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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1964, p. 6

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-, .--'..' ------------------------~-'~" '.~ 6 The Canadian Statesma?, ;owmanville, Sepf. ,IqM4 T'or their children, he told thet V R~ EEChri.%' Dugan, réturnéd front Fu r local club. TY O N holidays at their cottage at o r W s'ipo of the public to crippled Starting on Sunday, Sept bert Wicks off Cobourg. enjov- left by plane Tuesda 'yforRee n3Ote rlto-1 san ae e uaW e l d t r R o ar Cl b em ber L ar chilrlren, Dr. Stewart remark- 6th, Sundav School classes ed a trip through the St. Law- weeks in England to x sit a M od e Life M r u e s o R ota y Cl b M e bers Lear ed hatpeople eilher have the, for ages 4 to 17 will be at 10) rence Seaway, Ottawa, Al- relative. knack of getting on withi a.m. and Church Service at gonquin Park, Huntsville and: Mrs. Hugli SmÉley. 'Mrs. M.Nt,~ ~ children, or they do flot. He Il a.m. Barrie last week. Smiley and children. Burling- ti n Faid that for those who lack' Choir practice wvill be at 8 MS. Edna Phîilp spent tn Mr. and Mrs. C. W.î this aboft , rndPeet woudmep.rn.Thursdav, Sept. 3. few davs wil frends near Rahm. 4 Mile Lake, x î.ited Formnwoecobed91ltr Pr(asn ganizational and administra- led Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue Sution Wý7es ,, M iss I.nda Ms G'geBade-vala casFrdi enîgie ccmdefrt revas eoereii I eMrq. JhnGriffin and honora-ire ebr f h rr cC pbihii ri p e hod e ' Ce t eve aspects off the work for1 and visited Mrs. Chas. ShaA, Geisberger-, Zion: Mi,.' Howard, Caiiad 'aI W eeklv csa 99adm~îgt înpg themn.erAsoito , Th scope off the work berna search wý.ork. and becamne as- tlterapy 10 compensate for the Dr. Stew art thanked the Mrs. Elva Beckett, Bo\%- gusts off Mr. and Mis. M' Saturday evening a present- convention in Toronîo rs ersu o pefre yte Cipeloitdwth teAtrtc rgnlhnia.Bowmanville Rotai-y Club for rmanville, is spending titiS Park Sr. ainwshl ttecm hvaeI.G Childrmed ' Cere, Runîs ad %heum td Society, Torigr.i ta r Lan i ta tabout he wonderfui work its .m2cm- with Mr. and Mrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. Ravnond munity hall honourlxtg a re- Theo-ae H. G rnîu ekvppr Road, Toronto, and the ex-lonto. He also was on the staffi9(1 per cent off in patients andl bers have done for crippled' Miller and children. i-soai t M r rC. etbiead u)Rnl . akcl e cellent results achieved were' of the Ontario Cripp led1o3 per cent of out-patients of children, and for this valu- Mr. and Mes. A. Youngmaîî igHllsLak Prk. Rwlhenth\wer(e pre Clarkof f igh ivierAt..;pb1siî ît C~ ie outlined in the addeess given Children's Centre in that the Crippled Children's Cen-' able endeavor which ',le Ro-tand fam i 1 v w ere supper Linda ,Leslic,. I)couîgas and sented with a liarvev F,. Jo1tso f ic u12 u tswre mno, eon Fry at the Bov- "Dr.' Stewart this summer paisy. They receive tss oti- et t SeonDr.oedat a' M e. Gro aot o-POOl. visited their aunt. uiepcero onc Commun- Mi-. Fakîit ivas rsdn o ieyasa erte eon meeting at the li Memoriai Hospital here, and ilzd rametdsind !for h;s outs*anding address. Me1îdlI-.R aesn oei)e 'ueteu Dutcman otorHote. hedevoed hs das of to nabl the to ead ap! He aLso said that lhe was plea- and familv. Oshawa: Mr. and cuis visiter) i\ 'England. Par la iSpmb ee thr~ed ce SpOPCrSssodatii odesAscito n o îh The birthday off W. Ross Crippîed Children's C entrce and useful ives, he explained.sdt have the opportunity ta Mrs. R. 'Rowe and ffamilv,, Recent callérs ati lite Love- th(, C.. il cc t h Ie CWNA for eigh er WA Strke QC.,wa clebatd Tronodoatig isParplgis re ls ~ f1 D, dteart Bowmanville; Miss C I a r a ridgc hont e w , '\lrs -s home off Mrs.Henry' Staiît-Prior la scliîn g te oaî) M- oî:n eneoîo by hs fl 1W Rt.aian. l th gret wrk ein geaîî' are athnk e hd dnerWooleyandMor.Sturheoo-Hnes, os.e1.Skiner.Mes tondencsav.venntuarpt (Ala. Nevs u 145.Me-:- atdpbiîheroinl}194 by hsfl1o oain.t h ra okbigdonc i hclped at the Crippled Child- jbleha r.I. kne. r.tnWensa eeig eptke orlt Guests present at the lunch- there," Mi-. Withcrspoon said. ren's Centre, Dr. Stewart said. vforethe people off Bowman- ey were Sunday guests of Mr. Sydnrv Corit, Mai'an 9 i prn.. 'utniorc theîe, eon meeting wcre Ken Des- He tlIr the Rotariasta These cilîdren suffer f rom vil while he was nt Memar-IC. W. Woodle.v and Me. and Wendv y1a d .. Tribune and silîîce rlrn iea~o 7 i'l~rb mareneu, oborg:Brin tîs cckDr.Steartleaes suls of te .pin tht ofte al Hospital. Mrs. J. Woodl ey. Me., artd M. Gordvîî Brentis Curtis Findia%-. larkbamn, frocn acti-e îieîvspape ok at ooieýefbcT dartn, oores rg11; BJohn thS.wi b Dron tew st a ff eand ofeltheforpie, most ofe iPressdis estl p adJiy ortncrrBainFirwtlso ihoses holidaiîng Rt'Me aur) Ms. bas seer) das mafiagîgS' obi~ni'ppr i'ti Jackson, Milton: M. Sheri- Boivmanvillc, and that Itecause paralysis off bladderexPress ident J ohnBanalso1 Mr. and Mrs. S. Edwaeýds-dir) teev wcil aI Blacksbock C igeo ca'f i aîoaasc ttogtaagîitot~.l' danecFatistnill;Dr.hStewartllfor onudeMss.ffJoftEssaxd sudefaBtforSaturdaofbP-i aingaitornePo2 Peabyo m.11ante eboterTtall of uh'g.,Nea.îit M o i , O tta w a ; C a p ta in H . C ip p le r) C h ild re n 's C e n tre l th ese c e l d re n d ied y o u n g , te c i n rati e t alkr.lSe a t hora d Mly O sh e . an d M .f ie: s îs, I seco t ar)ng in gh îrdse B U a tn i. lu î\ li e tc r) i e of î h I t î w î n s e e î: Frase, Bowanvilegan dnoronh aosubecgninsoonclosebu towimDorant ickson thaunfomatiughterlie à Mi-.Osaua; M.Mes.Mrse fucih, Blaecod.a' 3Il-r)-."\Ia-sCin Howard Smith, Barucv Lew..- The first Crippled ChiId-1 gical teeatments and train n g hen onartsuboff ai l oth eRti-DTonr kout eraSndaygustKEaren sd ianasputbblO v Oiiwýpaer is, Jim Williams sud ROY recîts Centre w'as staeted inu techniques enable them iOsteu rs o l h oa- ootwr udyget:DrE,ý,adDan pn h Barnal fOhw. Newv York in 1863. aud manyl lear) almost normal ]ives, he -.--of Mr-. aud Mrs. H. Windsor. iweekcud witb Me. and Mes. Me1is. Ida Walimslcy", Mes. The guest speaker was in- others bai-c since been cstab-' said. Bui!ss Mr. sud Mes. Kennet->Cea- John Black, Harloîve. Minnie Hubhard. Mes. Auîdrey lie Tailor ouff winnugi îz troduced bv E. G. Wither- lIisher), De. Grant stated. He Dr. Stewart discussed the - wll1ar)JaiedOba a Nie su) Ms. a 'icl aI - atBeitton, Mssshaworce autdA iiiiier u oii ipoon, who told the club that sair)ltaI in the past theibasic peogramn for the bandi- I -- _______ _________oflie Dr. Stewart was boru lu: youug patients were mainly capped youngsters wbich lu- A CC oUnfla n c parents, Me. aud Mes. J. C. and-IMes. Geore Ailreear),fTuiesdaî' dinner guests off Mr. rd1 Blacksîock Faier ai IT RCSJ$ Perth, Western Australia auW victims off polio snd tuber- cludes the moist modern the r-'----- Cook. sPent the. ieekeud wthMe. sud Mers. B. llubbarr). clai IRCOE0.EH received his education at theýculosis off the boue, but add- apy. The use off braces has de-ý RAY J. DILLING Me. aund Mes. C. H-. MeQuinu anr) Ms. Walter Pingle aal'Mi-. sud Mes. G. A. Eî'an.. Me. and I NIs. Rots, lubar University off Western Aus-jcd that naw these diseases creaser) considerably, he ex-, Ctartes-er Accountant and Briaru, Miss B. Oemistou bbteie, cottage al, Stone 'V Lake.. Lachube, Quebec. have becît andr)lii(e, ieenbounir.ur tralia, London University, aur) are flot s0 common. plainer).aur) expert help is' 93 Churcb Street Bowmanville; Mr-. aur) Mrs Mes. WX. M. IIoskiît, Oshawa, xisiing their fari home. Nis1 Mee. Oshaa.we the University off Tor-onto. Amoug the cases deait witb given patients to enable themn 623-3861 Bill Page and famlly, Soîbtal Mes. leeb RundIe. Hampton,- Sarry 10 report that Me.- ý. Sundax' giesis ofMu ur prp JMSBROSvisited Me. sud Mes.' A. Mc-ý alaug with Me. aur) Mes. Al- 1 Edua McLaugblin aur)NIMe.,Nies. B. i{ubbarcl. Izer) iu cancer researcbhpr etrîdyapararplg- hemselves. Charbered Accountsnt Qun.beHIs-stc)M.arMs.anyPrîîren opa. ticularly leukemia, aI the jc-s muscular dystrophy, beau- Dr. Stewart also spoke off Truste iu Bankrupbcv -Mi-. sud Mrs. Henry ýtain- Jantes Penny, Msrkbaitt. We wisbi theut bobb a speed\ y Me. andur is. Frdcare rxoted Christie-Beatty Clinie. 'crbr pN1leap ucd fr ciet Suite 205W 725- 995 o iie) .E) Karen Pbilp, Nestielon, vis- irccoveev. autd bab.Bwnilc e- matie injuries, crera plqthriytuegar acdetCr5ý o aiat her n .Eotaaier isJenPtlp isEciî îtey Suincay geests utf Mis. a Afler coming ta Canada,,ý cancer. sîrokes, speech de-1 victims sud othercae.H Oshawa__Shopping Centre grCoala hi ctaeie isja lip is-Eihlorv izlr Dr-. Stewart continuer) his re- fects, andi ather conditions, helstressed the fact that vounig- M.j H OGISMe sd is eog WLaktone.clorFals:. ives enhliauto Msss enieluau) u poiubed ouI. sters are itow given artificial! Charterer) Accountant visite r i. sud Mes. Jî. C Lloyd IN-cCoi aur) chilr)ret,i The IJ.C.W. metoi nb1u' Sinclair spentthbc e knl 'Th e Crippler CItildree's limbs at su early age, aur) Second Floor ýCookan copieth;-uhWcC>I\ whfrndineb Centre in Toronto bas acco m- soon become adept iu theiri New Library Buildingsu acmpne)bm;i,se. .'\ 1 b ce.t:ehuçîthallatWeîus-a-w'boneeuc' i îooug ona tripthrugh Nortberu Pouler Oshawva, visited _Mes. eveîîiîîg.Me. and IMus. Edvavz -alt -modation for 110 patients, and use Cor. King & Temperance Sts. OtarioterPecently P. Mc-cov. Me-S. Susie Vau lt oiubîirg. es sani fautulv, Wilodl~ admssonstoaîer)32 laI he gueî peaersîoî.......~_ hon 63-312 -~ Mr. EverecttBowers, Belle- Miss BEtbv \,Phiîiip. recutt- Bowmanvilîe, is visiting lier îvce Suntclav g U PxlSofM PÀ04RENVTSI , var. Iluad ibin, ere are mentiater) the work beiiît' YA LE, FREDlÏANDRÊý_ ville, spent the weekenr) with lv îvisitrrl lier girl frienid aI sister, Mrs. Jack Smtilth.C always a lai-ge number off out- doue ta alleviate speech andI & COMPANY -Mr. aud Mes. Raymond Clsp Ei', Sask. Mes. L. R. Aegue albendued- farniîv. patients, aund 400 clinics are hearing handicaps, anrd Ie ttee d contn. Mr. aud Mes. Loi-ne Phare Me. anti Mes. Ralpii Bowers; bbc C.N.E. in Toranto ou Fei- Psi aebctmrel :tsffed be- the Centre. Dr. education classes provider) Licensed Trustees ln ibM.~MsGîieesîpruebso ear a or u bekffeîgSe S ). Stewvart sair) that ps cbolog-1 feout backw'arr) ta opportun- in Bankruptcy Ms crg oes ete r.Jc iltl vr.Si ie f coe n Mes, Geore Bau-crsnNesîle- es. Jack uxuiîb. M..64u-KingesSi.iE.tober8au371theoBaz -. alprblut inyongbes1g-up.6KigS.E7-3li, sic Van Volkcnburg, Mes. O. zar in Novcntbee. 7-, ~are a1sa Ireater) hy the Crip-! Pî-e-er)ucati O it assessmeutt Oshawa, Ontario OBIUARr-u and-I NI.W Park, Jr., J. Smith and ffamilv, Me-. A . R Mes. D. Bevaii, Me.r W-1 EM E A C T M" pIed Children's Centre. au)taiu eauto MNETREHWTR.isiber) Me. and-IMes. Jantes iibbarr) speut Feir)ay in Peý- bberup, Miss Hîlda 1al sh t.~.The speaker eruphasiz e r)doue on au individual basisý & Co. DR. HARRISON C. STEVENS Park, Peterborough-. erborough. aiva, îvcue Moudav get f the imporbance off bbc dis-itob find the poteutial off eacb: Charterer) Accouritauts Nie Jamres Du.gin Re v Congratulations oinvir- Mr.anr) Mes. B. HIubrl suer ad recognition offl child, be explainer). lie also Oshawa Shopping Centre Dr. Harrison Cecil Stevens, chlrnwîtb condibions thaf: spoke off bbc training off par- neer) specializeti help. lie pair) cuti 10 enable them tot look Pa rles : Tuesday, Aug. 1l, lu Oshawa Holiday, Bcst Buy' Reg. 63c! Aylmer or Wagstaffe SEEUS OR MPOTA trlibute ta the work off Rotaryl afler childrecuaI home. Tte' Hon. J. W. Monteitb, F.C.A i Geucral Hosptal. lie lu wîin Clubs aud Public Heaîth Nur-JRotarv Club off Toronto basý A. B. Moubeith, B. Cot., C.A I bs 741h year. His last resi-Pe t jfJicySulvordB tetN.i INURNC HLP. ses lu Ibis regard, wbo reffeeýprovidcd a lotige whcre par-! G. W. Riebl. C.A., R.I.A. - ene Ws. 2 clJaaerv chîldren tb bbthe Crippîcti culs slay wbile they are be-, (Licenser) Trusbee) Senue West. 4 9 N/hen you.r baby is born... Cbildrcn's Centre lu Torontoiug taugbht at the Crippleti G. E. Trcthewey, C.A. HIe was a sou off the laie Me. V/hen your youngster starts for assessrnb by specialists, Cbildree's Centre bow bu care, fn. F. Ligbtfooî, C.A. sud Mes. Richard Stevens, sud HOLIDAY BESI' BUY! Reg. 49c! Large Package to roam ... Whenyourteen- who i-court wbelbcr il w'iIl bec B. R. Waters, C.A. was bari-nl Orono. Educaler)P E AR LSON&BURROWS in Port Perry, be ici-ver) lu the ~o age boy starts to drive.. . beter la have the case ad)- Qandin ffcesor~ V/heu your son or daughter mîteti for observa tiait uolt olg..- raetno ae) aflr~ n tar o ntvarterer) Accountauts - Corps duriug the First Wo rld IU dL INSTANT < iachs ta ouge of ourchid'a aln tpatieîtt. * aiO taro ou y Il4 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont.15 Qudagaduatri frut-5 a u-ain.Partuers :1 Toronto Coîlege off Veberlu- HOLIDAY BEST BUY! Reg. $1.15 Skirn Milk Poivder 6qt Y-c tgeolurchl' I the baspital we trY btoib~~c P Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A.l arian Surgeons soon afler the Bse Idevelopment introduces-new reach ruait saisfactory goals! G. Edmond) Burrows, C.A. end off bbe war. -b t i i ?esponsibiliiies for you . . possible ual ouly for physi- Phne 28-554Dr.SteensYIIL-Kthefor foàyepii. tleluln u lofr ïug Jamboree 78754mrtDr Allena ri-enbt o I stanit MPk ' 79 9Canada N50«. S enced insurance counseling. les, " De. Stewart declareci. Me C ir pr c i 921,surgein her) MoutrLIAY POTATOegESc!48oz Tn ~poprydsgndporai ld the Rotariaus that a!Oit Septenther 12, on Sam POT-- aysreni IeMut HLDYBS UV e.4e 8o.Tn .Apelydstyoneomrali uîmbe OFf ite paiibHîlgseb fmaIAh 6. EDWIN MANN, D.C. -Albert sud Sutan areas. lice:I I~ . lt conefrn- "hemidl oýbrr, elgaesan mmbrsCh1ropractor workcd for the federal IIIvII Pineale c*nus for an insurancc review. cnefo'etemrdeofhetdlgtsat tmesOfi- ruimeul luthe Healtb off Ani- I 'iafVIU K 1Mid S%%tN IPg.o nahee snoidicarict we c off er nlarloviig) Fnd-of15 Elgirn St., cor. off Ilorsey St. mals Brancb andi for tbrce' Lïbb 'uD R N K 3 5 thee s îo ueica atetio,;cea att Prvicil) udof1 Phuone 623-5509 years was dog contrai officer -and the crippler) youngster is'the Oshawa Provincial Lib-IOfffice Houes: ByAppoiubmenl!iit Oshawa. iSa sumetintes one off laege faut-ieral Ridîug Associations wilîi.-_ ___ __ - An eIder off Westmouib ROZEN FOOD FEATURES! S a ih O I N 9 ly wbose unemployeri parents:; be adriresser) by the seven i !Uniteri Cbîîrcb, be was also a NEW! - NEW! Regîxiar 65c! BIRDS EYE 6 oz.'Tins Ontario n balNreIed STUART R. ronsider the youugster's af-' declarer) coutendees for Ite Dle n.ta fliclion somnetb*ing that juitl'leadersbip off bbc Ontario Lib- - i. uember off Malon Lorige, A. "AWAKE" ORANGE DRINK ........ 2 for 45c hastabebore.cisi ary.DR. IV. M. RUDELL, D.D.S_ F. & A. M., Sutan Wcst. He: AMES t Cerebrnpae. caî e y CbikParty. 75 ih b Kin-g St. E. Bowmauvilje was a Past Master off bbc lotge. IIIGHLINFR 4z.Pg hri-sm damage te result off, server) at 7:00 put., eveevboriv Office H os : H daivi suriver, bs iffe , c- HADDOCK FISH & CHIPS ...... ...59C Inmurance - Real Estate lack ot oxygen to the beaini is most weîcoute to attentd Closeti Saturday and Sîîîtdav mentt (Audrey), Agiitcourt; King St. B. Bowmanville cecl at tbc lime off bu-lb, or. Ibis gisut jamboree. Arrange- Ofc Poe-62.-5790'-I tbree sisters, Mes. F. Woodi- FAII e o 5!FAUE .2fr2c Office Residence brl eoe r twrmnihv enmefrIe Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 rufff (Ina). Valencia: Mes. G.ID MT'IliV FET ESVE 623-681 23-593 sair). 'ie added that whiîe thel Dur-haut, Northumberland aund---- Denuis (Vida), Lindsay, sud E.4. m y yi' 62-49 --W- - Ncondition is Incurable muchý Toronto aud District Ridiugs DR. E. I. SISSON, 'Ms. C. Reetis (Maudi, Liîud- KETCHUP caneau donc uow thi-ougb ta parbicipate. L.D.S., D.D.S. say; bwo brothers, Willian t o E O UC _________________________________________Office ini bis boite Obw xtiJh1lhî f Tickets are uîow oc- sale autr 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanî-illc Oshaarlan JThneaelbee of eau e otaiter)ffrm mut- Phone 623-5604 gi-aurchildeen.BIls~~i s~ BOWMANVILLE 1Liberal Ridiug Associations.: Dr Sm.ensta 6 pnî. duiîvz.43ù U Y 2-59Please obtain voue ticket 9as Closeri s dilý ýervice tintercalHoe fi- R OA Leaely a.s possible ut ordtice10- ' Vrnedy Suri errow FinthecalIoîtefor EN TB TR lbeîp witb the cateeinîg ar-1 DR. C. F. (bATTRAN, D.D.S. lAugîîst 14. Rev. Franik Warr) PAUàUTRN BBC FE TI-urs toSat, ept 3 rantgeentus.75 , Office minister off Westmount Uititeri Office 1-trs: !lutermeut was in Oshawa Iee Box Jar 397c ut 9a.. ta 6 daiîv Union Cemetery. "A G th ri f Eagles" io HoeT nh /Coe Saturday arîr)Suuday : Palîbearers were E.Rceets, Fetr'Rg 7' "wtieEAIR!e.4e ingtoît. Brrser oictos manent bospitaiizabion wai i i aw31EATYu-*UMES14 (J, CoigThurs. to Sat., Sept. 10 - 12 Miss Lac-ira Hamiltont iScoli- 14 FraskaSt.1962. -1 mu ThîBalebi a er ma sey returuÇW6 ÔVEIN Fiuei-aIHome, Port Hope,, " fBEST BLI Reg. 3 for 440 cOf akD.alrds5-z The Betle~ n tai Mer taitvZion frieutis - BA., LL.B. where frienris were recciver)WM ,MUI - Jy -vs ea peyrtr o Barrister - Solicitoe Tucsday afftcrnoou aud e veex- SPIIB "A Had ays igtlivd oer.esmt Is;King St. E. Newcastle inug. 251h. A private ser- Phtonte 987-4633 vice w'as conducteri b: Rev. h m l retuener) home from a tp out Houes. 9-5:30 - W ed., Sat., 9- 1 R. C. Whitc at the Joues13ETresi-eg I lb.55 iWesb. - rý ag1 deuce lu Newtouviîle JonETBU'Rg b> 5 Mnrh id Prhe k Morfgages Aug. 26tb. Intcî-meut was at ______ 1 Lakcview Cemet e r y. The FAL TEM -SEP. 8h IADIE HAMILTON - ORONO0 1 bea rers were John, David), Choice Plump - Grade "A"AR FALI THEP-SET.eSt r 16 Ra, Ml aur) Del Mereill sari Aways Tender Chicken ILM AAR N 4 89 LIIIIhLITii Plist Morîgage }'unris John Carlaw, aIl uepbcws off1 LEGS or BREASTS c BEST BUY! Supreme BranCloacge NLIIIILINflF ___Business Praperties__ Lefft Io mounu is losqare Mild SeasonedDI IIT ~ C O L~ B SN S o:gge moxtey__Fai ltk mothet-, Mes. Alice Joues, Trend Wieners . ......... lb. 45c 1896e CAREER DIPLOMA COURSES for all purposes. Nwtovillc: is wife, bbe for- For Baking or Frying By the Piece a 106Let us arrange yur farn mer Beatrice Merill of Wark- --)NLS CAREER TRA 1NING --no-n-Cy!-ylOr F 1N 1SH 1NG loan comg due or-a ncwîoau. wortb: a sou, Samuel Mer-hI PaelBcnlb 9 o 3e 0.Tn Vve eau bandle mortgages of (Bur)) Joues of fEdmont<în; a Tender - Tasty Fresh Slieed FEATURE! Reg. 2fr3c cUCS O O vex-y description. daughtcr, Mers. Carman Coru- Pork Liver l1b. 2 9 clI~ fR I uuaoi ir SUCCESS FOR YOU ~ ~~HAROLD C. PEDWELL ish (Fa) of Orono: s brothri E ~ r I ~ P R R MAIL TODAY OR PHONE 728-7081 for' LITERATURE Broker :Me,. C. M. Joues off Newton- *YORKU BEI u Nwate987-4336 ville, aur) 4 graudebjîdren . A, - brother, Everett peedeceaser) NA E .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . p f e 1 y bim in 1959. 1A ~ A n E KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. GET CASH TODAY ADDRESS........ ...... ... CITY........ Optornetrist ' FOR OLD APPLIANCES 141 King St, E. - Bowmanville ;M R E r n THIE CANADIAN SCHOOL 0F BUSINESS DffsephorByppnt623-3252 EDNe to vi 52'2 Simcoe St. N. -Oshawa Mon. T ues. - Tpr.m-r. ' ECTS& HUT ee ee Thui-sday eveningalhos 623-3303 W'ed. and Sat. 9 - 12 _________________________________________________________ 1 1- -- iliI

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