2 The Canadiari Stàtesnian, 13owmans'îil, Sert. 2. 1PM4 NextGameThursday Men's Soffbal! Fînalîsfs Baffle fo 2-2 Deadlock Stephen's Fuels; and Nichiols' mendous, foui drive and-lfoui- scorvless frarnes. 'Wright acc ilotors battled to a 2-2 dead- ed off four more pitchps ha- home vvith the tv'ing tailîs az 10ock in the third gan-e of thefore OFhorne got inhî on the the rrext pitch got awav fromi hest of seven Men's Town third strike. catcher Larr;' Piper. Osborne »LCagUe Finals at thr Hrgh Nichols' lead off batter 1\oc gave up his frrth wvaik cf the School diamond last night. Richards v.ocîrd up ni) second iiiflg to Jiggs CoWling, again' Bill Osborne tossed a .nO- ,vh(,r third sacker Vince Van- filling the bases but hie got out1 bitter' against the defending stone, hobhled his houncer aird of it byv striking out. Ted Bird. crhamps while veteran mound thr(,ewiwldlv 10 first. \crn Nichoîs had a great oppor- star Geo. Stephen permitfed (;ruhin hutc'td anrd rrached frînrtv in the fourth as Osborne Ihp Motors only Iwo safetîrs. secod o tehrf ad 1,d off with a triple. th(' first -Alit rns were unearned as ilhrnw atter Stephen had 10 hit of the garne. Richards Nichols scored theirs in the watt for sompbohds' Io ('051W walked and after Grubîn werrt first wvifh Stephcn*s co0ming the hag. Griin took third dov.n on strikes, Nelson Yeo hack to tie it in the third. aftcr a long fi\- to centre arnd drew another base on balls to Osborne fanned 20 batters. scored on an infield out. load the sa.-ks. Abhott made a two of whomn reachcd first on In the thirdi, the first tsvo fine play' on Piper's lhi gl mirssed third strikes. The big Fuels z*hatîcrs. Stephien and bounecer 10 force Osborne on a left-hander's rontrol \vas bc- Grant Wriviht walkedi Bob close p lav atIlihe plate. Strephenr bow Par as he permittedi six Ahbrntf poppcd r'p. atiemptrng got Chuck Klpatrick on a bases on halls. Stephens dlaim- fo hbunt. huît \aristonr drew called third strike to escape edi eight strikeout, xvhilc arothier frc pass to fuilfhe ihc arii walking a pair. hases. Osborne fanned Ted wtotarn Stephen's had a big r'hanice Dadson or, threc pif che5. Bich- Pinch swingcr Terr' MNas- with runncrs on second and ards hontrd Alin's grounder fois' Texas league single ini third in the first. Fîrst base- to gise Sfephrnis their fîrst fhe seventh sva- the onlv.- ther mran .im Allin pullrd a Ire- run in the finals, after 16 hil cf the contoat. Chairmai Asks 0Ol Record T LOND)ON, Ont. - A cldar Ontario ittîueirs on record tîreir mcmr iearlier days tv.as marie1 dav by Alex Car iVr. Ca -rufih rca. charrmain of flic el rirntfee of the Legisial Azir. -as ,;peakiiig Aninual Convsentionr Uînited Senior Citizpn,- tarno, Incorporai ed. Members cf the con Mcli. Carruthers saîl, wi liear nat onîy from pro aI and other orgatnizati fcrom senior citîzens sets-cc Formerl ibis spring, il iîittece already had bc( Iucieelhi a ruumher of ireri and -amen. Some fereli valuable comme i lîir own achies'ýememn 'suiceessful agitîg." 01ki j-ut forward specific pr rhese, he said. have'b, ferred in confidence Ino arlvisors availabte. Mur. Car-ruthiers' appe recollections of ther recordaI now lias t--he oi New Teachei uFROM PAGE ONE Rnwmanville High Si Victor Aurger, frcm stock, t0 beach Ge Grades 9-12; H-isory, G, Miss Sandîra Crawleý 'Sarnha, to taarh P.H.E. Grades 9 to 12. William P. M. Dale Ottawa, In teach Boys' acd Mat hemnatica, B Praclice, Grades 9 and Barry E. Meflermott Toronto, in feach Gea; Grades 9 ta 13. Robért McMulîcti, Toronto, to teach Histoi: lush, Grades 9 and 10. Courtice 111gh Schr Miss Caitean M.E from London, ta feaci- P.HE.. English. George E. Brttsoti, Toronto, head of Historý Miss Clara Carew, Lindsay, to teacb E Girls' PH.E. HeInr., Wm. Couirtie. Fort Wiiam, In fearirS Gracies fi, If) an I1; A Gradle 12. G. ban Hamiton, fronr uskasing. bead of Eurglisi Mis Irrne Ickie, Wh ilhc'. 1n teacb Frrcnch Vr eirk r Mrs. raMly ro erýbororugh, in teach time.) An-t. Mca . Ba rbaca Scot!. Bosrîmans'tlIe, to teach Gracies 9 to 12 i irrairin Aiudraw H. S. TIroop, Toronto, 1n teach Come GeograpbJ'. Edswin L. \'nrkers'. K inton Iouibf ach Gemý arnd Mathenîrattes, Grad- ('Iarke Hligh Si-hoo ,\rtlrîîr R. Cow'ati Scr'abcncoiglr, ss'iI t ar-i lIslIr Gradte t10; Geogi (Gr-acies Ilanrd 12, anîd Il 9.tule f 'tir s.Cons!tanrre I riga t 'l'rnilono.Commrerrial, P fn il irriisivo,. Mi.Vera Maluîvk P(etrcbororutgh, Ai-f(irai! 'trs. Elizabeth Munrla. Oîawa I-orne Econi (;rades 9 to 12 iuiuve: irerciai 1MHfi.. Grade1 Bujsiness Practice. Gradi Mcs. Marjorie Westl from Nrwtocviicr. Grades 9, 10 and 1. dratv. The wintiers wereu - in C arruthers ýGirl W'afking Dcll, 1. Eatrru, Maplp Grove, who gave this flne doil 10 Linda Burton; 2- ýder Citizens B Leman 34 Simpson Avenrue: AA3 ashalBatan it 7hei M em riesCYr i Week. 80 Cromwell her vem ru sAventie, Oshawa, and 4-- caîlforof eitg adef le hîs;tor.s Pyjama Doîl, Mis% Gwen Ci-' to pt nof iii" c th proinc, bt'dahee, 39 Prospect Street. ories of cf ifs mnairs' rommiinities. This,' The B avle Legin hemc f0 o-I said. v, l give a broader Pipe Band lied the Chjidren's. rrcthers. , eslnig arrdi apprecia- Parade froro the Hiigh School lion of the. provinces heritajge. Ici the Legion Carnis'al in Mc- whcr i 'fli proposai, he said,, had'morial Pal'k. A wide arras cf cf Cor- irriginae-l 15 brei arde h' Miss diffcrent. amuising, comie, ad frie n EurIicr Dvkr. an 8tceror attractiv'e ostuîmes were Nvern tf flic resideil cf i)e ulia Green- by the ycuingslcr«s. of 111re ah eldaisine ncliToronto. Pris- Ron Johnsonr xas chairmnrîi rq cf On- sirie tille fruc tire prroject. or the Children's Par'ade, arîd Memiories cf Trait Blazers. Iis plans wvere svcll carried lirrtf~ i-esgfe tira t cou rus' cuit. Th is c-car tire Boscîrati- ished 1Io alid <r! er ir istorira asca- s leLions Cluh ss'e i îvtcrlI ti ofession-t i- ons., gîcttirl srriicties. pros ide lIre .udges. Presiclenît rona butl crurcir croupis, hiomies foir the Laui'nce Goddard nared Mr-. t hem- aged, ibr iîaries. l'sOrrs.r- and Mrs. Willrani Wall is andl t ired teces crnsirrsti- M r. iiîîd M rs. Bruce Luisi. Hire cori- tLteS alfrd geverintrnrnt deparl- 'l'lire prize ss'inniers stro-r as 'on con- Iniiets ti lIt ail ýooperaIte. followsu Original- t1,RaîrrIs f senior Personrîtrul rcrirs cf ouf- Lake. 2. Rickv, 'l'rnrrciv un hadt cf-St anidiinrg oo i sitre f iheir Linda Coinragliarr: 3Katîrs MIc- ients onrr ewri or ir tes ef tt Iera uotî11d MuIrter and SaIllyirthr. ÙCiir nis anrd hbcollt-td.resaid. lhrouigh t--, Rodney Lan)glois; '2,irt crsa iranut ervies, tape reritg.or Setier-s:.3, Narre'svaniId rc ýroblemS. afrhîgr;rucl efeS. Re- RiCtîmuIller. Westeri 1, .111iw reen ce- t ired(rl clergsmcrl, teacîrirs, aird anrd Bobby Lurxfon; 2, fitrrîr the hesf nrf berslire sa id, origîri art as Ccx and Ma trw rnes!; 3. 5ztrves r. Frances Tighe,. Doit Carniages cal thint hiirel,(, rifer Stfes 1rtPat Grop and Pat Reeve, past ho ('arrîîthlera -aid, fileSrr:iai LondlonrOnt.; 2, RhcrrdnrJohn- hjectîve Sctic Admrinistratiounhrd soir; 3, Joanne Bromoît andr uoductedr interview- aiong Nanrcy Ednrondsfoîr. Decîratelý tîrese uinpss tîtî a nrnmer cf BicYcles- 1-, Paul Johrnsonr:'r persons aged l1ti vears old or; Breou'a Ccwarr: 3, Dearîce Rob-' more. And inr the State of New inscrr. S lrses- arriciri Lonrg Islanrd. Erie Pet-fert-t sta s Bill-'(r Wlm NweV. ork. stoilat' programs Cliairnilanard tire, Bototh risoivirrg the clder population Chairoren weei'e ,as folletsv' ý r are, beîngý atfemptcd. Plîîsh Tovs 1, Gienr Virîuie; chnnl iMir. 7arrcîfîrers foI tire Plstsh Tocs Il.1,Mw Buriter Vjord- 5,r ii' Citic-ensflie Corrrîrîif tee Crossratrd Airciot' 1, I:1 igraph , lon Agiirg iraI rt iei established Runide, a Prîst Pr esidiil: ,rade t.,Ihv pt'eîrrier- Roha rts iin Mas' Crowir and Airciror 1l, Stiw. ' , froni and tirat ai]ttiree political Dirnir, also a Pasi Presiderutý -Girls' parties svere rcjrresertetl an il. Il o oplIa, Bill] ilpaîricît, Ile requtosted tIrat airsore whro Biankels. Dorr Morris: Rt'f'esir- Pfron i ar,' l futher suggestions or ments, Bill Lasvipî; Hart Bal- *PHFlE. wAnfed fîîrfher inifornmatio Irons, Cli ff Anrdersorn; Frouif. Business wýrite ire cornttee. Rae Alrerrrettrv: Over andt 10. - - - - Hrr, Ross McKrriglrtu a Pas" tfrom, Presidentt Free Moirer, Keutir EngOua uI an d Sandids-clrs Briofh. anri 1 noi C Eoirn iv abr DepuIs' - C'lairmarr\v a'e Benoi, nm ArE- O , Cciii rade Bertîra W'u lIta îr-.. Bec-on, .(OO CA.E NS- Secretary' At inn0 Piper 'x5as h Girls' et r s rasvc h Panl Kil- bRcks'Dni)Cha irmai w un r patrnc-k, aZe f2. The wînrring Cornrrade Millre Bates. a Pas! *froni trcket v. s sold hy Starîleysrsier. asDpi-C i- y ep. trr'I.mari. Comni'arlr- F 1 n r er, I'c e from llrreo Atftrriirr-e Prizes Krigbtrf, aPast Presidenni, %ttc Ellglussero di asvn ditrg the even- Cîrairn c f tire tHot Dcgs; 'ntg and wei-O'e wei as follows: Booth. Cocîrade Aria Bifuer y, from t1, S5, Mis. Rutby Painlrer King stas Cîrarrmanr cftIrle Sa lecof, Scecre, Street East: 2, ýIcI, Mrs. K. -tome Bakiîrg. Corrrtade Bers\,! AIgehca Bc'aupcie. Pinre Sceet, anrd 3,1lugiies v'as ChairrniocfItire $1t5, Misa. George Iltiber, 11h- Noveitvs'Boothinw-ithiriiirtia n Kap- errY Street Southr. Dot,îg Wal-,PasIPrsîei!Atîdres -Buu'o il D-epi. lorir\,v.as inrchr ge o! tire At-!as Dopnîtyv-Chait-marr. frnrltreicndance Dras. Latin, cmnrade Relia Batîngute v-as r-Ia i'rair o!t he cma inrdrnr rnr Pr',-lireld bhs' tire Bov.'nanir i lT o w (hiaîf Ladies' Auiltars' to tire RosaI ow Carradai Legiou. andicI Ini frnor rade, Ilîlda lliiîrrpijrces' v.l te rfroni i '1fm rsîstrrc Radio. Nti-,. FROM PAGE F0NE1£ neriaI. 'era Rointson,. R.R. 1.I Iamp- counicil ai' oîteerined. ini 2 Luiccage T. Cork, 3. 'l'lirai.1. I taynaii Ilue' ai fio rrrPleaszmt, .\setr.Wi IIny dali.' îîcuîîed Dcpirt s' Chirif. effeen )graptir' "vleîurnencoi-h -Robert S. ive i rniridraici " ard rer-eus\ i es !) fui r 1 11wni St 'Cet. lcl 4 de-îartîrreîrt îiay Strîr " o (Ilnî .t ie' Itr'ier, 4. 'l'iai ilr ii uîruuuninni.t f1 01 Pli 'e Su r-en G.Sel lt-tr un pproned ac un frnni ' u tr uiu't onf tiliuo I tr iu trerriat., ffn-r'it'u l i t n tî'apirs', ii-ePs-s-sSet n rfrti- 2. 'int ',lin l an nnn't G;rades Ormîcri unr i c-ev! r s'uiIigalritjzpri tr ihaseîr-ir t ck-t scîe rtsnuh',' s c-itu urplus arnis thinît at-e firi (luh Prelsîdenntf Bill Orme. Dcriii now asalahle. line). Wrigi ss aoiarnin f the 7'fhat Itl- Chirnanu t'! 't s frcrnî G ire('I ut Dccxc.ni- to tireBoard cf X\'rtk s - îonr ri. 'it î\'mlc-P '1it 'Jr-airfrem im ue 1n tiuie tire uc CcIi But-ci, ss-ch 'amrirlarn rrf 1(ttmei rc nd arîî ttrlaîrie cf til Il anid Sjrec'ui DruItvi'id lis'1tire os-Fil c Depr t oir t. lrennarrithe Rer a]('an:adn rLeunirnoonerd c h etl ru - Nîrsir. -anid Chalrain rICail ('raliaiiflic heSr-retaiys' f t!irel'ire t)"- sta- Drptift'--C)IltaIl rai 1 1-~inatrnf (RMLLI) LAST 3 DAYS THURS. - FR. - SAT. - SEPT. 3 - 4 - 5 Shop and Save Nîîw~ . . . On the Nia,, -.Rargains During the' Rexali Sale oif Sales JURY & LOVELL PHONE f623-.3361 VOUR DRUG STORE Make Prize Muff ins at Blackstock Fair 'Ont ario Hos pifai Assn. Ex fends Assoc. Membership To Two Town Nursing Homes An inprp:tant slep toward the clicŽer ;ntegra t i on ii(f hecaltii services in Ontar:;o aken ': Toronto on Augii ,s' -lie5Xrtn !he Ontar:o FHos- pitl'.Associatin r amnounjcedý that it J exlendiing Assocuate Meilibelrsh';P 'o a number of irursîîîg honmes. The first 17 tirrsitrg honte accepted into the 40 ya i provinicial hospitai organiza- l fion reccived theïrir cv. Ce,-- tificafes of Associate Memnber- Ishiip this sveek. Thev include Strathaven Nurs i ii g Horme Limhced, owned and operated b" Mrs. Dorof.hv Din-as Child. "(;4 King St-ect East, B ou. irall cille, and asod Nu r<'; ng Momne. o,'.s'ned anrd cpm Ia- Tirese tivir \oung ladies, Sharon Archer, left, and Cat iii Wci-v vere cattt4ht ini action bs' The Statesmnan Iphotographer- at Blacksteck F'air on S;îtuîrdas-. Tr wevre buss' ma king bran miuffins during the O.N.O. Cluh'sannutal cuîitest, whtle a larpe crowd of ladies watched. Miss Werrv xvas te slnner-. Dairy Princess Contest Dase Rrill'-s(<u 'tr kie, fourni. Mn', Bill Rein iracîi a s(icc.es- asfrîl das- re-enîtîs-aitirhe Petier- bcrcough Fa ir t e e leaîred UP stiliristetîni <if Fainer- Patîl'aird Dat' Friscu. 'l'iis feanr set irie re nunk rrrîdfc tire Ira If mrile tuti tu(r. b"urie'r Par.îl alanst<onr Irle surigIe ira]f -mile dash nriii 1cul stý-as fol- lowed t-lrsr-lv' lisDavr Frisco 'lrho ss d i n ' Keitir V7no i . LoraI iucis slsu iii imndrulît he loruk iirg fur tir ns tOpr îr ltj Oc-oncuon a tclrs-S-tnri i121 hi. A mnib îic' .ruof filu ruru rnr ses ai-e entercri Ii a-ea Pcferîcnî ugir tlins Stuiit eseiinu". 1 % U i l * a l M e t n Girls BasebaiFiaMetn Nicol vsLobaf, 4-H--I alf C:lub ed by Mc.Olive MN. Cobhanr. inz lhome.ç themnscl\-Cq throucli 26 F.g% rS'cee', Bev.'ranr;1e their ov.'î prov incial assacia- Ini nrde:'Wequa'ify for gail-dtn. Associafe Membership di ni s.~o:i~o ~i' (it tnsîr~ he Ontario Ilospital *Xs""ica - homes are ceU, cd 1,satIpfp.t Wn Wè: entritlethem toWnare the Az-soc,airt on hat tlies nu a stdc varietv of iîna- certa r ' s.a'.rdrdds, inrst! re t irnai. r-caarch and conisuil lt.ing n h sa acu lit jes tn.g servàces %di ch the As(1(v- and thein' ahitv ln pccs'tde ition alreadv provides for- I adeqînate niredical and nrir 250) Acti e Meber hospit-ý'.s ca ce for patien ts. In addlin in fît r erig the standa rds ,e !he 17 alreads- acc-ppd. anrd quality of patietf rare anin' her 28 nuî sing rcrmrps Serviccsa b hosputals nos" 'Ai. have atii! d teo*iomn andoCt îcode amî slrtO.accomî he visited hv ýy O.HA. repre- ý- food service, personniel sentaM ses sv h in the nrxi feu, îrraraMent.n legislation, pro- \vevksfesinnai and labour relations, TIr v( 2- re o inp - nn~puihu relain«s and staff cd1i N-m ..ie iIo'e Ineîer on ro ot uonatm wr n fhe OIl A. at a specialrre n t(iohe hIl d i ilconju nct ' irnreAss0ciai ins a di c 0or-dls0couvet lion a P flota Yor\' k ote]. 'forir i Octirer *26. 27 and 28. W\Vu' rrt () e .tii reent-, this -j nue inr2st imi-ral irospital t tei"rqn ilre las ti ttica Canadian Grand Prix For Pepsi - Cola Trophy (41Situnuh- 251lr aîni2611r, ire Brit i-h tipire NMctcr Ciliii, us rirgutir/iri" ifs 4tl Canradiai' Grartd Prix fcrr the Pepsi-Colaý Tfi.% ai Xbeport Park. TI Hampton Man Wins Award for Suffolk Ram Ai)rnrrs b Boyd A'. rocfn Ililinptcrn. 11f., s na ttrged he-.t -SijuffoIr kI D)n' i' unr.tîmn i cut ir (utlthre Nainal Eximînloif rSîren Siost. 'Tasker Grantnrf Stay-ter, Oint.. cxii intIha reserse irest ta ni. 'h(lic- I' -sdn ss as shirts n tr Gi- <'i i Coinfrtru o f St. .'snmine-. ,Ontr ird lire rrsr' hret r-s c'bc-Ralphî R. Chani- tirs rnf, W: iiîid.Ont. pS110f<01uiri' tt2erit- q7-4. Tire rs.niur, piu-lier wstr - to cir-es tereni!-Britu anrd Debhu rt'cer Jl! : >Cirs. - )uîrlanti's Daiî'v Princess, Mrs. James Ceombes, fl.R. 5, lecfi, tnîok part in the competitions ai the Cana- diaur Natijonal Exhiibitioni on August 29th, alang with î-epreseîrîatives frorm Oxford. Hast ings and Essex Ccuunt les. l'le w'inet for lirai e'ening stas Bernce Di)ckoutt, tiplît, cf R.R. 2, Mount Elgiii. Ail sem 1- firialists st-il iatticipate ini the finals on TI'rtsda ' eveiiitrg. Sepf. lrc. svhein the Ontario Daiu'v Princcss st-II bc tcoseru. 'lTie flliwilig ilich le lcCanadian F)î"Priîcss cnrts xi lake Plaàce. Darlington Ail-Stars To Play Peterborough On Monday at Courtice nm..c. c -.r 't'et' f'u'l. g arnir arcs a hu sst) a\i liruc s s arrIlh seunior Z tuî tnî'1 r"fwnlms'd utnoi) fouglut Io go -' .. in . . re l i-te d - - Fire Dept. Refuses vil. s in ' i l r ' nu n -t m .il ihîn- s i pi1a r' \ i ri,i ni il ui binilt a u lun i mm urcr f Ii-ii -tr i the-.ir uu sti )rI( vigto i mnFtlnhn' t-lut- tif aiunlir re s tu< i r ieu liat tislC nilm ni tm errrn n he 'toîs'u inl iiicr usîrausm e Family Home From Holland For Reunion Xg lorious reîînion that ,wa ai so most uiîumual took place at the home of!NIr. and :urs,. John Vanderkooi, R.Ii. 4, Bo%% manville. on July 30. 'l'ley are <elebrating their 4Othi wedding annis-ersary thi'. year, and Io mark the occasion, thrir entire im- mediate family got togetîmer. This made quite a large group hecause the V'ander- koos lhav-e' seven boys. five of! w'hnm-ire inarried. Their tv n nide'.t sons carne os-ar ltom JloIIand, bringing thrir wivenu witil them. It v.as thie firnut lime ail of the datichters-in-lai, had seen Pach other. %. tanis tlirti,rph ssan taken to mark ibis unique es-cnt. "a Ilre Icr niiir u fuor ire plat er-. .'.s; Seimm- Vitra i- is fcîiios urrn anidi Na nip- muI po~ ints :3-1t rt-u t-ic tia cdt-,ca len t'un oitrin tu-e 2-I svnrE. 'r'v 'a nrcl -A, XI.eslake sc-ocunrc fc t ires u- tueus andc A. Coulrt'cc- nrmi Cour i-e lcure gcniil. Stulr-nu enîýci t1is -t-s aisor ?,-I un - pois <luit oft4. Juîlo. r' Ir Ill h ic- t t I gitru rot thnese seinnu-fitrals Zunurunlp-- tcated T'.roîre 9-0 a i lamrp- tcr:r ru-lt-ct c l liin i-e i -Il suinl RAde et.-k the laie 'rnp -ccigettinrg iri g<'ai. Jack Reid's Horse Wins At Greenwood Jlack Rend it thrbe iieevnd mn Wuednesda ,v uiglit, Arigust 201h, drose MePadows-iPss' i Chanîp 10 a scii wlhch paid - off to ihe Ictue o! $22.00 tri tiiose has'ing con fidenrce in ftha horse. Geraid Robinsonr with Meadcnss'Bob .as inn the samne mac-e but finished nuit of the moonrer Tihe - ecen ro rcts at tire Ofiu- asva Fair svce ail but cained out istltonl ' vtssa-races beunng hedl. Local trorses sthich v' euteccd ouitire rard hid cot rat-e as their eseuits st-re cari- celled dune 10 the caitu. Raialan playal bas-oc scitî the races inn Peterborough Iast Saturday svbich aIse Iad to ha called after thie first fit-e Irats. The îrark bec'aane a pooil' o! oiutil makîng t imipossible tb c-onutirnrie. Keiti W'eslt fins Ing Pats Roc' ihrov.'ver figure iin the corupîtel rat-es and finisbed seconrd os-ar the beavy irack. Dr. Taggart's King a! Diamond aiso placel second bi is earîy 1au-o(. Otîrer placirîgs b ~aiea hoir- nCr(s uriOntario îracks bhas bpen Virginia's Boy, second and Millbrook Says Farewell To Railwav 'ielunst Vest gp ,'. ?ujuf-i lutoks tc <as ruinis as rei:'. ssa.sdisanînei mm miitireditr'c- tule tîac-ks -trI'e le t i' 1c u firr' tirrcluiî- l tuciîiodtir east srcle ofnfti'l iluet- tltn n-c- r'rossI 119.TherC-(N.'fi us humsý disrnrt1itmg lmc- ine fi'cm Imiltrrk s .-nineunr .11 un(irton ci tire .'vicijaml tnm!- lvaici trrrn'i nu! lin' bieN-i. ues eem Prt inr i. cm n f l'il îun-oiiglî. Surnîrialfters'ut-ýilI,- h C.N.R. rernelt' trnkh- tsseerî 'nIillh'nnrlu ci Por a fî'c'giît riant !InS s, 1 Xiiin tr's' rIllnl lrcouk ir n un- oif t in I ire, ltlu iltt l mi-' fnnssunml u ' t- diustîms u lllIh tnnmu l"rascr'ulc' troiuestedci u C ('N. '.s prnri intg tf i. n ' se n muen ottrel un t un nuniiug -ý' l f:n a miîrec n umr rcf tire NI' i îrrnok 4-t-I Calit Clunh svaar !îr-ici l enra- niguit, a 1, t ir fiaricof tire clubh Icacler. Kaci Itccirga. iizv andlcu rcsns takr-m. Bcrt' Il ion co c f t-aivss scr ieraund a filiralI qutiz on li' s nr cecwtc tas scrutti. Rfit-fuSirnien tauste r eserveri. Bucn lis a nd deîîrcîr rcali nri foc OrunîriFa ir score ilaitid Ti s wuld he a better wvrcd i f sse lrad tmocre st-ld lite in rui f'ort-ils aird bs rntire big r- i t ir-s. stiFIA. sunuu t nunnu-ul t ot ti sprînm.' ritc'unug n-crs cîrdft.'m-. Usr'01rl1farliirrrn'-n cun ctt'- stlire o il ru' rcirit ig foi- SI tnitil uit iii i.e t rii'. lie orpernu Irn' eic] .xacR(-u-p.S nIlr rr T'ai rk t 'm t)atr "irsds '.lc fil!n Ils'nmi s asrie ib t aie t l petan-r-i l)i nl'((,Mniii.1 pt'tluiIurlanînt - rcu-tue arrc atIir.r Sailli-das«', Soçut. 26, 12 trîrcu SiIîmpcn'tmtinzfanc5. Fr-tlrie Stinnîda\. Si'pt. 27, 10:30 l r BROWN'S I un -r rrîit or rftIlr m in tir Sîîddeîî pa.-.srnrc of 111<. Nlr\"mIliurrs utI llencrialIbts luiti. Bittra risil le. 'sic-s. \VillnanI Cali arl sînîr oif licr Senior Broas-t aa loirg st-mu -<urne [rom tirel(, mai vir-eBpack rire <-arrupine tirm .s ws'eei for t ttc daca a! t ii' Giii-Cuuntu. ircîlir cf (siou NI rs. NIairenil Pel inslirelti- trg rn-r. Mri. J. M31ii'ris sisît irrf wul ti iis cdaugliter At Duttdas. scucyt'.s' eeport tirat i\J,. K(u-1,- CossIardri s in tlhc lin,;- pifa. AWe shr lci'a speeds' LIBERTY GARDENS ULTRA-MODERN HOMES Buit to Your Own Specifications MANY PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM Move tol this Prestige District Withotit Delay BUILT and I)EVELOPED BY WALTER S(HLEISS EXCLU'SIVE AGENT Keith Peters Realtor 728-7328 NO-m MILK DELIVERY Mon., Regular M~ik Delivery on: 7 th YOUTH ALLOWANCES IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PARENTS At the enrd of Septeicier the first payments ,vill be made rînder the Youth Allowaoe.es Art rec.ently passed by Parl:ament. If yonj have a chld who is 16 or 17 ',emrs of acj. s maintainpd by YOu. ald iS either in fI] fîne atendance at si hool or ttiiiversity. or is tut- able te attend hy rpason of physical or mental infirmity, 1 yort may be eligie for a nionthJ'y allowance of $10. THIS ALLOWANCE MUST SE ApPPED FOR- '1 -IT WIL NOT SE SENT A UTOMA TICALLY! U D)îinmq AijqIja4rp1 auurmrns . ùiCen,it tn thef parents of r(ildien alread i 16 or 17, or v.! n ou îld 7 he 16 hefore Sptembiier. If yen have a chid vv ho menu; the alhve enrmns and for an',' ipason anL appiîcatori has rnet rea heid ïnu, you icanri htain one hy vsillinq 10 the RqoalDrtctr cf I an;.y A[Iow- aic csn souiprevuîir! -ltu1 Teapprrrh Iis S!Isui btr eturr ss(milas posý,)inPPorener tleii en ~pion pI rr (Antuthe, frst pavorent. DEPARTMIE NT 0F NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE I 1I 2 KING ST. F. Sept. TUESDAY, SEPT. 8th Glen Rue flair y BO0W MA N VI LL E mmmiummuâ RecreAtinn