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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1964, p. 7

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- - - ------------. - -'4 - *~t~t~<-M ~.,. Plaýpr! Trui." Brian Mont.- jo *v read -Words Sooken b-: .eu.Jirn Carnaghan rrari. "A Beautiftul Gifi'. Theri Mr--, Romeril condiiciErd a 'e-o- na ire on gî fis. Follow inz the receiving and dedncat;on o:f -OUI -fts.'*Dennîs MLuni led in Pra ver and the hynîn -Away in a Village- w'as -;r Nîr ani d IlrS . Jac k Kcvxxi-n Scugog Street, BownanilIe -.Elizabc-ih ai-iciToini Hi a i flev. John C. \'erbrug e . . . î îter hrr fatîr ier Ex Fei-emii 1 ixxn. a i 4hinro. tIl- a--d M!se% e ca Telephone 623-5023 'For enri.:Kex inuq isidSbhc1,1- r',' 4 ~WORSHIP SERVICES 4 werkend gurr'ýir- cfN' nudOi- 4~~N Mis. K CIn Dnrinn'n '1:xx> B e th Oculr oc! ir s t-lln ni trx 4 9:OMM Duth in Ashhurr thirs xx-t'-r c 4 11:01) a.n. - Enlish 4 Several relati-.i's and tIua.- -ir' 1 100a.. Eglish fror'this area atteniîc h'i r- 4 ~7:30 p.rn. -English wedditng of MnI.ý axxu imNn-Sr Proclairning the Whole Cotinsel of God in tht- Pr-esbxt-iairiii :!in Innerkip ri t-a r Vnociîin -nr k 4~a -L Sîi daxv. P - 4 :ik To God Hour" Broadcas*' 4 04>0of inai ' <.6t, s' p r in eii.-. î n ~CKLB Oshawa - Sunday. Sept. 6ith. at 9:15 P.N 'n <s~ trî x>nc a'r- -.eck. c i Min ister Recals E vent s Leading Io Construction 0f Church a-' Perrytown oe.- !la'i r)'>a'l. , r' ev. Ebar d"n K).niî:o i .speaker" al'uneî- rn aan'eo-' ,-lirrciiNo . rS. 4 VIl ed'ern. - 1r' R-un' r"n'nir' enii of a unt-x nn.s Pr" Iirp'- ne-nt r soi e ifui rti n-i' ta e!'.',- ' oi n t sari c- i! le -. -1I alsni irarha - -; as s- lnn' coirtv iuzbx- l a -rici i O 1i i I geerîainnir- biu t ai î' . u ir S i . ii fin ie - n nxn:Àn . antr e ei- q1l r' .' d i~ 'iin - ' ' t n iL>. t b - ' it. in'. . i "îi 'tir W. .i,.. ,iux's Hnry , v s i-L- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber b,- «all Another 'l erv rtr< innZ her moîher, Mr,. Ed Witti- have' returned from their ing question and aiwrnericd erîdige, Scugog vacation, They enjoved a mo- vas held on "Keepîng Fil ani -Mas'er Murray Cawker bas tor trip through 'the Gasoe Beîîrg a Real Christian." heen visiting his cousin, Mas- Peninszu!a, and retrrrned via Tire prize for the %vinier of ter Robbv Wright. Agincourt. Bar Harbor, and Lake Placid. the tontest on 'Mx' Favoînite Mrs. C. W. Varcoe bas ta- Wbile axvav thev also x jsjttd IH-rnns" xx as presuîrtfd lu ken rip residence in lhe Rev. and 'Mrs.« D. Powell, Leanne Dorriell . Irs. Roîi-ril .Statesman Apartments, Bow&- Hunier River, P.E t. and t1he voting people riax C Imanville. Mrs. R. R. Nicholson re- done a ivonderfii I job dîrrirg Ronald Pearce and Verne turned home last weekend Julv and Auiguit whiclî the Rowe. Newcasle, while in aftr visiting ber daughter and .Superrîriendiert and tear-hors Toronto visiterd the Canadian son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Har- a ppre(ate \.e- 'v imut-h. National Exhibition on Mon- old Wiersma. Hamilton, for a Next Sunda ' val x il as- d aY. week, and later spending tw~o semble in Iheir separale tla' s- Hpater nd enn- eeks at a cottage in M'.i. es and hegin It e lessns of fer James, Pointe Claire. Que.. o ihhrdUhe n h e urclm aThe Latirel Brook Red ha been visit i ni g thie ir son -un-lacs, Mr. and Mrs. V i rs x'mn ise vr gra %jnother. Mrs. George W.' rtciin n am i iv. jcîdged on Satirrda.i ,Aîîgîr. t James. M r s. Theirnia Neighboir, 29, 1964 bv Mr. Pauil Meidruini Mr.*JckEliot ad ded.Dawson Creek, B.C., and lir-r of Toronto' The irîsi rut'tires. la Grandview. Manitoba, called ,sisIer, Mrs. Gary Brose, Ponce theýe (tlasses is Mrs. l.xîîîi on bis auint. Mrs. Leslie Coupe, B.C., and Min. To m Harrison, Caesîrrea. Folioxx «iîn_ý Broroke, Scugog Street. on Bro wn, Stouffville, vuere re- are the stcessfuil contestarnts. Sundav. cent gue.s:s. of Mr. aind Mrs. Beginneî's - SuISanre Wisotu: Alex Mairs. Mr. and Mrs. F1 X ýathv a"on Mark Sliu-; Wpekend c sitors At the Mairs, Nestleton, and some of Brian Fecdrn: (Cathi'. Simue: hopie of Mr. aind Mi-s, Colin their' familv also visited the Chrrs Vine: David Adaras: Jonî or01 werp Mr. and Mri. - Mairs home 10 mieet their cou- Bosmas; Rein Bosmna. William Hoar, Orono, and Miss s ins. .u os-N~IaEii ar o K. Ligbtbody, Toronto. MJuniorsMrs. J. . Wvlie. Tir mer M iss Na ncy Wright and Broc-k aînd Adrien ne, Lonîdonr. Interied rate - Litrida Nlîiit- 1Vaster Hobby Wright, Agi;1- Mr and Mrs. J. E. Alan iov: Bill'Fhronip-n: îMari i n -fourt, spent their holidax s ville Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. ýAdams; judy oriîr' Wtb their grandparents, Mr. Don'Cox, Downsvîew: Mr. and' Senior - Briair 'lbotipisuî: And Mrs. Sam McAllister. Mrs. Lionel Baker. Oshawa; Sheila Ilooper: Eliiabefh Mr. andi Mrs. Sam McAllis- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cox, Or- Tbompson; Leanne DorrIli. Irr, Wellington Street, have Dno; Mrs. Thomas E. Roger,,Mis. W. J. Carîraglian. Tor- return e ri fromn Orangeville Don Milîs, recentlv visit2d oti iiigbrsiNr where thev visitpd Mrs. Mc- their parents. Mr. Mrs no.sJoihtn br soirnîr. Alister's sister for 2 weeks. K. E. Cox, King Street East. fandMrs oh anala n Mr. and Mrs. George Law- A bridaI shower cvas heId NI r,. Muriel liaiiistîrek aiîd Jinger and family of London, at the home of Mr. and Mrsý Miss 1 - eleri. 'lor onto, x\%et'( Ont., spent the weekend wih V. McMullen, Scugog Street, veekeîîd guests uf Mr and Mrs. Lawinger's parents. Mr.0on August lRth in honor of Mrs. Albert MWright anrd Min. Alnd Mrs. J. Newman, Silver tireir- granddaugb t e r, M! ss and Mrs. Fred 'Frew ru and Street. Car o 1 Lathanigrie. Ailistori, bo-s, Donald 'lrexvii. l'huiis- Mr. andi Mrs. Rav Murray Ont. The bride-elect was the kifI~ien x isiiing Fat-] Tri- xin. and their tour chiîdren, Nac- recipient of marii' beactifill M 1r. and Nirs. Rax'Y rIes, adana. ., spent several gifts Of lineri. The gîrests pre- Toronto. xx re we-eieid i'.- davs last week visiting MI'. sent were froni Blac'ksîock. anti Mr. andrd Mis. J. J. Flirt. and Mrs. Alex McRobbie and Orimeee, Ailistoîr. Peterbor- Bowmnile, uxx rrt- Sîr<ur fa milivocig, Lindsay, Toronto a nd us oMran Mt -,i BowxmairilleA delic ilo ir inei dMr r; lr2l M rs. Ken Bickiev, Iorort hnh a rrv CCri' rairaîn. lier' daughter, Mrs. David 1L1et', lur.candxc'a.seBobed. Caroil n-ia. an th laters c'hild- grarîdrothers, Misý. Lathari- trar l- o>H ii ren, Tommy and Gail. Califor- gu. meee.anBos.lî)- rn Famrlx x andtet Mut len, presided over thirei-tea' Iîs ib ar1air ir nire ce 1 isited Miss Mii- cu satîrrdx Rnx ni.lIe.Fridi . 'Nr. rir Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rowe. an.' eb oe'en. r.father ' Mi. Vilf Bourii Toronto, visited! Mrs. Rowe' adMs Hr o mre e- Box-'niaii- il le liospîrita. W'irilv xistes, Mr. H.Humphries taiîîed the pas.seirgers who hsadBrwCuie.s pidtÏ andi Mrs. W. H. Densem r'e- b cr mpanied Mrs. Coimer- 0O1 IbiS week witli the eun. certly while ori a trip throtîgh lie ecent western torir,. Mon- Dns ah Nortbern Ontarlo). lion oictures ai-d color-ed sud- Derore are Cisii -, - takemi dnring the tri p ere SurbLovdn. r 'i rri nI fiil iii Glenholme H-ugbes,.13o - shown. Afier mtichroi 'minis' i. ly iiuhVni ad' rnanville, Ian Greenwav ard, ing, tbe guieSts ellijov\cd a de- Mrs. Cetil lix ris', T'lit 1 J. Anderson, botb of Oshawa, ic i ons u fflnc cppi visiîed Sal rrdilv iri.\lr . n11r1 werp Judges of the ('..S.A.i by. the ladies of tiere oL is. Wat-Wr'irrîl'iit Figure Skating Teste beldin i Elmer Wiîbur îHampton, xyas on Stiliida ' vili r IIrs.. Di l);r Lindsay on Sunday. M. and caldMrmn fadtrs. 1 Arguet Mr. Bill Brooks, Coiborne; the gciest.q la express their MrTo ronto h. KWdnsiit. Min. and Mrs. Glen Brooks.1 views of the toin-. %Vhicb were, eTorond rx.eA.e Wiiiad Markham, Mrs. Tom Burrows, most gratifx-ing, c-trî1c'!uiiiî" glisl an Ms Alîxi rt West Hi]], recentlv xisited:xith a unique "Piaggv an" Miss hlelen, ' xrîixîl- xi Scinda v girs> s if NIr- s',,i hir e f a1 ber, Leslie Brooks, a wi tirthbe cotoient:s )in rig 1fil. Itrs. 1111 5 si 1ii ;qu patient in Memorial Hospital. sented îo the bostess. nee r n r.lai Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, h-or .J. Evans, a sîrideiri .t Ladevte. tl<sxx-ln Cooirg; Mr. and Mrs. Clan.- Universitc' College of Ma ' Nr. sud IciM'. Viin-î WiS ence Brooks, Port Credit, Vis- Aberv.%St\&x tb. G reat Bnlair-mac', 'Torîrrio. î'urlleit-! nMIr. iteti Bowmanvilîe Io see the-ir iS visiting lus rcoirsirI w'.arndtirs. Ler-ih xs'iv-, Sii- brother. Lesl!(, Brooks., ho Ke1ehHu1,ardtr. H(Irl, da v. ai na in Memorial Hospr - Sc-ngog Strieet, Mr. Exans, xcho Ni rs. Noriim ii i ie--. O. là ý , ' 5sthe President of ihe Iniîei- aW\V- x-- ais i rof ji Y Vý."AvcIvne Lx-cett. dar- rnati onal Stcideruts Ec(ioiic N'ls. Ositnri W nu i4,11antI \ iil -1 ~htr o M aiidMns. Xii- and Com'merc-ial Asoaiorleatt-ohrin'rb's ficr- \ 'iam f.vcett, R. R, 2. 0îronrio, spcni the sumrmer tak inrg ~fmRis xc sull-ressftillc'passed lier Fifliî rtudent exchange Trainino trS Iaxe 'rn rnm Figtures in the C.F.S.A. Testsý Course in Vancouv-er.WIc- Wrire Alasknn. 1(,i1ro, home ., hlin Lindsay Arena on be returns oth Ie Univerit' vixni Fricla.v- a fie> . pt-iid uimî ur or iii Su ndav. Wa lesbe xill c'on tinue bxis ýt ll I)o arc-rît Vl NI r isIr. sîcîdies for the Degree of Mas- William Fee and 1w-n i 'Kn Chprles Cattran And Paui] ter of Arts. Miss Katirer lic and fal' SIrmon have retturned ftrom Hurle. s'îio w'as an extlraiîe Miss ial Vr('ripi-a a perioti of "Happy Camprng9 student ai McG iII Uriversiix, teridiirg a Bai,('oixi ouI0r inn nt H-appy hIe", Camp Cemnak. Montreal, is aiso v isitiirg MnMoîre fori.xu x a' Dorset, Ont., In the Lake of and Mrs. HuIcll. M Hurdà-Ie Re-.irdNe h- i . 13 a *s regiori of the Higblands f150 a sicîdent ai ithe ier-grsoni. -îal foi c: isses M-. i of Haliburton. it of Wales w%,er-e she tý ami Fergutiscur ani-d su i r t KîmbleTrno 1wý Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Hoid- Preparing for' a Degree cf ( -iroiiof xx cru l glock, Temperance St,, bave Bachelor of Science. dtngtgisstfNe 'ii re-turnp.d from a motor trip to -Cec îdRr'i-Birr - Saskaloon, North BattleforcU Cort ernd spoiriafaxRbii - iri c Lrvlr rneAlbert, and, flLALjSTOCK davs xx- tir tîîegi-ail;iior il Valparaiso, Sask., wbere thev Mr. ai-d Mrs.. .olruî Raiir 1) visited friends andi relatives. Hc.ClnRdB. .. Mr. Elmer AcicrarîniliLrni- Mrs. Sam Black. ber dau- of Peterborouîgh, delix-ered a ilx- 'bitbx\-, xc errc dimiri r gbîer. Jan., and Mrs. C. W. fine sermon in the interests of gur-sîs of tIr anid W.I 1,V Var'cop. attendedth Ie funeral.the Bible Soiietv in the Unitedi Archer. 0tndi- srrvire on Mondav for Mrs. Chîîrrb AI 10 a.m. andiin the ('onrgratiuIatiolis tINril'iq lRlack's great aint, Mi-S. Jeu- Anglican Chiircb at Il ar.. ooev xxho cele-hiai'd hi,;fl90ih nîfer Ball (nee Varnp), wbo Sundav. bi-tlida': ast Thti rsrlaxv.( " passeti awav in ber IO2nd Year At 'Ô:30 p.m. lie -onldrî,tî'd port of parîx in Nesticloii: in Arre. the worsbip service, tht-n n - 'ý shoxcedthIe venx- fine mocie. Mir. \Vrlhrti N oir111-cri& i "Corner Stone of a Nation" iin Hamî'ltoîr, a'lso m 9 t-r) xuîY the Christian Edication Centre Mr. Harold WuhIlanliliri: r ~~whîcb cc'as en oeib'me-Mms - Harod Lx'e(Rhrýaia h oir S . P U S bers of the Anglic-an. Presbx'- aii Vr oeiCrile.'ii' terian and Unileti Chtiî't'es Cno. xxere gisis Mf"Ir-l, u UN IT D ofCartrîgb ile oct-v \i' rvdrir'sflcrx(-cliii Two Happy Youngsters F( c-\"ari -( ) .1 \1l kb..1J Imi-S Til ia lt a Ii luiS nîre- Ytua !,- ( ) s jiSi-vil 11, * ,- I i i 'i a r' it, a i . a a ppy pir i> ol i !!is Jphotor. THa v -are (c iidrieu of, M and i. -limit lTeinmmi 7 V î'iis Av., l3îs- ira lvle. I roul ia l d j)al1lun1is are Mr . and r s . A. E. Molakt t, P t iar : e and . id ~ r ni Mrs. A.,'len niii. Oiriît TlIti .ita 4 lini av rrt-Alis. Join i Mo- fall, P.U. 2, Or onu, ,an~d Mis. V. E. \IillsonrRwnar The Dairy Forma i.-' , 1-.i t - ~"ii.>' i r.ri lin-ni 'i'rr- "C' i hI r> NI i ' nie 'n r.. ni 'i 'rit-il i - i - ni 'n i i - x i t' 'ii - nin'- 1>' -nîr 'ni ,r - I. i r ni.r 'i n 'n i' ' "r. ' - - ' - i n , -' n r' n. -' -n' il I iii t, Il I - 'i.' ..î ..x- i i i i. - i .- iii .i'i i' -' il i' ' t. 'i - r. i t -- ' - Il - t i. -' - i - i t ' - ' - r t.'. n -.i->'* >- - ni j" n i ' ' i - i - -ni i . - P.. - - 'ni - - ' - -n --' - i -n.. - I - i. i n ni - "-i - i ' -r inn k tii -n i~ n lii n mn' tri r n--r- i ~-' i - ' ni-ni -i r nnî:îîlî' .iiii .n.i "tnilin '.nritînl i r- ni r-r> - r"' r' t', n i i i iii l'.ti'~i 1,. r - ne'. t - i ' -- r- -- 'ni - '~'i~i i -- -. - -r' ni.' t-n --'n-ni -- n muni- .1 'r . i i .1 . un n., ni -' i.."* -i 'r' - n t- - t> - - i . - '-"'ni' -' i -' -"'i.- 'liii"- 'i . r i-n.-- in t i î..> 'r iii 'i ni- ' . i i ' n.>. mi- n-i nl : -.' . ,- ii' Il ;i. dn i - om-, - - i i n- -' 'n I irn n " i.n> 'n' nn i - i "- t n - t nr -' I ni. n.. - n - 'uIc - xx.- 'e. c - - .r . - ni . c-.' - ni r->>- - il b.' i .. n -- rI - n n>' r 'le unr ,. i 'n - i. - n. - 'nnrîr '. - ' - - 'n. t" - 'n 11- 'i h ir~ - nu. - n i - .'ur.i i t i i iii-,' i . ' - i ' --i 'ci n n - ' -- î-inît' t ' i "'n . fin 'i. - - ' - -' ns ru ch a r-' - n - '---- n .1-.' - r. - 't' n.:'.. .u'. i -' - ~.-n -ni ' - t n. - - n.'t. - -c ' n - i s' - - n--'.' c- - r- '. n > n n oft nire xxoniden aci ' ia?é tff(iir by mn) eorbos cf 1ibu vhliii ren wias hea rd 1cr ,ay','Cf tht- people of the cirnîrcir xc':t 1-i's'-$450i. 1*11 ':ve tire ne - rui nder?' \nV it il Ln1Id s- 11n r-cd! 1r.l:1u1î(el. NMr olir-' î-tjlI 1;:4n' r-p. 'x ~lneeti that S$5I." I)Lir-iiig uIl dd'i.c-atlari and n'nii5i5iia;lcnr aI 'lie e.r'r 'xi0 c.i-(-eii xai-dc'rs ( aue fin xcar.di xx lIna table r-'nb eti xx tir xcoui-s tif tribîrto ncu tire zea bus mri. Rev. Bd'.'.arld Ass-'-r-nig ng lui nniax's set'- v'ices xvas Rex'. W'. F. \Vrixirr. hrinniirn'- assistantl a; st* JoInirs .Anrglnc'an (IîtlPiol'" Holipe. anrd De.Norm-ian r i- inn. nec-nu;- or blie c'Irîc'ir c-cirgregatioui au girenleth ne chu rc hon:', ir d a n-i oct- flax coiigregalirn unr Ir th crrc'b laxxrr learni lie ser vice lix nilinus cf a palic add ress grii'n' sîriîn -i.Ex a ru-i 1 rien thle Irai r frorur Iris regilarîv, waslr îrg tichdens br'fcre mil k-- Iiiîg. uîeau-ii ir is nir kng ia- chinre ar-d otîîr eqturpn-eil cyrir disirrfectau-i, keepiîrg hns rau 1k ing area separîate Ï1,0r1i pîgs ar-d t-Iictkeirs, etc. W'e have talketi abolint a ln-- îîollrrtt'ca Idai i' tarni. 1It is inmpussible tri ça]] ni txprta-a' oi' "-att-age" becaruse the'ne - inerbal is n o- rm suit-m fa rn. I lerds x'arv n r-iie or t xxi co-toxx l lorîe tIranrulxxo rur ric- ec. li, t he laItter' case anid c-rauix')nu ain i ininue mcci- r-uopi-ratuioirs tire farmn ns extI rr-ioix "cr w',xi tir uîî alniîalsutir mtiranu iik toxxs aruindu10c-nnps ctlem t air Ihose mu is-cd i tofer-tIle c-attlie. 'flulimin s tirards specral- nc'î cin x farl ris. ria 1ivt cf xx'lrlr-lu ivouxoi apîilaîicatioi t tinpai aib etiiiluat riqiiid Io IcillintIr a ri'hiin-rehinrdtrs- tî'iuni irperl-01ii. Srit'b a falu'î.î ma\i îîînî Irle rn-iot-- f ila- i1 a îiînur-îî ru rie peopi' xx i rshîi Ius-hskillis. Sucm 'a faîurlinii>. xx iiitet'i irxards Il lut aInir, iîr >f mrîre andi rîrorr'ne(liai)nisech, and ee n> i-U tst-l rit(- I tr,'Iit nr Itfi' Iric- 'lins- r ie, n-Oftsni a hau'miras a joii ikeIti- t of'l n Itiie a cli isi rnirnrid o a ia-iiîî\x si> x ou seec tire rnirde lnu Cza rdiair douxv tarin iM a c-inn- pIloi! ed andth xpî'rivre bdrS- iner-s lii'se tinîxvs. 'l'ui'-'s moîre Ino n it tr i rr'mrx uilk inrg a imx andni -rih gIre urilci lu lii' cIinx fuoi-iix' t-lu ni s dei-Iri' 10'd olii. In fatt iats tht' least ut ut. Burt laîri fariuns il-lb le xxiii ris lii a lonig lime tii cirrie. ,Nîîincl x'lias ec". ci' I cun îdinox0'.' mi mrriin rnxnluetint'nrilk Ilîrt Iran- Ille- arnr-azsig vi'inbiatin of nrrtritive valnuesIlirai ger.r- inii mik liras. Andici runil iliat Ira îpc ris iet-Is .ks' otf Ocr hai inn llii' cln x ar'urrrs <if un- xxIîrch for'rininig axai!- ables' te r etfthe iost lilion - ian" lod ftoi, liii' 1hifr' rr1 n Ii(,ii Ml of irmaikinrc. On tani'o Mi 1k Pi-ntnur. Lindsay Man Wins $1200 in Kinsmen Draw Or'a i, lna iic i nni . m in0 Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Iéc ililn-a r (4 j \nt un ('W 0n' I n - I l i' ri- il'f u -. x - r -<ii . - <as. au WESLEY VILLE i ' ' i '-i-ul!.-, -"l i- l . 'ioi NIf 't r. nii-, in c-an-- Il înhnl Bn-' nl flno 1 i Ni t tî ile '. A'un ,s o ibih c l.: -' cn ina a:- 'i, xmle n anS N "s Rin isuinrnm. if .I' .1 n i i -o. aid i soin n-,.,,xx i - oronnrn 'x Innl u"iv 'ni c-t -Nl's Rrb'ii uniop i olan n i oli . c .-ijIdmu g '. l S' . n .':1 - '\' 0-i n NI:. P iiiîo.: ri " ricl a. l' funui' n'e s un-n ct-a;. r> ~~~~~~I înei.unr xc 'io-'a i -1 cIa' ~ ~ ~ ~ r r P nlî~.itîidi nil>:'.i au t~ nau , ..î :cx. ~ .',u. i~cýiPParg er Of the Auguýt'UCW arid' the- r"-'-r"' Vz~a ¾ COS.! o~~- - ~ I,*' lr x'.as ~ "i a'e--a-'r ': 0: i i '. ts' W, sui ne r'i I e in T n.: ý1e d. l NO rf -'ii . ni ,L) ron i r:- rI-e * 1i e". - . xxa-' ag -'t-n>î,r n ru xx mie' xxiiun-u rd n. î>i rr. P r in hutAi wardni~ '--.14 For Game Bird In tePctty C s ijt C.N i.; ast xx-iL. :' Inn' hi'. ngarnie axxaî-l xx>i ' l. 'T. Itnn> tif nxxrrix.- (rn. xxIî arr ttil lic.rm lim guru'e tcotkers-I. Nîr-. <( tin \i \ xis a 'l xar ( 'd i' n-- - rii' > p!i / uc. MONEY SAVERS effective to September 5 BAYER S JOHNSON'S îîpgg. list 98c ASPIIN JBABY POWDER 79c 100's ORNAL CAPSULES 8'-ç1.09 Sugg. 6 6 MRYEI List 99c ....... 6 AflAiarTT îe*0000000 ees. o*s... S YRITP Bonus Pack 3.79 Facelle Royale Facial Tissues - Thi<'k :3-p>y 1cial 33c IDASAL I.I).A. Br'and A.S.A. Tablets 30o's, rcg. 99c 77c D ELSEY Ifs 2-ply Tw'~i,î Pack Here's Terrific Value BATI'IOO 1isstF, 3 for 89c: DEE-TEE BRAND KOTEX î' 1.86~', HALIBUT LIVER I L"1 1 NINN IR1.59 N-, 1-9 I CAPSULES RONSON 100' Ie~ Ofor 49c 200 for 95c Buy Now - AVE 30c Family Tube GAIE sugg. Iist 1.09 7flc '7- DENTAL CREAM witl, Gardol for wliler, brighter teeth TAMPAX Reg. or Super v No Pins, No Pads, No Beits Moutkwash & Gargie Kilîs germs instantiy . . by millions ~soLoPLASTIC SOLO TIPPED BOB PINS DETTOL ANTISEPTIC Wni't stin ti Sugg. List 51 c 7 ounco Sugg. List 73c 59c '2-lb. pack 1.25 value 8 Sugg. List 1.25 1.009 Prescriptions l.D.A. Remedies ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS 5 King St. W. 623-5792 M Sa,. fl . ih 'fle Cnaean tat~m~i.Bcrwmtanvtll, Spt. 2, 1984 \. Donna Sotich, Bow- mlanîville. xisited at home. Mr. an JM i Llew fHal1o- xxel-pol: Sjîrrîdar\\.th MNIr. .r.dVis.HaOld lîtecamp- beliford, Mr.. Jîim S:,alk spent Mon- Quite a iruirber the- Pt-un' Sale ai Sthcxi Satrdax- Nîainxaricesxere arnd Mi Wallace Nexc'ttîille a.ssisted Star'kvil le i eveur i ir g.1 d isplax-eti Bouighen. ' bxdaw1 inp the tickets for them. Mrs. Edna Dobson vis-itipd her skiser. Mrs. Lowprv,, Tor- onto, and also attendrd the C.N.E. Nirs. Lornr 'Todd virs;trd MIrs. iI.Gilîer. 1Rowmanvillr. FOR OLD APPLIANCES through STATE SMA N CLASSIFIEDS Telephone 623-3303 SINGERS High Voices (Tenors) for Maie Choir Abîlîty b î'ead 1mfusic fot e'ssCItial PHONE 623-7283 M. L. BEATON, Crin ci H 01111 nu il ~ Mrýz r.larf- 14-- i. WeIcoî,,e ( lU ! n' t lit'e -'-.t t a nn Innîx ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \v 'i a-i -n-n'uxu "îronikiu'r. T'Puis n.- triilrig tf, iii-'iri rs of r! r-Il, -ir af - fini di sa îui r r o rfnn' litix ir 1int'-ai and ii - inr'al b lc.s.r- in n1,. 'T 1 ire ua l i urm *'o iepou-i xx is ilit' rn-en nor S500 Inn c-in- e ';n.nro -n - A't Por'i l rni ,nî n. -r 623-5792 STARKVILLE 1 MEN 5 King St. W.

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