîniitîî onta 4(1- , day fi St. Patrick's Cburch irelatives and friends who ouasTY$99.00 . F 00w, as tab cle PI(amuitablcard. 4 chat', D I E F C for Requiem Iligh Mass at Isent letters cards and OK P,.0l EI iiloy o g ou' tustf a 'va 90; ulliofdp-taftbeaîî iu u 1 ocîock. Interment Notre A special thanks 10 Rev. H. A. dent n eandi î oie a-Beatt appliait .p a di ci v ' s 4 d iese5 4 wash sîntîds, .1MB ( lEAl Dame Cemetery, Montreal Rd.. Turner, Dr. Austin, Unit 9 tif gare; ,Ii i u - -hlo 1assc1Mr t lapon2324 btoes a1chmul april Iel 4 2 ml lhle Ottawa. .16-1 Trinity United Chur-ch, Mor- an n, Sept. (11h 11)11.tabhIes. I 1 es anidll i c - -ris Funeral Chapel, anîd 10 aýi Me iîî rîfoc bier in silenci(e. 17 CUBIC ftoot deep freeze: 4 P.0.u'. Box 1599 Co' ~ ecptin ithe neighbors for I heir kindi B No ;~ca n Se ncLIS 1 001 mni ii radio, recod idoî 71iinc wgta7 <'tu'i t.Bwm iil Reiidtot levisBotîî.n <'biil'. nf grisiShe iî itie ut 011Buin Mc ad Ms. . E Reder Mrs. Beatrîce Bell Wlu île otters aiercep. Admii;ruil.Pilori'(-:chne.7l1 21e i Mr ad r. . .Reci and Famil. 3-l r :"einenIbered bli bs- 36- i 1l:2rteii îîîi 2 (T1mT>r wil jIpC 1Ji in IiL ~CC th-rý friends at a reception iin boit- bantd A bert and ftc ii i üt-i of lhîeir Fiftheth Weddîng I1svould luke to express uts Annivei-sary to be beld in thleîsincere tbanks 10 Kîrbv' C.C. Lions Centre, Bowmanvilîe !iW., Ocono Heatbeî' Rebekali 'AIT Iii lus îîugtieiis On Tbuîrsday, September 3rd, lLodge, relatives. frieîîds aîuciJack T'au ilt opilsud tiss 1964, (rom 3 - 5 iin tbe a fter-I neigbbours for -ifts. flowers, Augutst "(;, t9,50. ticoîî and 8 - 10 o'clock in the carda and visita v-hile a palietîtInluotr lîc'arîs a imuîuur evening. 35-2" lin rIVemoriai Hospital Bossmauî- k v1) - ~ villeand for luelp gis-uit o0Fotitliiîs' e Iuusu-cI sad i t9o er i home. Thanks also to Dr. Mc- ute\ u' foi-gel. ± ±owers Kenzie. înurses anud staff on Wîfe Arn>. soitluct. iii ithe, Surgicat Floor foc ihîir Ie.\ :î (iP.3 xJjL VLniR SHOP cace and kindiiess to me. CARNATION ý Doris Waîînacî. 36-I RIMAR 43 King St. W. 1 FIINERAL ARRANGEMENTS 'Ae would like to express MEMORIALS HOSPITAL ARRANGEMENTS aur1 deepest gratitude Io relat- Dignifîed and Distinctive .WEDDING BOUQUETS tives, friends and neigbbours ýqNonîurentr, t lat 'Marker FREE! - One 'for the kindniess and sympathx' in designs for any need. going-away ~ O4 shown tir us at tbe verv sad 1-59 Simeoe st. S., Oslha%%uî corsage a"abe wýwie d72341002 - 728-662) i>lh ver ~ ~Williams. Thanks, 100, fori-the Office Evenings wedding bea utiful floral offeruîîgs and 26-t -order. i ards: Nortb-iutt and Smitilu Corsagre. ad Funeral Home and pailbearera Il ane Cut Flowers [*o hi knns:D. Mc,- Phone 623-7141 Kenzie, Dr. Hallett aîîdiura" BABY-Siiier. Plîcuuue62 2. After Heurs 62.1-2184 of Memnu-hal Hospital, Bcîss - We %end flowers by wire ' manvilie, foi- their cari- ind DPI IVERY buis fou'ai. su - anywhere 28-If combort. Also a special thaîuks' to t he Rev. Jamu'es MIros' of pa)er r1o ute ini Newctast le Photography Toronto for fbis coiisoluni PAl'-TIF:eick 36os-<'il'c 'PHOTOGRAPHY forgotleiî. iferred. Cali 36_:14 1 Changre nt Addresq - llugh McWlianis, Kenut"hi 161 King Si. adAodr ~ U ..ucpart tîme vaut u'c'se! wvanted ..'pply àMu Camipbell Pqrtraits Bwa~îIPasst>orts, Notice to Creditors G'oli lteQlii . 1- Weddngs nnivrsares RELIABLF, n omat i.urluglul a dln pe. Aiversrles NOTICE TO CREIIORS loiewr.fiselItutrs's '-l a Specialty AND OTIIE RS c-e'ntrcal l<î'utt i ci. uIel u ASTOR STUJDIO IN THE ESTATE OP'1rMAR- 623-2302 tîlun 35. 1- Phone 63-2502 CARET CECELIA WILLAIS tî; fu'stt'. .i Phone 62-2502 1laIe of the 'Touwntof Bownanfo,îaiî(, iiis _____________________ 20-1 sille. ii file Cou îîs' îf l7iu- lse eîuuitiaIciii - LICENSED bani. idosi'. cecetused, A<5UIt-u.-îî,c/lUtutt tt ded aIth(, Cilst uf r V-;aa s tatestita ,I t.0 . Btox 111. Huis' Nursing Home iiit"iîéCuuiiit tifOiîtrion".u intItletsutlit'of ntario. o SjOUTII Ilaven Nucsing lineo'aîîhe, 1964. g ui 54>tti P AS i 1 r Accommodation for private TuInJ'r: A",u iiisui4u0. iiis >l a nI d semni-private patients, T96E TCU4.ST-E cl' 1,d,îuî l hat. gýiîuîîuuin, î Itunge TV. Full' icensed, 160Cei.rsa408. i) rshuS-c 5.rc'pi a tiiMss, l AitiI inew building, modern. Vîsîtors- rdtran iii v epyI Mss l(Cwnd welcome. Reasonable rates ing claimaaaluaint tire abu 11 'glttul usl Iu ;î Fiee ambulance service. Phone esta te art' ceqîîuî'î'd lu steni,3 6 1 Newcastle 987-4441. 41 'f.particulars andîcl (ihi pu te _ - - fýthereof tb the' uîîdec-Sîgîed. on,. IJSE>'ntUrsparet' lunie tut 'u- "*TUE Lodge" Nursing Hlome' or before thie 141h daY orcease' voiir su eklvuctîtga on Hligbway 2:-. Licensed. Ac-ý October, 1964, afler w1ic$ 25 - $501 or nmore. No tlîsest- etiffmoriation available. Kindi date tbe assets ie li estate1 ment but t-ar îîueded.Vict rare. Nurse 24 hrs. Vistors: wiIl be dislcibuîted iaviig .ce- Rawieigli. Dept. 1-140-915r. 411 welcme.Phone Mrs. Wm.. gard 10 the' Wili and thedam Richelieu St., st. hleur>'. Monît- Westnver, Newcastle 997-4252, I that bave then been rvCeis'ed. reai. : ______ -24-tf DATED ai Bowmanville, On- 111lîN A T N tarin. tiîs laI daY of SeîiIem- KEE RA IOE INotice toCreditors be'. lt64.EXR 1NY __ - neutre~C. Masoîi Esq., Q C Win a portabîle ' setlnh il NOTICE TO CREDITORS Barru5tei aîîd solîcitor, '\.ou make extra itiles,. Nu AND OTHERS Box 2q - 311 Kinîg St. W - exîîcrienc-e nec'essacv. Seil ex- IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE' Bosymarîville. Ontario. cutuuîg tuîî-valîuî' Christmans WILKES THICKSON. ýome-'- Solicitor foc tbe Execîutru\, Cards uatd GM. ari big ,imea known as George WilkEts i16î profits. F'reids aîd tueugb- Veale mr a' George Veahe, jle boucs hî.:s' it:sgi. Write foc o! tue T'nnof Rowmanville, . Lost fiee' OiOî:r c ataIdgLie iculd iii the County off Durbamn Fac. saniples ont apîii oval, Speetial tory Worker. deceased. n-bn SMALLback c-ange Ptl's nuonev,\-nuakiutg p ails t f ut r died at lte Towun ofBowman- witb ovec $12, King StraCh rhi'. C : I!hi>. Scî cls. ville, on or about the 8th das on Mondas' Phioe 623-3--92. orne r- Wa r rvm Cci..l)upt. 73,' nf .August, 1964,i 36-1I 411 ('leiideîiaiu Ase_'fui uîîîl TEE TRUSTEE ACT,. RS.O,ICHURCH St. - King St. vicuii-l9- 198(1. Ch. 408, Sec-. 52. iv, tabbs cat. \svbite cbe 'q Creditors and others having Anin iformationu regardutîg tlisa Seed Cleaninq diaims agaînst the above estate cbildreîî's pet ssoîld lie n cI-1 am- required to send partie- con-ne. Phonuîe 6*23-23431..136-1*, SEED CLEANING ulars aud (ful proof thereof to NEW' ce d silver sweatc r'Rt(I' -RD&(t-'!II I Ihle 3îiuidrigedon Oc tbeoî' I etss'enu Post Ottîce au"; ('elese' W heat. (Canada No. I Ibe 311 ay n '-i Sepdte tbe ,Churcli anîd ueoge Streets (G'eeee and Tlbiot IVheat, 1~6. fle wic' dte heconter. Fridav. Rew%%a'd. Tele- groivri front registered seed. ».àtcîs nf tite estate %will bel phonue__623-3661. 36-h1 'nda o IRean lt dirtribtited has'iîg regard !o0for ail a'stoî1re. and Oamd tbe cdaims that have then been Peso(rase fo atreailfaeding. i- rýce ivvcdPesCasfrfl edn.Ur IATED aI Bownianvilhe. Onii REGISTERED Bostonî 'erruet, the hesi in Seed a'eaîn d taîlo, this 141h day of August, ptipç Phone 621-5196. 36-1 Tet -i Lawrence C. Mason. Q.C. B o n or Swain Seed Barrister and Solicîtor. 1.1, Ce n r &D al s ;Eox 29 - 30 King St. W. ROOM aînd toamdi a 1he' laer elr 1 owmanville, Ontario, privale home. Phone 997-45 7 BLA('KSTO('K 98-:; ',Administrator. 34-3 4 36-l i 36-J gîuîdcii cn illi Phuili" (21-2112 icI e 5 n dc-u îstl7. 36- 1t PA.'SSAN'l'S Pc'eci-ei u i a I s, g ladclulis: tut fluisi iaftt.-iii! t0cC ( 1S 10 1- coîîîta'î' ,ai tgt'- iîîu'îu l. Plicitu' 623-:327, 1122 Dit fit' SI- . Rcuîî'uîtuil lu-. :: iGElH L F1ciuîgc'111r'st'.P.T1' au . c oIpic u p tu til su Iilbic w'c and pîus.i'uip'l Lusc ('lai k'. Retiîan 'v fi2 R 11. 1-. INSULA'FION. blowtng nietit- Soc, ss'uth i.î'cîekwcol. Wocýk-- niansht p guar-aiied. Fiee cati- uts es Hi cvL. Wauîe Tele- phoneii"NetonvttilmIe *-4:llî. 16-tf WR lîhavse oui liîd ses c'ra i gcud tîscuil comuubintiis, tîrtueci tmuseilI rM-P 182. 42-2C'ktt .,18 Olis'er., 30u 'Johnul.c-eu,4F catei-id'tt .N's('uuukshltî P.Ti.O. 18 withi alilgut' simd picut'p reel. llassouî tiaul t tut-iv, Pliui-roe :,. Cold- ATT"lENIO1N, hlute îs'î's chutvaru'tus. ituai .uie Sicotch Pute ii , t uIo 1 fec'î, suittable fi-i heg'-s'îcc'k anud g(',11(t ii ituiucapilig. 5c 'u-t Mntititt. Poltuuttsîoi. Phu,î OFFICE Ecîuiupnettl 'Is .po- sut'r.acîcerýs. cashiecas. dupit-' tatou-s. c'heque' î't"s. files,r fuluiiit ic' \\'e li> seili. 'cul si od 1 biil' ulids. 2 pcîcl bc . I boux -lo\uis t <ii u' abl. hîo1Sii iii s 1 ii. i iluit p a icu (antique),i -4 li tSrass utchlu'stii'ký baske't, itug qttutilits tof <'te . Sale Ituî lu e l'ci ai .î 'Terni ush.t u t'u'Nioliu ii~ ll' u'i uutl l'cý'. 1 6 -I î'îîî Stull cut utîtSti e if laituti inIencuts. thie pu'tpc'its' oif Ict' >\'tighit Luit 13. (Cion. fi, Dauiitcitlîl .. 2 uuuîl'Wi-sl of' 'rI's'ue and lSoutîh, ociii îu- da> . Septemîbc' t h:7îlv 1 .'..i Chualiuu'i'5 acîctu. 1)13.lise iitews'.wi t h i ade' c.Cutikslifut t No. Il tiatcu drui . l. 44 tiactuti - psittn i > .ti'au'tt wsec'd -prayeu nilli buoomn, corni cultiiumto. tiýýd u-hti t'c'ic'cti'.c' v'elchý-i. :-ch uui tuul lc-î'. rdîi u hOý 'uiiac'. i ics 'r. tI.î'- bilîclu'lii eL u. iii ube;C' ampt disc'n tipuit" I raîglitu'iu.c Mi.-Il. tuitisattur. 21 -10toc itiii- liltiw it ii l ibi.uatgutu iti rac'k, ns 2n'îii' It'aiulc'îs. i se-c-tions haruus . aunier uni il, Wtt uuuîîc' tgisain auger xi t i utîtîtuti. 11M I.: tocut shlîulc i ponwer ciivtut:Casc'u ves stcur. 25 lut.: c' inceit1 ni i x u'rs a sw fîsuîîc'anîd 2 sas. Sali'a,, I :30î p iii Nou 'csous i. 'lei'ts c'ashî. Adsuîis & Aelrs. elerks:ý Chiff Pu'tluc k. auc'tiuuiîec'. :6-t PUMPING BERT TOMPKINS Pliolie Newu i v l 25I UPHOLSTERING Si vt- Dolluars! lu se 3'ouric.r ertiu'ld and chuairs ce-ipholst- e re d. F-cee estiinuîtes. stumples taken tii the home. Budget Te r ms A rrui i i'u J IV'IlFF: BRItOS.1I Plli.S'lE RI' 1 02 King Il' Phonu 2232' :I7-tf JACK BURGESS 0>11, BI RNEIIS -Fl RN.U'îES PLUM .BING liEPtA IRS PHIONE l 'I( Mail .1cîcrîss P.O.Bux , Bosmis hu LYCETT & GARDEN PI MBIN<, aud îE1II SIIEt:'! IE'rAî.IN Olil AIH,,('ONII!IONIN(. Oronu - (Ontaio Piholnes Siboîi19! >uî lies-3>.I Il1 < ulim WV A Y N E ' S MAINTE-:.NNCE SERVI(:f sos te.tugust stock, .buidge't l'he-unudersugnuud sîuîuît'u'er Shipiing<ii tel'uuî Nesw'and îuau'd. liA) si i\\ sc111 s ) Itlî)lît' alUt l, Il nor, IVuml aun iii 1lt oî ci'w î p idcs. Buli 1 tîtutir iiat1 i ,i lia. lus ', pluiti1II'idosw Service - Ialuîîîî l 1î, IZ a g I a uti (Nolctît aitl iîti iii-, ht uiu-î it-o[ Inchiistrial - (uînn vvi'îu.l O'hii lua21-t f Ihuti lu uust'u .t. l Cn. itît >3 teidenitiuil CON 2'51hI . >d >0unit. tou- I)ariuigtctu n tt\.ltp . :1 tutuI-' 'PHONE OR11150I7 li li .Spciis'I li ci _wi .i' 01tltSdIiuuiidts . -)ut'îuu" tIl ttt alIchutu Ut-t-rng ing 0h. i umtui,%N-si , . K uiit m .lei - Ci. ()c, io mma u (; bhuuuîu' \%.istI i lictoi ; L (A tING Itl N'II ( o* c-Ci uu, 'iîtu' u Cuuc'fihuitt Nco. 4 -tidu'i-iit Sanid, (ruisîl. 'l'op Soîl uand io lu i fuiu cciruner. a ,itku Nuis lclituîl tîtucîcc' lili du-is erec utuîs. -uuti Ilandti hu1,u-24-tluiîir NVA'!ElI St.I'l('l G R A 1) LA - No. I1I"R F5 11)tutuiii"c, ecrtttk Ru-ci aIusouablue Rtetus CHl-ICK1ENS Il -tutlu luactuti' u'ltus'atcîr, Mc'- 623-5 5t6 - BO WMA N VI . El Coî'uîîuck-I)ec'ciiig l.l-ruuîu fu'util- u sO 35çvlb uî'st-et driill,- McCotrini'k- BA Deeritug 2-furron tractor pîon',ES & B A .Siop and Sas-e a( Mc'Cornm ck-Dceriuug Il - tcîctîîil 'M NG & IE!' Dykstra Fooas urco 'ultîsator, 'SA1LES &SERtIvCE- sel ldudc'mdiat'.Masse\v-Hariis 1HV Phone 6*23-3.541 6-iIichec tiller. 5 sectionus drag t-OR :161 aucos,2-dcîun stelec]culler, 0O1 Burner Service T V TOWERS C1 ck-tcîtNo4(tIlutrsprad- SEPTIC '.~SAND $50 tip aul "c t Masses-larris No. 11.. F:) O1SA ' W re ctn.11 s a rat cin 1 e icirie; PH O N E TV V SUPPLY LTD. rt lin't'(ire sînVut s1thiuk. cE1f;-65 curcut lac sasv franie,2ans:t9-t fr -361 (.uhbon St. t)ial 728-8180 \wagut: mîon ei.xoodemr i e, u IAVI Day or Night - Bill Leask. Prop. wîsgouî, 3 selst- h-sn sicuguîs. 1,t NONAN LO 40-tf hp. <led ric nmoton, qîîauîlits cof I 511 5)l'.(l SALE "be lap.31 s'a tit lcIXsvagcmî Cleaning Service .si lumit. 6.95: floor la mps siiuu8-*2 I 2.1u1> I .Si.auib 5 17.95: liassctck ;,S3t88: anni: ,staiet'. ianinig inili. e.vl8 'Ur- t 1331 cha iir- ut> Iii uti ens .S179.5;rmi1kiluîmac'h ie. Bt-ait telut er AUl Ty pes I ndui lus t-c hcste chia $9.9.5: t 'u deuu '. icarrieri oudei aouîe-buuat. Flancs ('leumed, lVaxed desk. S'29-95: 4-cramwen 'hiesî ýM m'idttUtIHWLtS u'eeibaru cis. and Puilisheci iuttaited. 19.501: pilleun..'lawi!tîîctnem. qîuaîîîîîs' )if J,; OIALSER:Uî'î pair. -S3 88: cutifet' table>, 595:îuec! iumbei . extensiionu iadehc'm, Wl ah fOx!I ttigs. îîylcuu. $25.51). Seas:pUmus ack. ateuîe-boiaî )a îîlauuks, IVai IVahingchli uuîtl I cas'- 59 1 Mutr liiiuitt\lsoh stoe ossioîd. clou'- Fluions S(-nhe i'~s t Fuît itii tr, 1Kinug Wu 1 truia ic rî' ate r hieate'i . t ack asud Store %Iindois s ( leanrdc 1 ville, 6:13-31781I. 36-1ha"(cinace for. 8-fi s"(11119g('oor. Reasonahle Rates h Repet b Poula Deand Il> su (;sîî h :îs mi c.Residential and ('îiîcc's Neeth o. i Fren .sec oîîd uti as'. 50 ha c-s cîc lnvc No. 1 Frpebas'. appr x ni a teli' 2,000 v c P EACHES R(odîîc \' Ois Furit llime Vc Ou 88c 01ui rt'uni.Fiuidla v combuus- P ro a heaping 6 cil basket lion vood and eletrcr tove. I-YGENIC asupplies __'RiÂhrr Ideal fer- Canining i bulfcî. ssash stanîd, dresser, gondsý mailed postpaud in plainV .riving Fresh Daili' 'îel hbed. pbonographîb, akr seal. d envetope wuth pric'e ist t Sýhnp and spivp a l . table. pudîluce framc ' Term - S;ix nmr)le-25r-, 4 ,jmpjf, s Dyt<ar(ý.h. Faim'>llNo ruc-crs e $1 1i \tI!t' rdu-r D'o' T "8 SClifI Pethuck, auctioîieet r O Co., Box q t. £roc b uz.-.i'j. ,>O- âi1'lHalicuton, Ont, 'o DEADLINE #4~>4Si FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. Real Estate for Sale&Real Estate for Sa1eýReal Estate for Sale Tri T'10 ACRE farm with Il-room Peter Kxowali Jr. Jack Ricard brick house in gond *air. REALTOR REALTOR Prie $9,800.) Terms. . Cl and (CENERAL NRAC lKng . . 6-23 Hampton 26.3-2021. 35-2 i7vliimber of O~aa&District R owmanvilleJ.VnN s Real Estate Board i tne d Bomnl 52KiaSt I. 623-2453 Attractive 3-bedroom brický REAI, ESTATE BROKER 51~ ~ wl b1< nn~ uv this bnglwwith attached] gar- 118 King St. E. Bowmanvllef 2-edoîmbuigalo\\wil ail age. mianv extras. $1lî,200 vvith Phone 623-3230 Cttfî~ and 2-car gzar- S2.000 dowvn. We noUer you on Elgin lSt. Inone home centrallvIn age.OnvSIO Eas.v nionth- cated fil Bowmanville: îwo a. 6-room twvo-storey brick on Building lol on Librrtv SI aparliments. Onlv $12,500withnice lot. Ail conveniences. A N. $1,50.occl) own. iee family ouse. Asking 4 edonibnglw iwth i Commercial propertY near $lý5) with $3000 cash. Parý( Ilii baerent Ncemain Intersection in Bowman- OilAlbert St., oear ho!ç- locatio. Pl aeet ievle If ,v ouare înterested . pitl.aia2-bedroom bungalow nvsngin reai estate in a with finished basemnentad suIiUici '.estm,,tIP"prme commercial area -caîl'.small apartment. Garage, large. aIlîete. Lrg ltReal 1OW!lot. Asking $13,000 with $3.000 ni ne aker. Callofc o 15'_- Acre orchard in the cash. in formiatn ff.eoi heart of Bowmanville. Lovelv -é5 Acre farm close to Bor_ ', )OP I)own 6ti cnIl-,ti rckbnalw irpae, manville, gond land and bîiild- stoe'ore igîttuEnîsl-et '. Idea lx located for fture 'ing. i.sted at _14,000.00 with ien Nvi a a iii sl-tl 1sujbdivision. Asking $48.000 haî1f cashb. et.-i.N Nellali a in f.S-t c-lai wîth excellent terms. 100 Acres near Nestietoti, turnili soîîndhomd nntirst and a real.Asking S7.5010. Open Cutyhm nar n good soil, buildings in gond re- lot. casl offer. llalf of good rich gardien land, pair,* 7A Highway. Listed at Souculalirs te' Oi cesmall barn. Onlv $7,500. $200wih 8.0ca. ii .tt igh nte IlîeartIilf36 Salesman - Ernie Bradley -lWOhîîut. e ByleenPhone 623-3560 honiî. RealI tpportut v. OniY Gore Bylte \e~ î I In ie~ 'e I a v cR E A L T O R Ouveral lIocattis foi. new Phone 623-5300 W. Frank Real Estale hintus: .\ oui plaît or out. i plî: lWO building lots 66, x 100, N. Il1 nttu-tgages or (on\'eit- 'ii towni, sewec and water ai- LINITED an xi(tics Io sel]I. Give us Eveuilngs : oftfeu'. A. L.. Ilooev - 623-7264 Excellett pportuioit.v t P. Kowuîl - 623-58681 the baudvniau. 9-roomn brii 36-1 bîtuse in btijsiies section. Ci Noticesetsilv be conveted irtotiv -as futrnace, bathroom ts Dir. V Il. Storeva office osu' îî to0a, in îîhClOIused ficini A igsm1 sta i rs Askiîîg price $8,90 ini 3ttt.Speu e'11 :3-4'G iv" cisan offer. Maple Grove - 4 bedroi J)"Ki Ih lc'îo a îffc' vt l acutix home, bot siater hea s. liiid iitu A îugtîst 2îding and uueelv decoi'ated,c ,o Su'1ut. 7tlîiîtusi :16-1 :1, acrie lot. Asking pri( $101,500î, Ternis. Sulsel Resiautclaii Puitu 1 - 20 Acres vacant land i po s.uill bu c Icusecl Ironi Ma pie Grove area. .Askii .ci uittil Sutît. 1,5 forui' î- jplic 5,000> s th $2,000 dowi tus 6-1 Salesman - _R. Lovekin l3îtti lu'gîe Rouin s.Phone 987-4634 .6 .î:r.i' pitis bc'uiru 'Viliesdla v i3 cIl' 1 t. h putnoie uhect',' John F. DeWilh nw' 36-2 REALTOR f;o1d1lr', Ut îsp l"tansd Clip Bommanville - 14 Frank S :," r 2 ) Diiii StSi., siiiibe Phone 623-3950 i m ssc sc fuit'bîtiidas, 200î Acre faim w i t 2 barni ui mete uglahbuu Da.v. Sept. brick homie, 1501 acres worl- 'hIl Ici -,]I. 36r-I able. .Asking $28,0001. Termn '100( Acre farm iiear Newton K 1._ ut tiut v Illvil le. wuth bouuse. barns, poni wclii ic Itoituuluca s sfrotit Askuitg price $17,0010. 19t I nili Sc'pt. 7111 in- 100 > Avre' faim with bic I lu ia(.icutof, (tcsfbcie. barni. La rge rive al] tI fi l )i du ai Iîsa I Fos- ýthroiiglt pi'opectv. Priced a titi i ilu 36-1 $91110. Ternis. 100II Acre fat-ni wi1h bruci N 'lIm kis kI iul u's agué, hccne, barn,. 2 tcocut stream5 'Mondacutl.s Sept. il, Price 51I2,0ttt. mi'1 11s sshs'vr iii- 183 Acres ni t h 8roomeg u'î'IPlîuuuîc M. Ilodgaon brick home, garage. Locateg '2-1) i7 8 uc .1 slwetrc62.3-2277,5nmile's from Oaliawa. Askini S( rp l. 1.:16-1 ouuis' $3.000t down. 10I) Acres i tii lonuse am THANKSGIVING brn caedonTa highway 196;1 laI NEW Y ORK 100 Acre DAIRY FARI' lnu'I-udiiîg IorId's Fair) witb 600>i bs. milk quota. Auto By Air- From S85.00 matîc stable cleaner. Askinl t'1 I V & 1, 0 V E I, t, $27,0001. Ternis. Traie! Azency CAS STATION. SNACI, ;iu nialuvi lie 623-3361 BAR. ini sillage, as a goiný 316 tf Coceci. Only $5,001 do \vn. RESTAURANT' w i t h 1 B 0 N3 1A NI11Il' rîoorned building in village Nursery School God turnoverNo compe î1.i'c't'~edi HAMPTON, 7 roomed homn OPIIN(uIVD., SEPT!. 16 iwith aIl] modern couîveniences Vor information and enrol- Good i se lot. Askiîig $12,900 ment Phone ris MlS ..*tN OSBORNE- NEWT'IONVîILE: î Roomec 6123_3 ?8 7 2- brick home, ail inoderii con- NOTICE veii'rees. Extra lot. NOTICERAGLAN. 5 Roomed buinga- 'lark HighScho lis', aIl]modernî conveniences. [arkeHigh choolAsking $I(0,000I. IIAMPTON. 5 Ruuuinied lun. Il M-tidents report la ('larke galciw \ith moder-n cooven- hi School startingalat9 ar. i encî's aid 2 extra lots. Ask- uesday, Sept. 8th 'ig51I,5oonith$ o oae ii iisecl books for~ sale for es Of Newcastle. OnIv $500 ides Il. 12? aîd 1.1 are fi lie dio u'in. ided ini lu the sehool on NIAPLE GROVE, 2 bedroom -la «s, Septeîmber lth or on ,homne. modern conveiiieoces. us.,ditv inoi-ning hefore 9 a.n,. Aakuîîg .8,500). BOO1K EN('IAN(;F:) Roomned hitglw on TO OIIN AlrPritnce Street. Cîcan and weIl 'l' oîî:~kepi. Askuug $1I 10001. 'Terma.' 11::;I .A.M. (ON'!' '1'SDAY fi hRoomed, iiew. wel I hîilt 3 fi 1t hoiu.-,ail umoder'nicoiivu'icices. A. ki g onti\s'$9,9001. 'l'rina. COUR'lICE at'ia, 6fi 1ociiel >((ICN. % ) 1A N hiîînu'.ai] cnuoiecti ucîîusî.îîuec- T ~ IIIE'r : es. g oe lut. ing $1 ,5 0 Afler hiurus cuill: Donald Motiotjoy 623-,3614 Guy IeBlanc - 623-3715 Idso Iiensma -Orono 1649 Rloss l)aviduuon - ethany 30r3 ti A Ti Gr hl F ci 160 Churt-h BoNisnlans-ile No%% Offers tainplete .1011N BEAN N'HFt1:l.t - uand - friete BAR I' RI; IR IFIVE-u'oom apartmeuît. bot '!"RNNGand coild se.aten. Hligbwav No. l>hiu- 1> 711or 623-'? St àI12. esai cmf Bowma nvillp, CatI :6-5 623-1,I50. 36-1 Livstok Fr Sle1 HEATED fuurom and bathj YORKSIR 13E lcans, 6 moith) iO 1hAý ti Charunal Bungens, r1iI G,îne itkarrî 2:- li 4Dmisîdcut St. S., Bowman- viille- 36-1 1 IIIRFORI) hîmi. tuuieci, BOWM'.ýANVILLIE, brie-k build- ,'c'r, îîuc'icue-n.voî mg, ahuiut 50f)1 q. (cet work- vit r'l, 2 3 Ci-space. sîtuitable for sma il wor,-ý SI X P inAR-OLDla shop. Cen tral. $30.00 uroontb- tr " ..m cc icrj t>î< ly. 623-2698. 12-t M."cu cettiul"00 TWO or Iliree bedroomn house, '71, ~'5ctccs'tic- Bowmaus-uli- s-c-unit s' near Icit ci. :îo :scbcuni. oct. I. Phouc 23-98 111G ! llré-frri36-I h ci tilrt cfur cl reiiopu. 0f! iii 'ing. V/cite Ad- ,cc I ' f'-m e ' tt' ticsil 33.c-/o ('anadiaut StaI(c;rnauy, P'O. Box 190,. Bow- us' iti . Mi t' fB cru. Mortgaqes r;;:> tut :36-1 E r w %iII huy Agreemeuits of bii' r ueII dialteY cowS Sale, bus' or give second ut hi e) i-, ilh autel -pring i morIgagez. Alwood Develop- i îc c cc- Tierun- avaît mrnt arud Construction Limit- ON Phc'c su -ce-ý Rd p (,riN- ussi le p Phout New- Da .,.- ia.npt)uî, Omut. 2314ca-lIF, 987-4245 or Oshawa an Meniber Oshawa and District fr Real Estate Board ck 177 Church St., Bowmanvill. ,an, 241 Acre Dairy Farm with vo fiontage on Highway No. 12. I. Toronto Milk Contract. Two set large paioted baros, stable p- cleaner, cemented yard, ma- 00.'chine shed, milk house, silo. garage, stream. 8 room house inn with ol furnace and two bath- at- rooms. $60,O0)0 - $20.000 down. .o 98 Acre Stock Famm. Two- ice storev brick home with ail city onveiences, L" shaped inbarn 32 ' x 85', 32' x 50 . Ex- ig9 celient soil. This is an excep- Otionally gond farm, 10 milei soutb of Peterborough. $25.000 -Tecm s. 5- 485 Acr'e Dairyv Farm local- ed north nf Manchester. New steel barn 45' x 125' with wing 32' x 40'. Pipeline milking, autnmatic stable cleaner. Sec- st* ond barn 62' x 100. Three silos. Two good houses - 10 roomn brick and 10 room stone, -k- both with a]l city conveniences. s. Two streams. Large Toronto ý-1 milk conlract. This is one ot id. Ontar'io County's best produc- îng farm. $ 145,000 - $40.000 ck dowo. tr 21) Acre Stock Famm. Mod- at erni home with separate apart- ment for help. Large bar~n, k double deck hen house, stream. s. Owner's health forcet4 îm- mediate sale. Located r di Blackstock with b i g h d .frontage. Excellent value at g1 $30000 - $10,000 down. 150 Acre Highway Dairy )d Farm. Excellent 8-room home, Y.1paintedi barns, 40' x 60', 40' x 72', 2 silos. Valuable com- M mercial frontage. Toronto 0- milk contract. Two ponds. Ig Port Perry area. Excellent investment ai $65,000 - $20,0(di K down. Ig 100i Acr'e Stock Farm in Blackstock area. Bank barn 4 40' x 78', chicken bouse, gar- e. age and pond. Excellent soit. - Seven roomn two-storey brick i home with three-piece bath leand furnace. $20,000 - Termn. '.Brooklin - Building lot, haîf acre on Highway No. 12. Asking $6,600. i 3i Acres of vacant land with -cedar bush. 900' frontage on 401 Higbway near Newtonville -cloverleaf. Asking $3,650.0t). S. 47 Acres of vacant land with maple and cedar bush. Stream. 1Southi of 401 Highway in 1Brightonu Township. Asking $3,600.00. 1. 110 Ar'rps of vacant land (1 witlî 1,900' frontage on 401 iHigtiwa *v near Newtonville Cloverleaf. Asking $17,000 - n$2,00l0 down. Newtonviîîe, No. 2 Highway L-Iutich Bar, gas pumps, on 1 acre of land with beautiful seven room brick home. Price incides fuil lune of equîpment tin diner. AFking $22,900- Rnsslarid Road, Oshawa New an.. oom brck and stote b u n g lo w. L ot 61' x 1 00. 4- piece bati aîîd oil furnace. Askiiig $19.6f(t) with $7,5001 dovwci. lui cme Home, Oshawa - 1Brick Duplex almost new. 5- ipiece bath and 4-piece bath. oul beating, built-in stave and oven, laundry room. Lot 114' X .58'. Apartment ents for $100 per mnnth, eomplptel.Yq separale. Asking $23800 open to offers. Two hedroom bungalow on- caterf on 1lI5 acres near Orono. Stream. Asking $8.000 - $3,00f) dowîî. Orwio . 3 bedraom homne, haf acie luot with barn. $9,000 -Tecm s. Third Street, Bowmanvlle - Seven coom Alîmminumt- Frane home wîth 3-piece bath, nil furnace. Iot 74' x 66'. Ask- ing $1 0,5(0. Frederick Ave., Rowman- ville 3 Bedroom brick Ranch Buîngalow, attached garage. Niely landscaped. ~ Very desirable area. $17300-- Tlecm s. Gardent Hill 2 Bedroomn home, barn, on 10 acres. Ideal for retirement. Gond garden land wth raspherries, straw- bernies, etc. $8,0001 - $2000 down. Loupau Dpvelnpments - 1 bedrroom kbrick N.H.A. Tome Aller 9 p.m. Ken Hockîn - 623-S055 Pat yen - - - 623-3077 Joe Barnoaki, 2202 Newtonvilll. 86-1 ----j -. if Il P. ý W../ STORE '4 ý ;;ý 1 , m i rf 1. t -11 ()j j(ý FIGHTY old, Wanted to Rent

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