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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1964, p. 8

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The aniianStaegian, BOWManVMel, Sept. 2, 1984 ]By Frank Mohun 623-7234 HUGE ODDS We're passlng on to our readers à press release from Richmonid, England, which describes four perfect bridge hands. One player was deait 13 hearts, another had 13 spades, whlle the others had 13 clubs and a like number of diamonds. The hand was neyer played. One of the par- *ticiPants Was so excited that she showed the others her cards. -- Accordlng to expert estimates published in London, the rnathemnatlcal odds against such a deal are 53,644,737,765,-ý 488,792,839,237,439,999 to one. No that's flot a typographical error, but we wonder if anyone can tell us if its an octillion~ give or take a few quintillions or just how one reads those edds. t 1* t j. t MIXED LEAGUE STARTS FRIDAY We owe Morley Etcher, Mixed Bowling League publicity, manager a huge apology for not getting a plug in for the opening of their league on Frîday, Sept. îîth. We can't even remember whether we wrote it up and lost the article, or rsimply didn't do anything. Anyway, better late than neverý *- the league does start on Sept. Ilth and mixed leaguers will also notice a line-up off the teams and schedule. appear-! ing elsewhere on the sports pages. t .. i ti. t SAMS LEAD 2-0 Sam's Finer Foods, a powerhouse ail season long, took the first two games in their best off seven Junior Softball. League finals, defeating Ellis Shoes 4-1 and 11-4 last week. There will be no games played this week, with theý serles resuming again Tuesday night, September th. The: fourth game goes Thursday, both starting at 6:30 p.m., atý the Memorial Park. Sam's Dick Stata and Bill Bates are providing most off the drive, as they did during the regular schedule pennant romp., jStata, winningest pitcher ini Bowmanville, ran his playoff record to five wins, without a loss. This gives Dick a trenien- dous 20-1 mark for the season so far. Bates, league batting champ, has realY been clouting the ball in the playoffs. Bill has ('olICcted 14 safeties in 15, attempts for a fantastic .935 batting mark. 7 MEN'S MAJOR LOOP OPENS SEPT. 9tb Ail bowlers will be expected to be on hand next Wed- nesday night when the Mens Major Leaguers will have the 2 opportunity to get the old armn in shape and make a fexv bucks for their league at the same time. Liberty Bowl deserves a real pat on the back for their fine gesture in donating the lanes for the night, meaning elal proceeds go to the major Icaguers. Regular schedule action starts one week later xvhen Ed Leslie \vill deliver hlis presidential address. So be on hand early. t 1 PEE WEES WIN, BANTA'MS LOSE Bowmanville's two minor Icague baseball entries split their O.B.A. playoff encounters in Penetang Saturdav after- noon with the Pee Wees romping to a 15-6 win and the Bantam dropping a high-scoring 19-13 game. The Legion. flaires blew a 10-1 fifth inning bulge as their defences crumpled. A return double-header -will be playcd at the Memorial Park, here Saturday afternoon with the Pee Wee contest getting underway at one o'clock and the Bantam tilt slated "j Hardball Teams Meet Penetang Here Saturday Mixed League Bowling 1964-65 First Schedule . Team 7_ Lou Welsh, DUke Teamn 1- Harold Bennett, Brunt, Eileen Moore, Kay Gord Wilcox, Norma Hooper,i Blanchard, Mel Wisemain. Es- Bob Mitchell, Donna Jones,' sic Cox. Penny Christie. Teamn 8- Frank Wright, Teamn 2- Vince Prout, Mur- Ken Nichols, Jim Bedford, ray Grant, Emnma Bromeil,! Muriel Melanson. Marion Per- Murray Winnacott, Net t i e fect, Betty Lobb. Glanville, Betty Nichols. ; er9-AlnLbOi Team 3- Dick Perfect,'1 Tcerarion iAla nb, Oniy Ferne Bradley, Marie Lea "tce, aloJiman. A Jm man, Joan Bedford, Frank Os, hWi not im Cx i mond, Cliff Christie. opsn Teamn 4- Joan Brunt, Hap Team, 10- Morley Etcher, Palmer, Don Bradley, Ralph Frank Hooper, Ruth Mitchell, Melanson, Aida Luxton, Dorc Marg Welsh, Harold Moore. Mutton. 1 Clara Cole. Team 5- Bob Glanville, Teamn 11- Howard Bromell, D Ing Ralph Cole, Cec Mutton, Aud-1 Joe Nowlan, Bob Leaman. C O B w e ry O m n, G ae W ih ,Ruth Grant, Duaine Paler, Velma Myles. Mary Harrison. The Canadian Order of For-, Teani 6- Elton Brock. Ken Teamn 12-- Matt Harrison, esters wiIî open their Mixed Luxton, Mary Nowlan, AI Hilda Brock. Thelmia Benneit, '.Bowling League on Friday,i Blanchard, Pat Prout, Dot'ý Don MYles, Vern Jones. Mary SSept. il at 9 p.m. at Liberty Thonipson. Wilcox. 'Bowl Ltd. The league will again consist of eight teans' 1- 2 3- 4 5- 6 7.- 8 9-10 11-12 and will be divided. into two Sept, I1 1. 2 3-4 5- 6 7- 8 9_10) 11-12 chedules, each consisting off Sept. 18 10-l - 8 11 - S 7 15 league weeks with the, Sept. 25 3- 5 12- 2 8-10 9- 7 1-il 6- 4 wînners off each schedule play- ing off for the Lorne Haynesý Oct. 2 4- 7 5- 1 6- .1 2-10 12- 9 8-11l Toh.Oct. 9 8- 6 10-12 9_11 1- 3 2- 4 7-5 No. 1-Capt. R. Brock, E.I.1 6 1- 4- 27 1-6 85 0i Oct. 23 2- 8 6-10 4- 1i .5- 9 il-13 1 7 Ross, C. Roberts, T. Ellis,S Oct. 30 9- 1 7-11 3-10 6-12 5- 2 -8 Bain, R. Woodward, E. Al-_ Nol'. 6 Il- 4 2- 6 12- 5 8- 1 10- 7 3- 9 No. 2-Capt. M. Dakin, E. Nov. 13 6- 9 1- 7 Il- 2 12- 4 3- 8 5-10> King, G. Dennis, M. Stephens,, Nov. 20 8-12 Il- 5 10- 4 3- 7 6- 1 9- 2 L. Bel], M. Borek.i Nov. 27 6- 5 10- 9 8- 7 1- 2 12-11 4- j No. 3-Capt. D. Bishop, S. Goodmurphy, L. Ellis, c. Bell, Dec. 4 12- 1 6- 7 5- 4 10)-1il .- 2 8- 9 V. Luke, F. Mantie. Dec. Il 10- 8 il- 1 7- 9 3_ 5 4- 6 2-12 No. 4-Capt. R. Westlake D, Dec. 18 3- 6 9-12 10_ 2 4- 7 il- 8 1- 5 Dennis, C. Schwarz, D. Gibson, B. Bishop, S. Stephenson.L C L No. 5-Capt. B. Marshall, H.DrpT e S aghý Bain, J. Gibson, R. Woodward______ N. Zondervan, M. Macnab. No. 6-Capt. B. Westlake J. Maena, B. Courti ce Takes Marshall, E. Prout, J. Devittl No. 7-Capt, H. Snov.den G. Semni- Finals M Prout, P. Marshall. E. Luke, M. Stephens. S. Hawkins. Courtice defeated Bowman- No. 8-Capt. V. King, J.tvic McQueen's Ramblers 8 Mantie, E. Roberts, F. Snox,- in Courtice Iast Wednesday den, B. Hawkins, C. Borek. Firsi Schedule September- AlIeys 1-2 3-4 5-6 11 8-71 6-5 4-3 18 1-2 3-4 5-6 25 6-8 5-7 2-4 Octoer- 2 5-4 1-8 7-*3 9 3-6 7,-2 1-5 16 7-1 4-6 3-8 23 2-3 8-5 4-1 30 4-7 6-1 8-2 November- 6 5-6 7-8 3-4 13 2-4 1-3 5-7 20 7-3 2-6 1-8 27 -5 8-4 7-2 Decembe r- 4 3-8 5-2 4-6 il 4-1 6-7 8-5 18 -Chieken Roll-off 8-2 3-5 6-1 January- for a 3 p.m. start.X Second Sche If third and deciding games are necessary, the lorais Jn y 15 7-5 8-6 will head back to Penetang the next dav. Both managers 2 1 4 Don Gilhooly and Bert Perfect are confident off victory so '29 2-7 6-3 it appears likely that the Bantams will be making a soloFbray expedition on Sunday. Once in,. our readers M 5 6-4 1-7 to give the boys their support thi S,-'irda i1 3 t19 1-6 74 26 8-7 6-5 NICHOLS TWO GAMES UP> March- Defending champion Stephen Fuels havent scorcd a2 6- 3" z-un in two games as Bihl Osborne's fine pitching has led 19 4-8 51-l Nichol's Motors ta a 2-0 lead in the best of seven Men's 26 25 8 Town League final. A2r -6 - Osborne has struck out a total of 31 batters so far, and Bwunilstwo basebali tcams, the Bantams hoolv, Brian Peters, Greg Adamis, Don Finn, Paul -' 5-3 2-8 the way things are going it seems that Stephen's have tanard Pce \Vces xiii he in action bore on Saturday Perry, Coach Bort Perfect; absent, Bobbie liowes, 23 1-2 3-4 wrymore about getting hits than runs. OnIy Paul Mutton afternoon aI Memoriai Park, against tearns froni Pene- Jamie Robson and ar Dex'it. Lowcrpht is the 30 -4 -8 and Jim Allun have been able to connect safely thus far. tang. I4ast Satuîrcav, Ilicy splilta plavoff doubleheader Pee Wece tani, fr-ont row, 1-r, Sitex'ci- Suimmersford, May 7- Playoff. While the Fuels have heem having their troubles, Alex in fliat tlmiuîî , 1' antarnis lo5lngi 19-1:3 and the Darrell Osmond, Mike Gilhooly. Gary Preston, Doug _________ Wiseman, Osborne, Gary McCullough and "Mo&*' Richards Pr\'~- iaiw, paxii15-Ci. Pre- Wee ganie Crough, Steven Forsey, Warren Aider, Manager Lloyd have been the big sluggers for Nichiols. With Bill and Gary s)a'ç,a1i)c!îekandîl he Baintanis at, :3 p.m. IJpper Forsey; back row, Coach Don Gilhiooiy, Bruce Welsh, in the line-up, the Motors are pretty biard to beat,' but it photo swx ~t1ic, antanis, front r-o\v, left to right, Randy Rogers, Mike Donaghuc, Murr-ay O'Brie n, Bruce; must be pointed out that ivith these two and catcher LarrylDanii, Nn'.t-laui, .To} TavIor. Batbov Jarnie Perfect,j Simipson, Wayne Paeden, Murray Cawker; absent,ý Piper missing for most of the semi-finals, the rest of the -akVnehr ' Bothwe-liiand Kîi Rogers; Brian Blackburn and Darwin Wighit. teamn really came through. hc o.?1n~e \r o xei Capt. Jeff Gil- Now it is almost certain that Nichols' 1Motors are going; ta came through with their first league championship. TheyLead Finals 2-0 inz n~ehY Wnoodloc-k. buti cauld wrap it al up Thursday nighit at the High School ýfailed b n ý;cre 0IO I1% Jl if.hinCo ' lein taking tbe loss NICE FISHINGIIL I V Bill Slaght Sr. and Ken Staîker had a fine bito ihing in the Minden district over thie weekend. Tlîe.v augh t ta big ake trout, 8i12 lb, aiîd 11 1?12 isoaitn ' cîia i e î i t off sevrn "tlrn; roxvi1 Softbal YOUTH BOWLING Leagîue fitîii, ,xx ppinSlpb Registration for Yoîuth Bcxx linjg \\.,l take place at Luberty crii F:is t a: v'1Iigh Bowl at 1 p.m. on SaturdaY, September I2thî. Anvone wishing School dimnirmct. SmiîdaY ;aftrr- to bowl should be prescrit. L i i :itot nsd i i T secolid o .e itrxile but-ý LADIES SOFTBALL ining Ilbh;ir pýto ýliîî ivîý nie thc fucînl balter. opeev Newcastle leading their Serres Orle garne f0 nothing wuîh He, :sul tr b.e uh:i Courtice wvere at home for thu second gamne off the seriesi Osburne itî:~ irr.ig last night (Tuesda .\-.The 1h md ganme xx lI probably be playcd ()itl . tI hah l to r Friday at Courtuce. hit -tir---i lit i t i I ii SIJOI t - LACRSSEf IJunior Softball Fini OJshawa Green Gacîs t ook ai commiandung 2-0 Icarl ini the Eastern Ontario filîals Moudax nigbt and wxIl bc Out taý make it three straîghîtv e Brampton plavs un O Sha a m 01 1 s tonight (Wednesdayî a i 8 3 p i Fourth gaine goes in B3-iiton Fîîdlav and min;t likpl.y tbe tearma will rétîîrn to a a a Mndas' if eesW i h fr rllis, now.ý owns a 3-1 ce-! d IUUfl IPfflPf > ord ta date in the plavoffs.1 *UWop 1wpw r n S 6 M A,,dp from Bates andSýtata,1 r ýý cci \1 C lotib l r couildn'l hold il, a fIrt a:lnipFine, Foon ud- iodrer cron. (cuIlloiicl i ciove iii four runs, run. Nelson Yeo'ý; single cash- !trol He valkped oný, in mari, !e i ficthrdrin.wlile faiîninz thrpce Thr %V i i a t riPler double andc nhethr Ui Richrds 1First-sacker Jîni Allun spoîl. fhrrec a an îunfoi tînate Guy, u bite "Mopn" cha d ,iOsborne's no-hitter with a iParkz;. Giîywh rare]y fan. betel(çl a txvnrun homer. ulne single, leading off thie wliffed i n ftho second, four'h' Singles hy Alex Wiseman, fifth. In the bottomn offthe. and fifth î nnings. 0Oshurne and McCullough gave fraie, Nicliols couinted thrcc Rfi Rates apriarcutx- haý Nichols an early two-run lead more on a single by Osborne, no prefecence for who he ini the opening inning. Wise- McCullougb's three-bagger and Potîîîds. After compiling an man's second single started the Richard's drive over the' left amaziîg .889 average againstl hall roling again in the third. field barrier. Frank's in the- semi-final Osborne singled and MeCul-ý Losing pitcher George Steph- round, Bill shows no signs off Iough's 'ong drive to right- cn gave uip eight safeties, letting in. Ili picking up lis (1ýjt 'vut for a triple, \vhcn struc(.k out three and walked thr-ee itBIuo'onsa eettceI idrTed D ad s onitwo. astoni Lhi it Il for 1-1, or .9171 average ai r(1ýci n lplayoff lais PDefeat Ellîs 4 to i C o u r t i c e J u v e n i l e s ri-InIn o n h I n !z ,i e !r c rlJ o n il p f r', hB u-ri . ucir r ý fli , r z h1 hf-n ,b -t tIl ~ en ' e foner Ariam. n ro 'x'an U ,c .' t),ttretri n t op itoofake Statas 5tb"nw anncir bcb- D ow n N ew bury 12 to 7 ac r I'lFI! 1 IH fie-rolitd, 'but arri 10!su-necrosý-ev-,N wcL de 0 ;ý- ,At S 1l'-l'r rtee c f;ýa ld off wlb a douîbt'(ý i41 ' . rî llil( ,mil., f, r'nî (Il Iciptirttc pir onc as Sam'; ,;ore i ti-r 1f,,,,New astle L de In O ntario Sem i-Finalsl,, iiitedto.txa Ulirt îdtnc-k îhicn ouri- run in flie fou'rilh After twoD wn o rie On Saturdav afte'rnoon a ta a ilart e or a f lcuke icril01 ldPc;r';rcfr!wr uMFpp.,ýnir Courtice Memorial Park, bbc ,ii g e La n tcir orpd aga ~~F"., r v-ri wu 't I ; ,ela v tt',mscnailed Lee ai- ta right was dropped bv Boyd' Courtie Juvnîlesb estcd unthe sfcond on twa walks a ad'ri fi a îi- dr. a ttiptn "]se'î ra tid n:;zt sordBimn fý N at, tn px H ti Newbury, the Western Ontario 1aitd Waxîîte Dowxn's z-ngle, i;; O. ta1-eadr i tétwihttct aI-treni i, hptfi -cllin n representative.;. wîth a seorc , l1jStb ,tîtt \ct.'t.'tîtrtl ,.t stîla pd nteitied winhnr inenbuthait n ti i np cf 2-7 tak t-Arej n tCortin the ý':ttttt a infuiorn off tbe' e'-nd. wbeton rc asntt eu b ci lc'F a ightt tabreakl îVaîaan1 cd z1 rîn t ates nnin Ia and Rn tn Iead i tebestothriagOe- a waîkiand , 'II r;.3x i ~'~ al ,cI ri dtri openthel Woodloek. oancd Ellis fff tof I v bcopchr ning tarin, sen-finals. Bail mx Ct 'nt'l 'i hn ; trexi .înge bvI twt r wîh a ube -o 1 , but w ivef In eto exzfr Erlan Down, on the rnoîînd fr Npuybrk o~ lit 1l) 1ri 'ic rzi-. C.r1elrLies, for Courtice, hîîrled a 7-itter, fr iVp rns in the o6tb of, ait 'aire î1«,Is' ',-t e;lp ce"11 1 "rFe'rsz zi-7te. an erra". tranded as ý,Stafa rpetîrpd the, bite' il Critlori , aic ade walîngsix gîîngup eve rror. thie walks and singie c t ,2't ;, rt a" fel\v and] Raies sec- next lhre,, tmen Sofîh ail (hanipian ip Jgr ruwalknd lutriing ont seven. by Soloît nand Abbot. Courp lltr.Ici r . e a -0 Sanîz loaden! Iir 5 acks lrhAîio en ti Jsý guadup 12 in n e ît , owakn d ik, oei Pfltck ft ci a ea !1ý il 'ar11 ii tO botant of bbcthîrd tb oUai f ubeff'New-u His pitching oppanient. Fisher, iuceDnrc aine hanck n Iintontofthetbidtthant f o th ]I Cour ili e hurcoler S I-)hily Caîn. gave s an12 ustrnîkeusta u 'zi o i.k boi' M.fîialîx' broke their, aie r)5corf, McManu- stecll-ed U utaf 10 wlsad1 tieo vii,' c irougiht iiithe fourth,' single, Bates rdoublesocanda Max- Alldiead pacpdth take the lass. Singlfs bx' Reynolds, Wor- Jim (oettt-" ~.for:,zcoruo-g iheir lonc ruin. Bruce ree pass put Covie in a jani1 Wî-nne- wîtb îbree' hîngle. After the first. twa battersi den and B. Down, a fort-e-ouI. Eil 15, 1I1sf:r't intcpaof.Aai singled and scored on He steadied away bowever,,Virku Urav mec]Vera Wright struck out, a walk, a single, ai a walk and singles by PîckEllbeîng tagged fo-rreight bits. b ICrossey's two-baggci. A fur. as McManus and Bates were leach contributingR a paur off double by Fisher, another walk1 and Werry gave Cou rtice f ivimi-iting t he beavy ciubbing ther Ellis threat was nipped fox-ced at home. With three base knocks. and a single produced two 1mous in the 7th. wbvnners toituhs lowlv oiitput. when Crossey got doubled off, mates stiIl aboard. S'am's rallyi Second garip %va,, played ;n rufl cm . Courtîce rettiîrns ta Newburx' J C.dsrvr a bette" fa. s(, econd Woodlock popped t aka ak andfrtt Newcastle Tuesday iîigbt, witb CourtUe cm kt i on Sunday, Sept. 6th for thec Frontittý-eir perforrniaite. Stata who threw ta second,'final out. theiiid probably slated for f ~ ~ C Di.soso oug Lme&second garni - i ILS eS poisetljachn rse sle t hlEli.s ranaged a seventh înn- ithis Friday at Courtice. boe rms ogvjzthigCosyale tte iDick Stata rapprd out a' flair off ît for Slmz7 ,;swelll as prodîiianother bug ef- fo)rt nnt'in mou id. Steve îiî Bob MMiatiis n riMceFrP 1 rzr - cnm r) cPt, P r idule uigot to complete a three-game sweep off a best of five Dur- hami Ladies' semi-final play-, 7-8 Off. 2-1 Shirlev Cain went the dist-' -8ance to'earn the mouni vc 1-3 tory, while belting a triple andi single ta pace Courtice at the 2-6 plate. Carol Courtice was an- 8-4 other big gun for the winners 5-2 with a double and single. 6-7 Delores Davey had a triple 3-5: and single in the losing cause, while Barb Milis strokeda 1-2 pair of singles. The ls vn 6-8 to Betty Thertel. 5-4' Courtice played Newcastle 3-6 Friday night in the opening gaine of a best off seven final -1for the Durham League chamn- 2-31 pionship. BANNER PASSANT 623-3258 14 Rehder Ave. Bowmanvllle Sun Life Assurance Company cf Canada ~MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMANVILLE > Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, SEPT. 4th 8 P. M. ADMISSIONn Aduits - SOc - Childrcn - 35e ______________I 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CUSTOM SPORT 2-DR. HARDTOP Finisbed in Ember Red with beauti- ful matching custom trim. This ex- ecutive driven company car is equip- ped with V-8 engine, automatic transmission with console shift, power brakes and steering, custom radio, rear seat speaker, oversize white wall tires, wheel discs, wind- sbield washers, bucket seats. Save hundreds of dollars now on this immaculate automobile. 1960 BUICI< La SABRE 4-DR. HARDTOP Powver brakes and steering. Local, one owner car, only 32,000 original miles. Prevîiu owner's narne on BUY FROM YOUR AUTHORIZED GM DEALER Don Armstrong, Sales Manager ONLY 6 NEW 1964 PONTIACS LEFT TO CHOOSE FROM For fantastic savings . . . and Bow- rnanville's best new car deal see one of our courteous salesmen today! 1958 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN Witb custom radio, white wall tireqq Finished in 2-tone Black and White. Locally owned since new! 1958 CADILLAC DEVILLE 2-DR. HARDTOP New engine, new transmission, cils- tom radio, power steering and brakes, plus powver windows, Seat and antenna. Excellent tires. This is Hap Philp Stew Preston Ray Lathangue Colin Cooke nq Adults . soc 35e 1 Stew Preston Colin Cooke Hap Philp Ray Lathangue

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