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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1964, p. 18

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le Th@ rânRdian Statesman, Rowmanville, Sept. 30, 1964 Entertain Teachers 0f S. Darlington Area The School Board ot hie Mrs. llandlev,', Miss West and T.S.A. Of South Darlington met Miss Milligan; Courtice West- with the .51 irachers of tieîirIMr. Copp, Mrs. Vickery, Miss area in the Municipal liall. Palmer. Mrs. Balson, Mrs Hampton, on thie cvernîng of!Tobev and Miss Thomas; Salem Mýoriday, Septeinber '21. Mr'. Moffatt, Miss Bragg and Supervising Principal Mr. M'rs. Frisk: Ilampton -Mr. 1David D. Powell, B.A., ' vct Mr. Wolff, MVrs. Hll, Nljss Beech and MNrs. Hiornick. <ccupied the chair, and opcîîed Nitchli's Corners --Mr-. Grîf- the meeting bv- t'le iîîg 9f Bî~ r rooksMrs. Parrx_ n --aiidm cm pa Mr Vr '. . COMES TO I 4<* ** R0s5 Melcaîf. Muic ,t, M isCaî, r.Sodei ùr, at heipian. 1 _ irs.Emons and Mrs. Hewic., or, t th piao.\Il-. ]arrv ONier, Board Mr. Powell in bis addl-ess to Chaîrlman. o(Inu'equest intro- those assembled stated that ie wdticed the other memibers of had enjo.,ved ilis firI '-'ar is board. Mr. S. Wordvn. Vice,- working with his teachcrs id, Chuai rrmai, Mr. Il. i\ackie, -i-I bis Boardi and hoped tbat suii R . Craig. Mis. L. Courtier andi harmon would continute. lle :Secrcýtarv ,- 'Ireasurer M. J.. then called on the varions lioblis, principals or the schools to, Mis't Alice Arnoold, orle o' introduce their staff: Shaws- the senior leachers oft he area Mrs. Gilbank and Mrs. Read:,iiutrodîî(ed Ille guest speaker.ý Base Line No. 4 -Mis-, Arnold, Mr. Eaî'lc Webster. B.A.. R ]Poidnf,-Nrs haiet r: ad isel r 1i hecilýeFor this occasion w e offer Mr. McQua and Mrs. Baex:Ivave onie tliiglit part icu larlv Maple Grove West -Mr. Barr, wtîicli vas tbat a <acher tb be Mrs. Cole, Miss LoYsî and Mliss ccl cand sîîccssfil l nusi om neî d v e d f rl Lush, Mr. Lisk. Mr. Piulda,,s. W.. I.Ncî'il ','ry apakll\, ttiik- Mrs. Atchisn isWli ïd d Iýhtý or h. 'drs wav-Mrs. ia H hldvýortiUiie hiu and Mrs.Cutit onno laitiiclirl e South -Mr . 1iici Is is ,sr 'Iad lco u ft111 1 Post Office Issuing -Bu Christmas StampsDII hv the Hon, *loh: R i.b1898\thk C, l tti a d;i e), so n, PosImazter G et'r.-l' i cr tridlit-vid a sailli' beaing 0tt'R Fnmtlar d . i. . t. src :c il%, i r i t '.îiadiali cent denominat 'roi vo a rt- , (,S-îlîî~iiciîc three cen -:: cia foi- 'von Cdii>(t1isi The sîampz. \0, il , 'a I1> 'l' o't'i: ct' u' il ltiiii pr:n:ed b'.' tc s:cr i iic a : '.oi o ilt, ' ýalmip iioi-iliif w'oman and î1. oo i.13îcîî i n StOc a, foi- i'frt"t ,la.-. he d ' ' .- i'dcs:ld ï 10 ,\ a" 'c. :' a >' 1 ' f 9~ t al- ;la rcIiî2'oii-aand fa'îîl 0oc- a:-, : offi..c x.îc il- ~ . cain lc no t a" tc ' 'a' i . a l;î'o'x5iiit(,I\' it' '. - '-'f ek Canadian chî'.irominn. hIr tic5 îcl î:a i 'irait si,,(". t'iiiil:î'lr~'"'-" akso încndlc'd bto n 'i x î n t Il kto tiîera isi,-ie niîo<: L s" lhc sttd'.' o!'hoIl(, i"'place A p~.\to'ao!- î ii i 'i con'cm P('a rv callad ian o ' l t'. e iit s:air o't i a d 3001 J f xhicii '.xa t hc'td l la' 'o - n'r ilon h re celli ta 1ps %- r mier iunder tne ýpoistoi'p fbe 'a:'ncd, the Goiv(rnor GciecraI and I 'Piestamps xxeredeii"I Malidamne Vaniet'. elig'a'. d alid prinied b' ý' rwU1 The prea"-ni oi' had Caliadiaii Batik NOtE COr en deiîpoî'. '\lÎr. Nien- oati%-, :d.,o! Olttaxa. Northumberland & Durham 83" long, 3-cushion Sof a and Armchair $9 Health Unit Report taul inuî bulu u it . in luit. luiroize.t. < l<htt . .ii tcii i raisin. rotse beige or t urqunoise - w Itiru t fiishedshx-wod C'ommuînicable Disease plivxsical. eniot ioiial anîd soi' k*re-rilotlded poli fîa un b,îks - ;îol roam ifit c ivrilt'. c 'i1t- i liui O-niv 24 cases \wcre î'epoî'ted ai; judo.idîtal bealtitpi'ob- *thie îide'îdt'iIs arte tuuilti (I *iIi ii, Uit i 51)1 11W ttuîtii tt$ ding the- monili. comprised lems5 stii'b as bandii'aps of of chîckeopox, jnfectiouis beo- sigbit or hearing. î'î'pplîng YOU PAY $179. $2 WEEI<LY atitîs, Germait nîud'les, rcd condition.'. tuberculosis, coo rneasles and muimps. municable disease. chronji ici- iS Tw'o rabid animais wei'e re- nesses . Mucbl ime \\-as spcnt ç rorted, - one fox and nrle tat in keepingign touich it h famri- ti Brighîton Townsbip. No ilv ob"szictans. t ' L"--- rabîes vaccine wxas requested. SanitatiouuI Five investigations wcre made S'iîii beti. i't --I bv Public Healili lnspecto's. used in relation Io sumr n,' .' ' , i';.'.,. Truberculosis1 camps, and sxinng, pools ' At lire cîe~ i'iiti'~hld,!rcquired 3 2inspectionîs d ~,-A '. ep, tosIillbs l- f'ae orîefoi ad < ' i9 person't rccix'ed a ubesi; tbe procurinz of 42 5ampIes .,- 'ýk~ ~- yries îs defrayed by the Nor- anlsi.t'ý, 'Lï's~~\J1 ,. thumberland - Durî'-am Ter:House tconstr'uctionioi <01: - - ' culosis and l[cealtlb Associa-j Lies al a stead>' pace throîîglî- " O" lin.Tbrcx 110 îo dmis-lout the United Comines oncri 4 kt, higbhwa\vs ai d b\.x.a. ' ~~~ sions to or dî'tcbal'9(s from -d- i sýanatori ii. x'll as ino îti'bma i d 'tii ucha o'i' Immurrizatiou xvcre apprcd for Suibsuirfa o ' ti N inetecri o ffice cIliiic't xer'c sewage disposai. and 1lot i iî - conipleted tbe initial scries or' di -oalinistallation,- wee ' 1Vt -ud acine and 4-1,eceived~ ma de. REU I ai reinfoccino dose. Fi;bteen Recauseof 1'ccciiir a r'btldren î'ccx'ciI prmarv tlion,. tbcre aie 1t wo ' ciîi lznipx \ç.imit.a il d Omi the Public lilii trisp Chairs9 tbere wterr 2 re-vaccinat ions. ion staff. T be& 4 Sd 3 TV by Philce Nursing' Meat Inspection T be 4 Sd h ïs2 Nuirses nîar c 677 xisits 0 199afooas 10- ed" ltable \ îsta 49"wi Ila fami1ies in Aitilish, involving b,,' a x'terinariaiî. 18 ' w'.en, (lie aud of 9" 1<> e punil- - -%v '1tb ir 9 êspecftcn l î oscncondemrned. -2catIle, calt- "Fi fftex ptddied chairs. ini seaits ;ail fortutiis gi cetuh le cerning fthcbealtb of nmembers! sik n 1ep 1 oioi-lae )(ki(ss ftrnt - n t l(.là of these families. 'xesspeakerîd oitu-saw b'u1ss addition 25 portions wei'e(con- "Triuuîîph"" patterni: hteige. fili'.t'ui'tl t' Subjects discussed inii'iided :ýdcmried. r. ouwhiti r wx'î'îbIiiiss foods for the faniily, safetyi YOU PAY $254.95 iii the home and at piax', im,'- General Remai'ks YOU PAY $54.95 rnunizatioiî pî'eparation for*,A îvo cia\-' toiiece on $2.50 WEEKLY cbildbirtb. tare of the loexx'-'specIl cis Oideris Of Lcliildrî"it born. iiid de\ clopiiint -,tld i ii'Toronito b'.theii' Di ion,' Rc.1 iit uîif M, Y' 'ESSEX"' Continental Bed BOWMANVILLE . 0. S Te E. n*.*E Wel1 i .n i n'-'1 à t t, ~jr q MIr. and iMrs. uonalcu #-,na] -i'FLVSe111s mnan and daughter Mandy f1 tePeiatric 'vard o! the'.,> D 1 V 1 D E N D C 0 U P O N Orono have moved into the Cobourg Generai Hospital. Mr n s rn hm- BA.. MMD.. D.P.1H.,$5 $ $1 $2 $2 $4 j ,J son are hoidaying i0 LivelvM- n r.GatTOP Medical Office,. of lea]llb q $ 5 $ 5 1o$0 $24 with their daughter and fam- '-n'"-""' ' onte pura n th pur-onte pur on he pur an tepr n!epr nýepr jI, r ad e. .. ax- A ar Iklytobve~ chose of 'Es- hose ai Res- chose of 5 coeo 3- c hoai,123 cita 2" hose of 1-n S IlyDr.and rs.J. . Ma- Afarn islikly o hae Sx, onOitnc 8-pce pce. dineile pce.bedrom npce. he nejno e eqentan, ]ow, John, Jane and Patricia. mnore insecticides, and other; ntai bed. bunit bed seta'setfieldsel________________ D uring their absence M r. L >'- poisons than other plac es. Th e va id ua ti Oclansu t 164 - ho .t ýrtts aaserised un The anad an 5 a e t o n mnan Nîcholis. retired Post- Nationa! Safety ILcague of~FRYO RCN maçter from Uxbt'idge, wil'Canada ures farmners tri lock 2 F R YOU.CON. be in charge of Nestleton Post'such perilous itemns a%.-,£rNm Offim & mai children r+uauu MAMuu Imm liuuEMi ~i ~<~*-~" 'Y' ~ ;~'~t;~*' kkk k I R.GORtDON .JDAIMS, %(;R. Cordon is uno stra nger to thîs town: lie Iived heu e tor 18S years, and zgradualed fioni high school. Experienre -w îse, h v'an tally up 15 yeaî s iin furi - turc, furnishings and applian- ces. One of his hobbies is bridge and hie is considered an expert pi iver. ILP.1 f if fi. t -~ - 'j 4k: RECUL RLY $149 3-pce. Suite - ln a 2 Finish Choice * < <i':~ î'doube Ini.drs-ser w îth ti;tiui iu,, nd h<'xelled î'dge iTirror * ~ i.î irçhu'î IV't higi u*4'(" w idv Ibookcktse-heýd * % aliuitt or rose beigct, fiish i 1H on (ceitre dr*aw'e-r gisidee YOU PAY $134. - $1.50 WEEKLY si' 23"I TVt AM-i-M Sterea U \ltNIT BI' FLEE:TWOOD * 1-tue.2-rectifier TV chassis: scparate 10-tube AM/FMý stereo chaussis 1 27," television screen : -sp)eaker system: 5" x 7" ecd * .~/FMpusIl-huttflul radio lit't-up Iid for turnitauIe! YOU PAY $459.95 $4.75 WEEKLY u1IlJ . i REGULARLY $499-9 5 J$40 )wn, Up to 3 years to pay 'We finance our own credit"" (Rlletail Sales Tax paY alle at t'iue of pure hase) 26 KING ST. E. Telephone 623-m3808 fENIENCE - OPEN THURS., FRI. FROM 10 A.M. 'TIL 9 P.M., THIS WEEI< ONLY! 26 KING EARE A FEW 0F OUR SPECIALS 8-pce.BunkorTwHnBed bitl b- im i Ir YOU PAY ONLY $74.95

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