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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1964, p. 16

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16The C;;nadian Statesman. Boi-manville, Sept. 2, 1"64 Colorlul Costumes in Legion Carnival Parade Sdilly Anne Kilinci'-, the buttem'fly in the fore- ground mn'iis lo flittimig about while this photo was being laken. The others include, left to right, Reg. Del strE Freethy, Brad Freethy, Mathew Jones, Susan Gloria Stapleton and Susan Robertson. Jones,1 COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Faund, sponsors of the boys liard bail team, entertained the boys atl their cottage at Bobcaygeanl * on Sunday. The bal1 tearn played in the playoffs on Sat- urday against Newbury andi Mr. Wilf Brownm is in Bow- manville Hospital recavering from a knee operation last week. Courtice Girls are n ow in the finals of the SoftbalL. They defeated Bawmanvilli and now are playing against Newcastle this week. 1 Mrs. Gordon Osborne who b as been on a trip to the east coast, called on Mr. and.Mrs.1 )~H. Osborne on her way home to Hamilton.1 Several frorn here attended Blackstock Pair' on Saturday. Mr'. Roif Wehnert, Ottawa,I Report from Queenn 'st Parkitit heas been AbraEio IRep rt rom uee "s P rk tion and eye glasses with the resuit that mianv elderiy peope are able to take greater e r sd n by Ale Carruhers, . P P.creatioral pleasures. Tle One ofthe bst was by lex Caruthes, M.'~ '~Queensbridge Centre has re- e IV r p r On ftebs asto iearn 1ticular nterest mn our study providing treatment for chroi- ceived a geat deal of assistance something about a probIem is of agmng. and in particular ic illinesses. from Lions Clubs in this im- to listen to people who are the with respect to the services be- (2) It pravides a clearing portant wvork. Ke.Camroe 6,Alta.)Can most knowledgeabie about the îng pravided by' Day Carc centre for seriouîs cases bx' pro One of the hadicp uK fte patrdge 6,plishera subject. My recent visit to Centres. viding direction and transpor- ,%Nhich the Queensbridge Centre adian. wvas elected president New York as chairman of the l The Queensbridge projeet i tation arrangements to the, operates is due to state legis- of the Canadian Weekiy Select Committee on Aging! a geriatric centre praviding various specialized hospitals3. 'lation which requires childiren Newspapers Association Fri. provided varied oppartunities health maintenance services for (3) it relieves the problem 'ta assume a measure of f in- for listening to just such ex- the clderly as part of a subsi- of transportation for elderlyanalesnsbit fo th day. He succeeds Charles No- petsinths ied.dized housing development in people in a crowded city bY i care of their parents. Manyiv an of Stouffville 0Of The magnitude of this prob- a heavily industrialized sec- meeting a large proportion of elderly people do not avail President t year of the lem in a crowded city like tion of the city. their needs within the facilities themselves of the services of Aiber'ta Weekiy N Pispapers New York, with a population The Housing Developmen' ofte HuigDvlpeîfecetebcueà h ti of two and one haîf million, itself consists of 19 higli riséself tude of their children and the Association, Mr. Patridge has greater than that of Ontario, apartnintboks surrounded ( 4) It is capable of etiistin' necessity of involving themn in been on the CWNA board of appears to one from a rural by factorics except on the west a large number of voluntar?ý the costs. dîrectors since 1951. area of this province ta be ai- side where it is bounded by* workers from the population 61' Ontario lias similar legisia- H-e said in an interview he most insurmountabie. The the Hudson River. Withinithe Development ta assist the tion on its statute books but itifestr h bnaswg situation is furtber aggravated, this limited area are housed older people in their shopping, bas neyer been enforced. Thelfesteehsbe wn particularly in a city of this some ten thousand people of in the preparation of meals, in1 experience of the provincial in rccnt years back to greater size, by the fact that the two which 1,500 are 65 years or their housekeeping duties, andj govern ment has been that it readrship of wekly newspap- dep2ndent segments of the older. particularly, through visiting,lcosts more to administer the ers, vhich can provide a more population, that of youtb and The director of the centre is dispel their feeling of loneli-1 legisiation than it is able to î~orai' n eae e of the aged, are increasing Dr. Nicetas Kuo, a truly dedi- ness. recoforr.tThisafart is boniee rapidly in comparison with the cated pro in the field of (à) Through its re-actv- out b.N-saeet id ota iiY centre working group which aigan P e oespes-an on paostatementis abde toport of a community's events is cailed upon ta bear a very vagingondh unde rwose ser-to rga t sal opo m yocaswthewhmvithanatdis ey. tera vison he enre rovde th vie herapy, relmeve pain, discussed the problem in New Th re sadlngrader large proportion of the costs. services of soc;al workers, a and maintain or extend the York. I was informed that ship nced thereada oga Although it meant a very physician, an aptometrist, a mobility leveis of elderly the city empioyed 40 high weklv publishirs fi it, and crowded sehedule we were podiatrist, a practologist, a people. It is generally proven priccd lawyers to recover. do not tr>' to campete wirh able to visit same 12 different nutritionist, nurses and a re- that an active persan is a moncys owed under the legis-[ the dailies on 1aintf~ offices in the City providing search associate. The average heaithier anc.l latian, and that of the total international events, t~l services for the aged, and dis- cost per patient is $100 per (6) It is able throug!h tho ,amount owcd approximately be safe." cuss with officiais methods and year. services of a nutritionist ta 2% was recovered. The CWNA represents 493 types of programs in use in the Saie of the advantages of provide counselling. direction,i In this cannection as wcll as wveeklv newspapers, with a city and throughout the Staîe this type of centre might be and practical a ssistnc ii nn te set fsca obnd cruain o . of New York. listed as follows:1 meeting the diet and nutrition-1 welfare legisiation wc found .300,000. About two-thirds ot The visit ta the Queens- ( It relieves crawvdilig in ai needs of aider persans. Ontario ta be marc advanced Caîada's recognized wveeklies bridge Heaith Maintenance haspitals and ather clinies by (7) Throughi the services of than aur neighbourmng state. belong ta theý association. Centre in Queensbaraughi, __ Long Island City, wvas of par- NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to The Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of JrTr Town of Bowmanville for approval of a bv-lau; f nrsecni21ott d l na c,Pc.d niiani, KIÇ'JAL Sunday wvas an exception- ally fine, warm, sunny day- for a change. We hope S ep- tember has more of thcm in store for us. Mrs. Burwash of Cobouî'g is spending a few days wth ber sister, Mrs. C. Thampson and Arthur. Mrs. Allen Fostei' spent thLe weekend at Teeterville. Mrs. Cowie, who has been visiting the Fosters returned ta hcr home with Mrs. Poster. Miss Nancy Walsh, who bas been here with the Walshs also went home ta Vittoria. Mrs. Dave Foster came' home Sunday after spendingý the past week in Cobourgý Hospital.1 JE,~sp ent the weekend1 witb hi -s Mrs. Irene Mercer spent a parents, Mn. and Mrs. R. Web- few days hast week in Ux- nert. bridge visiting bier brother, Ebenezer Church hlad a Mr. Arthur Grant and bis ;9,>o attendance on Sunday. Wvife. Musmc was provided by a trio We were pleased ta se MnI. ofgirls from Bowmanville, Charlie Cooper aI Orono out Msses Pat Thompson, Judy ta, churcli Sonday with bis Brougli and Mary Ruth Os- daugliter, Mrs. Jack Staple- sborne. Miss Louise Osborne ton; also Mr. and Mrs. Hart- hs been organist during the weli Lowery of Kirby, and summer, giving Mrs. Erie Miss Marion McKelvey. Courtice a well deserved rest. Ms irne Wih Original costumes included these colorful oufits worn by, left to right, vhsiting with ler' daughter, bbie Corson, Christine Jones, Donna Virtue, Alan Preethy with arms otut- flDT u Mrs. Len Falls and heer bus- etched, Ser Sellers adWnyFreeL'.L'JLLISHJ± band, and was aiso one af aur Shery ad vendy guests. Teannual Sunday School Mr Nhogz of Wesleyville 27tb, ah Monishi Comn- da, church Sunday mornîng imunity Hall. The weatber was adgv sanme Iwy perfect and by three p.m., that we could 'Get Involved' iteachers and cbiidren were in doing little neigbbourly assembled on the lawn ready things and acts for God. He ~,* or he ecitng ail ameandsaid that too often in peoples' races ta fallow. In the races, mids as the idea of getting every contestamnt received manas mc s owan fra pnîze or consolationi reward. ltl syucn h hi * A p .m. thencain a e for sang 'Stand Up for Jesus' witbi . super nd i a vny sortMrs. Jack Fonk playing tie finme the two long tables n ogn e.R .Wiewl the hall were fild with hun- oran. heRevi .c. Wite willy gry wib te lsrednuous ativwitb churcli and Sundav pv ildrte lsed nd a-taete evcenx Sna aI theaîterîoon.School as usual. Instead of the usuai "potI Rev. and Mrs. R. C. White %~luck" supper given by the were recent cahiers on Mcs. parents of the cblidren. the Aiva Swarbcmck. We arce *commjttee of teachens decide- pleased Mrs. Whiite is able Io cd as notice af this picnic be out again, provide a menu af " bot dogs, chuk and famihy, Tononto, Wice creani, cookies and Iresh- wene down for the weekend. es" and this proved ta be the Mrs. Sarcbuk and family are ver hn aapa to the staying foc a holiday thlis read guets.week. Mc. and Mrs. George Grace was said by the sup- Clark, carboroughwreas ecntendent, Mcs. D. Haines, at thîcîr sommer home for the 'i ' ~ and "o dg"disappeared weed like magie. T Donations were rollected at Te U.C.W. picnic mieehng, t t' the close af this bounteou,. was liehd Toesdav after-noon. supper.Aug. 2Stb, ah the home af Mn.ý A heanty vote af tbanks was adMrs.Tehs mg given teconmmittees and terseensboka Caf s and Siamese twins were portrayed by, left to right, Irene Reitmuller, noal S.S. pirnic ah such short Moses and the ficst Garni anr RimleVck n ac ol.notice. mandrnent frorn the book rnLv R'imulrrViki nd any Cwlc - Several childrmen af aur 'h Ten Commandments' by conmmnitY enjoyed a vis' ta Emmet Fox. She also expli an- the CapitalTetrPor ed some of thie phraseologiesj ELIZABETH VILL tHoe, Thedeatr, A ocut in the Bible tlîat are liard taj 2 '6,L1, whcn Walh Disneys undenshand. Folhowimi g t h c. On Wedniesda.v evcnii, 111e! "Thîiîasna" xvas shaxyn with meeting there was a - sale of' institute was beld ah Mrs. Mil- other pietune.s, throug h the baking and articles leIt fm'om~ fard Wite's home. Mcs. CA kindness cf M'.Rd y the bazaar whirh nehted the Mencer, tic presiclent. con-' man. wlîo when taking bier UCW a generous sum. Asi dicted the meeting. We ar- sniall fam-nily, I iled the car ta dark clouds wene. raDidly' c'eptd aur two invitations, eapacit 'v wifli srall Iiends coming up aur picnic lunch ane ta Baltimore on ThurmsdaY' This kindîy tîîought w a 'i Was brouglit inside and enjoy- Sept. 3 evening andl one ha much appreciatcd by mothers e uftsye eryvt Morrish on Tuesday aîhernoon of the smaîh guests. of thanks was extended ta Sept. 1. We received a pc-~ Mrs. William McHolm and aur hostess for a very pleas- hure of otmr new Iastai' ebîldî n.Ese Adsn pn ant time. The ncxt meeting 'as the litile girl we bad been Monday and Tuesday ah At wil b ncag M'.C Mtcinct -ofMs.C assisting bas startea ma worki wood 'OaksGresL ' Thompson and Mrs. R. Mercer and il, was neccssary ta select' xith Mc. and Mrs. C. Warner' ah the home of the latter on another m.ild. 1h wazs Mrs: Mn. and Mr.RK.Hda Wednesday evening, Sept. 9tb. Wbitc's group anîd she gave, way aI Detroit, Michigan, The Iinst game of the Pee Lis a halk on how ta niake auriare vi.Siting relatives and Wee Semi-Finals was phayed bhouscwork casier and quick- Imiends in Peterborougb, port here on the Harvey Jacksomn cm, o ta eraicnerve Hope aiid district. Memonial Park Saturday aI- r1,ine and energy foi' other! Mrs. Vera Anderson amîd ternoon wîhh Beaton. The things. Lunch was servecl. Mc. Neil Anderson iverc sup- vismting tearn vwon bv a 3-12 '.\I. and Mrs. Clarence Yar- Per guests af Mcs.Wila score whîlicbl is pretty lIow foi' row, Oshawa, spent the wveek-, McHohm on August 26th. a Pee Wee team. Kendah's Aend' witii Mc. and Mrs. E.! Mrs. Pattem'son af Toronto, is u a aeb emx spet eveai das this past Thompson on a ih by Randy' Mr. anîd Mirs. Jac'k5on Pea-1 iweek With lier Iiend Mcs. D. Green. The second m'on was cock aîîd ba\%s i'e, ied fi'm ans 'trim ta Toranto made in thehatinnsb thîeim'trip east and \vill bc onfl Saturda'ý', Au 'gust 29th. Bihl Mencer an a hit by Bob Àý> going home to Kapusýkasmg Ms William MecHoI,_i and Poster, who got ta third base guest Mrs. Elsie Addisonî vis- but wvas unable ta get in fa Mr. adM- .Pa'c ited Mns. Robent McHolm ini tie the score. Kendai plavers visited vitbh lem'r nothcm' and Memorial Hospîtal an Scindav ,0go t Beaton this Saturday sisten ah Millig,,in reccmîl.v. n Auzust 30th, %vith Mn. and for the second game aI the On Itu ecok~ Mcs. Ethan Joncs oaI'Part best 2 out of 3 series. Good felI this xveek and requirce. Hope, rcturning for- suppera luck lads! 2 sithe t cos acuthene gess l rs. MrýIHolm. Those plav'ing on the Ken- ceived in bis face. Mrs. Elsie Addison spent dal team were:- Pitchers- Mr. laene eram aîdSaturdav visiting the Ex xith i Mrerad o oster: Glenda 'nad a sbowcr er son Mm.DvdAdsn of Catcher- Bihl Robinson; Ist Tbursdav cenin for MiPort oie. io r base- Terrv Wornell: 2mîd Betty Savon',Sharkv:l1e. . The ('Oirgtoia Mor- base- Jerry ,Tbompson: :lrdj Mrý. H. thickson spent. a i5bh United Church was well base- Bob Fosten and Bill Couple of davs in Toron toa arepresented ah the mnorning Mercer; short stop- Randy the Ex anmd vîsiting hec two worship service held at Wes- Green; Rt. field- Garry Lang- daughÎersI.vil n udy August staff and Jerry Murphy: Cen- jSex-eral families :tîended 30th. tre Field- Terry Stark: LeIt the Ex ;iîis past wee<. Regular nioni imig servicej Field- Mark Green, Jim Sta- Bobb an Juia Lxto cobind inthi Inian Mc. and 1Vrs. J. DeKoker will be resumed ah 10 a.m. on cey and Alec Wilson took IBobby an Judia Lxton. cobined iiithîs Indan ' Xr. andj Sunday, September 6th.. Sun-ijturzi. Jack Neai coaches the Le. Whit.bvsonen S dy, day Sehool <t 11115 s.t tume 1( gcen Lo Section 30 of The Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that lhe Cauncil of the Corpora- tion' of the Town of Bowmanville intends ta app!y ta The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant ta the provision af Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval af By- Law 1916 passed an the 6th day of July, 1964. A copv af the by-iaw is furnished herewith. A note giving ami explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-iaw and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished hem'ew ith. Amîy persan interested may, within fourteco (i4'i days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver ta the Clerk of the Town of Bowman- ville notice of his objection ta appraval of the said by-iaw together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. Thie Ontario Municipal Board may apprave of thce said by-law but before daîng s0 it niay' appoint a trne and place wvhen any objection ta the by-law wil be considered. Notice 0f ati '-heiaring that may be hcld wiii be given oniy ta- persans who have fied an ob- jection. TPhe Iast date for filing abjections wili bc on the lOth day of September, 1964. DATED at the Town of Bowvrnaimville this '26th dayý of August, 1964. .Jack L. Reid, Cierk of the Town of Bowmanvillc, Post Office Box 1570, Bowmanville, Ontario THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWNIANVILLE BY-LAW No. 1916 A By-Law to amend Zonlng By-Law 1587 WHEREAS the Corporatian of the Town af Bow- nianvilie passed a Zoning By-Law Number 1587 on the 2nd day of August, 1955, which was duiy approved by Order of the Ontario Municipal Board, AND WHEREAS By-Law 1587 bas been amended by By-laws numbered 1612, 1700 and 1835, passed on the 3rd day of July, 1956 and on the lOth day of Sep- tember, 1959, and on the 3th day of January 1962, respectively, which amending by-iaws were duly ap- proved by the Ontario Municipal Board, AND WHEREAS it is desirable ta further amend the said Zoning By-law 1587. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corpora- tion af the Town of Bawmanville pursuant ta The Planning Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 296 Section 30, and anendments thereto, HEREBY ENACTS THAT By-law No. 1587 as amended be funther amended as follows: 1. By deleting section 7 paragraph (e). 2. By deleting Section 9 paragraph (d) and the fol- iowing substituted therefore: "No Residential building or buildings inciuding accessory building, shahl occupy more than 34c/ af the Area of the building lot on which it or they are situated provided further that such ac- ccssory building or buildings shahl not occupy mare than 8% of the total Area of the lot on which it or they are situated." 3. By adding ta Section 9, Residential Zone, Sali- section (j) "(j) Minimum yards for multiple family dwellings and apartment bouses (1) Front, side and rear yards cach 20 ft. 4. By delcting from the second line of paragrapli (c) of section 9 the figure "750" and substituting thei'efore the figure "950" so that the said para- ,gnaph shall read as foliows. "For a single family dweliing, a onîe storey building shahl have a ground floor area of not less than 950 square feet and for a l ,, and 2 storey building a gnaund floor area of flot less than 600 square feet, a dwelling unit in a semi-detached or duplex of not less than 600 square feet and a dweiling unit ini a multiple dwelling of not lcss than 500 square feet." 5. By adding ta Section 9 subsection (a), Residcrîtiai Zone, Paragraph (15): "(15)> Fraternity Lodge Halls on Town lots \vhich front on the sauthern limit of Wellington Street between Silver Street and Scugog Street." 6. By deleting the first paragnaph of subsectioni (a) of Section 10, Commercial Zone, and substitutmng the falhaoving therefore: "Ail uses permitted in Zone 1 except single and twa family dwehlings and semi-detached and duplex dweliings, provided they conform ta al] requine- nients herein set out for Zone i and the following." 7. There shaîl be added ta section 13, Parking and Loading Facilities, under the existing headings of Column 1 and Coiumn 2, the fallawing: -Two family and duplex dwellings and semi-de- tached dwelings ~3 parking spaces for each Multiple-famiiy dwellings and apartment buildings containing three or mare dwelling units 2 parking spaces for each dwelling unit plus 1 parking space for each 3 units or part thereof. 8. By deletirîg the first paragraph in the "Schedule of Zones Section" under the heading. IN TOWNSHIP LOT 9 In Concession 1 and sub3tituting therefore the following: "Fromn the southemn limit of said lot and extendmng northerly to the southern limit of the Conservation Zone of the creek in-------- -ZONWIVI P. In the "Schedule of Zones" under the headigg IN TOWNSHIP LOT 10 IN CONCESSION 1 The first exception clause be deleted and the following substituted therefore: "EXCEPT. That portion of land bounded on the west by the east limit of St. George Street, On the east by the east limit of the Township lot, or the West limit af Simpson Avenue, on the north by'r the extension eastenly of the north limit of Church Street and on the South by the extension easterly af the South Limit of Queen Street ta the easterly' limit of Frank Street, thence northerly along the east limit of Frank Street a distance of 83' - 0 morc or less, thence easterly in a straight line, parallel with the southern limit of King Street, arnd distant southerly therefrom 300 feet to the xvest limit of Simpson Avenue in- ZONE il. 10. In the "Schedule of Zones" under the heading IN TOWNSHIP LOT il IN CONCESSION I The whoie of the second exception clause be struck out and the fallawing substituted therefore: "EXCEPT: Lots 6, 7, 8 and the sauthern sevemi feet of Lot 9 in Block 32 at North westerly corner of Base Line and Liberty Street, and Lot 15 in Block Il on Ontario Street in --- .- ZONE 1l. READ a first and second time this 6th day of July A.D. 1964. READ a third tîme and fîmîally passed this 6th day af July A.D. 1964. lvami M. Hobbs MAYOR Jack L. Reid CLERK T'OWN OF1"BOWMANVILLE EXPLANATORY NOTE OF BY-LAW No. 1916 being a By-Laiv to amend Zoning By-Law 1587 as amended Sectionîs 1 and 2 af By-law 1916 iii effectt emove the 8% lot coverage limit on accessory buildings from thie gemîcmah provisions of the Zoning By-law relating ho ail zaones and places it in the restrictions melating only ta the residential zone. Section 7, paragraph (e) af the original zoning by-haw 1587 is a general sectioni and provides that the total area accupied by accessory buildings in ai zones shaîl nat exceed 8% af the area of the building lot, This section bas been delcted and 'he 8% ,,caverage imit added ta Section 9, paragnaph (d) af the Zoning By-law s0 that it relates only ta resi- dential zones. The 8% coverage limit on accessary buildings lias in practice been oppressive in zones other than residential and Paragraph I and 2 of By-Iaw No. 1916 wene passed ta remedy the situation. Paragraph 3 af By-law 1916 adds a pravisiom Iot Zoniiig By-law 1587 ta provide that minimum front, side and rear yards for multiple famiiv dwellings and ao)artrnent hiauses shahl be 20 feet each. Previously there were no yard requiremnents fan multiple family dweiiings and apartment bouses sel out in the zoning by-laxv. Pamagraph 4 of By-iaw 1916 imcreases the niimîi- mumni ground floon area requirement for one-storey resîdences fnom 750 square feet ta 950 square feet. 'lhere is no prov'ision in the original zaning by- lav.' (ancerning fraternity lodge halls anîd Section 5 peî'mits the establishment af fraternity ladge halls on the properties fronting on the southen inîit af Welling- ton Street between Silver and Scugog Streets. Paragraph 6 of By-law No. 1916 in elfeet permmts the establishment of apartment bouses and multiple famihy dwellings in a commercial zone. Section 10 (a) in the original zoning by-laxv excluded single and two- family dweliings, semi-detached and duplex dwellings and apartment bouses and multiple family dwellings Irom a commercial zone. Paragraph 6 af amcnding by- haw 1916 does nat exclude apartment bouses and mul- tiple family dweîlings. Pnior to the passing ofl Paragrapli 7 of By-law 1916 there were no provisions for parking and loadiîîg facilities for twa-family and duplex dwellings and semi- detached dwellings or multiple family dwellings arnd apantnîent biouses. Paragraph 7 af By-haw 1916 requires rertain parking spaces in uîese instances by adding to Section 13 of theiezignl sonlng by.Iaw, Paragiajîli98 <ilZonng Amemincrit By-law Nn. 1916 changes from Zone V (rural zone) ta Zone III (Lmght Industrial Zonie) approximately 930 feet frontage on the Base Line running froni the sauth-west angle af original township lot No. 9 in the First Concession and running northerly ho the southern limit of the Conservation Zone. The lands being re-zoned are now owned by Dirk Van Abbcma, Joseph Bouma. Thîis amnicdineti as been niade ta cxtemd the ligl t indostnial zone to the west sa that it now covers ail of/x that part of original Township Lot No. 9 lying south af the Conservation Zone ta the Base Line. Pamagcaph 9 aI By-haw No. 1916 iii eîfect changes froni Zone Il (Commercial) ta Residemîtial (Zone 1) approximately the southerly 83 feet af the Commercial Zonie lying easterly af Frank Street and running te Simpson Avenue. The re-zoned land is 300 feet south af King Street and is now owned by Oshawa Wood Products Lirnited. Panagraph 10 of By-law No. 1916 iin effect mc- zones Lot 15, Block 1l, on the wcst side of Ontario Street from Residential (Zone 1) ta Commercial (Zone 111). The praperty being re-zoncd is presently owned, by Reginaîd Hearl and Eiîcen Heani and bas 66 feet frontage and 165 feed in dlepth. NOTICE TO ALL, OWNERS 0F LAND IN THE TOWN- SHIP 0F DARLINGTON WHOSE PROPERTIES ABUT ON THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Yriur attentiom iF isîrectea ta the above notice of the intention af the Town aI Bowmanville to apply te the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of its By-law 1916 and ta the explaiîatory note of the said By-law published tlierewith. Jlack L. 'Reid> Clem'k, Tlown of Bowmanville, Town Hall, Box 1570, Bowmanvilie, Ontario. L Na r ., . - 'e - -

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