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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1964, p. 4

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44 l'h. Canadian Statfernan, Smnvle, ~2, 1094 EDITORIAL COMMENT A Letter That Makes You Think Ali weekend we thoug'ht about this Editorial page and what to write that would really enlighten aur readers, im- press flag wavîng legisiatars at Ottawa, srnarten up those crazy young car dri%- ers on our streets, or deter folks fram throwing chocolate bar wrappers, Cheezy hags, etc. ail over King St. We contemplated the uselesi waste of ener- gy that goes into the weeklv uine up at Magistrate's Court. We also thought about a brilliant, sparkling editarial an school opening and the necd for better education these days. The Labour Day holiday and the drownings, accidents and ail the rest of the casualties that accomnpany such events alsa came to mmîd and were discarded. Even the race riots in the U.S.A. gai a going ovrr, but they seemn somPwhat remote at the momrne nt. Then, on Monda 'v a ltter came ta I our attention that] the other subjects in proprr perspective. h 'vas from Murirl Stevens, miedical mission- ary daughter of Nir. anid Nrs. Ross Stevens, wha is in thie Conigo . . that far awav place we rcad about inIi(>h daily papers or glance ai quickl * vand set aside while we check the sports pages. This youn)g ladv is goinig throuch terrifying experiences rverv da * as she does her best ta alleviate suffering along with other self sacrificinig, dedi- cated people. Tha Itter came frorn Leopoldvillf, and raads in part: "I'm afraid I h In"s are 1101 izood here-. Oh, one hopcs and haoprs as theré- is such potenrtial but 1'm afraid ouir hopes are, becomitiz more and more pessimistic. 'cd'. anathrr great griup of evacuated missionaries arrrved (some have flot arrived and cannot be cordacted near Bisala which was taken bv the rebels yesterday!) and %.hat terrible stories. What is'gaing bo hap- pen? *'I had a letter from Rev. Rov Web- ster this week sa *ving flot to hesitate to go home if 1 felt it necessar 'v. So far, n, but we al] have money and valu- ables rcad ' yta pick up and go, thus, if we did have ta leave quickly ail would not be lost. 'Menwhle.we carryv on as usual. Ploase do not worrv. We have taiked of tbis oftrn enough. You have seen me here and know that I'm happy and nat, alane and even if l'm last, lhere are manv here who have lost, much mare. \Vil1l sa vn more . .. as 1 said last weck, even if you don't hear for a while don't worryv as mail and camn- muinicatians can be cut off but that da-esn't mean aIl is gonc. Thus, pray, hopei and do wAhat \'On cani there be,- cause this war hiere mav not mean oil.v the Congo but the whole of Afrira if thre communists succeed in taking over." Tlhe letter goes on telling of ihp pliîht of the Angola refugees streaming across the border ino the Congo and hnnitted dmvin and killed by Portuguese soîdrers and so on. While xve sit here in the midst of comparative luxury, peace and com- fort, these terrible events arc laking place in Our' world, mil *v hours remnoved froni us. Any prablerris wvc have seem sa ridiculous and picayune hY' com- parîson that thrY really aren't problems at ail. Labor -Day Weekend The 1964 Labar Day Weekend, ,which this 'vcar fails an Septemnber' 4th ta 7th, is tbis season's final holiday cell- brated jeinîly h\-v us and aur American friends. Each ycar, with alirnast manotonouis regularitv%, the Tiicsda 'v nrn ing fol- ]owing, news mcdiums recite the details of a new high ini death and injur.y on the continent's bighwa vs. Last ' car, 1963, iin Canîada alone, there were 'd3 persans kilîed on the Labor Day weekend: if we add the US. total for the sanie period (54:3), we corne up witb a grim total of 616 lives snuffed out in a three day period! Last year's total eslablished a new rec- ord, as predicted. 1962 totals of 560 deaths, were up ta Ibat point, a record too. These records are seeminglv onlv established ta be toppled each succeed- ing year. Remember, at al l imes, your chîan- ces of death or seriaus injur' are three tumes as great as an ordînarv wcckend: ta balance this out you must be three tirnes as careful' Don't huchle along at the top of the speed lumit, just because it's legal ta do so! Slower speeds may not elimin- aIe accidents, but il will make them less severe when the 'y do happen. Don't try ta crowd a week's Iravel into three days! If you must travel that far, fiy or take the train - they're safer and more relaxing! Don't give your fellow driver credit for even clementarv driving commonsense. Become a "ýdefensive" driver by treating ail others as poten- tial accident-mak-ers! Start back bomne eari'<! The last .few boucs of Labor Day shows a sharp peak in accident frequencv, each year. You cao be alreadvy safe at borne wben this peak materializes. Instaîl seat belîs and wrar 'cm! Thevre the best single cont ribuition Io matoring safetx' since 4-wheel brakcs' HEART'S CONTENT A group of higbl 'v trained piofes- si(rial people had met Ia prepare a parîel discussion. In the course oif bat- ting ideas around trvin'g ta discover exactl * vwhat the probleni xas and how best tir attack il, onie said tîrat people must face the fact that the day with onl ' , four boucs devoted to gainful cm- pîovmerît would soon be a possibili*v. "But," the panelist added, "irrt for us; bere we are, war kiag on a Saturdaxr right." The fact is thal people vho are good at Ibeir Job, and enjoxi their wrork are gluttons for punisbmcnî. People in the professions give manv trnpaid hours of their tume in public service, aîîd it would be complctelv foreign ta their working attitude ta punch a lime dlock, Oulside the professions there also are thase who derive the same anîotnt of enjovmenî and the sanie seirse of achievement frorn tlîeir jobs, but tbev are expected ta stop when the bell rings or the wbistle blows. That is, unless they are self-emploved, in which case they may work ta their hcarts content. Perhaps in discussionîs of warking hours, the accent bas been ton muich on prîvilege and flot enough bas been said about heart's content. When anîd if working boucs are drasticaiî 'v reduced, tirere wilI be an enormaus need ta fr11 the boums left, avec in a wa 'v profitable ta the individual, if nol "gainfullv" in the commoniy used sense of that word. If tbey are nat filled in such a wa 'v that the individual bas a sense of pur- pose, a considerable amounit of iearl's content wili vanish framn the world. --The Printed Word. Th e Plight of SmaII Business 1 lecentlv Rod \\'bb, M.P. for lias- fiugs-Frontenac, asked the mninister of finance wlrat action the governit was contemplatliig b assist smnail busi- ness, sirîce the rrcrcase iii small btîsi- uiess failures iad irîcrcased bliv 15.3 per cent avec the prex'rous vecar. We don'l preteird ta he aîm' kirîd of an exper't. Itltakes ail ont lime Io laok afler our nwii affairs at The Re- viexv. BuIt as a smnaii btsiiîessmnaii we beliexe we kîmuxvsurie of tîme ansxxers thal are pîagning srîîall busiiness right accoss the conntr v aid a lut of tirese pî'oblenis are causec iv the goxern- menut. For <mne tliirig, relieve lime si-nall btrsinessrnanî (f tiere esponmsibiity of coilecting Feder'aianrd Provincial taxes, incarne taxes, uneniplovnment instîrance, statistical reports and allier gox'er'îient snîaoping that keeps the srnial businmess mnan busier ooakiîg after gax'erniment affairs thaîr bis owii. The small businessnmanî ir Peterbrro aird elsewhere, opecating xxithirmibe framew&,ork o! aur free enterprise s 'vs- tem, will graw and prosper anîd continie Ia prox;idc the back-bone oif Carmadiari business. île cati ox'erconme the prob- lemis of capital, management, techoical knrow-how merchandising tetchniques, ad'eî'tising competitiorr as the niorm expected in anx' business. But lmuxv does lie "i lu rs (mWn governient, Ibat paternalistie btureaui- cracv grown bloated b>' tIre edicts uf civ'il serv'ants who nexen eariied a liv- inrg foc themseîx'es ounside sanie public pavrai 1? Il is oui' Opinmmiontrat omie surce xax' Io eliminate the great inrcease in iisailI business failure is ta nespectful> r e- qucst the governient ta kcep ils biast- cd nase ont o! small business, if il car't lic of niaiechelp thanii i. ias iii the past. - Peterborotugh Weekly Review. Wb%4anbin %Itt#man Durham Countys Great Family journal Established 110 years ego in 1854 Also Incorporating __The Bowmanville News Autbonized Cu Second JOHN M. JAMES EDITOR.-PUBLISHEIt $4.00 a Year,a The Newcastle Independent Tbe Orono Newas Clest Meit by the Fosn Office Dept.. Ottawa, end fer payment of postage in cash Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario GEO. W, GRAHAqM GEO. P. MORRIS ADVTG. MANAGER BUrSINESS MGR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES sirictly in advance $5.50 a Year in the United States Altheuqh e.ry precauton will ba taii ta ovmid errer rh. Canadien Stateammn accepts advertis. in init columna on the unde:elandien it wili net b. hacble for any errer ina any advertisern.nt baý areunder unie.,a aP*ied eofsuch edvOrtîsemnrt Ilr*quested in writinq by thé edvertiser Cnd g.t=red te The Canadien Stateunuin butinonssoffice duly siqned by the advertiser and with surà er.0r or Cerrection pluinty rnied in wnitinq thereson. rimd in Ihat case if ony errer an noed il net oezreed by the Canadien StntPgsmiit leleblitY saallnet excoed such a pertinn 0t the *ntie mts of @Ueb advertisemBnt ce the spacea ccupied by the noted errer boera te whele @Pace eceupied by etwb adverhiameiit. Memnbers oif* the artillery unit of the Fart Henry Guard, Kingston, Ontario, pose with a 6 lb. breech-loading Armstrong field gun, circa 1862, at the RCAF' Station, Trentan, before departing by transport for Washington, D.C. The Guard flew ta the. American capital ta participate in joint ceremonials with the United States Marine Corps on August 24th and 251h. (ýd !~oungtiian 's Columan Noucast le folks nma\, hav'e been wondering where ail the peeled, eight foot paies are coming from, or going to. Tlicv are caming fî-om thr. Durham Couirty F'orest, nearý Pontypool, Iaaded on ta big tmucks bh*v a mechanical "clam", taken Io Newcastle, whet-e they are loadcd on railwa 'v cars, which takes them Ito th(' Ontario Paper Company at Thorild, to be made into paper-. Thie un les wîetakeri frorn i-es thiat. xvtrc planird durting the "htîngry thirtics", b v mca who toiled len hours each day foiý txvcnty five cenîts per itaur, On1 land that had b'een dcpleted b'v suf- ficicîrt ag matter ta produce gond ci-aps. Last winterý, the trees were rnarked bv '<aur scribe. These wer-e sold to the Papir Company at sa much per c0rd, arr the stump, which means that the carnpaii' had ta cut, haul out, and pile the paies so that the 'v couid be measuiced for- co-dlage -- the hasis for pa 'vment It a\"Cthie peop)le'<of Durbhan Couintv. Most of what was cut was Jack, Scotch and Red Pine, with plerity of good Red Piiic, arnd White Pin(, for- est laft foi- futurie operations. After the licees have been cul into eigbt foot lengths and piled, a mechani- ca~l eontiriva~nce with at four maun cePu o.10h If vou Newcastle folks notice thal, the trucks ain't bauiing naonia', il, wili mean that the five hundred cords have heen dispatched ta Thorold, and maybe the next tue yau sce the product is when your favourita grocer puts vour purchase in a brown pajiar hag. Well, iliat deals with last VPar'S Cu. At the present tume, the prnccss is beiag e- pcated as the new fixe bîindrcd (aid allotment is being cul, and "swamped out" by a pulp company emplo *vee. We don't care if the cutter Lises a chain saw, Jack knife, or bis faîse tacellb as long as he culs onivy the marked tracs, and felîs theni without undLîe inju ' y la the remaining trees. The chap doing the current Job is Steve Koch, wha makes bis home araund Tlillsonbnrg but, was born in FIlungary. lie operates with the assistance of bis wife, and ap- pears ta be a first rate conscientinus \woodsmani, which is in markcd cantrast ta sanie of the slipper *v "woads butch- ers" that we, accasionall'v, buimp ino, and on whom wc have la uise a fairîv tighb urein to kcep theni fronim spoiling the forest. Altbough the forest back hcre, on the Ridge, is owned by the citizens of Duîrhamn ('nuntv. it is c tpfi~lv, aîini.. %- l -q[i i %i I U ý LIl i L L L Il l ' - , 1 -UII CII '.UUIL "IL 1.1ci LLÀ" I' dUI1111' "' Oîawa i A $14 million girt "ipeels" lbem. A nai sits rip bigh, and stered b 'y personnel of the Department Io a granp off pemhaps 400,000 operates a "dýam' xvhich picks up a of Lands and Forests, who are assumcd Canadian taxpayers has gane dozen or twn pales at a gcab; the pales ta have the necessar'< "knniw how" alost unaticed. are epoite ona seelrackwit a hrogh pecal tain'ngandexprt- The Federal Government- are epaite ona seelrackxvih atbîoug spciaitranin an eXeri bas had so many changes of slight tilt towards an endless chain ence. The au aof the L and F people Jieart over budgets since it whcrc a marn, xith a "pick", secs that is, ta administer the forests in as profit- came tn office that it must only ane pale at a tume enters the able a manner as possible. whilc keep- bc hecomning rather embar- peeler whose revolving knives remnove ing theni in perpetnitx'. It is possible frsing.faTh a the o'- the bark, and pushes tbe pale out the that, sanie citizens of aur Countv don't erniment has not heen boasi- opposite side ta where two men ri e realize wbat a splendcd asset these re- ing of its generosity and has waiting ta grab, and pile il. If vou'ce newable resources arc, and cani be, s taken an ingerious course wondering how manv cords eaun be il doesn'i hurt ta rcniind '<ou about tu alter original plans for paying the $10 a nionth al- pceled in a given time, I cari tell van theni once in a -wbiie. Back in 1928, lowance tb parents of chlld- that, iin anc ten bouc day, those four the first plantations were set out under ren in the 16 to, 18 age huskies peeicd anc hundred, and seven- the forcnianship of Jack Fisk. Twentv- group who continued school- teen cords. And, like tbe tonical an the six years laler, his son, Verdun, xvas ihngBeveas admithe b sewing machine, that's goîng sanie. So mv supervising Foreste-. As luis is be- ciange Minster Goredn o differcat froni tbe davs, flot so long ing wi'itîen, Jack's gcandson, Terry, is .iuly 7 it recelved fat less ago, when men peced eacb pale by aperating our~ eighty foot bigh f ire de- ptîblicity than lb deserved. "hand", with a dcaw-knife -- a back bection lower under ni' forenianship. peOfl hat aetsit was annthc- breaking, lime consnming, il] paying That's the way the bail boulices' allovwance wonld still be able . .. ..ta. Icat m thle $550 deduction frm taxable incarne for each *of tmese dependents rather thl the $30)0 exemption ~MMWU RU E * nied for children eligibie S u g a forfamilv aliawarîces. And 94 he extra bonnty camnes ta ana lheni with the compliments of Premier Lesage and his Que- :be Government whose ia- ~sistence on cantinningth .~ e Provincial school allowance paYments made ut necessar. * Payment of "family alw B y Bill Smiley . ances'- for .children o0f 16 and 7 cntiningat school m'as announeed by Mr. Gor- Things Were Hectir! falher' wvas an Eriglish teadcr,. a s d,, don 1 n his budget last i wienvt he fciioxxwiralias vorced, and was baving an affair witb l71larch .As a resuIt the accompanying re sol silon two wouks lralid.a.\s' 1lic takes bis J'ai-ni]i'v the daugbîer' of the barteader in the rnvering amendients to the Io a cottage(, or on a motirr trip, or outi~ place tbcv'd caleri. Incarne'rax Act contained a camping, anid that's ail there is ta it. ilugb's monima was ceadx' t<r (ail provision that for tbis year Ilecat thn o qiiel\,an saelybac ot te mlitadecarewaronIli U.., parents could dlaim only lie aritirir o qîielv nd snei bak nl te niliia, ecire ai'0O ue S., $470 instead of $550 *'if an lu \\oik. aîîd invade if necessaix' Io snatch ber aîlowance was paid under Thlîrr.s are aiwaYs pi-dIv Irectic boy back Ia safetx'. lis fatimer' xas trv- the FamiIy Allowance Art a'ion ird rsum for any month after the oIll' lace iin tihe s mer, but i iiîg ta soutre lier fcars and althIle sanie child attained the age of 16." this was tire liecticest evýer. As a teaclier, tume, remenibering, wilî nul a Jiltlie he S470 exemption applied lin ainîust fraiihic for sciiol Iol start sadness, what lie was like at tîrat age. only telte year when there sa 1 cziî -et orff thle ferris wlîeei. I lowever, lie SU rpiised uls. I le ai'- would nol be a full $120 live wveeks al sutner mTuSsic'hool rivcd home tlie day lie supposed payment. 'rhereafter the al- for Ii Th 1hree weeks at a dilferent tou. Even more amazini, ire lbad sarnie Iowbedluto drp stiiier 5(1)001 for the old lady. Two marie\, left. ConipletlY astoriding. fie 'ilen Quebec tossed ils wveeks ai('amip for Kii. Tvo weeks Iooked uni>' slightly depraved. lit Ihose iîruîrrke «% wrerrch irîta the nia- refresher course in English and two fixe xveeks, be bad: beconie 17, falleri chitr>.i time Apcri[ril ed-. %vecks as a %veekly, editor for me. in love ait least twice, bougbt a pipd esaeaione ub Now thîs doesin't sonnd s0 bad, and tobacco, cnoked for hiniseif for intention oif cortinuig ts whan \-o sav' t quickiy. Butlail these two weeks, living mainlv on pabluni owf allowaurce and called for xvregnngonindifeet laesan ceee n beninaMee jin. comnrsationr in the fortin<or Ihns reging oni fetplcs an he adbninaerjot" furiher abatement by lime aI difaerit limes. The cesuit. was a None of this batheî'ed me boo mnc, Federal Goverament in indi- ('omuinatraîr of the Grand Prix, Musical although his mather gav'e hini an iii- vîdiial incanîr tax. Chairs, Wbl"o's Beeîî Sleeping In My tercagalion tbal would have donc credit If bas now been calculai- BcdarîdLets Brak he Bnk. la Ispetor aiget. I(bat the cost of the Que- Mxd' anife ges hoeaketerBank. rhaps e th aets. bc î' 'ck erpayments ik equal li M'vwf eshmeeySaturday ehp hems ug' w ek about 3 per cent of incomne night, heads l'or thie basement with a of the summer were those 1 spent as a tax collections and Quebre huge arnifUl of soiied cloîhes, and xve weekly editor. Il ail began with a wvet- taxpayers will pay this tb doti't soe her unîtîl it's tume ta gel in ding - my partner's, and very nearly er oveinceinteadoif e- the car late Snrrda *v and charge off once ended with a funeral - mine. meai Govennr es%If ay- again iii ail directions. And how doubly devastating il is ta ihis the Province wlll pay Last Suridax', for the first lime in be a weekly edilor in a toucisî towîî the difference to Ottawa; if six ,weeks, the four o! us were under where every oîd-fcîend cattaget' wiîhin ms the r ore ince. îî thc sanie roo! togetîrer. We were aIl a radius o! 40 miles is belîbent on reimbus her Pbeironedr a littie uneasY at being wilh these wcecking your marciage, youc consti- irîg subseqUent April negotia- sîrangers. tution, and the nexî dax'. with bis hospi- fiorns. S long as the Prov- Hîîgh came throîîgh virtually un- îaliîy. iace w~as beacîng the cast ut fie auiowances ont off pro- scathed, despite the trembling and Oh well, the worst is over. There vincial incarne tax it was not irepidation of bis parents. He talked remains only a grilting a! the teeth, a lugical, if iadeed constitution- uis min extending bis stay at the sum- girding o! the loins, and a bardening of al, that the Federal Govera- nier school from three weeks te five, the cesolution, ta gel througb the last tmen ftesd ie'endetIn in a letter emphasizing the "inspiration" week o! summer -- the weekl\v îeWS-s- (urfrths depedth u lie %v'as getting there. papers convention. Wheîî tbat's over, any laiss in revenues resuit- After deep and rnidnight consulta- and I came home, a sbambling skele- ing from higher exemptions in hansQuebec wonld be taken into linw'eeluctantiy sent off the requi- Ion, a shadow o! the fine, healîhy young accoui in the final adjust- site extortian for the extra two weeks. fellow I was on the first o! July, my menat. Saon after, another letter arrîved. Iu plans are made. 1 phone a sanitorium, This waus fine sa far asi this one we learnrd he'd been aut for take my 20 days sick leave. and ce- MI, Gordon's budget was dinner 'r-teak and mushrooms, Chianti, sume living about the end of Septeni- ean<'rmnd tionanst bvin the works - with a Yank girl whose ber. dinsrIntn aai eti This Report is written from Copen- hagen, Denmark, where I have the honaur ta be one of Canada's delegates ta the 53rd Inter-Parliarnentary Con- ference. The Conference is just nicclv, under wav as this Report is written. In next week's Report 1 will be able ta give vou same detaîls as ta conclusions reached at the Conference. There are 66 nations participating in this Canference and they supplv a total of 1200 delegates. Some of the items under discussion are: 1. The Fight against Disparîties irn World Economy. î2. From International Detents, ta Peace. :3. The Prablem of Education and the Fight against Illiteracv. 4. International Protection of 1luman Pights. 5. The Raie of Members of Parlia- ment as Interme-diarie. hetwepn the. Citizens and their GovePrn- nie nts. I arn serving on the Cammite.nn Poiltical Questions, International Secur- it 'v and Disarmament. I expect ta speak later in the Conference. The inaugural ceremonv took place in the City Hall, Copenhagen, in the presence of Hlis Ma,îesty King Freder- ick IX, King of Denmark. Danish Kings are, not surrounded by the pomp and crrcmonv attending many manarchs. Tl'le King arrived ta open the Confer- ence dressed anly in a business suit. Ile spoke hriefly tn welcome the delegates ta Denmark and la wish them the hest of iuck iii their important work throughout the da 'ys of the Conference. The Prime Minister af Denmark, 'Mr. Jens Otto Krag also spoke at the (ipaning ceremonies. He made an ex- tremelv thoughtful speech in which he saffd that the last few years had seen a considerable relaxation of tension bat weerr the Great Powers. The primary re-ason for this, he said, was that lead- ing statesman realized that an al-ont modern war with present da,,. nuclear wcapons was ont of the question. Against this background there were iii- -creasitig contac-ts, trade -and. A. MacDuff Ottawa Report growing cultural relations bct -ecin states. Ile hoped that these dcvelop- ments wauid mark the emergence of a new ,vorld picture in which awareness of national characteristics and recogni- tion of the paths which individuai na- tions had choscn would lead ta undcr- standing bter peaples and a 1 1cr- ance towards different. %a 'vs af teFik- ing wvhich ,vould form the basis of a world communit.v cnjoying a morée fundamental sccurit v than that afford- ed today b 'v the nuclear deterrent. "Tie rcsponsibility for solving some of the remaining problems rests wuith ail, and particularly with drle- gates ta the Inter-Parlianicntary Con- ference", said the Danish Prime Minis- ter. He offered a mosi cordial wclcomt- an behaîf of thr, Danish governiment and the Danish people and he said hie hopcd thre Conference would contribute ta better understanding and greater tolerancr among natmns. As the Conferere gai under u* the heads of the variaus national drirs- galions were th(- fîrst ta speak. The leader of the Canadian delegation jg Senator ..\M. Dcssureault. who saidj that Canada is projud of the part whîch she is plaving in the United Nations. We have plac,('d trnps at the disposai of the Unitrd Nations in an attemptinl avoid the extension (f <onflicts. The presence of a Unitrd( Nations force ini C ' prus had dirnnshc'd ihr threat of war in the Easîern M\raditcrrarican and Canada saw nl( hr ir wa ,,ta a solu- tion of thc. C * %pru-is prohiarn than throuigh the Unitcrd Nations, lit- saidi. The Senator wenî nlta sa\- thal. mulch reaans to ha dlonic la avýercamp the econo-mic division of the world and ta enable under-developcd countries tn plaY their part aann nations. Canada attaches great importance ia the in- crease in the. cxports of the less-de- x'eloped counitries as a ma.jor waY o! raising their standard of living. "Canada bas been a strong supporter of United Nations proprammes as \ve]l as being a founding membher of the Colombo Plan and bas placed considerablereore ai the disposai of thr. Colombo nations of Africa and Sou th-East Asia." Senator Dessureault sairi, A SILENT GIFT C'anada. Firsi hint or a change rame in Ma! when Mr. Gordon withdrew, the two section% of the income tax resolution dealing v'ith the deductions. announeing nierely that (bey would be taken care of In later legîs- lation. A dirm 11gb idawuied mvbeuî Health and Welfare Minister JulY La Marsh introduced the legislatron an July 2. To 49 YEARS AGO (Sept. 9, 191.1> Slrs. (Revi H.L A. Strike and sari Glenn, Morrishiirg, are xisiing bher niather, Mrs. John Elford. Mr. and Mrs. Frnrk Brinma- combe, Rachester, N.Y., are visitirîg lier sister Mrs. Wnîmi. Richards, and uther relatives here. Mr. Oscar Scait lias boiight the R. McLeod farm ffrom the C.N,R., tenanied the past few ' vcars by Mr. Frank Hall, Clarke, foc $2,000l. Miss M. E. Brurce, wlî7o lias brenr a musi efficient super- iendent off Bowmariville i-Inspita I sinrie its inaugu ra- lionr over two * ears ago, vol- u.iaeered for ser'vice at the Front and sbe was acceptedl aund ordered ta report for (101v at Ottawa, Sept. 2. Miss Bruce l(ft on the C.P.R. raid- rugir train, Wedrrcsda ' . Mr's. C. Forîrer, Montreai. irs vismtiuig lier sister, Mms. Thos. Lyriier. M r. a rid M rs. Ave r v.Juohns- lotir and Miss lipllen sperit the week'rd rin'Torornto. Mrs. E. Pavrie. Puritypouil, li as relr rred hom-e 'a fier visrtnrg her nophew, MmI. J, C. Elliatt. 'iessr s 'Flios. Roi irel: a urd Sron, Cha- . Rice, Wvalter ()ke and F Pattinson weie snirîessffnl prizp wirters iii porliry ai 'rconta Lxiii- hi îîoni Mr, and Mi-, . AM. Hardyanud Evereit hia c rreturard frra aweck, auta trrp, callrng an friends ai Surnder- larnd, Lititte Brîtain, Oa k- wood, Lindsay, Balsam Lake' arr' Strurgeon Point. Mr. Harr' v Goodmaniiof 'roranto i ssted rit Mr. A. Milubelî's ovler Stiuuday. Mr. W. Il. Ilelivar, clri- tor, speuit the weekend with bis niather, Mrs. John Hleli- yar. Mrs, M.B. Auiniis and daughter Mildmed, I.indsay« , are visiting ber cousinr, Mrs. A. E. McCready. Mr. C. C. Langber, Orgair- nst and Musical Director off the Fîrst Methodist Chnrcb, us leaving Owen Sound rAis vîeek. baviag acceptarl a sîmilar position at Bo\%- mnanville.--From The Owen Sound Advectiser. Mcr. B- S. F itze r a 1id, 0ronO, Manager off t he Standard Bank, bas beeri appointed Manager off the Brookîjo Brancb. Miss Flora Bell. 1,pskaudi, liai hreriisiting lier crauý- in, Miss Helen l.ienderson. qiueres ,ýabout incrme fax de. diietiorlFs. i a troîs civil srrs'- anis replifd xvih aaotber qilestînni Did ibe acw hi Il pravide forP r pnmcis'îdr the Famil'v Allowvance Act"' If did aoi. It xsas armitlcd,( -'air act Ia provide' far the pa 'v- mnit off Yarîtl Allowances ,. Airld the Incarne Tax Art sa vi iothi irî about liwer dedrîr(- tions for aax, oae recqx'Vmga yoîîtlî allwance. 25 1'EARS AGO (S~ept. 7, 1939) Miss Madeiue Crago ha.iç bec-n Irairda ying with fricnds ai Wbithýv. Mis.s Helen Ramsay, Barik orf Commerce, is holidaymng wiîh lier sister aI Napanee. MIr. F. Suttun attended the~ convxention off the Canadiari College off Ocganists iii Ha miltari. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Data anrd family have returned îroni bolrdiaying ini the north country'. ,MmI. anud Mrs. A. Marjerri- sariand son, South Parcnn pîae, are x'isiting their sister. ia-law. Mrs. E. Marjerrisoni. Mtss Elsie Lymer is bav- rurg a lavelv holiday visitinig Mr. arnd Mrs. C. E. Fortier, Barrîuîgtan Manar, Montreal. M r. anrd Mrs. Gordonr Pn'arie aund sori Gordonu, Torronito, spent the weckend withr Ius parents, Mr. arnd Mrs. Ira Pearce. Miss Lania Fo]ey, niurse- irî-traiiig at the Geurerai iIîspital, Kingstonr, is lrcî r- cLriig wi1h ber par'cit1s, REnv. IL W. anrd Mcs. Folcv. M ixcd daiules or i1itricV n hI owlrig ns heirîg fear ur- c-d eciiiTnesdia.veveninig at mlii' <ira] green. Winrrers 1di lir-ei and Mrs. G. A. Gui Mus ,Flrmri('e Bennietti bas hfren sîu sn ai ber sium- rnrcourse at Lake Couchi- chîiîgý Afier sprîding a shout lîolrda. v itb ber mail'- !at -Th(, Grange," sbe bas nov. iretrned in ber school ai S<itlilmOunt. Mjs. r-- F.lsir Carruithrt. an id lda Browni and Mr. .Jîrti Williams bave retnrnîed fu mm an enjoyable motar t rip to Oid Orchard Beac'h, Matîre Lake' Placid, N.Y., andr uriher frmons Americars stilimer resoris, Mi RB. H. Mortlock of thb T1imes-Rcvicw. Fort Erie Nrthnl. wris in iawn over the weeýkcnd rencwing acquarat- aniue(S. Ife assisted Rev. C. R. Spencer at t he evcning service in St. Jobrr's Ang- ircuii Cburtcl on Snnda.y. Mrs. .J, Wight is vtsitiuig relatives min Toronto. Nawcastle Mr, W. F. Rîîkard, M.P., taft for Otta- xsa arn Wednesday fa attend rIme specral session of parlia- ment, Ororno M n sPes E n i d ('abhledik. Thelma Myle.s atrr Mutriel Morton are tak- Sig ; o t 'r n nursing at Whîîby Hospital. Report from Ottawa By Russell C. Honey, M.P.

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