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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1964, p. 5

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Marri ed in Hampton United Confederation will bhe :sued by the Canada Post 11iLce on' Septernber 9th. 1964. it has' been announced by the Hon- ourable John R. Nicholson, Postmaster G e n e r a 1. The stamp will be the sevcnth' special issue in the 1964 pro-. gramme. In announcing the stamp,; ýMr. Nicholson recalled that it, was at the Quebec Conference of 1364 that delegatc.s fromi the provinces which arc nowl Ontario, Quebec and the Mari-ý times hammered out the Sev-, enty-two Resolutions which, eventually formed the core of the British North Amerîca, Act of 1867, Canada's written, constitution. The conference' was, therefore, cnie of the mile-, stones on the road of the crea- tion of the Canadian Nation., The Q u ebe c Conference1 stamp follows an earlier issue w h i c h commemorated trie Charlottetown C o n f e r e nce which took place a month: previaus ta the Qucbec meet-i ing and at which some agree- 1 ment had been reachcd on the prîncipie of a federal union. The Quebec Conference lasted from October 10 ta October 27 and saw many political and' economic obstacles ta Union ALLIN'S MEATS 9 King St. E. BOWEN'S GROCERY 65 Scugog Rd. J>AIVIS GROCERY 125 King Street E. D)YK STRA 'S VARIETY FOODS 7-j King Street W. FI~RV.Ay FOOD NMARKET 41 King Street E. flIRTII BIOS. Specialty Meats l King Street E. NEVIBOURHOOD STORE 87 Ontario Street OR SERVED AT BC) ^,MANVILLE HOTEL RE STAU RA NT <'ORONATION RESTAURANT FLYING D[TCHMAN It'ESTAURANT O)LYM'ýPIA RESTAURANT STRATHAVEN NURSING HOM3E M.'JMORIAL HOSPITAL are the freshest table eggs on the market- produced by W. K. Nowak's Chicken Fairm MmVnner of four Silven Cupý Trophies and many first prizesý tor the best eggs at CNE for; îxtilvcars. Phone 263-2567 lUR. 1 Bowmanville GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES through STATESIA N CLASSIFIEDS Telephone 623-3303 INTRQDUCING THE NEW ý,D,, QUEEN WIDTH AT NO EXTRA COST! NOW FEATURED DURING SERTAS NATION WlDE SERTAORTHOLUX SALE! MATTRESS REPEATING THE FAMOUS SERTA-ORTHOLUX SUPREME 4975 Kh " [jr or * li ,r i o Nai Cti Ce t wii I a Lovel 'v decorator prmnt caver luxuiously quilted %vith fnairn 0 llundreds oftsf îwn!apcrpd Sera-tholuN. cojls a Tough sisal pad and1 cush- ijînv felt for vour sleeping con fj ort a ev-iit liii! support edgo, 0 Matcii'ng box sri,.iJ ODD SEVERAL ODDBOX SPRINGS DMSCONTINUED LINES Fe.A. KRAMP FURNITURE LTD. PHONE 623-7071 .7 ZT"G ST. Y BOW1A NVI LLE BALSON - McQUEEN tilly lace encîrcling the waist, and highlighted at the back Hampton United Church wasi by inset panels of scallopcd prettilv decorated with pink lace and shirred organza. The and white blossoms on Satur-' back waist was trimmcd by day afternoon, August 1, 196.4, miniature bows. They wor' at 4 o'clock, when Patricialheaddresses of pink rosettes Ann McQueen, daughter of Mr.j with lily-of-thc-valley an d and Mrs. Earl D. MeQucen, bouffant veiling, and the.c R.R. :3, Bowmanvillc, and Mn. bouquets wcre of pink andi Gerald Morley (Joe> Balson, white carnations. son ai Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mr. Tom Wilson, Bow?ýman- Balson of Hampton, were unL- ville, xvas best man and the cd in marniage. ushers wcre Mn. John Cook, Rev. F. J. Rced of Sunder- R.R. 4, Bowmanville. and Mr.' lanîd otficiated and Mrs. Kcith Philîp Balson, Hampton, hroth- Billett, Bowmanville, playcd er of the groom. the wvedding music. The reception was heîd 'ut The bride was given ini mar- the Christian E d u c a t i o in r nage by her father and wore1 Centre, Hampton, wherc the a floor-Iength gown of import- bride's mother received il'e cd Chantilly lace with a fittedl guests. For the occasion slw, bodice and full skirt. The wone a blue and white fig-ur- govn had lily-point sîceves cd silk dress and white ac- and a scarlet neckline cm-'cessonies. She was assisted byv bnoidered with pearîs and the graam's mother who chose crystals. Self rosebuds gath-' a mass green dress of nylon ered an apron overskirt. An sheer aven taffeta and white exquisite headdress, styled accessonies. Bath wore cor- r with pcarl and jcwel-trimmed sages of white roses and lace and organza rosettes, heldsten)hanotis. : rher shoulder-length bouffant Following the reception the veil of pure silk illusion. She!couple left on a wedding trip carnîed a bouquet of pink nos- ta Lake Placid, N.Y. Fan trav- Ie s and stephanotis. elling the bride wore a whitn, Mrs. Wm. MeQucen, Osha- suit with red accessanies and wa, sister-in-law af the bride, corsage of red carnations and xvas mnatron of honon, and thei stephanotis. They wvill resîde bridesmaids wene Miss Ber- at R.R. 4, Bowmanvilîe. nice Cochrane, Oshawa, and A graduate of Bowmanvuîîe IMrs. Gary Beckett, Hampton, High Sehool and Peterhorougci Isister of the groom. They Teachers' College, the bridp is were in petal pink onganza a teacher at West Courtice over taffeta xvith scoop neek-r Public School. The groom< lines and cap sîceves. Toc attended Bawmanville Highi dresses wcnc styled xvith a School and is cmploved at Icummerbund insert of Chan- General Matons. Oshawa. Baton Twir fers IAX.o rAir ,vv inD !y.V i rapniies, The Baloair tîling Contest Fancy Drill Corp wee outrh a', t he C \ 1.IsItvweck was ad - xxiiîhCarol Creenhain Ca -_ jwlcîn'ed1w iN N.B.T.A. tam: and Dntmmmeî-s Si-a (: - Jud -vs froin thio tT.S.A. The' det Jim Bezzant and lrai 'mn Twxiilai' af Oshava, Wood. The trounpe we'o i Lan unmder thie direct ion af Irenie Fi:z<.ýi!nmon '. Judx' I arn'ur. wl: o',wn nine trophies Mar ia Dnvgala,Na'yR- Individual Scol!,gPenn « vMeMnîtilen. B ori. Indîviual Soring ni(, hiîe, Donna Cein Ad% > 3 l 'ers 3rd Suzanne Williams, Slîar o nI place -78.2 marks; Adv. SO1O: Haod, Gail Brooks and Shaî'i 9 yoearz- Cindy Chamberliný Zakarow. Linda Lias st, Tina, 1-85.4: Intermediate Salaol1 Knox. Linda McLaughlin andý -12 vas Leslyn Chamber- Linda Hazelton formed ilie lin- *Jnd place- 16.6 marks ,Senior Color Partv~. Gax'le McNally- 75 marks. - _____ Novice, 12 years- Dale XVl-, son- - th- î4.4; Diana Ther- tel--.73. Adv anced 12 years New Teachersr --Patsy Blake -79.4; Dianne Yunkowsk- 81.3. Novice 13]n B Wnianville 73. I Advanced 13 years- termedmate 14 vean- Pameta P bl c LUho l Young- 4h- 79.4 .Adv an- cen 114 years- Dianne Shaw Ncw staff members for Bow,- r -Ind- 88.2 .Nov ice 15 years manville Public Sehools that -Suzanne Williams - 71.1 will open on September 8tl Militar'v Strutt 13-14 ycars -iinclude: mianne Shaw-3rd place. Jun-r Central School--Miss Myn ior Majorette o! Canada- Di- Saunders, Whitbx-. anne Shaw ticd for lst place Lord Elgin School -Miss thoni placed 2nd in the Twirl Marilyn Falls, Newcastle: Mr.[ off wîth 87.6 mark--. iWendell Fisher, Fenelon Falîs,ý Tartan Lassie Fancy Drill Miss Karen Flintof!, Orillia.ý Corps. pîaced second in the Miss Janice Roblin, Islington. Junior Championship, %vith Ontario Street Schoo-Miss !he hel,- of Sea Cadet Drn- Elaine Casw'ell, Port Hope: mers Wayne Elliot. Maria miss Marilyn Hannah, Tam- Panx'lo and Ron French, and worth; Mn. Douglas Helliwell, i Color Party Bobby Wisniew- Kingston; Mn. Hugh Kylie,E ski. Dcnnots and Jerry Paw-,Furnace Falls; Miss Sheîlah1 l1uc7ck. Bolbx Backxveil won McConnan, Bala; Miss Muriel a beaut:fui trophy. Diannc Staîken. Bath: Miss Judith Shaw% wa3 Caplain and Tro- Townson, Belleville; NM i s sr upe-Pats-- Blake, Linda Brv- Evelyn Turnif!, Detlor. ant, Daley Wilson, Gayle 'vi- Vincent Massey-Miss Bonîta NaIN-. Joan Major, Dianne Gale, Renfrew; Miss Kathryn rYurkowski. Pamela Young,l Dauncey, Cornwall; Mn. Ganryt Chervl 'MCune. Brenda Hen- Sutherland, Lakefield. ning. Debbie Zakarow and Total enrolîment is expcct-1 Lel':Chamberlin. cd ta be 1,447, appraximateiy ( The Tartanteens Sen i o r 20 more than Ilast year. iî announ ('j'tht n ni cî ti BrYant, son of NMr. andi rr S. W. Brx'ant. VauxhiatI AI- benta NMarriage ta take place Satimrday. October lUthi at 3:00 p.m.. St. Paul's United Chunchi, B owma n v 1e. BASE UNE :VIr . Geor ,,E Dobbn.. Boa-i nmngton. !na- been tnciga %vc-ci: \x îth h'llr imat e:, r. I.Boonelt -U !hctre o M'.r. anit i-.I" I)\'c Pres ton anmd David, Ba\x naiil!o. haci Stiodav a 'o ilI:.E . Price. N: I B iotand Mrs. G. Dhm awil 'inrilh11-1- u i -t ' vl ax' QuackenhnLm. \Vc'] id. > po'mt a fuw' (hîx aýt xx('oh xwi 1,h' thor c'l>.n Mr\I.' ai(l N:r .nO haxx a. Wrx i 't ',)f haon:- at :'td iti Wn a h hrnmp of 'NI'.'-j:îd M0ýr R'irh('r. T ron o 1,ir ('r ' i' 'j i' Cl jnî{. 1,î 1 an d :. (rt. ' * ' î . otanville, xx rc'S:Lx, in", dinner g i' . i Mr. toc! Mn.-. EladFolox, NE Bn"- arrdv Nîr'. llnck NMr. and .\r. Kcltiî lat CH, Gail and Donald, Ingle- sdie. havr bcen x.iighiz brother Nir ac î Brwcîarci 'm NI:" C Bro.1'.".< .n wxas a c'co \'isi1cfr xi tho:' onNIr. andîNrN: rx' Mn5. Noiýl Broxx , ~~a Dianne, Mi -s NI ar ' 'v nCai'np. Mr. Ted Bannles spcnt, Thurs- dat'- and Fnidax' al,' ink Lake, the 9uceý o.qNof Rov Van Camp and Var.oB:ownell and 'vr. andi Nr ,Sa., Van Camp and farnilx. Mr. and Mrs. Nici Shîcl. 0shawxa, Mn. aoc! Nîr. Fred 'j.righ'.x'-isitcd NMiss Nlargner- ite Wr.-ght -, ' Ca'harines, Ont., on Suinda v' Nîr. Ken Cryvder'îail at*end- ed the Canadman Nalional Ex- hibition a:'.roroti-.a on Frn- ctî' valterded li~e ,:'Toc( Country' \Vife" at Stratford. mn comoany with a group of Junior Farmners from this dis- tricet. NMr. Dav'id C-v denn-an spent 1 a,; week xx'ith a Uni:ed ..hurch You:ng Peopîe's group at Camp Qm.wn.Mo-Lac. 1 The Canadfan Statesman, Bowrnanville, Sept. 2, 1964 5 Post Office Will Issue New 5-Cent Stamp Prices effective Sept. 2, 3, 4, 5. We reserve the riglit to limit quantities. 48-oz. 88 s 6tins 8 8C tins 88c Giant 88 rade Il Qt. Box 29c J 2 size 24's 29cj 6 qt. Basket a 9 Kraft Canadian CHEESE SLICES 3 pkgs. 88C HEINZ Save 14e 15-oz. tins SPAGHETTI5 for 88c BETTY CROCKER 6 Vairieties Save 29e 14-oz. tins MUFFIN MIX 3 for813c IGA Save 36c 100-ft. TOUlS Waxed Paper 4for88c Fresh Grade "A," Predressed FRYING or ROASTING 21/-3 lM.j3 Averagec Fresh Chickien cuts LEGS or BREASTS 16 49c SPECIAL 88e COMBINATION OFFER.? ON -1b, . aka9, NE TobleRit. WIENER S O ONE 11b pkqs~* knlaSAUSAG ESo Mary Elizabeth Frozen 3-z APPLE PIE 3 ple$11 HOSPITALITY Save loc APPLE PIE DEMPSTER CHRISTIES Lemon JelIy Rails 45c ea.39c pkg. of 8 DAVID'S Save 8c Total Bonus EXTRA THIS WEEK Af $480 Tapnes Receive an Extra $10 Tape with Receive an Extra $4. Tape with Receive an Extra $2. Tape with Good Luck Coloured il Shirrilis Good M'orninq 2-z White or Coloured MARGARINE P'kg. MARMALADE 21.o. Wi wnTsu Twin Dragon Brand chxcken - hrimp Nesa R MAe Ja W itcw a os u ePa k F ro ze n D in n e rs Pk . Nesccle 20 offSliced TobleRits Sandwich style INSTANT COFFEE lutr Receive an Extra $6. Tape with COOKED HAM z 10 lbOntario Con. No. 1 Grade CHARCOAL BRIQUETS """ Ces'otpat co!on POTATOES a PREMIERING MONDAY SEPT. lth GET YOUR FREE BINGO CARDS AT IGA AND PLAY "SUPER BINGO" FOR VALUABLE PRIZES DAILY PRIZES . Electrical Appliances $25.00 Cash Prizes Ilundreds of $2.00 IGA Food Certif icates. WEEKLY PRIZES ... EXPENSE PAID TRIPS FOR 2 TO SUCH EXCITING PLACES AS NEW YORK WORLDS FAIR. THE BAHAMAS, ETC. GRAND PRIZE... 1965 STUDEBAKER WAGONAIRES AT 4 T.V. STATIONS CHEX TV PETERBORO 12:30 to 1:00 p. Monday Thru Friday i-lb. pkg. Regor Super Save 14e pkgs. of 12 Bowmanv*ulle IGA Foodliner - BOWMANVILLE- visited at the Westlake's. assistants in the Department The superintendents and Mr. and Mrs. R. Fraser and Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- of Agriculture section in the teachers of the Sunday School1 Bobby returned at the weekend lake Jr. and Gordon visited Government building at the attended meetings at Hampton, from a pleasant trip ta the Mr. and Mrs. N. Fiee, Taun- ONE, for its duratian. on Saturday and Sunday West Coast and Vancouver Is-'tn on iio iie eea where thev received furtherýland. onMilnvstesvra information on the methods of Mrs. Sid Hockaday spent A large crowd of soccer fans days at Mr. and Mrs. Ian teaching the New Curriculum.'last Wednesday with Mr. and cheered.our Sauina boys on to Smith's, Scarborough. Mrs. \Ves Yellowlees and Mrs. Wilfrid Sanderson, Col- victony in the semi-final game David Ormniston, Bowvman- Mrs. Burney Hooey attended-umbus. at Solinia on Saturday night. ville, holidayed at Mr. and the training school at the Agri- l Jean Hockaday visited Lin- In this lively game agaînst Mrs.'Tom Baker's. cultural office in Bowmanville da Clarke, Bowmanville. , onietesoews21 atherine Baker vîsited with on Tuesday and Wednesday of ,Mns. Art Westlake and Ola' Keep up the fine team wv.onk her sister, Mrs. B. Cowling, ]ast week, in preparation forýOshawa, visited at MUr. E.boys! We're right behind you. Bowmanville. this year's project "The Club Hockaday's.. Dennis Broome is holidaying Jean Baker vîsited Marlon Girl Stands on Guard." i Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor at Mr. John Broome's, Tyrone. Essery at Courtice. *Many from this cammunity and children visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and! Sunday Sehool next Sunday, attended Blackstock Fair on Mrs. Morley Gilroy, Enfield. !Linda visited Mrs. T. Flett,!September 6 xvill be at 9:45 Satunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes His and'Columbus on Sunday. o'clock with chunch service at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davisfamily spent a few days at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hold- 10:45 o'clock. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis'Stoney Lake. 'stock; Mr. Oliver Beckett, Missý Kedron, visited Mrs. J. Blacki Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor'Arvilla Beckett, Bowmanville. and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pear-liand familv spent several days Mr. Win. Baiocchi, Toronto, son and family, Woodstock, on',at Moira Lake with Reverend'visited on Sunday with Mr. and Sunday. ýand Mrs. R. Sherwin and sons.'Mrs. Ross Page and fam ily. Miss Karen Yellowlees holi-' Mr. and Mns. Bruce Taylor Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mr. Bob dayedlastweekwithher and family toak Mn. and Mýrs.iSnowden, Maple Grave,M. cousin, Sharon Larmen, Black-:E. R. Taylor ta Moira Lake onand Mrs. Frank Moore, Bov-j 2 -30 stock. ISaturday ta visit Reverend and manville, Mr. and Ms. Tedýfu f 03 Mrs. H. E. Tink attended a Mrs. R. Sherwin and sons. ýHuntley anld children, New- birthday party, honoring Mrs.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Huntleylmarket, Mn. M. Griffin, Black- ATD George Walters on her 90th!and children, Newmarket, Mr. stock, visited Mrs. N. C. Wot- SWANTAD bierthdy atte omofnto adMs.F.n ore o- eiadFani.SERVICE Leo1 ales Trno manville, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mrs. N. C. Wotten and Fran- Mr. and Mrs. O. Lunn and'Hanna, Leamington, visitedcis visited Mrs. Sam Brooks, family, Peterborough, Mr. and.with the Frank Westlake's Jr.iBowmanville and Mr. Norman Mrs. L. Preston and family,!and Mns. Frank Westlake, Sr. Van Nest of Windsor, who is'i Bowmanville visited the Lang-i Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parker'visiting his sister. mai's t te xeeknd. and children, Oshawa, also Miss Pat Knox is ane of the f i. fvc-cent postage S' nrtocommemorate the Aniîversary rof the Que- _Lcc Co-n ference that led ta, PREMIUM TABLE EGGS 'OLD AT The design of the stamp-î a han d holding a pen and ai maple leaf-symbolizes the neaching of agreement rimong. the vaniaus provinces leading tona tionhood. The stan'p is: being printed in red and brown by the steel intaglia pnocss. Designer of the stamp is Phili'p Wisof Ottawa, who also cre- atdthe original concept of' teCharlottetown Conference' stamp and has a number of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. (Joe) Balson are shown signing the register fol- oicrt. aainsap ahs lowing their marriage in Hampton United Church on August lst, 1964. Mrs. Ar a ! 18mlintmp Balson was the former Patricia Ann McQueen, daughter of Mr. andi Mrs. Earl will be printed. D. MeQueen, Maple Grove. Mr. Balson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson of Hampton. Photo by Ireland. 'tPspecialize in producing! rrîytahle eggs e!f uniform', <tualîtyv n the most hygenic' imnd( sanitary way in totallyý mec,(hanized hon houses. We jroducce white shell eggs only, .ît'mddtnder Canadian Gov- ernment supervision. 5 Flavours Sav 23e ALLEN'S vDRINK Brights Save 17e APPLE SAUCE Caînpbells Save 20e TOMATO SOUP Onmo Save 7c DETERGENT THE CHILDRENS CHOICE Produce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 GrE SEEDLESS 2 Ib 1 Can. No1 BRUSSEL SPROUTS Canada No. 1 Grade Garden Fresh CRISP CELERY Ontario Grown Cee Grade DUCHESS APPLES SOLINA

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